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Accessing Your Divinity of Light

colors_circle_light-webwtcThis is the written transmission of the Cosmic Great Central Sun of the Divine Mother and Father God that was shared Live in the Clarion Temple of Oneness on October 27th, 2014.


I Am that I Am, I AM that I AM, I AM that I AM

I AM the Divine Mother and Father God of the Cosmic Great Central Sun at your service.

Blessings, my children, Blessings,

Let us all take some deep breaths so that we can commune within each other of these frequencies of light that are within the Temple in this moment. The power of allowing your breath to show you exactly what your Divine Essence is bringing forth unto your physical existence is a major step in understanding more about yourself.

The process of learning about your own Divinity can be a very challenging one. It can be one that has many crossroads. Sometimes an individual can take a left or right turn when they should have gone straight only because of the expression of the physical mind, the physical conditioning that stops them from having their full potential. This is always true on every level of your acceleration. The truth lies within your own existence. It cannot come from a lower source within you, otherwise, you will make the wrong turns. They truly are not wrong turns; what they represent is a longer pathway to get where you want to be.

In these moments we want to assist you in having a smooth process into the next steps of your divinity within this physical existence. Without your physical body you can do so much more, but that is not your role which is to be fully intertwined in all levels of your existence. The process of ascension is allowing these elements to be fully integrated within you even though, at times, it is going to feel debilitating, challenging, exhilarating, or joyful. They are all parts of the existence of living upon this earth within the Pathway of Mastery.

We want to share a little bit of what this truly means from a higher perspective. It is allowing your physical existence to be the grounding cord of your higher essence, but what happens within that process, is that each of those essences of the physical and divine creation of your source of light thinks, feels, and expresses differently. It is important to allow the integration to occur at the levels you are doing so. Doing them too quickly is going to push you off into the unknown world of un-acceptance within yourself. If there are too many physical elements of the lower self, then you are not try accessing your higher essence. It is quite a challenge, isn’t it. This we know.

What is important is that within each moment that you understand from your higher perspective through the physical self which you are experiencing. You must fully accept the fact that your Higher Self, your Monad, your I AM Presence are completely different without a body. They have full reign to do whatever is necessary; there are no constrictions of a physical existence. There are rules and regulations that are within your higher essence. Yet within the physical creation, the physical body, you also have rules of free will to do whatever you like. You also have rules of living upon this earth that some may feel are constricted, and don’t give the accessibility for an integrated being of light to do what they would like.

So it is imperative to fully access these energies through what you are experiencing in each moment. You will get to the deeper part of your integration process where each of the parts of your lower mind and higher mind agree on everything that is occurring.

We know how difficult it may be for you, but we also know how beautiful it can be. That is why you are here upon this Earth to allow these energies to become One. So in the process, you have to surrender within your physical mind; your Higher Mind also has to surrender until the Lower Mind can accept what the Higher Mind wants to give it. Within that process, you will have moments of slippage; when you don’t fully accept the Higher Mind, or don’t fully accept the Lower Mind. It is a balancing act walking on a tightrope between both to allow the purification of these essences to intertwine within you and become One within them.

At the same time, you are learning to receive your multi-dimensional self, and sometimes the multi-dimensional self will have an agenda that is not part of the Higher Mind or the lower Mind. So what happens to you is that each of you is starting to learn more about yourself. You are learning how to interact with these energies, to bring them into yourself. You also need to have moments of an alarm going off within you when it doesn’t feel right. Within this process, some of the other aspects that you have been in other timelines that are not within this frequency want to assist or de-assist; however you want to look at it.

What it comes down to is truly understanding within your own consciousness of what feels right within each moment. Believe me, there will be mistakes because as your consciousness changes, you will have more reflection of your higher essence without the blockages of the multitude of many timelines getting in the way. Those other timelines are not You, they are a Part of You. But they don’t make the whole totality that is you.

At this time, upon the Earth each of you are bringing forth the full integration of all the particles of Light that you have ever been. Not a portion of them, all of them. But what also happens is there are portions of darkness from the many timelines that you have been. A continual awareness has to happen within each of you of what feels right and was does not feel right. Do not ignore the warning signs; the moments of reflection “Hmm, this does not feel so good”. Then you say, “Oh, it cannot be me; that’s not me.” Or the moments of greatness, and you say, “That’s not me.” Because what is happening is that the integration of these essences within you are still very new. It does take practice, and moments of reflection to understand your-self on a much deeper level. This takes a lot of work because within the physical body you are releasing so many elements of your subconscious thoughts of the many, many timelines that are appearing within your world. Then there are lessons to make you better, along with the great gifts you have brought with you of the Light Frequencies that you have been to come fully into your existence. Neither of these can be ignored. They must be accepted and transmuted so that you find the balance within yourself upon the Earth. That is the movement that occurs within the Mastery pathway.

Mastery represents the ability to fully intertwine your highest energies within your physical essence, and to change those particles within the physical essence that do not match what the Master has acquired on the Inner Plane Levels. At times, this can be very challenging because the Light of your abilities can be so much more powerful than the little timelines that you are dealing within your psychological self. It is, at this time, that these essences are intertwining more fully, and it is up to each of you to allow the balancing act to occur for you within your full existence. You have chosen to be on this pathway to take your higher energies and bring them into the physical; this allows the entryway to walk into what is called “ascension”. But basically, it is de-ascending your highest essence into your physical creation. If that physical creation is not ready to look at the dark pockets within that subconscious mind, then the light fragments cannot be held. This is where the destruction is occurring in many lightworkers and starseeds, because they do not know what to do with it. They would rather be on the higher level because it feels better. Of course, it does. But yet you have a contract to be here upon the Earth, and believe me, there are many lightworkers that are exiting the planet because of this process.

We want each of you to embody the highest light quotient you can, but we also want each of you to be balanced and to allow the doorways to open up for you to see what is occurring within your consciousness; to see what is occurring within your world and don’t shut those doorways. That is why you have to delve deeper and deeper as you have shut them previously in many other timelines and many other moments of being in the physical existence.

It is always easier when you start a project and you project ahead and say, “I can do this, I will do this, and I can do that.” Which is exactly what each of you have done previously to incarnating, but when you get into the body, it is a whole different experience. So you have to hold on to that ideal that you are, that essence that you are of the higher existence to continually be held within you. At times, it is difficult because the physical body has the free will; the physical body has the debris, the participles within that say, “This is not true, this cannot be, that I am not magic, I cannot just make things go away.” But in truth, you have the ability to do all of these things.

As the energies have brought forth great portals of light within the last few months, this is what you are delving into more deeply. As you move deeper, the elements will arise. But you can address them as quickly as they come if you allow them to be, if you allow them to blend fully within you. The power of what you are experiencing cannot be matched by any other timeline, because you are becoming all that you have ever been, all that you have ever desired to be, and actualizing that energy fully within you. It is important to fully accept the Divine Light that You Are and step carefully and understand whom you are in each moment.

The Divine Essence that we bring forth in these moments, is to allow each of you within yourself the depth of your creation. This is only the beginning, my dearest ones. It is only the initial stages of your growth process so you must accept the beautiful moments that are occurring for you no matter how small they may be; and to fully embrace them, because the more you do, that full integration is occurring. It will allow for more levels of existence to come into your physical being.

As you arise to the occasion of your Divine Essence, you become both elements. You will never, ever feel your purity of light as you do without a body, but you can feel most of it at the higher stages of your initiation process. That is the ability to fully command within yourself the purest form of light that you are to accept your divinity, to accept your role upon this earth and to be grounded with it. As you do, the frequencies of Light that are running through you are going into GAIA flowing into her core. You are the Creative Process for GAIA and it is imperative for you to take stock of yourself every so often, address what is occurring within you, allow yourself to feel the full totality that you are, and ground it deeper into your Being. Allow the particles to arise that do not reflect the new essence that you are receiving.

What happens to many individuals is that they are fooled into thinking that they are so much better than they truly are, only because of the Divinity of Light that they are bringing forth. Many times this happens in the dream state because you are without a body, not grounded to the Earth. You travel through many dimensional frequencies so much easier, but then what happens when you get into that body ~ you forget. That is not what we want for any of you. We don’t want you to forget; we want you to embrace it and allow that frequency of light that you are going through, to take hold of those pockets within you that don’t want to look at the light, or exist. You may just want to shut those doors and say ‘goodbye’.   You are not with me any longer. But remember as a multi-dimensional personality within your physical existence all realms of light exist within you just as all realms of darkness exist within you that you have ever been.

It is important to allow the integration to occur within your physical existence so that you can move through the challenges, move through the times you are struggling deeply within yourself, and you feel you cannot go on any longer. That is because you are working through your physical creation, and not your spiritual creation. So in this moment we want you to accept this frequency of light that is arriving right now. It may seem more grounded than it has ever been before. That is because we are toning it down a little bit just to allow the integration to occur within each of you.

So we ask you to take deep breaths, feel the colors upon colors within this beautiful temple to circle and blend within you to feel the purification of your essence combining with you, the next particle that is ready to be received by your physical creation. Breathe deeply and feel your physical self as the spiritual creation is going to blend within you at a higher octave than it did before only, because you are fully ready to allow it to happen. Allow it to go into any particles of darkness that are in any areas of your existence, whether it is in your physical body, etherically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually.

What is occurring within you?

If you don’t feel any of that happening, allow the energy to come in and it will find the deep, dark packets for them to be transmuted, for them to be healed.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Allow your diaphragm to be completely open and breathe in the purification of your essences within particles and particles of light.

Breathe and bring it down into your Soul Star ~ chanting

Feel the expansion within you. Feel the light particles going to those particles that are denser that you have within your existence. Allow them to blend out of you and through you. Expand into your full body system. Be the essence of your light and allow it to combine within you now. Allow the grounding of the physical body to accept it, but allow the grounding to go to thehigher chakras so you don’t feel so out-of-sync within your physical body. Allow it to be fully grounded within you and expand that deeply. Feel the purification of these essences assisting you deeply and all that you are as you have just received another step of light within your physical existence. Get comfortable with it, Bee It, and Let it expand through You.

It is our Divine Pleasure as Divine Mother and Father God as the Cosmic Great Central Sun to fully bring forth these essences unto your frequencies of Light.

So Mote It Be in the Light of the Christ that We Are

In the Light of Oneness that We are

We are you, as you are us and we embrace you deeply for the existence that You Are.

So Mote It Be

Cosmic Oneness is combined with our weekly call, “The Clarion Temple of Oneness,” which is held on Monday evenings. Individuals are encouraged to join the live call for a small fee at Walking Terra, due to the attunements that are given not only by the Cosmic Great Central Sun but a guest speaker each week from the Spiritual Hierarchy. You may also purchase the MP3 download of any of our calls.

You may join our monthly membership program.  Please see details via

The Clarion Temple of Oneness channeling can be accessed via which contains the portion from the The Golden Solar Angels, October 27, 2014.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.
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