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Emotional Stability Taurus New Moon/Partial Solar Eclipse

Rev. Christine Mahlariessee shares her Ascension Mastery Message of the Taurus New Moon which occurred on April 30th, 2022 with a Partial Solar Eclipse and how it relates to the Festival of the Christ with the Festival of Wesak.

The cycle of a New Moon is now upon us which brings forth the promise of Creation of New Beginnings. The Sun in Taurus is patient, stable and grounding but can be very stubborn so we have to learn how to work with the transformation within us that is occurring presently.

This is a time for allowing the processes you have started to be very structured and enjoyable. It is a time of true balance to occur especially in the emotional self as it brings forth the ability to sustain what has already been put in place.

As the moon represents the Emotional Self, it brings forth a sense of emotional stability to occur. What has been purged through the Full Moon of the Festival of the Christ can now be in a state of rejuvenation.

This means that the Emotional Self can shake off the debris that has been released, make the necessary changes within the Etheric Self (which includes your chakras of Emotion – Sacral, Solar Plexus, and the Heart) to now stabilize the new aspect of yourself that needs to be grounded into your Full Body System while learning to walk with it upon the Earth.

Coupled with the New Moon is a partial Solar Eclipse which brings for a sense of experiencing elements that are the opposite of purging but now bringing forth an integrative energy of Divine Love to be experienced. This means that the Spiritual Self becomes more of an inter-relationship to the Physical Self.

It can create an upsurge of energy that elicits confidence with strength and courage (represented by the Blue Flame of the Will of God) as the merging of Divine Love is experienced by the Pink Flame of Actualization (Creation).

The Solar Eclipse is related to our Emotional Self so the grounding process with Taurus brings forth a very healing process to our four-body system (physical-etheric-emotional-mental) to allow for the Spiritual Body to become more dominant within our full consciousness.

Through this Partial Solar Eclipse we are learning to step into a balanced state within our emotions which means there is a flow of our feelings, not harsh but becoming very fluid. This helps to remove the old energies while learning that a state of balance within the full body system will help to acknowledge the ability to learn to Create in a new and different way.

A solar eclipse lasts for six (6) months and is an extension of the last solar eclipse that occurred in November 2021. Whatever you have experienced in the previous months, can now be re-addressed with the lessons you have learned.

It is time to allow the start of a new foundation to be built on your previous experiences, while be guided into into new heights with the help of your Spiritual Self, which is your Higher Self and I Am Presence, who directs your spiritual experiences to be manifested upon the Earth.

All of this comes in alliance with the present energies of the Festival of the Christ (April 16th, 2022) that represented Resurrection and Restoration as we move towards the Festival of Wesak, representing the Spirit of Love, Brotherhood, and Goodwill (May 16th, 2022).

The initial energies that can be felt is an overwhelming sense that something needs to be changed or rectified within your consciousness and life. Sleep patterns can be erratic as it will represent your emotional charges. Learning to take care of these energies are essential; otherwise, you can be overrun with an emotional body that is very imbalanced. Utilize periods of getting to know your inner self instead of allowing the outer emotions to take precedence in your life.

There are many ways of healing through physical exercise, breathing techniques, and meditations that can be very helpful during this transformative period. If you are struggling with removing aspects of your lower personality self that no longer serve you, it is a perfect moment to create a personal ceremony.

This is a simplified version of Creating a Ceremony:  In your sacred space, light a candle, have crystals or special object(s) that represent the earth. We suggest calling upon the Unified Whole Energies of the 144th Dimension, whatever Masters you desire to work with, call upon Grandmother Moon of the Feminine Divine with Grandfather Sun of the Masculine Divine to hear your intentions and desires. Work with your Pranic Breathing and state aloud what you desire to change for the energies of the New Moon/Partial Solar Eclipse. Make sure you are clear about what you want to create, the foundation you desire, with your Emotional and Mental Bodies in alignment to create that change. If you want to create this space in nature, make sure the energies are clear and utilize our teachings of the Ascension Columns to assist. If you have any drums or rattles, afterwards dance around in your space grounding the energies.

This will assist in releasing the elements you no longer need as your intentions and your emotional body becomes part of the process. It aligns with the Planetary system while accessing your Spiritual Self to become integrated with your intended choice of transformation to occur.

The process of change is never easy but the alignment of the planetary system is assisting humanity to walk into a new threshold of embracement which will help with the alliance of Love and Goodwill to be experienced within us and around us.

It is a time of creation in all ways as we are being assisted by the alignment of the Moon and the Sun into Gaia so we can fully command the blessings that our Higher Self is guiding us to step into the Receiving State of Love. Through this process the state of manifestation will become more to your physical self allowing you to experience grounding of what you have achieved spiritually into your physical walk upon the earth.

HELP RAISE THE VIBRATION OF YOUR HOME AND LANDS] ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join this free Global Project by Walking Terra Christa to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance.

© 2022 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). (*formerly spelled Meleriessee). Please share and repost. Rights are granted to repost this article in full with image electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:

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