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Souls Path of Transformation ~ Full Moon Festival of Lights October 2023

Souls Path Full Moon of October by Walking Terra Christa


How each of us is now doing in holding our Soul’s Strength is being reveled as we mark 72 hours into this Full Moon cycle of October 28th, 2023, in the sign of Taurus and Sun Sign of Scorpio with a Partial Solar Eclipse.

Around the world today, as each location across earth enter the waning hour of fading daylight, many individuals will engage in activities that are themed with all things spooky and haunting.

From the perspective of the Soul’s Essence, which is the Higher Self and I AM PRESENCE, all activity of an individual’s human consciousness reveals the reality that defines the vibration of that individual soul.

What this means for a soul who truly desires to become their Higher Self within their physical walk upon the earth is that the choices of what types of activities and energies that soul will engage in becomes a matter of their own personal free will, and no longer simply follows along with what others are doing.

Halloween is a cultural norm in many places, especially for children. Even though it may not be intended to expose their consciousness to creepy thought forms, within how individual human consciousness works in terms of psychic attunement within Mass Consciousness, the darkness cannot be excluded. This is so even if one has their children, or themselves, wear a good-fairy costume when they go trick or treating.

The outer reality is still there. Which means it is a time when the vibrational frequency of the planet becomes darker, and that frequency enters into all human consciousness to a varying degree based on how much one embraces or rejects those energies in their own life.

Esoterically speaking what is important to know is that the lower vibration is everywhere and is something one must take a direct action to rise above. In many societies, especially in the United States, the images and thought-form projections associated with Halloween permeate the entire month on television and social media.

Our Emotional Self is at a time of increased sensitivity during the 3 days before, the day of, and the 3 days after the Full Moon. Within cultures that are experiencing the change of season of the Fall months when the leaves fall and the animals prepare for Winter, it has always been honored historically by indigenous peoples, including many American Natives, to step into accepting the greater cycle of death and rebirth that occurs for all living things.

Such a focus is not the origins of Halloween, as it is a sacred respectability of living and dying and living again. It is not something that seeks to elevate grotesqueness and horror images to become more activated. Instead it seeks to be a time when a soul reminds themselves of the sacred vibrancy and uplifting celebration that is life.

This is a healing energy for the Emotional Self. And it means one takes time to reflect on what must “die” within the Self as a Soul, especially the “dark” or lower parts of themselves that can be let go of, can be allowed to depart, so that in it’s place a renewal of the highest and best light can shine in and take its rightful place. This is the transformational path of the Soul, of bringing the Spiritual into the Physical. 

The Sun Sign of Scorpio is what brings the energy of stepping into the Transformation force that is needed, to break with the “status-quo” and seek the newness of the Self that brings higher healing. It holds the “higher aspects” of the Emotional, Mental and Etheric to become blended within us.

The Moon Sign of Taurus becomes very beneficial if we do so, as it is the stability of grounding that newness of the true higher aspect energies into our physical walk. However, if we do not seek the higher changes, the practicality and stay the course as it is energies of Taurus, which are already predisposed in this cycle to keep us where we were, can actually be exacerbated by the Partial Eclipse of the Sun, dipping us even lower into all things dense and predictable, that we as souls have already experienced which very much includes the darkness of the soul, and which Halloween then can energize even more so.

So as with many Full Moon events, this represents the choice of aligning with the desires of the Spiritual Self or the desires fo the Physical Self. The challenge is that the Physical Self has more familiarity within our walk upon the Earth, and the Higher Self of the Spiritual is something we need to transform ourselves into becoming more familiar with, as a True Connection with the Divine is not at all familiar to us as Physical Soul’s.

The Full Moon Festival of Light Ceremony that Walking Terra Christa held serves this purpose. It may seem too simple, yet as it directly connects an individual’s personal consciousness to that of the Higher Light of All Soul’s who have risen above darkness. It therefore holds within in it a great power to transform and realign the Soul. And this is very unique on a Spiritual level. Listening to the audio of the Ceremony will help assist an individual Soul’s Path to go through the experience of this Full Moon cycle and not be exposed to the lower parts of the Self that may otherwise be activated due to the energies around them.




Today October 31, 2023, Walking Terra Christa holds the Divine Light of God gathering of the Cosmic Oneness of Divine Mother Father God. The energies will be of great assistance to bring in the highest aspects of this cycle. Click this link to join, or to listen to the audio recording in the Meeting Resources section (newest recordings are at the end of the list): REPLAY THIS SACRED EVENT.

Walking Terra Christa facilitated the Full Moon Festival of Lights Ceremony with Master Djwhal Khul, the Native Elders, messages from Lady No Eyes, and White Buffalo Woman on October 28th, 2023. This is a meditative ceremony to experience the State of Oneness with the Ascended Masters, and the God Force to celebrate the internal State of Inspiration. Replay the Ceremony audio recording by clicking here!

If you find any of these Ascension Messages or Events helpful to you spiritually, and to acknowledge what we do in Service to Earth, please consider making a gift of love donation. Or, for individuals who are very aligned with the creation of Higher Spiritual Vibratory Frequencies of Light, we have created the opportunity to become an Ascension Ambassador so that you are individually recognized for your alignment to that mission. 

Blessings and Love in the Highest and Purest Divine Light of God!

© 2023 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). (*formerly spelled Meleriessee). Please share and repost. Rights are granted to repost this article in full with image electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages.

Journey of Adventure ~ Festival of Lights Full Moon-Lunar Eclipse ~ November 2020

Photo: Alois Grundner from Pixabay

Spiritual Meaning of the November 30th, 2020 Ascension Mastery* Message of the Full Moon with Master Djwhal Khul as brought forth by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden.

The Full Moon cycle of Gemini with the Sun of Sagittarius arrived on Monday, November 30th, 2020 at 1:30 AM Pacific, 4:30 AM Eastern with Universal Time of 9:30 AM. It brings with it the ability to step forward and make the necessary changes that have been brewing within us for the past six months.

This moon of Gemini represents the logical mind while the Sun of Sagittarius allows for the Higher Mind to be the grounding force within our four-body system (physical-etheric-emotional-mental levels). As we learn to work together within the Feminine Essence (Moon-Gemini) and the Masculine Essence (Sun-Sagittarius) this cycle brings forth the alignment that is crucial to our well being of adjustment and change.

It is a moon of adventure, to let out what you have been desiring to create, but have not had the initiative to step forward. As Grandmother Moon in her fullness allows every living being upon the earth to open up to new possibilities. Sometimes these elements can be lodged within us, unable to step out of our comfort zone, but with the Sun and the Moon of this cycle, we are being pushed into re-creating our lives from what we have already been thinking about.

The Lunar Eclipse brings forth changes in relationships, which in this instance deals with our own personality. As we learn to allow the Divine Feminine merge with the Divine Masculine, we create a balance within ourselves and how we experience life through our thoughts, feelings, and action to others. It is time to remove the baggage of what has occurred in the past six months as that energy no longer defines us.

Emotions can be high but need to be put into a balanced state of becoming more aligned with our Divine Self. We cannot allow the energies of either the Gemini Moon or the Sagittarius Sun to keep us in the same state of awareness that we have experienced previously.

It is now time to step into out of our Comfort Zone, and embrace who we have become by the previous cycles of this year as the Higher Mind blends with the Concrete (or Lower) Mind.

Change can always be daunting at first, but yet, in that reality it brings forth a sense of Accomplishment to see that we can embrace the challenge that is given to us while learning to receive the blessing of a New Awareness to grow within us, Becoming the New Foundation.

Master Djwhal Khul’s Keynote and Ascension Message for November 2020:

“I call upon my I AM Presence to open up the entryway of my Feminine and Masculine Selves to interact with one another through the Moon of Gemini and the Sun of Sagittarius in the alignment of the Lunar Eclipse of November 2020”.

Greetings My Dearest Initiates and Souls of Light,

I come to you as Master Djwhal Khul bringing forth Illumination of the present energies within November 2020.

It is at this cycle that it is important to realize your successes from this year and what you have acquired either physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually within yourself. What are your moments in which you felt different from the previous one?

It is important to realize who you have become within your foundation due to the challenges you have experienced. With the Lunar Eclipse and the Moon and Sun alignment the consciousness of the Universal Structure is opening up the heavens for each of you to take a step further into what you already are trying to accomplish.

It is deep within you, elements that have happened to you, but yet, you may not realize the new particles of Light of aligning within you. With the destruction of Duality comes the realization that change has happened to you and how you have or are dealing with it, is most important to acknowledge within yourself.

The planetary structure is going through a complete overhaul of energies. Each of you are thinking and feeling differently which some of that may be aggressions or frustrations of what has happened this year. But you must look at it as the Transition Phase of the Old Earth moving into a sense that it can no longer exist the way that it was. New ideas will come to the surface and they will need to be tested by humanity. Some may agree and others will choose not to like it.

This is all the process of transformation.

Allow the present energies to help you realize how you may have done things before and step into the world of allowing your new essence to help you become more to yourself than you have been able to do previously.

It is a great time of Change – this present cycle will help you to remember what you do not need, become strong within yourself to release it, and embrace the new part of yourself that is desiring to become grounded within it.

It is a journey of adventure in which you may not know how to go about the process of transformation, but you allow yourself to be free and flow with the changes that are occurring. You will eventually understand after you have landed on your feet within your new foundation of light and love.

I as Master Djwhal Khul walk with you in each moment.

So Mote It Be; Let It Be Done!

Walking Terra Christa facilitates a Ceremony for the Ascend Earth Star Nation Festival of Lights with Master Djwahl Khul   on November 30th, 2020, 5 PM Pacific. The recording can be listened to via this link.

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*Ascension Mastery is the realized form of manifesting Ascension Frequencies where your vibratory rate actually increases over time due to the in-depth training (not the intellectual pursuit or study) and the acquiring of a higher Spiritual Essence. Everyone on Earth is already part of God’s Light and Love but that does not mean they as individuals (or collectively) are Ascending, or that Ascension is happening to them. Earth is at a cross roads of Spiritual Awakening to step into Ascension, but without each person taking on an individual personal life responsibility to change their lives into practicing actual Ascension energies there can be no real shift in frequency. Ascension as a concept, belief or a mystery to be revealed is akin to a mere informational level desired by the mental intellect and does not create the authentic higher Ascension Octave of Light and Love required for a New Earth to be created. Our mission as an Academy is to bring forth that actual level of higher love and light for you to learn to feel and acquire them. It is a process that will take any initiate/lightworker many years (even decades) to achieve just as it did for the Ascended Masters themselves. A great way to start is by using targeted meditations that go beyond what is typically used. Our SPIRITUAL HEALING meditation or the SEVEN FREE CLASSES to help during these challenging times will assist. (visit to access or order).

ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join Walking Terra Christa in this special free project to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance. To learn more please use the link.

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Original Material © Copyright 2003-2020 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

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