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STATE OF TRANSFORMATION Ascend Earth Project Lord Ashtar Lord Sananda Whales & Dolphins

2024 ASCEND EARTH LORD ASHTAR by WalkingTerraChrista

Transcript of the monthly transmission of connection with Lord Ashtar, Lord Sananda and the Whales and Dolphins for the ASCEND EARTH PROJECT! This project brings forth the dynamic energies of building Ascension Columns Around the World. Lord Ashtar and Lord Sananda of the Galactic Federation of Light present the energies along with a dissertation of the present energies. We also connect with the Whale and Dolphin Communities as they share their participation in the project.


Blessings to each of you. I am Lord Ashtar, and I am deeply honored to be here once again communing and bringing forth the dynamics of not only the Ascension Columns but also our Essences to become One within each of you.

First, let us reinitialize those Ascension Columns with the help of Lady Mahlariessee. Breathing deeply.

“We call upon those energies of the 330 Rays of God, the 352 Levels of the Mahatma, and the 144 Dimensions of Oneness. We call upon the Unified Whole Command represented by Master Thoth, Master Einstein, and the Great Divine Director which is the Unified Whole Command. We ask the Creative Source of Oneness to bring forth those dynamic qualities of the Ascension energies to come down from the 144th Dimension throughout all the dimensions into Formlessness, into Angelic Principalities, unto the God Force of the 49th, through the 36th, through the 24th, through the 11th, the 10th and into planetary existence and into the Core of Gaia.

Take a moment to allow these frequencies of Light to come down into your Energy Center. We will once again ignite your own personal Ascension Columns through your Antahkarana Bridge all the way to your Earth Star along with all of the other Ascension Columns around the world in various places, in your homes, in your spaces, and the lands around you to vibrate those lands to a higher level of existence. Colors upon colors circling within and around you and around the world vibrating Gaia to a higher level assisting Her to receive the fifth dimensional energies that she so richly deserves and desires in her own Heart.”

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

Take a moment now to feel those Divine Blessings coming into your own Heart and around your present location, in the lands around you vibrating each Ascension Column that are five feet away from each other. All the lower frequencies that are inhabiting this Earth and trying to create havoc are being dissipated by these Light frequencies. Let us take a moment and feel that energy and allow that blessing to fully be within you.

Crystal Bowl Blessing

“In the Light of the Christ that we are allow these Divine energies to fully be implanted into the Core of Gaia, in all aspects of every living being and for all of us gathering here in these moments.
So Mote it Be; Let it Be Done.”

The energetics that are occurring presently bring forth the dynamics of this integration, this attunement to be necessary. It is the one way that all of us come together as Sentient Beings to clear and remove lower frequencies that have been implanted within this Earth for some time that tend to come forward during powerful times of acceleration. This year brings forth that time of acceleration.

We are in the Year of Unity bringing all things together into wholeness.

We, of the Galactic energies, are deeply honored to be able to assist and become One within each of you. Our role is not to control or take you somewhere else. Our role is to assist you to bring forth these Divine frequencies of Light into your own acceleration, into your own consciousness, to allow your Higher Consciousness of the Divine Beingness that you are to be actualized.

As we sit together in these moments, remind yourself of what this feels like. We come forward and bring forth our dynamic energies from a higher planetary existence to allow it to come into your planetary existence. So many individuals see us as your saviors, and we are not the saviors.

Each of you being upon this Earth currently are the saviors. You have awakened yourself to receive these Divine energies. When you allow your Higher Consciousness to overtake your Personality Consciousness, then there is a movement of Light frequency that occurs within each of your chakra systems. The Etheric Body becomes more vibrant. As you allow these vibratory energies to assist you to realize that this is truly a part of what you have been and now you are learning to actualize it more physically within the Source of your Beingness.

As you take a breath into your Heart Center right now and feel these Divine energies assisting you within your chakra system; it can be like a Chakra bath and having these energies fully assist you within a deeper part of yourself. But you must be still and silent and allow the blessing of these energies to take you into a new reality, out of the reality of your physical consciousness, the one that is participating in this Journey of Light. If every human being can take a moment like this every day for five minutes, it will help one’s consciousness to receive the Light infractions of the Higher Realms of Light.

As Christed Galactics we come from higher dimensions and have practiced these tools ourselves, and we want to extend this to each of you. Be still and allow your mind to rest for a few moments each day. As you do so this vibratory energy will come to you. I bring forth this invocation to assist:

“I, as Lord Ashtar, of the Galactic Federation of Light extend my essence unto every Soul that is participating in these Divine moments to allow the frequencies of the Light, the vibratory energies of the Rays of God to flow within everyone’s Essence for them to breathe it in and remind themselves what this feels like in this moment. Bring forth a remembrance and say unto yourself, ‘I now allow myself to fully remember what this feels like.’”

Take a moment of that remembrance and breathe into it and allow it to be part of your consciousness.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

As you do that, the vibratory energies go through the Central Canal of each of your chakras and these energies are being absorbed so that your own personal Ascension Column is being activated. If you can remember these words every day upon awakening, “I now allow the Divine energies from Lord Ashtar to assist me to awaken all my senses and capabilities as a Soul. So Mote it Be.” Allow that to occur within your own consciousness.

We are extending this to each of you more personally because we feel that the more every Soul accepts this energy within themselves, they will be able to access their Higher Mind and their Higher Light Bodies in an easier capacity. Now, this is not instantaneous, it is not magic, but it is about your intention. As we bring these intentions onto the Earth, the vibratory field of the Earth will shift.

We saw a difference last session in the previous month. If you noticed on the day that we participated together the vibratory energy of the lands and the people around you were existing in a higher level of acceptability bringing forth more joy, bringing forth more purity of thoughts and emotions. Now, this did not last more than 24 hours. But notice when you go about your day for the next 24 hours and the energy that you receive from others that you normally would not. This means that what we are doing is working.

As we reinforce the dynamics of many Christed Galactics that work within these energies for their own planetary systems that have helped themselves to rise to a higher level, like the Sirians, the Pleiadians, the Andromedans and many more. The Arcturians have an innate ability to activate these energies because their planetary system has always been like the Mother Father God Essence of Galactic systems. As we all gather together in many more planetary systems that I am speaking of we acknowledge the presence of All That Is. This is exactly what needs to be represented on this Earth.

This process of allowing these Divine energies to become more commonplace within the consciousness of Gaia and each of you, will assist other Souls to receive this blessing even if it is just one moment or five minutes of a day.

Humans have an innate curiosity of wanting to know why things are occurring and having to create an understanding within their minds. What if we just bring forth that Divine Essence of ‘it is what it is’ because it is part of All That Is which is the Creative Source of Oneness, which is Divine Mother Father God extending the energies into the Earth as this is what the Ascended Masters are teaching to each of you.

Allow yourself to be still and receive this Blessing of Light, because we are increasing the capacity. Even if it is just one little millisecond, it is occurring. This is how we will bring the Earth into a higher form of continual Light and Love.

Feel that Presence of Light within you now.

I say all these things because the other forces not of the Light continually try to interfere. If you have raised your vibration to a point where you can feel some of these energies, it can be very debilitating to your full-body system. So, it is imperative to recharge yourself, to create psychic protection of thoughts and emotions. Every though you think is going out into the waves of the Universal Consciousness, this means the Unity of everyone coming together is open. So, if you have moments where you do not feel safe energetically as you were previously, it is because something is happening that has been projected into the electro-magnetic wave frequencies. You, being an awakened Soul, can feel these frequencies and can be affected by them. This can happen to your electronics, it can happen through movies, TV, and vibratory energies that are not in alignment with what you are creating within your own Soul consciousness.

We, of the Galactic Federation of Light, are working very intensely to assist each of you to not have to experience these energies and create a better Earth. I am not going to say create a New Earth, I am going to say a transformed Earth. These lower frequencies can create havoc in many ways, such as what happens to individuals or weather patterns that take control and create havoc and tragedy for so many Souls. So, we want to awaken as many individuals as possible through the dynamics of this frequency of Light.

Like this session, our sessions from this point forward will be more personal. Take a moment to fully feel it and realize within yourself a change that has occurred within your consciousness. Take time to go into your Heart Center and breath deeply into the Center of your Chakras. It is the Heart, the Love, the Will, and the Power that is right within you through vibratory fields. Allow it to become part of your true reality.

I am Lord Ashtar, and I am deeply honored to be able to extend these energies unto each of you. I look forward to our transitions and transformations for this year.

I now extend the energies to Lord Sananda.


Namaste’ My Dearest Ones. I am Lord Sananda. I also am deeply honored to be able to extend my Essence and my Light and my expertise from the perspective of the Galactic Forces to come into the center of the Earth.

It is important to realize the potential you have within yourself to create positive confirmation. It is also in your power to create havoc. It is up to each of you to step into your own Emotional Body at any time during your day and realize that what you are projecting outside yourself is not as positive, because you are dealing with the effects of third and fourth dimensional energies of duality. Every day you are faced with these energies. You are faced with it by people around you, in your business, the way you work, the way you perceive life.

It is important to realize within yourself that we are a potential Source of Light, meaning we, of Humanity. I am putting myself into the perspective of being on the Earth and walking upon the Earth, I deeply honor each of you for doing so. I deeply honor you for reaching out of your of your Physical Consciousness into your higher Consciousness to receive these Divine energies to realize within yourself that this is where you want to be. But it takes earnest effort and perseverance through doorways that sometimes may feel like they are closed. But you must allow this frequency that we give unto you in these moments to be the center of your reality, to change those thoughts and emotions that may not be as healthy as you want them to be, and to transform them into the Pure Essence of the Light of The Higher Realms remembering the Rays of God.

So, if we connect within those Rays of God within our Heart Center right now, we are projecting all those flames blending within each other, each of them representing a different facet of Light through a higher understanding.

Let the vibrancy of those Lights come into your Heart Center to help you become centered within your Higher Consciousness. We call upon the Solar Angel because that is who you were before you became human. That is your bridge to that Higher Consciousness that you are trying to recreate within your mind. You cannot push this process. You must flow into it and allow the Light frequencies to help you with the Higher Mind and allow yourself to feel like you are just floating within that Pure Essence. This is why I call it the Web of Light.

When each of us as individuals move into that energy, then we become one flowing Light energy together. When you move out of your physical consciousness, out of the bodily system, and feel your Light Bodies flowing towards the center of the Web of Light, then we are a kaleidoscope of all the Flames of Light. Feeling the blessing of these energies to assist not only yourself but others that you encounter. There are no words that need to be said. But if you allow this frequency of Light to assist you to go into a deeper part of yourself, it then takes you into that vibratory field that is unseen, unheard. It takes great concentration to allow yourself to get out of your physical consciousness.

Breathe deeply into that energy and feel it. Imagine yourself just floating through a Circle of Light that is out of this hemisphere, that is in the creation of the higher dimensions, and allow that Light energy to come into all parts of yourself so that you are carrying your Etheric Body with you. Each of your chakras are being blessed with this Divine energy. This is the Web of Light.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

Breathing deeply. Now allow the kaleidoscope of colors to now become the Harmony of the Spheres flowing within your own Heart Essence. The vibratory field of the vibration of the Pure Essences that Lady Mahlariessee has been bringing forth come from the Source of God to extend unto each of you so that you can extend it within and around you. Put all your negative thoughts or emotions or experiences into this Light right now as it circles within your Heart.

There is a State of Transformation that is occurring through this Exchange of Light. It is being blessed by the God Source and the Light Source of the Creative Source of Oneness of the 144th Dimension for you to transform. That transformation extends outside you. As you sit within your own Ascension Column, the energies are being purged and purified in this very moment. Allow yourself to feel this. Open up your Emotional Body to extend it unto yourself.

I, as Lord Sananda, am deeply honored to extend this Light frequency. Call upon me to assist you within this process as we walk together transforming the Earth.



[Whale/Dolphin Song Thru Mahlariessee]

We, of the Whale and Dolphin Communities, bring forth our essence as we extend what Lord Sananda has given to everyone and all of us upon and within the Earth to all our communities in the seas.

As the Dolphins, we travel with joy within these energies. We swim with these energies to go to other communities in all the many seas, and we allow our voice to be heard so that the other oceans upon the Earth are also receiving this frequency of Light. We see the Ascension Columns, the vibratory fields, coming down into the oceans and allowing the healing processes to occur within the GODDESS OF THE SEAS. We are deeply excited to bring that forth.

[Dolphin Singing]

We of the Whales, hold the history of this Earth are allowing the possibilities of the transformation that Lord Sananda talks about to come into our existences, into our communities to bring forth a new vibratory energy so that all species within the seas receive this vibratory energy. Even species that you might consider dangerous or aggressive, every species is receiving this energy right now to help with the core of the Light of God that we feel so immensely as the Whales and the Dolphins to extend to others.

Is not that how we are going to transform this Earth to allow all species to come together and not have the aggression that many lifeforms act out within each other? 

We feel it deeply as the history of the Earth is within our Essences. There is a slight change occurring within the seas. As the Whales, we are communing more frequently than we were previously. We thank the Galactic Whales for assisting us. It has been a tremendous healing process.

As all of us come together in the Unity of Love and bring forth a more desirous outcome, we are feeling it within the blessings that we are receiving.

[Whale Song Thru Mahlariessee]


This is Lord Sananda once again. There we have it. Everyone is being blessed by the Divine Essences of these energies as they come down from the Higher Realms of Light into the core of the Earth.

We thank you for opening your hearts and allowing yourself to experience more Lightforms within your consciousness, within your bodily system. We know it is a challenge to create these changes physically, but we are here to assist you. Please call upon us as we travel through the Higher Heavens and watch over you as we come together in All That Is.

So Mote it Be. We are the Galactic Federation of Light.

This transcript is of the February 17th 2024 event. Click here to receive the Galactic Energies of Light personally. Title: MILLISECONDS ALLTHATIS

Gifts of Love donations are greatly appreciated for this spiritual service!

© 2024 Walking Terra Christa
Learn more about this sacred earth project at
These essential Gatherings are once per month on a Saturday. Join Us for our next event! For date/time please see our event calendar. (Please share and repost this page)!

“REAFFIRM THE WARRIOR OF LIGHT WITHIN” – July Earth Assistance Ascend Earth Project – Audio Recording


With high energies of light coming in to assist Earth’s consciousness raise out of the 3rd dimensional level of awareness (upheaval, war, crime, control and many lower frequencies), we connected with the Galactic Federation of Light of the Christed Extraterrestrials to feel the highest vibrational energies and receive the Divine Language Network Light Codessm from Rev. Meleriessee. Please use the below link to hear the audio transmission of these energies.

JULY 14, 2018 ~ EARTH ASSISTANCE GATHERING with LORD ASHTAR, LORD SANANDA AND THE WHALE DOLPHIN COMMUNITY – “Reaffirm The Warrior of Light Within” ~ Lord Ashtar reminds us that at this time upon the planet we must hold extra diligence to our spiritual cleansing and spiritual protection especially building the Ascension Column Pillars of Light and recharging them often. As a group consciousness we then connect together to feel and experience these higher frequencies to greatly heal and bless our earth through ourselves.

If you have not yet set up your own Ascension Column Pillar of Light please visit www.Ascend.Earth.

Those who find these energies helpful are asked to offer support. Many Blessing of Oneness to everyone in working toward the New Earth of Terra Christa! Much gratitude to those who offered a donation to support the Ascend.Earth Project and this gathering.

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