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Dealing with loss of a loved one or immense sadness when catastrophic tragedy occurs

“I was relatively still young when my father died. His physical body had been failing him for over a year. By the time he transitioned into spirit, I had endured many months in the confused grief and psychic turmoil of feeling I was losing a loved one to eventually arrive at least to some beginning level of acceptance that he would be leaving us, and me, forever. But it took a long time to even just get to that point. His death was for me a great and terrible loss. For some reason, in the ways of how life works that is only known to the highest aspects of our soul, he and I were extra close in a manner that I don’t think happened with either of my two brothers though he loved us all a great deal.

“His final moments were not my crisis. It was his first major health scare that was immensely devastating to me. An early morning stroke left him seeming lifeless in my parent’s bedroom, his jaw wide and listless, eyes closed. Having never experienced seeing death in person, as a 23-year-old, he certainly appeared to me to have certainly died. It was the mid 1980’s and perhaps due to my father being of the greatest generation and having served in WWII, the masculine stereotype of being strong and capable during an emergency was very well established in my psyche for how to conduct myself. My mother was hysterical, and it was her screams that awoke my brothers and I to rush from our beds. We called 911 as my older brother and I tried to console her as best as possible. My younger brother, at age 18, was away at university, and unfortunately, was kind of left to face his own experience.

“I had to wait a bit longer. Yet once we had been reassured that my dad was still alive and appeared to have suffered a stroke, and the men with the stretcher and the flashing lights had departed down the driveway, I allowed myself, or rather I was compelled, driven by a force more powerful still, to take a moment to be alone. Very much in shock myself, I walked in a daze across to the other side of our street where there was a baseball field and found that I could not walk any further. My upper back kind of crashed against the cyclone fence that caught those home run hits just seconds before my legs could no longer hold me standing. Sobs wracked my whole upper body and the air suddenly felt as if it was not designed to support life. And even though my eyes could no longer see clearly, the unmistakable brilliant and cloudless blue sky above me seemed to be very cruel in its rare display on that beautiful spring day that no longer held the joy that it should have been destined to create.” ~ Reverend Michael Ara of Walking Terra Christa

No one ever wants to go through such moments. As I recount that distressing moment, it is the 22nd year marking the events of the September 11th, 2001 tragedy in New York City, and the current tragic event of the Moroccan Earthquake, which is right now gripping thousands of people in great turmoil and crisis. The loss of human lives in these and other terribly catastrophic upheavals is something that will never sit right in our collective human heart and soul.

I intentionally did not share where I was and what I was doing on September 11th, 2001 as a way to relate to tragedy because it is not my story. I was not there, nor was I associated with it in any way. Instead, I shared a personal moment about my own experience of how shocking and devastating it is to face the prospect of a loved ones death or dying directly in your own life.

This is not to say that 9/11 was not calamitously devastating for me and everyone witnessing it on that day, as it truly was. But when I consider the surviving families of anyone directly involved in such devastation’s, my own story seems “less” somehow. There is a whole “other” factor that happens when there is an extreme event that makes the global news; that somehow I don’t have the right to stand in that particular circle of grief.

Yet spiritually speaking, we are all in the same circle.

Our human experience is both personal and collective even if the details are not, or are never, the same. And in truth no event or moment in life is exactly the same for any one of us, as we each really do have our own experiences. My story above is not how my brothers experienced it. It cannot be otherwise, as no one else is made up of the entirety of, nor particular set of, personality and spiritual “matter” that we each are, that actually goes into making us a one-of-a-kind unique individual as the “soul” we are.

But at the same time, there is also no denying that we also are having a “collective spiritual experience”. As Robert F. Kennedy said, “Tragedy is a tool for the living to gain wisdom, not a guide by which to live.” Which to me means that it is really more about how we deal with tragedy as that unique living individual soul. And even more so, that in order to find our way to gaining wisdom from it, we must combine with it what it means to be a spiritual soul, to be able to tap into the greater traits that take us out of being an isolated individual consciousness, into being “one” with the overarching compassion and love that we are as a soul. Because even if we learn of such events on the news or social media, our hearts are torn open in response. For most of humanity, even if they are a person who desires to keep such emotions at a distance, the collective oneness connection we as humans have to those who are directly experiencing it can very much viscerally hit us on both an emotional and psychological wavelength.

In terms of my own emotional and psychological wellbeing as a young man, I had to pretty much fumble blindly through that tumultuous moment in my life. Fortunately, my dad was able to make an almost full recovery physically, albeit with some loss of his much-prized critical thinking skills and vitality. The fact that I “still had him” even no longer being the man he was, greatly lessened the impact of those first few days of turmoil in my outlook, yet it had been a huge shaking up in how I perceived life from that day on. I had to come to firsthand terms with fact that death happens. At the very least, that is the start of the wisdom RFK was referencing.

There are earthly paths and levels of assistance to help souls deal with death that bring much needed emotional and psychological support. With her groundbreaking work, Elizabeth Kubler-Ross defined the areas of support that most grieving individuals require, and this has been a tremendous measure of understanding to counselors and crisis healers so that individuals can gain the wisdom that comes from losing loved ones. It is now commonly accepted that grief involves many stages, and that those stages can occur all at once or mixed and matched and jumbled up together in different ways. Wisdom may seem a long way off to individuals amidst it.

That wisdom, when it happens, goes far beyond rationalizing the whys and wherefores of the circumstances of death, as that does not really bring much peace nor closure.

I believe that wisdom only comes spiritually. I believe it is the remembrance on a spiritual level that we are eternal beings who do “live-on” after death. Not in terms of just “the afterlife” but in our full essence of souls that very much existed before this life and exist on afterwards. It seems to me that it was Kennedy’s way of saying that, otherwise, what “wisdom” can one personally experience as a living being who must go on after such loss?

In my beliefs as a spiritual minister, I have a very firm belief that the wisdom we each gain from loss is more reflective of having an unavoidable in-your-face mirror placed in front of us to reflect upon how we are living our own lives, and what we are spiritually creating for ourselves and those loved ones in our lives, and by extension all of humanity. For most, I think this happens almost on a subconscious level. If the wisdom emerges, it is subtle. It arises up from the wisdom of the inner self, the inner voice that is so connected to our soul self, that part of us that is not defined by being simply a physical being.

In the teachings and energies that we offer I also firmly believe this voice can be assisted to be heard much more easily, as it really is our spiritual voice, and attunement to it, that is often lost in modern society to such an extent that it can seem silent.

In what we do, since we primarily focus on assisting individuals to “hear” this “soul” voice, while avoiding the dogma confounding historical religions, it becomes a more direct path to gaining that wisdom. Which is also why Rev. Mahlariessee and I feel that the healing that comes along with what we are doing is that much more powerful in comparison.

Yet, at the same time, when tragedy happens, there is also another flipside perspective on healing that is not often considered, but which is also crucial.

First and foremost, surviving humans do tend to have their own personal experiences with grief.

But what about the souls who depart?

As we are all in the same circle of oneness as souls, is not any death of a loved one experienced as a tragedy? That also holds true for those who die. It is a great shock to them as well, one that also requires them to heal emotionally and psychologically, in the same manner that we must.

From the perspective of the God Essence, some people would say that God is impersonal, as the life of one human, or even many of them does not compare to the complexity of billions of souls living upon a planet. They would say life goes on.

But, in truth, within all spiritually in Oneness, within the all-that-is of what we experience within the God Force, death, and life, is very personal. And whenever a soul must go through a tumultuous experience, God is very much involved.

There is an actual Spiritual Plane of existence, where all souls can go to receive the exact higher healing of love and compassion. And there are specific Temples where this can occur.

The largest of these Spiritual Temples are the ones that are all inclusive for any soul to enter, regardless of religious affiliation or deity belief system.  And of all those Temples, the largest by far is the Clarion Temple of Oneness.

It could be the called an Angelic Temple because Archangel Michael helped establish it in response to the 9/11 catastrophe in the months following. He knew that the event was something that the souls involved, those in the twin towers who perished, those who were the first responders, the families and friends of both groups, and everyone around the world watching the events unfold, would all need deep healing as a result of the dark energies created upon the earth. It could be called Angelic because he has his legions of Angelic Warriors safeguarding the entire Temple.

Yet, it is more than Angelic. It exists in the 36-dimensional level of existence, the multi-universal level. As such it is under the auspices of all the realms of higher spiritual reality, even that of Divine Mother Father God of the Cosmic level. And it is not only open to those who lived and transitioned from the earth plane, but to the souls who inhabit many other planetary systems in the many universal structures.

This Temple, originally named the “Clarion Light Beings of 9/11” and now called the “Clarion Temple of Oneness”, because AA Michael wanted it to be an unmistakable spiritual Clarion Call for any soul in turmoil to be able to answer the call for the highest level of healing they could receive, as with any such tragic events, great healing is always needed. So, he asked Lady Mahlariessee to start the Temple with him as his earthly representative so that she could be his messenger. Her first task was to spiritually assist the souls who perished in New York City on that day, (read the original story here).

Naturally the Temple evolved into what it is now, a place for all souls, in body or out, to attain the grace, love, compassion and healing that can only come from the highest spiritual essence of Divine Light of God.

We have witnessed numerous departed souls entering the Temple since its inception. And you may even know of them if you follow the creative contributions of well-known celebrities, actors, musicians, and other famous individuals who lived to bring upliftment or make this planet a better place, even if just within their families. They each have their story, and each of them is truly amazed at not only the scope of the Temple’s size, but the level of love and light they feel from it. Many say they “were saved” due to the Temple.

Today we will be having one of our etheric journey gatherings in the Temple which we will specifically dedicate to the souls going through the turmoil of the Moroccan Earthquake, but also to any and all souls who request greater healing for what they are expereincing.

And that “requesting” is something else that many humans are very unaware about: Even after you transition from this earth plane, you are still “you”. You just don’t have a physical body anymore. And since you are still an individual soul, you still have free will. Which means, just as you live your life now and can choose to attend one of online audio journey meditations for these Temple gatherings, or not to attend, so it is for all souls. They must desire to attend and ask for assistance in being guided to the Temple.

Once there, they are invited to view the Temple energies from an overlooking booth, just as if they were in the skyboxes at a stadium here upon earth. It is a viewing area set aside so that souls can choose to become part of the Temple or not, as many souls who transition, since you are still yourself, may not yet be ready to let go of their earthly attachments. And becoming part of the core essence of the soul healing that the Temple holds requires one to be ready to step into it fully and without reservations. In fact, there are many transitioned souls who feel that since they are now in spirit, they can do whatever they want, and should be allowed in. This is why AA Michael assigned his warriors to protect the Temple, as those souls are not allowed in without an escort to the viewing area. Souls can be very surprised that many core spiritual truths that are shared upon the earth are in full force and effect even in the afterlife.

But for us, who are here, it is an amazing Temple for the living as well.

We too need God’s Light and Love in our lives in many moments, not just when we transition “over to the other side”. The Etheric Journey’s we provide serve a great many purposes within the scope of the God Force. Our greater healing is just as important.

The greatest gift you can give to your loved ones is to tell them about the Clarion Temple of Oneness and what it offers, for their deeper healing now as a living soul, but also so they are aware of what is available to them “in heaven”, as many souls who have transitioned from earth share with us that they were lost for many years, even decades, because they did not know of its existence.

And of course, by attending yourself, you act as a Beacon of Light yourself, attracting any lost or wandering loved ones to you through the energies of the Temple that you are experiencing in your own life. For years we have shared that when individuals attend, the healing they are creating is beyond their comprehension, as even we do not understand how such love and light frequencies are then carried through the cosmos, but we certainly know they are. It is very important work.

If you desire to join us (and many other souls), we hold the Clarion gathering a few times a month throughout the year. As of 2023, we also are posting up the links to the audio recordings of the live events so that you can listen and receive the higher spiritual energies on your own schedule. Our next event is later today at 5:00 PM Pacific time. See the details below of this next gathering. To Join, please visit:

About this Vibratory Ascension Spirituality Healing Event:
The purpose of this spiritual ascension event is to orient your personal energetics (chakra and etheric structures that enable you to exist within a physical body) to connect to the higher potential of the energetic realities that the year 2023 holds for us in the months ahead through your Higher Self, Monad and I AM PRESENCE of the True Spiritual Essence you are as a Soul.
It is a Spiritual Ascension Meditation Journey. This means it is not a traditional “class” which you are used to getting in typical mental knowledge earth based training. It really is a “meditation”. The best way to enjoy it is in a relaxed state of being, making sure to focus only on your breath and let the energies being transmitted escort you through the transitions of the energies. (Sitting up in a chair is best as lying down may put you to sleep. Obviously do not listen while doing any physical activities).
It is vibratory and highly energetic. This means it is a transitioning process. At the conclusion of the teaching you should feel much different than you did at the start. (It may feel like after you immediately wake from a nap and are disoriented).
As with all our events, the energetics are held as both pure and accurate due to the extensive training and expertise that we as Ascended Masters have attained to insure the highest spiritual quality is transmitted. To the best of our knowledge, we are unique in the extent of this capacity of Love and Light energetics.Audio replay is posted to listen to the Meditation Journey to the Clarion Temple of Oneness In MEETING RESOURCES at end of the list. Https://
TO FIND YOUR TIMEZONE CLICK and convert into 17:00 hours (5:00 PM) Pacific time zone:
PLEASE NOTE- PLEASE TEST THIS FUNCTION BEFORE JOINING. (Data/Toll charges may apply if using a toll or data rated device). If using a SKYPE account, you can translate into your language while listening.
KEEP YOUR VIDEO TURNED OFF (This is an AUDIO ONLY event to insure no distractions.)
DURATION: Approximately 60 minutes


[New for 2023: TRANSLATE THE EVENT INTO YOUR LANGUAGE during the live event broadcast – If you have a SKYPE account, it can be used to dial-in to the event using the above link. You can then have Skype translate the speaker’s voice into your language. See for details and a list of languages. NOTE: for our events, you are not making a skype-to-skype call, but must use credits or a subscription as it requires you to dial-in using the FreeConferenceCall phone number as linked above.]
We hope you can plan to join us.

Blessings and Love in the Highest and Purest Divine Light of God.

© 2023 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). (*formerly spelled Meleriessee). Please share and repost. Rights are granted to repost this article in full with image electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages.

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