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Ascension Mastery Message for the Festival of Lights of January of 2019 with Master Djwhal Khul. Channeled Transmission by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee of Walking Terra Christa.

The first full moon of 2019 brings to the Earth and all her inhabitants a massive charged up energy that will set the stage for this year. This is considered a SUPER MOON due to its close distance to the Earth and will reflect the BLOOD MOON essence.

On January 20th at 9:17 PM Pacific, January 21st 12:17 AM Eastern, 05:17 GMT we will be experiencing this exchange of light with a Lunar Eclipse that occurs on January 20th 6:36 PM Pacific, 9:36 PM Eastern, January 21st 02:36 GMT.

The moon is within the sign of Leo aligning with the Sun of Aquarius. This is a very interesting combination as Leo represents the personal aspects such as creative self-expression while Aquarius is concerned with the non-personal aspects of how to work within the group of others, more connected to the outside world.

This lunar eclipse brings forth the dynamics of working within these elements to create a harmonious relationship between the Inner and Outer Self.

How does one allow the Inner Self to show its personality to the outside world?

In truth it can represent the Inner Self becoming the Higher Self and transforming the Lower Ego into the Higher Ego. In other words, this exchange of the moon cycles is allowing each individual to go deeper within themselves to make the necessary changes to allow the relationship of the Higher vs the Lower Ego to become more united.

This can cause a battle within an individual’s consciousness because the physical mind or ego wants to keep things status quo so there can be resistance within the four-body system through the physical, etheric, emotional and mental selves.

It is also a grand opportunity to continue the pathway of healing that has occurred from 2018 of receiving the gifts of Mastery (2018=11) through the Diamond Light Codes that were put in place in December which are now continuing while being received through each of us.

The point being, is how well are you adjusting to those light infractions and have you been able to step through a new doorway.

Being able to change immediately is not easy and most of us do not acquire those gifts to be able to do so. We can become very challenged and sometimes fall off the path as it seems that is easier. But in the long run running away from our Spiritual Self actually becomes more challenging to all parts of our consciousness.

The alignment of the Lunar Eclipse with the Full Moon is assisting every soul upon this earth to allow more of their Higher Self to help them in the process. It helps us to create the changes we desire by looking deeper within ourselves of what we truly want to have in our lives, the way we express ourselves to others in the outside world.

The Solar Eclipse frequency that occurred on January 5th still continues through the next six months. The energy of this eclipse brought forth the ability to search deeply within our hearts to see what needs to be changed, and how to create our lives differently for the good of our Spiritual Self.

Currently, it is a time that the energetics of the Solar Eclipse now meets the Lunar Eclipse in our true reality. As they come together, we also have the

opportunity to do the same from the aspect of our Spiritual or Higher Self while making concrete changes in our lives to do so.

A lunar eclipse is reflected within our relationships to make the necessary changes. I believe, that this applies more directly to our own relationship to our own self representing the four-bodies that are healing continually whether a person realizes it or not. The Etheric Self is the holding energy of our soul, it reflects our past lives, and timelines whether they are good or bad; the Emotional Self is our empowerment and eventually our Feminine Essence; and the Mental Self is our strength and courage and our Masculine Essence in a higher sense. The Physical Self houses all these energies of each of the other bodies which reacts to the energy senses that are transmitted through the other selves.

Our physical bodies are at a point where they are learning to adjust to the energies depending upon what each individual is doing for themselves good, bad, or indifferent. The most important element is to have a relationship with your Spiritual body or your Higher Self. Without it, the physical self will get lost in the muck and mire of this world as we see it happening around us.

The first of the new year is always a time to make resolutions of what we need to change. This year we are given the grand opportunity to not only desire those changes but actually become them, and create a new relationship with our Spiritual Self.

As in Mahatma Gandhi’s quote, “Be the Change You Want to Be.”

In this year of Creative Mastery, we are being given the divine opportunity to acquire those elements within our lives that we have been wishing for. It is more than intention; we are in the year of Creative Manifestation of learning how to walk with the Ascended Masters to become the true existence we have desired to be upon this earth. If we learn to live and breath the Universal Laws, there is nothing we cannot achieve.

This moon cycle is our true beginning of seeing how the subtle elements we have desired, can become our reality if we allow it to happen.

The first Universal Law of Divine Oneness helps us to understand that we live in a world where everything is connected to everything else.  Everything we do, say, think, and believe affects others and the universe around us.

This is exactly what the Moon of Leo within the Sun of Aquarius and the Lunar Eclipse is giving to us this month as we learn to work within ourselves through the emotional and mental bodies to allow the Spiritual Self to guide us into a new state of existence. It must start within our own consciousness so that the world around us will also begin to move with the flow of Divine Oneness.

The most important element that you can consider during this cycle is to take time with your intentions. Write them down to see how feasible they are at this time. Don’t try to go into the future; utilize the intentions you desire for the next 30 days until the next full moon. Create a ceremony for yourself by connecting to Gaia and the Universal Consciousness. Maybe do some drumming, singing, chanting, and dancing in your sacred space. Become the energy of your intentions by grounding them by connecting to your Higher Self and bringing them into your Earth Star; you will find that it will assist you.


Greetings My Dearest Beloveds,

It is I, Master Djwhal Khul, sharing some words of wisdom on this magnificent exchange of energies for January.

As I am sure you already are aware, how very powerful 2019 is proving to be within humanity. The earth is on a continued pathway of acceleration but yet still learning to ground the energies at the same time.

As the increased vibrations occurred in December to mark the end of a year of Mastery, it brought with it the power within each person to strive to become more spiritual in their physical existence. I say this is true with all humans as I believe each person upon the planet was affected in one way or another. Some were not as lucky to receive the great benefits but there were many changes that were experienced for all of human consciousness.

What occurs presently is to understand of how to step into this new year with the same process of what occurred in 2018?

The point is that each person must realize within themselves that this moon of Leo and sun of Aquarius are truly becoming more aligned than you might imagine. It is through this process that the subtle differences of the hold relationship must be healed. That is exactly what is occurring for this cycle with the Lunar Eclipse part of the process.

Having the Solar and Lunar Eclipse at the beginning of this year is opening up the gateway for more acceptability to occur within everyone’s lives. Each of you are at the Starting Gate.

You already have gone through some accelerations, possibly challenges with 2018 ending, but yet you should have a better sense within yourself of the pathway of your existence. This means that you should be holding a new sense within yourself of how far you have come and continue the journey to allow the balance of your Divine Self to be your most important element.

If this is not your focus, then please start to consider that you should be centering upon that element within your life.

It is important for you to realize that you are no longer just a physical person, but yet you are not an ascended master in the sense that you desire to be. There are many elements that still need to be worked upon within your consciousness. I can tell you this because I understand where you are coming from.

You may have been going through some powerful moments and then all of a sudden, you feel as if you are on the top of the world. You are existing in a world that is quite different from your consciousness, but now you have the answer you are searching for.

I share this because I want each of you to realize that each initiate and master must go through many mini-steps before they are able to acquire the full truth of their Soul’s Essence. I, myself, continually go through this process and it is an on-going truth within me that I must acknowledge who I am becoming so I do not get lost in the shuffle of the energies.

This is even more true of Ascension Mastery upon Gaia. She is accelerating and transforming herself in so many ways; many areas still have great areas of debris and need to be healed, but others are in their blissful condition in the higher altitudes.

It is the same of each of you. There are mountains and valleys to your soul’s existence. It is important to see the ups and downs within yourself that they are learning tools that must be acquired. No ascended master I know of has fully achieved what they thought they would do in the order of what they expected to receive in the physical mind, especially ones that have lived on the earth in the last 500 to 1000 years.

The first element that you must realize within yourself is, Truth of your Inner Self.

This is the truth of your soul’s essence, the truth of your personality, of all that makes up your consciousness. When you realize your own truth, then that is the true healing that occurs within you.

The first of this moon cycle is giving each of you TRUTH of whom you are as a soul right now and seeing what needs to be changed. This means reaching out to all of your four bodies so they can work in unison. When one is out of alignment, they are all dysfunctional. But it is also important for you to have PATIENCE with this process.

Lady Mahlariessee spoke about how this year represented the Universal Laws. She shared about the first law. I want you to take that understanding into yourself.

What parts of yourself in your four-body system are not in Oneness? What are those elements and work through them for the entire month?

Look at the issue; be honest with yourself even if it feels like you want to be perfect. Allow your four bodies to work together in a beautiful relationship.

In order for the Earth to come into a new sense of beingness which is what we all desire, every individual upon this planet needs to do the same. Each of you that are awakened and aware of your own insecurities, work through them. Don’t just say you have them. Learn to change those darker parts of yourself to become transformed as you walk with them in you.

The moon of Leo and the Sun of Aquarius with the Lunar Eclipse are giving every person upon this planet a chance to make the necessary changes within themselves. It is a grand opportunity for deep healing on many levels.

I walk with you each moment to help you acknowledge the Truth within you.

I Am Master Djwhal Khul, Ray Chohan for the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom


To help you connect to these energies much more effectivley, Walking Terra Christa held a free public (donations are welcome) Audio Online Ceremony on Saturday, January 19th at 10 AM Pacific with the Master Djwhal Khul and the Native energies of the Elders, White Buffalo Woman and Lady No-Eyes. To LISTEN NOW, please use this link.


For those who are fully ready to step into the pathway of Ascension Mastery in 2019 through the authentic teachings we offer, please don’t forget to read about our Monthly Saturday Seminar Series is a very directed program to properly propel you through the 2019 energy of Creative Integration. Classes begin soon. The first class in January offers a unique Diamond Light Structure Attunement that kicks off the training. Note: Unusual for WTC, this first class is not going to be available for download due to the modality being offered (it must be attended live online.)


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