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The Igniting Timelines ~ Part 2 of 2 ~ How Can We Work Through Them?

Click to read:  Part 1 of 1 ~ The Igniting Timelines ~ What Are They?


It is really important to be aware of your own truth, your light, your thoughts, and your emotions from the perspective of your Highest Essence.  This can be a challenge for many individuals if they are not used to meditating, and creating a consciousness within them that is positive, full of love, joy, and understanding the difference.  This is the mountain that each of us needs to climb presently.  We will not survive if we do not understand Who We Are.  Taking time to go within by meditating, acts of silence, feeling the beauty of nature around us are some of the ways in order to experience these changes.  It is up to us to fully accept that we are changing and being a Divine Being fully manifest is our destiny in this lifetime.

This is why the timelines are igniting ~ so that we can be More than We Are presently and accept the responsibility of honoring ourselves through the process.  Every human that awakens into a new level of consciousness walks into the Pathway of Mastership.  It depends on what they choose to do with that awareness.  We have the ability to be the Ascended Masters of the New Earth but it takes courage, diligence, great love, and responsibility to continue on this pathway.  Some individuals choose to go to a certain level and stay within that consciousness as it feels comfortable for them.  It is a personal choice and no one ever judges someone for not aspiring to more.  That may be the contract they have during this lifetime and to assist individuals on the lower levels.

Please understand that the duality we are experiencing within the 4th dimensional level is due the Light and Dark finally separating from one another.  There becomes a space in between in which within a very intuitive channel or person connected to the higher forces of light can fully feel the difference.  Each of us has been on both sides and many of our timelines that erupt that are painful and traumatic are a direct result of these memories being ignited within us.  We are walking through the forest in darkness trying to find the light.

This also represents the energies within the Earthplane.  There are many lost souls that never found the light and there are many other lower energies of interplanetary levels that are not focused within the Christed energies.  It is imperative that we only call upon the highest frequencies to be with us.  What is happening presently is that the Dark and the Light are fighting for their space on GAIA but the Light is much stronger and will win.  In the meantime lower forces can try to stop us by creating bad thoughts, emotions, and troubles within our reality.  It is up to us individually to walk in balance by activating our Highest Essence and I AM Presence and start to feel the beautiful essence that we are.  We are not supposed to be dysfunctional, full of envy and greed but compassionate and loving human beings.  This is the process that we are going through presently with the timelines and activating only the highest level guided through our Higher Self and our Highest Purpose.

Please know everyone is being challenged presently to be more than they ever thought that they could be.  It is important to realize that the old timelines can be released quickly through the effort of vibrational healing and allowing the Rays of God to assist in the process.  Utilizing chanting and vibrational voice channeling is so very helpful and can make a difference immediately.

timelines violet pinkThe most important tool I feel that can be utilized is working within the Violet Ray to transmute the energies.  Allowing your physical body to be completely immersed within the Violet Flame will change the composition being directed from the Etheric level into the physical essence.  It will also create an awakening in the thought process and emotional response.  Using the Violet Light with St. Germain will create the process to allow the old timelines to be removed.  It is imperative to ignite the body with new and loving energies so I suggest utilizing the Pink Ray of Creative Intelligence in which the light fully infuses within the body with compassion, love, and joyful emotions.  Going a step further would be to blend the Violet and the Pink into one flame of light which represents Vibrational Communication.  Now your entire four body system moves into the full body system igniting the energies through your Masculine and Feminine Divine to become One Essence within the Heart Center of the Three-fold Flame.  It is imperative to embrace the Three-Fold flame which will bring forth the qualities of Wisdom-Love-Power through the Masculine-Feminine-Christ Consciousness within the Heart.

When this occurs, the new timelines that you are supposed to remember can be ignited within your reality as the process beings to fully accept your Multi-Dimensional Self.  Utilizing this technique each time you feel uncomfortable with your emotions or thoughts will truly change your experience of life on Earth at this time.

A Very Personal Story

I have shared this background information as I feel it is important to express to others what I experience personally in my healing pathway.  As most of you know, I am a very highly seasoned lightworker being on this pathway for almost 30 years.  The energies have shifted dramatically since my beginning walk into the Light and it amazes me continually how deep we need to get into the Core of our Beings.  This will continue for each of us because there is no end of our depth when we acknowledge the world of Mastery.  It is why I chose to go deeper into my own essence a very long time ago.

I have been somewhat challenged on a physical level as it is the last of my bodies that needs to heal.  I struggled with staying on the Earth when my acceleration became so deep that I could have truly commanded my body to break down.  The way this could have happened was through an issue in my veins as the blood has a tendency to not pump upwards especially without exercise and sitting at a computer for hours causing Edema within my lower limbs.  I work with many healing essences and sustain the issue, but I never could get totally past the problem.  I know I am being guided to stay on this earth way beyond I ever thought possible in the hundreds of years and recently have been unsure how I could do so.

My partner, Mike, and I, living in Mt. Shasta also have a very strong connection to Lemuria which is why we live here now.  We also work with Lord Adama through our teachings along with the Team of Light.  Our life in Lemuria was beautiful but not so wonderful in the last 50 years.  We have realized all of this in the last 18 months of living here.  We both have had to look at our dark timelines and admit that we were not always the beautiful people we wanted to be.  That is our truth and it is true of every person on this planet.  In order to be in the Light you have to know the dark.  Joshua David Stone refers to this as ‘Walking in the Black Forest’.

Through the process of accelerating my energies I have a tendency to know when something of a lower frequency is trying to interfere in my consciousness.  Mike, my partner, is learning this also, but it is very acute with me.  Mt. Shasta is the Root Chakra of the Earth, and there are many levels of energies here.  We have been introduced to them all.  This is why we set up a Protection Protocol to assist ourselves and others in raising our vibrations to the 5th dimensional level so as not to be bothered by other energies.  I also have traveled here for over a decade helping to clear the lands so I understand truly about the diversity of life within the mountain.  It is my pathway to help clear Gaia and Mt. Shasta to allow the souls to rise to another level of existence.

This week I was to encounter another such energy but within the clearing, I was to learn about a timeline that would help to heal my entire body.  I usually take a clearing bath to make sure my aura is completely healed of any reflections of the lower energies and in doing so, I realized that what we had cleared is an energy that was a past timeline within my Etheric body.  During my days in Lemuria when changes were happening, I made a contract with an individual I thought I could trust to help the continent in its war-time state.  What I did not realize is that I was tricked as they had access to my spiritual awareness.  Any time that I would try to get to rise to a certain level, energies would try to stop me.  Due to my fear at that time, I inflected my legs with such fear and anguish that it would cause the veins to be restrictive creating a circulation problem.  I learned that I had this problem through my soul’s history so that my body was always out of balance as my spiritual pathway has always been my most important goal.  I am sure that I died many times in trying to achieve what I have this lifetime.

As I was working with my lower limbs, the emotions rose up within me.  I felt toxins and debris coming out of the legs (earlier that night Mike and I had done a detox for the legs which started this process).  The tears become very hysterical, and I knew instantly what had occurred.  I called upon the Unified Whole and traveled through the energies up to the 144th dimension.  I used the Violet Flame with St. Germain along with the Pink Flame.  I then saw a very strange individual and he was signing a contract that said I would never be bothered ever again by any lower forces or energies.  Master Thoth, Commander of the Unified Whole, explained to me what had occurred and told me that now the healing could happen, life would be different, and I could enjoy my spiritual achievements.  He thanked me deeply as I did not realize the extent of this healing for myself and others that I am associated with presently.  Evidently, this being was a huge overseer of many forces that the Earth has been under its control, and this healing for me was also a healing for Gaia.

The legs have improved dramatically.  I still have to utilize my healing techniques but I know that process will go smoothly with ease and grace.  I did not feel that previously.  I also feel differently.  I have been bothered by bad dreams in which I am fighting darkness and Mike has had to wake me back up into the present reality.  I learned that I no longer needed to be the Warrior of Light.  I have put down my weapons and stand fully as a Torch Bearer to assist others to do the same.  I commanded the Light energy to be within me and the timeline was removed instantaneously.  In place of the dis-ease I have received acceptance of Who I Am along with the ability to walk into the New Earth as a Torch Bearer showing others to do the same.

I believe that none of this would have been possible without the present activations of the Great Central Suns.  Each of us is being assisted to understand why we have been feeling at a loss or frustrated with the newer energies.  Until we surrender into the process,  we need to let go of the old feelings, and accept the Divine Light that is trying to be within us, then we will not have understanding within ourselves.

I hope my sharing helps just one person who is reading this material.  I was guided by Lord Adama to express the changes that have resulted within me by going deeper into myself.  I could not do it without the assistance of the Spiritual Hierarchy and all the wonderful masters that walk with me every moment.  I especially want to convey that my partner, Mike, also has been instrumental in the acceleration of Meleriessee.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee

Walking Terra

©2013 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the post in its entirety along with the link to this page.

We Are Now Angelic-Humans ~ New Moon Activation ~ Jan 11th, 2013

Snow Angel, NASA, 12.6.11

Today represents a very powerful activation during the New Moon cycle which occurred at 11:44 AM Pacific, 2:44 PM Eastern, and  7:44 PM UTC.  At the present moment, we are in the midst of this frequency.

The Unified Whole Command in the Frequency Update this week  shared that the energy on this date was being aligned with the Christ Consciousness we received on 12:21:12.  It will come in a different manner but will be the activation of our angelic self being fully integrated within the physical body.  It is a time for each of us to become more aware of our mutli-dimensional self within our existence which may be a challenge for some individuals.

How do we understand that we are angels and humans at the same time let alone being Star Seeds and Inter-Galactic Humans?  It is all happening right now in these present moments.  We are being asked to acknowledge the angelic part of our essence which is flowing and moves from moment-to moment without any worry or acknowledgement of what the feeling will bring within the physical body through our emotions or mental conditions.  I state conditions, because it represents that as humans we look as everything to have a cause and effect.  We more than often want proof of that energy to be manifest in our lives by trying to understand the entire process.  As we incorporate our angelic self we are being challenged to stop and allow the flow of the energy to move through our four-body system; as we start to realize that we cannot figure it out.  It is SO.

I awoke this morning know that there was more I needed to be doing in my life on this day.  A New Moon represents the creative process to flow through us and on this day, it is more than trying to manifest the physical elements to make our life better.  I felt these energies and decided to do a small workout of light cardio.  Doing the workout did not make a difference except to allow the frequency to move through me.  As I was sitting here contemplating, I realized that the vibrational change that happened through movement of my physical body is allowing my higher essence to flow into me.  I see the waves of light around my aura and thought I needed to eat (which I do); but then, it became more.  My life is guided in so many different directions by Spirit as it is so very pertinent to my work and the way that I live.  Today this has been very apparent to me that I needed to share these words.

The message I am feeling is to allow yourself to do some movements within your physical body.  It does not have to be strenuous.  It can be walking, dancing lightly, breathing, doing yoga or Pilates movements that will help your physical body to receive the angelic essence that wants to communicate and be with you.  I feel I am not fully communicating what needs to be said so I call upon the Elohim Councils of God for their assistance:

It is our pleasure in this moment to extend to each of you an understanding of the energies that are enfolding upon the planet at this time.  Due to the time element, we are already within the flow on the planet.  You may feel waves of light enfolding within you and around your physical body.  It is your Angelic Self awakening into your physical essence.  It represents joy, purity, love, and the highest expression of God’s love that you are enfolding within you.  It will also assist you in remembering the angelic essence that you were, the travels that you experienced, and the movements of creation that occurred during those timelines.

 Yes, you are receiving the timelines of your Angelic Presence to be fully activated within your physical bodies and lives.  But you must stop, and allow it to come within you.  First, the movements occur by remembering the Angelic Presence flowing from space-to-space.  See yourself dancing and actually create this action within your physical body.

 Then sit in silence and allow the essence to enfold within you.  The power of these moments will reflect within you all that you have been searching for.  The work that you have done on the angelic pathway is being ignited into your Being during this time frame.  It will last for three days through January 14th at the same exact time of 7:44 PM UTC.  Utilize these techniques for these three days and it will help you to create more elements in your life hat you have been desiring to have manifested within your existencel

 Working with these energies at this time will also allow the flow of the angelic light to be housed within Gaia so that all sentinent beings can receive their Divine Essence in a more accepting manner.  This activation represents the ability to house your angelic self that will bring you the power to create and move the energies through you in a different way than you ever experienced before.

 Those that are not aligned in receiving the activation will miss a wonderful opportunity.  So it is with this message that we ask each of you to do so not only for YOU but ALL OF HUMANITY.

 We have walked with you previously in Lemuria and other times.  We understand the connection of the Divine Presence within the physical body.  You are creating it within yourself to allow these frequencies to come into full existence of the New Earth.

 Be prepared for messages and allow them to flow.  You may receive advice on a certain project or creation that you want to bring forth within your life.  The power to create it is NOW.  Hold deeply to these frequencies, and you will see great change within your life.  The old timeline of forgetting your Angelic Self is now going to be gone.

We walk with each of you during this time of creation.  Thank you for accepting it.

We are the Elohim Councils of God hand-in-hand with each of you.

I would like to thank the Elohim Councils of Light for coming to me in this way today.  I knew I had a message to share.  Thank you so much for taking the time to listen not only to this message but your own Divine Angelic Self.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee Heliohah

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