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As we learn more about what true Ascension Mastery represents as an Initiate, it is important to allow your Higher Self help you to acknowledge what needs to be changed within you. 

The eight Ascension Quotients as brought forth by Dr. Joshua David Stone is a treasure map for the Initiate. It allows for the Intuitive Self to start to understand the process in which the Physical Self/Personality needs to acknowledge within their pathway. Without this truth to be revealed, then the Initiate cannot move forward through their Ascension levels. 

It is important to understand that as the Initiate you have taken on an oath to your physical self to be honest, courageous, patient, and forgiving to yourself. You have arrived into this pathway to help yourself to become more Spiritually attuned to your physical self. That is the first step in accepting the role of being an Initiate. 

There are many awakened individuals that will not be able to take on this role within themselves. The souls may not be ready to do so and need to work through other elements within their consciousness. But, the ones, that have taken on this responsibility are ready to allow their FourBody System (Physical-Etheric-Emotional-Concrete Mind) to work together cohesively as that has not been the case in previous lifetimes. Taking on this role take great courage and tenacity to walk through many doorways that have been closed off previously.  

That is why it is considered the most important pathway for higher acceleration. 

There is a misconception that occurs within many individuals that work with these energies. As there are seven initiations of the planetary level, it means that your FourBody System must go through each of the steps to attune those specific bodies into a higher consciousness.  

An individual can have the gift of intuitiveness, being able to meditate into the higher realms through the breath, and feel the divine energies in those moments of silence. But if a person does not ground those higher energies, releases the lower ego, and transforms the Etheric Self from the many timelines that have kept them in bondage, then that soul will stay within the lower initiations, usually the 2nd (Physical Body-Instinct), or the 3rd (Mastery over the Emotional Body through Feeling and Desire). 

The Initiate may not think they are in that lower initiation as they are able to connect to higher realms of light or feel a sense that they are achieving more than they have previously. This is so very true, but the Lower Self has a tendency of thinking that it is truly doing better than it is. 

It creates a false hope. 

We call this Consciousness “Ascension” which may cause the Initiate to feel as if they are in the higher levels without realizing that the true work still needs to be done within the Physical -Etheric (chakras) – Emotional – Mental (Concrete body) so that there can be a transference of light energy to be realized by each of these bodies. 

It isn’t until the Initiate truly walks with a higher level of Love and Light within them continuously on a 24-hour basis, that the Initiate has transcended the lower infractions in order to hold the higher frequencies of light. This is when the Carbon-Based Body starts to turn into the Light Body. 

This process is not an easy one as each of us knows, but imperative to be able to go beyond the 7th initiation. Again, we share that you can do so in your Higher Consciousness and that is why many Lightworkers may think they are holding this frequency of light within them.  

The important focus of this discussion is to relate to each of you how to truly understand your Inner Self and what needs to change in order to walk through the higher initiations. 

Learning to focus upon the Eight Ascension Quotients are essential as it will help you, as the Initiate, to ascertain within yourself what still needs to be worked upon. Each Initiate must have an understanding of each of these quotients; and that they need to be held beyond the 80% ratio on a continual basis no matter what your circumstances, good, bad, or indifferent. 

This is the huge challenge of Ascension Mastery ~ you can Ascend your Consciousness but until you learn that you have to Descend Your Highest Consciousness within the Four-Body System that as that Initiate you will not be holding your Higher Self, or I AM Presence that make up the 12 Light Bodies to be within you.

When the Initiate learns to do so, the transference of light within the system will change dramatically. You will think, feel, and act differently in each moment. When you have a challenge that you are faced with, you will find that your Higher Self Consciousness will help you to see the Divine Truth of the situation whether you as the Personality agrees or not. 

This is also when your chakras will shift as the debris from your past timelines is lodged within your Etheric Memory. The more that you acknowledge the Rays of God to be part of your meditative process the easier the journey will be. 

All of these elements are part of the eight Quotients of Ascension Mastery. 

The quotients you want to focus upon within you are: (1) Love Quotient; (2) Light Quotient; (3) Christ Consciousness Quotient; (4) Initiation Quotient; (5) Self Service and Self Spiritual Leadership Quotient; (6) Transcendence of your Negative Ego Quotient; (7) Psychological Wisdom Quotient; and (8) Integration and Balance of all the Quotients. 

As an Initiate, Descending the Higher Light Bodies within your consciousness will assist in all of these elements coming into a higher existence of Love and Light. It is essential for the process of Ascension Mastery; without it an Initiate will be challenged and not be able to transcend the negative ego, or the lower forms of existence that have been part of their consciousness. Within this journey, the Initiate will see that health and well being becomes a huge focus while there is a depth of healing that will be accessed through the process. 

Walking Terra Christa is holding their monthly public Mastery Class on the dynamics of the Eight Ascension Quotients with Lord Melchizedek and Lord Saint Germain. 

Lord Saint Germain will bring forth the dynamics of the Rays of God and how essential they are to help an Initiate to grow through each of the Initiations into full Mastery.  

Lord Melchizedek will discuss the challenges of not stepping into full mastery; what occurs for a Lightworker that insists on doing it their way instead of readying themselves for full mastery through the process of acknowledging the eight Ascension Quotients. 

There is a Q&A session with Lord Melchizedek to discuss your pathway associated with the quotient that needs the most assistance. 

Included also is a beginning meditation with Rev. Christine Mahlariessee with the 22 Rays of God within each of the chakras while learning to access the Higher Bodies of Light. 

We travel to the Golden Chamber of Melchizedek for an Ascension Activation Meditation which resides within the 24th Dimensional Level to receive an Invocation and Dispensation for your Chosen Quotient to be accelerated within your four-body system. 

If you have not taken any of the prior classes concerning each individual quotient, this class is an excellent instruction and a summary that will set the stage. For those who have taken some or all of the classes, this teaching will assist in developing a cohesive approach in your walk as an Initiate of Ascension.


LORD SAINT GERMAIN: Gives a broad instruction on the relationship of using the Rays of God – all 22 of them – to match up with the Eight Quotients thus giving an Initiate the ability to access the higher light vibrations within the Etheric Self (which is the holder of all vibrations good and bad). Lord Saint Germain, (as the Maha Cohan of the Seven Flames) will also speak individually with each live participant in a Q/A to delve into how to work with the chakras to go into a deeper level of accessing the Ray-Quotient dynamic for that person.

LORD MELCHIZEDEK: Assisting Initiates to develop an awareness of the challenges of not stepping into full mastery; what occurs for a Lightworker that insists on doing it their way instead of readying themselves for full mastery through the process of acknowledging the eight Ascension Quotients as an enthusiastic journey of Ascension. Lord Melchizedek, as the Father of Ascension Mastery  for all Initiates, will also personally speak to each live participant to bring into focus their individual quotient challenges and offer assistance.

Walking Terra Christa is holding this monthly Mastery Audio Class on Saturday, November 16th, 2019 at 10 AM Pacific. This teaching is also available as an AUDIO RECORDING.

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