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Tips for Celebrating Wesak – April 29, 2018

Wesak Festival with Walking Terra Christa

This year the Wesak Festival of Light of the Full Moon in Taurus occurs on April 29, 2018. In the Ascended Master Teachings it is considered the most auspicious day of the year.


Wesak is a time of celebration for many eastern traditions that follow the religious tenets of Buddhism in its many forms so they cannot only honor Buddha’s teachings but also remember to embody them in life.

Within Ascension Mastery studies, however, it is not simply a festival to mark and celebrate the day centuries ago when the man Siddhattha Gotama achieved enlightenment at the age of 80.

The Ascended Masters are considered the ones who are also Enlightened as they have traveled an earthly path of raising consciousness similar to Buddha within their own lifetime of study to attain a Higher Consciousness. So they, too, gather together to honor and celebrate the process of becoming enlightened within a physical body. Buddha holds the honorary position as being the first person who did this within the written historical records of humanity.

On the day of Wesak (Vesak), in the Wesak Valley of the Hollow/Inner Earth Etheric City of Shamballa, (which is etherically in the same location as Shamballa in the Himalayan Valley), these Masters gather by the hundreds and thousands to not just honor Buddha. Most importantly they honor all those humans who are striving now in their lives to attained the status of Enlightenment regardless of the particular format of Christed Consciousness teachings they undertake.

It is a single day in the year that all Ascended Beings of Light come together to celebrate that Blessing: as the pathway of just One Soul seeking Enlightenment is such a rare and magnificent gift to creation itself. Upon the earth, it is a tremendous gift to Gaia herself which can then be reflected upon all of Humanity.

Most importantly, for each of as seekers of the Highest Spiritual Truth, the community of the entire Hierarchy of the Brotherhood/Sisterhood of White Light of all Masters within the Unified Whole of Ascended Beings, are here to give those Blessings to each of us on this day as we also then bless ourselves by participating.


To best position your own pathway energetically, we have put together a list of the best ways to celebrate Wesak to honor Gaia, Humanity, the Ascended Masters, and yourself.

1. Make it a Sacred Day – If there ever was a day to take time to separate your consciousness from the daily distractions and influences of your secular life, this is that moment in time so that you can blend your consciousness more directly with the spiritual energies and higher frequencies of the entire community of Ascended Masters. Other than private secluded peaceful moments in nature, it is best to postpone and reschedule outside chores or meetings.

2. Set up a Sacred Space – Create a retreat like atmosphere in your own living space. It is suggested to use some or all of the following items:

– Fresh cut flowers or blooming plants
– Candles (preferably white)
– Incense (frankincense or similar)
– Ceremonial table coverings (golds, pinks, blues)
– Crystals (rose quartz, clear quartz, citrine, etc.)
– High frequency essential oils like Frankincense, Hyssop, Myrrh, Sandalwood, etc.
– Higher vibrational yet serene meditative music can also assists like sacred chanting and/orAum/Om music. (We always recommend the Thaddeus music foundat to set the right tone. Using some forms of classical music may be too mentally stimulating and certainly using pop music would be distracting and bring in conflicting energies.)
– Ringing bowls, bells, crystal bowls etc.
– Create an altar area that has images of Ascended Masters, Lord Buddha, Angels, etc. Place some of your items on the altar area also to represent offerings of blessings.
– We also encourage you to place a bowl of water on the Altar to be blessed energetically. If you are participating in a sacred ceremonial event for the Wesak Festival of Light, everyone may then drink this water at the end of the celebration as it is infused with the direct Blessings of the event itself and what is brought forward to each participant.

3. Be with Soul-Family – Gathering with like-minded individuals for a group meditative time together is most appropriate. The idea is to create an atmosphere that is special and unique for the day and the evening of Wesak. Preparing special healthy food and drink items ahead of time may also be helpful in creating a special event feeling. Everyone can contribute. As each person arrives in the ceremonial space you have created, it may be helpful to use sage or similar cleansing on their auric field and clothing.

This is exactly what we do at Walking Terra Christa even though we also engage in conducting a 3 hour Wesak Ceremonial Festival for others. Our own Sacred Space becomes charged with the Highest Frequencies of Light. In our event we bring in the invocations, prayers and Ascended Master channeled messages for everyone to receive. (Registration is required with a small donation of support for our annual event. You may download the audio to use in your own space if attending live is not possible).

We hope these suggestions assist. As an additional method of bringing in higher frequencies of light to set up your space, for those who also resonate with the energies of the Galactic Federation of Light with Lord Ashtar and Lord Sanada, setting up Ascension Column Pillars of Light is highly encouraged. Information and free instructions to do so can be found at Ascend.Earth.


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