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When Masters Meet in Shamballa

There is a place called Shamballa (Shambhala) in the Himalayas. Deep in the wilderness near western Tibet there is a massive pyramid shape that has a valley at its feet, a serene expanse called the Wesak Valley. Not all that far from the pass that lies far below the peak of the mountain, (Mount Kailash or “Kangrinpoche” in Tibetan), is a lake. Pilgrims seeking out the sacred mountain during the special festival of Wesak first will cleanse themselves in the pristine waters of Lake Manasarowar.

For them it is an extremely sacred event not to be missed or taken lightly. The vast majority of these pilgrims are Buddhist. But this is a Festival of Light that extends far beyond the devout practices of any religious doctrine or practice.

It is a time when the veil between dimensions becomes the thinnest of any time of the year. For seekers of spiritual truth that desire to attain the best and highest good for themselves and the entire human race, there is no other ceremony that compares.

“Below” the viewable Wesak Valley, there is also an Inner Earth, Fifth Dimensional Realm of Shamballa, and this is where once a year the Masters themselves meet to receive these sacred energies as well as upon the upper earth.

Within the teachings of Ascension Mastery (The Wisdom of the Ascended Masters) attending and participating in a Spiritual Festival Ceremony for “Wesak” or “Vesak” is of the highest desire as it provides the best possible opportunity to receive Divine Blessings. So both Initiates and Ascended Masters on the inner and outer plane celebrate this powerful time. Lord Buddha represents the expression of the Wisdom of God, the embodiment of light and divine purpose.

To participate directly in these sacred blessings and spiritual gifts is a rare opportunity for anyone and it it our goal at Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery to bring that opportunity to your doorstep. With modern internet technology it is now easier than ever, as the pure sacred energies can be transmitted directly to every participant. Walking Terra Christa’s spiritual leaders have been designated by Ascended Master Djwhal Khul as his official spokesbeings upon earth. He foretold of making such a selection in the Alice Bailey material.

What makes our Ascended Master Teachings so unique among the many others to have received this designation by Master Djwhal Khul is that we bring forth present day (current) teachings with the highest degree of accuracy and purity for today’s complicated modern day life so that those who use or works can get the best possible advantage.

Believe us when we tell you that finding the right vibration to actually be able to utilize these teachings properly in your life is no different than for every other endeavor that humanity undertakes. Human pursuits are fraught with many different interpretations and energies regardless of the subject matter. In other words, do you find in the current world that all paths of religion, positions in politics, or even individual governmental or private industry leaders are all the same? Obviously, they are certainly not. Ascension Master teachings are no exception and have many differing interpretations and focus.

What we at Walking Terra Christa are spiritually advanced at understanding is effectively separating what is most useful for us today from what is just lesser trapping of historical importance, (meaning what was important to a soul living in 1888 to understand and advance within the Ascended Master Teachings is not quite the same today as it was then. A great deal has changed!) This actually also holds true for souls who practiced Ascension in the more modern day circa the 1980’s and 90’s, as with the incoming new energies of this 21st century, especially due to the changes in higher cosmic rays (The Rays of God), spiritual speaking and in terms of raising consciousnesses quite a lot has shifted given the occurrence of the 2012 gateway.

However, there is also now much more potential for mistakes regarding pursuit of higher understandings. Along with such a profound event as the 2012 was, for spiritual seekers, there also comes with it a great and widespread growth of lesser or misleading interpretations of what exactly 2012 did for humanity and the correct means for how humanity can take full advantage of it spiritually. In our opinion, there are now immeasurably more avenues for becoming “lost” as a soul in this lifetime, tragically simply due to the vast proliferation via the Internet of so called “New Age” materials and sources that one easily comes across today.

In days gone by one had to meet physically with another person to undertake such a lofty practice of learning and study in Ascension Mastery. Today there are literally hundreds of thousands of individuals who portray themselves as being an expert when in fact they may be misguided or not even aware of what they are lacking in understanding.

So our goal is to avoid all that for you by providing proper Wesak energies and understandings.

The purpose of Wesak is:

1. The releasing of certain transmissions of energy to humanity that will stimulate the Spirit of Love, Brotherhood, and Goodwill.

2. The fusion of all men and women of goodwill into a responsive, integrated whole.

3. The invocation and response from certain cosmic beings if prior goals are achieved

Wesak is a time of great renewal and celebration. It represents the “force of enlightenment”. These energies are affected within our educational movements, values, literature, publishing, writers, and speakers on the entire planet. The power of these energies is so great that large groups of people gather around the world to participate in these energies.

Every individual upon the planet is affected by the Wesak energies; it assists initiates of all levels to move to another level of their initiation process so there can be times of great challenges that push each of us into a new aspect of our soul’s essence. It is a time to connect with others, share your gifts, love, and generosity of spirit.

For those that take part actively in the ceremony, it is the direct receiving of the higher frequencies of light vibrations that brings forth a profound state of being. The energies allow for the possibility for the initiate to gain special dispensation and advancements within their individual Ascension process.

In the words of Dr. Joshua David Stone (now Ascended Master Joshua Stone) who held this Festival to be the most advantageous of all,

No cost is too great to pay in order to be of use to the Spiritual Hierarchy (Ascended Masters) as the time of the full moon in May, the Wesak Festival. No price is too high to gain the spiritual illumination that can be possible at that time, Namasté.”

He was referencing the “cost” both mentally and emotionally of setting aside the desire to be firmly planted in one’s current material/physical lifestyle and almost literally forcing oneself to step into a deeper soul/spiritual connection, especially at the time of WESAK. It is nothing other than fully connecting to your “Christ Consciousness” in a manner that simply cannot be achieved on your own!

As Lord Adama, a living Ascended Master and High Priest of Telos has stated:

Changes are happening everywhere, and now is the time to fully understand within yourself how to best get through the next phase of your development. The Wesak energies are so very powerful but this year there is an unprecedented amount of energies due to more individuals awakening upon the planet. Every person that feels something different about themselves will experience this Wesak within their consciousness. They may not know what it is they are feeling but it definitely is creating change within their thoughts and feelings.

In this moment I ask of you, “What is it that you are feeling differently within your emotional and mental bodies that are coming to the surface?” It is a period of great reflection. As we, as initiates and Ascended Masters, go through a transitionary phase, we must take moments of understanding the process within the conscious mind. You see, this is not always something that individuals within the human body think about as it is a reflection within their dreams or meditative state. But that needs to change. We need to acknowledge within the physical self what the spiritual self is going through in order to transition into the full body system.

If every individual person could do this process on a daily basis, they would find that the integration of their Higher Self into the Physical Self would be a much softer and gentler process. We are consistently going through initiation processes as a human. It is designed from our Higher Self to allow the Physical Self to remember the soul contracts and timelines that are important to be integrated through the present lifetime. If an individual allows the lower self to stay intact, then the higher self cannot orchestrate the energies for the pathway to be opened into an awakening state. It also depends upon the work that is done in between lifetimes within the Inner Plane Existence and how much an individual will allow themselves to remember the most important elements for their spiritual advancement. So every time an individual goes through a trauma, a challenge, or a life experience that is challenging, these are considered initiations to prepare the physical self to look more within themselves for a deeper meaning along with understanding the entire process.

So this Wesak Moon will be reflected within each individual person upon the planet. It is a time for individuals to move into a higher essence of their spiritual awakening whether they are awakened or asleep. Initiates that have already awakened on the path will help themselves on a deeper level by taking this time to do some self reflection, i.e., what needs to change, how they are feeling, what is their life like, what do they need to be better for themselves, etc. Each step in the initiation process takes each individual into a deeper part of themselves to become the Reality of God. It is the plan in Divine Order to allow this essence to be the defining rule of ascension within the Earth.

I share this knowledge as I think it is very important for individuals upon this pathway to understand what they are going through. You are not different from one another; just accepting yourself in a different manner by the depth of your soul’s capacity to get into the core essence of your Beingness.

Know that you are being prepared at this time for the Wesak energies… the focus for enlightenment and acceleration to be accepted within the planet of GAIA. She is preparing to receive her full embracement of the Divine Feminine and Masculine essence to prepare for her acceleration. Every human being is doing the same whether they realize it or not.

Prepare, prepare, prepare by understanding who you are now so that you can move forward with ease and grace. Ascension is the process of de-accelerating the energies within the physical creation. Allow this energy to help you through this process by understanding what you are experiencing presently is for the good of your enfoldment within this planet and your Soul speaking to you in a way it never has done before.


If you have never experienced participating in a Wesak Festival with us, it is a time to prepare and set aside the material energies and influences of life as best that you can. Make the day of the ceremony sacred for yourself. Turn of your phones and computers so you are not disturbed and place yourself in the stillness of a contemplative meditative state. Burn incense, candles and play soft music that raises your vibration (that is, no words unless it is sacred chanting or spiritual prayers).

We really strongly encourage LIVE ATTENDANCE even if your local time is at night for the highest energies! If you are not able to do so, as long as you get time to listen to our 3 hour Festival of transmissions from the Ascended Masters, with the sacred Wesak prayers and invocations, the energies will be felt for your soul’s growth.

Note: You do not need to attend the event Live when it happens, but of course for those that can, it connects you MUCH MORE powerfully within the collective Oneness, and it also helps the Spiritual Hierarchy to ground and spread the energies upon Gaia even more within your spiritual connection to them through the event itself.


May the BLESSINGS OF THIS WESAK embrace your Heart and Soul!
~ Rev. Mahlariessee and Rev. Ara of Walking Terra Christa

ALSO: please share the link to this article in your groups and on social media so others can learn about the importance of the WALKING TERRA CHRISTA ANNUAL VIBRATORY ASCENSION MASTERY WESAK FESTIVAL CEREMONY!

Becoming Love to Transform the Self ~ May 2020 Wesak Festival of Lights ~ Master Djwhal Khul

Wesak Ascension Mastery Message of the Spiritual Meaning of the May 2020 accelerations with Master Djwhal Khul as brought forth by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden.

We now arrive at the juncture of the Full Moon of Scorpio within the Sun of Taurus which occurs on May 7th, 2020 at 12:45 AM Pacific, 3:45 AM Eastern, and 7:45 AM GMT.

This is a very exciting time as all of humanity has the grand opportunity to become One with each of the Ascended Masters and Beings of Light. The full moon of Scorpio within Taurus brings to us the ability to allow for the essence of Self Love to become ever present within our consciousness. It is a time of transition as Scorpio brings the essence of breaking things apart – the parts of ourselves that no longer need to exist as the Taurus energy allows for the transformation to occur.

In a sense we are in the state of Transmutation into Transformation allowing for the foundation of our physical self to be recreated as nothing will never be the same again. The way that we lived our lives are being molded into a better sense of our spiritual self being the guiding energy instead of the physical consciousness ruling the way that we exist upon the earth.

This state of change can erupt and cause havoc if you, as a soul, fights the process. I believe that with the Coronavirus Pandemic, that each of us individually has had to change the way that we exist upon this earth. For the awakened ones, it is a time to allow the Rebirthing process to become a mantra to continue this process.

The energetics of this Full Moon brings forth Divine Change in a positive manner as what we have desired to create can now become our reality if we Believe in the process of Divine Intervention. This means that our Spiritual Self, Higher Self and I Am Presence, are guiding each of us into a better part of our soul’s reality.

As this soul, we have traveled many lifetimes to get to a point that life becomes more aligned with the essence of the Light and not the dark. It is a time of great restructuring and creating a new foundation based on the Divine Love that we have always been a part of within our creation. This moon is giving us the gift of love in the form of full accessibility to become the Divine Self. It is no longer a perceived thought, but a true manifestation that can be acknowledged by stepping out of our old ways of thinking and feeling into a world that is supported and loved.

The beauty of the this moment in time is that the challenges every person has had to endure upon the planet have brought us to this juncture to reflect within ourselves of what is really sacred within our Hearts as it is possible to re-create our lives on what we are learning through the trials of all that is existing presently.

It truly can be a time of complete renewal with the alluring magical qualities to be ever present within our current life situations if we allow ourselves to step into the beauty of transformation that we are all experiencing through our physical, emotional, mental, and etheric consciousness. There is a sense of synergy occurring to allow all parts of ourselves to come into the state of Oneness within our Hearts.

I don’t think there has been a Taurus/Scorpio Moon cycle that has given so much hope for quite a long time. The planet is experiencing darkness, but it is also allowing the essence of Light to filter within each Soul’s Heart Center with Divine Love.

This Wesak Moon will prove to be completely aligned with the Heart and Will of God into the consciousness of humanity. The main focus of Wesak is to celebrate the birth and acceleration of Lord Buddha, our Planetary Logos as each Initiate and Ascended Being of Light arises to their new level of acceleration. In summary it represents the following energies:

    • Wesak is a time of great renewal and celebration. It represents the “Forces of Enlightenment“. These energies are affected within our educational movements, values, literature, publishing, writers, and speakers on the entire planet. The power of these energies is so great that it can affect many levels of awareness that are within each soul to step into a great reality within themselves.
    • Every individual upon the planet is affected by the Wesak energies; it assists initiates of all levels to move to another level of their initiation process so there can be times of great challenges that push each of us into a new aspect of our soul’s essence. It is a time to connect with others, share your gifts, love, and generosity of spirit.
    • All of the Ascended Masters and Beings of Light travel to Shamballa (located within the Inner Earth) to celebrate Lord Buddha and the entire God Force during this powerful time of light. It is important to fully take time to allow the energies to enfold within each person’s full body system, as it is an opportunity that should not be missed.

We cannot know within our own consciousness of how we will be affected by the energies of Wesak, the most important Ascension Festival of the year. But, what we can do is to surrender into the Divine Energies and allow the higher light emanations assist us to create the change that we desire by allowing our Feminine (Love) and Masculine (Will) to create the Wisdom of our own Power to become manifest within our reality.

Master Djwhal Khul’s Keynote for Wesak 2020

I allow the blessing of Wesak and the Full Moon and Sun of Scorpio and Taurus to give unto me the Divine Love and Will to be acknowledged through my walk upon the earth as I am supported and loved by the Ascended Beings of the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light.

Greetings My Dearest Friends,

I Am Master Djwhal Khul, Ray Chohan for Love and Wisdom, desiring to extend unto you my blessing of Love unto each of you.

Of all Ascension Festivals of the year, the Wesak Festival is one in which all sentient beings from the Cosmic and Multi-Universal structures brings forth their service unto humanity while allowing their own soul essence to go through a restructuring process.

This allows the capability for each of you, as Initiates, to open up your Hearts into a new sense of experience so that you are able to walk into the next level of your consciousness and allow for the Divine Intervention of your own I AM Presence with your 12 Light Bodies to become the focal point of your consciousness.

The excitement is building within Shamballa for the Wesak Festival. We have been preparing for this most magical ceremony for many months. As we draw nearer to the day of the full moon, there are many elements that we put into place. It has been occurring since the Festival of the Christ and will continue into the Festival of Humanity. The important part of the energies is to allow yourself to step into the pathway of renewal so that the reconstructive process can occur within your full body system.

This moon of Scorpio and the sun of Taurus are in complete alignment. There is a sense within the planetary system that the Earth has struggled long and hard, and you have come into a high vibratory phase which has allowed each of you to ponder who you are and what you are becoming.

As the Initiates that walk on the Earth it is your job to be loving and strong within yourselves. Allow yourself to go through the phases of resurrection by purging the elements that you no longer need to hold onto. Step into the role of the Initiate that allows for the transmutation to occur so that you will step out into the Light victorious of what you have been holding unto. This process can be physical or emotional or mental depending upon what you need to purge out of your system. Your Etheric Body is going through a process of reorganization which occurs within the electrons of your system. It is a vibratory energy that may hold issues within the other bodies that need to be remove out of your system. Be strong within yourself as you uphold the best you can be as your four-body system is going through a process of rewiring and readjusting so that  your foundation (within your Earth Star) can hold the vibratory rate that is in alignment of the balance occurring within each of your chakras. Every one of them is being infused with more light energies so it is imperative for you to acknowledge the change that is occurring within you.

It is a time to allow the essence of your Spiritual Truth to guide you and to not falter away from those elements.

This may mean that you will realize untruths arising out of your consciousness that you have held within yourself as the alignment process is continuing within your full body system.

This period of time with the Wesak Moon is more powerful than ever before. The changes that can result within you will be due to the process of you aligning with the higher truth and accepting the lower self to go through a healing process unmatched by anything else you have experienced.

Allow yourself to look into the mirror of your reflection, notice what is changing, accept that change, and embrace it as this process is important. What you don’t embrace cannot be grounded within you so you must allow the Divine Energies presently to help you with your untruths so that you, as the Soul, becomes more aligned with all that you are within yourself than you ever have before.

GAIA is awakened to all of your energies. The most important gift you can give to her is to hold this transference of light to become more illuminated within you so that she also can strive to make the necessary adjustments within her reality.

As you can see, each living creature within and upon the Earth is going through this process of transformation. It is a beautiful time; look to the horizon of the blessing being given to you and you will align with only the acceptance of the change, and not with the difficulty it takes to move the elements from your system.

I thank you, as an Initiate, to walk with each of us as you learn to master the elements within your world and hold the highest reflection of the Higher Hosts of Divine Light.

I Am Master Djwhal Khul, at your service.

Walking Terra Christa annual SPIRITUAL WESAK FESTIVAL from MOUNT SHASTA was held May 9th. Pure authentic guidance and participation of the actual Wesak Ceremony held on the inner planes each year for all Initiates and Masters of Ascension. Hosted by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee (Ordained personally by Dr. Joshua David Stone) and Rev. Michael Ara of Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. We gather as spiritual beings to honor Lord Buddha’s ascension by collectively sharing in the profound and highest spiritual festival of the year: WESAK. Join this annual event for Planetary Invocations, Prayers, the Wesak Decree, and to hear the pure Divine Integrated Messages from the Masters. This event is a 3+ hour Ceremony of Light and Love within the Ascension Mastery Teachings as originated by Dr. Joshua David Stone in 1995 in Mount Shasta California.


LATEST MEDITATION: We also created a special NEW SPIRITUAL HEALING Meditation that is 48 minutes long for very deep cleansing and protection. CLICK HERE TO read more about the topic or to order.

 To help heal others, pleases comment and share/post this article on social media.

© 2003-2020 Walking Terra Christa and Divine Language Network.

In High Service to Earth’s Ascension: A Call for Strength in Collective Oneness

2020 Create Oneness with Walking Terra Christa

SEEKING INDIVIDUALS OF HIGHER SERVICE: A Grand Opportunity to Blend Your Energies as One Force of Light to Support Earth’s Ascension in 2020

2020 brings forth a very special frequency of Cosmic light. It is the manifestation of the promise for Humanity to now incorporate the duel vibration of both Collective Ascension and Collective Mastery.

The year 2020 matters. It holds the full enactment of true partnership, teamwork and the ability to step into a much deeper form of coexistence as it is a recursive vibration of a 2 and a 2 set within the zero point frequency of creation, which now extends to each of us a vast opportunity to maximize any creative endeavor we undertake, especially if we do it as a collective consciousness.

As a powerful “22” Master Number, it represents not only a call to follow our highest form of Spirituality in Oneness but to translate that frequency we exhibit into the Spiritual Action of Oneness.

The Cosmic Light from the Creative Source of Oneness exists for all of Earth and is going to be received upon her to the extent that each living soul chooses to personally embody these higher frequencies. Cosmic Energies of the Higher Frequencies of Light are always expanding. If you can imagine a continuous spiraling vortex of energies that originates in the center of creation and extends outward throughout time and space, gaining both momentum and vibration with each wave of light, then you can understand that it is an all encompassing force that has the ability to reach every living soul.

It can be received as a passive energy from the God Force that helps earth and her inhabitants just as the Sun helps bring living energy each day, or it can be done as an Active Conscious choice to firmly ground and become those higher frequencies.

This second way of proceeding is where the strength and power being created is much greater as it is achieved through a true partnership of Will: your personal Will and the Will of the Cosmos become Spiritually Aligned. Stepping into the role of becoming part of the Ascension Ambassador Spiritual Service is the highest recognition to harness that Will into becoming the power and strength through a physical manifestation.

At this important and unprecedented juncture of our evolution, the Hierarchy of the Spiritual Beings supporting Earth and Humanity in full partnership with Walking Terra Christa are now extending a great call to action for those individuals who are of the highest alignment with creating a New Earth of a higher dimensional frequency of light. It is a resounding call for those that know a 5th dimensional New Earth is an Earth of the Higher Spiritual Truth of Oneness.

Introducing a SPIRITUAL SERVICE opportunity of the highest order for 2020 and beyond:
The Ambassador of Ascension Spiritual Service


The Global (online) WESAK FESTIVAL OF LIGHT is today at 9 AM Pacific Time

Online 2018 Global Ascended Master Wesak Festival April 29 by Walking Terra Christa

~ The Highest Ascended Master Frequencies of the Year ~

Where: GLOBAL ACCESS – Online or via Phone Conferencing (or get the recording to use yourself afterwards) .
Admission: REQUESTED DONATION – $22 and up.
Format: LIVE AUDIO participation or via AUDIO RECORDING.
Optional Workshop: 2-DAY In Depth Ascension Mastery Training to enhance the WESAK energies in your life (may also be used anytime after the WESAK EVENT for in depth personal Ascension training).



Due to the Spiritual significance (and magnificence ) of the 2018 energies, we invite everyone to participate in our Wesak Ceremonial Event which uniquely brings forth the Highest Light Frequencies of the Year of the Christ Consciousness to be within each of us individual. It is a moment in time of great potential to all who are able to do participate.

We can honestly share with you that our specific training within the process of Ascension, for ourselves, is what has enabled and brought us into alignment with these energies like no other form of teachings or trainings currently upon earth are able to do. If there was ever a time you were personally wondering or thinking about these higher energies, this is the one event of the year that gives you the highest potential to embrace them yourself. Attending live is encourage even if you are up in the middle of the night from across the world as many of our family of light choose to do that. However please know, the audio we provide does not lessen the intensity of light frequencies you recieve if that is your only means to participate.

For individuals that are deeply invested in their Spiritual Ascension process, we are also holding an Online 2-day Interactive Audio Conference Workshop (available in english worldwide) with the Ascended Masters. Click here for more detailed information.

The Light of Wesak ~ April 29th, 2018 Festival of Lights ~ Master Djwhal Khul

Ascension Mastery Message for the Wesak Festival of Lights Full Moon of Scorpio in Sun of Taurus. Channeled transmission by Rev. Christine Meleriessee of Walking Terra Christa. 

We have now arrived into the movement of the Wesak Moon which falls in Scorpio within the sun of Taurus. This occurs on April 29th, 2018 at 5:58 PM Pacific, 8:58 PM Eastern, and 12:58 GMT.

Master Djwhal Khul’s Keynote for April 29th:

I now open my eyes to see the Old Self dying away to make room for the Wesak Light shining upon me.

The Sun of Taurus represents the grounding force of the Earth in relation to material possessions, security, and everything connected to physicality whereas the Moon of Scorpio is about destruction of those forms to bring about transformation. Taurus is about our physical consciousness and Scorpio brings forth the Spiritual Consciousness of the Higher Self.

This is so very appropriate for the energies of Wesak as it represents a time of Resurrection (begun with the Festival of the Christ, March 31st Full Moon) as we allow for the Re-Birth to occur in our consciousness and lives. This is when we start to access new parts of ourselves so that we can stand on a new level of understanding as the Spiritual Self becomes more involved within the physical walk upon this Earth.

This moon represents Transformation as it is allowing for the ideas that have been formulating within our higher consciousness to become more of a reality.

It is a perfect occurrence with the spiritual understanding of what Wesak represents for all of humanity. It is a time to allow the old consciousness to be broken apart in order to see and feel for the first time, a new order to be realized within an individual’s life.

It is now time to share outside of ourselves what has been building up for quite some time. It also brings forth a sense of stability within the planetary alignment. The inner work that you have been doing can now come to a state of fruition. It is a time to stand at the next level of your acceleration and accept that you have traveled far to reach a new space within your foundation. It is a time of illumination of what you have achieved.

It is very exciting to see that the planetary phases of this cycle are so representative of the Wesak energies. Each year we come to this point where Wesak represents standing with each of the Ascended Masters in Shamballa to be in ceremony for what we have achieved and receiving assistance with continuing our journey with a new sense of honor within ourselves.

This moon cycle is supporting those energies in a new and different way. It is a time to allow the Emotional Body to become more balanced and focused bringing forth the Feminine Divine in a new and completely different way of existence.

As this year is representing Mastery 2 ­- 0 -­ 1 -­ 8 adds up to “11”, this Moon of Wesak is truly assisting each individual to come into a space of “we have arrived”.  The challenges that every person has experienced since the beginning of this year is now being rewarded energetically. This cycle is showing us that success can now be realized through the determination that we have incorporated within our lives.

Each of the moon phases are part of this present cycle as they have helped us to truly “step up to the plate” so to speak. Every soul has been challenged in many different ways, but yet at this time, it is important to look at what you have achieved and allow the feeling of success to become a concrete part of your reality. The process of grieving the old emotional trauma is an important element to embrace. In fact, it is an essential component of allowing the Rebirth experience to occur.

As we move into the Wesak energies, it is reflective of how we are pushed energetically into a new sense of ourselves. The Heart of God is shining upon the planet bringing forth the next stage of acceleration to each of us with compassion, love, and understanding that we have traveled far to get to this space of understanding within ourselves. We now stand with the Forces of Light, the Brotherhood/Sisterhood of White Light, as we aspire within ourselves to accept a new part of our divinity to be our Divine Truth.

This is different for each person depending upon where they are in their spiritual development but not one soul is left out of this equation. It does not matter if they are awakened or enlightened. The important element is to realize that our soul, our light essence, can now be enhanced further in the development of our walk upon the Earth.

It is a time when we are given the opportunity to become our Buddhic Self as this moon cycle is truly assisting in this endeavor.  

As teachers of Mastery, we have seen our students transform elements in the last month that were hidden from view previously. The work we are doing with the higher accelerations within our classes are truly assisted individuals to rise above their difficulties and step into a new part of reality within themselves. I believe this is part of what is being provided to us by the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Unified Whole as it is a time of all Beings to come together in Love and Harmony.

The Festival of the Christ was so very powerful to allow this exchange of energy to occur. We truly have been gifted this year by the miraculous energies that we are experiencing. It has been a time of Death and Rebirth, but we are being assisted tremendously with Love to be able to move through the dying of the Old Self. It is an essential process in order to accept the Higher Consciousness, Higher Self and Higher Mind to be the focal point within an Initiate’s pathway. It cannot be achieved in any other way.

The Rainbow Arcs of Light through the Great Central Suns of the Solar, Universal, Multi-Universal, and Cosmic which ignited into the planet during the Equinox is bringing forth the Solar Flares and powerful energies to help each person on this planet to move into a new state of existence. It is continuing every day around the world to assist in the acceleration of Gaia and each of us planted upon her lands.

Additionally, the Ray of the Divine Mind or known as the Science of God within the Green-Golden-White Flame is now being initiated into the core of Gaia which is a huge movement for this planet. This ray represents Divine Truth with the ability to allow the invocation of Concentration and Consecration to assist an individual’s pathway of light to release the Harmony of the Spheres to be experienced. This will happen on the Full Moon of Wesak which means the Divine Mind of every soul can be accessed through the exchange of these energies. It is very exciting as now all the Seven Flames or Rays of God have been initiated into the planet, and we know that is another reason why we are experiencing such powerful surges of light.

To take full advantage of these energies we suggest being in ceremony during this Full Moon of Wesak as the incoming energies will assist to bring forth the balance and desired rebirthing experience. Give forth intentions to the Spiritual Hierarchy with in the Unified Whole Command to assist you to incorporate the next level of acceleration that you desire to hold within your life and your consciousness. Walking Terra Christa offers a three-hour ceremony on April 29th, 2018 at 9 AM Pacific. Please click the link to learn how to join us LIVE or listen in our own time frame via the event audio recording.

The WESAK event is considered the most sacred annual festival for the innerplane Ascended Masters. The transmitted energies and blessings are the Highest of the Year for all who attend which is directly in the tradition of Master (Dr.) Joshua David Stone who popularized the Sacred Spiritual Wesak Ceremony in Mount Shasta starting in the 90’s. Reverend Meleriessee and Reverend Aranathanara are in a direct succession of those energies as Rev. Meleriessee was ordained through Dr. Stone in 2003 under the Melchizedek Light Synthesis Academy/ULC and she then officiated for Rev. Ara in 2014 here in Mount Shasta.

In keeping with this 23 year long “tradition”, the Spiritual Wesak Ceremony is still conducted upon the geographical area of Mount Shasta as she holds the attention as the Ascension Capital of Earth. It is available worldwide for those who desire to attend LIVE via global online audio conferencing, or the AUDIO ceremony can be used afterwards in your own location to connect to the Divine Energies of Light.   

Master Djwhal Khul’s Message for Wesak:

Greetings My Dearest Beloveds,

It is my pleasure to connect with each of you at this very auspicious time of Wesak. I come to you within the essence of Master Djwhal Khul, Ray Chohan for the Ray of Love and Wisdom.

It is a very powerful time, and I know it seems as if this is the mantra of this year. The energetics of the planetary systems are truly coming into alignment to allow for more accelerated energies to assist each of you to come into a new space of understanding. It is imperative that no one stands still at this time. Evolution is occurring and if a soul does not allow themselves to grow and be all they can be, then they will get lost in the confusion of this movement.

This Wesak brings to you, of the Planetary Level, and each of us within the Higher Realms of Light, a grand opportunity to move further into the development of our consciousness to become One Reality of Light.

There is a wave of excitement and anticipation as each of us is readying for this grand event. This year has proved to be one of information and openness as many people upon the planet are realizing that things cannot go one the way it has been. The integration of the Divine Feminine must be realized but within this process the Divine Masculine must also be part of the equation.

The masculine energy of the planet has been so strong that the feminine essence has not had the time to show her power. Instead she has been kept in silence or behind closed doors. Many times, in the history of this planet the feminine essence spoke aloud and showed their voices, but yet the masculine was always the more controlling agent in the equation.

It is at this time that the masculine essence is realizing that healing must occur in order for the feminine to be the initiator of the energies. We are seeing this in many men across the globe; there is great healing that is occurring because of the onset of these energies everyone is feeling.

This Wesak represents the Feminine and the Masculine Divine coming more fully into alignment. They are looking at one another and realizing that they truly did not know each other, but just assumed that everything was fine the way that it was. Everyone on the planet knows differently know.

The moon of Scorpio in the Sun of Taurus is truly a meeting of the Feminine (Scorpio-Moon Essence) and the Masculine (Taurus-Sun Essence). They are coming together to bring elements into balance – they look at one another and see aspects that are reflective and others that are different. It is a time to truly accept differences and alignments to occur so that harmony can be the defining factor.

This is exactly where the current energies are coming into alliance. It is a meeting of the Higher Minds with the Higher Hearts to allow for a communication to exist. The death of the old must die in order to survive in these higher frequencies of light as they represent the alliance of the Masculine and Feminine.

As the Rainbow Arcs of Light are coming into the planet, it is bringing forth this alliance that is in balance, so it causes individuals to act accordingly to that entrance of acceleration.

The Wesak Moon is the movement of a relationship to occur within each person that represents the Divine Love, Divine Power to be realized. All that you have experienced up to this point is bringing forth that alignment to become a reality within your own consciousness.

If you are an Initiate that is diligent about your pathway, this event of Wesak will assist you like no other event of the year. We all look forward to this time of the Taurus Moon as it allows each of us to be rewarded for our efforts of this year. Each of us within the Spiritual Hierarchy and each of you within the Planetary Ascension Process come together in unison to be supported and honored in a way that only can occur through the light infractions given to us by Divine Mother Father God.

I cannot say enough about this Wesak as it is all encompassing and powerful for each of us. I implore each of you to take time this Sunday on the 29th of April to experience the event of your life experience for 2018. I do not think that you will be disappointed as each of us are readying ourselves to walk with each of you.

In Divine Love,

I Am Master Djwhal Khul

Integrative Channel:  Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

If you are interested in bringing in these higher spiritual energies during a ceremony, click here to read about the Walking Terra Christa Wesak Ceremony event (a global online or via audio recording* conference 3 hour ceremony of blessings, prayers, invocations and messages from the Ascended Masters) as was the format organized through Master (Dr.) Joshua David Stone. *Recording available after the event concludes.





Online 2018 Global Ascended Master Wesak Festival April 29 by Walking Terra Christa

~ The Highest Ascended Master Frequencies of the Year ~

“The Wesak Energies from this Festival of Light will assist in your Spiritual Connection throughout the year and through to next Wesak!
– Listening is Highly Recommended for all who can do so.”

Where: GLOBAL ACCESS – Download the Audio
Admission: REQUESTED DONATION – $22 and up.
Optional Workshop: 2-DAY In Depth Ascension Mastery Training



Humanity is indeed awakening. Individuals are certainly becoming more and more aware of themselves as Spiritual beings having a Physical experience. This awareness changes everything. It is the beginning ~ an opening of a doorway that enabled the birthing of a New Earth to get underway.


WESAK is a time for all of Humanity to Gain Advancement in their Spiritual Development as a Soul. Officially occurring on the Full Moon of Taurus each year, WESAK (or Vesak) is not limited to being a popular celebrated religious holiday (mostly in Buddhism), but is actually recognized by the Ascended Masters as the opportunity for all Initiates (Awakened Humans) to take on a significant personal boost in self-enlightenment for themselves.

While it may appear similar, THE WESAK FESTIVAL within the Mastery Teachings of the Ascended Masters holds forth a departure from the buddhist religious holiday as a time to celebrate through remembering and reflecting upon the life of Siddhattha Gotama and his future attainment of enlightenment at age 80 into becoming a Buddha. Instead, the Ascended Masters and Spiritual Hierarchy of the Sisterhood/Brotherhood of the Great White Light view this time of year as when all human souls participating in the actions of Ascension Mastery can gain more progress than at any other time of the year, in other words, it is truly more about one’s own pathway toward Enlightenment.

As most of our earth has seen, Activating the Spiritual Self at the HIGHEST and TRUEST levels possible is now the world’s greatest endeavor if we are to advance as a conscious species above our current dimensional bonds. Going DEEPER WITHIN due to the REALIZATION that we can do more in ways we never thought we needed to do is exactly what defines the Awakening stage of Spiritual Awareness as it makes the step into a Oneness Consciousness a New Way of Being.

This is the Opportunity that WESAK brings to everyone who is fortunate enough to participate in a High Frequency Ascended Master Spiritual Wesak Festival.

At Walking Terra Christa we take great precautions to insure the Highest Frequencies attainable upon earth are brought in through our Blessings and Transmission from the Ascended Master Realm of Light. We therefore have been told that our WESAK EVENT is ideally suited and everyone attending knows they receive the highest caliber of Christed Energies only.  

Those attending will receive the attunements and blessings from the Spiritual Masters and Ascended Light Beings who can assist us in co-creating these new vibrational frequencies within ourselves. WESAK is the time of year when all Spiritual Initiates gain specialize momentum to move through their spiritual training more quickly as a Soul.

This is the most powerful ceremonial gathering we do all year and it is one not to be missed by anyone desiring to create a NEW EARTH of ONENESS within the Spiritual Authority of the CREATIVE SOURCE OF ONENESS.

Wesak is a highly charged window of opportunity taking place during the period of the TAURUS FULL MOON to specially receive Divine Light of the Christed Ascended Masters.

Integrative Channeled messages will come from LORD BUDDHA, THE COSMIC GREAT CENTRAL SUN, LORD MAITREYA, LORD KUTHUMI, LORD MELCHIZEDEK, LORD SANAT KUMARA, LORD SANANDA, with the energies and blessings of many others including LORD SAINT GERMAIN (Mahachohan of the Seven Flames/Rays), and other MASTERS within the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Great White Brotherhood/Sisterhood of Light. 


ALL THAT IS: The Trinity of Love ◊ Wisdom ◊ Power Equates Your Fixed Design

WESAK 2018  ~ April 29, 2018

This year Wesak is once again going to prove to Lightworkers and Initiates around the globe how very important it is to continue the journey of being the Torchbearers of Light for this Earth within their Highest Spiritual ability.

What does this actually mean for us in the Year of Mastery?

Numerologically the “2-0-1-8” is an eleven year. Eleven is representative of “stepping into Mastery” or “being in Mastery”. In the teachings of Walking Terra Christa, we have been discussing and bringing forth the attunements of the Rainbow Arcs of Light that were ignited during the Equinox of March. This energy as we have shared represents all of the Great Central Suns of the Solar – Galactic – Universal – Multi-Universal – Cosmic Frequencies to bring forth their united essence of the 330 Spectrums of Light – that is, the Rays of God in One Source of Light.

As the Great Central Suns are uniting as One, the presentation of light for Wesak is also doing the same for humanity. As the I Am Presence of the God Force represents the Creative Source of Oneness, it is bringing forth the continuity of the light frequencies to work together in Oneness for Mastery.

This year the 5th Ray of the Science of God is joining the other six rays to be initiated into the core of Gaia. Never before has this happened upon the Earth which will help to open up the doorway unto every soul of this earth to be initiated with their own I Am Presence especially as they consciously act for it to occur. It will even assist those who are not aware.

This ray is classified as probably the most power and intensive flames of light as it brings forth the Love, Will, and Power of God’s Essence meaning Divine Mother and Father God as One unity of Light. It is reflective of the Higher Mind to be infused into the Physical Mind through the Third Eye representing Concentration and Consecration allowing the Harmony of the Spheres accessing all light forms to flow in and out of pure consciousness.

As the light of pure consciousness, an initiate is unable to access this ray in the physical human mind due to the fact that it represents the pathway of least resistance. What happens in the ascension process is that the opening consciousness of the physical self has such a strong hold on the reality of the personality that these light infractions do not penetrate on that level. A soul stepping unto this pathway does not have the life experience of a true master (as a true master of higher light does not require an earth body). That is why they are called Initiates. So accessing this higher light frequency from the God Source is about the physical personality self allowing for the potential to transform into something much grandeur. It is a process.

For this Wesak we are stepping into a whole new way of existing within the physical body as it goes through ascension. Learning to access the Divine Mind is being presented by the Rainbow Arcs of Light as this occurrence from the Great Central Sun is putting each soul into the perspective of “All That Is” representing the Creative Source of Oneness to become potentially much more significantly present in their spiritual awareness.

The power of these energies cannot be examined or critiqued from the third dimensional construct. In fact it cannot be acquired in the 5th dimensional construct but only from the 144th dimensional light forms. It is in a sense an energy exchange, not a physical reality.

The only way that we can explain it is to realize within yourself that you have stepped into a space of nothingness. There is no past, nor any future. It is in that moment of reality that you come into a new state of existence – one that you have never experienced before.

Fixed Design represents the contract that was created between you, as a Soul, and your Creator of what this lifetime would represent. Divine Mother Father God is a representative of the Creator and you as an incarnated soul represent the Office of the Christ directed through all space and time. Your role as an Initiate is challenged to help you acknowledge the pathway that you have chosen, which by the way you do not understand in your physical consciousness. It is only represented through the Divine Mind.

So the accessibility of the Ray of the Science of God is that open doorway for your consciousness to be opened to realize the potential you have as an Initiate into Mastery. The experiences you have, called lessons, through your ascension process is to help you realize that you do have a Divine Plan directed through your I AM Presence. Your Monad overlights these energies so that your Higher Self can be the intermediary or bridge from your I Am Presence which holds your Fixed Design directed from the Source of Light unto your Physical Consciousness. Thus, the ability to blend the Three Minds of the Superconscious into the Subconscious which allows the Physical Consciousness to be the blending element to be created.

The Soul and Monadic Mantra represents the Three Fold Flame, of the Love, Will, and Power. Fixed Design signifies this flame to be infused within the consciousness of each Initiate and to open up the possibilities of more light infractions to be received by humanity.

The Soul and Monadic Mantra

I am the Soul and the Monad,

I am the Light Divine,

I am Love,

I am Will,

I am Fixed Design.

As an initiate, your Fixed Design is very important. It is not something to understand from the physical mind, but it is very important to command through your Higher Self to fully embrace the possibility and finally the probability that you will understand your Fixed Design as a Master. The challenges that you experience with the many doorways on the physical plane is a direct reaction of that Fixed Design working through you via the energetics and light forms.

This Wesak is very special because through the Rainbow Arcs of Light the process of accepting one’s Fixed Design is the power to accept the reality of uncertainty through truth.

There is no question within the Higher Mind that this is the intention but to allow the Harmony of the Spheres bring forth the intention of Divine Truth to be acknowledged within the Physical Consciousness. This is how it enfolds within the Three Fold Personality.

The Fixed Design becomes the Power of the Three-Fold Flame to be acknowledged.

Without Power of the Trinity of Love and Wisdom the Fixed Design cannot be achieved.

So in this Wesak of 2018 the Office of the Christ through Lord Buddha is bringing forth the movement of light to be expressed through each individual initiate to realize the potential they have within themselves to fully accept without reservation or question that their Fixed Design is being put in place within their Three Fold Personality to allow the Super Consciousness to blend within the Subconscious into the Physical Consciousness so they all become intertwined and work within each other.

Due to the Spiritual significance (and magnificence ) of the 2018 energies, we invite everyone to participate in our Wesak Ceremonial Event which uniquely brings forth the Highest Light Frequencies of the Year of the Christ Consciousness to be within each of us individual. it is a moment in time of great potential to all who are able to do participate.

We can honestly share with you that our specific training within the process of Ascension, for ourselves, is what has enabled and brought us into alignment with these energies like no other form of teachings or trainings currently upon earth are able to do. If there was ever a time you were personally wondering or thinking about these higher energies, this is the one event of the year that gives you the highest potential to embrace them yourself. Attending live is encourage even if you are up in the middle of the night from across the world as many of our family of light chose to do that. However please know, the audio we provide does not lessen the intensity of light frequencies you recieve if that is your only means to participate.

For individuals that are deeply invested in their Spiritual Ascension process, we have a 2-day Interactive Audio Conference Workshop (available in English worldwide) with the Ascended Masters. Click here for more detailed information.


The Royal Teton Retreat will be open for the Winter Session, December 15th, 12:01 AM (your local time) which continues until January 14th, 11:59 PM. This is a very special doorway that opens up only twice a year to have direct contact with the amazing teachers we all admire and love. The Royal Teton Retreat is open to all initiates and students of Ascension Mastery to work with the Ascended Master, the Spiritual Hierarchy on the challenges that they are facing during the sessions of Summer and Winter (December 15th through January 14th). This is the only two times of the year that Initiates are able to spend time within the Retreat to work with the Masters on rectifying their karma, past issues, and present relationships that may be impeding their progress on the Ascension Mastery Pathway.


The Teton Retreat is considered to be the largest Etheric Ascended Master Retreat in North America. It is nestled within the Tetons Mountains of Wyoming, USA.

The Ascended Masters meet within the retreat on a monthly basis during a complete cycle of the moon energies to discuss how humanity is accepting the ascended master state of consciousness. Specifically they discuss how they can assist each aspirant Initiate who has consciously chosen to walk the Pathway of Ascension Mastery.

As Initiates always require encouragement and wisdom for understanding their life and soul lessons, how to walk through the challenges they encounter using their mastery, and accept the higher part of themselves to be grounded within their lives through the four-body system of the Physical, Etheric, Emotional, and Mental Levels. This process helps each initiate to learn how to accept their Higher Self and I Am Presence to be the ruling energies within their physical existence.

Twice a year during the Solstices the retreat is open publicly to all aspirants to meet more directly in their dream and meditative states with the beloved Masters and the Karmic Board to work on their current pathway.

Master Djwhal Khul is now considered the head Master for this retreat.

Many hundreds of years ago, it was Lord Lanto, who was the Ray Chohan of the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom, and led the Teton Retreat. In 1958 Master Confucius took over the role of the leader in the retreat; while Master Kuthumi, became the Ray Chohan of Love and Wisdom.

Both of these great masters walked alongside of Lord Lanto for generations of time.  Master Kuthumi left the post of the Ray of Love and Wisdom as he is now working with Lord Maitreya in the Office of the Christ; as he has become Lord Kuthumi.  Master Djwhal Khul assisted Master Kuthumi in the Ray of Love and Wisdom and in the last couple of years he has taken on the role of Ray Chohan with Master Joshua Stone who is assisting him in this role.

This gets confusing as Master Djwhal Khul is now the leader of the Teton Retreat.  In a previous incarnation he lived the life of Master Confucius so their soul essences have blended together within the Unified Whole energies.  So Master Confucius is not leaving the retreat, but is now an integrated energy with Master Djwhal being the Higher Self of his essence.  Lord Lanto is continuing to work within the retreat along with Master Hilarion representing the 5th Ray of the Science of God representing Divine Wisdom.  This ray is within the color of the Green merged with Gold and White.

The retreat is run by Master Djwhal Khul with Lord Lanto, and Master Hilarion as they are dedicated to the radiation, expansion, and manifestation of the Divine plan for this planet. The Karmic Board meets specially in the retreat twice a year at the winter and summer solstice to release new dispensations from the Alpha and Omega in order to respond to goodwill petitions from students within the mastery pathway.  They also meet monthly during the year in closed sessions only open to the Ascended Masters.

The Teton Retreat is representative of the Ray of Love & Wisdom with the Science of God.  It brings forth illumination of the Higher Mind into the Heart Essence (blending with the Lower Mind); the Science of God represents Divine Truth within the Higher Mind to be able to access Divine Wisdom.

Each of these masters represents amazing qualities of mastery that we need to incorporate within our pathways as initiates:

Mahachohan Lord Saint Germain – represents all of the Ray Chohans and Archangels within the retreat.  He acts as a guide for each initiate to join the retreat.

Master Djwhal Khul – Ray Chohan for the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom; he is considered a master psychologist to help initiates see a perspective of their Soul Psychology from the soul level instead of the human level.  His essence is now blended with Master Confucius who represents Truth, Justice, and Education of the Soul.

Master Lanto – Illumination of Heart’s Flame through the Golden Robe of Precipitation. He works with initiates to realize that the Heart is always receiving of the Golden essence representing illumination, understanding, and acceptance. It is a continual flow of Love to be received through the Divine.

Master Hilarion – Accessing Wisdom through Spiritual Truth. He is the Chohan for the fifth Ray of the Science of God.

The Karmic Board Members: Lady Portia (Goddess of Justice, spokesperson for the Board), the Goddess of Liberty, Lady Nada (Goddess of Love), Lady Pallas Athena (Goddess of Truth), Elohim Master Cyclopea (Concentration), Lady Quan Yin (Goddess of Mercy), and the Great Divine Director (Manu of the Seventh Root Race and Director of the Unified Whole Command along with his blended essence of both Master Thoth and Master Albert Einstein). In addition Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos, oversees all Initiate souls that are given permission to enter Telos after exiting the body. (Telos and all the Inner Earth Agartha Cities are Fifth Dimensional realms that are governed by the higher spiritual laws. Not all Inner Earth dwellings are part of the Agartha Network of Cities.)

Masters Djwhal Khul with Lord Lanto and Master Hilarion work with the Karmic Board, all Ray Chohans of the Seven Rays of God along with Mahachohan Saint Germain to listen and address each student’s request.  In addition the Seven Ray Archangels assist in the process.

1. Will & Power, El Morya, Elohim Masters Hercules & Amazonia, Archangels Michael & Faith – Deep Blue (Throat). Aspects:  Strength, courage, steadfastness, truthfulness, fearless, handling people, faith, protection, will, power.

2. Love & Wisdom, Master Djwhal Kuhl, Elohim Masters Apolla & Lumina, Archangels Jophiel & Christine – Golden Yellow (Crown). Aspects: Expansion of Mind, radiance of self, insight and intuition, loyalty, generosity, calm with endurance, serenity, love of truth

3. Active Intelligence, Master Paul the Venetian, Elohim Masters Heros & Amora, Archangels Chamuel & Charity – Deep Pink (Heart). Aspects:  Power to create, manifestation, mental illumination, perseverance, deep compassion, toleration and devotion of self love.

4. HARMONY & BALANCE  Master Serapis Bey, Elohim Masters Purity & Astrea, Archangels Gabriel & Hope – Crystalline Light (Root). Aspects:  Artistic development, resurrection, changing elements within oneself, God’s purity of light in thoughts and emotions, hope, fluidness of life.

5. Scientific Knowledge, Master Hilarion, Elohim Cyclopea & Virginia, Archangels Raphael & Mother Mary – Green mixed with Gold & White Light (Third Eye). Aspects: Open psychic abilities, harmony of spheres with Elohim & Archangels, flowing, research, unwavering patience, minute details, voice is being heard.

6. Inner Devotion, Lady Nada,  Elohim Masters Peace & Aloha, Archangels Uriel & Aurora – Ruby Red (Solar Plexus). Aspects:   Peace, forgiving love, grace, devotion to self, ascended master teachings.

7. Ceremonial Magic, Lady Portia, Elohim Masters Arcturus & Victoria, Archangels Zadkiel & Amethyst – Deep Purple (Sacral). Aspects:  Purification, transformation, invocation, refinement, structure in life with sacred living, ritual ceremony.

The retreat is open to all initiates for 30 days spanning December 15th (12:01 a.m.) through January 14th (11:59 p.m.).  It is a Divine opportunity to work more closely with the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light. It does not open again until November 15th (to December 14th).

The Brotherhood of the Teton Retreat provides assistance within an Initiate’s pathway with understanding, encouragement, scientific knowledge, and wisdom by each of these wonderful masters.  The main prerequisite is for the student to understand that his/her spiritual progress has to come from himself, rather than the Master.  Each of us are walking this earth in training to be the Ascended Masters of the New Earth Hierarchy.  Intending to travel to this retreat in One’s dreamstate and/or meditation state will truly assist in the process of their Divinity Upon this Earth.

What is the Karmic Board?

The Karmic Board consists of a group of Ascended Masters that oversee each soul’s evolution on planetary and soul levels.  The Karmic Board overlights the laws of the galaxy, as they apply to the planet, Earth and meets twice a year to consider petitions from the Brotherhood and unascended beings.  They are not only here to assist each of us but we can call upon them any time that we wish to assist in clearing away energies that are stopping us from having our full potential while in body.  They also meet monthly at the Grand Teton Retreat to assist initiates in their pathway but the work done in the six-day period is of a lesser degree than the twice-a-year conference.

The petitions that are backed by the largest amount of energy, have the greatest chance of being approved.  Generally, those petitions with the greatest amount of support from both the human kingdom and the ascended realm will be chosen.  Note that Cosmic Law is very strict.  It may not be superseded except under exceptional circumstances.  After consulting with Alpha and Omega, the Karmic Board renders a decision, which is final.

The Karmic Board opens up the Book of Life which is the summary of the experiences of the last embodiment for each individual who passed through the experience known as death.  The Book of Life shows how the individual used the energy of the last embodiment in a constructive way.  They examine each individual who wants to come back into embodiment and decides whether or not to grant the individual the opportunity to re-embody at a certain place or time.

The members of the Karmic Board are not Beings waiting to punish souls.  Their service to God is to assist individuals to be given the greatest opportunity for spiritual progress, to balance out their debts, and to complete their ascension process.  The Karmic Board is a merciful body of helpful intelligences, not to punish the bewildered souls.

They are here to assist us in various ways.  If you find that you are having issues with an individual bothering you psychically, you can put out a request to the Karmic Board to alleviate the interaction.  In addition, they are here to help remove any discordant chords that are impeding your progress for your Highest Good.  They will tell you exactly what can occur if the chords are removed.  In some cases, it may be previous lifetime connections and you may want to open up the doorway for a better relationship with this person.  Other times it could mean that the relationship would be severed.  They will communicate exactly what the consequences can be when the chords are removed.

To Access The Retreat During Your Sleep Or Meditative State, State Aloud This Decree:

I call upon the Unified Whole Command, of the 144th Dimension, to access my I AM Presence, Monad, and Higher Self, fully activating my Merkabah Vehicle of Light.

I fully request to travel to the Royal Teton Retreat within the Teton Mountains of Wyoming, USA.

I call upon Mahachohan Lord Saint Germain to guide me to the retreat so that I may meet with Master Djwhal Khul,  Lord Lanto, and Master Hilarion along with the Karmic Board and the Chohans, Elohim Masters, and Archangels of the Seven Rays to help me illuminate my Divine Heart Essence within my physical body.  I ask to allow the Christed Being that I AM to be fully acknowledged.

I present to these beautiful beings of light the following request(s) for the acceleration of my Mastery Pathway within my Physical Body.

State what you would like to focus upon:  ______________________.

So Mote It Be, in the Light of the Christ that I AM

We recommend our PREPARATION CLASS and the GUIDED MEDITATION for the best connection to the energies.

If you are connecting in your own meditation, here is some guidance of what the retreat looks like.  This information is excerpted from the I AM Series, “Unveiled Mysteries” in which Lord Saint Germain took Guy Ballard into the Teton Retreat.

The retreat is below a huge waterfall which is in front of Jenny Lake.  Call upon your Merkabah with the assistance of Saint Germain to take you to this spot.  Walk behind the waterfall and there is a huge elevator that is going to take you down about 1500 feet below the mountain.

As you walk from the elevator into the entrance hall, you meet up with Masters Djwhal Khul, Lanto, and Hilarion.  The flame of this retreat is an Emerald Green embossed with Golden and White hues.  Every initiate is given a beautiful robe that reflects these colors.

A soft white light floods the entire retreat. The walls of the retreat are composed of white onyx, blue and rose granite, and pure gold.

The audience hall or sanctuary is about 100 feet wide, 200 feet long and about 50 feet high, containing an arched ceiling. The great altar, which occupies the center of the vast audience chamber, rests upon a massive white marble base and is made of ivory. The base is square, four steps leading to the top on all four sides. On the altar blazes the Precipitation Flame and is the color of Chinese green with a golden radiance. The flame in the shape of a Calla Lily, rises to the top of the vaulted ceiling. Around the base of the altar are large golden plaques, depicting the history of mankind’s evolution, beginning with Archangel Michael’s descent to Earth, accompanied by members of the First Root Race.

The audience hall contains a large-sized panel, that is used as a Cosmic Screen, or Mirror. It is composed of precipitated material, of a mineral-type substance, not known on Earth. The panel is about 30’ high and 70’ long; it is velvety in texture and is deep indigo-blue color. On this cosmic mirror, live pictures, in all dimensions can be portrayed. Every past and present event can be made visible on this screen by a directing intelligence.

A magnificent cross of sparkling yellow diamonds adorns the ceiling of the audience hall of the Retreat.

There are seven beautiful antechambers surrounding the audience hall which are used for smaller conferences throughout the year. They can be opened to the audience hall by drawing back the golden-mesh curtains at the entrance. On each curtain is portrayed the figure of each of the great Archangels, along with his Divine Complement.

The retreat can be extended to encompass the entire Teton Range if necessary giving students the opportunity to meet and to express themselves in their inner bodies.

There is one room where a complete record of every civilization that has existed on earth is kept. The room is 80’ long, 40’ wide, and 20’high containing an arched ceiling. These records are on 8” wide ribbons of thin gold, alloyed with a material that makes them tough and pliable. Yet they are no thicker than ordinary writing paper. These ribbons contain embossed hieroglyphs and are wound on spindles, 10” in width.

There are a number of other rooms in which gold, jewels, and treasures are kept. They are to be used for future beneficial purpose. In addition, there are a number of council chambers and other rooms. In these rooms are stored musical instruments, art, inventions, and formulas, all prepared and ready to be given to mankind for use in the New Earth.

When it is time for you to leave, ask Lord Saint Germain to escort you back into your present location.

Blessings on a wonderful experience for the Teton Retreat.

If you want to have formal assistance from Walking Terra Christa for your Retreat visit preparations, read about our special Preparation Class and Guided Meditation to the retreat.

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Did you find this post educational for your higher understanding? Not able to enroll? Instead please consider supporting our work with a $3 donation for this article. Everyone reading this can help make a difference. We require public support to bring forth these important Ascension Mastery transmissions.


It’s SOULer Summer Time ~ Perfect for your Mastery

Photo image Mount Shasta from Lake Siskiyous, Mount Shasta CA (Shasta Cascade)

Make this Summer Your Time for Ascension Mastery Training. With the SUN comes the SOLAR ENERGY. That means HIGHER VIBRATIONS for the SOUL.

This is your perfect time to use a REAL ASCENSION TRAINING program. It is not a mashup of popular speakers or authors, it is plain and simply the direct HIGH VIBRATIONAL no-frills teachings of the Ascended Masters and Light Beings of the Spiritual Hierarchy.

For those who know the language of the Higher Spiritual meanings discovered through ASCENSION MASTERY, it is the Higher Dimensional Vibrational Frequency of Light that is arriving each moment within the SOLAR WINDS and the SUN’s RAYS (of God).

It is the realm of moving more into ONENESS ~ that is if you desire to make it happen. As true students or seekers of Ascension know, these energies MUST be grounded through our active acceptance. (And that is where the Higher Frequency rewards are gained).

Along with the arrival of Summer (in the Northern Hemisphere of Earth), now is the perfect moment to bring in MORE ASCENSION MOVEMENT within.

(In truth, what we are speaking of is not just about the sun’s summer brightness, but about your SOUL’s BRIGHTNESS.)

Have you been feeling it?

The INTENSITY of these energies has been PROFOUND. The more we can attune ourselves to these Higher Energies, the more ease and grace we can bring into out lives. The alternative can be quite disruptive, and MANY are feeling that effect.

Knowing that, it is our role as the advanced teachers to assist you and make it easier for you to learn.

We know our website is a maze of teachings and channelings that can be confusing to navigate. What training’s and meditations to order, and in what order to order them, well, it can be a daunting issue when faced with making choices.

That is why Walking Terra Christa is releasing a SUPER SUMMER SOUL-er ASCENSION MASTERY TRAINING PACKAGE. We took ALL of our BASIC and ESSENTIAL COURSES, and made them into ONE OFFER. This is 11 COURSES that total more than 60 classes and meditations. The exchange rate of this package was lowered extensively to make it extremely affordable to spend this summer studying ASCENSION MASTERY within the pure and correct Higher Spiritual Dimensional energies.

Even if you have a few of these courses, you will still probably want to order this package due to the easy availability of use.

This is our ESSENTIAL self-study HIGH VIBRATIONAL training program to increase the LIGHT BODY for ASCENSION within the accurate teachings of the ASCENDED MASTERS. 

For those who are able to order them during this limited window, we really hope you enjoy these teachings! (and we want you to share your reactions with us ~ as a service to others~ on our FACEBOOK page about these teachings!)

And PLEASE: ~ SHARE~ this offer to GROW our teachings. It is the real deal. Not only is this very important Spiritual work, but we actually NEED your SUPPORT to keep WTC at the highest and purest level.

Please go HERE TO READ about this very special offer.

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Original Material © Copyright 2017 by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael (Ara) Hayden. All rights reserved. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS ARTICLE FREELY IN THE ORIGINAL FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS AND THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE. (No substitution or altering of content allowed). BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!


Mount Shasta image copyright
Wesak 2017 Embraces Mount Shasta California with the PINK FLAME © Image copyright

You may be missing out on tapping into Sacred Spiritual Energies.

This happens all the time. Without knowing it, individual’s miss out on connecting to the true Higher Vibrational Spiritual energies that occur upon GAIA.

by Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden

REASON NUMBER 1 – You Rely Way Too Much On Only Exploring What Looks And Feels Good To You.

Have you ever heard the adage “If it doesn’t feel right for you, it isn’t”? I see this all the time with social media postings about spirituality. This good advice began when parents advised their children that going into a social situation that could get them into trouble with drugs, sexual abuse, or criminal behavior might be a potential bad outcome. The advice is to use your “street sense” when being more aware could save you from getting into trouble and instead leave those situations. This goes along with “take what you want and leave the rest” or “everyone resonates only with what is in their highest good”.

The thing is, it is generic advice intended for the physical world. Following it when facing potential spiritual experiences can stop you from going into greater levels of your spiritual advancement.

But there is a catch: so called “spiritual energies” can be just as dangerous as physical ones, and from the perspective of the purity of your Soul, much more dangerous if they are not carefully chosen.

So this can be a catch 22. It gets even more complicated as what feels and looks good to you may not actually be good for you at all.

As an example, many “New Age” individuals upon earth feel that opening the pineal gland is the key to becoming more spiritual. The use of legal (or illegal) marijuana, DMT, salvia, ayahuasca and many substances like LSD or other psychotropics is popular with both counterculture and mainstream youth, and of course it is still going strong with the older hippie or “free thought” culture that admires the “mind expansion” wisdom of modern day gurus like Timothy Leary and Alan Watts.

But despite many belief systems and many “spiritual” sources of advice, there is not one single teaching from the Spiritual Hierarchy that advises taking such a path to expanding the mind into higher levels of spirituality. Not one.


REASON NUMBER 2 – You Are Not Making Informed Educated Choices. 

We have all heard the expression about “making informed choices or educated choices“, so the truth is that we do have the ability to wise up when it comes to acting in a manner that is not only in our highest good, but also in the good of having the best outcome for us.

Making “free will” choices is not to be confused with “the pathway that creates your “best and highest good” as the most direct outcome.

The reality of earth is that anyone is indeed free to choose whatever form of spirituality they want, and since earth is the place of experimenting with “freewill”, the end result is that the choices you make are also “in accordance with your highest good”.

Any choice you make, is your choice, so even if it is an experience that results in a severe life lesson, it still is in your (specific to you) highest good to make that choice because you did not make another choice. In other words, you chose the experience so naturally it is something you had to go through in order to learn about wrong choices.

Choosing any form of Spirituality does not mean it is a pathway that will be most accurate in bringing you what you desire because you must be clear about what drives your choices. 

I have seen many individuals attracted to our work teaching Ascension Mastery because they were looking for a quick fix to all the troubles and disappointments they experienced in their lives. A lot of them are not satisfied with the idea of having to work 9 to 5 at a job, pay bills, and be in the ‘matrix’. So they look to our work from a perspective of “save me” from all that. After all, they think, “you are teaching about the Fifth Dimension, right?”

These individual are indeed seeking “spirituality” but only as an escape from the responsibilities of a mature adult life on earth. The idea of “Ascension Mastery” for them is about “side stepping disciplined action” because as individuals, they could not yet see that, in life, and especially in mastering any aspect of it, it is not always about “feeling good”. They will eventually find our teachings very unfulfilling unless and until they are able to face the truth of why they seek Ascension spirituality. Does training to be an expert in any area of earth life, like an athlete, business person or musician, always “feel good”? No, of course not.

And that same criterion, or truth, for “creating success on earth” applies to creating the highest form of spirituality on earth, which is why it is called “Mastery”.

When it comes to higher spirituality, as it is so intertwined with personal responsibility, one has to make educated choices, for how to actively engaging in them.

Educated choice requires taking much more time to evaluate your experience using your full body system. Learning how to not be so mental in turn requires a steep learning curve as for the most part humanity has never done it before. Immediate attraction and looking for the instant fix is not always ideal. This is why we recommend staying with our Ascension teachings for a whole year. True Higher Spirituality experience requires surrendering the “lower rigid mindset” of the mental mind’s expectations and familiarity.

Instead one must go into consciously allowing the vibrational energies in a pure* Ascension teaching to actually begin to raise your awareness. You can’t get that from just reading websites  (even ours) or listening to TEDx or similar inspirational informative videos.


REASON NUMBER 3 – You Are Being Misinformed or Misguided. 

The truth about higher vibrational teachings, (that is, those that are actually higher vibrational), is that they do not fit within what the human mental mind judges as spiritual. Humanity primarily relies on its intellectual life understandings and experiences as the main source to determine what is acceptable.

But since humanity has no actual experience with higher Ascension vibrations,


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Original Material © Copyright 2017 by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael (Ara) Hayden. All rights reserved. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS ARTICLE FREELY IN THE ORIGINAL FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS AND THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!


A special WESAK (Full Moon of May 10, 2017) transmission from Lord Buddha in his role as the Planetary Logos within the Spiritual Hierarchy. Integrated Channel Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden.

Namaste My Dearest Beloveds,

I am Lord Buddha here to give a few words of encouragement about the upcoming energies we will all be experiencing, known as the Festival of Wesak.

We know that every year there is more acceleration that occurs within the planet during Wesak, the full moon of Taurus, in which all of us as masters and initiates arise to a new part of existence within our energetic bodies. Each of you that are embodying these energies within your physical self are challenged in many more ways than you could ever imagine. You have been preparing for these moments within your soul’s history for a very long time.

The time is now arriving in which the Heart of Divine Consciousness is going to be felt more fully than ever before. This is due to the fact the that Flame of Creative and Active Intelligence is the next flame that is being grounded into Gaia’s core. This will occur during this full moon on May 10, 2017.

As the Planetary Logos, the Father of Spirituality for Gaia, I am very honored to be the bringer of good news to each of you about this powerful light force. We, in the Spiritual Hierarchy, have been waiting for quite some time to allow this flame to be fully accept by Gaia’s Core Essence. Through the last few years, actually since 2012, there have been great changes within the circumference of the planet so that specific Rays of God could be fully grounded into the crystalline structure of the planet. There has been no reason why the order of the flames has arrived; the only element that has been in control of this movement is how humanity will receive the flames and what will they do with it.

The Pink Flame is not the last ray that needs to be put into place on Earth as the Science of God (the 5th Ray of Gold, Green, White) is not ready to be received by humanity and probably will not be available for quite some time.

Let me explain to you what I mean when I say “Grounded into the Core Essence of Gaia.”

Grounding means that the crystalline structure of the planet is receiving this flame so that it will be felt in all waves in and around the planet. As the other Rays of God have gone through this process, it has created great changes in the way people think and act, the movement of awareness and accessibility of realizing the potential that Gaia needs to feel in order for her to move forward in her acceleration.

Gaia is no different than any of you. She must feel the energies, get a sense of what is occurring, and accept or deny the frequency that she feels happening within her subtle bodies. So this process can take quite a while for it to become fully accepted by all levels within and around the planet. In fact the other five rays of the Blue, Golden Yellow, Crystalline, Ruby Red/Gold, and Violet/Purple are not fully grounded in all levels of the planet. As the earth shifts in its orbit, there are other elements that come into play for the flames to be fully felt by all of humanity.

This represents the consciousness of humanity. If I was to share with you what this consciousness represents, you would see that we have a very long journey ahead of us as most souls within this consciousness do not accept that these elements can come into place. Humanity is still very ingrained with the dogma and society of the third dimension which you call the Matrix.

You may ask then, “Why are the flames being grounded, if they are not being experienced by most souls of the planet.” That is a very good

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Original Material © Copyright 2017 by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael (Ara) Hayden. All rights reserved. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS ARTICLE FREELY IN THE ORIGINAL FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS AND THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!
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