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Depiction of Lemuria by artist Glenda Green
Depictions of Lemuria of the Inner Earth by artist Glenda Green





The Agarthian Network of the Inner Earth Crystalline Cities is now coming forward to assist each of us to learn about their lifestyles and way of living to teach us how to fully ground the Fifth Dimensional energies onto the Upper Earth.

This is a Teaching Meditation Journey Series to experience the wisdom and energies of the Agarthian cities. It will take place on the 2ndSaturday of each month. Our initial transmission was an etheric visit the Library of Porthologos with Lord Mikos. The Library of Porthologos is located in Catharia under the Aegean Sea near Greece.

The Agartha Teachings is a New Earth teaching program brought to us through “The Five Delegates”.  Each delegate is a pairing of consciousness consisting of the Priest and Priestess of each of the Agartha Network CAPITOL cities.  A description of the cities is as follows:

POSID: Primary Atlantean outpost, located beneath the Mato Grosso plains region of Brazil. Population: 1.3 million.

SHONSHE: Refuge of the Uighur culture, a branch of the Lemurians who chose to form their own colonies 50,000 years ago. A Himalayan Lamasery guards the entrance. Population: 3/4 million.

RAMA: Remnant of the surface city of Rama, India. Located near Jaipur. Inhabitants are known for their classic Hindu features. Population: 1 million.

SHINGWA: Remnant of the northern migration of the Uighurs. Located on the border of Mongolia and China. Population: ¾ million.

TELOS: Primary Lemurian outpost located within Mt. Shasta, with a small secondary city in Mt. Lassen, California, USA. Telos translated means “Communication with Spirit”. Population: 1.5 million. Telos is considered the major capitol of all of the inner earth Agartha cities.



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© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:

Mastery Tool of the Day



At the time of taking your sixth initiation and ascension, you must make a decision as to which of the seven paths of higher evolution you will follow.  As we evolve through our initiations, we will understand in more detail what these paths represent for us in our pathway.  It is not until we are able to fully access our Higher Mind completely that we start to comprehend what our chose pathway can be.

Understanding the Seven Paths will help us to see why we choose a certain service in our physical world as it is setting the foundation in our ascension process to build upon as we progress through our initiations.  As we walk towards the New Earth, the dimensional foundation will allow us to progress within these pathways while still being OF THE EARTH BUT N OT PART OF IT.  We walk as the Ascended Masters for the New Earth.  If a soul chooses to leave this plane of existence, understanding their Path of High Evolution will assist them when the full physical ascension occurs.  So whatever is our choosing of living in this reality or another reality, understanding the process of our higher evolution will assist us tremendously.

It is also very common for us to choose a certain path at a certain level and then it changes through our progression and enlightenment upon the Earth.  All seven paths ultimately lead to the same place and this is why a soul can transfer from one path to another at a later time.

We are sharing this information to give individuals an understanding of what they are studying or are magnetized toward in their studies of ascension along with the work they are doing on the Inner Plane.  It helps to fully grasp what each of these paths may be.  This is only an introduction and a more in-depth study of the seven paths will be shared in later writings.

  1. The Path of Earth Service ~ Many of us are choosing this path especially with the opening of the New Earth energies becoming a reality.  In addition each soul chooses which kingdom that they are working with:  human, animal, plant, or mineral.  There is a long list to join this Path as many souls have chosen to do so.  This means your work with GAIA would continue in your ascension pathway in the many cycles of rebirth.
  2. The Path of Magnetic Work ~ This path represents the communication with Helios & Vesta, our Solar Logs, RA the Sun God, and the essential energy of the solar system.  Learning to direct the fohat energy into the planetary astral plane helps to clear man-made glamour and delusion.  The pure astral energy used on this path is pure unconditional love.  Individuals on this path wield the force of electrical magnetism under the direction of the Great Ones, Matter of every density and vibration is manipulated in the service of the Divine Plan and the Unified Whole Command of the 144th dimensional levels of Oneness.
  3. The Path of  Training to Become a Planetary Logos ~ This is the path of Sanat Kumara chose and now Lord Buddha.  The masters choosing this path at the 6th initiation are being trained to take up the work of the seven planetary logoi and the 49 subplanetary logoi and their assistants for the next system.  Each of the seven ray chohans takes on a number of students and trains them specifically for this work.
  4. The Path to Sirius ~ this path is the most popular for humanity after their ascension.  Sirius is considered to be the higher University and many travel there during the sleep-state for teachings with Lord of Sirius (please note, this only connects with the planetary system of Sirius B, as Sirius A is still in a 3rd dimensional reality).  This path represents stepping into the middle ground of pathways as it represents the galactic doorway to our galaxy.  It is closely aligned with the Pleiades.  The Path of Sirius is very aligned with our pathway of the New Earth as Sirius split into two planets A and B which was prophesied for GAIA but due to the increased rate of lightworkers and light within Earth we are n ow moving GAIA into the New Earth.
  5. The Ray Path ~ This path represents working within the same ray that an individual has within their Monad and working within that ray.  Individuals work with Sanat Kumara, also known as the Lord of the World and the chohan governing your particular ray.  If an individual chooses this path, they would travel to every part of the solar system in their service work.  If an individual finds the law of vibration of profound importantance, they would be attracted to the Ray Path.
  6. The Path on Which the Solar Logos Himself is Found ~ This path deals with the training process to become a Solar Logos.  It is different from the 3rd which, which trains an individual to become a planetary logos.  This path leads directly to the cosmic planes of consciousness.  This is a very high ray path and much training and implementation of the soul’s work goes into being within this Path.  An individual would have previously worked with Helios and Vesta and then will step into the cosmic responsibilities.  It takes a very high level of initiation to choose this Path.
  7. The Path of Absolute Sonship ~ This path forms a triangle between the Planetary Logos, Sanat Kumara, Lord Buddha, the Solar Logos, Helios and Vesta, and a cosmic being of huge proportions beyond the concept of our physical reality.  This path also relates to the Great Bear Star System.  It is advised that if you feel magnetized towards this path that you work with Master Djwhal Khul to assist you in the process to get to this space.  This path is the highest evolution for a soul and it takes great diligence, foresight, and can only be followed by the highest of initiates.  There is much training that has to be realized before stepping into this path.

In summation, this information is being shared to assist an individual to understand why they are magnetized to a certain level of work and to help them accept the changes they are going through to have the potentiality of Mastery for the New Earth.  If it seems confusing, don’t work through your Lower Mind to understand it but call upon your Higher Self (Higher Mind) to access the information.  Have him/her work with you in your meditation and dream-state to understand the material.  Go back to it later and then you may be able to ascertain what it means for you in your present pathway.

This material is excerpted from Dr. Joshua David Stone, “Beyond Ascension”.  His essence also provided some additional information through Rev. Christine Meleriessee in the writing of this material.

©2012-2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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