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Mastery Tool of the Day


Ask to be taken to the Golden Chamber of Melchizedek and ask Melchizedek to anchor the planetary, solar, and galactic Eye of Horus into your Third Eye.  The Eye of Horus is a six-pointed star that is ideally anchored into the four-body system which deals with the union and integration of the upper and lower spiritual triad.  The lower spiritual triad is the three-fold personality of the Physical, Emotional, and Mental Bodies.  The Upper Spiritual Triad as shared by Djwhal Khul is the Intuition, Spiritual Will, and Higher Mind.

When these two spiritual triads are brought together in the ascended state and the Eye of Horus is anchored and activated, there is an opening in the very center of the star and in the third eye.  This opening is the omnipresent Light which can be seen and is the Great Central Sun (RA the Sun God, and Helios and Vesta as our Solar Logos) that shines through this opening.

Please note that there are several levels of the Great Central Sun.  We speak here of the Solar Level, but this process can be achieved through the Galactic Level encompassing Initiations seven through twelve.  Going higher would only access your consciousness and not necessarily, the planetary ascension as the dimensional frequency of the planet has not reached the higher states.  Thus, we would not be able to exist physically on this plane.  It is suggested that you can access the higher levels of the Universal, Multi-Universal, and Cosmic with the assistance of Lord Melchizedek but only through your meditative states and not the physical existence.  It would cause great stress on the bodily structure and should only be done with LORD MELCHIZEDEK.


©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

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