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“VIBRATORY ETHERIC JOURNEY MEDITATIONS”(sm) – What Our True Higher Spiritual Ascension Energies Do To and For You

These transmissions are Vibratory Etheric Journey Meditations(sm) for you to learn to become more FIFTH DIMENSIONAL in your CONSCIOUSNESS!


This energetically rare type of Vibratory Ascension Mastery(sm) Teaching is exclusive to Walking Terra Christa. We have found that the present day energetics upon the planet (in the 21st Century) require a more robust practical approach to create a foundation of higher vibratory excitation within the human energy system. This means when listening to our teachings it is best to be in a quiet meditative space with no distractions while maintaining a focus on gentle breathing (but not sleeping). These “teachings” are not intended to be just a mental instruction for informational purposes (though they may be listened to a second time for that purpose). In order to develop an awareness of the vibratory energetics being transmitted in these examples, you may require repetitive listening of each example to train the mental self to be more receptive to energetic information, (instead of primarily seeking intellectual confirmation as it has been trained to do in human learning). Above all these examples are for your energetic vibratory spiritual advancement even as they do give forth specific knowledge about how to live as a higher spiritual being in your consciousness!


Listen to the examples below to experience these energies for yourself!

We feel these teachings really do “speak” for themselves in respect to the higher energies they transmit to you! Before you begin listening, make a note of how you are feeling so you can better be aware of any shifts in your demeanor afterwards. [Note: these are LIVE EVENT RECORDINGS that are recorded in the original raw unedited and unprocessed MP3 format. The spiritual energies encoded throughout the audio are not diminished by the audio files not being hi-definition sound studio productions.]

When you listen to one of the Walking Terra Christa transmissions you become exposed to real higher frequencies from the Divine Light of God**, those vibrations go directly into your Soul. It may feel very unfamiliar! Or it may resonate strongly within you! This all depends on your current frequency!

LISTEN NOW TO OUR EXAMPLE CLASSES: The below audio files are examples of the distinct Vibratory Etheric Journey Meditations(sm) we offer to our private Academy Student Members. Utilize listening to them as much as you desire. Each time you listen the energies within them become more absorbed into your energies, and will increase over time. The result is that those higher frequency vibrations become more accepted into your personal energetics, We offer them here so that you can evaluate them energetically for yourself. Many individuals are unaware of the benefits of engaging in regular use of true higher frequency vibrational spiritual teachings. See if you feel a change in your essence after listening!

If they assist you in experiencing any changes in your attitude, mood, energies, feelings, understandings, perspectives, even if just a subtle yet noticeable shift in your self awareness, it means that you are most likely one of the Soul’s upon Earth at this time of history to elevate your Soul into becoming more than any human before you! It means you most likely have a life calling to continually build up your Light Body by making true Vibratory Ascension Mastery a regular part of your life!

The following audio recordings are from our recent Academy Member  teachings:

EXAMPLE 1.) NEW EARTH CONSCIOUSNESS – THE GOLDEN ETHERIC CITIES OF LIGHT: VISITATION TO THE CITY OF VALENKANAH TO HONOR THE HIGHER SELF: Lord Adama, the High Priest of Telos (within the Fifth Dimensional Inner Earth), is the Chancellor of Walking Terra Christa. He desires all of Humanity to grow spiritually into being Fifth Dimensional. The “New Earth” is a reference to that occurring for the surface of the planet (humanity), but it first must exist in the non-physical realm, which is where these Golden Etheric Cities are located currently. That realm is purely etheric and could be consider to be in the upper atmosphere of the planet. Within the “Etheric Earth” there are 22 Cities of Light called the GOLDEN ETHERIC CITIES. Each one holds a specific frequency of one of the 22 RAYS OF GOD. These cities will become part of the surface of the planet if humanity uses and works with them spiritually enough to make them manifest in our reality. In this visitation, we travel in our etheric self to the City of the GREEN-GOLD-WHITE FLAME OF VALENKANAH. In the first part of this audio, Lord Adama first gives a Discourse on How to Become the Higher Self Consciousness. Some of the concepts covered: “It is something not known to the physical self, so it feels to the self to be like going up a very unsure staircase. Trust is required to transform the self to be more than it is currently. Chanting takes you to higher levels but only while chanting, as you come back down, which can be uncomfortable to the physical consciousness. The higher self holds higher vibrations that you may feel when using these teachings through Lady Mahlariessee. It can be strong in moments as your light body is not yet able to hold the higher vibration. Being self aware of what you are feeling in this process is very important to notice. Being uncomfortable is part of the process and using crystals to assist in balancing what is occurring does help (selenite). The Solar Angel is the way to bring in more of the higher vibrations and also to have them become balanced within you.” In the City, we journey with the Elders, the Elohim, Archangels, Pleadian and Arcturian Councils, Cosmic Master Lenduce, and Ray Chohan Master Hilarion assist to experience the City Blessing and remove elements that impede our Divine Truth. We visit through the Healing Garden of Love and the Altar of Purity before arriving in the Temple of Revelation. (Duration 1 hour 9 minutes).

In example #1, did what Lord Adama shared assist your understandings? Could you feel the sunlight filled with a Green Golden White mist enveloping your energies in the Etheric Golden City of Valenkanah? Was the Angelic Frequency a welcomed warmth of energy? Did the deeper Journey to The Temple of Revelations touch your heart?


EXAMPLE 2.)  FIFTH DIMENSIONAL INNER EARTH CRYSTALLINE CITIES OF THE AGARTHA NETWORK: VISITATION TO THE CITY OF CATHARIA  TO HONOR THE GALACTIC SELF: This teaching is to assist you to embrace the Galactic Heritage within your current human consciousness. The higher spiritual energies of many Spiritual and Galactic Beings for Earth are included in this audio. Lord Adama, Lord Ashtar, Lord Sananda, Lord Mikos, and the Agartha Council with the Telosian King and Queen, and Master Hilarion (Ray Chohan of the Fifth Ray of God), with Cosmic Master Lenduce, and the Galactic beings of Lady Be’Natreea of the Pleiadian Council of Light, and Lord Ephranneous of the Arcturian Council of Light, with many others all assemble to assist in Honoring the Higher Self from our Higher Wisdom, which very much includes our Christed Galactic heritage. In the first part, Lord Adama gives a Discourse on the effect of these frequencies being introduced into your higher Light Body upon the Physical Body: “It will not be as you have ever experienced or anticipated. The expansion creates physical changes where tiredness can occur for hours or days. The lower self consciousness wants Divine energies but is not able to just step into them, as changing the Self, which is what planetary ascension of the seven initiations does, is a great change of consciousness to go through.” (Duration 1 hour 7 minutes).

In example #2, was there a sensation or intuition of receiving the spiritual energy given to you in the Temple of Galactic Love? Could you feel a remembrance of your own Galactic and Lemurian Self?



In example #3, did the 22 Rays of God Meditation to Honor Your Higher Self create a vibrancy in your consciousness that you had forgotten was there? Did the message of Lord Saint Germain align you to the process of changing your consciousness?


If you felt even a faint Soul remembrance within these unique energies, it means you are a person who has a Soul Resonance to experience the greater essence of your Higher Consciousness! It means you are incarnated upon earth to be a very active part of the higher levels of Ascension acceleration. (Believe us, these higher light energies are not at all something every individual on earth resonates to within their Soul!)

We are extremely passionate about Ascension! These teachings are offered through the privately enrolled Academy community because they are a sacred energetic frequency and something to be cherished and honored! Individuals who choose to become Academy students recognize they are the Souls Who Are Here To Make A Difference!

Do you feel that your are a Soul who has made a personal Soul commitment to move beyond what others on earth accept for themselves and to step into receiving pure higher vibrations of God’s Divine Love/Light within a true Acceleration Of Your Own Soul’s Growth?

Here is a recent sharing of one person’s experiences with our work after using these unique spiritual Ascension Mastery energies for several years:

Dear Rev. Mahlariessee and Rev. Ara, I have been wanting to write and tell you about the internal process of transformation of my Inner Self that I have experienced from the systematic use of the many tools that Walking Terra Christa offers us. The 22 Rays Challenge and their expansive and renewing frequencies of light deserve a very special mention. Also the application of the ascension techniques to accelerate the light bodies in the ascension chambers, the connection with Master Vywamus and the exquisite and delicate experiences in the Clarion Temple, so abundant in the new knowledge that the beloved Masters share with us, and the abundant and deep cleansings and healings, such as the accelerations of the energy fields.

I feel more and more grateful every day for so many beautiful blessings received, truly, I feel that there are no words to express the daily renewal that is experienced and the ineffable happiness for the continuous process of acceleration and expansion of consciousness, to feel and express our Real Self, the I Am presence.  

Ascension has become an increasingly tangible reality, a joyful, blissful, kind, playful and harmoniously balanced experience, which manifests itself in daily life in so many details and above all, in the increasingly placid and joyful inner states of my being, which have given me a new level of balance and harmony, of peace and inner order, in all the circumstances of my daily life.

I feel infinitely grateful and I rejoice every day for the reunion with the great universal family of love and light! So many wonderful brothers and sisters who reach out to us and inspire us to continue this spiral of life towards the great major achievement of the ascension of all humanity, step by step, one after the other.

And you two are an essential piece in all this work of the teachings that you share with us and as I use them in an increasingly disciplined way, the progress is very evident and fast! I thank you infinitely for the path you have undertaken and that inspires us with your example of life, to learn to sustain continuously and increasingly, this beautiful and blessed Spiritual Path to achieve the fullness of the I Am ….

Infinite blessings, light and love to both of you and I wish you and a blissful 2024!!!! – Cristian (Chile, South America)

Do you feel you are a Soul that is here to Ascend using true Fifth Dimensional Vibrations?

If so, we have NEW 2024 ENROLLMENT OPTIONS so you can step into true Ascension energies for yourself!

Enrollment is only for individuals who truly welcome the kinds of energies you experienced in the above audio teachings!!


Not ready to enroll? Please consider doing Donations of Gratitude for these energies being gifted into your energetic structure of light.

© 2024 Walking Terra Christa

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