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Introducing Unified Whole Weekly New Earth Frequency Updates

Weekly we will provide the energies of what is occurring within the Cosmic Forces into the Planetary Level as we are affected by all levels of vibration in and around us.  The Planetary level is based on the planets and what the resulting energies we are experiencing.  The Cosmic level is a channeled message brought forth by the Team of Light* of Ascended Masters, Intergalactics, Inner Earth Beings, and Cosmic Frequencies.  The messages will come forth this group consciousness known as UNIFIED WHOLE COMMAND IN THE LIGHT OF ONENESS.

Week of September 16th, 2012

Planetary Level:

We are in the midst of a New Moon which this time is a double intensity.  It is within the Sun Sign of Virgo along with the Moon Sign.  It represents nurturing in parenting relationships, of child to parent so our Inner Child is really asking for additional assistance.  Other aspects relate to changing your diet into a healthier way of eating, taking care of yourself, understanding when relationships do not work they do not serve your highest purpose, learning compassion and deep love for the self.  The solar flares are low presently which helps us to keep the balance with the New Moon activities.

Cosmic Level:

This week promises to create change in a very subtle level for each individual.  The New Moon is always a time of re-creation and makes the necessary changes to adjust to each of the resulting energies that do not allow for a complete flow and balance.  With the onset of this moon you may find that you want to make changes in your life that you have been thinking about for quite some time.  It is how you go about it that is very important.

This is essentially important as the energies may be subtle but they are very distinct for each individual.  Everyone is changing greatly at this time and it is important to realize that the changes will occur quickly and then you will need to readjust the frequencies within you.  What you ask for, you will receive.  So be very particular in your prayers of being gentle to yourself.

Addictions play an important role at this time.  What you do not work on, will work harder against you.  This is in relation to food, drink, drugs, relationships, and self-care.  Nothing must be in excess at this time and if it is, then it will pull you down further.  So it is time to do some self-cleaning in and around your self and environment.

The frequencies of light expanding upon the planet will be very slow this week.  There are not going to be any major surges because it is time to fully clean out your closets and reaffirm what you desire in your life.  So gentleness is the word we want to share with you.  This represents each of you own SELF and everyone else that is in your life.  Compassion is deeply needed to be rooted within your Being to assist you in the process of the changes that are going to result within your lives.

The Fall Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the Spring Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere will have the same effect electrically with individuals.  So this week is in preparation for that phase from the seasons.  Clean up the old, get ready for the new as it is a time of complete renewal and rebirth.

Look to your skies for answers of the light that is coming into the planet.  Allow yourself to have a dialogue with individuals of the Sky Nations as they are looking for your assistance.  This assistance is only coming presently in the form of Light Frequencies to assist you in this process of healing that you are going through.  Notice when you see the lights blinking at you they are acknowledging your process of continuance.  There is a reason why they are beckoning you.  It is your remembrance of being with them in all aspects of your Being.

Prepare yourself for the next phase of the Harvest Moon.  In order to fully remove old elements you must reflect deeply, nurture your process and have no regrets on your future.  You are commanding the elements to occur as they will so allow yourself to be bathed in the Light of Pure Divine that you are.

Step into the energies of the Equinox of the flow and grace that You Are.  It is a time of complete renewal of who YOU ARE.  Each day is awakening of these frequencies.  Celebrate your birthing process within the land, on the water, and within the sky elements that You Are.

We, of the Unified Whole Command in Light of Oneness

Align with the Essence of Oneness.  Join us and breathe the light that We Are.

*Team of Light consists of Ascended Masters (St. Germain, El Moyra, Serapis Bey, Djwhal Khul, Master Kuthumi, Lord Maitreya, Master Hilarion, Lord Sananda, Paul the Venetian, Lord Buddha, and more), Lady Masters (Mother Mary, Lady Isis, Lakshmi, Pallas Athena, Quan Yin and more), Inner Earth Beings (Lord Adama, The Telosian Council of Light, Mikos), Intergalactics (Ashtar Command, Arcturians, Pleidians, Sirians, Andromedians, Lord of the Great Bear Star System, and all Christed Intergalactics),  Angelic Realms (Archangels and all principalities), Divine Mother and Father God, Master Thoth the overseeing spokesbeing of the Unified Whole, Krishna, Ganesh, and all dieties in the Spiritual Hierarchy, Native Elders that walked the Earth before, along with all the Elementals, Fairies and Spirits of the Light including Dolphins and Whales.


These frequency updates are brought to you by Mel & Mike of

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Clarion Temple of Oneness ~ Healing All Universal Souls in Body and Beyond

Hearts Within Hearts for Oneness

The Clarion Temple of Oneness

September 11th, 2012 marks the anniversary of the most controversial tragedy that rocked our world and was the catalyzer that would start the most powerful temple in the history of the cosmic universe.  The Clarion Temple of Oneness was started shortly after the Twin Tower tragedy to assist souls in and out of body to heal their emotional and mental wounds.  The original name was the Clarion Temple of 911.  It started out to help the souls of 911 but then escalated to heal every soul that chose to walk through the doorways of love, and compassion that would create the most powerful light within one’s Being and feel the oneness of being with many other souls of light.

Since the temple started with the special beings from 9-1-1 we want to take an opportunity this week to honor the souls that first joined with us in a small gathering to assist all souls healing of many levels.  On Monday evening, September 10th, our weekly gathering of THE CLARION TEMPLE OF ONENESS will have a very special ceremony commemorating the healing that has taken place within the temple for the last decade since March 2002.  THIS WILL BE AN OPEN CALL AVAILABLE TO ALL INDIVIDUALS THAT CHOOSE TO JOIN US LIVE.

In addition we will be honoring a special guest this week, MICHAEL CLARKE DUNCAN, who transitioned into the light on September 3, 2012.  Michael was a beautiful soul and actor who played in the movie, The Green Mile.  We have had a very personal experience with Michael’s essence in the last week and he is ecstatic about joining the temple on Monday evening.

Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden are the torch bearers to hold steady the light for the temple upon the Earthplane.  Meleriessee was instrumental in starting the weekly meditation group on the advice of Archangel Michael.  Our spokes-being, Fred, a fire chief battalion has recently ascended into his higher self, Yamatleus, who now greets everyone coming into the temple instead of introducing the guest speaker of each week.  The temple resides within the Multi-Universal level and all souls are invited to join in not only weekly but every moment as it houses many Beings on all levels of creation.  There is one prerequisite before entering:  no one is allowed to have any lower vibrations of anger, frustration, greed, jealousy, or doubt.  What is required is an open heart as we all blend within the Hearts of all Hearts.

Join us at 5 PM Pacific, 8 PM Eastern for a very powerful hour.  This call also includes the energies of Divine Mother and Father God with an attunement frequency.  Heart to Heart donations are always welcome for those that are not part of our monthly subscribers.

TELECONFERENCE NUMBER:  530.881-1400, CODE 148525#

On FACEBOOK? Let us know you are planning to attend at

SKYPE USERS:  YOU MAY USE THE CONFERENCE LINE TO CALL IN FROM YOUR DIAL PAD ON SKYPE.  For special instructions please see our link on Walking Terra Christa, under  Scroll down to the middle of the page to see the guidelines for SKYPE TO SKYPE CALLS.

We hope you will join us for this amazing call.

In expressions of Oneness,

Mel and Mike

This Memorial Day ~ Healing for All Souls & Changes in the Temple!

Clarion Temple of Oneness - Healing for All Universal Light Beings in Body & Beyond

Archangel Michael Asks
It was over a decade ago that Christine Meleriessee answered the call from Archangel Michael to join Heaven and Earth within the messages of the Clarion Temple of 911. This was a powerful connection desired by the souls of the 911 event to assist and thank humanity for all their prayers of love, compassion and healing expressed for them and their loved ones. The event of that day in 2001 was the first time in humanities history that humans all across the globe began to consciously be joined en mass — together in unity — for a common cause of the heart.

It then came to be called the Clarion Light Beings Temple of 911 & Beyond ~ Unified in Oneness and has grown to change the destiny of millions of souls, both those of whom recently walked upon planet EARTH, and many more from the entire MULTI-UNIVERSE of ALL THAT IS.

The Temple now came to represent all the Beings of Light who are eternally committed to answering the call; the Clarion Call of all who seek spiritual aid as the spiritual numbers of 9-1-1 represent “nine”, the movement of God combined with “One”, the Unity of All That Is in relation to the “one”, the individual who is seeking aid from the Spiritual Realm.  All participants who joined in on the weekly calls, as human representatives, now became the vehicles for in depth healing and accelerations within themselves, enjoying the high frequency attunements and meditations that were also being experienced by All The Light Beings.

More Changes
Now there are even more changes to bring us all into Healing & Wholeness within the Temple.

We have come to a juncture of time for each of us and in the pathway that we are embarking upon.  Changes occur and we need to flow with those elements of the passage of time.  Today is one such day as The Clarion Temple of 911 & Beyond ~ Unified in Oneness is moving into a new frequency of Light.

Since the transference of the Sunday night Cosmic Oneness call just two short weeks ago, Meleriessee personally knew there were going to be more changes.  Lord Sananda along with Divine Mother and Father God announced to Mike Hayden and Mel that they wanted to let go of the Cosmic Oneness call to assist them due to more projects coming up, and they also decided that this energy should be integrated into the Clarion Light Beings 911 & Beyond call.  As Meleriessee states, “It was with a shift in my consciousness that I needed to fully embrace this change but yet, Lord Sananda, explained that we had all been discussing this possible adjustment for a few weeks on the Inner Plane.  I accepted that this needed to be done for many reasons.”

In addition to the releasement of the Cosmic Oneness call, the Cosmic Great Central Sun would now move to overlight the energies within the Clarion Temple of 911 call. (A few months ago Mel and Mike had asked the Unified Whole to fully put the Temple into wholeness of the 144th dimension so this was an added element.)  On that first combined call, Divine Mother and Father God brought forth their energies in a beginning overture.  Meleriessee’s dearest friend and colleague, Fred, who has been the Spokes-Being of the Temple since the beginning still provided an introduction.  But yet, in that moment, she knew that there would be a change.

Those of you who do not know the story of how the Temple of 911 was started, Christine Meleriessee experienced a Sweat Lodge one month after the 911 Tragedy in Long Island, New York.  The energies were quite intense and she was doing heavy shamanic work while in the Lodge.  She recalls, “As I got up for the 3rd round, I fell into the rocks and burned my shin in the shape of a “heart”.  It was on this day I was introduced to Fred, who was a Fire Battalion Chief in New York City.  The story is very long and involved so I refer to our blog on the Clarion Light Beings 911 & Beyond About page,  It will help an individual to understand the depth of this work that Fred and I were destined to create together.”

A Dear Friend Indeed
Fred not only was the Spokes-Being but a true friend in Spirit.  When Meleriessee traveled to Mt. Shasta, he would come through her and speak to the other people she was with.  He loved being in the car and seeing the scenery as he joked about his beautiful but quiet life living in New York City.  He has since been introduced to all her friends and has become a close friend to Mike in the process.  Christine Meleriesse goes on to speak about her multidimensional friend, “We have had many laughs together and watching him grow has been a beautiful joy for me to see.  When he first communicated to us through my channeling, he had no idea what level of dimension he was residing in or what that word even meant.  He would come and tell us where he was with the excitement of a young man moving into a powerful job.  He has communicated how many Beings were now coming to the Temple of 911 and how wonderful it was to see the healing that has resulted from this amazing meditation group.  I consider him a soul of great love and understanding even though we never met in body.”

As in all good things that occur, individuals are healed and must move forward whether they are in or out of body.  Mel had this same occurrence with her Gatekeeper, Robert, about 15 years ago when he said he would no longer be “Robert” but “Solebterium”.  He was still her Gatekeeper and watcher of all who come to her in Spirit, but he had merged with his Higher Self due to the work that he and Mel were doing together.

With regards to Fred’s own acceleration, Mel says, “Again, I now must accept the fact that this amazing meditation group is changing and molding into another higher aspect.  With the integration of the Cosmic frequencies within the group, I knew it was time to accept this adjustment but not without a sadness.  Fred, is now merging with his Higher Self who turns out to be a very important figure in our past history of this Earth.  He is also integrating with some of his other aspects, one which is a Pleidian, along with others we are unsure of.  I choose not to reveal his historical name as yet as we plan to honor Fred in our next Clarion Temple call which will be on June 11, 2012.”

Join In Each Week for Healing
With this merging of Higher Essence Aspects for Fred, he will no longer be introducing the energies for the meditation as he has done so for many years.  Divine Mother and Father God will bring forth the introduction through an attunement and clarification of the energies for the evening.  It is not without sadness that Meleriessee accepts this change, but Fred is graduating and he fully would not have been able to go as far without this amazing Temple of Light.

Mel concludes, “So I am excited and sad at the same time, but he tells us that he will be speaking within the Temple soon along with still being on the Council with Archangel Michael, Divine Mother & Father God, the Unified Whole, along with Mike and myself. The temple has been changing for many months with the guest Light Beings sharing amazing energies and attunements each week.  This is going to help us all grow and invite more people to be part of these amazing energies.  Many souls have healed through this group and I want to thank everyone who has diligently supported this effort along with allowing your Higher Essence to provide healing and joy to many other souls.  It is truly our group together.”

All are invited to join in the now newly renamed Clarion Temple of Oneness ~ Healing for All Universal Light Beings in Body & Beyond on Monday evenings, 5 PM Pacific or 8 PM Eastern, 24:00 GMT.  The call is accessible via phone or Skype.  Please see the website for details on joining the weekly Tele-Calls and also on receiving special channeled messages in the newsletter.  In addition Mel and Mike are in the processing of updating the transcriptions on the original blog site: (

In Loving Expressions of Oneness,
Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden
Vibratory Masters of Ascension – Your Premier Source for 5D Body Healing and Attunement
Heart-to-Heart Donations welcome by clicking here!

Marc Eden 7th Dimensional Artist on WTC Radio

Inspirational art is visual music for the eyes.  marc_eden-7thdimensionenergyLike any song or symphony, a work of visual art can be as simple or complex as the melody and arrangement of the composer.  Is a true work of art any less than a great musical masterpiece?  The artistic works that come from Marc Eden are not created in your typical medium of oil, ink or canvas; his art reaches the heights of our comprehension by using the heights of technology to blend colors, lines and shapes that capture the eye and press the imagination to seek new footing on ground never before tread.  Marc works with an entire canvas of colors, fractals, and geometric design fueled by his own hand and the computers on his desk.  His works evoke a frequency of energy that deep inside we feel is familiar, yet still can’t quite be explained.  Join us on this episode of Walking Terra Christa Radio (Friday May 25, 2012 at 2:00 P.M. pacific daylight time / 5;00 P.M. eastern Daylight time / 2100hrs UTC/GMT) as we allow our minds and imaginations to explore the 7th Dimension with visual artist Marc Eden (

Click here to listen to the show 

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On May 20th-21st (depending upon your time zone) we will be experiencing an Annular Solar Eclipse that promises to be another milestone in the history of 2012. This eclipse will take us further into the depths of our soul’s essence to fully express our divinity upon this earth as it represents the Divine Balance of the Male and Female through the essence of the Sun and Moon integrating their eneriges. It is also the event when Pleaides meets with the Sun and Moon which will truly assist the planet in the next step of our acceleration. A channeled message of this amazing event is located on Christine’s blog, Journey of Illumination,

Join us for a special call on May 20th, at 5 PM Pacific US, 12 midnight GMT, when we will connect with like-minded souls for a beautiful ceremony of Light within each of us and the planet. Let us know you will be attending by clicking “GOING” on the Facebook event page here.

This ceremony will include high vibrational frequencies with channeled messages from Helios & Vesta, our Solar Logos of the Great Central Sun along with the Pleidian Council of Light, and also we will connect with Gaia and the earth energies.

Please join us for a powerful hour (or so) of change by calling into the conference line via your phone 712.432.0900, code 856350#


Skype-to-Skype connections are also available. (see the instructions on our Tele-calls page.)

Lord Adama of Telos to speak live on Walking Terra Christa Radio

Depiction of Lord Adama High Priest of Telos-Lemuria's Capitol City by artist Glenda Green
Depiction of Lord Adama (High Priest of Telos) by artist Glenda Green and the author Aurelia Louise Jones

This week (Friday April 27, 2012) on Walking Terra Christa Radio a very special guest.  Meleriessee will channel live Lord Adama High Priest of Telos the capital city of the inner earth Lemurian community.  There is information that must be shared at this time for all of those living on planet earth.  So many who are aware of the inner earth realms do not fully understand the true essence of what Lemuria is really about.

The Lemurian Essence: Return to Oneness

Mt. Shasta the home of the Inner Earth Lemurian Capital City Telos
Sacred Mt. Shasta, CA. Inner Earth Realm of Lemuria's capital city, Telos.

For most of the past decade Meleriessee has traveled to Mt. Shasta to assist in opening the energies of the New Earth and healing the lands through her shamanic and spiritual abilities.  In the year 2001 she was chosen to be the sole recipient of a carefully orchestrated meeting.

While at the WESAK festival, an exceptionally tall handsome gentleman, dressed in elaborate finery, including an off white mandarin jacket, approached her to say hello.  This meeting proved to be a turning point.

She had met Lord Adama, the High Priest of Telos in person.  Less than a year later Mike, having no knowledge of that momentous meeting, found a website by Aurelia Louis Jones where he signed up to take etheric classes with Lord Adama while he slept.  Tune in this week to learn more about what the true essence of Lemuria is all about and hear from Lord Adama himself on live radio.

Join us Friday at 2 p.m. pacific / 5 p.m. eastern for an episode not to be missed.


Steve & Barbara Rother: Our guests on Walking Terra Christa Radio

What an exquisite radio show we had with Steve and Barbara Rother of 

Got Ascension?

Steve let us in on some great insights into how everything is changing that we have come to understand as our way of being human.

We talked about the event of 2012 and what we all think. This world is not your grandfather’s anymore indeed!


 For our other Radio Shows click here

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