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Invoking the Full Power of Rebirth



A Special Ceremony with Lords Sanat Kumara and Metatron

This equinox is being equated to the energies of December’s Solstice 2012 which means that we have been going through many moments of purging in order to hold the next accelerate phase of light for GAIA.

This ceremony includes channeling from Masters Lord Sanat Kumara and Lord Metatron along with Divine Language Light Codes through Meleriessee to help in accepting the next phase of our accelerated self to be grounded within us. Helios and Vesta along with RA the Sun God will be holding the sun’s frequency to allow each of us to accepted our next initiation phase within us.

The official date and time of the Spring Equinox is Thursday, March 20, 2014 at 16:57 UTC; 9:57 AM Pacific; 12:57 PM Eastern.

Walking Terra Christa is sharing a ceremony we performed on Wednesday, March 19th to help align the frequency of light that is being planted within GAIA where we travel to the Golden Etheric City of Havalanchee which represents the 22nd Ray of Divine Completion (all 22 Rays of God).  It resides in the Etheric Earth (Terra Christa) over the physical geographic area of Mt. Shasta, CA.

Divine Mother Father God open the event. After Lords Sanat Kumar and Metatron give us a better understanding of the rebirth we are undergoing, Lord Adama of Telos gives a short message of gratitude. A very important teaching and Light Language Attunement.





To read the message from Lord Metatron mentioned in the teaching, go to Meleriessee’s recent blog article.

Our Next Transformational Journey

If there  ever was a time of confusion in our world as to what is real and what is not it is certainly now at its highest.

“There are a terrible lot of lies going about the world, and the worst of it is that half of them are true.” – Winston Churchill

The New Age is has been prophesied since before a man named John wrote down in human script the Book of Revelations.  There are those who feel that humanities next epoch has arrived and wonder why nothing really seems to have changed.  If the New Age is about Love & Light, why are so many people’s nations and communities still in strife? Why does life still seem so hard for so many?

The answer is hinted at by Mr. Churchill in that the true is found somewhere in between. To explain why the world has not seemed to have dramatically shifted with the gilded age moment of December 21, 2012 is to explain the inter-workings of human consciousness and perceived reality.

The fact is while the planet earth may now be directly in alignment with the Central Sun of Our Galaxy and thus flooding humanity with more frequencies of higher consciousnesses than our scientist or mystics can measure, there is hardly a woman or man who can easily access them from within the mire and confusion of the mental mind they currently possess.

To further confuse and obfuscate the issue, seeking out that ability from out of the myriad of the 1000’s of New Age teachers, modern day mystic’s, guru healers and popular author’s and public speakers leaves one wondering if anything is true or not.

Amongst institutions or entities that practice institutionalized propaganda or cultural programming, it is common knowledge that a lie must contain an element of truth for it to be believed.  A casual investigation into the word “believed” reveals the two words “be” and “lie”, and yet the holy grail of any communication is for it to be believed as being true. In other words the very word believe itself means to accept a lie as truth. Which may have been what Churchill was alluding toward

If you lined up 100 individuals and asked them their opinion on any given topic, none would see the situation exactly the same and be in complete agreement. We know that is a truth of our world, and yet, we also hold a collective belief system that some how, some way, there is a truth that is “out there” for any given topic.

The “TRUTH” as it were is actually quite different. The only truth of anything is our own individual truth.  For most people, reality is shaped by what you “belie” instead of what you “be”.

The quest to be and still interact and communicate with others is what the New Age is really about. To no longer pass on an infinite number of “lies” to each other and have them circle around again is true enlightenment. And to “get there”, you can’t look “out there”. You have to look within. That is why we are offing our next Transformational Journey Retreat. So each individual can break through their own lies and illusions and uncover what is hidden by their own collection of beliefs.

Our work here in Mt. Shasta, CA, one of the high power spots of the world, is to reunite you with a broader vision of personal truth, to have you experience first-hand the potentials and possibilities that reality can include.  Through ancient esoteric teachings of the Ascended Masters, updated with current live channeling, visits to vortex areas and personal experience, we seek to return alchemy into your life so that a New Age can truly be created out of the confusion. Our work is not for everyone, but for those that feel called who are ready to strip away the dross through diligent serious dedication, it is work that brings more joy and magic into your world than you could ever dream possible.

Transformational Journey Retreat -Inner Alchemist

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

Marc Eden 7th Dimensional Artist on WTC Radio

Inspirational art is visual music for the eyes.  marc_eden-7thdimensionenergyLike any song or symphony, a work of visual art can be as simple or complex as the melody and arrangement of the composer.  Is a true work of art any less than a great musical masterpiece?  The artistic works that come from Marc Eden are not created in your typical medium of oil, ink or canvas; his art reaches the heights of our comprehension by using the heights of technology to blend colors, lines and shapes that capture the eye and press the imagination to seek new footing on ground never before tread.  Marc works with an entire canvas of colors, fractals, and geometric design fueled by his own hand and the computers on his desk.  His works evoke a frequency of energy that deep inside we feel is familiar, yet still can’t quite be explained.  Join us on this episode of Walking Terra Christa Radio (Friday May 25, 2012 at 2:00 P.M. pacific daylight time / 5;00 P.M. eastern Daylight time / 2100hrs UTC/GMT) as we allow our minds and imaginations to explore the 7th Dimension with visual artist Marc Eden (

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