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Ascension and Christ Consciousness is Upon Us


Most everyone on earth thinks the word “Christ” is the name Christianity invented to reference “Jesus” as the prophesied anointed King who would save the world from darkness; and that it originated from the Greek “Christos” which means “anointed one” and used most often to apply to the status of a king.

Esoterically within the direct essence of pure spiritual understanding that Humanity first practiced on earth, (which was long before our most ancient records of human civilization), the Lemuria culture without exception enjoyed the benefits of one unified spiritual practice that was most accurate in creating Wholeness of the Soul within the Physical.

In truth, such a level of integrated spiritual understandings would not be called a “practice” anymore than we would say indigenous cultures engage in practices of spiritual ritual; for to those peoples it is more accurately a way of living, of being, and not something they engage in apart from their daily life. In contrast to how most modern humans live, it is just part of who they are at all times and moments.

The lost continent of Lemuria was such a culture before it became an ancient mystery when it sank into the Pacific Ocean over 10,000 years ago. All the language and understandings of their attained higher spiritual existence filtered down throughout time as a mere echo of what had once been a higher form of life and living.

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[Walking Terra Christa is having an OPEN HOUSE during the THREE WESAK FESTIVAL OF LIGHT to share the deeper energies of the Christ Consciousness].

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