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Moonlight Reflections

“The process of changing the way that we think and feel is all part of these cycles. As Grandmother Moon brings to us the ability to delve deeper into our Soul Body of Light, we learn to reject what does not work for us and accept the parts that have been waiting to be acknowledged. It is at these important moments that we have the deepest reflections of our challenges and achievements to create a better, more evolved self within the physical existence.

This moon of Pisces helps us to achieve all these elements within our lives. The flow of the emotions are like the tide moving in and out towards the shore and then out to sea. This essence helps us to dive deeper in the abyss of unknowingness to find parts of ourselves that are looking to be part of our reality. In essence we are learning to heal the dark elements deep within our subconscious that do not fit into the higher essence we are becoming. It is a time to true to understand why we create situations in our life that may seem painful but yet the true reality is that the trauma takes us deeper into the self-healer that we are. It’s just we forgot that we know how to do so and blame outer elements around us. In truth they are just a mirror to our own essence.” – Rev. Meleriessee, “Super Moon of September 8th, 2014


by Rev. J. Michael Hayden

There is a nuance to following Ascension teachings that is challenging to grasp for all beginning initiates until they get into the higher initiations. How can we know what we do not know?

In reading what Rev. Meleriessee wrote about this weeks Super Moon, I realized my own journey is simply a reflection of those words.

We forget that Life is Relative. Which means we have a set point of view about our lives and how we see the world. What I am referring to is at the deepest core of who we are. We can’t help but believe that everyone experiences the world as we do. In fact, it is impossible to not feel this way. If we experience a period of sadness or joy, we are only able to equate that feeling as our experience, and we know this. But yet at the same time, we are unable to not have our experience and know what it is like to have another persons experience of the same emotion or event. Everything is relative to our own personal journey.

One person’s experience can be far different than another, even if the circumstances are identical.

Does this mean we can not relate? No, it simply means that the breaking down the barriers to true knowing of what another experiences from within their own heart and soul, are limited by our own experiences within our heart and soul.

And to what depth does that experience go?

We judge our own journey in comparison to another. This is a natural result of knowing we can’t know what they know, and still, it is ironic that we also can not allow others to have their own unique experience, or for that matter, allow ourselves to have them. We compare. We rank; we try to find how our emotional experiences and events stack up with everyone else.

This is why we are a culture inundated and fascinated with books and movies.

And in so doing we loose sight of the only relevant reality: We can only know what we know.

Accepting this can be both a blessing and a curse. It all depends on our state of awareness of who we are being in each moment.

I can have an experience where I feel I gain a bit a introspection about a new inner realization. Say I go out one day and lock my car keys in my car. My truth in that moment can be to remind myself that I need to slow down and not be in such a hurry.

If I am a thinking person who uses logic and rational as my pattern of being, that would be my truth as far as I can see. Would that be all there is to it?

When Meleriessee writes, “… dive deeper in the abyss of unknowingness to find parts of ourselves that are looking to be part of our reality”, it may mean that I needed to check my emotional state of being as well. And for many, this part of the equations is often covered over.

We arise in the morning and instead of taking time to connect with ourselves, many reach for a cup of coffee to stimulate them into being awake and aware. Then after a days work, we may reach for a glass of fluid that contains another stimulant to have us relax from having to be so awake and actively on and engaged all day. This cycle can go on for years leaving not a single moment to know what one truly is experiencing.

What emotions go along with my event? I judged myself as being stupid, off my game, not being in control, allowing distractions to interfere with my life, all making me feel diminished, weak, foolish and shameful and embarrassed as I had two others with me who were now also locked out of the car, in a remote location where it would now take time and effort out of the day to rectify.

This all seems to make sense right? Each of you would agree there is no profound realization in that, as many would feel the same way had they been in my shoes.

Here is what is important to share: had I not taken a moment to delve into what those feelings were inside of me, they would have continued to exist.

Inside me. In my solar plexus, in my heart, in my mind. In my PHYSICAL BODY.

And that is the nuance of Ascension work that is profound. Not in the sense of understanding the process, as many aware souls on this planet now realize lower emotional energies are the root cause of disease, dis-ease, and needless suffering, but realizing that if you do not make yourself aware of what you are deep within, you have done little to clear and heal yourself.

This is the process of discovering the deep abyss of the unknowingness.

I then immediately had an opportunity to take some time to breathe deep into my body and purge those emotions so they would not remain. Since my own work is so heavily connected to using the Unified Whole and the Spiritual Hierarchy, I also used those frequencies to heal and clear my etheric, emotional and mental bodies, for in truth, Ascension work is clearing ALL elements of frequency, not just doing deep breath work to connect to a potential or actual blockage in the body.

And THAT is part of the nuance that many do not know about this work and how deep it goes. The major reason healing and clearing, going deeper, within this work seems so repetitive, is because we have learned such a little bit about how to do it correctly from our regular third dimensional level of awareness.

Consider that most would just take a moment to realize they need to slow down to avoid such aggravations and then begin the process of calling for assistance from a service or a friend. Some fewer may take a deep breath and stay in the moment stating to themselves, that no one is perfect. But very few indeed would allow the full spectrum of emotions, thoughts and physical feelings to be expressed, honored and released.

And THAT is why such lower frequencies exist in such widespread amounts upon our planet.

Think about that and the implications.

And this example is just about one moment in time where one locks the keys in the car.

If each soul carries such feelings a shame and embarrassment, guilt and self depreciation, even in such a small amount; that reality of the self lowers the vibration of all life forms upon the planet.

As a soul, I have accepted that I have a responsibility to no longer contribute to lowering the collective frequencies within my full consciousness. This is because I am committed to creating a New Earth, and in divine partnership with Rev. Meleriessee, we both act in accordance to do whatever has to be done. But this brings us back to the main point: How can I know what I do not know?

What other deep thoughts, mental patterns of dysfunction or corrupted emotions lie beneath the surface of my or our consciousness?

This is the true task that all humanity is now faced with if the New Earth of Gaia (Terra Christa) is to be created. What about the wounds that originally created the mind/heart programming that causes one to feel guilt, shame, embarrassment, self judgement, self recrimination, etc., etc.? How much of it is there and how deep does it go?

For myself, being in a hurry is a significant understanding that my day must begin in sacred self preparation of my full body system so that I do not allow such emotions to return. And also so that I am within a state of awareness that allows me to be able to go deep into them when they do surface. I am not just a doing person, but must instead fully become a being person. 99.8% of the 3D existence is taken up with being a doing person.

The realizations and implications of that are profound indeed. As taking 1% off that stack of “doingness” is similar to my realization that “clearly I need to slow down”. Just 1%. And how deep must I go to rid myself of another 90%? Deep indeed.

This Moon is assisting greatly and will continue to do so until the next New Moon. But only as long as one is able to accept and admit they may not know what they do not know, and be ready and willing to go deeper to find out exactly what they do not know.

The distractions and artificial requirements of a jam packed 3D life will indeed prevent you from being in that space of existence, but for the dedicated soul who desires to be the change they want to see in the world, there is no other pathway.

It is a pathway that can actually reveal yourself to you. Because I was able to experience being in the moment at a much deeper level of awareness within my full body system, I was able to continue my day and allow the processes that are part of my life to go on without energetic disruption. “Energetic disruption” is a deeper level of awareness as all reality is actually made up of a collection of energy exchanges.

Think of the proverbial snowball rolling down a hill and becoming an enormous boulder. What kind of snowball do you desire to create? Just because you can’t see energy, does not mean it is not there. How does the light that you are reflect back to you? How aware are you of that reflection?

Allow this Moon’s teachings be ever your guide to continually take you into new parts of your own reflection and you will be well served.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael “Aranathanara” Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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The New Age Hoax


 He who knows others is wise.
He who knows himself is enlightened.
– Lao Tzu


We as Lightworkers, as far as we like to think of ourselves, are fully committed to being “New Agers”.

We want a better world. We want global peace. We want planet wide prosperity.

We do not want any child to go hungry, any family to be without a home, any soul to be without a community that offers them compassion and support.

We are, in short, in deep desire of creating the Golden Age upon Earth, the promised land of milk and honey.

The land of milk and honey is representative of all things blessed and abundant. Yet we still live in a world where poverty, and poverty thinking, dwells in every village and town.

We still live each day claiming to ourselves that we just need to change the system; to get “the man” to step down, get our government to allow Disclosure and (in the USA) abolish the Federal Reserve.

We still look out our windows at some of the neighbors and think to ourselves about those who are on the “inside track” of being the elite and wonder when they will become awake and aware of the world they have created, of the pain they cause, of the misery they endow unto generations.  And we ask, “When will they step down?”

With the March 31, 1999 release of the movie “The Matrix”, many heard the ancient esoteric teachings about “the truth of reality” for the first time in the scene where Neo watches the Buddhist boy bend a spoon with his mind.

The spoon bending scene from the Matrix

Spoon boy: Do not try and bend the spoon. That’s impossible. Instead… only try to realize the truth.
Neo: What truth?
Spoon boy: There is no spoon.
Neo: There is no spoon?
Spoon boy: Then you’ll see, that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.

How Do We Get There From Here?

All of us who are New Agers know that the truth of our reality to be just a grand mass hologram on a deep inner level. But our minds are still not easily capable of figuring out how this hologram works and why we can seem so physical in our daily existence.  In our mind’s consciousness we don’t understand that there is no spoon, we can’t comprehend how to “get there from here”.

The intricacies of why we cannot wrap our minds around it fully are many.

It starts with the fact that we wanted to not know as a condition of our humanity.  As spiritual beings pretending we are physical, we don’t want to know it is all an illusion of our own creation.  So even though we hear “the truth”, and even want to accept it, we do not have the ability to simply change the rules of the “human game” and sweep away the veil of forgetfulness.

Our inability to fully know our truth is also convoluted more by the mere fact that we are already in the energy of the Oneness that we so desire to experience. The joke is on us that we think and feel are not One.  We are One. We are simply pretending that we are not.  We are pretending within our lower mind, our ego, that we are separate from each other, from the animals, from the earth.

And being that we are already in Oneness, this means that when our collective mass consciousness has a defining thought form, we gravitate to that thought from as sure as the moth must flutter to a flame.

We cannot “get there from here” as long as we fail to understand just how powerful our own illusions are and how forcefully compelling a flame it is.

The Defining Illusion

As an example, do you know why you love a certain food or beverage? Do you stop to think about how many other places in the world people love the same items? Do they love it half-way around the globe? Do they love in the next state or province? The next village? The next family?

How did you have come to love it?

The truth is, most of the things we love, the things we dislike, the things we find attractive, the things that upset us, or please us…most, if not all, are a product of our cultural surroundings and social interactions from our family and society, including even those things we are attracted to just because they are the opposite of what our family and society may like or not like.

Convoluted? Certainly. Because if you account for all the mass consciousness messages, norms, should do’s, shouldn’t do’s, can do’s and cant’s, that deeply shape and affect your sense of self, who you think you are… you will find that the person whom you know that you are are… is not constructed of much of anything other than those illusions.

You will discover that You Are The Defining Illusion.

The fool and the king

There once was a fool who set off for the palace of the king. Along the way, people pointed and laughed at him.

‘What would a fool like you do at the king’s palace’ they called sarcastically. ‘Well, I shall be the king’s teacher,’ the fool replied with certainty.

But his answer only made the people laugh more.

When the fool arrived at the palace, the king thought he could quickly deal with the fool and have some fun at his expense.

‘How dare you come and disturb the king?’ asked the monarch in a strict tone.

‘I am here to become your teacher,’ the fool said confidently.

The king doubled over with laughter. ‘What would a fool like you be able to teach me?’

‘You see,’ said the fool. ‘You are asking me a question straight away.’

It turned dreadfully quiet in the throne room and all the royal household staff held their breath.

The king too was taken aback, but then he replied. ‘I have to admit that your reaction was clever, but you didn’t answer my question.’

‘Only a fool has an answer to everything, king.’

‘But….’ spluttered the king flabbergasted. ‘What would my subjects think if their king would have a fool as his teacher?’

‘Better a fool as teacher than a fool as king,’ came back the answer.

The king was rather taken aback by the fool’s answers, but still tried to salvage the situation with a clever question. ‘But if I take a fool as teacher, does that not make me a fool?’

‘Only a fool will always say of himself that he is not a fool, king.’

And that is how the fool became the king’s teacher.
                                                                                                       – ancient tale


Nobody wants to be the fool. And yet, it is only in facing the illusion that one is not a fool that sets them free.  The lifting of the Veil required a direct relationship with fooldom.

You are the One who thinks you know the One That That You Are. And it simply is not true. You do not really know who you are

The Powers That Be

Most Lightworkers are quite interested in the topic of the elite, of the “powers that be”, of the “Fat Controllers” as Stewart Wilde terms them.  Many want to know about the Annunaki, the heritage and families that created such things as the Federal Reserve or the Royal Families of the world. The ones who control the banks and the governments from the secret seats of power.  Many desire to keep abreast of the latest developments in the efforts to “expose” these power brokers and open up the vaults of wealth that have been so carefully hidden.

Only the fool believes he/she is not a fool. The question is, do you believe it to be just a story, or does it have the ring of truth of the ancient Masters?

Here is the grandest hoax of them all revealed.  As long as you believe you are wise and “into” the truth, then you, like the king, are farther away from the truth than you can possible understand.


Because those so-called power brokers are really not as interested in the elements of financial control and wealth as you believe. They are actually interested in having you believe that is what they are interested in. And once you believe that, you will not believe in something else even more powerful. And if they can keep you sidetracked and convoluted about all the things they are and are not, all the things they do and do not do

They can keep you from knowing your ultimate truth.  They can keep you from focusing on that truth as if it were the only thing of importance in your entire life.  They can keep you from seeking and understanding the same Spiritual Truth that the Masters have been quietly speaking of for eons of time.

That even though this world is a mass consciousness created illusion…it is still YOUR illusion. And you have the power to shape, mold and control it.

And now you say, “Yes it is my illusion, I get that. It is my world, and I want to change it!  That is why I am protesting and voting and marching and meditating to get the elite exposed!”

But what you do not see is that as you provide an opposite energetic position toward something, you are actually empowering that something just as if you are supporting it.  This is how energy works.

Hold this thought in your mind right now: “I am NOT thinking of a Pink Elephant”.

And what is the image in your mind now?

Such a simple test that even a fool can understand.  And yet, in our daily lives we are so programmed to bypass such a simple truth, to not see it for what it is.  Most Lightworkers are buying into the “Fat Controllers” very hands. That is the Grandest New Age Hoax of them all.

Shaping Your Illusions

The truth is out there. It is not as hidden as you think.

What have the Ascended Masters been teaching for eons? It is only by stepping outside the illusions that you can understand the Truth of Who You Are. It is YOU WHO MUST BEND.

Not the elite, not the power brokers, not the mass consciousness.


Here is the part that the power brokers don’t want you to figure out: by being so consumed with their story, you neglect your own.

The Ascended Masters are masters because they separated themselves from the illusion. Think of Budda, Confucius, Lau Tzu, Christ, Mohammad, and all of the other esoteric Ascended Masters. Think of what they taught.

Now think of how individual sitting at the feet of these Masters learned.

Most of what you know of the Ascended Masters Teachings are simple proverbs and sayings, just like the ones I have provided here.

That Is NOT learning.

In order to start shaping your illusions you must start shaping yourself.

The Pathway of The Lightworker

The hoax of the new age is designed to trick the Lightworker into not realizing their full pathway of why they are here on this planet. Yes, Lightworkers are certainly here to create great change. Yes, YOU are here to collectively create a New Age, one that is much brighter, purer, balanced and abundant.  Yes, YOU are here to BE Love and Light.

But that is NOT your pathway.

You are here to take a bold leap forward as you have never done before in ALL YOUR SOUL’S EXISTENCE. You are here to BE grand, to DO one grand thing for yourself

You are here to BECOME A MASTER .

The pathway of each and every Lightworker now upon Gaia is to become a Master.

The Fifth Dimension Revealed

Every Lightworker knows about the Aquarian age. The Golden Age. Every Lightworker believed that December 21, 2012 would usher in the existence of the NEW AGE.

And every Lightworker is now wondering…just WHAT happened anyway? Because, “I sure don’t feel or see too much that has changed around here. I means something must have changed…I hope. But what?”

Here is the Truth about the Fifth Dimension: Only a Master can walk in a Fifth Dimensional existence.

Are you a Fifth Dimensional Master?

Have you learned at the feet of the Masters about how to finally BE a Master?  Or are you only simply watching movies like the Matrix that show you Mastery?  Are you still only listening to modern day gurus who talk about Mastery?

Do not be fooled into taking a passive stance that doing such things IS MASTERY ITSELF. Or else you are just doing exactly what those holding the secret strings want you to believe.

Learn Mastery for yourself. Study what the full teachings of the Ascended Masters are instructing you to learn and practice. You can get to the Golden Age of the Fifth Dimension from here…but it is not simply going to happen by being a Lightworker who loves great sayings, watches great movies and shares them with their Facebook friends. That is not the only reason you are here. It is not just about sharing the Love and the Light.

It is about BEING the Love and the Light fully. It is about MASTERING THE LIGHT.


Fifth Dimensional Mastery℠ teachings taught by the Ascended Masters and Spiritual Realm as channeled by Meleriessee are available as MP3 seminars and as ongoing live courses at Walking Terra

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©2013 Walking Terra Christa. All rights reserved. Images and links go to their respective copyright holders.

Mastering Your Light

Mastering Your LightWhat it takes to Master Light – The Journey Continues (by Mike of Mel and Mike)

The scope of my life and work has changed drastically and dramatically over the last year.  It was last year on September 6, 2011 that I left Philadelphia to drive across the country, destination known but not understood, to arrive in Mt. Shasta California.  I was not moving, not relocating; I just knew I had to finally, after many long years, take a break from my normal routine, get away from it all and see if I could renew and rejuvenate my spirit.

My normal routine as some of you may know was that of an independent business consultant by day doing marketing work, and a student and sometimes coach/teacher of all things metaphysical by night (and some weekends).  Occasionally I had even assisted in marketing and administering some channeling events with other Lightworkers  to help assist with the work of sharing the Light.  But that was hardly it…I was also spending a good year recuperating from a bad shoulder injury, am also a divorced Dad who has two boys who I took care of a few times a month and visited weekly at their home an hour’s drive away; a middle child in my own birth family who was the only one of three sons to whom the task of caring for our elderly (and very cantankerous) ailing Mother responsibly fell toward.  Caring for my Mother was partially an issue of honorability, as it did not seem right to me to have her put into a home to be cared for, and partially due to my own situation of having to live on my own and also support my children financially, as caring for my Mother in her home provided the means to make it easier to have money left over after all the monthly bills were paid.

On Thanksgiving of 2010, at 11:11 pm, my Mother passed away after having spent the last few months confined to bed with a broken hip and failing lungs.  I had been her main source of emotional and physical companionship for the prior four and a half years.  It may not seem that long a time but for me it was in many ways, a lifetime.  My Mother was ridged in her beliefs, strict in her ways and did not believe that love was show or shared by a demeanor of the kind word or an overt act of kindness.  Love was a debt one owed for what another did for you.  It was a great challenge for a Lightworker to experience, and I imagine many of you can relate.

Why? Because that is the path of a Lightworker, to not just face adversity, but to be in adversity 24/7.  It is not specifically designed to be a test of your Light, but is simply a reflection of life in the modern world and what it will take for you to remember and relearn how to Master your Light.

I could go on to delve into how the other folks in my life, my ex-wife, my close friends, my two brothers, those I worked with at the time, were also reflections of the those challenges, and how there were also occasions where they too shined the Light very brightly.  But you have all that in your own life too, as life is full of moments of contrast at either end of the spectrum.

But as many of us experience it, especially those who know they are here upon Gaia to specifically shine their own light brighter, those challenging individuals and situations can get one down, day after day, month after month and year after year.

This was finally why Spirit “set me down and had a talk”…it was time for me to regroup and take a breather. And getting away from it all, driving across a vast country that is 3000 miles wide, might just assist.  Spirit does not give me much advice.  They certainly help me readjust my perspective and usually, when it comes to choices, allow me to choose my own Destiny, but this time it strongly suggested I take a trip, get away.  This talk did not happen until had had attempted to design my life according to the way I wanted it to be after four years of taking care of my Mother. I felt that it was time for me to finally set myself up as a proper citizen of a large metropolitan city area should, and begin to settle into the lifestyle of a successful 3D person just like the nightly sitcoms and TV commercials depicted.  (I can tell you, they did not spend much digital resources on portraying the kind of life I was living before).

I had to give notice at my primary place of business and that too caused a great deal of drama, but the drama also extended to everyone in my circle, for I had never “left” them before, I was not traveling man, I was a steady and dependable presence in their lives, even if they did not appreciate me being in it so much.

So, by the first week of September last year, I had all my ducks in a row, I loaded up my van (a family van for lugging the kids around) and off I went.

When one envisions themselves traveling across the country as a single male (who had a lifestyle that permitted about 2 dates a year by the way), it is more fitting to be in a fast Mustang or some such vehicle, not a family van.  But my intentions were to be reflective and meditative, so my vehicle suited me just fine.

And it was no coincidence that this could finally happen for me, as a year before my Mom passed, I also took a big step in my own journey of accessing the Light more fully.  I had enrolled in the premier launce of the Light Master program by Steve and Barbara Rother (through the new Paths to Empowerment business). What was unique about what they were doing was that they asked for a commitment to the full year.  They felt that having one step in and out, only sampling the work here and there would be a disservice to the teachings and to the student doing the learning.  This was a big shift for me to commit to a yearlong program, and it also shifted me greatly after being in it.  Only I did not have a full understanding of just what that shift inside me was about, nor was I really conscious of it.

It wasn’t just Steve and Barbara Rother that were “hard at work” trying to get folks like me to “wake up and see the light”.  In addition to my dear channel friend Sheryl Blumenthal for whom I had marketed the events for, I had also met a gifted teacher and channel named Robert Young and his wife, (also named Barbara by the way), who did some powerful healing work on my Mom (and myself) when they were passing through Philadelphia.  And, due to my shoulder injury, I had reconnected with another great channel and healer from Southern New Jersey named Christine Meleriessee who drastically altered my life by assisting me to bring in my Higher Self more fully.  And as I said before, I was not really conscious of just how powerful and transformative any of these healers and teachers were to me – until much later, and that is typical of the pathway of becoming a Master of Your Light.

As I look back on it, why did I decide, after so many years of being responsible to my duties, of always doing the “right thing” and standing by everyone in my life, of being the faithful friend, the dutiful son, the dedicated parent, the loyal worker…, why did I choose to take a break and drive across the country?  It was not me.

But that is the point…it was no longer me.  Studying and reading about what Lightworkers do was what I did for almost 20 years, doing Lightwork as a formal course of study only happened when I stepped up and took the Light Master year long course.  It was a financial and time and duration commitment.  But it was all about doing Lightwork on myself.  And that is why the doorways opened more for me to allow other teachers and healers to really assist also.

I took the trip.  I drove.

And I was not planning on leaving The Philly metro area where my family, friends and livelihood were all located; I was not planning on moving.  Or should I say, the old me, the one I was no longer, was not planning on it.

As I neared the state line between Pennsylvania and Ohio I felt very strange.  I had a very distinct physical awareness as if I was not just a guy in a car driving along a highway, but a tree who wanted to move and did just that, such that it was uprooting its roots after decades and decades to move…just like those trees in the movie Lord of the Rings…big roots, not easily dislodged.

All of a sudden I felt like I could breathe deeper.  Something very heavy had left me and I could not explain or put into words what it was.  But I felt it just the same.

I traveled to see some family and friends along my journey, each one assisting me greatly in seeing and understanding facets about my life.  Each gave me gifts of spirit that they cannot even comprehend, as I did not comprehend it at the time either.  It was as if I was given the time to reflect and review my life through their eyes, as we discussed what I had done before and how long I had been doing it.

You know you can’t really see your own life fully when you are in it.  It really is a case of only seeing the trees and not the forest.  And that is just how it is.  We like the trees, we like the view.  Not always because we literally “like it” necessarily, but because we are used to it, we understand it, we know it.  Our roots go deep and so do the roots of those trees near us.  Nobody wants to uproot their roots. They spend too much time and energy, emotionally and socially digging them in.

And when you can only see the staid old oak trees all around you, you might not even know some very tall splendid pine trees are just around the corner, or perhaps 3000 miles away.  And you might not know that you are not really a very good oak tree, but that yo are an amazing pine tree.

This was in a manner of speaking what happened to me.  I discovered myself again, and I was really much less a part of the energies of the world I was in than I ever knew.  And that world was not just the particular characteristics of the city I lived near and the people who inhabited it, no, it was not simply about geography…that world was the world of “being dimmed”, of being not the Light that I was.  It was the choice I made to go the extra step, to really commit to being a Lightworker by learning how to Master the Light as Steve Rother put it, that shifted everything for me.  Without that commitment I would have continued on, leaving my roots just where they comfortably (as uncomfortable as that was), were.

I now not only walk in my light, I focus entirely on expanding my light as I walk the talk fully.  I don’t do business consulting for others anymore.  I work full time on my own Lightworker business along with my new business partner and new life mate, Christine Meleriessee, who had moved from New Jersey to Mt. Shasta just months before I took a trip across the county.  Turned out, she is my Divine Twin Ray and both of us never had a clue…but that is, again, the point.  You can’t know what is in store for you until you really commit to stepping up.

What can happen when you do?  Everything.  I am now incredibly joyful about my life.  True, my children and all those from back where I grew up, don’t like it, think I have abandoned them, forsaken them…and many of them have anger and frustration with what I did.  After all, trees should stay put shouldn’t they?

Now I assist other Lightworkers (even those who don’t think they are) to delve deeper, to go the extra step into what really works.  I was also a student and teacher in philosophy, psychology and the personal development movement…and I can tell you that there may be a reason why all those ways of addressing your life are not really working for you the way the teachers of those movements depict that their teachings should…it is because you are not here on Gaia to fully partake of the world of success in the 3D, of “having all you want”, of being the master of your life”…because you are here to be a Lightworker.  And that journey…is not what you ever thought it was.

It takes a lot of work.

It takes a lot of work on you.

It takes commitment to accepting into yourself that you are not “maybe” but “are”, a much more expansive being than you ever thought you were.  A being that is immensely confident, knows fully who they are, and why they are here on this planet at this particular juncture in time.  It does not mean you get past all the challenges of being human, it means you know inside that you will.

I have learned so much more in the last year and I now pass it onto you in my work with Meleriessee.  So I do invite you to take a page from my book…learning literally about Lightwork, that is, learning to command light is what will take you to the next level of your human existence like nothing else out there can do.

Why? Because what Steve and Barbara were asked to do by the group, was teach humans the next step in their evolution.  You have all heard you are a being of light, a Light Being.  You have heard that all matter is simply a frequency of light, that sound is a frequency of light…well we, as humans now have to learn to feel those frequencies and call them up in our consciousness.  This is step one to walking the pathway into the New Earth, into the 12/21/12 prophesied about…it is very important we learn to Master Light.  It is what the Ascended Masters all did and it was called Ascension Science.  Meleriessee has upped the game with the light work of using the 22 Rays (which no one else is doing by the way…(yet at least…).

For myself, I am working to get out as many programs as possible as Spirit wants humans to get assistance from them.  All of our work includes channeling from the Spiritual Hierarchy without exception. We now have an Email Seminar Course in Ascension Science that is simple and easy that we just put together on how to Master Light using the 22 Rays, as in light rays before 12/21/12.

I discovered that there is a great deal about Ascension Science and Soul Psychology that I never knew…and it turns out it is really important to know these things.  I stepped up and it really assisted me.  It is what really enabled me to Master my Light.  Below are the links you can check out:

Take The 22 Rays Challenge! = our Email Seminar that you do on your own time with teachings and MP3’s delivered via email each week for 12 weeks (90 days)at just a dollar a day.

Integrate the 22 Rays in your Chakras = our in-depth 9-week Seminar now on MP3 audio with handouts, each of the 9 classes is 90 minutes of audio.  For those who what deeper understandings and channelings in the 22 Rays and how to use them.

Plus, for those looking for Ascension Teachings, we are launching a new course, The Science of Ascension, and for those who want a great understanding of what living in a 5D reality requires, stay tuned for our new The Telosian Way of Being weekly seminar series.

And, don’t forget — tomorrow is our tele-call to celebrate the Equinox!!

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