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Donations & Partner Members

Please make your selection below to support our teachings in the form of a one-time donation, a recurring donation, or by becoming a Partner Member. 

We love to support you in discovering how to properly and correctly raise your vibration to accept a Fifth Dimensional creation. To do this work, we at Walking Terra Christa require earthly support as One Family of Light to bring forth these unique teachings.

Please make a Donation (one-time or recurring, no matter how large or small) or, use our suggestions to become a Partner Member with us!

In addition to tapping into the right teachings for yourself, you are also ACTING IN SERVICE by supporting and contributing to having our work reach others across GAIA (Mother Earth) through our public writings, audio teachings, and transcripts of our transmissions and our free events.

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We are in service to each of you who read our articles and experience our teachings. You are our source of earthly compensation. If just 11 people a day took a moment to donate $11 it would make a significant impact on easing our daily expenses. 10,000 of you read our articles each month but during the year 2015, we only received 23 donations for the whole year.  Please consider making a recurring donation by checking the box on the donate form if you also feel our work is vitally important to humanity. Or, use options below instead.

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Receive the following each month as one of our Partner Members. All Partner Members not only receive the MP3 AUDIO TEACHINGS at the end of each month, they also formally receive entry into the Walking Terra Christa Inner Plane Ascended Masters Teaching Academy as well as the rights and benefits granted by the Unified Whole Command for being an ongoing part of these teachings.

◊ OPTION ONE: Be a Supporting Partner Member
Support WTC as a service to Humanity and the creation of the New Earth and receive ALL OUR REGULAR ACADEMY MONTHLY TEACHING MEDITATIONS in MP3 AUDIO format, (on average at least 8 hours of High Frequency Meditation Teachings each month during Academy Semesters. That is over $150 in saving off ordering each class individually).
INCLUDES: Each month listen to both the Clarion Temple of Oneness and The New Earth Consciousness Circle of Light Golden Etheric Cities, including MP3 AUDIO of all our Free Teachings, (not including Specialized Mastery Courses).

Please pick Your Financial Means Level:

◊ OPTION 2: Be a Contributing Partner Member
Contributing Partner Members receive two (2) Audio MP3 selection from our private Academy Student Member Teaching Meditations each month.
This level is to assist in a very real way in the transmissions of our teachings to the public for the ongoing free monthly teachings, articles and transcripts of our Academy teachings including the New Earth Frequency updates.

Set up your Modest Contribution:



Looking for the Best Connection to Learn?

You Deserve it. Step into Full Partnering as an Academy Student Member for just $3/day (Normal Tuition).
That’s the Price of a Large Flavored Coffee. 
An Amazingly Affordable Tuition Exchange:

Clarion Temple of Oneness ~ Healing All Universal Souls in Body and BeyondNew Earth Consciousness-Circle of LightParticipate in the Direct Connection to Pure Ascension Mastery Teachings of the Highest
Vibrational Energy.

In our TWO WEEKLY CLASSES* You Will Learn
to Create the Fifth Dimensional New Earth
within Your Life.

Plus, as a Student, Each Month You Receive Personal Advice from the Ascended Masters in our Group Ascension Mastery Mentoring Class with the option to also have access to ONE-ON-ONE MONTHLY CONSULTATIONS** with the Ascended Masters.

*EVERY MONTH Our Academy Student Members have the option to attend LIVE (or via MP3 Audio Recording) the full 6 to 10 hours (on average) of our Ascension Teachings in the Highest Frequency Divine Light Language(sm) Coding and Instructional Wisdom currently available to Humanity.

All Teachings are Transmitted Direct from the Ascended Masters and Spiritual Beings of the Brotherhood/Sisterhood of White Light through the UNIFIED WHOLE OF ONENESS (also includes the Christed Inner-Earth and Intergalactic Ascended Beings and Masters.)

You Will Personally Train to Raise Your Vibration for the New Earth of the Fifth Dimension and Bring Quantified Love and Light to Others through the Skills and Techniques You Acquire.

(Quantified means you learn to filter and remove the 3rd/4th Dimensional qualities). At an earthly monetary exchange that delivers very accessible, affordable, and superior training content, including Divine Light Language Coding so you also receive the Higher Octaves of Light, you can now learn directly from the Spiritual Hierarchy each month!

Begin your Personal Ascension Mastery Studies by Becoming an Academy of New Earth Mastery Student Member.
Click here for details.

**The Academy Student Member Monthly Mentoring Consultation requires it’s own exchange fee which is steeply discounted at 60% off. It includes time for a personal interaction with Master Djwhal Khul, Lord Saint Germain or Lord Adama.


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