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What happened to them can happen to you this Earth Day…

There is a wisdom that comes from our teachings that is self-realized not only due to the Ascended Masters words and unique perspective but from the transmitted Light they give to us within each teaching.

Below are two recent examples* of what you can also experience with Ascension Mastery studies in your own self awareness of awakening.

If you are interested in celebrating Earth Day by participating in energies that can really create a true shift of consciousness, which is where the real healing of GAIA takes place, read more at this link and consider enrolling in the EARTH DAY class (April 22) with Master El Morya and Lord’s Saint Germain and Metatron:

Read a channeled message from the Ascended Master’s perspective here:

“Master El Morya and Lord St Germain’s words really helped me to have some AHA moments and even tears, knowing that they understand the process I’m going through, I felt such comfort that I wasn’t in a “bad” place, it was exactly what I would experience on the mastery pathway, and why I was experiencing some of the elements that were not easy for me to handle.

“I suddenly had an awareness, that I was shown how my habit was to go through challenges with the “hard pain”, and how I could shift it to the “soft pain”, everything made sense and I felt blessed rather than challenged and fighting with the process.

“At end of the day, I was faced with a doorway of stepping into the new way of being or staying in the old way. I didn’t realize it was such a big doorway until after I walked through it. There was an individual at work that has been a big mirror to me, he visits once in a while, I have shifted my inner lessons quite a bit, from being challenged to face him, to letting go some ego and accepting myself more so I felt peace facing him, but I often felt not good enough comparing myself to him. He was leaving and I wanted to have a conversation with him, but I felt this inner fear arising and usually I would just walk away, but I somehow knew it was a moment of breaking the illusion of fear and step into my power, just like how I faced my fear swimming in the deep pool. As soon as I realized this doorway, the fear was magnified, I cleansed myself and called upon the Archangels of the blue flame to help me embody the ray. I finally went to him for a conversation, I observed myself throughout and there were moments I felt lack of confidence again, and some moments I wanted to run away, but I stayed and allowed all to happen without my mind masking anything, rather faced it with my authentic self and I really enjoyed the conversation and said goodbye.

“As I was driving home, my emotional body released some tears and I knew it was a deep healing, my mental mind didn’t know what it was, but from a deeper awareness, it was a big healing breaking the mirror of my old way of being. Such a small incident, my mind would not count it as any achievement previously, but I caught it this time, it was huge for me! I took action and changed who I was. I also understood why these little moments are so important on my pathway and what it really means. I felt I have matured and had more acceptance of my pathway. I feel a deep sense of freedom now, and faith that I’m guided, to heal all parts within me, I simply needed to allow it to happen. I don’t need to know exactly why I have become the way I am, I will know when the wisdom come. I’m seeing through my mental mind’s masking, thinking I’m a social person when I want to be, and not looking at those moments that I do run away, and those moments will come back again and again, it’s how I isolate and not able to have healthy relationship with others on a deeper level, I could not show my authentic self with a root fear of not being good enough. As I empower myself and become that energy in these little crossroad moments, I’m really changing, and I’m free!

“Thank you for this journey of deep healing!” – Noriko K. – Portland OR, USA

“Much of my life has been a challenge because I felt so scared, hurt & not good enough, but after much inner reflection and self esteem building over the last few years I’ve learned to build a stronger healthier heart.

“Now I understand how as humans we can feel so badly within ourselves that one can respond very easily with anger or hurtful actions. I’ve been there and it’s a crappy place to be.

“I know now that I always have a choice in how I feel and by allowing others to affect me in negative ways, then resenting them for that only gives them power and me pain, and no one gains anything.

“Everyone is fighting some battle within themselves even if they are not aware of it, and we all deserve Love, forgiveness & healing no matter what.

“Today through the conflictions that I saw around me and at times coming from me I choose to rise above it into Love, forgiveness and Peace where I found my inner power & strength. It is a beautiful space.

“It is a continuous journey but I know that in the end Love is all that matters.”- Rochelle M., New Zealand

*Awarenesses within Ascension Mastery studies are unique to each individual as it is about SOUL work and no two souls are alike. Results are totally up to each person and depends on how much inner work they are able to do. Personal results may vary but with the assistance of the Ascended Master teachers we have seen the great shifts in individuals through this work. 
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