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Lady Quan Yin ~ Journey of Love into the Golden Etheric City of Hakropliah


Walking Terra Christa presented a journey into the Golden Etheric City of Hakropliah with Lady Quan Yin to focus upon elevating the Quotient for Integration and Balance by concentrating upon increasing the Love Quotient for the Ascension Mastery Training. 

The Golden Etheric City of Hakropliah resides in the 5th dimensional earth over Taiwan which represents the Pink-Orange Ray of Walking Across the Bridge into the New Self (for more information, please see our article on the background and decree of the city.)

We  gather with Lord Adama (High Preist of Telos) to the Golden Etheric City of Hakropliah to meet up with Lady Quan Yin. Let’s take a deep breath, open up our energies of our Merkabah Vehicle spinning in multi-directions of the Pink-Orange flame swirling in and out of you.

As we travel together in our Group Merkabah from the planetary level into the 5th dimensional frequency, we envision this beautiful vortex of light of the Pink Orange Flame. Our body of light within the Merkabah is spinning in multi-directions as we come towards the Golden Etheric City of Hakropliah over Taiwan. We feel the intensity of this flame being so much a part of what is necessary to transform ourselves into a higher dimensional thought process within our energies.

As we arrive in the Golden Etheric City of Hakropliah, we arrive within the Garden of Renewal. As we separate into our own light bodies, we meet up with Lady Quan, and Angel Roshel. We feel the beautiful essences of the Elders that Surround the Throne of Grace, Lord Sannalia & Lady Sannaliare, who bring forth the beautiful Pink-Orange flame  everywhere we look.

It is a beautiful garden, full of tropical plants and flowers, with a mixture greenery of tall plants intermixed with lower ones.

As we enter the pathway with Lady Quan Yin, there are crystalline steps made out of Pink Quartz, Orange Calcite and Crystalline energies. We feel the blessing of these crystal stones coming right up into the soles of our feet. They are large flat stones that look like a plaque you may see on a wall. As we step unto each one, we can feel the vibration coming up into our lower limbs and traveling into our lower chakras. The energy now enters the Solar Plexus.

Take a moment to feel the Pink-Orange flame going into the Emotional Body opening up your feelings lodged within the Solar Plexus.

As we walk along the pathway with Lady Quan Yin, she brings forth her essence unto us in these moments:

Namaste, my Dearest Friends, I am Lady Quan Yin.

I am deeply honored to be able to represent the Love Quotient and how to increase it while changing the lower aspects.

The Love Quotient increases its percentage way beyond of what it is now for each of you. It does not matter where the percentage is for you, as my role with each of you for this visit is to allow me to assist you to become more compassionate to yourself, blessing yourself for your journey, and what you are experiencing especially in those moments of deep transition; the challenging moments.

As we walk through the garden, I want you to feel the blessing of the energies. We are in a valley with mountain ranges all around us. As we look above, we can see them in the distance. The other aspect of walking through this Garden of Renewal is the water running as there are streams underneath the ground. There is a trickle of this divine energy through the water releasing and regenerating itself. We call this area the Garden of Renewal to assist initiates like each of you to come into this space of letting go, but regenerating your system at the same time.

I ask you to feel the Divine energies that the Elders Surrounding the Throne of Grace are igniting within the area which represents the Pink-Orange flame. Angel Roshel is walking with us giving each of you her Divine Love from the Angelic Realm.

Continuing with your breath feel the exquisite light energies that we are bringing forth in these moments. All I want you to concentrate upon is to bring forth the divine energies of Love.

What does that love represent for you? Does it let you feel Compassion, Forgiveness? Does it represent Acceptance, does it assist in feeling peaceful or serene? All of these aspects are important as many others can be. You probably have your own understanding of what Divine Loves does for you. It makes you humble, it gives you humility of where you have traveled and what you have experienced.

The reason you can feel this Divinity of Love is because you see the Truth of your situation, of what you are experiencing presently. That feels uncomfortable and can put you in a place of where you no longer want to be, because it is a lower form of energy as you bring in these effects of the energies within this city,

We continue the walk through the garden, feel the joyfulness that is here. Hear the birds singing; the tropical flowers are so majestic. They are unlike any others seen in around the world.

There are beautiful colors, with sharp contours of the leaves and the petals to bring forth a sense of balance. In order to acquire balance, you have to have the ability to have a pointed edge. What surrounds that within the beautiful colors of the flowers is softness of the bud.  As each of you are embarking upon a new part of yourself, that edge needs to be accepted and brought forth into your consciousness. That is what each of you are experiencing within your journey.

You must push through the pointed areas that may seem very harsh in order to get to the softness within you.

This is so very important to realize within your consciousness that you cannot have one without the other. Some may say that this is the dark with the light, but in truth, it is the lower element with the higher element. Your lower self is not something to be mad at, but to realize that it is part of humanity, and being upon this planet. What you have experienced within your Etheric Self is coming to the surface to be healed. Allow us to help you with this process as we continue our walk towards the waterfall which will bring forth a purification blessing.

{Divine Language Network Encoding}

Like the flower you are at the pointed edge; you look at it but you have the ability to bring forth Compassion into your heart and say unto yourself, “I purge this energy; I move forward and I am going to get to that pointed edge so that I can truly embrace the softness of Divine Love.” As you do that, it becomes very transcending within this process.

Just receive these energies, my Dearest Ones. Receive them and allow them to run through you to go to the pointed areas that need to be regenerated.

Let’s take a moment to feel the Renewal within this Garden.

Everything is always in a state of regeneration and within this process you must allow yourself come into a state of consciousness saying,

“I am doing the walk; I am walking across these crystalline stones, and I feel the blessing of the crystalline energies coming up through my entire body.” At first, it may feel painful, but yet I breathe deeper and walk with more strength and courage. I bring forth this power of light within myself; it becomes more than I have held within me before. I feel the blessing of Lady Quan Yin and Angel Roshel with the Elders that are igniting this beautiful flame, because I am walking my talk. I am allowing myself to walk with what I have been telling myself that I want to continue as each step takes me closer to the purification blessing of this magnificent waterfall.”

{Divine Language Network Encoding} 

We now arrive to the entranceway to this impressive waterfall. The water is coming down from the cliffs above. It is very natural, but you can see the pure essences of the Pink-Orange flame within the sun and the water. The water is crystal clear.

As we step into the pool, you can feel the vibrancy of the water. It is filled with many electro-magnetic charges to assist more of the Divinity of Love to come into your consciousness allowing you to feel the blending of what you desire the Divine Love to share its essence with you.

I call upon those energies of Divine Mother Father God bringing forth the essence of your Personal Oneness. Feel your Light bodies and your I Am Presence guiding you to this point as you walk into the waterfall. You stand under the water; as it trickles down from the rocks you feel yourself being blessed in a new and completely different way than you have been previously. The water flows down into all parts of your auric field; it goes to all of your four bodies. It goes into your Mental Body, your Emotional Body, your Etheric Body , and your Physical Body. You feel the sharpness of the water as it is pounding upon your body, but yet it feels very soft because you are changing within yourself as you are allowing yourself to a new sense of understanding with whom you are.

{Divine Language Network Encoding} 

Feel the bliss now, feel the power of the purification running through you. It is more powerful than you thought it was; you can feel the old energies leaving you as your emotional body is opening up into the transition, allowing the transformation to occur so you can walk into the New Self. Feel this more deeply, having compassion for what you are experiencing.

Ah Yes, bless yourself, bless yourself where you were and now you are here in this moment. Take a moment to realize the changes you are going through; the change even if it is only one element. Allow it to be part of your consciousness.

Receive it; calling upon your I Am Presence within your breath, asking your I Am to assist you in receiving all of the higher light bodies, to allow them to come down and be part of your Heart Essence. All of those 12 Bodies of Light, through the dimensions, from the Universal, into the Galactic, into the Solar, in through the dimensions of the 9th, the 8th, the 7th, the 6th, the 5th, the 4th, the 3rd. Let it become One within You.

This is your I AM Presence.

I Am I Am I Am I Am

{Divine Language Network Encoding} 

I Am I Am I Am I Am

Breathe deeper and feel it coming more into your system. Rejoice, rejoice for what you are experiencing; having this blessing being part of your reality. it is now time to step out of the waterfall shaking off the droplets of water.

I hand you a beautiful robe of Pink Orange for you to put around you. It absorbs right into your auric field; it becomes parts of your existence. Feel the blessing of this flame surging within you going into your chakras, especially the Emotional Center, your Solar Plexus. Feel the Compassion you are; feel the Mercy and the Blessing. You are now walking into a new part of yourself.

As we step away from the waterfall to the side, we see there is a beautiful Bamboo Forest which is very exquisite. The trees are on each side of the pathway and bend towards the middle as the leaves are touching each other. We step into the forest; this walkway of Strength, Versatility, bringing forth a feeling more stabilized within you . With each step we take, we start to feel this balance coming more and more fully within your Emotional Body. The purging is over so now is the moment of accepting the Strength that you are; the state of equilibrium you can be as it is happening with every step that you take.

{Divine Language Network Encoding} 

As we continue down the pathway, it bends to the right and you see that there is an entranceway to the Temple of Divine Mercy. As we stand outside, we see the beautiful structure. This temple represents bringing forth the Divinity of Mercy and Compassion; Mercy being a blessing for what you have experienced to allow yourself to actualize the new essence that you are becoming.

Do you feel relief of what you have brought forth allowing for the integration and balance to occur within y our Love Quotient?

We step upwards into the temple. The walls are made from bamboo trees, plants, and flowers; the temple is very expansive. When you first walk into the entryway, it looks very small. There are three more steps that takes us down into a lower level. It expands beyond the front area. It is a circumference of a city block. The circumference is comprised of hundreds of feet all the way around.

As we step into the State of Blessings, there are Bamboo seats for us to sit upon. There is a large flame that becomes a steeple which goes all the way up into the heavens above reaching to the 49th dimensional frequency where the flame originates from. It then comes downwards into the space of the 5th dimension within the room. The vibrancy of the energies is very strong; it is a blessing of the deeper flow than anyone of us can envision for ourselves. it is a personal experience; everyone will have a different awareness.

Please breathe deeply into these energies as we find our place around the flame. You have acquired the ability to accept strength within your consciousness, within your walk. The bamboo trees of this temple bring more of the balance and integration to occur. They bend and flow with the wind as there is a movement of energy just like the depth of the beautiful Great White Spirit coming into the temple. We take a moment of silence to receive these divine energies.

{Crystal Bowl Healing}

Your Own Personal Blessing is coming from your I Am Presence, from your Monad, from your Higher Self, from the Group Consciousness that you are. Allow yourself to sit and feel these Divine Energies within your breath. There are waves of light circling around the room from the flame. Allow them to come into your Heart Chakra, the center of all your chakras. It is like a wave of energy that moves forward and backward ever so slightly for you to totally receive the Divinity of Love within you. Hold it deeply; let your breath to take you deeper into this pure essence. As you breathe in, hold it and then let it go.

You become more of the wave of light that is circling within the temple of all that you have been and all that you desire to be.

Within the breath you start to feel a change occurring within you; a beautiful blessing going deeper and deeper within yourself connecting to the higher bodies of light that you are. This is your reality; this is whom you truly are as a Soul.

Allow it to come into your Three Minds, allow the Super-Conscious to help the Sub-Conscious to change the elements within your subconscious mind to be one of blessing, of Purity, of Grace, of Faith, of Forgiveness. All these elements become one within your Subconscious to change your Full Consciousness.

As you do this, you feel a surging occurring within you, a movement. As this happens, the purging within your Subconscious Mind is going right within the Pink Orange Flame allowing that energy to assist you. It comes towards you and around you while it is circling in a multitude of waves, flowing within and without. You become part of the Pink-Orange Flame.

You say unto yourself,

“I Am a Deep Blessing for my Physical Self; I acknowledge my Spiritual Self, I acknowledge My I Am Presence, I acknowledge all that I Am from the Source of Light of the 144th dimension. I call upon these energies to assist me to become more within myself than I have ever been able to acquire previously. I hold it deeply within me and within my breath as I feel a shift, a lightness, a softness as if someone was holding me to myself. I realize it is my I Am Presence; it is all the light bodies I am, and they are holding me, embracing me with their Divine Light which is my Divine Light; I am allowing myself to accept in the moment that I may go deeper and deeper into my Full Consciousness. I allow it to be held fully within me.”

You now call upon your I Am Presence to assist you to integrate this Divine Energy. Breathing deeply feel the power of this essence becoming one within you.

Stating the following:

“I call upon my I Am Presence to assist me to integrate the Divine Love that I Am, That You Are, That You are showing to me in these moments”

Now allow this Divine Energy to come swirling around you from the beautiful flame within this temple that comes down around your entire bodily system. It is swirling around you; all of the 12 Bodies of Light, the highest body of light coming and merging with the Galactic Body, with the Soul Body, and merges with lower bodies of the 10, the 9th, the 8th, the 7th, the 6th, the 5th, the 4th, and the 3rd coming down into your Heart Center. Take a breath as you start to feel it in your feet.

Say to yourself: “I feel it in my feet, in all aspects of myself. I am the Divinity of Love, I Am a Blessing unto my Physical Self. I am One with my Higher Self, I am One with My I Am Presence.”

Now allow this energy to come deeper and deeper into your Heart. Let it expand, Let it expand within you and around you.

{Divine Language Network Encoding} 

I, as Lady Quan Yin, now ignite unto you the blessing of your Feminine Divine of nurturing, of loving, of accepting yourself deeper and deeper within you which will open up your Intuitive Mind. It will open up all avenues within your full consciousness become One within You.

So Mote It Be; Let It Be Done.

As we sit here in this magnificent temple of light, the temple of Divine Mercy, I as Lady Quan Yin extend this integration unto you. Open up your arms; allow yourself to receive; open up your Heart, and breathe it deeply as I breathe it to you.

{Breaths of Lady Quan Yin to everyone}

Hold this now.

So Mote It Be, Let it be done in the Light of the Christ that We are together.

The true aspect of Divine Love must be increased within you. Remind yourself of this experience. Remind yourself to be one within these frequencies of light as they are the way to your strength, integration, and balance.


Give your own Namaste’ to your own Bodies of Light for assisting you.

It is now time for us to leave the Temple. As you arise, you should feel a new sense of purpose within you of strength, of courage, of tenacity, to look at everyone through the Divinity of Love.

As we leave the temple, I honor each of you with a bow. Please do come back.

I walk with each of you, Lady Quan Yin at your service.

Alunah, Alunah, Alunah

It is, I lord Adama once again. Let us gather outside the temple and create the most beautiful Group Merkabah Vehicle I have ever seen. Thank you, Lady Quan Yin, thank you Lady Mahlariessee, thank you Master Ara for allowing us to experience these energies within this glorious temple located at the Golden Etheric City of Hakropliah.

As we create our Merkabah Vehicle, we now ascend upwards out of the city into the vortex of Pink-Orange Flame twisting and turning in multi-directions moving from the beautiful area over Taiwan and into the planetary system. We now separate into our own Bodies of Light coming back into your own physical location. Breathing deeply.

I, as Lord Adama, thank you deeply for your continued work, diligence, even though at times it may not feel like that. There is great success occurring within each of you. I know this to be true.

Alunah, Alunah, Alunah

©Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden, Integrative Channel 9, 2019; New Earth Consciousness~Circle of Light. 

The New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light is a weekly class in which we journey to one of the 22 Etheric Cities.  Included is a teaching from Lord Adama and a special Ascended Being that represents the city. Walking Terra Christa provides many options to participate in their weekly teachings with an affordable rate for all individuals.  You can become an Academy Student or participate in our Partner/Membership Program while experiencing the teachings on your own time via the recordings. You can also purchase any of the MP3 downloads separately for the the classes to receive the highest vibrational energies available (upon your payment please make a note about the date of the class you are requesting to receive).

ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join Walking Terra Christa in this special project to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance. To learn more please use the link.


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