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The Light of Wesak ~ April 29th, 2018 Festival of Lights ~ Master Djwhal Khul

Ascension Mastery Message for the Wesak Festival of Lights Full Moon of Scorpio in Sun of Taurus. Channeled transmission by Rev. Christine Meleriessee of Walking Terra Christa. 

We have now arrived into the movement of the Wesak Moon which falls in Scorpio within the sun of Taurus. This occurs on April 29th, 2018 at 5:58 PM Pacific, 8:58 PM Eastern, and 12:58 GMT.

Master Djwhal Khul’s Keynote for April 29th:

I now open my eyes to see the Old Self dying away to make room for the Wesak Light shining upon me.

The Sun of Taurus represents the grounding force of the Earth in relation to material possessions, security, and everything connected to physicality whereas the Moon of Scorpio is about destruction of those forms to bring about transformation. Taurus is about our physical consciousness and Scorpio brings forth the Spiritual Consciousness of the Higher Self.

This is so very appropriate for the energies of Wesak as it represents a time of Resurrection (begun with the Festival of the Christ, March 31st Full Moon) as we allow for the Re-Birth to occur in our consciousness and lives. This is when we start to access new parts of ourselves so that we can stand on a new level of understanding as the Spiritual Self becomes more involved within the physical walk upon this Earth.

This moon represents Transformation as it is allowing for the ideas that have been formulating within our higher consciousness to become more of a reality.

It is a perfect occurrence with the spiritual understanding of what Wesak represents for all of humanity. It is a time to allow the old consciousness to be broken apart in order to see and feel for the first time, a new order to be realized within an individual’s life.

It is now time to share outside of ourselves what has been building up for quite some time. It also brings forth a sense of stability within the planetary alignment. The inner work that you have been doing can now come to a state of fruition. It is a time to stand at the next level of your acceleration and accept that you have traveled far to reach a new space within your foundation. It is a time of illumination of what you have achieved.

It is very exciting to see that the planetary phases of this cycle are so representative of the Wesak energies. Each year we come to this point where Wesak represents standing with each of the Ascended Masters in Shamballa to be in ceremony for what we have achieved and receiving assistance with continuing our journey with a new sense of honor within ourselves.

This moon cycle is supporting those energies in a new and different way. It is a time to allow the Emotional Body to become more balanced and focused bringing forth the Feminine Divine in a new and completely different way of existence.

As this year is representing Mastery 2 ­- 0 -­ 1 -­ 8 adds up to “11”, this Moon of Wesak is truly assisting each individual to come into a space of “we have arrived”.  The challenges that every person has experienced since the beginning of this year is now being rewarded energetically. This cycle is showing us that success can now be realized through the determination that we have incorporated within our lives.

Each of the moon phases are part of this present cycle as they have helped us to truly “step up to the plate” so to speak. Every soul has been challenged in many different ways, but yet at this time, it is important to look at what you have achieved and allow the feeling of success to become a concrete part of your reality. The process of grieving the old emotional trauma is an important element to embrace. In fact, it is an essential component of allowing the Rebirth experience to occur.

As we move into the Wesak energies, it is reflective of how we are pushed energetically into a new sense of ourselves. The Heart of God is shining upon the planet bringing forth the next stage of acceleration to each of us with compassion, love, and understanding that we have traveled far to get to this space of understanding within ourselves. We now stand with the Forces of Light, the Brotherhood/Sisterhood of White Light, as we aspire within ourselves to accept a new part of our divinity to be our Divine Truth.

This is different for each person depending upon where they are in their spiritual development but not one soul is left out of this equation. It does not matter if they are awakened or enlightened. The important element is to realize that our soul, our light essence, can now be enhanced further in the development of our walk upon the Earth.

It is a time when we are given the opportunity to become our Buddhic Self as this moon cycle is truly assisting in this endeavor.  

As teachers of Mastery, we have seen our students transform elements in the last month that were hidden from view previously. The work we are doing with the higher accelerations within our classes are truly assisted individuals to rise above their difficulties and step into a new part of reality within themselves. I believe this is part of what is being provided to us by the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Unified Whole as it is a time of all Beings to come together in Love and Harmony.

The Festival of the Christ was so very powerful to allow this exchange of energy to occur. We truly have been gifted this year by the miraculous energies that we are experiencing. It has been a time of Death and Rebirth, but we are being assisted tremendously with Love to be able to move through the dying of the Old Self. It is an essential process in order to accept the Higher Consciousness, Higher Self and Higher Mind to be the focal point within an Initiate’s pathway. It cannot be achieved in any other way.

The Rainbow Arcs of Light through the Great Central Suns of the Solar, Universal, Multi-Universal, and Cosmic which ignited into the planet during the Equinox is bringing forth the Solar Flares and powerful energies to help each person on this planet to move into a new state of existence. It is continuing every day around the world to assist in the acceleration of Gaia and each of us planted upon her lands.

Additionally, the Ray of the Divine Mind or known as the Science of God within the Green-Golden-White Flame is now being initiated into the core of Gaia which is a huge movement for this planet. This ray represents Divine Truth with the ability to allow the invocation of Concentration and Consecration to assist an individual’s pathway of light to release the Harmony of the Spheres to be experienced. This will happen on the Full Moon of Wesak which means the Divine Mind of every soul can be accessed through the exchange of these energies. It is very exciting as now all the Seven Flames or Rays of God have been initiated into the planet, and we know that is another reason why we are experiencing such powerful surges of light.

To take full advantage of these energies we suggest being in ceremony during this Full Moon of Wesak as the incoming energies will assist to bring forth the balance and desired rebirthing experience. Give forth intentions to the Spiritual Hierarchy with in the Unified Whole Command to assist you to incorporate the next level of acceleration that you desire to hold within your life and your consciousness. Walking Terra Christa offers a three-hour ceremony on April 29th, 2018 at 9 AM Pacific. Please click the link to learn how to join us LIVE or listen in our own time frame via the event audio recording.

The WESAK event is considered the most sacred annual festival for the innerplane Ascended Masters. The transmitted energies and blessings are the Highest of the Year for all who attend which is directly in the tradition of Master (Dr.) Joshua David Stone who popularized the Sacred Spiritual Wesak Ceremony in Mount Shasta starting in the 90’s. Reverend Meleriessee and Reverend Aranathanara are in a direct succession of those energies as Rev. Meleriessee was ordained through Dr. Stone in 2003 under the Melchizedek Light Synthesis Academy/ULC and she then officiated for Rev. Ara in 2014 here in Mount Shasta.

In keeping with this 23 year long “tradition”, the Spiritual Wesak Ceremony is still conducted upon the geographical area of Mount Shasta as she holds the attention as the Ascension Capital of Earth. It is available worldwide for those who desire to attend LIVE via global online audio conferencing, or the AUDIO ceremony can be used afterwards in your own location to connect to the Divine Energies of Light.   

Master Djwhal Khul’s Message for Wesak:

Greetings My Dearest Beloveds,

It is my pleasure to connect with each of you at this very auspicious time of Wesak. I come to you within the essence of Master Djwhal Khul, Ray Chohan for the Ray of Love and Wisdom.

It is a very powerful time, and I know it seems as if this is the mantra of this year. The energetics of the planetary systems are truly coming into alignment to allow for more accelerated energies to assist each of you to come into a new space of understanding. It is imperative that no one stands still at this time. Evolution is occurring and if a soul does not allow themselves to grow and be all they can be, then they will get lost in the confusion of this movement.

This Wesak brings to you, of the Planetary Level, and each of us within the Higher Realms of Light, a grand opportunity to move further into the development of our consciousness to become One Reality of Light.

There is a wave of excitement and anticipation as each of us is readying for this grand event. This year has proved to be one of information and openness as many people upon the planet are realizing that things cannot go one the way it has been. The integration of the Divine Feminine must be realized but within this process the Divine Masculine must also be part of the equation.

The masculine energy of the planet has been so strong that the feminine essence has not had the time to show her power. Instead she has been kept in silence or behind closed doors. Many times, in the history of this planet the feminine essence spoke aloud and showed their voices, but yet the masculine was always the more controlling agent in the equation.

It is at this time that the masculine essence is realizing that healing must occur in order for the feminine to be the initiator of the energies. We are seeing this in many men across the globe; there is great healing that is occurring because of the onset of these energies everyone is feeling.

This Wesak represents the Feminine and the Masculine Divine coming more fully into alignment. They are looking at one another and realizing that they truly did not know each other, but just assumed that everything was fine the way that it was. Everyone on the planet knows differently know.

The moon of Scorpio in the Sun of Taurus is truly a meeting of the Feminine (Scorpio-Moon Essence) and the Masculine (Taurus-Sun Essence). They are coming together to bring elements into balance – they look at one another and see aspects that are reflective and others that are different. It is a time to truly accept differences and alignments to occur so that harmony can be the defining factor.

This is exactly where the current energies are coming into alliance. It is a meeting of the Higher Minds with the Higher Hearts to allow for a communication to exist. The death of the old must die in order to survive in these higher frequencies of light as they represent the alliance of the Masculine and Feminine.

As the Rainbow Arcs of Light are coming into the planet, it is bringing forth this alliance that is in balance, so it causes individuals to act accordingly to that entrance of acceleration.

The Wesak Moon is the movement of a relationship to occur within each person that represents the Divine Love, Divine Power to be realized. All that you have experienced up to this point is bringing forth that alignment to become a reality within your own consciousness.

If you are an Initiate that is diligent about your pathway, this event of Wesak will assist you like no other event of the year. We all look forward to this time of the Taurus Moon as it allows each of us to be rewarded for our efforts of this year. Each of us within the Spiritual Hierarchy and each of you within the Planetary Ascension Process come together in unison to be supported and honored in a way that only can occur through the light infractions given to us by Divine Mother Father God.

I cannot say enough about this Wesak as it is all encompassing and powerful for each of us. I implore each of you to take time this Sunday on the 29th of April to experience the event of your life experience for 2018. I do not think that you will be disappointed as each of us are readying ourselves to walk with each of you.

In Divine Love,

I Am Master Djwhal Khul

Integrative Channel:  Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

If you are interested in bringing in these higher spiritual energies during a ceremony, click here to read about the Walking Terra Christa Wesak Ceremony event (a global online or via audio recording* conference 3 hour ceremony of blessings, prayers, invocations and messages from the Ascended Masters) as was the format organized through Master (Dr.) Joshua David Stone. *Recording available after the event concludes.




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