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Walking The 5th Dimension ~ New Seminar Series with Lord Adama and The Ascended Masters


The Telosian Way - art by Marc Eden
The Telosian Way of Being Seminar Series  — artwork by Marc Eden

Are You Ready To Walk Upon The New Earth?

 That answer for most of us is actually: “No”.  And the reason is, even though we want to believe that the New Earth will be like just walking down the yellow brick road to the land of Oz, it won’t be that simple.

Do you still get angry at your family members or co-workers?

Do you still get anxious or apprehensive about making your bill payments?

Do you find some individuals annoying or rude?

Do you have self-doubts and fears?

Well, in the 5th Dimension not only do you walk along your path without expressing all these lower frequency emotions…you have learned to not only not think about them, but to not even have them.  Fully. At All.

And we here at Walking Terra Christa. which includes the voice of Lord Adama and the Ascended Masters and Lady Masters, want you to be able to say “Yes!”

So, effective immediately the New Earth Consciousness ~ Circle of Light calls are going to change to be a teaching forum in preparation for the energies of 12-21-12, the Gateway to the New Earth. We are being asked to fully acknowledge the divinity within us in order to assist the masses of new students that will be arriving in their awakened states after that much anticipated date.

(click here to read more about this special seminar series…)

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