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Ascension Mastery Message for the True Doorway of 11:11 with the Elohim Councils of Light. Channeled Transmission by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee of Walking Terra Christa.

It is the year of 2018 and we are coming upon the opening of the Doorway of 11:11 (as 11:11:11) on November 11, 2018.  This year marks a very special moment in time as numerologically the year “2018” adds up to 11 so it truly brings forth the Divine dispensation of Mastery in a new and different way that is much more powerful for individuals than was the date of November 11, 2011, as this month it is a direct pure translation of the frequency.

I was very privileged and honored to enjoy these energies since 1992 through the messages of Solara and continuing into our present timeline. As we stand in the year of Mastery, we have seen duality occur in many different ways, but we are also seen progress little-by-little to become part of our reality.

As we step into this powerful awakening of light, it is important to reflect upon the pathway that we have walked upon that got us to this moment in time.

Mastery can be defined in many ways; those of us that are walking the Ascension Mastery Pathway know that there can be many moments of upheaval with great rewards to be experienced in various ways.

It is during the moments of great acceleration that helps each of us to grow and be better; to realize the road we have been traveling is not for naught, that we have the ability to allow the higher forces of light to assist us to feel the Divine Presence of Oneness.

This is what this 11:11 Doorway represents for each of us and humanity in 2018.

It is a time to connect to the Divine Consciousness, to bring forth the energetics of the Higher Realms of Light to become One within each of us. The power of these energies cannot be measured by the physical mind, only by the Spiritual Self of the Higher Mind and Heart.

It is a time to rejoice with Helios and Vesta of the Solar Light Energies, Melchoir of the Galactic dimensions, Lord Melchizedek of the Universal and Multi-Universal Levels, and the Office of the Christ, Lord Buddha, and Divine Mother/Father God of the Cosmic Great Central Sun of the Cosmic Forces. We specially connect with the Councils of Light, the forces of the Angelic Realms bringing forth the 144th Dimensional Vibrations of the Source of Oneness into Gaia’s Crystalline Heart.

This time can be very transforming as the light energies become so strongly intertwined within the earth’s atmospheric pull. Each of us that are able to hold this light will assist the planet tremendously assisted by all others that are not yet able to do so within their consciousness.

Of course, it is not without its challenges, so the time is now to rid yourself of your old elements and habits; utilize the light energies to assist you to go deeper into yourself. We have a great gift at this time as the New Moon in Scorpio arrived on November 7th, 2018.

This moon helps us to get deeper into the core of our emotions, to clear away the debris and find the pathway to make the necessary changes that we may have been struggling with previously. It is a time of great passion while learning to be resourceful. Change is bound to occur during this cycle. It is a powerful time to see what is missing in our lives and allow the light energies to assist us to become more self-aware in our mastery pathway of light.

The Elohim Council of Light ~ The True Doorway of 11:11

Greetings My Fellow Light Angels,

We are so honored to be sharing our essence with each of you. We are the Elohim Council of Light representing the Cosmic Light Forces within the Seven Rays of God.

This 11:11 is more grounding than it has ever been previously. There are opportunities to allow the light energies to adjust your internal systems through your Physical-Etheric-Emotional-Mental bodies to allow them to adjust into the angelic presence that is deeply hidden within your Etheric Self.

We like to call this cycle an awakening of the angels on the earth. There are aspects that can occur for you if you allow them to become an integral part of your reality. It is important to allow the energies of this cycle to become YOU and not allow them to just go through your four-body system and then dissipate.

It is also important to realize within yourself what is your walk upon this life presently. Allow yourself to ponder before November 11th exactly what you desire to achieve and what doorway are you walking through? It is always crucial to understand physically what you desire to achieve spiritually so the two bodies can become ONE within you.

CHANGE IS OCCURRING, but you must allow yourself to FEEL it within and not so much THINKING ABOUT IT.

The Feminine Divine is very transparent and is bringing forth that essence through the exchange of energies. Become the Angel that you were – feel the flowing essence coming into you and around you. Dance with it in your heart and allow it to heal the elements that you think are too hard for you to accept or understand.

There is no reasoning through this light exchange. It is a moment in time to allow your physical essence to feel your spiritual essence and allow them to become ONE PURIFICATION OF LIGHT.

As your transformation occurs, then it is going to help you in all aspects of your existence upon this earth. Call upon your Higher Essence to help you. Walk the earth with the strength, courage, and Divine Love that you are becoming.

We are about to work together more fully than ever before. Allow your essence to feel ours walking the lands of Gaia to bring more fruition of light into this planet of transformation.

We are the Elohim of Light walking with you.

Blessings and Love in the Creative Source of Oneness!

Walking Terra Christa hold a special Audio Online ceremony with the Elohim Masters and Angelic Realm energies. The audio recording of the free online global gathering can be used frequently all month (and at any time to feel these higher Angelic Presence frequencies).

We urge everyone to join us to ground this energy. Please click the link for access to the audio conference link:
The ANGELIC LIGHT OF MASTERY – The True Doorway of 11:11

(We do request donations by anyone who can do so to support these energies for Gaia and Humanity, use the form below or our website).
The audio recording is available to listen and download. 

Other important resources:

ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join Walking Terra Christa in this special project to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance. To learn more please use the link.

Is there an Ultimate Path of Spiritual Study?

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Defining anything as the “Ultimate” seems quite a bit egotistical does it not?

If you know us at Walking Terra Christa you are well aware we would never place ourselves or what we do as arrogant or involving the lower/shadow side of the ego.

But if we told you that Ascension Mastery is the Ultimate Path of Spiritual Study, it would be quite the statement indeed.

Well we know that stating that requires some explanation. We are not just saying it because we are very biased. There are reasons. For most people, the formal study of the Science of Ascension is a greatly misunderstood pursuit.

First off, it is “science” but it also is “spiritual”, so how confusing is that? As a science it means it has structure and governing rules that are not arbitrary. But for most people, spirituality just does not fall into that category.

Just the other day we read a comment that said becoming really good within “spiritual study” should not be compared to becoming a really good athlete, as it seems (in that belief system) athletic achievements require great diligence and persistence with clear goals. On the other hand, “spiritual” achievements are personal in nature and cannot be judged as to progress being made.

We all know that everyone has an idea of what “being spiritual” is all about. As individual souls are as varied as snowflakes, each person’s opinion of what is best for them will be just as varied. The most basic and common understanding is that spiritual study is unique and personal for each individual.

We agree that choosing a path of spiritual study is indeed a personal preference, but it is much more accurate to say that the personal choice involved is really more about what you are attempting to gain from being “spiritual”. (More on that later).

The fact is that when it comes to the formal study of Spiritual Mastery; at least in terms of Ascension Mastery, which means first learning tools and techniques to raise the level of one’s consciousness to become more enlightened, and then just as important: learning to ground that consciousness into increasing the actual physical vibrational rate at the quantum atomic level; there really are specific teachings and practices one must perform in order to attain real gains.

The proper practice of the Spiritual Path of Ascension Mastery is not based on personal opinion or feeling what is right for you as an individual preference, it is based on tried and true methods just like any other real physical activity one desires to be good or excellent in doing.

Among all forms of spiritual pursuits, the formal study of Ascension Mastery is not just a matter of personal whim but of true wisdom. That wisdom, just like the wisdom found in a great sports coach or world-renowned teacher for a musical instrument, only comes from having both extensive experience and real-world expertise.

It is a falsehood and misconception to believe that becoming adept at Spirituality (at least in the form of Ascension Mastery) is a case of “well, since I am human I therefore know as much about spirituality as anyone else”.

The whole process of how we as humans think on this matter is kind of silly actually. For example, most people believe in “spirits” and “angels“. Many people also believe that ESP is quite possible and real, so when they strongly feel a friend is calling them right before the phone rings, they accept it as a fact that they did know who it was on the other end of the line.

Yet, when it comes to the topic of Spirituality, especially Ascension Mastery, most of us don’t think or believe that some of those non-physical beings (in this case, those who have “Ascended”) might be “better” at knowing how to do a certain thing due to having had experiences that assisted them to gain great wisdom in that subject.

If we did believe more easily, we would all accept that there really is a “higher coach” or instructor that can communicate those teachings to us via ESP in the form of telepathy (or “channeling’ as it is termed when referring to the spiritual realm.)

In fact, this is what makes the study of Ascension Mastery so unique – there are Ascended Beings of Light who know how the process of Ascension works, they are a collective called the “Ascended Masters” and are made up of many individuals that have traversed the history of humanity and been able to overcome the pitfalls that lifetimes of soul incarnations can bring.


Ascension Mastery is much more than just a particular type of Spirituality, it is a total lifestyle that requires constant awareness of whom one is being in all moments. One of the most well know experts in the Science of Ascension was Dr. Joshua David Stone who called it the attainment of a “full consciousness”:

“The development of a “full consciousness” means you own your personal power and self-mastery at all times…to have an efficient perception of reality and not seeing what you want to see or seeing what you have been programmed to see…merging with the Inner Plane Ascended Masters, Archangels and Angels, Spirit-attuned Extraterrestrials and Elohim Masters, so you see every situation from the “full consciousness” perspective they see life from.”
Master Joshua (Dr. Joshua David Stone)

Now you may be thinking, “Isn’t that the same as having religious ideals that a believer tries to live up to? Like being a kind person, or giving compassion to others?”

We say, “of course it is”. However there is much more to it concerning Ascension. In doing formal Ascension Mastery study one does not just hold better intention and higher ideals up as goals to live by, they continually hold forth the daily practice to engage in self-aware mindfulness to track their progress and illuminate wisdom to themselves whenever they fail to live up to those lofty goals.

Most unique to this daily practice is that it extends well beyond just holding an awareness into using explicit higher spiritual energies (such as the 22 Rays of God), instead it is that the practitioner (also called an “initiate”,”chela”, “student” or “adapt”) is deeply assisted by these Spiritual Ascended masters so the student gains actual spiritual support and a special structure of energetic frequency that makes living up to those ideals exponentially more possible in real world conditions.

After all, it is very easy for anyone to be on their best behavior and hold to their spiritual ideals when they are in meditation or visiting a special location used only for worship or sacred ceremony. The real test is when one is living and interacting in the “non-spiritual” activities of daily life. At a job, when shopping, when with a group of people or with specific people, especially those situations that cause emotional challenges, anxieties or fears to arise.


Many of us have heard this statement and instinctively find that it resonates with us. Even some Atheist feel they are part of a grander cosmological structure. Standing on the shoreline and just looking out on a cloudless moment at the immense night sky can be a deeply spiritual experience for anyone even if they don’t believe in the concept of God.

Still, how many of us are able to feel that we are ‘being spiritual’ when we are not in a meditative or highly serene natural setting like that one?

This is the quest that Ascension Masters have taken upon themselves and, lived many lifetimes to achieve the attainment of becoming just that. But since almost all human souls have not taken such a path, they have no idea what it means to achieve becoming spiritual within the physical body as an ongoing condition versus a special circumstance. By far, most humans only normally and consistently resonate with what is understand from seeing and being in our physical material world.

Unlike Ascended Masters, our thoughts, our emotional responses are all directly and almost entirely defined and interpreted by our physical experiences, or our reactions to them. The physical is the structure and foundation upon which all else sits.


It literally is like being in ‘the Matrix’ as the movie of that name described it. If we were to “step out” of the only existence we have ever known as a human, then it would indeed feel very much like the movie tried to suggest: intensely disorienting and stressful.

What is interesting is that as popular as the move is, how many individuals would actually be able to go through something like that or even desire to? From our experience in understanding the nuances of going through a great shift to your perceptual foundation, it really is actually very challenging.

Earlier in this article the subject of ESP was mentioned. How many of us believe that all of humanity possesses a connection to the rest of humanity? If you do, you may also understand that humans instinctively are aware that if they challenge the very foundations of thoughts and feelings that create the reality they live in, well then, that foundation may indeed crumble. And, to be putting it as gently as possible: that is not a pleasant experience at all. So collectively in terms of a telepathic knowing, most of humanity knows instinctively that it will be a very challenging undertaking to try and get out of ‘the Matrix’ as it were.

And we are not even speaking of politics or governments but just of the emotions and feelings one must let go of to make such a shift in consciousness. These are thought form structures that are near and dear to our hearts that have defined who we are for eons of time. Consider the term ‘family values’ and how differently that is defined across many cultures, but how devoutly individuals have a need to stick to their version of what it means.


It actually makes sense if you think about it. Those scientist who study advanced physics can tell us that once a body is in an orbit in space, it take a great deal of force to change or move that orbital path. Human consciousness is no different. Otherwise we could easily adapt to drastic changes and new behaviors, but most of us find that almost impossible.

Our collective consciousness is indeed a “force” that holds us connected to one another, but also connected to the patterns and habits that we hold as part of the culture we live within. While specific countries or groups of communities within a country may have differing habits and patterns, they still hold an identity of being a member of that country. That can also be termed as being a resonant frequency.

Each of us is then made up of many layers of resonance within our consciousness. As an individual we have particular elements, traits and characteristics that make us individual and unique, but taken as a whole, we still “fit in’ within a larger pool of individuals, or populations of those who resonate with the same, similar, or compatible ideals and belief systems.

Taken together, especially when we widen the scope to speak about humanity as a whole, this creates a dimensional reality in terms of a collective consciousness. If you can image an entirely different way of life from yours, such as those living in a foreign country, and understand how different that is from you, just try and imagine a species in another solar system or far away part of our universe. You can easily grasp the concept that those beings may have a very different level of consciousnesses, or maybe a very different dimensional reality.


So what can you gain in this form of Spiritual Study? Within the Esoteric Studies of the Science of Ascension, there is held the concept that this is the path of study that raises our vibrational frequency to that of an “Ascended Being”.  That is, as humans we live in a certain level of dimensional vibration, but there are other species of beings who live at a higher vibrational rate due to the level of the collective consciousness they have attained, and that we can also attain that – if we learn how.

It is a widespread belief among all people when considering higher spiritual human ideals, regardless of culture, that kindness, compassion and fairness should be accorded to all. It is just that currently on our planet there is disagreement as to who that “all” really is, or that those ideals may not just be interpreted as absolute or primary, but instead just guidelines to shoot for whenever conditions are right, or that other things are more important in the moment.

In a higher dimensional collective consciousness, the idea that conditions must be right for an ideal to become a living agreement amount the populous is unheard of as a way of life. In other words. there really are certain tenants of life that apply to all, regardless of anyone individuals own opinions or unique ideals.

That is, that a higher consciousness way of being has specific structures and rules of being in order to remain in a state of resonating at that higher dimensional level.

Concerning the attainment of a real sustainable shift in consciousnesses, what most of humanity is not aware of is that in order to shift the collective consciousness enough to create a dimensional advancement in consciousness, there must be a majority of the populous that holds those same practices and tenants.

And what most also don’t realize is that a higher dimensional level of consciousness is actually only created by having higher spiritual conditions within the thought forms and the emotional structure of the human system, that is: within each individual that makes up a part of the whole. That is you.


Ascension Mastery is the only form of study that is defined by raising an individual’s level of consciousness higher through spiritual conditioning so that that person is able to be in a higher dimensional resonance. It starts with you. Being the change you desire to create. It is specifically the only spiritual training system that brings about a raising of the Light Quotient of the human consciousness and eventually also the very physical structure of the human body. This sets the foundation for that higher frequency to then assist others to also do the same.

As stated earlier here, this is not at all a simple task which is why so few humans take on Ascension studies. Everyone instinctively knows from birth that it will require great personal sacrifice in terms of “letting go” of the Matrix way of life they now live in, and yes, they also know deep within their soul’s essence that it will take actual training to do so. Training that their personality self does not want to undertake because the ‘Matrix” has too many distractions to offer.

The fact that so few practice it correctly is a tragedy for those souls who feel their mission in life is to be a very central part of the creation of a New Earth of Higher Dimensional Awareness, as that creation is so near and dear to their hearts and souls.  We see this everyday as teachers of Ascension study. Very few are able to get past their own personality ego which tells them “this rule or that rule” is more important to me, and “what you are teaching makes me very uncomfortable”.

Not that the point of these teachings is to make one uncomfortable, but how can it be otherwise if we as humans are only used to living in a specific dimensional frequency? Of course it will not fit in with what we are “used to”.

These are the reasons why Ascension Mastery may well be the Ultimate form of Spiritual Study.

Do you agree or disagree? Tell us why.


The 2+0+1+8 add up to an “11”. Eleven in numerology represents “Mastery”. It doesn’t come along often which means that now is the time in which our collective consciousness is ready to shift more than in many other moments of our collective timeline.

As an expert source of formal study for pure and correct Ascension Mastery teachings, we at Walking Terra Christa are bringing forward more into the these teachings this year than we have in the past. It is our purpose and calling to do so especially given the importance of 2018. We are specifically giving teachings that will focus on the Light Quotient, how to Embody it through Higher Awareness steps and practices we each as humans require to hold it and raise it. We know it will not be easy for most people to do but the universe is aligning the energies right now in 2018 to assist as much as possible at this time.

For those that can see the correlation between Ascension Mastery study and attaining real shifts into higher consciousness, it is a perfect time to make advancement.

Taking on these practices now can only serve to also demonstrate to the Higher Beings of Light (well, at least those considered to be Christed Beings) that many more of us are now serious and dedicated to collectively raising the vibrational rate of humanity so that those same Higher Beings can be not only invited to stand together with us someday, but actually be able to do so. (as our current collective human vibrational state actually is not compatible with theirs).

In that effort, we are offering a special year long program of enrollment for new students of the Academy of New Earth Mastery to learn about Light Quotient Embodiment. If you are one of those individuals who deeply resonates with the inner knowing that you are here to help heal earth and actually raise consciousnesses, this program is about laying the structural foundation in your mental, emotional, etheric and physical bodies of light that make up who you are as a spiritual soul having a physical experience.

Please be aware, the main reason why it is a year long program is this is only for those who are most dedicated and sincere enough to be able to push through all those “old elements” of their personality that will pop up. Old parts of us that only desire to keep us comfortable in the dimensional frequency most of that humanity is currently living. It takes great diligence and patience, and yes, compassion to the self, to undertake such a shifting process. Plus it takes time.

Also be aware, this program will be a personal challenge. It requires study. We are teaching the real process of Ascension Mastery. Our programs are not “quick fix” or magical thinking based where you will elevate your consciousness completely in a year’s time span. It simply cannot be accomplished like that as our humanness is very complex and multifaceted. (Otherwise it would already be something humanity has achieved).

If you are ready, please click the link below to read the details and requirements for stepping into a formal path of study with us for 2018. For those that are interested but still on the fence about how these kinds of teachings are conducted, we are offering a special offer of a 15 day 100% Free Trial Enrollment Open House For January – but only for those that enroll by January 31, 2018.

If you act now, you also receive the Digital Audio Recording of our teaching conference training class for the Cosmic Light Quotient Overview Training which is over 2 hours of teaching including 3 very powerful attunements to help you to begin (or to expand) the building of your Light Quotient using the Science and Tools of Ascension Mastery. (The 2018 training program is overlighted energetically by Lord Melchizedek personally).

Click here to read more about the program this year.

P.S.: In this article we intentionally don’t say that “Ascension Mastery” is better than other forms of spiritual study, only that for the specific reasons stated that it is the “ultimate” form of spiritual study. We are ordained minsters and feel very strongly that each soul has the right and the freedom to engage in any spiritual pursuit they choose, and that the form of study one chooses is appropriate for what they desire to achieve (as both a soul and a personality) in that moment.

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