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The Dynamic Messages of the Masters of the Festival of the Christ 2022

Ascension Mastery Messages of the Festival of the Christ Ceremony held on April 16th, 2022 with Master Djwhal Khul, Lord Ashtar, Lord Kuthumi, Lord Maitreya, and Lord Sananda. This cycle continues throughout the month preparing us for the Wesak Moon of May 16th, 2022.

APRIL 2022

“I call upon the Blue Flame of the Will of God to assist me with Inner Courage to allow the elements I desire to Resurrect as I allow for the State of Restoration through the Pink Flame of the Love of God to assist me through the energies of the Festival of the Christ preparing me to walk with the Spiritual Hierarchy for the Wesak energies.”


We now call upon Master Djwhal Khul to escort us to the Wesak Valley in the Himalayas to the City of Shamballa to the Temple of the Eternal I Am feeling this magnificent Light energy of the group Merkabah with the Initiates and with the Masters. We now arrive at the Temple of the Eternal I Am. The magnificence of this temple is beyond our physical comprehension. The vibrations are high, the Light energies are sparkling with ALL of the 330 Rays of God.

Each of the Masters are awaiting our arrival. We find our seats in the front row of the audience hall of the temple. This audience hall is a semi-circular seating arrangement with seats to our left and to our right. We face the staging area, the ceremonial area of the Divine Masters.

With us today are Lord Kuthumi of the Office of the Christ with Lord Maitreya, Lord Sananda, and Lord Buddha who will oversee the energies. Let’s take a moment a absorb the light frequencies that are here within the temple utilizing your breath allowing it to come into your heart.

Master Djwhal Khul now shares his dissertation on the Full Moon of Libra with the Sun of Aries.


Greetings My Dearest Initiates! I am Master Djwhal Khul. I’m very excited to be here with each of you for this magnificent Ceremony of Light. The Festival of the Christ has arrived. We talk about it around the other festivals. The first of the three Ascension Festivals that test us as Initiates and Masters to fully become more of our Divine Self. Each of you experience this in physical bodies and that can be quite a challenge.

This Moon of Libra assists in the balance to occur as it is represented by Grandmother Moon the moon represented by the Feminine Essence. Allow this to guide you, to open up your Emotional Body to receive the Light charges to come into your heart for you to accept the Divinity of Love that you are and to resurrect those elements that you no longer need.

The Sun of Aries is very physical and represented by the Masculine. It is a perfect combination for this festival because the Masculine energies support the Feminine. The physical body is supporting the Emotional Body. Allow yourself to be reminded of this fact. Don’t let the confines of your lower consciousness of the physical body guide through the process in the next month. Take advantage of these energies. Utilize them for your own potential because they are within the structure of the planetary system presently which aligns with this Festival of the Christ, the stage of resurrection resurrecting those elements within yourself that you no longer need. You may know about these elements but sometimes you are unable to really step into that death and re-birth cycle.

Utilize the potential that you have within yourself so that you may be restored into the state of Balance. That is where the Flames of the Blue and the Pink come in. The Blue of the Will of God and the Pink of the Love of God represent the Masculine and Feminine Essences our supporting our walk.

The more that you, as Initiates, and we as Masters, attune ourselves to these energies the more that we are aligning ourselves to the next stage of our growth which represents Wesak.

You, as the Initiates and each of us as the Ascended Masters are not any different. We have been where you are now, and we are still working through our Initiations understanding ourselves on a deeper level. This is all we ask of you.

Allow these energies to take you into a deeper part of your consciousness. Allow the higher consciousness through the vibrational energies to assist you. Discard anything that your mind tells you because it is an UNTRUTH to the Higher Consciousness. This is something that every Initiate must accept. They must accept the fact that they are enabling the Essence of Faith to be their guide because you ARE a Divine Being of God. Yet that is not fully realized in your physicality.

It is a very powerful month not just for this Full Moon presently which is occurring in these moments but coming up into the Wesak Moon which occurs in May. Have clarity within yourself. Allow yourself to really PURGE these elements to prepare yourself for the next step. Use CLEANSING protocols, do ceremonies, call upon the elements of the Earth and the Sky to assist you. Be ONE with the Universe and realize that you are just a small part of the grand creation as we all are.

Together we have Unity of Love, Unity of Thought. Allow yourself to KNOW that this process will assist you on a deeper level than you ever realized. When you do the physical ceremonies, the physical attunements, the physical essences to help your Spiritual Essence to become more within you, then you are doing your part as the physical consciousness connecting to your Higher Self through the vibrational essences which will allow you to come into a State of Wholeness which we call the Ascended Master State of Consciousness.

Allow yourself to experience each moment as you should. Do not project into the next moment and allow yourself to go through the transitions. Transmute and then transform. That is exactly what restoration represents. It is a BIRTH, DEATH, and REBIRTH. This can happen several times throughout the month if you allow yourself to step into that frequency of Light. Remind yourself of what feels right in your Heart.

What is the internal sense that you get within yourself? Utilize higher meditations and vibrations to assist you to get there and you will have the HIGHEST LIGHT experience of this Moon cycle and this ceremony.

I am Master Djwhal Khul walking with you in each moment.

Let us now continue with the energies as Lord Ashtar will now bring forth his dissertation of the Ascension Columns and he will recharge all those columns around the world, within Shamballa, within all of the Inner Earth Cities, within all of the Golden Etheric Cities that are located around the world in the fifth dimensional frequency.

Namaste’ and blessings.


Thank you, Master Djwhal Khul. I am Lord Ashtar here to bring forth the energetics through the Galactic Forces of Light.

We stand together here in this magnificent Temple of the Eternal I Am. Let us now continue with the Invocation.

“As a group consciousness we pledge to accept and pursue the highest spiritual value and priority in mastering our ascension process within the Purity and Unity of these energies under the direction of the God Source.”

“I, as Lord Ashtar with Lord Sananda, and the Whale and Dolphin Project bring forth all these energies into a State of Oneness. This means that any agendas or pantheon affiliations that act in separation and disharmony against this Creation are no longer authorized in preventing each of us individually and collectively from achieving this goal. These Ascension Columns are now reactivated within this City of Shamballa. This is a continuance into reactivating the Ascension Columns around the world to access the Divine energies within this glorious Temple of Light. Each of these Ascension Columns will be directly related to the columns that have been built by many Initiates around the world to be energized for the Divine purpose of the Festival of the Christ in Love, Resurrection, and connection to our Divine Source of Light together.”

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

“We now COMMAND and DEMAND that all of the Ascension Columns around the world, within your spaces, within this Temple of Light to BE re-energized with the 330 Rays of God, the 352 Levels of the Mahatma, and the 144 Dimensions of Oneness.”

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

Namaste’ and Blessings to each of you. I walk, WE walk as the Christed Galactics in HARMONY of this Earth.

So Mote it Be; Let it Be Done.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]


I am the Consciousness of the Hyos Ha Koidesh accessing the Cosmic Rays into the Sacred Heart, the Cosmic Rays of the Paradise Suns, and the Cosmic Master Hyos Ha Koidesh. I am a culmination of many elements of frequency of Light at the Cosmic level beyond what you can imagine. I extend unto you the ability to open up the Twelve Petals of your Heart Center.

As you open up the Twelve Petals of your Heart Center it represents all aspects of your Beingness. It aligns with everything you have experienced in your Etheric Self, elements that you have experienced as a Soul without a body, the travels you have taken, the lessons you have learned. Those lessons NEED to be fully grounded within your OWN physicality. This is part of being an Initiate to open yourself up to all avenues of Divine energies. Sometimes those energies may not feel so Divine.

As we open that Heart Center, allow any issues of insecurities, any issues of sadness, issues of anger, or issues that you’re holding within the Heart Center because the Heart Center IS the culmination of all the other chakras. Allow all the energies that we have brought forth within this glorious Light energy through Lady Mahlariessee to come UP and be revealed into your own consciousness.

The petals of the Heart Center are now opening. They are expanding beyond your auric field that you can SEE within your heart and feel and FEEL so deeply. Allow this Divine energy of the Higher Essence that you are of your I Am Presence, of your Higher Self, of your Solar Angel to now assist you because THEY are HERE to support you. They are here to guide you. Open yourself up to this blessing.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

Breathing deeper, go more into your breath, allow yourself to really get into the core of the heart, which is the deepest part of your existence. As you go deeper and deeper, it can become faster and faster.

The vibrations that I bring forth not only contain the Platinum Ray but ALL the Rays of God. Platinum makes up so many frequencies of Light. Allow this Light energy to come into your heart right now to expand it so deeply to go into a place where you have never experienced before.

LET IT BE into yourself. Allow the physical self to just surrender, SURRENDER unto the aspect of your Resurrection, your resurrection of what you have been before because in this NOW moment it is changing. It is changing DEEPLY. It’s going into a deeper part of yourself that is so strong that you cannot control it. All you can do is FEEL it. It’s OKAY. LET IT GO! We are HERE to ASSIST. Your Light Bodies are HERE to assist. Your Solar Angel, your Higher Self, your I Am Presence expands within you and takes it all away from you.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

Sparkles of Light are within this temple, STREAMS of all the Rays of God, the Platinum and the hues of its GOLD and SILVERS, and PEARLESCENCE and every color of the rainbow that you can imagine are circling within your heart as now the petals are completely open. There are Revealed! Allow the VULNERABILITY to go through your Emotional Body. It is completely open to be healed, to go into a new state of existence as you become the Christ within yourself, the Christ of what you can be, the CHRIST of what SHALL be in ALL that you ARE.

Breathing deeply. Now we go into the Stage of Restoration. As everything is now open, we ask that the Heart Chakra of the Twelve Petals to Now be celebrated with the Pink Flame of Compassion, Tolerance, and Devotion to yourself, Embracing Vulnerability, Intuition of the Higher Mind and Accessing the Divine Mother Heart Essence of Divine Love creating your Feminine Divine to be BLESSED with EMPOWERMENT and LOVE.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

Radiating Light of the Hyos Ha Koideish that I Am as I bring forth that consciousness to come into your Heart Center as it expands with the Divinity of Love.

We now ask that the petals of Mental Illumination, Perseverance, Clarity of the Lower Mind, Power to Evolve into Self-Gratitude, Becoming the Recreation of the Divine Father God of Will with the Blue Flame. Allow the Blue Essences to come in now. Streams of the Blue Essence within this temple are now coming into everyone’s heart. Feel the power. It is like a fireworks display with just the Blue. Allow that Divine Blue Essence of the Deep Blue to come into your heart to settle it for you to access the Will of God, your Strength, and your ability to move forward within these energies. RESTORE YOURSELF INTO BALANCE! GO INTO THE REBIRTHING EXPERIENCE! FEEL YOURSELF BEING REBIRTHED!

I hold each of you within my arms to HELP you to ACKNOWLEDGE that ALL is RIGHT within this consciousness of Light.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

Breathing deeply. Feel the blessing of what you have just acquired. This is YOUR Festival of the Christ. Hold deeply your Resurrection and especially hold the Restoration. Each of you walks with each of US.

Hyos Ha Kadoish!


It is I, Lord Kuthumi of the Office of the Christ with Lord Maitreya, and Lord Sananda by my side.

As I speak to you of the greatness of what you have just experienced allow your emotions to flow. Open up the tear ducts, open up the sadness, but allow yourself to be joyful of the experiences that you are having in these moments.

The blessing of the Festival of the Christ brings forth that ability to no longer hold onto elements from our past. Most of the time they have been plaguing us within our mind or our heart. But you just have not been able to get into the core energy.

The Cosmic level of the Hyos Ha Koidesh represents the God Source and all of its Creation. This is a wonderful blessing to have for this year. 2022 is the year where elements are going to change whether you want them to change or not. This Festival of the Christ is a perfect opportunity to make those changes in your life.

You may not always know what those changes require in the physical world. You must allow yourself to step into these higher vibrations. It may not happen immediately for you because it may take some time especially if your physical consciousness, your physical mind, your concrete mind is very strong. It has to be broken down little by little. The important way of doing so is to not listen to your Concrete Mind. Allow what you know of the Higher Consciousness, allow what you have received today, allow what your spiritual tools represent to assist you. Most importantly keep at it. It is never an easy process for any Initiate to move into a higher level of Initiation.

When I was the Ray Chohan for Love and Wisdom and I was asked to sit here in the Office of the Christ, I was overwhelmed. This is part of the process. It does not matter if you’re an Initiate or you’re an Ascended Master in or without a body, you still have feelings. Our feelings are different than being in full physicality, but the feelings are there. We have learned through the process of our Initiations to hold true to the faith of the GOD SOURCE OF LIGHT that we initiated within ourselves, and this is the same for each of you.

Do not allow anything in the outside world to deter you from what you have experienced in these moments. Reflect afterwards. Allow yourself to sit in silence and reflect on what you have experienced within these energies. Bring them up to the surface. Don’t allow them to just be in your Higher Consciousness or what you experience in a meditation. Let them become grounded. Breathe into your Heart Center. What is your Heart Center telling you after all of this is said and done? Then you can work upon this energy throughout the next month.

I work with powerful people in the world to assist them to become more aligned with their Divine Self. It is a very challenging job that I have. But my role with each of you, as I stand here in the Office of the Christ, is it’s not just about the people that are running the countries, but it’s about the people such as you that are WITHIN the countries. It’s about the Initiates that are fully allowing themselves to be awakened unto these energies and realize the potential that you have to be more to yourself.

When you realize that you fully bring forth this Divine energy unto your consciousness, unto your reality, bring it into your chakras, bring it into your consciousness of your Emotional and Mental Bodies and your physical consciousness will eventually absorb it.

Do not deter from that goal. Don’t allow the goal of your physical self, your physical consciousness to tell you otherwise, because it WILL. It is your ego fighting this process. Surrendering is not easy. It is not easy at all and that is why you are here.

We are here to assist you to go into a deeper level of your ability of your Higher Consciousness and what you have acquired through many levels of understanding without a body. I ask you to bring that into your consciousness presently. You may not know what it is and that is just fine. You don’t have to know what it is. It’s a Vibrational Essence.

As I stand here with each of you in this moment, let us all bring forth that Divine Wisdom of the Strength and Love that you have always been, but it hasn’t always been acknowledged within your physicality.

I bring that unto you in this moment. I, as Lord Kuthumi, extend unto you the ability to fully access your wisdom of your I Am Presence. This wisdom doesn’t come in words. It comes in through feeling, it comes in through energy. It brings forth a sense of acceptability into all that you are and all that you can be and ALL that is available through the Ascended Master State of Consciousness.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

It is my pleasure as Lord Kuthumi to be the spokesperson for the Christ Consciousness. I give the energies now unto Lord Maitreya.


Greetings My Dearest Initiates and Masters,

I come in this moment to extend unto you the vibrational essence of the Divine Blessings of the Rays of God to allow them to become an Arrow of Light into every part of your system. Coming into the chakras assists in raising the the full body system into those higher dimensional levels by allowing them to come into the Four-Body System to become them.

The attributes are there to help you to understand what needs to be acquired and how best to fully accept that vibration of that Ray into your own consciousness, your Emotional Consciousness, your Mental Consciousness, and most of all your Physical Consciousness, the Cellular Structure. They are very important for the healing process to allow yourself to dissipate thought processes that don’t align with a Higher State of Consciousness of a Master, the parts that say you have to die at a certain age or that you’re going to contract an illness.

It is very important for me as a Keeper of working with the Rays of God from the God Source to assist every individual Initiate and Master to realize their potential. Just because you have acquired a certain level of Ray energy within your system doesn’t mean that you’re going to hold it tomorrow. It means that you must constantly re-vibrate those energies within your system to help you, especially for YOU that are on the Earth.

The Earth is going through a tremendous change of renewal. I would say it’s going through the Resurrection phase dissipating elements that are no longer needed but within that process the State of Transformation, it is still quite a ways away.

We, as the Masters and the Initiates, can fully integrate these energies unto ourselves. Say that you, walking upon the Earth, extend that energy within yourself that is going to be extended through the vibrational level of Gaia. Humanity will get it eventually. But until we get every individual person, every lightworker, every one that has awakened to fully incorporate these Ray energies unto themselves, not just by giving it to others, but giving it unto themselves; and when they do that, they are giving it unto others. It’s just that the rationale within the Mental Mind that does not allow you to accept it the way that it is from a higher state of consciousness.

I ask each of you right now to fully feel those energies that have been put forth, that Lady Mahlariessee has extended unto each of us in these moments. Now she holds these energies within herself, but she still has to work with them every day. That is the gift of being a Master and realizing the potential of what Ray energy will do for you. Because when it is not done, as she has seen in her own life, her energies shift.

I implore you to fully remind yourself what this means.

You are the conductor of these energies coming into your physical body. Are you going to allow yourself to fully accept them as they should be accepted? Because when you do so, you fully accept the potential of being an Initiate.

By taking on that term ‘Initiate’ you are allowing yourself to fully become that Ray energy. The more that you do so the more healing will occur for you physically, emotionally, and mentally. Yes, you will have times where it doesn’t feel right, but just go with it. Never use the Ray energy to cover up what you’re feeling. Allow the Ray energy to heal you. Let it become integrated within you. But should never where it like a cloak. It must be integrated within your entire system.

I, as Lord Maitreya, extend unto you the ability within your own consciousness to accept the Ray Light energy to come fully in through your breath from your I Am Presence, from your higher consciousness, from the God Source of All That Is, from the Unified Whole energies of the 144th Dimension to extend unto your own consciousness like a shooting Light. 

As I stand here in this glorious temple in this moment, see that there are streams of all the Rays of God within the entire temple and these streams of the spectrums of the colors are coming into your own pure existence. Breathe them in. You will receive what you need, what you don’t need you will not accept. It happens differently in every moment. You may be ready to receive something of a higher nature but then you may only be able to accept the third dimensional energies of the Seven Rays of God. And that is OKAY ~ that is OKAY. Everything is going to be the way that it should be and that is the Ascended Master State of Consciousness.

I, as Lord Maitreya, bring unto you this blessing to hold this frequency of Light to let it change the way you think. Let it change the way that you feel. Not to say, “I need Will and Power.” You say, “I AM Will and Power. I am the Strength. I am the Courage.”

But you have to feel that energy. You can’t just say it. You can say it and change your Mental Consciousness and Subconscious Mind and that is good. But eventually it has to filter into your Emotional Body so that you vibrate with it.

That is what we bring forth unto you in these moments.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

Receive the vibration even though it may feel uncomfortable. Allow yourself to say, “I receive, and I know this is the best energy I can bring forth unto myself.”

I am Lord Maitreya.


Namaste’. I am Lord Sananda. Thank you for the beautiful energies today. Thank you, Lord Kuthumi and Lord Maitreya, for sharing the messages that I feel are very important.

I think that humanity tends to ANALYZE what is being said instead of fully incorporating it, becoming it, absorbing it because every individual is going to have a different reaction to what is being said. It all depends upon whether you are in your breath through this whole session, through this whole journey.

Are you allowing yourself to open up your energy centers and receive what is being given? If you’re not, if you say to yourself, “No, I’m not doing that.” then number one it’s an honest statement. I am very grateful for that. But the next step is how do you get into the next phase? Well, then you have to practice that breath, the pranic breathing to go deeper into your system to feel the vibrations. For an individual who is very masculine and mental minded it may be more challenging for you. You may think you’re getting into that space, but your mind can trick you.

Until you can feel yourself as if you’re floating on a cloud and there is no interruption from your mental thoughts then you’re truly allowing yourself to be in the state of a high vibrational essence.

If you listened to Hyos Ha Kadoish what was your reaction within that energy? That consciousness is very strong and of a Cosmic level. It’s not meant to be absorbed by the words; it’s meant to be absorbed by the vibration.

As I connect with each of you in these moments opening up our Heart Centers, there is great change that is happening for each of you. I am delighted to see that individuals are allowing themselves to go through a deep healing process not within the physical body so much but the other parts of your bodily systems because that makes up your full physicality.

The truth of the matter is that we must as human beings accept that we have frailties. When you can be honest with yourself about that then you’re showing great humility, to yourself, gratitude to yourself, saying to yourself, “I need more.”

That’s what the Festival of the Christ represents. it represents the energy of opening up to the frailties within the mind and within the Heart that are controlling the physical actions in your world. Now, we can do this aggressively, but that would be a disservice to yourself.

You must find the Compassion that is brought forth within the Pink Flame. Compassion to yourself that you don’t understand yourself or that you project yourself in a different manner. This may be an occurrence that happens only once in a while, or it may be something that is within you.

How do you go about your day and your tasks? Do you do it with Compassion? Do you do it with love? Because the aspect of the Pink Flame of the Divine Mother is really the driving force to the Will of God. That may make no sense to you, because you think a thought and then you do it. Right? But what do you feel about that thought?

This is an essential component as an Initiate to change everything that you have experienced in your psychological self and change it into a State of Compassionate Love, of Grace, and being Merciful to yourself. Meaning in the worst experience you have had that you can say to yourself, “I love myself,” to be so strong within that attitude to let it come into your existence, so that everything softens up. It doesn’t mean that you’re going to be weak. It means then that you can allow the Strength and the Courage of the Will of God, because it’s still an aspect of Love, but it’s without aggressiveness. It becomes more assertive.

If you have a conversation with someone where you think you are being assertive, what was the act behind that? These elements are all very important at this time. That is what this Moon is representing, the act of Libra being balanced in the Emotional Body, because humanity does not do well with compassion to themselves. They can have much compassion for other people that are hurting or that they see as lesser than themselves and their experiences. But the internalization of allowing Compassion to be in your Heart consistently will bring you into a new state of existence. That is how you get through this process. That is how you become more of the Christed energy.

That is what this Festival of the Christ represents. To look in the mirror and say unto yourself, “I need to resurrect this. I need to resurrect that.” Instead of saying, “Well, I have this and it’s a problem that I’ve had my entire life and it’s never going to go away.” This is very untrue because you have many lifetimes, many experiences. Let them come to the surface, and I, as Lord Sananda, will extend my essence unto you to help you through this process.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

This is how we are going to heal the Earth.

I, as Lord Sananda, am deeply honored to be here with each of you to extend my voice to your heart and in return you extend your heart to me in the blessings that we all are together, in All That Is and All That Shall Be of the Ascended Master State of Consciousness.

So Mote it Be.


Take a few deep breaths. Each of the Masters with the Initiates gather together and stand in Oneness in this moment. Allow this connection that you feel within this ceremony and this festival to continue with you throughout the next month when we all meet once again for the Wesak Festival.

We leave the audience hall, and we gather together with Master Djwhal Khul, and we create our Merkabah once again to leave the City of Shambhala in the Himalayan Mountains. As we move through the Vortex of Light back to planetary awareness, each of us returns to our physical location grounding our energies.

We suggest listening to our ceremony as it includes the ©Divine Language Network Light Encoding which will assist in raising your vibration. WALKING TERRA CHRISTA’S LIVE ONLINE CELEBRATION OF THE FESTIVAL OF THE CHRIST is available to download and listen via our website donation supported Audio Recordings Library for all to enjoy.

HELP RAISE THE VIBRATION OF YOUR HOME AND LANDS] ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join this free Global Project by Walking Terra Christa to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance.

© 2022 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). (*formerly spelled Meleriessee). Please share and repost. Rights are granted to repost this article in full with image electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:

Integrating the Essence of Freedom Within

buddha2_800_533A Special Decree for Wesak 2015

The Wesak Moon is now upon the Earth,
Within the Year of 2015;
It is a time for the renewal of my Spiritual Essence Blending within My Physical Self,
I have traveled on many roads,
To come to this juncture of time.

I am excited to experience,
The Power of Lord Buddha’s ascension,
As I stand as an Initiate of Mastery.

I reflect on the changes that have occurred for me,
How I handled the challenges,
And Accepted the Achievements of My Life;
I realize that there are no failures in Mastery,
Just understanding my growth,
And how I have changed along the way.

I now feel the essences of this powerful event of Wesak,
I stand with others as I ignite the Presence of God’s Light within me,
I understand that the Will of God,
Represents my own Will within my life;
I feel the purification of the Blue Flame,
To blend within me,
As I acknowledge the Wisdom I have acquired,
Through my Journey.

It gives me great Peace to know,
I am following my Heart’s desire,
To Acquire the Will of God Within.

I, then, feel the essence of the Golden Yellow Flame,
It represents Love and Wisdom,
I feel the illumination of my Mental Mind,
As My Higher Mind is now fully accessed within me;
I have learned through my meditations,
To full access my Divine Self,
As I learn that Love is my Guide to the Source of my Being.

These beautiful flames have taught me how to step into My One Source of Light,
I feel the essence of the Will of God allowing my Higher Mind to Be Activated,
Through the Blue Flame;
As the essence of the Heart of God represents the Love I now embody within me,
As the Pink Flame flows within,
In this moment,
My Masculine and Feminine Divine are fully activated,
And feeling Free Within Me.

I now inhabit the Flame of the Golden Yellow,
I have learned that accessing my Higher Mind,
Allows me to fully embrace my Inner Power of Light.

The Three-Fold Flame is now activated within me,
As I stand as an Initiate of Mastery,
In the presence of Lord Buddha,
And all the Christed Beings of Light.

I now incorporate the Peace I have desired,
As the Love Flows Within me,
I Accept my Power,
As My Wisdom is my Guide.

I feel the manifestation of my Higher Essence,
Guiding me through this moment of re-creation,
I now have Strength to walk through the next doorway of Light,

I have acquired Personal Freedom,
As I realize the lessons of my past,
Are now molding my future,
Allowing me to acknowledge,
That I am ready for the next level of acceleration,
Within my full body system.

I AM One with all that I have ever been,
As I walk with the Masters in Shamballa,
I feel the Freedom flowing within me,
Of All That I have Learned and Embraced.

I AM that I AM that I AM

Join Walking Terra Christa on May 3rd, 2015 for a special Wesak Ceremony event via teleconference at 10:00 AM Pacific.  Details available via Wesak 2015-Freedom Within.

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Accepting the Force of Acceleration

 fast trainA Dissertation from Rev. Meleriessee with Master Djwhal Khul

We are within a powerful week of “resurrection” which represents many elements within our existence upon Gaia. We are coming upon the “Festival of the Christ”; the first of the three Festivals of Light for our ascension. This event always occurs on the full moon in Aries, but this year we have a Lunar Eclipse at the same moment compounding the energies.

Having all of these accelerations come together at the same time is like a train coming towards us.

Are we going to get on the train and allow the energies to push us into the next destination?

Or are we going to see the train go by and miss all opportunities for the next stage of our acceleration?

The funny part of this analogy is that we cannot just sit by and allow the train to go by. We will be hit with tremendous force if we are not prepared within our four body system to accept the next stage. What does not move forward, must be removed.

This includes everything on and upon the earth is being rattled by the Force of Acceleration.

What this means is that every human upon this planet is being affected by these energies no matter where they may be in their awareness, within the soul’s psychological and physical self, or biological functions within the body.

When we recall how intense the energies were from the Trinity of Light (New Moon, Solar Eclipse, and the Equinox) just two weeks ago, they only prepared us for the upcoming energies we are experiencing.

The important element is how did you prepare yourself and are you ready for the next step in your acceleration?

This full moon is reflected by the Sun Sign of Aires with the Moon of Libra. Aires represents the Self, is very courageous, stepping forward while being a leader. Libra represents “Others” with the act of compromising and negotiating efforts to create a harmonious balance in life.

If we can think of this in terms of the Self representing the physical body and Others reflected by the Higher Self, we can learn how this full moon is assisting our ascension process. We are in a state of de-accelerating our highest self into our lower self. The Higher Self will not integrate within the physical vehicle until the emotional and mental bodies are in alignment (Feminine and Masculine Divine). This means they need to be interactive with one another to help the balance of the Inner Power and Divine Love to be fully initiated. In addition the soul psychology work must be done by reflecting upon the mental thoughts and emotions that are ignited within the physical self through interactions with others. This includes judgments of the self representing judgment toward others.

What we do to ourselves, we do to others.

What occurs during the moon transitions is that the energy pushes us to go further into our subconscious thoughts so that the Super Conscious (Higher Self) can integrate within the three minds. None of this occurs just be accepting the Light and working with high attunements. It must be acquired through the mental work of affirmations, journaling, and processing the old elements to be removed.  Then, and only then, can the attunements do their magic.

What happens if the work is not done first is that the physical body receives it, and discards what it does not want.  It makes a person feel in the higher elements or the astral plane very easily but it is a mixture of both good and bad energies.  The attunement or download does not change the bodily composition until the subconscious mind is cleared and rectified.  This is why is may take quite some time to feel the affects of these higher frequencies of light.

Otherwise, what does happen is that the Lower Ego becomes very active within the four body system and the accessibility of one’s Higher Essence cannot be acknowledged within full consciousness. It becomes fake, unreal, and makes the person feel as if they are better than they truly are. As they go through the accelerations, great changes can occur within the body that are very uncomfortable due to the lack of work that has not been done.

So this moon takes us into a deeper part of our subconscious that needs to be cleared and rectified. But it does take diligence to get there through accepting the role as an initiate to learn and accept that maybe you don’t have the answer to the question because your lower self gives you the same reply time and time again. It is going to push you to go deeper into the lower self with the higher self so that the transition can be a positive quality to experience.

In addition we are experiencing a Lunar Eclipse during the other phases of resurrection with the full moon energies. This eclipse is represented by the Raven who is magical and fearful, but it comes with great challenges because it represents deep purging, releasing to illuminate any issues that need to be revealed. The essence of the magic comes after one goes deeper into their darkness as the light can then be shown.

This process is very intense – it is a re-birthing experience but it does have ramifications.

Again, if an initiate has not prepared themselves through their lessons, by going into their subconscious thoughts and feelings, it can feel like an eruption, almost having the sensation of a volcano bursting out of your field.

On the other hand, for those initiates that have been working their pathway each day and each moment will feel that the rebirthing experience is walking into a beautiful garden with all of their favorite thoughts and feelings appearing within their pathway. The Raven then turns to pure white light expressing the beautiful magic that is within each soul.

Both of these accelerations are assisting with the FESTIVAL OF THE CHRIST as it represents “Resurrection” and “Restoration”. It helps individuals to understand their limitations so that they can be changed and rebirthed to prepare for the next phase of their ascension process.

This Festival of Light is guided by the Will and Power of God (the 1st Flame of the Blue) which brings forth the power to fully bring in God’s Will to make the necessary changes of Inner Power, Strength, Courage, and the Will To Do. It is complemented by the essence of the Creative Actualization (the 3rd Flame of the Deep Pink) to restore all that was not in balance to come into harmony of Love, Gratitude, Charity, and Reverence of the Self of what it has endured to arrive into this juncture of time.

There is no doubt that this festival is considered one of the most difficult to endure. It is the first of the three festivals but it brings forth an alliance of the Higher Essence unto the Physical Self. It allows the physical self to accept the limitations that have kept them in bondage for a long time while there is a time for renewal and growth.

In addition to these elements 2015 is proving to each of us that we are being assisted and challenged at the same time. We have to remember that we never receive anything we cannot handle. Each of our I AM Presence’s is guiding us in each moment to be the beautiful Being of Light that we are in the highest dimension to be accepted by the physical body that we have inhabited.

What happens during this phase?

We are being hit with timelines upon timelines to be purged and accepted. We cannot accept our multi-dimensional selves without the elements that have stopped us previously from this alignment to occur. All parts of our existence are being challenged especially the physical body that needs to change into the crystalline structure when it truly is not used to these energies.

It is at this stage that we now have Contact with the Spiritual Hierarchy through the Unified Whole Energies. All must come from the Source of Light of the 144th dimension and when we acquire this element in our lives, then we see the change that is occurring within us. We are healing in many different ways.

Please know that what has appeared within your subconscious, within your four-body system is for a reason: to go through the steps of Resurrection, Restoration, and Contact in a more physical and linear way than you did before. It takes you deeper into levels that have not been acknowledged for centuries.

Working with the Spiritual Hierarchy especially  Master Djwhal Khul, and Lord Sananda will assist all initiates through this transitionary phase as we are preparing for the Wesak energies. Lord Kuthumi and Lord Maitreya, representing the Office of the Christ, helps each initiate to be able to reach this level of the Christ Consciousness within themselves.  2015 represents the year to embrace Harmony and Balance to extend Love to others.

As initiates of the Mastery Pathway, it is our responsibility to take care of ourselves so that Gaia and all her inhabitants will be able to do the same.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee
~ With Master Djwhal Khul

We have written a special decree “Accepting the Steps of Resurrection, Restoration, and Contact To Be My Guide” which is available via the link.

Walking Terra Christa is holding an Open Tele-Call for the Festival of the Christ, Full Moon, and Lunar Eclipse on Saturday, April 4th, 2015 at 10 AM Pacific. Please click the link for call information.

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).

Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Accessing the Blue Flame through Lord Sanatka, Holy Kumara

blue_venusian_ray-fb-1Our featured guests for the Abundance of Light ~ Creating Prosperity Together call for the next seven weeks will be the Holy Kumaras as the Seven Flame Holders of the Venusian Rays.  We started our first connection with Lord Sanatka who is the Flame Holder of the Will of God within the Blue Flame.


It is my pleasure as Lord Sanatka to be here with you, oh!  We are all so excited to be included in this prosperity circle that you are participating in each week.

Thank you very much for including the Holy Kumaras as I speak for every one.

As we bring forth the Will of God today, allow the energies of the Blue Flame to be fully within you.   Some of the aspects that we are going to be addressing is to understand that we have the Will within us which is not the physical self, not the mental self, not the emotional self but the true essence of our Higher Self and I AM Presence within that frequency of Light.  You cannot do anything else without having the Will of God within you; you may try on a physical level but that is when you usually when you falter, when you will forget to do things, and when you get frustrated that things are not happening for you.

We start with the Will of God to make the changes necessary for this creates the structure of our world.  We, in Venus, bring forth the energies of the flame holders and they must be a step-by-step process because unlike your planetary Rays you are already incorporating those Rays of God in your physical structure, within your chakras.

Let us take a deep breath and connect with that chakra system that you are incorporating no matter how may Rays or how many extra chakras you are fully incorporating within you.  Let’s just intend for them to be fully active now and take a deep breath in to that moment.  So your chakra system is completely balanced to receive the higher realm of the Venusian Ray of the Will of God for this is an all encompassing ray which is very similar to your Will of God on the planetary level.  So it is quite different because we don’t separate the ray through the chakras; we don’t look at the different divisions of the ray; we look at the complete total-ness or Oneness of each flame.  So if you think about how we are coming in from a tenth dimensional level, allowing those energies to fully be within us, then there is nothing that can falter because everything is in place.

As we sit here in this beautiful garden and feel this flame flowing through the entire garden and let it go through your chakra system and breathe through it.  Think of your chakra system that you are as one body of Light with your Physical body, your Emotional, Mental body, your Etheric body all one body of light so then you bring in these flame of the Blue.  What this will do is it will help you to see if there are changes that need to be made in that structure.  Feel that essence now fully being within you because we can be the ones that push forward but we can also have the compassion of Love.  This is what working with the Venusian Rays represents of allowing these energies to be in complete wholeness of all that is.

I stand here with each of you as the flame holder, but I am not any different then each of you.  We have traveled far and wide on different paths, and I stand here with you to assist you with this.  We are greatly excited to be able to share our essence because it is going to be part of the New Earth energies.  So why not allow this frequency of Light to fully come within you to intend to become that tenth dimensional person.

In this moment we call upon the energies of RA the Sun God and Helios and Vesta who represent the Solar Logos of the tenth dimensional frequency to come into each of your bodies.  Then feel the Blue Flame.  Feel the deep Blue as it swirls within you and around you because first before we do any commands or wishes for desires, we must be strong within ourselves to hold that desire.  This is where this Ray comes in first and foremost.  It is our Will to bring in these essences to create a beautiful life for ourselves in compassion, in love, in acceptance, in joy but also with the Power of God’s Will to move forward and surge ahead allowing these essences to fully be within us in this moment.

I, as Lord Sanatka, bring forth these energies of the Blue Flame to fully come within each of you.  I stand here with my Blue Flame over top of you individually to allow it to swirl around you and within you as you become the Blue Flame.  As you become the Blue Flame, you feel your Will; feel your Divine Essence to fully be accepted in your four body system even though it is not a separate function, it is one.  As the feelings (Emotional body) work with the thoughts (Mental body) they become one.  Just think right now what it is that is out of balance for you in your structure.  What is that is stronger than the other and allow the Blue Flame to bring it into balance; think of these thoughts now.

I am a Divine Being of Light. 

I have the Will of God within me as I fully intuit the Blue Flame of the Venusian Rays.

I allow the Will of God to be my guide as I connect fully with the Divine Mother Father God that have created me.  That essence has now opened up fully within my Solar Plexus, within my Heart, within all aspects of my being as I become it as I truly have always been.

I call upon the Blue Flame to make the changes that are necessary so that I may manifest my desires in my world.

Now see the Blue Flame swirling within you almost like a small tornado; it will move and flow within you to create those essences that align with this frequency of Light.



I Am the Blue Flame.

I Am the Will.

I now know my Will, and I fully allow it to create the structure of my world.

Feel it moving into your Earth Star; feel it being part of your entire structure.  Now see in front of you your desire in this moment.

What is your desire? Allow it to come into the Blue Flame so it is part of that desire.

As you bring forth the Will of God within you, it is always within balance of service to God’s Will so anything that is out of alignment with that energy will not blend within you.  So we ask now to correlate all the frequencies of Light that you are to come into the wholeness that you are.  Now you are able to move through structures, through obstacles, and through changes; you would say that you are able to move mountains to find the pathway that you desire within yourself.

I am now a creator of the Blue Flame.

I allow the essence of Lord Sanatka to be fully within my Being as he guides me in each moment and is guided from the Venusian Rays of God of Peace, Love, Joy Acceptance, Compassion and Love.

I Am all of these and more.

Now see your vision and fill it with the Blue Flame of the Will of God; let us take a moment to do that.



Now feel the peacefulness of the acceptance.  Allow it to fully enfold within you and be your guide in all aspects of your Being.

I am Lord Sanatka at your service.  Blessings and Love from the Holy Kumaras as we work together more closely with you.  


The Abundance of Light ~ Creating Prosperity Together is a free weekly connection.  If you would like to join us, please register via

©2012-2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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