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Wesak 2021 ~ Become the Golden Beacon of God’s Reflection with the 12 Rays of God

Spiritual Meaning of the upcoming WESAK energies as brought forth by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden.

As we prepare ourselves spiritually for the onset of the Wesak energies, it will take us on a journey within ourselves to experience all aspects of our physicality.

It is a process to allow the dynamics of this Festival of Light to help us Emotionally, Mentally, through our Etheric Timelines, and in our Chakra System while learning to align within our physical vehicle with ease and grace.

However, at times, it certainly may not seem that way.

The three major Spiritual Festivals of each year take place during the full moon’s of Aires, Taurus, and Gemini. As ascension celebrations, they are called the festivals of the Christ, Wesak, and Humanity. They takes us internally into a tailspin of energies to help us realize that we have the potential to become more in this physical incarnation than we ever have done at any other lifetime.

All of us that are on this awakening process will go through a journey of opening ourselves up to the Divine Consciousness learning to access the purity of our Soul’s Essence. It takes us through twists and turns so that we allow our Personality Self to realize that change awaits us, to become more aligned with our Higher Light Bodies known as the I Am Presence, and to walk with Love into a new reality.

This does not mean that everyone in the world is feeling the same. We would like to think that all humans upon this earth can have this experience, yet, it is very personal to each of us individually in what we will feel and think as we become more aligned with our Divine Self.

Wesak does just that for us, if we as an individual, are willing to open up to the possibilities, the beauty of taking the next step into spiritual awareness, and changing who we have been in the previous moments.

The Festival of Wesak marks the spiritual beginning for the Year that truly pushes us forward, to look within, change what is not working, while the progression of our connection to our Higher Consciousness becomes the focus. But in turn, it helps to ground the new energies within our walk upon the earth.

For all those seeking their highest spiritual truth as a Soul in this lifetime, this is our Spiritual Birthday each year. Such seekers are called “Initiates” even if they have not formally accepted such a title for themselves. This means that the Wesak Festival is an occasion of great benefit to partake upon even if one does not consider themself an “Initiate” of formal Ascension Mastery study.

What comes with that transition is great transformation but not without its challenges.

Wesak is a time for each of us as spiritual beings to prepare ourselves to walk into our next step as a Soul by letting go of the old thoughts that our Personality Self holds within our consciousness. It is a time when, The Three Minds, of the Conscious, Sub-Conscious, and Super-Conscious start to work in harmony with each other.

It is a celebration of becoming One within the Buddha Essence ~ the Divine Consciousness of Lord Buddha, our Planetary Logos who shows us the way into walking with the Masters, becoming that Master upon the Earth.

The key to this journey is to always allow the issuance of the old traits within the lower personality known as the Lower Ego to relinquish control as an Initiate cannot aspire to the higher realms of Light without going through the process of Re-Birth. In order for us to become the butterfly and spread our wings, we must acknowledge that the process of the dying away of old habits is an inescapable component. If not adhered to in a receptive state of being, there will be a mixture of energies within our consciousness that is part of the old while trying to mingle with the new.

This causes much Lower Ego Confusion, which is a true and valid concept in the when one desires to step into a reality that holds more than they have ever been, meaning that it is very much a part of the process of becoming more than your physical self’s Ego can understand.

Wesak represents the State of Love to be embodied.

It is a time in which we allow our Divine Feminine to helps us through the pain by accepting the Divine Love of Mother God and all she represents. It brings forth a softness and vulnerability to allow the pain to be released in order for it to be transmuted.

Once we allow the Divine Feminine to flow within us, then we create true healing from the perspective of our Higher Self. It is empowering and beautiful to experience, but until an Initiate is ready to step into this role within themselves, then there will be the state of Confusion to be predominant within One’s Consciousness.

It is at this stage that the Divine Masculine of our Higher Mental Body acts to hold this energy so deeply within the Heart Center. It is the role of our Abstract Mind or Higher Mind to blend within the Concrete Mind and feel the Divine Love of the Feminine to help with softening the Lower Ego. Hence, one then steps into becoming the Higher Ego.

The Divine Love of Father God then brings forth the gift of the Will of God to become this essence within the Heart as the Feminine and Masculine learn to work together.

The resulting energy of this inner connection then becomes our Power represented by the Gold Flame. It is the Christ Consciousness as the blending of our Heart becomes so intertwined with the essence of Love, that we become that unbinding Love in so many ways.

This, then, becomes our Three-Fold Flame within the Heart Center.

This is the process that each of us is going through for the Wesak energies. Many times this can be so powerful that it becomes overwhelming in many areas. But the key element is to concentrate on the blending of these three aspects within our Spiritual Divine Soul to help our physical walk upon the earth to be aligned within the Christ Consciousness of Wesak.

The 2021 Wesak Festival Ceremony is being presented by the Spiritual Hierarchy as a “Circle Within A Circle” as each of us as Initiates become aligned with each of the Ascended Beings of Light who have always walked with us, sometimes guiding us into the next phase of our journey.

For this Wesak Ceremony the Ascended Masters and Beings will be waiting for us at the entrance-way to the Eternal I Am Temple in Shamballa. We will walk together into the Temple as they honor us for the role we are playing upon the Earth.

We are uniting in a way that has never been experienced upon the Earthplane before.

The Circle of the Initiates stands with the Circle of Ascended Masters to raise the consciousness of the Initiate’s Octave. The Masters Light Rays become the Initiates Light.

It is at this stage that we are becoming the Golden Beacon of God’s Reflection within the 12 Rays of God.

The 12th Ray of God, the Gold Flame, represents the Christ Consciousness which reflects all of the previous 11 Rays of God. In order to achieve Christ Consciousness we have to walk through the challenges/benefits of each of the 11 Rays to become fully embodied within our full-body system. Utilizing the Gold Flame brings forth the blessings of whatever aspects each person has worked upon as a soul to become more realized within Who They Are regardless of the level attained. This is why the Wesak Festival is a formal spiritual recognition of our progress annually.

The reflections of the Gold illuminate the frequency vibrations radiations of the  Blue, Golden Yellow, Pink, Crystalline, Green-Golden-White, Ruby Red-Gold, Violet-Purple, Seafoam Green, Blue-Green, Pearlescent, and Pink-Orange to merge together and become the Gold essence of the Christ Within.

We must allow the aspects of each of the rays to be reflected within our four-body system, not just holding it within the respective chakra that represents that frequency. We become the attributes of each Flame to the extent that we have achieved so far of the Will, the Illumination and Wisdom, the Creative Magnetism of Love, the Purification, the Divine Truth, the Spiritual Inner Devotion, the Alchemist of Sacredness, Becoming Clear through our Higher Self, Attracting the Light of Joy Within, Accessing the Feminine/Masculine Traits to work as One Unit, Walking Across the Bridge to the New Self to receive the Christ Consciousness with Lord Buddha and the Office of the Christ as One Essence.

For this Wesak we are being given the Divine Compensation to be able to access the spiritual ideals of mastery into our full consciousness, to learn how to walk and become the ideal essence of each of the 12 Rays of God so that our Three-Fold Flame of the Divine Feminine of Love with the Divine Masculine of Will  blends to create the Wisdom of God within us.

Previous to the full moon of Taurus (which occurs this year on April 26th, it is suggested to take time within yourself to honor your journey thus far as an Initiate, and reflect upon what will be the awareness of your acceleration. This must come from a place of meditative introspection, not the Mental Mind. Preparing for this event is the key at the present time. Then the higher frequencies of the Wesak Festival itself can better act upon your energetic structures to help solidify those advancements. (Our Wesak Festival occurs on April 25th, see below in this article for a link to the details).

The following Decree has been written for this Wesak by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee. Take time to read and ingest the energies before the Wesak Ceremony to help align your Higher Self within your four-body system (Physical, Etheric, Emotional, Mental Selves). It will assist in your reflections.



 The Wesak Festival of Light for 2021,

Allows me to receive the Divine Guidance,

Of the Masters of Shamballa,

Representing the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light.

I see there is a Beacon of Gold Light,

Emanating from the 49th Dimensional Frequency;

As I move towards it,

As I feel an immense charge of the Christed Light,

Flowing within Me.

I am joined by the Office of the Christ,

Represented by Lord Maitreya and Lord Kuthumi,

Joining them are Lady Pallas Athena,

Archangel Mazuriel who is the Guardian of the Great Central Suns,

I then feel the essence of Lord Buddha.

As I now look around me,

It seems as if I am standing in the middle of an energetic circle,

I feel like I am in a color wheel,

With each of the Eleven Rays of God,

Represented by the Masters of Each Flame,

Directing its spectrum of Light,

Into the middle blending with the Gold Ray.

I feel myself spinning ever so slightly,

As I embrace the Blue Flame giving unto me Strength and the Will of God,

With Master El Morya, Elohim Masters Hercules & Amazonia,

With Archangels Michael and Faith;

I then see the Golden Yellow Flame,

Giving me the Love of the Wisdom within me,

Illuminating my Higher Self to my Physical Consciousness,

With Masters Djwhal Khul and Joshua Stone,

Elohim Masters Masters Apollo and Lumina,

with Archangels Jophiel and Christine;

I feel the Pink Flame surging into my Heart Center,

Giving unto me the Divine Love of Mother God,

With Master Serapis Bey,

Elohim Masters Heros and Amora,

along with Archangels Chamuel and Charity;

I then feel the Purity of the Crystalline Flame surging within me,

Giving unto me Harmony and Balance removing the Conflict within me,

With Master Paul the Venetian,

Along with Elohim Masters Purity and Astrea,

with Archangels Gabriel and Hope;

As I continue feeling all the divine energies,

I am then immersed with the Green Golden-White Flame,

I feel a sense of understanding my Divine Truth,

As the gift of Concentration and Consecration is given to me,

With Master Hilarion,

Elohim Masters Cyclopea and Virginia,

Along with Archangels Raphael and Mother Mary;

I then embrace the blessings of the Ruby Red-Golden Flame,

Giving me a sense of Peace of what I have achieved,

With Lady Master Nada,

Elohim Masters Peace and Aloha,

With Archangels Uriel and Aurora;

The spinning of my wheel then gives unto me the Violet-Purple Flame,

Igniting the Power of my Own Transformation to become grounded,

While Creating a Sacred Foundation Within Me,

With Lady Master Portia,

Elohim Masters Arcturus and Victoria,

With Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst.

I feel each of the Seven Rays of God assisting me to become aligned,

With my Divine Self,

As I then see the Sea Foam Green Flame,

Giving me a sense of clarity of how far I have come,

To truly receive a Divine Blessing of My Higher Self,

From Lady Isis and Lord Osiris;

As the energy continues around me,

I see the Blue-Green Flame,

Giving me the feeling of Joy as it emanates within my physical self,

I realizing I am receiving more of my Light Body,

With Lady Nada and Lady Mother Mary,

I feel completely blessed and love;

I then see the Pearlescent Flame,

I feel the Divine Nurturing of the Feminine Divine,

As I become more grounded with the help of the Masculine Divine,

With Lord Voltar and Lady Valencia from Andromeda;

I then continue spinning, feeling the beauty of the Pink-Orange Flame,

Giving unto me a sense of Deep Compassion and Love,

As I walk with Grace and Mercy,

With Lady Quan Yin and Angel Roshel;

As each of these flames are spinning within me,

The Gold Flame I stand upon in this moment,

Becomes aligned with each of the other flames I have experienced.

I feel the presence of my Strength, My Illumination,

My Creative Action, My Harmony and Balance,

My Divine Truth, My Devotion to Myself, My Ceremonial Sacredness,

My Higher Self, My Hope and Joy,

My Balance of my Feminine and Masculine,

My Ability to Walk with Grace of my New Self Defined within me,

As I stand in the presence of the ability to know,

That each of these flames,

Come together as One,

As I become the Gold Beacon Within Me.

I Am that I Am that I Am!

Wesak is a very important annual event: To READ ABOUT WESAK click here.

Walking Terra Christa is the originating Ascension Mastery Teaching source of the 22 Rays of God to assist the spiritual advancement of Humanity and increase the vibrational frequency of Mother Earth. Using the free materials of the Ascend Earth Project (www.Ascend.Earth) is suggested for all to create a higher energetic grounding in service to the Spiritual Hierarchy especially when in meditation and in reflection upon your spiritual birthday of Wesak this year. (Please share this information).

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2021 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

Decrees ~ Creating Unconditional Self-Love and Self-Worth

In October 2018 Walking Terra Christa presented teachings of Learning how to Feel your Divine Spiritual Self for Ascension Mastery Training within the Golden Etheric Cities of Fronlahamm (over Atlanta, Georgia and North and South Carolina in North America) and the City of Shashwam over Nebraska, Oklahoma, Colorado and Kansas).


The focus for this cycle was to allow Unconditional Self Love to be the defining energy so that a person’s consciousness will create experiences of Spiritual and Psychological Wisdom through the feelings, thoughts, and action in the physical world.

We took the lessons of the past cycles and putting them into full action with Dr. Joshua David Stone’s 21 Day Program for Unconditional Self-Love and Self-Worth. We worked with the Purple Violet Flame of Ceremonial Magic and Structure along with the Crystalline Flame of Harmon and Balance through Conflict. We also concentrated upon the elements that can be held within the Root Chakra that need to be healed to create Self Love and Worth.

For the first visit of this cycle we worked with both the Beings of the Purple-Violet Flame and the Crystalline Flame within the Golden Etheric City of Fronlahamm. This class was held during the time of the storm on the East Coast, Hurricane Michael. We elicited the energies of the Ashtar Command to assist in bringing forth healing to the area.

The Ray of Ceremonial Magic and Structure elicits the flame of Purple with Violet Hues intermixed within it and is guided by the Throne of Grace, Lord Teesian and Lady Teesio, Ray Chohan, Lady Portia, Elohim Masters Arcturus & Victoria,and Archangels Zadkiel & Amethyst. This ray represents the Golden Etheric City of Fronlahamm.

Qualities: Ceremonial Order & Magic, Freedom, Ritual, Transmutation, Divine Structure, Alchemy, Violet flame Invocation, Sacred Living, Ritual Ceremony, Spiritual Tradition & Protocol; Control and Release of the hidden forces of Nature; Receiving Grace, Achieving Dignity, Learning Tact and Discipline; Realization of Unity, Open-Mindedness, Tolerance, Humility, Gentleness and Love the power to create, cooperate, think with balanced mental power and self-reliance.

Aspects that Can Be Healed: A very narrow-minded attitude with tendency to have feelings of superficial judgments, being opinionated, overindulgence in all areas, too much pride, and being too formal in dealings with others.

Virtues That Will Be Acquired:  Exhibiting great gentleness, love, and tolerance which brings forth realization of unity in all creations of this Earth.  Allowing the mind to be completely open to all avenues of thought and perspective will be exhibited within a person.

Decree ~ Allowing the Presence of Self Love to Become a True Reality

As I am learning to accept that my Self Love is directed from my Spiritual Self,

I am working within the Golden Etheric City of Fronlahamm,

Which represents being the Alchemist of my life.

I arrive in the city, I am greeting by many Beings of Light;

Tonight is special as I am working with not only the 7th Flame Team of Light,

But also the Crystalline Flame Beings.

I see before me first Lord Saint Germain with Lady Portia,

Elohim Arcturus and Virginia with Archangels Zakiel and Amythest;

Then, I am met by Master Serapis Bey of the Crystalline Flame,

With Elohim Purity and Astrea with Archangels Gabrielle and Hope.

They gather around me and I can feel their Divine Energies,

Blending within mine;

As we walk into the magnificent garden of Purple Violet Flowers,

I am immediately reminded how this city has assisted me previously

They guide me down the hillside into a large valley of light,

There is a huge altar in the middle made out of stone and earth,

It is emitting not only the purple violet but the crystalline energies.

There is a large stream flowing on the outside of the altar,

Which is two or three hundred feet away from it,

With a beautiful grassy area between the altar and the water,

There is also a bridge to walk across the stream.

It is very inviting,

They ask me to walk across the bridge,

I can feel the flowing waters;

There are flat benches around the altar in a circular fashion.

They motion for me to sit,

As they are standing on the other side all around me,

It is a powerful moment as I am being blessed by each of these Beings,

They are not standing still but walking every so lightly,

Around me and the Flame of the Crystalline – Purple/Violet.

I start to feel the immense energies of the Crystalline,

As Master Serapis Bey with Purity and Astrea, and Gabriel and Hope,

Bring unto me their Rods of Light,

I can feel a sensation of elements leaving me that I was holding onto;

I then feel Lady Portia with Arcturus and Victoria and Zadkiel and Amethyst,

Bringing me the purest light of Purple and Violet,

First I feel the energies shifting from the Crystalline Beings,

Then I feel this intensity of grounding right into my Root Chakra.

I realize that the most Divine Love that I truly Am,

Is now flowing within my Root Chakra.

It seems to being changing the pure essence that I am,

Through all part of my four-body system;

I feel it physical, then mentally, emotionally,

With the last part of my spiritual body

Becoming more within me.

Lord Ashtar comes forward,

He calls upon the purest essence of these divine love energies,

To be sent into Gaia,

The earth is now vibrating with these reflections of

The crystalline and Purple/Violet energies,

It goes to all the areas of Florida, Texas, Louisiana,

Then upwards into Georgia, the Carolinas,

And the Eastern Seaboard;

Calming the storms, the thoughts of fear,

To bring about a sense of calmness to every living being upon the Earth.

I am grateful that I can be part of these energies.

I thank these beautiful beings of light;

I Am that I Am that I Am.

The following week we traveled to the Golden Etheric city of Shashwam with Elohim Masters Purity and Astrea along with Archangels Gabriel an Hope.

Creating Unconditional Self-Love and Self Worth:
Learning to Feel Good about yourself.

ELOHIM PURITY AND ASTREA – The Elohim of Purity will release the Cosmic Blue Lightning of Divine Love, at one’s call, to shatter the accumulated, discordant substance deposited around the electrons of the inner bodies.  It then can be transmuted easier.  The Blue Lightning explodes the center of destructive foci and vortices, resulting in perfection.  Astrea, the Divine complement of Purity’s service consists in purifying the astral realm (about 10,000 feet above earth) where the cores of impurity exist.

ARCHANGELS GABRIEL AND HOPE – Archangel Gabriel is considered the Angel of Annunciation; he holds the Immaculate Concept for all of mankind and will give assistance to all that call upon him. Using the words “THE LIGHT OF GOD NEVER FAILS” will immediately aid anyone that is desiring of being One with God. Archangel Hope brings forth the essence that her name implies; better things to come. Her radiation is buoyant, uplifting, joyous, and inspirational.

~ Decree ~ 
Embracing the Crystalline Ray with the Elohim and Archangels of Shashwam

Lord Adama is assisting me to enter the Golden Etheric City of Shashwam,

Which resides in the 5th dimensional frequency of the New Earth,

Over Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Nebraska,

We are met by the Divine Masters of the Crystalline Flame,

Which is the commanding light energy within the city.

We are met by the Elders Lord Esteela & Lady Estello,

Who ignite the Crystalline Flame of Shashwam,

I can feel its beautiful essence of Balance, Harmony, and Peace for Gaia;

Master Paul the Venetian who is now the Ray Chohan of the 4th Ray,

Honors me with a bow, and I reciprocate back to him;

Behind him are the Elohim Masters Purity and Astrea,

Along with the Archangels Gabriel and Hope.

I am learning the gift of Unconditional Self Love and Self Worth,

I can see why I have been guided to arrive at this magnificent city of light,

The essence of Hope and Faith are everywhere I walk;

The trees are crystalline light formations sparkling through the sun,

The land is rich with many colors of flowers, and plant life;

I see animals enjoying the land also,

It just feels so warm and inviting.

Lord Adama walks with me as we are guided through a pathway of light,

We now see a most magnificent sacred space,

It is a place where many meetings occur from all walks of life;

It is a circular area with steps that are built from rock,

They are covered with grass and beautiful essences of the land,

We walk down the steps to the center,

Where there is a flame of the Crystalline Light in the middle,

I feel the exquisite essence of great moments in history will be made here.

There are many souls here today,

As it is a very important moment of connection,

I see many Christed Galactics, with Agarthians sitting in the stands around the circle,

I am honored to be here with so many individuals,

That represent the higher realms of light,

Lord Esteela and Lady Esteelo take their place in the middle,

As they ignite the Crystalline Flame to all of us sitting here;

I feel a sense of joy within me,

My heart is bursting with excitement as I breathe the essence of the Crystalline Flame;

I feel it moving through all my chakras,

But especially my Root Chakra.

I can feel the fears I have held within me are being dissipated,

They are opening up for me to see them,

My heart is beating strongly as I realize I just needed to walk through this doorway,

To allow the expansion of my Divine Love to show me the way.

Then the Elohim Purity and Astrea bring forth their Divine Blue Flame of Light,

It burst through the crystalline and spins a powerful force through all of us sitting here,

I feel it moving the elements within me that I struggle with consistently,

There is a sense of deep transformation occurring within me.

Then, Archangels Gabriel and Hope stand in the circle,

I see Gabriel igniting his power of the Light of God,

Tears are flowing,

Souls are starting to open up their essences to these divine beings of light.

I then realize I have hope,

That I can start to feel good about who I am,

The experiences that I have had are only lessons,

I don’t need to be so hard on myself.

I feel the change within me,

As I breathe deeper I am allowing my Higher Consciousness,

Of my Solar Angel, Gate Keeper, Higher Self, and I Am Presence,

To bring to me the Unconditional Self Love,

It permeates through me and around me.

I am now ready for the next step of my journey,

With the Elohim and Archangels of the Crystalline Ray.

I Am that I Am that I Am.

The last visit was to the Golden Etheric City of Fronlahamm guided by Lady Portia.


LADY MASTER PORTIA: Ascended Master Lady Portia is now the Chohan of the Seventh Ray.  She is considered the Goddess of Opportunity and Justice and is the Twin Ray of Lord Saint Germain.  Her role within the 7th Ray has always been to help initiate the qualities of tenderness, love, and acceptance especially when an initiate would utilize the Violet Flame of Transmutation.  She is the one to call upon to ignite this essence but also to fill up the space that the debris can leave within an individual’s soul body of light. Lady Portia is also a member on the Karmic Board when it acts on the petitions of students in June and December of every year (Royal Teton Retreat).

Decree ~ Becoming My Own Personal Alchemist with Lady Portia

As I am learning to incorporate the essence of Unconditional Self Love with me,

I am guided to travel to the Golden Etheric City of Fronlahamm,

With Lady Portia as my guide.

This city is located over Atlanta Georgia, North and South Carolina,

In North America,

It is filled with the most glorious light frequencies representing,

The Purple-Violet Flame;

I see it in the trees, in the flowers, and there is a mist of this light everywhere.

I am met by Lady Portia,

She extends to me both of her hands into mine,

Immediately I feel a warmth of her light,

Surrounding me as I fully relax.

We walk down a pathway that is made of Amethyst Stones,

I can feel their energy coming up into the souls of my feet,

She explains to me that the Amethyst energies will assist in,

Bringing forth more of the Purple essence within me.

We walk into this magnificent Garden that she calls,

The Garden of Contemplation;

A place where initiates reflect within themselves,

How they are able to assimilate the definitive changes,

Of their Soul’s Essence becoming more of a predominant energy.

We sit among the flowers,

There is a beautiful stream and fountain in the middle of the garden,

With outlining areas filled with Purple flowers like,

Violets, Lilacs, Purple Sage, Tulips, Hydrangeas, Irises,

And so many others.

Just the smell of the many types of flowers,

Brings me into a space of complete contentment and bliss.

Lady Portia has a sense of great power within her,

Coupled with a strength of divine compassion;

Her essence is helping me to truly become more aligned,

With the Golden City of Fronlahamm.

She tells me it is very important to take moments such as this,

To reflect on what has occurred within the past moments;

She relates that she likes to do this on a daily or weekly basis,

So that the memories of what you experienced are not lost,

In the present consciousness.

Lady Portia continues, “It is important to realize what you have thought about,

Felt and how it correlates to your present consciousness;

As each moment is crucial to allow the Divine Self to become more,

Of what you desire to be.”

I realize there are moments in my life that I have forgotten about,

She also tells me this is very important,

Because if they are not in alignment with my true Self,

Then they will come back to me to create more lessons for my Soul.

With her encouragement I am starting to experience what True Alchemy means,

It is about being precise of the course of One’s actions,

Along with the thoughts and feelings,

As an Initiate I constantly need to address these elements within myself,

I am a Creator of my Walk upon the Earth,

I realize I must do more for myself to make it pleasurable and enriching,

To my Soul, to my Physical Self, and the Initiate I am striving to be.

We arise from the Garden,

I realize that automatically I have been contemplating,

On how to correct the errors of my ways,

And fully accept the special moments of realization within my journey.

We now continue to the Temple of Freedom and Justice for All,

All of the Beings from the 7th Flame are awaiting our arrival,

Elohim Arcturus and Victoria with the Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst,

Are standing at the entranceway of the temple;

I feel the divine essence of the Elders Lord Teesian and Lady Teesio,

As I walk into this magnificent Temple of Lady Portia.

I am ready and willing in this moment,

To step into the process of becoming my Personal Alchemist.

I Am that I Am that I Am

©Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden, Integrative Channel 10th, 17th, and 31st , 2018; New Earth Consciousness~Circle of Light. 

The New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light is a weekly class in which we journey to one of the 22 Etheric Cities.  Included is a teaching from Lord Adama and a special Ascended Being that represents the city. Walking Terra Christa provides many options to participate in their weekly teachings with an affordable rate for all individuals.  You can become an Academy Student or participate in our Partner/Membership Program while experiencing the teachings on your own time via the recordings. You can also purchase any of the MP3 downloads separately for the the classes to receive the highest vibrational energies available (upon your payment please make a note about the date of the class you are requesting to receive).

ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join Walking Terra Christa in this special project to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance. To learn more please use the link.

Preparation for the Festival of the Christ ~ Decree & Ascension Prayer

The Three Fold Flame Within The Heart of Gaia

Today has arrived with the Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse, and the yearly celebration of the Festival of the Christ.  

As we are standing fully within these energies presently, it is crucial for us to truly awaken to all elements that we carry within us whether they are positive or not so healthy for us.  In order for Gaia to hold this new energy, we the Pioneers of the Light need to hold it as deeply as possible within us and command the Three-Fold Flame to be fully within our consciousness and full body system.

The Spiritual Hierarchy with the Unified Whole Command of the 144 Dimensions of Reality are assisting us greatly through this process.  In addition the Inner Earth Beings of the Agarthian Council of Light are stepping forward through all of their cities to bring forth great change as they realize it is now time.  We have enough awakened souls that are ready to acknowledge that the healing process is the most important element in order for us to co-operatively interact with one another.

Lord Adama, the High Priest of Telos within the Inner Earth had this to say about this Full Moon of Aries/Libra with the Lunar Eclipse:

We are now embarking upon a huge Full Moon experience, and we in Telos along with all the Inner Earth Cities are very excited to be part of these energies.
Our role with Walking Terra Christa is expanding with the Agarthian teachings as this has never occurred before. All of our major cities with the crystalline cities are participating more directly with the interworkings of the Upper Earth.
This moon represents a powerful Lunar Eclipse but is also the Festival of the Christ energies, the first of the three festivals for Ascension. We have always done our own connection but this year we are connecting more fully to each of you.
We believe that it is time to allow our energies to be more focused within each of your energies. As more people awaken on the planet, our role together is going to be very important.
I want to intend to connect with as many of you as we can during this moon experience from march 23rd through march 24th as it is very important for all of us to be doing our part to help this Earth and our inner earth to become One. We have a long journey but we are opening up the doorway to the energies to become more involved in creating the higher energies upon the Upper Earth.

It is very important for each of us to work through the energies of the Festival of the Christ which represents Resurrection of the Old of Restoring the Divine Mind (of the Higher Self) to be fully active within our consciousness. We, then, ignite the Love of the Divine Mother with the Wisdom of the Divine Father to energize our Three-Fold Flame as we fully Empower ourselves with the Christ Consciousness within our full body system.

It is a blessing that the Agarthian Cities are going to fully connect with each of us during the next 24 hours.  We offer you this decree and prayer to utilize to help your own divine connection to be stronger through this process. All of the unawakened Beings of this Earth need us to be strong and do our part through the process so we can help them to do the same.

Decree for the Festival of the Christ


I stand at a crossroads within the Full Moon of Aries with Libra,

Within the energies a Lunar Eclipse is occurring at the same time;

I feel the changes erupting within and all around me,

As it is a new threshold of experiences,

That I am now embarking upon.

Ironically, it is the time of the Festival of the Christ for 2016,

The energies of this month from the previous Full Moon,

Have taken me unto a whirlwind of experiences,

With a Solar Eclipse within the New Moon,

And constantly being pushed to know who I Am.

I am learning through this process,

I look forward to participating with the energies of the Festival of the Christ;

As I believe that the assistance I am getting,

From the Spiritual Hierarchy and Forces of Light,

Are truly helping me to realize the inner work I am doing,

As an Initiate on the Ascension Mastery Pathway.

I call upon the energies of Resurrection,

To cleanse my four-body system of all elements that do not belong to me;

I ask for the Rays of God to assist me especially within the Crystalline Flame.

I allow it to move through my body to remove and cleanse,

All that is ready to be released;

I go deep into my Emotional Body to allow the aspects,

I no longer need, to be gone forever from my soul’s essence.

I call upon the Golden Yellow of Love and Wisdom,

As it permeates into my Mental Body,

I fully allow my Higher Mind to be my guide with the essence of understanding.

I start to see the reason I have lived as I was,

I now know that is no longer the way I need to be.

I feel I am restoring my soul into a way it has always desired to be,

As I fully allow the Illumination that I am,

To be accepted by my physical mind,

As the Lower and Higher Minds blend within me.

I then call upon the essence of the Pink Flame,

Representing Creative Actualization to assist my Emotional Body,

I feel deep Love of the Divine Mother coming within my Heart;

I allow the acceptance of the resurrection I created,

To help me restore my faith,

That I am the Feminine Divine.

I then feel the essence of the Blue Flame,

Representing my Will and Power,

As I have gone through the process of renewal,

I am now able to fully be within the Divine Mind,

Of the Will of God,

As I acknowledge the Wisdom that I Am.

As I stand in this moment,

I feel the re-creation of my Soul’s essence,

Within my physical body;

I see within me the changes that needed to be made,

As I fully allow this creation to be fully accepted,

Within my Full Body System.

I feel my Etheric Body, my Soul Body of Light,

Now accepting the Divine Essence I Am.

I Am able to stand tall in this moment,

As I feel the Power I have become;

I feel the essence of the Golden Flame,

Of the Christ Consciousness to fully be within me.

I now see the beautiful masters I have been working with,

Master Serapis Bey of the Crystalline Flame of Resurrection,

With Master Djwhal Kuhl of the Golden Yellow of Restoration,

Along with Master Paul the Venetian of the Pink Flame of Divine Love,

Master El Morya of the Blue Flame of Divine Will joins me,

As I meet with Lords Kuthumi and Maitreya of the Office of the Christ,

Emitting the Golden Flame of the Christ I AM.

I walk with each of them,

I feel their Love, Wisdom, and Power,

As I ignited my own essence of the same.

I have now acquired the


I now expand this essence around me,

Through my breath,

I give this as my service to humanity,

With the Ascended Masters I walk with,

As an Initiate of Mastery for this Earth.



Master Djwhal Kuhl through Rev. Christine Meleriessee has re-written the Great Invocation to provide words of not only the Masculine Divine but the Feminine Divine Essences

Invocation of the Great Invocation

Let the Forces of Light bring illumination to mankind,

Let the Spirit of Peace be spread abroad,

May men and women of Goodwill everywhere meet in a spirit of cooperation,

May forgiveness on the part of all souls,

Be the keynote at this time,

Let power attend the efforts of the Great Ones.

So let it be, and help us to do our part.

Let the Lords of Liberation issue forth,

Let them bring succor and relief to humanity,

Let the Rider from the Secret Place come forth,

And coming, save.   Come forth, O Mighty Ones,

Let the souls of all men and women awaken to the Light,

And may they stand with massed intent,

Let the Issuance of Oneness That We Are go forth,

The end of woe has come!

Come forth, O Mighty Ones,

The hour of service of the Saving Force has now arrived.

Let it be spread abroad, O Mighty Ones.

Let Light and Love and Power,

Fulfill the purpose of the Coming Ones.

The Will to save is here,

The love to carry forth the work is widely spread abroad,

The active aid of all who know the truth is also here.

Come forth, O Mighty Ones, and blend these three

Construct a great defending wall,

The rule of death is now at an end.

From the point of Light within the Mind of God

Let Light stream forth into the Minds of all souls,

Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God

Let Love stream forth into the Hearts of all souls,

As the Christ That We Are,

Is fully embodied Within the Earth.

From the center where the Will of God is known

Let purpose guide the little Wills of men and women —

The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the center which we call the race of men

Let the Plan of Love and Light work out,

And may it seal the door where evil has dwelled.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.

Walking Terra Christa is hold a Global Tele-Call for the Festival of the Christ.  If you can join us LIVE, please check out the information on our Facebook Event at 4:30 PM Pacific.  We will also provide a recording within 24 hours.  We hope you can join us.

If you would like to learn more about how to sustain your energies through these transitions, Walking Terra Christa is holding a Class Series on the Universal Laws. This month we are working within theLaw of Action with Master Thoth and Master Paul the Venetian. More information is available by clicking above.

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:

Decree ~ Festival of Humanity

Divine Love Power Rose decreeInitiating Divine Love and Divine Power ~  Celebrating The Festival of Humanity

The third ascension festival as now arrived,
June 2, 2015;
It is known as World Invocation Day,
As each Initiate and Master invocates the Love and Power,
That they have acquired through the Festivals of Light.

I call upon the energies of Will and Power,
Representing the Blue Flame,
To ignite my Masculine Divine,
Within my Heart Center.

It swirls within and around me,
As I feel the ability to stand in my truth,
I feel my Strength, and Courage of Walking a New Pathway.

I then call upon the energies of Creative Actualization,
Representing the Pink Flame,
To Ignite my Feminine Divine,
Of Love,
Within my Heart Center.

The acceptance I feel is now ignited through the partnership,
Of my Masculine and Feminine Self,
Becoming One element within my Heart.

I feel Compassionate and Tolerant of all I have endured,
My Mental Body is full of Illumination of Light,
As I become one with my essence of the Divine.

I now ignite the essence of the Golden Yellow Flame,
It brings to me my Love and Wisdom,
I feel the Power that is erupted within my Heart Center,
I feel Universal Love flowing within me,
As I expand what I have received.

I now feel the effects of my Inner Devotion,
Being created within me,
I see the Flame of Ruby Red with Gold,
Igniting a Serenity of Peace and Love.

I expand all of these essences,
Through my Field of Light,
I send it around me,
For others to feel within themselves.

I have learned through the process of my initiations,
That I am now empowered within who I have become;
I rejoice in this understanding of myself.

I AM One with all of Creation,
I send this light unto GAIA within the Core of Her Crystalline Structure,
It moves through every living organism,
Upon her existence.

I now feel it coming back to me,
As I receive what I have shared to others.

Today is the Festival of Goodwill and Humanity,
I invoke these essences everywhere I walk, talk, and think.

I am a Lightworker upon this Earth,
I have expanded what I have received,
To help others to do the same.

We are all One Circle of Light,
As this Earth evolves into the New Earth,
One Step at a time.

I AM that I AM that I AM

Creator:  Rev. Christine Meleriessee with Master Djwhal Khul

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Embracing the Cosmic Three-Fold Flame ~ A Special Decree for the Spring Equinox

Three fold flame-2

Written By:  Rev. Christine Meleriessee

Please Share with Others ~ Many Blessings for a powerful Spring Equinox !


2013 has proven to be a very powerful year,

The first trimester has had its dual purpose,

Within my life,

I felt the memories come flooding into my consciousness,

I have released those times I barely remember,

But yet,

They are coming into my emotional feelings,

My thoughts have been great one moment,

And then,

I fall into the abyss.


 I understand,

These are the timelines of the old karmic debts,

They must be acknowledged so that I can heal,

In order to accept the timelines,

That I lost that are magical,

And awaiting for my renewal,

I allow myself to move deeper,

Into the depths of my Soul.


I have worked with the energies,

I listen,

I embrace,

I use the Violet Flame of Transmutation,

With the Pink Flame of Creation,

To allow the Vibratory Light I AM,

To be fully accepted within me.


I share with others,

We all are feeling it in different ways,

But yet,

I still am unsure who I am,

Except in the moments of my rebirth,

With my higher self,

And my I AM Presence,

Now are fully in command.


The Spring Equinox is about to occur,

The Year of Synchronization;

I understand that in order to feel,

The creation of my Light,

I must allow the old to be removed.


As the New is reborn,

I take a deep breath,

As the reflection that I was in January,

Has deeply changed;

I look in the mirror,

I Am a new person,

Within this Being I Am.


I am ready,

To receive more,

I allowed myself to surrender,

Unto the challenges I faced,

So that I would understand,

How the Initiations of Mastery,

Are guiding me into the perfect moment.


I accept the Christed Being that I AM,

As I allow the frequency of my Higher Self,

Guide me into a new reality of Light.


I AM renewed,

I have accepted what I thought was lost,

I rejuvenate myself,

In the Light of the Christ I AM.


On this day of the Spring Equinox in 2013,

Within the three-day cycle,

I command that I fully create,

The Divine Being I AM.


I allow the essence of my Divine Love,

Of compassion, serenity, and patience,

Activate my Feminine Divine;

As I allow the essence of my higher knowledge,

To be God’s Will within Me,

To be fully accepted by my Masculine Divine,

Of the Divine Power I AM;

Come fully into the Union I AM.


My heart is completely filled,

With the Pink of the Feminine,

Intertwining with the Blue of the Masculine;

As now I stand,

At the threshold of creation,

I accept my Christed Body to be fully manifested,

The Gold Flame of the Christ I AM,

Now intertwines within the Pink and the Blue Flames.


I AM Divine Love and Power,

I AM God’s Wisdom,

Activating the Full Integration,

Of the Cosmic Three-Fold Flame.

I AM that I AM that I AM.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the post in its entirety along with the link to this page;

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