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Passion of the Self ~ New Moon November 2021

Spiritual Meaning of the Ascension Mastery* Message of the November 4th New Moon as brought forth by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden.

The New Moon in November occurs on November 4th in the sign of Scorpio. It brings with it a chance to make incremental changes in the way that we perceive our present life circumstances allowing for adjustments to be made, but first it must come from the ability to know oneself internally in order to create the outside result to occur.

The New Moon of Scorpio brings forth the ability to become more resourceful through the ability to be focused with a sense of compassion to ourselves.

It is known to be a moon of Self-Mastery but first we must first be aware of what drives us in our lives to create and become more aligned with our Higher Self.

From a third-dimensional perspective this may mean that an individual is focusing upon what they don’t’ like about themselves to create a shift in their perception of their physical self.

From a fifth-dimensional concept this means to align oneself with their Highest Purpose, through the Spiritual Self. This is something that can seem unattainable if an individual is not aware of their Higher Consciousness and how important it is to become more aligned with the Higher Self than overly concerned with what “is going to happen to me”.

The beauty of Self-Mastery is aligning yourself not with the wishes of your personality self, but to allow the blessing of the Higher Self to work in conjunction with the physical consciousness.

This New Moon of Scorpio is giving us a rare opportunity to look beyond what we are experiencing physically, and allow the incoming energies to assist in the process of learning how to integrate the higher consciousness. In order to achieve this, we as a human must realize the potential we have as a Spiritual Being. We have gifts within the Spiritual Realm that can be acknowledged physically.

Scorpio is giving to us the ability to go deeper into our innermost thoughts and feelings, to realize that it is time to rid ourselves of the drama we hold within our Emotional and Mental Bodies, to create the change we desire. Taking the time to get to know ourselves internally allows for the true transformation to occur. It is a time to delve deeper into our issues and allow them to surface, to heal.

It is always important to become more Passionate with Inner Selves. This is how true healing occurs as when we learn to accept that Love is the answer to our dilemma, then it can shift quickly within us.

This is the beauty of the New Moon of Scorpio as the New Moon always represents “New Beginnings”, but we have to remove the elements and dysfunction that lies within us in order to fully embrace the Rebirth Experience.

Personally, I love the New Moon energies as it is a time for me to truly bring forth my desires to be created within my life. Creating a special ceremony for yourself and calling upon Grandmother Moon to assist will truly bring forth a sense of Passion within the Self.

Learning to access your Higher Self consciousness is the first step into aligning your physical walk upon this earth to become balanced. We can get caught up in so many other variables that sometimes we do not see the total picture that is truly in front of us, if we open ourselves to the doorway of Perception of the Self.

As I write these words from my Higher Self, it is allowing me to reflect on my own challenges. I had about six hours of sleep, which sometimes occurs during the moon cycles. I meditated and realized I was in need to arise. I have been desiring to write more on this blog especially my personal experiences intertwined with spiritual knowledge. I realize in this moment that I am creating this opportunity. I have stepped out of my own dysfunction of desiring to find a way, and it appeared for me.

This process is allowing me to connect more fully into what I need to experience, walk through the doorway of that moment, and see the wisdom that can be gained by just stepping into the process of ALLOWING.

Which brings me to the subject of INTENTIONS with the NEW MOON CYCLE. This moon energy every month helps us as humans to be introspective and bring forth our desired outcome. Utilizing the gift of Intentions and not Prayers are commanding your Higher Self to help you Create the Outcome of your present circumstances. This goes in line with what I shared on creating a Ceremony.

My husband and I were able to create the ability to purchase our own home in June of this year. Without the work that we did in creating our new destiny, we believe it would have never happened. It takes time to do the inner work, but the results can be absolutely amazing.

We are meant to prosper and have beautiful moments in our lives. We just have to remember that it needs to be acquired through our Spiritual Self and all will be in alignment.

Take time during this New Moon (which is active presently three days before, three days after until the Full Moon Cycle November 19th) to bring forth your Intentions, do the diligence of clearing away unwanted issues, and receive the awaiting resulting blessings of Grandmother Moon in Scorpio.

To further help individuals heal within their spiritual essence and filter healthier frequencies into the mental/emotional/etheric light bodies (subtle energy body structures), last year we created a special meditation [SPIRITUAL CLEANSING FOR HEALTH AND HEALING] to assist in realignment from the disruptive energetics of the Global Pandemic.
This Journey Meditation is now ON SALE at this link.

We also have more free Meditations that help connect to the Solar Angel and the Entranceway of Light of the Solar Frequency. If you enjoy the events and meditations we create, please tell others about us and subscribe and follow us. Donations are also needed and appreciated by using our website menu.  (These Meditations are available by clicking here.)

*Ascension Mastery is the realized form of manifesting Ascension Frequencies where your vibratory rate actually increases over time due to the in-depth training (not the intellectual pursuit or study) and the acquiring of a higher Spiritual Essence. Everyone on Earth is already part of God’s Light and Love but that does not mean they as individuals (or collectively) are Ascending, or that Ascension is happening to them. Earth is at a cross roads of Spiritual Awakening to step into Ascension, but without each person taking on an individual personal life responsibility to change their lives into practicing actual Ascension energies there can be no real shift in frequency. Ascension as a concept, belief or a mystery to be revealed is akin to a mere informational level desired by the mental intellect and does not create the authentic higher Ascension Octave of Light and Love required for a New Earth to be created. Our mission as an Academy is to bring forth that actual level of higher love and light for you to learn to feel and acquire them. It is a process that will take any initiate/lightworker many years (even decades) to achieve just as it did for the Ascended Masters themselves. You may order our very powerful SPIRITUAL HEALING meditation as a great way to start using targeted meditations that go beyond what is typically used.  We also have the previously released SEVEN FREE CLASSES to help during these challenging times to assist in your Ascension Spirituality (visit to access).

ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join this free Global Project by Walking Terra Christa to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance.

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2021 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. Walking Terra Christa is the originator of the teachings of the 22 Rays of God within Ascension Spirituality. (*formerly spelled “Meleriessee”). PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!


As an Initiate it is very important to be aware of all the Ascension Quotients as they are the most important part of your role for individual Mastery. Each of the first seven quotients: Love, Light, Transcendence of the Negative Ego, Christ Consciousness, Initiations, Service, Spiritual Leadership to the Self, are directly related to the most important quotient of all, the eighth of the Psychological Wisdom Quotient.

Every forward step you make through your consciousness into raising each quotient is directly related to your Subconscious Mind and how it acts or reacts through your Emotional, Mental, and Etheric Selves, all resulting in your advancement upward in consciousness.

Many spiritually awakened souls may not even consider the importance of these Ascension quotients, but they are entirely connected to the Initiate’s pathway as to how well that individual, as a soul living in a body, steps into the world of Mastery.

The quotients are a connection to the Divine Mind and the I Am Presence with a very special way of walking the Mastery Pathway in body. It is a process of Integrating the Higher Mind into the psychological self as it allows for the awareness of an Initiate to know more about themselves spiritually. Physically, as each quotient increases into the percentage range from 80% to 100%, the Psychological Wisdom Quotient then holds the role to anchor the new self.

Many lightworkers are not concerned with their Psychological Wisdom as the common focus is only the Love and Light quotients. While technically it is not necessary to increase the Psychological Wisdom quotient for the ascension process to occur, it is required to attain the frequency of consciousness in the physical vehicle that comes with being a living Ascended Master. One’s Psychological Wisdom is the quotient that will help you as a soul to transcend the many timeless and lifetimes in which you are holding the lower energies within your Subconscious Mind.

Doing so is how an Initiate walks through the many challenging doorways of the Initiations. It must be experienced within the totality of the four-body system (Physical-Etheric-Emotional-Mental), as without transcending the lower energies or thoughts, you as a soul will have to repeat the process of learning over again either in this lifetime or a future one.

In planetary percentages, the vast majority of souls today on earth who are aware of and pursuing ascension begin in the first initiation and many have moved into the second. Some rarer souls are in the third, yet on the whole very few have surpassed the fourth or fifth. As an Initiate, without increasing the Psychological Wisdom Quotient, one will not be able to ascend beyond the 7th Initiation. It’s an essential part of the role of Mastery, that of fully knowing yourself within a true awareness and facilitation within the energies of your four-body system.

This directly relates to the Etheric Self and the Chakra System which holds all of the timelines (moments in present or past lives) that have not been healed and put into wholeness. It is necessary to be able to fully hold the Seven Rays of God within each of the chakras as they specifically assist to help with transcending the lower energies; thereby allowing the higher thought process or emotion to be held within the four-body system such that the Subconscious Mind becomes more of the Super Conscious of the Higher Self Mind.

The other part of the equation within the Psychological Wisdom Quotient is to realize consciously the moments in time when you have released the lower issue or element, and then acquired the ability to access the more positive actions within you. This means you are allowing yourself to incorporate Self-Love which directly relates to your Love Quotient which thereby increases your Light Quotient.

Some examples of the energies of the typical human self personality of the Lower Self are loneliness, insecurity, depression, anxiety, jealousy, worry, arrogance, self-criticism, selfishness, manipulation, etc. To name just a few characterizations, the Higher Self or Centered Self represents confidence, unconditional love, self-worth, patience, discipline, faith, humbleness, humility, assertiveness, compassion, self-love and forgiveness.

All of these Lower Self elements are held within the Etheric Body which is the vehicle that has traveled with you from lifetime-to-lifetime. Once you incarnate again into a living vehicle, the Etheric Body (consisting of the energies of all your travels in the physical) reemerges with you. You do not start over as a new soul. Understanding this truth of our humanity is the main reason why it is imperative to work within your chakra system (as the chakras are in the etheric body not your physical body). The most effective method is using the Rays of God to assist in transmuting and transforming the lower elements to become more of the higher essence.

The last part of the equation for the Psychological Wisdom is to be aware when you heal the lower aspects into a more balanced state. This is the proverbial “moment of wisdom being gained”. It can be a moment of revelation within yourself that you are not acting in a certain way any longer; the feeling you have within yourself becomes more centered with a higher purpose. A very important element within the Psychological Wisdom is to realize the change you have made so the new reality of who you are becomes part of your Subconscious Mind. Understanding the process consciously is a very important quality to hold within you.

The most important quotients that help in increasing your Psychological Wisdom Quotient are Love and Light.

When you are able to increase the amount of Divine Love within your consciousness on a daily 24-hour basis, it is then that you will increase your Psychological Wisdom. Your Light Body is directly affected with the quotient representing your Light Body.

We have to remember that most individuals coming into this planet have a Love and/or Light Quotient of less than 5%. It has nothing to do with how you feel about others; many individuals that are more aligned with helping others, usually are not very good about helping themselves. It is part of the dysfunction that we live in on Earth. That is why Inner Child work can be very challenging as sometimes it is easier to care for others than ourselves.

The Psychological Wisdom Quotient comes into play with every dysfunction that you may have felt in your life. Until you are able to fully accept that you can change within your subconsciousness, then the issues will still be there.

Walking Terra Christa is holding a Mastery Class on “How to Increase your Psychological Wisdom Quotient” on Saturday, September 28th, at 10 AM Pacific. The class can be enrolled in to attend live by audio conferencing (online/by phone) or to receive as an audio recording (mp3 format).

Lord Melchizedek, the Father of Ascension Mastery and Initiations will be sharing his wisdom on how important it is to work through your Psychological Wisdom Quotient and how it directly relates to the other Quotients.

Lord Saint Germain speaks on “How to Utilize the Rays of God” representing the first seven (there are 22 Rays to the 5th dimensional chakra grid) to assist in transforming the lower self. They are: Will and Power (Deep Blue), Love and Wisdom (Golden Yellow), Creative Actualization (Deep Pink), Harmony and Balance Removing Conflict (Crystalline), Science of the Divine Mind of God (Green-Golden/White), Inner Devotion (Ruby Red/Golden Light), and Ceremonial Structure and Magic (Violet/Purple). The Ascended Master Lord Saint Germain, who is the Mahachohan of the Seven Flames, also provides a Q and A session for those in live attendance.

Special Guest: Master Godfre’ Ray King (known as Guy Ballard of the I AM Foundation) will be assisting us in learning how to access the Divinity of the I AM along with sharing his story of being an Initiate walking into Mastery.

Included: Beginning Meditation of the Seven Rays of God into the 3rd Dimensional Chakras; an Ending Journey of Remembrance with Master Godfre.

Class is open to anyone. Duration is approximately 2.5 hours but may run longer due to the specific energies being transmitted. Using the www.Ascend.Earth materials prior to the day of the class will assist greatly. Class is audio only to assist in participants focusing on the higher frequencies being transmitted.

For ENROLLMENT we use the 100% secure PayPal payment system which is free for you to join. Credit and Debit cards are accepted. Please use a desktop computer to enroll so that you can be redirected to the private class access instructions and handout after making your exchange. (Redirection after enrollment does not work well for mobile phones). Please make sure your email is up to date and correct in PayPal. After the class, the event audio recording is usually posted to the link in the instructions within a few hours, but may take up to 2 business days if editing is required.




(If you enjoyed this article and are not enrolling, please consider offering a donation to support these energies and higher understandings of the process of true Ascension Mastery. Public gifts and ongoing donations are essential for this work to reach more individuals. Using the donate links does not enroll you in the class.)

Embracing the Solar Eclipse of Virgo

solar_eclipse-qprWe are now coming into another power cycle of lunar activity with a partial Solar Eclipse occurring on Sunday, September 12th at 11:42 PM Pacific, September 13th at 2:42 AM Eastern, and 6:50 AM GMT (9/13/15).

This New Moon occurs within Virgo which represents our physical self in work and health matters. The eclipse is about new beginnings and how we institute the changes to create the new way of living that we have formulated through our Spiritual Self.

It takes the energies of the Full Moon we experienced just two weeks ago in which our Spiritual Self was blending within our Physical Self. This energy takes that pathway into a deeper part of our existence as we ground the elements that we have been desiring to create. This energy is truly helping our pathway of accepting our spiritual self to become more involved within the outer self.

I believe we can call this cycle Self Mastery in a new and different way as we look to the ways our lives were previously and what we have needed to change in order to find a deeper meaning from the Higher Self. It will assist in allowing the Higher Mind to blend with the Lower Mind so that the little details of elements that can cause confusion and doubt to be open to new possibilities within our existence.

Through this new exchange of energy it is important not to get bogged down with the nagging thoughts that can create uncertainty of what we are creating to occur within our physical pathway. It is a time to give up elements that stand in your way and move forward with courage through the doorways of opportunity that will present itself.

This creates the “act of surrender” to be very predominant in our lives.

If you look at the way you have been doing things previously in your life and see that something is not flowing within your pathway, then this is the time to make the necessary steps to change. As we move forward through the cycles towards 11:11, we are walking through new doorways continually. This energy of the Solar Eclipse is pushing is to be more, do more, and act upon those elements within our lives.

Through this phase it is important not to let the energy of Virgo take you too far into your mental thoughts, as that can be a downfall. The important element is to allow your Spiritual Self to guide your mental body into the flow and ease of the change. These changes may occur through a change in your physical body, your work environment, or personal details in the way that you perform your daily activities.

The flow must come from the Spiritual Self so it is important to take time with your breath, connect with the higher essence that you are, and command within yourself that this transition will flow like the tides of the Ocean.

It is a very powerful time to take inventory of the self, see what needs to be adjusted, and allow the changes you have been occurring to happen with the ease and grace within the Light that You Are.

Try not to be critical or self judgmental but flow with each moment; use your intuition to allow your Higher Self to help you through this phase of change. I believe these energies are occurring for us to help us through the next phase of our evolving light upon this Earth. This energy can be felt for the next six months so it will take us into the next phase of our physical self being more activated with our Higher Essence.

Some suggestions would be to access your higher self energies through your breath.  Then go into your Emotional and Mental Self; write down any elements that you want to change or issues that are bothering you.  Utilize your I AM Presence to fully help you to feel the Love that You Are.  As your I AM to take care of the problem for you; be specific and state what areas need addressing.  Call upon any Ascended Masters or Beings to assist you through this process.  You can create a ceremony for yourself to remove the elements that may be bothering you.  Allow your Spiritual Self to be part of your existence and ground their energy into your Earth Star.  Be One with this essence as it is you.

If you are still having issues, then write affirmations to change your thoughts into positive energy within your chakras.  Breathe through them and call upon the Rays of God to assist.  The Blue flame is essential to command your Will to Do, then utilize the Pink Flame to bring forth God’s Love, expand it with the Gold Flame of the Power within your Christ Consciousness to become One Unified Being of Light.

Most of all, whatever you are desiring to manifest this is the time to do so.  Command and Demand from your I AM Presence that this manifestation will be created within your outerself.  Be strong in your conviction to change what is not working for you.

Enjoy the changes and the ride of adventure as a beautiful Being of Light upon this Earth.

Many blessings for a beautiful New Moon experience.

In Expressions of Oneness,
Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

During these times of high acceleration, it is important to reflect within yourself of the changes that are occurring in your four body system.  Our emotions and thoughts are going through a tremendous overhaul so that we can find the totality of our I AM Presence more fully within our physical self.  This process of healing takes time and great patience.  Walking Terra Christa provides a special program, called Partner/Members so that individuals can take advantage of the teachings and help that is given in their classes.  If you would like to receive assistance and guidance through the experience that both Mel and Mike provide with the ability to move through many doorways, please check out their latest offer in the link provided.

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Responsibility of Self Mastery ~ Lord Adama

garden-webBlessings Dearest Ones,

I speak to you from the Telosian Command Center with the Telosian Council of Light. I am Lord Adama with a special message of love to each of you.

At this time within the upper Earth, there are great changes happening with each individual person. Individuals are being challenged by the simplest tasks within their world and truly do not know how to change them. Their concrete minds (of the physical self) are trying to control the process of their lives.

I share this information which I know is not new to you because each of you as awakened beings of Light have a role within yourself to help humanity. It is truly within your own process of understanding. The more that you are able to envision within yourself of what you desire, the more that others will also do the same.

You see, you have a very important role upon this planet. It is one that is teaching you that you have a commitment not only to yourself but to others to be strong, loving, compassionate, and desiring to hold that essence within you. it is about Responsibility of the Self.

As you move through your day, you intend to allow elements to be put into place that will assist you to experience the beautiful moments you desire to be expressed in your life. So is everyone else.

But I tell you this, the month of October has taken every individual person on a journey of the self; some are very concerned with what they are experiencing as it is not of the old way of being. You and I know that this is so very true. Nothing stays the same especially within these times of acceleration.

The difference between you and them is that you know this. You have lived it and work through it every day in your thoughts and emotions. You are learning how to process elements differently in your world.

If you are not doing so, then there is no time like the NOW for self reflection. This then turns into Self Responsibility.

Think about it ~ if we don’t take care of ourselves, then what is going to happen within this Earth? We won’t achieve the New Earth even in consciousness. It will be a dream that is not fully realized.

The potential that you have within you each moment is beyond the capacity of your physical self. Each of you all know that you are more than the physical body; you work hard within your meditations to change the thoughts and emotions that plague you every day. As you make the necessary changes within yourself, you are helping GAIA to receive them. This then in turn is gifted to all human beings upon the planet.

The work that you are doing is not going un-noticed. Others are being affected each moment with a positive and loving thought. It filters through the air waves and allows someone else to receive your Divine Moment of Beauty, Joy, Expansion within your heart, and the full existence that you are embracing. It is such a beautiful element when each person upon the planet allows their Divine Essence to enfold within them. It helps to change the thoughts, the emotions, and all the unsettling moments that occur within the Earth.

Many love to connect with the Angels. What happens when you feel their essence coming down into your heart? It helps to expand your heart and heal the wounds within.

This is so very true of each of you. You are the Human Angels and it is your responsibility to take what love you are embodying within you and share it outwards into the essence of the world. You don’t have to talk about it, all you have to do is let it expand out of you with your breath. Send it into the core of GAIA or to a particular place or person so that they can receive the purity of light that you are allowing to be within you.

Don’t hold your expressive essence within you. It is part of your pathway within Mastery to share it with others. Some individuals are not there yet; they can not express this joy or love within them due to their timelines, or their pain as that is all they can focus upon.

It is time within yourself to take the breath of light that you are and then just allow it to spin outside of your field into the world around you. Believe me, it will be received. Maybe not within the physical consciousness, but truly in the Higher Consciousness which will help that person to eventually receive it.

We, in Telos, work with each of you for the same reasons. We cannot let you ponder what you should be doing as mistakes can be made. We want to show you how we have done it. We truly are not any different than any of you.

It is our Responsibility as Divine Beings to show others how we have achieved our enrichment of life. Take a moment and share your essence of love and light unto the world you live in. It is part of your mastery pathway to do so.

This is one way in which we are going to bring the New Earth into full consciousness and planetary reality. Small steps to create our Divine Wisdom to be fully manifest.

In Light and Love, I expand my essence unto each of you in this moment.
I am Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos
Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee
October 31, 2014

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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