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EVERYTHING IS RELATIVE: How are you accepting WAVE X?

Law of Relativity


This Universal Law states that each person will receive a series of problems (Tests of Initiation) for the purpose of strengthening the Light within. We must consider each of these tests to be a challenge and remain connected to our hearts when proceeding to solve the problems. This law also teaches us to compare our problems to others’ problems and put everything in its proper perspective. No matter how bad we perceive our situation to be, there is always someone who is in a worse position.

In experiencing the two lecture teachings in this seminar (Master Thoth with Lord Melchizedek) we gain a much deeper understanding of what the Law of Relativity means for all humanity upon the “Ascension Planet”. Awakened Souls are not random, nor are the Cosmic Energies hitting the planet. Wave X is no exception. “Everything Can Change” with these grand infusions of Higher Frequencies or “Nothing Can Change”. It all depends on each persons individual perspective on their own life and what they choose to do within these energies. One can respond with the old physcial self, or tap into the Higher Self. This class will assist each participant to view their life as an ongoing series of tests or lessons but more importantly how to take full control of how they receive those lessons.

We also provide a GUIDED MEDITATION for use after the class to be used to reactivate and continue the attunement process of raising your vibration.

MP3 AUDIO SEMINAR: (approx. duration 2+ hours). For individuals desiring to Learn How the Higher Frequencies of Ascension Mastery and Soul Psychology can be used to activate and direct a life on Earth that is in flow with all things.

© Copyright 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Linking to this page from any website or blog is welcomed and encouraged. Sharing our Social Media sites is also encouraged. Connect with us on ♥ FACEBOOK  ♥ TWITTER  ♥ YOUTUBE   ♥ NEWSLETTER ♥ DONATE  | Rights are only granted to repost this material electronically on informational websites and blogs that do not sell or advertise any products or services. Any reposting must include this copyright statement in full including the above active url referral links to help everyone stay informed and support our messages. In cases of text only formats, these active url links may be converted to display the full path of the url as linked. 

This Halloween Maybe The Trick Is On You

mask-snap613How often to you desire to engage in the weird, the creepy, or the horrid?

At this time a year it is October 31st, or is it?

Hollow’s Eve

The name we use today perhaps dates back to Pope Gregory IV in 835 A.D., who moved the feast of ‘All Saints’ to November 1st with the evening before now being called Halloween. The term ‘Hallow’ originating a as a term for ‘Holy’ which referred to those ‘Saintly Souls’ who were to be remembered and celebrated as in the term “hallowed-ground”.

While the historical reason is not clear, Pope Gregory IV may have moved the feast from May to the first day in November because it was also the date upon which the Celtic traditions of celebrating the Harvest was held.  Such pagan celebrations included beliefs that souls who were lost had this day each year to return to see their family, so the lighting of bonfires was practiced to assist these departed members to ‘find the light’. Costumes may also have been worn by some to hide their identities as lost souls could also return on this night in order to settle old scores before moving on.

The Controlled Spread of Beliefs

It could be impolitely characterized that the Church, as it evolved over the centuries into a wide spread organization, had a tendency of moving days of celebration to attract the practitioners of other more pagan oriented systems over to its doors. This occurred with the very advent of the Roman backed version of Christianity in 46 A.D. when Cesar instituted the Julian calendar system within Rome making the week into a formal 7 day cycle. In this switch to a less complicated system that had been using 8 days in a week, ‘sun-day’, named after the sun god Apollo fell on the first day of the week and Saturday, named after the god Saturn, fell on the 7th day.

As the Church grew, it elected Sunday as the day of worship to distinguish it from the Judaic Sabbath day of worship which was on the 7th day of the week, having been the “day of rest’ that the Bible said God took after creating the World in 6 days. Early Christians had still been celebrating on the Sabbath (Saturday) as they were instructed to keep it Holy. The formal ‘movement’ of the day of worship by the Church over to the same day the pagans already ‘worshipped the sun’ meant that it would be that much easier to get the pagan non-Christians to attend church.

The reason to mention here the “re-calendaring” is that while appearing to be simply a more practical way to coordinate commerce, law and religions functions or festivities, it also enabled the government and the other leadership of the populace to better dictate and control the exact messages and ways of living they desired the populace to follow.

In short, it gave them better control over the minds and hearts of their people, and not just their people but along with a coordinated effort to expand their belief system into other cultures, they could then better control the minds and hearts of even more of humanity. This sounds all very conspiratorial doesn’t it? For certainly, history just evolves as it does and no one actually intends things to work out the way they did, or do they?

The Energy of Halloween Today

As we have seen, the origins of Hallow Eve may have simply been basically a one-night -a-year event to remember and also to assist dead relatives and friends (or enemies), who now dwelt in the spirit world, to find their way back to remembering who they were.

The important point here is taking note of “just one 24 hour period” as this was not a practice to engage in any other day of the year, which is in sharp contrast to what we now experience. The Halloween of today is not what it once was. It is now quite sinister because it is no longer a brief occasion of remembrance for former living souls; it is no longer just an occasion to allow the psyche one night of pretending to play with the darkness in fun and revelry.

Look around at what our modern society has produced regarding the overall tone and mood of Halloween. Spooky horror themed television, cable and blockbuster movies are now released and promulgated for the weeks preceding October 31st and created to occur continuously for months afterwards. Retail stores can bank on it being in the top ranked profitable ‘seasons’ as it is now a two month run of merchandise sales in many business locations.

Where You Go Is Where Your Energy Goes

The importance of this “shift”, which has been emerging for well over a few decades into a firm state of being for most of our modern cultures, is that it consistently displays the energetic signature of the lower frequencies running amok in our consciousness.

If you had to design a method to bring down a potential “Light Being” to a lower frequency, you would need a way to trick that being into thinking they were just having harmless fun. You would want them to draw close to themselves images and elements that stir up deep sub-conscious anxieties and fears that they thought only applied to their childhood nightmares, and do it in a way that they would not see as an issue for their state of being.

Even if one thinks that they are just dressing up and having a bit of spooky fun for only one night out of the year, the truth is the modern media engine is hitting you with the images of blood and gore, death and deception, stirring up a constant ongoing conscious relationship with all things horrid and horrorful.

If it were just one night, I and many others would agree it is just a symbolic festivity of harmless fun. In the light of day this is just no longer the case. I won’t even list them here but just look at the major T.V. networks series and the mainstream movies being released. They go far beyond the type of images seen in some parts of the Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter movies, but are built upon the very themes of the darkest and hopeless nature. And many individuals are so well steeped into the acceptable commonplace nature of this kind of conditioning is that they think it is all just fine.

We know that what you focus upon you become within your energetic signature. What you allow within the circle of your consciousness is not only just a thought or feeling, but a frequency of vibration that structures the actual quantum physicality of who and what you are in that moment. And moments determine what you are made up of as a being.

The trick of Halloween is that it itself is a guise, portraying an illusion of an illusion that is actually hiding a true vibrational frequency that easily and completely surrounds, infuses and corrupts one’s consciousness into being at a lower vibration…continuously.

Who Are You Being

Halloween, if it were a one-time event in a whole year, would be but a small moment in time. It would lessen your exposure to the low frequency of darkness that is now celebrated as being fun, exciting, stimulating and cool. If you were living a life devoid of the media influences that surround the many and you were holding your own light building practices, such a step into the darker side would not be that impactful.

How many of us can say we are living such a life? This article is intended to reach those who don’t realize that the trick is on them if they are allowing these thought forms, emotional triggers and images to exist repetitively within their energy fields.

It is not enough to just ignore them. As mentioned earlier, it may seem conspiratorial but there are real beings that do not want individuals to be aware of the light they carry within them. They actually have a planned objective of controlling mass consciousness according to what they desire for themselves.

They are very much aware that if they can sufficiently hold that individual down in the lower realms of consciousness using imagery, sound, technology and other vehicles that are so easily prevalent in modern life, they can limit that individual from being able to realize who they are at the innermost core of their essence. It is the perfection of the Art of Distraction and it is very real and very effective at programming individuals on a mass scale to maintain a 3rd Dimensional way of being.

The “Halloween” theme, as it is drawn out and extended to occur consistently over a longer duration of time acts to prevent feelings of real compassion, true joy and peaceful ways of existing. It goes directly against the creation of Oneness. Instead it is about vengefulness, control, forcefulness, abuse of power, separation and objectification of individuals many times in a sexual fashion. It displays violence, gore and the warlike nature of the lower ego of human conditioning.

On our website we offer many tools and resources in how to raise your vibration and consciousness by using Mastery teachings based on 5thDimensional thoughts, feeling, imagery and actual frequencies of light. We do this because we know what focuses ‘upon you’ as you live in a 3rd Dimensional existence, determines to a large extent what you can focus upon yourself. It is not easy to follow a path of light so we attempt to be a constant replacement for and reinforcement against those lower frequencies.

Create Your Own Light Frequency

In many of our live teachings we receive a vibrational message from a Master Being who has already attained the Higher Frequencies of Light. It is vibrational because it goes beyond the words they are saying in the transmission to actually surround you with the specific energy frequency they are imparting.

For example, this is the written transcript from a 7th Dimensional Being within the Christed Spiritual Hierarchy. See if you can feel the higher Frequency of Light as you read. I will leave you with this vibration and wish you a more sacred Hallows-Eve of light and remembrance of who you are.

‘Part of the process is individuals have a hard time attracting their body of Light because the physical creation is pushing it away. So just allow us in this moment to allow the Creative Source of this essence to blow within you as if you are walking through a beautiful stream of Blue Green.  As you continue walking and the air is Blue Green, you completely can taste it; you can actually breathe easier as you bring in the Blue Green into your essences.  It surfaces in your root but it goes to the rest.  But, why does it surface in the root?  This is because the root is the area that holds all aspects all of the Light and all of the dark.  So if we disperse the darkness with the Blue Green and allow the Light to go to all parts of the self, there is a relaxation that happens. This occurs because it is not just in one area; it’s just not in the weaker areas.  Allow the stronger areas to hold that essence of the Blue Green and the weaker areas will be able to relax.  The weaker areas are not relaxing, because they are fighting that change ~ the change that is happening presently.  

The planetary alignments of this day is allowing for this to happen. So we take this essence of the Blue Green Ray of Joy and Attraction to the Body of Light; you start to feel it allow us just to expand within that with the breath and just the pure essence of your body just accepting it. 

Now allow this essence to just blend within you it is the compassion, it is love you desire, it is the serenity, it is movement into more for you but allow the essence of the BlueGreen to take away all the parts that don’t fit any longer including all the essences that you have been dealing with in your physical creation. The physical body now relaxes to allow the higher essences to blend within you.  Feel it filling within your heart; there is nothing more beautiful than to allow the stillness of the movement to embrace you with this love.

This is God’s love ~ this is your love ~ this is our love ~ this each of us together.

Let us now expand this outside of ourselves.  The Temple is filled with the Blue-Green, the soft energy.  Blue is the healing color and Green is the grounding color so let us blend these colors with our breath and send them out of the Temple through the dimensional frequencies and allow them to surface unto the Earth.

Allow them to surface unto the people, allow them to surface into all that are fighting, allow them to surface unto the ones that are hurting, as we take our breath and allow it to be blown in to the hemisphere of Gaia’s planet. Feel her essence embracing it, and as she accepts it that will expand also.

So breathe and intend with your Mind, your Higher Mind and allow it to go into any areas that you know of that needs it the most.  Especially the places that are fighting, especially the politicians that are fighting, especially the leaders, especially the children, especially all souls upon this Earth.

Now feel that energy coming back into you.  It is not the thought forms, it is not the lower energies, its pure love because we have now allowed our essences to become one with the highest frequencies and not the lowest frequencies.  So just take a deep breath and feel that within your physical body; feel it within your emotions; feel it within your thoughts; and your sensitivity within your Heart.  Feel them now starting to blend.  The blending is now occurring within your Being.” – (Excerpted from our Rays of God teachings in the Cosmic Oneness weekly class. Full transcript at

 ©2012-2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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