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Acceptance of the Crystalline Spectrum of Light ~ Channeling

This is the written transmission of the Cosmic Great Central Sun of the Divine Mother and Father God that was shared Live in the Clarion Temple of Oneness on January 12, 2015.

We are the Angels of all Principalities, honoring each of you and hoping that you feel your own wings within your Being. Command it to be outside of yourself to be in the beautiful Essence that you are. Expand and expand your Heart Essence as the beautiful Angels you already are. Access that Frequency of Light within your Physical Existence. We are deeply honored to be able to share our communication and our Vibrational Essence within each of you to help you remember whom you are.

Take a moment with your Breath and your Heart. Allow it to vibrate through your entire Beingness. Allow your wings to fully be open in these moments of Transformation. It is our pleasure to walk with you. It is now time for us to be here with you in the Temple once again. It is our pleasure to introduce the energies of the Cosmic Great Central Sun.

I AM that I AM that I AM. I AM the Divine Mother and the Divine Father of the Cosmic Great Central Sun.
We are here together in Unison of the Light in Oneness that we are.

Oh, blessed children, it is a pleasure to be with each of you once again. I hope that your journey through the past month has been amazingly beautiful and magical for your existence. Now you say “Oh well, here we go again. We are in a whole new year, a whole new experience within the beautiful Temple of Oneness, the Clarion Essence of many Souls coming together”. Yes, we are.

We are experiencing these Elements to come into full existence.

How are you feeling about it?

How are you feeling in these moments about allowing your Three Minds to come together into the Creation of the One Mind? The One Mind of your God Consciousness to be accepted into your Physicality. That is truly what we are doing to assist each of you to have that remembrance.

I know there are many challenges, trials, and lessons to be learned. In this moment it is our Reflection that we desire in order to help you understand within yourself what it means to have the remembrance of your Purified Essence to come within you through your Breath.

We are so deeply appreciate of all that you are experiencing and all that you are holding onto. As the beautiful Flame of Harmony and Balance is now being embodied within Gaia, it is important for each of you to reflect on what that means for you.

What does it mean to have the Purification of this Light which is not only within the Planet. It cannot be felt so much until you fully accept it within your Beingness. In essence, what we truly wish is for individuals upon individuals to hold this Frequency, so that the rest of Creation can fully accept it as well as Gaia.

It is difficult for her also. It is a challenge. You must understand that all of you have had many timelines, but think about Gaia and how long she has had these timelines.

We have to be gentle and allow these Frequencies of Light to come into existence at the rate that is possible for each individual Soul. We do not want any disturbances to stop this beautiful Purification of Light to come within the Planet, so that she and all of you can physically allow the Ascension Process to enfold within you. It is an important aspect to ponder upon that it is not always true that the faster you receive something the better the outcome.

What happens when you receive too much of this Frequency of Light, it becomes painful. Have any of you ever had a Healing from someone in a very painful area?

If that Healer does not understand about the different Rays or Color Spectrums, they will bring in the Crystalline Ray as it is automatic to tap into that Frequency of Light. Say you have a toothache and you bring forth that Healing or you use a Crystal, and that Crystal is very strong within that Healing circumference that it becomes so bad that it is overwhelming. The pain becomes so great that you cannot handle it, and you have to pull away from that Essence. The gentler way to incorporate the Crystalline Flame is to allow it to come in very slowly.

Allow it to be part of you. Utilizing the Emerald Green mixed in with it, allows for the Grounding to occur on a deeper level. This Ray represents Grounding on a Planetary Level. On a higher Cosmic Level, the Essence we are bringing in can be an overload. The one area in which you do not want to have overload occurring is in your Root Chakra.

It can create great dysfunction. It can create great change. If an individual is not ready to accept that change, destruction will occur. It is important to realize that the Essence of this Ray becoming more embodied within the Earth needs to be received in a much gentler manner than you may perceive it to be. It is like snowflakes coming down. You reach your hand out to feel those snowflakes. That is gentleness. When it is a blizzard and the wind is whipping around you, it hurts your face, it hurts your Body. You cannot truly receive the pure Essence of the Ray unless it becomes a Lighter Form. It is so very true that about the other Rays which have been grounded within the Earth, the Blue Flame and the Ruby Flame, that we are still processing them. Not every person is incorporating them.

GAIA is not receiving them in every place. It is up to each of you individually, as that is who you are. You came here to assist in this process. The assistance had to be in Physical Form. You could not do it as an Angel. You could not do it as a Light Being. You had to do it this way as that is what GAIA needs. All the rest will come into place. This is what you are experiencing presently. I caution you with what you are experiencing. Allow the gentleness of the Crystalline Ray to come to you in waves of Green and Crystalline together. Allow the Purification of those Essences. You may not be quite ready to receive the Cosmic Frequency. Again, as I say, it will be overload, which is what we do not want.

We want you to experience the beautiful Essence of this Ray that it represents with putting everything into Balance and being in a synchronistic way of existence so that you flow from one space to the other very easily and effortlessly.

We are dealing with the Root Chakra. which holds so much debris from all your Multidimensional Selves that it will take a while. You may even find at some point that you still need to process Elements that arise in that area.

Tonight within this beautiful Temple of Light, we want to settle the Energies more clearly so that the Frequency you are receiving is much more fluid, much more moving. We call upon the Crystalline Ray with specks of Green.

It is almost like you see little feathers, sparks of Light, coming down into the middle of the Temple. You begin to receive in your entire Structure. Breathe into it. Allow yourself to be open. Allow your palms to be open. Allow all aspects of your Being to accept this Essence within you. The smoother it comes in, the easier the transition.

Allow the blending of the Frequency to be at a much deeper level than when you try too hard to bring forth the Frequency of Light of the Highest Level.

Feel this Essence flowing within you. There is a Light Breeze circling around you and you just accept the Crystalline Ray within your entire structure. Do not think about where anything needs to go. Just let it flow where it should flow. Your Higher Self, and your I AM Presence, is guiding you in this moment. So take a step back from the Physical Form.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Receive the Light Forms very gently coming into your Full Beingness. What is it you need Balance with? Allow that Thought Process to go into the Energetic Exchange. Then feel the difference occurring within you.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Now feel your Angelic Wings, just allowing the flapping to bring in the Essence deeper into your Physical Body. Feel it in your Heart and allow it to blend within you to create more of a flow than you have been receiving before. Allow whatever is purging to go out through your feet.

Let it come into the middle of this beautiful Circle of Light. It shall be transformed immediately. That is the Beauty of this Ray. Transformation takes place on its immediate interaction.

Breathe deeply now into your Solar Plexus, into your Heart.

What is it that you feel in this moment?

See the change happening within you and accept it. Accept it as you have allowed yourself to go through the process of Surrender. It is our Divine Pleasure, as the Divine Mother and the Divine Father God to share this Essence with you for the Vibrational Change to occur within your world.

In the Light of the Christ That We Are, We Are One.

We bless each of you, our children.

Cosmic Oneness is combined with our weekly call, “The Clarion Temple of Oneness,” which is held on Monday evenings. Individuals are encouraged to purchase the MP3 download of any of our calls which includes the attunements of the current energies.

You may join our monthly program as a student or member.  Please see details via

The Clarion Temple of Oneness channeling can be accessed via which contains the portion from Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos, January 12, 2015.

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Responsibility of Self Mastery ~ Lord Adama

garden-webBlessings Dearest Ones,

I speak to you from the Telosian Command Center with the Telosian Council of Light. I am Lord Adama with a special message of love to each of you.

At this time within the upper Earth, there are great changes happening with each individual person. Individuals are being challenged by the simplest tasks within their world and truly do not know how to change them. Their concrete minds (of the physical self) are trying to control the process of their lives.

I share this information which I know is not new to you because each of you as awakened beings of Light have a role within yourself to help humanity. It is truly within your own process of understanding. The more that you are able to envision within yourself of what you desire, the more that others will also do the same.

You see, you have a very important role upon this planet. It is one that is teaching you that you have a commitment not only to yourself but to others to be strong, loving, compassionate, and desiring to hold that essence within you. it is about Responsibility of the Self.

As you move through your day, you intend to allow elements to be put into place that will assist you to experience the beautiful moments you desire to be expressed in your life. So is everyone else.

But I tell you this, the month of October has taken every individual person on a journey of the self; some are very concerned with what they are experiencing as it is not of the old way of being. You and I know that this is so very true. Nothing stays the same especially within these times of acceleration.

The difference between you and them is that you know this. You have lived it and work through it every day in your thoughts and emotions. You are learning how to process elements differently in your world.

If you are not doing so, then there is no time like the NOW for self reflection. This then turns into Self Responsibility.

Think about it ~ if we don’t take care of ourselves, then what is going to happen within this Earth? We won’t achieve the New Earth even in consciousness. It will be a dream that is not fully realized.

The potential that you have within you each moment is beyond the capacity of your physical self. Each of you all know that you are more than the physical body; you work hard within your meditations to change the thoughts and emotions that plague you every day. As you make the necessary changes within yourself, you are helping GAIA to receive them. This then in turn is gifted to all human beings upon the planet.

The work that you are doing is not going un-noticed. Others are being affected each moment with a positive and loving thought. It filters through the air waves and allows someone else to receive your Divine Moment of Beauty, Joy, Expansion within your heart, and the full existence that you are embracing. It is such a beautiful element when each person upon the planet allows their Divine Essence to enfold within them. It helps to change the thoughts, the emotions, and all the unsettling moments that occur within the Earth.

Many love to connect with the Angels. What happens when you feel their essence coming down into your heart? It helps to expand your heart and heal the wounds within.

This is so very true of each of you. You are the Human Angels and it is your responsibility to take what love you are embodying within you and share it outwards into the essence of the world. You don’t have to talk about it, all you have to do is let it expand out of you with your breath. Send it into the core of GAIA or to a particular place or person so that they can receive the purity of light that you are allowing to be within you.

Don’t hold your expressive essence within you. It is part of your pathway within Mastery to share it with others. Some individuals are not there yet; they can not express this joy or love within them due to their timelines, or their pain as that is all they can focus upon.

It is time within yourself to take the breath of light that you are and then just allow it to spin outside of your field into the world around you. Believe me, it will be received. Maybe not within the physical consciousness, but truly in the Higher Consciousness which will help that person to eventually receive it.

We, in Telos, work with each of you for the same reasons. We cannot let you ponder what you should be doing as mistakes can be made. We want to show you how we have done it. We truly are not any different than any of you.

It is our Responsibility as Divine Beings to show others how we have achieved our enrichment of life. Take a moment and share your essence of love and light unto the world you live in. It is part of your mastery pathway to do so.

This is one way in which we are going to bring the New Earth into full consciousness and planetary reality. Small steps to create our Divine Wisdom to be fully manifest.

In Light and Love, I expand my essence unto each of you in this moment.
I am Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos
Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee
October 31, 2014

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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