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The New Moon is now upon us within the sign of Aires. It occurred March 27, 2017, 7:59 PM Pacific, 10:59 PM Eastern, and March 28, 2017-2:58 GMT. It is now a time of action, creating the new pathway of beginning a cycle of light that has not been accomplished previously.

This cycle of the moon is very powerful as it comes after the March Equinox allowing for more movement into the world we would like to be part of. This, of course, should start with ourselves before we can see the changes that will occur in others around the world.

Café shares this about the Aires New Moon in 2017:

“This is a strong cycle under which to re-evaluate our relationship to ourselves. With this potent Aries energy, we have the chance to make significant changes in our lives. It’s time to make some solid yet realistic plans and to set the stage for reaping the rewards from our new beginnings, as little or big as they may be, in approximately two weeks’ time after the Full Moon occurs.”

I believe that this cycle is going to help each of us to understand what has occurred in the past three months which is crucial for us to accept the changes we should make within our consciousness and our efforts to make it part of our existence.

Isn’t it true that what we think becomes our reality?

If we are still struggling, then that is what we will experience. But, yet if we take steps towards a healthier existence (emotionally, mentally, and physically), then we can become more passionate within our lives. There becomes a moment of having more meaning of what we are doing for ourselves, and then eventually for others.

This moon is helping us to come into a new existence of understanding our subconscious and allow our higher consciousness to help us through the difficulties of transitioning from the old self into the new self.

I believe this moon is helping us to transform the old self into a new level of understanding; thus, becoming a newly evolved human being; One, that is part of a spiritual essence but allowing the physical self to accept the movement of change.

The other important element within this equation that the full moon occurring on April 10th, 2017 represents the first ascension festival of the spring, The Festival of The Christ. This event brings forth the element of resurrecting the old self in preparation for the Wesak Festival occurring May 10th, 2017.

This takes into account that the changes we are trying to make through this new moon along with the past full moon, the equinox, and the upcoming moon are going to catapult us into a new consciousness if we allow it to occur.

I have been working with these energies for at least 20 years or more and I have never seen such an anticipated excitement within the Spiritual Hierarchy, especially Master Djwhal Khul. The effect of these festivals this year are going to assist our planet exponentially than ever before.

I think it is very important to reflect on what has occurred since January of this year, and how we have been affected by the energies in the outside world. For me, it has become increasingly more challenging to connect with others due to the conflict of politics especially here in the United States as it has effected the entire world to see what needs to be changed.

The important element is: what needs to be changed within each of us individually?

My own personal experience of this winter has been one of isolation due to the weather and working diligently not only on the teachings I am a part of but how it affects my personal consciousness. I have found that through each moon cycle and acceleration I learn more about myself.

As most of you know, I have been on this pathway for over 30 years but the more I walk upon it, the more I realize I do not know. It is an experience of understanding my soul’s consciousness, what my Etheric Body is trying to tell me and how I can get through the challenge of walking this earth in the higher realms of light. I could not do it without living in Mount Shasta. It helps me not only to sustain the energies but to realize what I need to change.

My challenge presently has been my physical body. I realized I chose this lifetime so that I could walk this pathway and I would have physical challenges. Some of these I have overcome throughout the years. I can feel myself getting younger even though chronologically I am getting older. I have confidence in the healing that is occurring within me physically as I am seeing dramatic improvements.

The most important lesson I have learned through this cycle that challenges help us to realize our true potential. I have arrived at a new state of consciousness about my body. It is getting stronger because I have persevered this winter to get up, do the exercises no matter how little, that consistency is the most important factor, and to call upon my I Am Presence continually to walk through the storm.

It is now Spring; it is a New Moon that will help me to create actions in my life that I have already desired to acquire through my Higher Mind, and it is becoming a reality.

I look forward to the full moon on the 10th of April for the Festival of the Christ so that this year I am becoming the Christed Being that I know I am within my physical body; how I walk, how my joints react and move, how the Light Energy I Am is now being more fully received into the Physical Self.

So, I say to those of you that are in pain emotionally and mentally, please know it will change if you are ready to continue the journey. Your I Am Presence is guiding you to be more than you ever thought you could be and you may just be surprised to see the results within your four-body system.

Step forward for this New Moon and realize your thoughts you desire to be, can be your Reality of your Life. We have a fabulous month ahead of us, and I hope you can reflect on how different you are now than you were in January.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

Walking Terra Christa will be sharing more information about the three Ascension Festivals of the Spring, The Christ, Wesak, and Humanity along with information of how to join us for our global meditation calls.

Walking Terra Christa is offering their monthly classes in 2017 “Mastering the Spiritual Recovery of the Soul” which is facilitated through Lord Saint Germain, the Ray Chohan of the Month, and Lord Metatron. Each month we work with Lord Saint Germain and Lord Metatron for the Metatronic Seals. Included are the Ray Chohans for the specific rays we are working on as they provide information and Divine Language Light Encodements to assist in accessing the energies within the physical body.  Please use the link to learn more about this series.

© Copyright 2017 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Personal use and providing a link to this article for informational or educational purpose (articles, websites or blogs) is welcomed and encouraged except any use related to or associated with profit making activities (including individual, business or organizational websites, publications, blogs, etc.) Reprinting or reposting this material for publications, websites or blogs that sell or advertise any products or services (as well as any printed or written reproduction) is not authorized without written permission. Rights are only granted to repost this material (in full and unedited with working url links) electronically on informational websites or blogs that do not sell or advertise any products or services. In such cases, you must include this complete copyright statement in full including the above active url referral links to help everyone stay informed and support our messages. In cases of text only formats, these active url links may be converted to display the full path of the url as linked. The information contained herein does not constitute the rendering of healthcare advice or the provision of treatment or treatment recommendations. It is not to be considered or inferred as medical or psychological advice. Use of the website and its originating content constitutes agreement of terms as provided under Website Terms and Disclaimer (click here).



We have now entered the New Moon phase of Pisces with a Solar Eclipse. This combination brings forth the element of movement, change, new beginnings, with our hopes and desires to be realized. Lord Ashtar brings forth a divine message on how we are affected by the planetary alignments within our full body system.

Greetings My Dearest Comrades of the Light,

I am Lord Ashtar here to talk about the present energies while trying to assist each of you to understand what you may be experiencing in your personal consciousness.

I always like to reiterate my energies through the connection of the InterGalacitic Federation of Light with Lord Sananda so that every individual that is reading this message will get a feeling of being embraced by our essences. I ask you to take a deep breath to fully feel a change in your heart, and bodily structure, as you relax the physical level of your consciousness. Pretend that we are floating through space together having a meeting of our higher minds coming into the purest existence that you have ever felt.

This is exactly what occurs for you during these powerful times of acceleration. At the end of this month, there has been a transition of energies to be felt by humanity so that they can experience within themselves a deeper revelation within their own consciousness. This is how a soul becomes fully realized within their pure existence.

It is what I like to call “The Floating of Light Emanations” to be realized within the physical world.

As this day of February 26th 2017 brings forth a New Moon and Solar Eclipse it brings into Gaia’s pure existence the availability of these light emanations to be fully accepted not only by her presence by within the existence of humanity. During this week previous to this moment in time, there have been portals of light to be acknowledged through the atmosphere into the existence of Gaia’s hemispheric existence. Within your skies there have been solar flares that have opened up portals throughout the world so that humans can start to realize the potential they have within themselves as the person they are becoming.

This is an important element to realize – WHO YOU ARE BECOMING.

Do you know what that means for yourself?

At this time of the earth, there have been great changes that need to be aligned within your consciousness so that the realization that you have been steps across a bridge to a new reality of who you truly are. This is the Bridge Of Becoming That Aspect Of Yourself that has been forgotten.

Many write about how this eclipse and new moon brings forth a gift of dreams to be realized, having the potential that there is more that can occur by just stepping into this new alignment. Some may even believe that these elevations in consciousness are occurring to help humanity while each person just has to sit back and let it happen.

But I want to remind each of you to look back upon the previous month or the start of this year and what you may have experienced to get to this point of your reality.

There has been a death and re-birth cycle occurring within the planet hoping that each soul would awaken to their own reality of what is dying within them so they can walk across that bridge that beckons them into a new part of their reality that is awaiting to be awakened within themselves.

Each soul will react differently to the present energies, but the most important element is that change is happening within each person’s consciousness and if they wake up to those changes, then they will realize the potential that they have within themselves.

As the planets were in alignment in January through February it was a window of opportunity for each person to realize the potential that you could have in your world. It was a fleeting moment of excitement to see within yourself the beauty and the gracious soul that you truly are.

I ask of you, “How many of you were able to see this transition within yourself” and “How Many Have Stepped Across a Threshold of a New Awakening”?

I am here today to share this message as I think it is important for people to realize within their consciousness who they are becoming and what needs to be realized in order for global change to happen. Change occurs within a soul when they realize that they can no longer exist in the old essence that they were. They look within themselves and see that the attributes their soul is showing has changed and they want to transition into a new way of existence whether it be physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual.

I ask you again the reflect on the past few weeks. What have you been experiencing, thinking, or feeling in your life? Were you finding that your world was feeling very challenging and hard to deal with? What did you do to help yourself through this change?

Some examples may be that you felt ill physically, your emotional body was raw, or that your thoughts were not clear and defined. Each of these elements are important because they will help you to see how you are walking into a new door of awakening with the current planetary changes.

Many times the body can be tired, feel ill in certain ways so that it can rest; toxins can be removed so that the true healing can take effect of allowing the full body system to readjust itself through the changes. In other ways the heart center can be healing in a way that you have never experienced before; or your mental mind needs to be put into a different way of thinking.

You may not know how these changes are occurring but they are. All of this is a result of the current movements since the onset of 2017. There is a huge adjustment that is occurring within the consciousness of Gaia so each of you are going to be affected by them in your four-body system. It is a time of great healing so the elements of debris that you are holding in any of your fields will automatically come into a new awakening.

It does not matter what level of consciousness you are holding, where you are in your initiations, or the light quotient you are currently existing within, all must change in order for the New Earth to be born.

The portals of the previous week are taking you in a new direction of consciousness.

As you have been going through the healing process previous to this moment, it is important to reflect within yourself that something is changing within you. It may be as simple as changing the way you go about your day, maybe your schedule will adjust, or possibly you will think differently about a task you are doing. You possibly have done this many times before but within your own consciousness you realize that there is a “shift” in the way you are feeling and thinking.

We have arrived into the Eclipse and the New Moon of Pisces.  Both of these alignments represents New Beginnings but it is important to be able to reflect on “what is your Beginning”. There always has to be an Ending but in many levels of thought you may not consider what has just died out of you.

I share all of this with you to help you realize what the Eclipse/New Moon may mean to you personally and that you cannot expect something to change if you don’t know what is changing. It all represents being present within your own life and learning how to act accordingly.

As a Multi-Dimensional Self, it is sometimes challenging to realize what is changing within you but it is imperative to allow the shifting of the tides to take you to a new reality that you desire to have in your life. If you do not use your full body system to help you through the process, then these activations and alignments will be for naught on a personal level.

You see as the planetary movements are shifting Gaia, each of you must shift with her. This means that what you did not know can be revealed to you. You may learn about a new way of understanding the Laws of the Universe and how to apply them in your physical life. The process of learning new ways is always continuing through each moment in time.

As each person learns more about their soul’s history and the growth process they are acquiring, then it will change the dynamics of what is happening on the Earth. The development of the changes presently are up to you and only you. As souls gather together moving into a higher direction of light, then Gaia will respond in kind to you. It is not just about thinking you are light, you must feel it every moment of your day.

These accelerations can have a tendency to change the evolvement of planetary life when there is an imbalance occurring within the system between humanity and planetary. This is exactly what is happening at this time. The reason there is so much strive and fighting is because those souls are fighting against the light, they don’t know how to do it any other way.

Each of you that are listening are the reason that these accelerations are so very important. As you change, Gaia will accept your energies of the higher frequency and the Earth can move out of duality by walking across the bridge to a New Beginning.

Take time to realize how you are changing, what it means for you, and celebrate it for yourself. Hold unto it, ground it, and become the Galactic Human that you are.

Do a ceremony to connect more to your Divine Self; remove the elements that no longer serve you or you think need to be changed. Call upon each of us within the InterGalactic Forces to help you through this change of light. Allow yourself to become who you desire – walk across that Bridge of Awakenings into the New You.

I, as Lord Ashtar with the Galactic Federation of Light and Lord Sananda guide you every step of the way.

In Peace and Love,

We are One with each of you.

Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

Walking Terra Christa is offering their Monthly Mastery Classes for 2017 “Mastering the Spiritual Recovery of the Soul” which is facilitated through Lord Saint Germain along with the Ray Chohan of the Month, and Lord Metatron. Our first class was guided by Lady Nada along with Lord Saint Germain and Lord Metatron in the Sacred Heart Temple of Oneness (144th dimension) and the Temple of Illumination with Lord Metatron (49th dimension). Please use the link to learn more about this series.

Walking Terra Christa facilitates a Lord Ashtar Connection Circle monthly on Saturday mornings 10 AM Pacific. Our next meeting will be March 4th, 2017 (Teleconference Info)

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© Copyright 2017 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Linking to this page from any website or blog is welcomed and encouraged. Reprinting or reposting this material on websites or blogs that sell or advertise any products or services as well as any printed or written reproduction) is not authorized without written permission. Sharing our Social Media sites is also encouraged. Connect with us on ♥ FACEBOOK  ♥ TWITTER  ♥ YOUTUBE   ♥ NEWSLETTER ♥ DONATE  | Rights are only granted to repost this material electronically on informational websites or blogs that do not sell or advertise any products or services. In such cases, you must include this copyright statement in full including the above active url referral links to help everyone stay informed and support our messages. In cases of text only formats, these active url links may be converted to display the full path of the url as linked. 

February 28th, 2014 ~ Unity Number “1”

Unity Number 1This day of “1” in the Science of Numerology represents New Beginnings and starting a new cycle. 


It also represents Oneness as all elements come together to be created within Unity. It is a strong vibration represented by the following keywords:  Independent, Creative, Original, Ambitious, Determined, Courageous, Independent, and Self Assured.

The sum of today’s number is derived from 37 = 10 = 1; 37 is representative of joy, expressing creativity, within your highest consciousness; 10 is a divine compliment of powerful new beginnings with the God Consciousness helping you to become more of what you desire within your world.  All of these combinations are an opportunity to stepping into the unknown with confidence.  The Higher Mind words with the Lower Mind to create success and reaping the rewards of the previous cycle.

Today is not only a “1” day but it is the last day of this month of February.  We have shared that the energies have been represented in a more balanced way of existence.  This does not necessary mean it has been easy.  In order to accept balance you must remove the parts of yourself that reflect just the opposite.  Take time on this day to look back to see how you were able to adjust to the changes you were making.  Embrace yourself for your achievements no matter how small they may be.  They are helping you to mold your foundation.

Then take those energies that you are now accepting as part of your reality as your new foundation as you embrace your new beginning.  Celebrate yourself for the achievements you have made as it will help you to create a stronger base in the way that you exist within your new world.  Today is a new beginning; allow it to enfold within you as you see the New You arriving in your reality.

In the Creation of Oneness,

We Are The Unified Whole Command of Many Beings of Light

Comprised of Master Thoth, Great Divine Director, Master Einstein

The Brotherhood of White Light with the Spiritual Hierarchy and Angelic Realm in Oneness

Note:The definitions of science of numerology with the keywords are excerpted from  The remainder of this post is channeled material from the Unified Whole Command through Rev. Christine Meleriesse.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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February 10th, 2014 ~ Unity Number “1”

Unity Number 1

This day of “1” in the Science of Numerology represents New Beginnings and starting a new cycle. 

It also represents Oneness as all elements come together to be created within Unity. It is a strong vibration represented by the following keywords:  Independent, Creative, Original, Ambitious, Determined, Courageous, Independent, and Self Assured.


The sum of today’s number is derived from 37 = 10 = 1 which is a wonderful day for stepping into the unknown with confidence.  The energetics of the combination of these numbers represents the ability to allow the Higher Mind to step into the Lower Mind with great success and reaping the rewards of the previous cycle.

In order for us to expand into Oneness we must feel that essence within our individual experience.  As we are learning to work more fully with the Higher Self into the Physical Self that is the first step of allowing Oneness to be within our understanding.  There is more to this entire picture as we learn about our multi-dimensional self(s) that have great wisdom to be shared by first we must allow the exchange to happen within us physically.

The 1st of February resonates very highly with the ability to walk through a new doorway of opportunity and allow that exchange to set the stage for more exciting moments to occur within our reality.  In numerology one’s represent a new beginning but on this day, it is coupled with the energies of “10” within the date along with the summation of 10 equaling “1”.  There is an element of what third dimensional existence would term luck which in a higher level of understanding represents the synchronization of events to come into a new beginning.  Through this vibrational exchange it shows that there is alignment occurring from the Universal Structure into the Planetary to allow for the change to fully happen.

Reflect, on this day, what this exchange may be for you in your personal life.  You are being gifted by your Higher Self or Essence to allow the flow of synchronous moments to occur within your world that will help you to see the challenges have been merely a stepping stone into a deeper part of yourself.  Listen, within your Heart, to see what changes you need to make in order for your life to take on a pathway of Divine Order in each moment, and not just periodically.

A new change is about to occur today within the frequency of light within the planet.  Embrace it deeply, notice what it is telling you, and then act accordingly within your physical self.

In the Creation of Oneness,

We Are The Unified Whole Command of Many Beings of Light

Comprised of Master Thoth, Great Divine Director, Master Einstein

The Brotherhood of White Light with the Spiritual Hierarchy and Angelic Realm in Oneness

Note:The definitions of science of numerology with the keywords are excerpted from  The remainder of this post is channeled material from the Unified Whole Command through Rev. Christine Meleriesse.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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January 11, 2014 ~ Representing “1”

Unity Number 1Today is January 11th, 2014 which is the number  “1” in the Science of Numerology. 


This day represents New Beginnings and starting a new cycle.  It is a strong vibration represented by the following keywords:  Independent, Creative, Original, Ambitious, Determined, and Self Assured.

On this day it is time to reflect what you learned from the previous cycle and step into your new world of consciousness that you are exhibiting within yourself.  What did you learn from the previous time period.  Acknowledgement your accomplishments, reflect on the challenges so that you can learn through this phase of your journey.

On this day, of January 11th it represents a power essence.  If we reflect on the energies of 1-11 there is a portal of light that will be ignited through Oneness.  It is a perfect time for realignment of your inner self as it represents your experience of your higher essence blending within the physical reality.  Take time on this day to step into a new doorway of opportunity as we are sharing with you our essence of excitement for a new cycle.

Look to your clocks and see how often you see 11 on this day; at the time of 1:11 take time to fully reflect into your new doorway of light that is being offered.  The portal of light on this day is taking you into a new powerful moment of change as you allow the blending of your Heart to be One with All That You Are.  Look to messages from the GAIA to assist you in the process along with the energetics of the Sun and the Moon with all the starships that are showing you their existence is real in your world.

You are ONE within yourself on this day.  Allow it to enfold within you so the next phases of this cycle will represent the New Beginning that you want to experience within your journey.

We are ONE with each of You.  Join us in the completion of the light we are together.

The Unified Whole Command of Many Beings of Light

Comprised of Master Thoth, Great Divine Director, Master Einstein

The Brotherhood of White Light with the Spiritual Hierarchy and Angelic Realm in Oneness

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Unity Number for Today ~ 1/8/2014

Unity Number for TodayIt has come to Walking Terra Christa’s attention through the Unified Whole Command that they want to help individuals to feel the energies of the present day through numerology.  We will give an understanding of the single digit for the day with a special message from the Unified Whole Command.  The first day of the month we will include a message for the present cycle we are stepping into for Oneness.  These messages will be short and concise but hope that individuals will be able to utilize the energies for their personal transformation.

The first part of the message will represent the meaning of the number from a science of numerology; the Unified Whole Command (UWC) will then share their essence from a cosmic understanding of what the number may mean for us in our ascension journey to reach Oneness on a physical basis.

Since we are just starting this blog on “Unity Number for Today” we will include the month.  You may refer to our previous report from UWO on the year of 2014 representing Grounding Unity.

January is signified by the number “1” representing New Beginnings, Rebirth, Being Creative, and taking what we learned from the previous cycle to ground it within our reality.

This first month of the year will be a testing ground to fully understand what you need as an initiate to ground into your world.  2013 represented a year of synchronization but within that experience there were many elements that do not fit for 2014.  These are the parts that need to be acknowledged within each individual soul so that they do not repeat the same mistakes that they endured in the previous cycle.

Since January represents Oneness it will be a time in which each soul should truly reflect on their humble beginnings.  What serves your purpose in this moment to help you understand the journey that you are stepping into presently?  This is the most important question that we can pose for each of you.  Understanding what works and then extending that experience into more of what you are receiving.  Remember, you are starting to allow your Higher Self to be your guide, but not as a separate energy.  It is combined within your four-body system.  Listen to the body, utilize the Rays of God for deep healing as they are the acknowledgement of God’s Light into your world to help you transform the parts that are still weak.  Try to understand from your higher perspective what it is that the physical body needs to accept to allow more to be within you.

Today is January 8th, 2014.  This represents the number “7” in numerology.  Seven is a highly spiritual number.  The keywords of this day represent intuitiveness, activating your third eye, seeing more than the physical world within you, being very introspective, and acknowledging your wisdom.

On this day allow your Higher Self to guide you more deeply than you have previously.  It has been about a week of stepping into the month of January with ‘new beginnings’.  Take time to connect with your Higher Self more than usual.  If you are doing a meditation daily with your higher essence, then expand upon it more deeply.  It is important to understand the reflection between your higher self and your lower self so that they can become one.  Even if you feel you have integrated these energies as one, then go deeper into their essence.

Introspection will be a necessary process on this day.  If you find that you align with these energies, then you are in complete synchronization with the Universal structure that is coming into GAIA.  Be still; listen to the trees that blow in the wind as they have a message for you.  Look to the flying birds to give you a message of your journey.  Do not be just physical on this day as it will cause great dysfunction within your reality.

As each of you goes through this process, the world can be still for just a moment so that the inner chatter can stop and each of us can be within Oneness.  Our moments will blend within each other.  Let this essence be our beginning together as we sit in the silence of the Light of the One.

Each of these reflections of the numerology we will be expanding upon will allow you to go to a deeper place of understanding.  We share this knowledge to help you step into the next phase of your journey with ease and grace.  Be with your Higher Self today so the rest of us can be One with You.

The Unified Whole Command of Many Beings of Light

Comprised of Master Thoth, Great Divine Director, Master Einstein

The Brotherhood of White Light with the Spiritual Hierarchy and Angelic Realm in Oneness


©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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New Earth Frequency Update ~ As Above, So Below

New Earth Frequency UpdatePlanetary ~ Shared By Meleriessee

This week we are in the state of balance to prepare for more acceleration within GAIA which means we will be experiencing another transitional phase.  The New Moon with a Solar Eclipse occurs on November 3rd, 2013, 4:49 AM Pacific, 7:49 AM Eastern, 15:49 GMT.

How do we stay in the flow between accelerations which is happening to us consistently?  The Equinox proved to be the most powerful surge of light within the planet; in fact, it was the event that was supposed to occur 12-21-12.  By the sources of the Spiritual Hierarchy, it was delayed until the God Force felt that all humans could handle the change that it would create on the planet.  GAIA is now infused with the Blue Ray of Will and Power which means that the elements of control we have been under can be harnessed through our hard work and diligence.  This is only the beginning as it will take some time for others to acknowledge this essence within them, but as Light Workers it is our responsibility to utilize the frequency within ourselves and within the world around us.

The Blue Ray represents the qualities of strength, courage, leadership, and strong convictions but within the essence of patience, love, protection, and strong faith.  Utilize this essence to help bring peace and love in all areas of the lands upon GAIA.  This all occurred during the Fall Equinox on September 22nd, 2013.

We then were hit with the Lunar Eclipse during the full moon in October.  This took us into a deeper level of ourselves.  We were asked by the essence of the energies to purge yet once again another part of our existence as our shadow side is not being ignited to be blessed with the Light.

Now we come upon the Solar Eclipse during the New Moon on November 3rd.  This represents a gateway into our new existence that we have been looking for.  The energies of last year at this time through February of 2013 are being highlighted for us to realize our true potential.  It is a time for our visions to become a reality.  We have worked hard throughout this year, and now is the time for our rebirth to occur.

Are you ready?  This is the week to work on the old elements that need to be removed presently.  We must understand that every time this occurs we go to deeper levels of our core being and there is more that needs to be removed as the energies help it to be revealed within us.  This New Moon is within Scorpio which represents Self-Mastery and getting the “junk” out of the closet.  The effects of this Solar Eclipse will be felt for the next six months so it is a time to look at our dark side that is affecting our present lives so that we can feel the love of our Higher Self and allow the flow of life to be fully within us.

Find out what works best for you; your tools, the way of your living, and expand upon it so this New Moon will be the best experience you have ever had in your entire life.  Our advice is to work with the Rays of God by infusing them within your Being through your breath of life.  To learn more about the Rays of God, please see our blogs, category/22-rays-of-god/, and Self Study Mastery Teachings on the 22 Rays of God,

Cosmic ~ The Unified Whole Command in Oneness



Blessings and Joy to each of you at this time.  We are happy to share with you our energies in Oneness.  We represent the Unified Whole through Master Thoth, Great Divine Director, and Master Einstein.

In this week before the onset of the New Moon and Solar Eclipse it is time to fully reflect within yourself who you are within your Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Selves.  As the changes that have occurred in your recent past are molding within you what you will create in the very near future.

We ask you to think about your thoughts and emotions; how are they interacting within your world and how often do you need to balance yourself so that energies do not take you off center.  This is very important as on the New Moon and the Solar Eclipse there will be another portal opening to take you into a higher part of yourself, your Soul’s Essence.

You may also ask, “What does this mean for me presently?”  Now that is the million dollar question.  We cannot give you the answer as it depends upon your individual consciousness.  This is why we suggest looking at the different aspects within your bodily structure so that each individual can understand the process they are undergoing.  Sometimes you cannot see the forest for the trees or you see the forest but not the individual trees.  It depends upon your ability to look beyond the situation outside of yourself to figure out what is occurring within.  Sometimes, this is not easy to do.

So taking each of the elements of your four-body system eliminating the Etheric presently as that interacts within your physical and any elements arising from that essence, you are already probably processing the issues.  You see, as you go through your healing process on any given day, your Etheric Body is becoming very active.  When you remove the darker elements of pain and strive in your past timelines, then there is an opening for your higher timelines to be ignited.  They cannot do so without purging first.  You may not know at the time what the higher timelines may be but they will come within you as your Higher Self will guide the process in your meditations and dreamstate.  So you are already working within the Etheric Body as you are working through the elements that arise for you during the higher activations and doing any high quality ascension work.  It does not happen without you concentrating on it in a certain way.

Please know that in all the bodily functions of the physical, emotional and mental, the Etheric body is continually healing so elements will arise in all of these levels.  As the elements arise, utilize your higher vibrational tools, i.e., meditations, chanting or toning, utilizing the Rays of God for balance, or calling upon any ascended teachers to help you through the process.  Remember, Ask and You Shall Receive.

The next step is to look within your emotional body; what feelings are coming up for you and are you being challenged when in another’s company?  This is very important as the mirror will show you when you need to acknowledge the aspects within yourself that is arising.  Are you emotions in balance and how long does it take you to find the flow within you from one essence to another.  Not staying stuck within your emotional body is essentially important.  Then, work with your Feminine Divine to allow her essence to share with you what you may need to do which will assist her energies, nurturing, loving acts of kindness towards the self.

The next step is the Mental Body and looking at your thoughts towards yourself and others.  Many times you can be judgmental towards another person whether you know them or not, and it is a reflection of how you feel about yourself.  Write down your thoughts, change them by using an invocation or the Violet or Crystalline rays to purge the energies you are dealing with.  When you don’t allow the release of the thoughts to occur, they can sometimes manifest as anger, depression, or lower emotions and get stuck within the Emotional Body.  Work with your Masculine Divine to allow for the purging of the thoughts so that the Feminine Divine experiences the peace and bliss she deserves.

At this point, take some moments and connect with the Masculine and Feminine to merge into your Heart Center so that they can work together cohesively and not separately.

Now you look at your Physical body and working within the chakra system.  Every thought and feeling can be felt within the physical essence especially within the chakras of the Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, and Throat.  Utilize toning within the chakras to keep them aligned especially when you are going through an emotional or mental releasement.  If you do not do so, then they can get lost within the cellular function of the physical body or worse, within the Etheric to be taken care of later.

Take time this week to consult with each of these bodies to help you understand your process.  Call upon your Higher Self so that the answers you receive are coming from your Higher Mind and Heart.  Do not get caught up in the dysfunction of your four-body system not working within each other.

As you do this, breathe deeply from your Highest Self into the Physical Body through your Antakarana Bridge into your Soul Star, through each of the chakras including the knees,ankles, souls of the feet into your Earth Star.  Allow the Soul Star to spin through each of the chakras meeting with the Earth Star and then returning to its original position outside of your field; do the same with the Earth Star in the opposite direction.  Now spin your Earth Star from the right side of your field, meeting with the Soul Star, and continuing on the left side of your field.  Continue with the Soul Star following in pursuit, through the Earth Star and then in its original position.

Utilizing this technique will allow you to clear out the psychic debris which can be lodged into any of the chakras or the emotional and mental imbalances.  Utilizing both the Soul Star and Earth Star allows for the cleansing and regenerating your field while experience the Earth Energies merging with the Soul Energies.  It is a very powerful tool to use.

So why are we sharing this exercise with you today?  We want you to fully take advantage of the time before the 3rd of November to purge and accept the essences that are part of your Divine Heritage.  The Solar Eclipse with this New Moon is going to take every individual on a journey for three-days to unite with your Higher Essence.  It may be your Higher Self (Soul) or your Monad or I AM Presence depending upon what you are accessing presently.  Walking Terra Christa is sharing more information from Helios and Vesta about this magnificent energy but in a short summary of the essence, NO TIME ZONE when you meet your Highest Essence within your Physical Body for them to merge and prepare you for the next stage of growth.

This portal represents “As Above, So Below” which is being infused within GAIA and each of you.  It gives you an opportunity to be pushed a bit further in your mastery pathway and initiation process.  If you are not accessing a mastery pathway, then it will take you into Self Mastery in which more information will come to you in your meditations and dream state.

Additionally, the planet is being infused with the Ray of Inner Devotion from the Cosmic Energies in the color of Ruby Red and Gold.  This means that GAIA is now totally devoted to her self awareness and preservation.  It will help the planet to move into Peaceful thoughts and emotions thereby achieving peace in this World.  It is the second ray to be infused within the planet in such a short time but it has been guided by the Heavenly Hosts of the Elders that Surround the Throne of Grace that the time is now and most of the planet inhabitants are ready to accept these energies within themselves and in the planet.

You may say, what does this mean for me?  Well, infusing this light frequency will bring you aspects of Oneness within the physical.  Not what you share with others but your totality of your four-body system coming into alignment.  Many think they are in Oneness by sharing thoughts of love and light but how deep are they going within themselves, beyond this lifetime, into the multi-dimensional personality they are through their Soul’s history.  This is going to help individuals to heal within the confines and depth of their essence.  It will help to remove the dark timelines to accept the higher timelines that are awaiting for their arrival.

Believe me, this is not a cure but a process in which individuals will find themselves going deeper.  They may find a new personality igniting from them and taking the journey even further.  This is what the Mastery Pathway reveals to each initiate.  It represents knowing that there is always more that an initiate can do for themselves; there will be highs and plateaus when you can adjust within yourself the energies but it is ever changing and evolving within your consciousness.

It is such a pleasure to share this wonderful news.  The most important aspect is to go within yourself, see your challenges, accept them, and always be humble about your beginnings.  This is not an end to the journey but just the beginning so we must be strong within each other through this process.  It will be a time of great challenges within the earth with souls leaving that cannot handle the depth of healing that needs to be done, but each of you that stand in the forefront know that you are being guided to show others how to do it.  Continue the journey, spiraling deeper into your essence, finding the bliss and joy that you know is there.  Earth is the most challenging place in the Cosmic structure but you are here because you decided this is what you wanted to do.  We are so happy to embrace you as your journey is our journey.

In Oneness Together,

We Are the Unified Whole Command

©2012-2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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