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DATE: SATURDAY NOVEMBER 24, 2018 at 11:00 AM PT (2:00 PM ET).


CLASS DESCRIPTION:This class will bring forth high vibrational energies representing the Cosmic Levels of Awareness which is reflected within the 49th Dimensional Level of Reality.

Dr. Joshua David Stone authored over 20 books principally on the subject of Planetary Ascension. Did you know in reaching such a goal that your Ascension Pathway Journey has only just begun?

In this teaching we open the doorway to the higher frequencies of not just the Light of God, but the Love, Power, Wisdom and Will of God in terms of the Cosmic Energies, as within Ascension Mastery our Journey never ceases and many more wondrous elements of Being await. But first we must become aware that they exist, even if we are not yet able to understand them in our present mental capacity.

This class is designed to bring in those upper Octave vibrational wavelengths and atomic structures so that they begin to assist each person within their Planetary Ascension process. Given the turmoil our Earth is experiencing, there really is an urgency for more awakened souls to step into their formal Ascension training process. We invite you to do so now more then ever so you can begin to anchor your Light Body for real.



There might not be a topic that is more misunderstood than Love.

Everyone thinks they know what it is, yet at some point in life, everyone gets blindsided by discovering they did not know what they thought they knew.

Unfortunately for many souls, they seem to keep repeating the pattern, always never expecting to get another emotionally devastating jolt when they venture back into a relationship.

And it is not just relationships where we can stumble. Because all too often we try to seek out a substitute for the love we are missing. Many individuals consistently start and stop new ventures in the form of projects, jobs, or even professions. They discover a new passion that is the next big thing and pour themselves into the act of creation. And then they lose the passion for it all too soon or as soon as something more exciting comes along.

Of course, there are individuals who act this way when seeking or creating human relationships, never understanding why they can’t “stay in love” when everything seemed so great.

There are also others who are in long term relationships that all their friends admire, yet they personally are dissatisfied with the quality of their experiences. And then there are those who feel the struggle to be in a relationship is just to hard to take on or they just don’t feel ready.

As seeming different as these varied evolvements, or rather involvements, appear to be, they all suffer from the same underlying issue of imbalance in terms of Divine Love of the Self.

The truth is that to create the healthy balance we all desire in relationships so that we are both nurtured and empowered within the relationship, it all must start with the degree of wholeness that we have first created in the most important relationship we can have: the one with our self.

It is not a new concept of course. But the key to obtaining fulfilling relationships is to work upon your own personality so that you learn to create better choices and engagements and can discover how to overcome your own blind spots. For such a process to be successful you must proceed in a manner that brings growth and maturity part and parcel within the most important aspect of who you are: your spiritual center.

Despite the quick fix/immediate gratification nature of our modern lifestyles from super retreats to the newest yoga programs offering all manner of methods to reshape and re-engineer how we might act or appear to others, nothing is more important that getting to the core of our own truth.

Finding that truth – our intimate connection with our Spiritual Truth – is the only “place” where we can go to make real and permanent change. All else is window dressing that just fades over time and leaves us right back where we were. But how do we do something substantial that we clearly never mastered on our own?

Ascension Mastery is the process of creating real change by merging the Spiritual Self with the Personality Self. It is becoming more of who we really are as a Soul versus who we have come to believe we are as a person. This is why it is a different approach than mainstream programs.

This Mastery Class is designed to assist each person to begin the process using the higher spiritual energies, because let’s face it, changing the personality self is an immensely challenging journey. Many say it can’t even really be done. We have seen that it it can and is in fact very possible. It would be more accurate to say it is inevitable within the Ascension process. But only so when the entire force of consciousness that embodies love, compassion and the path of supporting true Oneness of the realm of the Ascended Masters Wisdom is honestly embraced.

We extend an invitation to begin (or continue to) co-create changing who you think you are. At the same time you will benefit the Mastery Consciousness of all humanity with the revelations you personally experience, as there is the crucial component of Grounding Higher Energies in all Walking Terra Christa teachings. Our teachings are always applauded as being very powerful and life altering by our students and participants.

While the Ascended Realm Beings can’t wave a magic wand and instantly recreate you, (as that is changing someone else and the very act of being a Master means you have free will and sovereignty over your own choices), you can begin to delve deeper into your own understandings and revelations so that you do change and achieve your Soul’s purpose for you as walk upon Gaia in this life.


DATE: SATURDAY OCTOBER 20, 2018 at 11:00 AM PT (2:00 PM ET).

LIST OF TEACHERS: LORD SAINT GERMAIN:  Brings forth an overview of what it means to have your foundation filled with Unconditional Self Love and Self Worth. He will explain why the 21 Day Program as written by Dr. Joshua David Stone needs to be the cornerstone of all Initiates on their pathway as without some of these points an individual will still seek healing in other ways.

LORD MELCHIZEDEK:  Discusses how the Three-Fold Flame within the Heart is directly related to unconditional self-love and self-worth, and how the pitfalls of the physical walk can literally create havoc for an Initiate. He shares insights on how to not get caught up in the drama of the 3rd dimensional world.

MASTER DJWHAL KHUL:  Talks about how the Inner Child Syndrome can be a deterrent to an Initiate unless they learn how to parent their Inner Self through the energetics of Unconditional Love as given forth by the Solar Angel, Higher Self and I Am Presence.

MASTER JOSHUA STONE: Discussing how important the 21-Day Program for Unconditional Self-Love and Self-Worth is to totally heal the psychological self. He will briefly be speaking about a few of the points of his 21-day program along with giving the reasoning of how it affects the Three-Fold Flame within your Sacred Heart. These points are Owning Your Personal Power; Learning the two levels of Unconditional Self-Love and Self-Worth, Learning to Feel Good About Yourself; Learning everything in life is a Lesson; Learning how to be your own personal Alchemist.

COSMIC MASTER VYWAMUS: Gives a discussion of the effects of increasing the Light Quotient within the four-body (physical, etheric, emotional, mental); what happens, when the higher light energies should occur, and how to be vigilant within your practice.

CLASS DESCRIPTION: Becoming the Sacred Chamber of the Heart represents the Three-Fold Flame to be fully acknowledged by the Initiate. Many individuals may not realize how important it is to fully become One within their Sacred Heart due to life experiences.

This class is going to address how to hold those higher light frequencies for a longer period of time by fully acknowledging what is not represented within the Three-Fold Flame. The important elements is to allow the essence of Unconditional Self-Love and Self-Worth to be fully embraced, remembered, and acknowledged no matter what the circumstances or the feelings that are erupting within the physical consciousness. This teaching is about awareness and how to pinpoint those elements that need to be healed so that the Initiate can fully Become the Sacred Chamber of the Heart.

In this class there is a question answer discussion so participants can get a better personal understanding of how they individually bring forth these energies with Lord Saint Germain. Immediately following we take an etheric journey to travel to the City of Telos with Lord Adama to receive Divine Language Network Light Attunements. We also travel to Master Djwhal Khul’s Ashram of Love and Wisdom on the Innerplane Level along with Lord Melchizedek’s Golden Chamber in the 24th Dimensional Frequency to receive light attunements of Unconditional Self-Love and Self Worth with Cosmic Master Vywamus.

READ THIS ONE ARTICLE – Are You Feeling or Seeing the Light Body & Sacred Geometry?


If you don’t read any other article this year, READ THIS! We have seen a strong increase in individuals who are being ADVERSELY or NEGATIVELY affected by INCORRECTLY opening themselves up to allow DISRUPTIVE FREQUENCIES to enter their BODY.

The energy field of the human body is drawn by artist to appear like this image. Such images are widespread on social media. Many individuals therefore expect to begin to personally see these grid lines around them especially if they are into Esoteric Teachings and Books, Channelling, Disclosure, Ascension work, I AM, Three-Fold Flame, Dr. Joshua David Stone’s information, the Fifth Dimensional Earth or perhaps even call  themselves Light Worker, Indigo, Crystal Child, Starseed or New Ager. If this describes you,


Along with the high frequency transferences of the events of 2012 through 2016 (the numerology triplicate Gates of the 7-7-7, the Lion’s Gates of the 8-8-8, 9-9-9, Eclipses, Full Moon’s, Equinoxes, Solstices, Wave X, etc.), of which many individuals know about and experience, and including the lesser known events only known to Walking Terra Christa followers such as the full grounding into Gaia of the Blue Flame, the Golden Yellow Flame, and the Violet Purple Flame, the levels of COSMIC LEVEL ENERGY now hitting people is TREMENDOUS.

MOST internet social media channeling, sharing and postings DO NOT TELL people that what you believe are INCREASED ENERGIES from the CHRISTED COSMIC SPIRITUAL HIERARCHY may actually NOT BE.

Be VERY AWARE if you are:


If you are not gifted or sensitive to see AURIC FIELDS in this manner you may instead FEEL the energies as:



WE DO NOT SHARE THIS IMPORTANT INFORMATION TO CAUSE YOU FEAR. Just for you to PAY ATTENTION to ALL ASPECTS of life on earth. Many are falling into “magical thinking” about what these new frequencies are all about.

Spiritual teachers in ALL CULTURES OF EARTH from Indigenous Native peoples to Himalayan monks have always taught this:

UNLESS you have PRACTISED and BUILT UP the ability to PROTECT and SAFEGUARD your LIGHT BODY, you can very easily BE INFILTRATED by energies that are NON-CHRISTED.

THESE NON-CHRISTED ENERGIES are taking advantage of the fact that you are AWAKENING and becoming MORE AWARE of your LIGHT BODY. In other words, you have INVITED in these experiences using your FREE WILL.

They know that your EGO will find these experiences EXCITING and OTHERWORLDLY. They know you will THINK it means you are increasing your LIGHT. BUT THIS IS NOT ALWAYS TRUE.


If you do not take the CONSCIOUS SPIRITUAL and GROUNDED steps to ACTUALLY PROTECT yourself, you may end up experiencing very dangerous energies both to your PHYSCIAL body and in your progress as a SOUL upon EARTH.

Just saying prayers and believing your HAVE A RIGHT to be protected because you are a SPIRITUALLY DIVINE BEING is not going to assit much. Just tapping into the LOVE and LIGHT of NEW AGE channeled messages from ANGELS or ASCENDED MASTERS is not going to work. Just INTENDING to only have energies that are for your HIGHEST GOOD connect to you does not work. Just GETTING attunements from a SPIRITUAL TEACHER or learning MOST KNOWN forms of spiritual protection is not going to protect you.

WHY NOT? Because everything DID CHANGE in 2012 even if the earth did not enter the Fifth Dimension of Love and Light as many thought it would. But as planned Humanity STILL entered the EPOCH of SELF-RESPONSIBILITY AS A CREATOR BEING. It was a falsehood to believe that an ERA OF PEACE would just instantly occur without EACH SOUL first co-creating that peace within through SELF-AWARE RESPONSIBILITY at the deepest levels. THIS MEANS:

1. SINCE 2012 there are NEW RULES regarding PROTECTION that many existing or former traditions and existing forms of PROTECTION do not include, and
2. IT is NOW YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to PRACTICE DOING this for YOURSELF in order to build up your own PROTECTION of your LIGHT.

That CREATION OF GLOBAL PEACE first requires every person to REMOVE THE NEGATIVE or SHADOW self CONSCIOUSLY. Many advanced authors and channels stated it only had to be cleared at 51% in each person but THAT IS NOT ACCURATE in relation to CO-CREATING THE FIFTH DIMENSIONAL NEW EARTH.

It is actually much MORE COMPLEX.

THE NEGATIVE SHADOW SELF has been grounded on earth for EONS OF TIME. For those who study such information, those energies are NOT only about correcting KARMA but they are also HELD on earth by FORCES that desire the EARTH to CONTINUE as, and forever REMAIN, a NON-PEACEFUL planet.

One of the WAYS in which energies are HELD on the PLANET is to TRICK the human EGO into accessing NEGATIVE LOWER FREQUENCIES and having them thinking or believing it is GOOD, when in fact it just spreads more LOWER NEGATIVE FREQUENCIES around and across the planet.

EACH SOUL has DARK or NEGATIVE timelines AND LIGHT or POSITIVE timelines. So if you have resolved 51% of your NEGATIVE TIMELINES does that mean you have activated 51% of your POSITIVE TIMELINES?

NO. The AMOUNT of DARK and LIGHT you have in your SOUL is figured out using two SEPARATE TIMELINE calculations. Most humans have 90% NEGATIVE TIMELINES and 5% POSITIVE TIMELINES that make up their LIGHT QUOTIENT. THESE are INDEPENDENT timelines that must BOTH be remedied TO CREATE A NEW EARTH.


For most souls on earth that means a HEALING SHIFT from 90% down to 30% in NEGATIVE timelines and a POSITIVE timelines increase from 5% up to 70%.

THAT IS NOT EASY TO DO. This is why the NEW EARTH has not yet been realized on earth where there is CURRENTLY a great deal of CONFLICT  and HATE individually, culturally, race related and politically, with much WEATHER destruction, POVERTY and HUNGER and WAR being experienced.

YES. There are HIGHER FREQUENCIES hitting earth from the SPIRITUAL FORCES but the LOWER FORCES are STILL very much IN EFFECT.

AGAIN, THE FIRST STEP TO RAISING YOUR LIGHT QUOTIENT IS TO LEARN SPIRITUAL LIGHT BODY PROTECTION. We don’t expect everyone to immediately understand how to work on shifting their LIGHT QUOTIENT using the teachings of SOUL PSYCHOLOGY and ASCENSION SCIENCE but IT IS becoming increasingly aware that TOO FEW INDIVIDUALS will even GET THAT FAR unless they BEGIN with LIGHT BODY PROTECTION because they are seeing and reading too much BAD or MISINFORMATION  on social media from sources that use language and keywords about being “in the Light”.

BE WARNED: if you are soul serious about CREATING THE NEW EARTH OF THE FIFTH DIMENSION (yes, that means global peace for ALL life on earth),  DO NOT FALL INTO what we see as the rampant naivety of “Love and Lighters” on Facebook, Twitter  and Instagram who just share and post images and  articles on what makes them feel good instead of TAKING ACTUAL STEPS to do the WORK that MUST be done. Believing PROGRESS is occurring by just SHARING AND PARTICIPATING in the “Love and Light” postings of social media is a GRAND ILLUSION. It is NOT REAL PROGRESS but it is masquerading as progress and many are falling for it.

WORSE, without knowing that REAL WORK is required, it just opens those individual up to ALLOWING ENERGIES into them that are not of their HIGHEST GOOD nor are they from the SPIRITUAL HIERARCHY.

FOR MANY years we have HIGHLY RECOMMEND individuals use PROTECTION PROTOCOLS and MEDITATIONS every day that are within THE UNIFIED WHOLE. This is the ONLY method of a spiritual based TOOL we have SEEN that offers the MOST EFFICIENT WAY TO START BUILDING PROTECTION for your LIGHT BODY.

We URGE the soul serious individuals who RESONATE with this message to BEGIN using these UNIFIED WHOLE PROTOCOLS we put together. We are UPDATING THE COURSE to now INCLUDE our 50 minute DEASCENSION MEDITATION which we have on our site for $10 by itself.

These PROTECTION PROTOCOLS therefore now include FIVE MEDITATIONS and the 90 MINUTE CLASS that offers a great deal of  background understanding, plus a handout and SPECIFIC procedures for clearing and protecting the AURIC LIGHT BODY. (Click here if interested in reading the original page details and ordering this material).

Even if you do not USE our TEACHINGS on this subject READ our information on the UNIFIED WHOLE here so you can BEGIN using it everyday.

We do.

And MOST IMPORTANTLY please take a moment to SHARE this important information on your social networks.

© Copyright 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Linking to this page from any website or blog is welcomed and encouraged. Reprinting or reposting this material on websites or blogs that sell or advertise any products or services as well as any printed or written reproduction) is not authorized without written permission. Sharing our Social Media sites is also encouraged. Connect with us on ♥ FACEBOOK  ♥ TWITTER  ♥ YOUTUBE   ♥ NEWSLETTER ♥ DONATE  | Rights are only granted to repost this material electronically on informational websites or blogs that do not sell or advertise any products or services. In such cases, you must include this copyright statement in full including the above active url referral links to help everyone stay informed and support our messages. In cases of text only formats, these active url links may be converted to display the full path of the url as linked. 


WHEN: TUESDAY to SUNDAY – AUGUST 16 to 21, 2016
COST: $645*

Mount Shasta Earth Ascension Alchemy retreat Walking Terra Christa-FB

Learn The Healthy High Vibrational Way of Healing Earth.

Learning to become a true caretaker of planet Earth is a profound step to take as a human. Many individuals have a distinct knowing within themselves that they are here on Mother Earth to bring in the Higher Frequencies of Light that heal and elevate her (and humanity) to a level of Global Spiritual Oneness that is without separation or exclusion in any and all aspects.

earth-inhandsThis understanding is exactly what Mother Earth now needs. She is doing all she can and it is now time to for more individuals to acquire the skills to assist her. Walking Terra Christa announces a special week long Journey Retreat event to give participants the understanding and training they need to assist GAIA to Heal.

Global Teleconference: Phone & any VOIP device or SKYPE

Dial:(605) 562-3140 in USA (International numbers are below for this event).
Access Code: 405260#

Click here to see phone numbers and access code

*Donations encouraged and appreciated!

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How to Transcend Energy Ascension Clinic with Master Babaji

EARTH-ASCENSION-002by Walking Terra Christa.



We continue with our series of classes to assist in learning how to individually incorporate and ground the current Cosmic Energies that are hitting planet Earth so that we learn to prepare and receive more higher octave light from the 11:11 Event this year.

Mahavatar “great avatar”Babaji “revered father” is an Ascended Master who instructs on how to attain the deepest states of Higher Consciousness. In this class we will use this energy to work on CREATIVE VISUALIZATION within the THIRD EYE so that we can use this frequency to better connect to our Higher Self and I AM PRESENCE Consciousness. (Please see the class description below.)

Participant Comments from this Series:
“…At the end of the class I was in a new state of mind and I felt very clam and relaxed. It was like seeing the world through new eyes and I felt more emotionally balanced. It took 20 minutes to ground before I started to feel like I was actually back on Earth. It was a very powerful class!”
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“…Felt lightness again and a sense of higher part of my essence within, not struggling on the physical level so much any longer. Just did the 2nd time, and it was very powerful…Excellent. After the class, feel like cleansed with ocean wave, clarity, calmness and hope about my future, a sense of totality. Still fighting a little with the deep breathing, but as I try to focus as much, I think it really assisted through the process as well.”
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“I enjoyed how everything was broken down and made really simple for us to understand, the creating a sacred space, journaling, crystals, breathing techniques, and spiraling energies. I also loved connecting with the higher spiritual energies although I need to work on that more. I would change nothing …By the end of the experience I felt light radiating from my arms and I was overcome with a cool crisp temperature…could feel the energies…”
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“I very much felt the energies. I knew that all of our bodies are all interconnected; but now I understand so much more about ascension symptoms and that they are not just within the physical body as I previously believed. I enjoyed this class immensely.”
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“Very good. I was able to relate to some of the things that were brought up. The class helped me to see new perspectives. It has also helped me to be more patient and accepting with the healing process.”
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“Excellent…provided more clarity. It helps to understand what the energy does to our bodily system, and why we experience certain symptoms, and how to deal with it better”
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“Fascinating… Much of the lecture was very helpful to me. The explanation about why we feel ascension symptoms I found very helpful. I used to think that when I had strange feelings in my legs or my lower part of my brain and teeth tingling or whatever, every week something new, that I was being downloaded but that is not true. It is my body assimilating and integrating my new crystalline body meridians and energetic light pathways. A great deal of value…I would recommend it.”


Mahavatar Babaji – a drawing from Autobiography of a Yogi, commissioned by Yogananda
and based on his own meeting with Babaji. (source:

Series Background – The Whoomph Factor.

Every Spiritually Significant date (and every Equinox, Solstice, Full Moon, New Moon, Eclipse, Solar Flare, Planetary Alignment) is full of Cosmic Energy being directly guided from the God Force to assist the evolution of Earth. Even what some are calling ‘WaveX” comes jam packed with tremendous power to affect Humanity. It is a BIG electromagnetic whoomph.

As we prepare for the 11:11 of 2015, we need to know what these energies mean for us individually and collectively. If you are keeping pace with the “not very mainstream” news sources, you will already know many are talking about the months of September, October and November of 2015 and the shift of energy that will happen to humanity. It is said to be a glorious and magical event.

That does not mean an ‘easy’ or ‘smooth’ event, but it does mean every single soul upon the earth will get an opportunity to embrace the Cosmic Energies, or by contrast, perhaps choose to consciously ignore or even fight against them.

Free Will is always the key. So what you should also know, as with all shifts in Energy Transference that hit our planet, the outcome to bring forth the most magic and acceleration of consciousness, is not always a certainty. It is not a given that we will fully ground the energies within each soul.

Why is this important?

Yes, earth is a place of mass consciousness where the group as a whole tends to dictate the level of consciousness (or behavior) attained by the many, but the tipping point, (as author Malcolm Gladwell had so pointedly demonstrated in his book by the same name), is created by the few. It does not take a majority to create a shift.

When we speak about Energy Transference, it does take conscious focused action to take the Cosmic Energies that are hitting the planet in these events and kick them into high gear within our own electromagnetic field, that is, into our full body system of the mental body, emotional body, spiritual body, and physical (and by extension our etheric) body. This is a quantum level experience when it is fully activated consciously because it is the Crystalline Body and DNA structures that are enhanced.

And since grounding Higher Octave Energy is not something Humanity has done very well before, to make it occur now we need specialized guidance and teaching from beings who understand Higher Octaves of Dimensional Reality.

The Ascended Masters.

This is why at Walking Terra Christa we work extensively with fringe esoteric concepts and teachings. As Albert Einstein’s wisdom held, our current problems cannot be solved by the minds that created them. We therefore need access to the “Higher Mind“. And that can only be done by harnessing the power of the Higher Cosmic Frequencies. Fortunately, this is exactly the opportunity that is being given to us right now as we experience the Equinox and Full Moon this week.

In our opinion, the best available wisdom we can access is to directly tap into the wisdom of the Spiritual Hierarchy and Ascended Masters. It is, quite plainly, a perspective not available from more traditional sources.

We are kicking off a new teaching series on How to Transcend Energy. Specifically we delve into understanding why the Wayshowers, Torchbearers and Lightworker Pioneers, (that is ‘the few’ amongst humanity at large) are experiencing the Shift and how they can learn to “Transcend” those energy conditions.

With the level of applied wisdom from Spiritual Masters, combined with the level of consciousness that a few souls can make, this clinic will increase the amount of Higher Light Frequency that is brought into the Crystalline Body of each participant, and therefore, the amount that goes into the Earth.


We learn how to prepare the bodily systems to access the full power of the Sixth Chakra by understanding why it is first necessary to utilize the higher octave state of consciousness in order to affect changes in our lives. We will discuss the Five Steps of Creative Visualization which include Relaxation, Imagination, Feeling, Believing, and then Detaching from the creative process. The seven steps to full creativity come through Power, Love, Wisdom, Intuition, Illumination, Inspiration, and then Perfection. Master Babaji will guide us through each of these phases to help us understand why we create elements in our life that can be challenging or life changing, and when we create moments of synchronicity that it is a direct result of our connection to our Divine Self.


Please make your selection:
# Note: If you are currently enrolled in our Academy Student Tuition Program as a Monthly Subscriber for the Live Weekly Teachings, please use the drop down button for a discounted exchange. 

*You will receive the conference details via email prior to the class (lecture with energy attunement). Please be sure your email address is correct when you register.


©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below. If you like this article please do the creation of the New Earth a favor and SHARE it in these ways:
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EARTH-ASCENSION-002by Walking Terra Christa.



◊ ENERGY POSTURE: CONCRETE STEPS TO BUILDING THE LIGHT BODY – WORKING WITH THE PHYSICAL SELF TO LEARN A FIFTH DIMENSIONAL ENERGY PERSPECTIVE. We look at not just the tools and meditative techniques we can use to raise our Light Quotient, but beyond that into specific practices we must acquire to make our lives more in balance to make it happen.

Series Participant Comments:
“…At the end of the class I was in a new state of mind and I felt very clam and relaxed. It was like seeing the world through new eyes and I felt more emotionally balanced. It took 20 minutes to ground before I started to feel like I was actually back on Earth. It was a very powerful class!”
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“…Felt lightness again and a sense of higher part of my essence within, not struggling on the physical level so much any longer. Just did the 2nd time, and it was very powerful…Excellent. After the class, feel like cleansed with ocean wave, clarity, calmness and hope about my future, a sense of totality. Still fighting a little with the deep breathing, but as I try to focus as much, I think it really assisted through the process as well.”
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“I enjoyed how everything was broken down and made really simple for us to understand, the creating a sacred space, journaling, crystals, breathing techniques, and spiraling energies. I also loved connecting with the higher spiritual energies although I need to work on that more. I would change nothing …By the end of the experience I felt light radiating from my arms and I was overcome with a cool crisp temperature…could feel the energies…”
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“I very much felt the energies. I knew that all of our bodies are all interconnected; but now I understand so much more about ascension symptoms and that they are not just within the physical body as I previously believed. I enjoyed this class immensely.”
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“Very good. I was able to relate to some of the things that were brought up. The class helped me to see new perspectives. It has also helped me to be more patient and accepting with the healing process.”
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“Excellent…provided more clarity. It helps to understand what the energy does to our bodily system, and why we experience certain symptoms, and how to deal with it better”
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“Fascinating… Much of the lecture was very helpful to me. The explanation about why we feel ascension symptoms I found very helpful. I used to think that when I had strange feelings in my legs or my lower part of my brain and teeth tingling or whatever, every week something new, that I was being downloaded but that is not true. It is my body assimilating and integrating my new crystalline body meridians and energetic light pathways. A great deal of value…I would recommend it.”

Every Spiritually Significant date (and every Equinox, Solstice, Full Moon, New Moon, Eclipse, Solar Flare, Planetary Alignment) is full of Cosmic Energy being directly guided from the God Force to assist the evolution of Earth. Even what some are calling ‘WaveX” comes jam packed with tremendous power to affect Humanity. It is a BIG electromagnetic whoomph.

As we prepare for the 11:11 of 2015, we need to know what these energies mean for us individually and collectively. If you are keeping pace with the “not very mainstream” news sources, you will already know many are talking about the months of September, October and November of 2015 and the shift of energy that will happen to humanity. It is said to be a glorious and magical event.

That does not mean an ‘easy’ or ‘smooth’ event, but it does mean every single soul upon the earth will get an opportunity to embrace the Cosmic Energies, or by contrast, perhaps choose to consciously ignore or even fight against them.

Free Will is always the key. So what you should also know, as with all shifts in Energy Transference that hit our planet, the outcome to bring forth the most magic and acceleration of consciousness, is not always a certainty. It is not a given that we will fully ground the energies within each soul.

Why is this important?

Yes, earth is a place of mass consciousness where the group as a whole tends to dictate the level of consciousness (or behavior) attained by the many, but the tipping point, (as author Malcolm Gladwell had so pointedly demonstrated in his book by the same name), is created by the few. It does not take a majority to create a shift.

When we speak about Energy Transference, it does take conscious focused action to take the Cosmic Energies that are hitting the planet in these events and kick them into high gear within our own electromagnetic field, that is, into our full body system of the mental body, emotional body, spiritual body, and physical (and by extension our etheric) body. This is a quantum level experience when it is fully activated consciously because it is the Crystalline Body and DNA structures that are enhanced.

And since grounding Higher Octave Energy is not something Humanity has done very well before, to make it occur now we need specialized guidance and teaching from beings who understand Higher Octaves of Dimensional Reality.

The Ascended Masters.

This is why at Walking Terra Christa we work extensively with fringe esoteric concepts and teachings. As Albert Einstein’s wisdom held, our current problems cannot be solved by the minds that created them. We therefore need access to the “Higher Mind“. And that can only be done by harnessing the power of the Higher Cosmic Frequencies. Fortunately, this is exactly the opportunity that is being given to us right now as we experience the Equinox and Full Moon this week.

In our opinion, the best available wisdom we can access is to directly tap into the wisdom of the Spiritual Hierarchy and Ascended Masters. It is, quite plainly, a perspective not available from more traditional sources.

We are kicking off a new teaching series on How to Transcend Energy. Specifically we delve into understanding why the Wayshowers, Torchbearers and Lightworker Pioneers, (that is ‘the few’ amongst humanity at large) are experiencing the Shift and how they can learn to “Transcend” those energy conditions.

With the level of applied wisdom from Spiritual Masters, combined with the level of consciousness that a few souls can make, this clinic will increase the amount of Higher Light Frequency that is brought into the Crystalline Body of each participant, and therefore, the amount that goes into the Earth.

If you are interested, please register by clicking the link below. Space is limited for this Global Teleconference teaching. You may attend live or access the audio file (mp3) following the lecture (we will send the link). The lecture replay is available 24/7 via the teleconference phone dial-in service to those in the USA and CANADA or worldwide via SKYPE or any other other VOIP system.


We look at not just the tools and meditative techniques we can use to raise our Light Quotient, but beyond that into specific practices we must acquire to make our lives more in balance to make it happen. 

ENROLL NOW – Please make your selection:

*You will receive the MP3 ACCESS details via email (lecture with energy attunement). Please be sure your email address is correct when you register.

Our first clinic features one of the more significant members of the Spiritual Masters whom we work with frequently ourselves, (but not typically in a more public manner like this clinic). Dr. Lorphan (from the Great White Lodge of Sirius), well known in certain circles as one of the best Intergalactic Healers within our universal system, gave the first teaching lecture to launch these clinics.

Dr. Lorphan focuses in-depth on explaining how these energies affect the CRYSTALLINE BODY and after the lecture he brings forth a Meditative Healing Attunement with other Intergalactic Healers to work with each individual using this teaching.

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below. If you like this article please do the creation of the New Earth a favor and SHARE it in these ways:
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The China Stock Collapse versus Your Angelic Self


Archangel Lord Metatron, through our transmissions this past month informed everyone that this summer was a very powerful OPPORTUNITY to become more integrated with your true self through the Mastery Path of using the energies of the SOLAR ANGEL. The SPIRITUAL FORCES OF LIGHT know that the earth plane will be going through some very challenging moments this summer.

The recent shock to the GLOBAL FINANCIAL SYSTEM was just such a challenge. How did you react? As these opportunities occur, the energy that comes into the planet from the Cosmic Great Central Sun at the center of our Universe, bathes every soul on earth, regardless of each individual’s personal level of awareness of those higher frequencies.

But are you aware that being presented with this opportunity is not the same as accepting it? This crucial difference was a real eye-opener for us when we were in our early initiations of the first four.

To accept what Lord Metatron is speaking about one has to consciously ACTIVATE the energies WITHIN the mind body system. Advancing your Soul’s Pathway of Light does not just happen because the opportunities are given by the God Force.

So in this message we are taking the time to offer a deeper understanding to humanity at large but specifically to those who enjoy benefiting from New Earth teachings such as those we provide.

These are concepts that we did not know about ourselves until we realized them through our work in learning to move through the Initiations. Rev. J.Michael Hayden (Aranathanara) was very much into learning intellectually about many topics, including the ones involving the E.T.s and 3D mass consciousness, but at those early stages, he was not aware that he had been missing out on many spiritual doorways of opportunity.


Let’s first take a wider perspective of what the New Earth is going to be and how it is intricately intertwined with DISCLOSURE and the INNER EARTH inhabitants.

Did you ever deeply contemplate what DISCLOSURE is really about? Have you ever thoughtfully considered the implications within INNER EARTH revelation writings like those of ADMIRAL BYRD’s on his personal experiences (and those of many others)? Have you been one who follows DR. GREER’s work?

Why do you think, while there is ample evidence in our modern world of these “MYTHS” being quite real, that DISCLOSURE has not happened yet? Do you think that it is just a question of allowing the TRUTH to be released to the public? Do you think that SECRET GOVERNMENT players and their cohorts have an agenda to withhold such truths from the public?

This is what most people who feel there is more to their physical existence than they are “led” to believe, think. They never consider that the story may be much more complex.

THE 3rd, 4th, AND 5th DIMENSIONS

So let’s also take an overview look at what the NEW EARTH of the FIFTH DIMENSION actually consists of in terms of energy frequencies. The information we will share is actually quite obvious once you are able to connect the dots.

The initial definition we need to share is “Fifth Dimension”. To understand fully we must first take a step back: the Third Dimension is that level of reality where there are rules to live by which are handed down to us from our governments, schools and other various authorities such as our religions, our cultures and our families, both the patriarchy and matriarchy throughout the generations. These rules are important for the protection and sustainability of the populace. Within this level of reality, everything that exists is in terms of either normal behavior or unacceptable behavior. It is a world of forced uniformity where one must conform to the majority thought form in any given matter.

Next is the Fourth Dimension. This is the level of reality, where the veil of mass delusion that is the Third Dimension, is seen for just what it is: falsehoods and fictions created by the few to control the many into behaving ‘properly’. But this realization comes at a price. It means giving up all notions of the idea of a fixed reality. It means embracing the notion that whatever one has been told by the various types of Third Dimensional authorities on what is to be considered ‘not true’, is probably actually true or at the least, something worth looking into with a new understanding.

The Fourth Dimension is also that place where a ‘truer’ version of reality exists. It is one where duality is seen as just that. The delusions and falsehoods that were perpetuated are exposed. Along with this awakening of consciousness also comes the awareness that many things once considered ‘scary’ are actually real. And those things, once understood and seen with the eyes of new comprehension, are no longer scary. This may require new levels of respect for what was formerly unknown but overall, in this dimensional reality there are no secrets that can be kept hidden. This is the reality that many early indigenous peoples lived in as they could “see” much that our modern world would pretend does not exist. They lived in a reality where ghosts and fairies were very real everyday understandings.

Finally, we have the FIFTH DIMENSION. It is that level of reality where, yes there are no secrets, but also where there are no competing agendas; as without secrets all have come to understand that having care and compassion for ALL beings, without any separating energies is where all can be truly happy and in a love based communal brother-sisterhood of existence.


Then we look at the definition of the New Earth, which is that GOLDEN AGE that has been written and spoken about for many millennia. What are the characteristics of a Golden Age? We all know this; it is indeed the energy of love, joy, and compassion. It is the actual sharing of a heart to heart connection with ALL other souls, and ALL kingdoms of this earth. It is the ultimate RESPECT of this earth and of EACH sentient being who walks upon her. A true GOLDEN AGE requires the ‘higher consciousness’ of a FIFTH DIMENSION awareness.

Now if we look at our current earthly planetary life in the here and now, what level do you think we are currently in?

We would say that we are experiencing both the THIRD and FOURTH at the same time depending on a given individuals perspectives and belief systems. One may be very much aware that there are secret agendas in politics, but at the same time may hold dear to their own version of what is proper and acceptable in their version of what is correct family behavior.

Just within the last month, the United States Judicial system declared that all couples, regardless of sexual orientation, are permitted to marry and receive all the benefits associated, in society, with that union. This is not only a FOURTH DIMENSIONAL but also FIFTH DIMENSIONAL awareness.

Many new age sources say that we are IN the FIFTH DIMENSION already, and site examples of such types of declarative united compassionate activity. But can you ALSO see much activity on our planet that is still THIRD or FOURTH dimensional?

We do. For example, many are not pleased with the High Court’s ruling in that case, including 4 of the 9 Supreme Court judges on that very court, let alone many citizens of the populace. Look at the China Stock crash this week. Did it cause fear and anxiety?

If there is a lack of acceptance and an energy within soul’s, either as individuals but especially in groups, that still desires to stay in some form of ‘fear’, ‘other’ or ‘separation’, clearly, from this perspective, we are NOT IN the FIFTH DIMENSION (5D).

This is because dimensional frequencies are founded upon the collective consciousness of all humans (on the upper earth) in entirety, which again means there can be no FIFTH DIMENSIONAL reality until the fear-separation is removed.


Moving on to our deeper understanding: let’s call this concept of a NEW EARTH, (which by definition is the whole of human consciousness being in a FIFTH DIMENSIONAL awareness) our first ‘dot’.

This was a major revelation for Rev. Aranathanara because he was very impressed with both Dr. Greer and David Wilcock’s information and he felt, like many individuals, that it was not about him personally, but about the various factions within our earth leaders. They were the ones who needed to change.

A NEW EARTH is not, as has been written and seen in some popular examples, just about being able to raise one’s consciousness through meditation or via charitable giving activities. It is not just a question of feeling the love of those you find acceptable or sharing your light with others who you feel are less fortunate than yourself.

Moving into the 5D structure upon a NEW EARTH requires that all elements within each soul that are of the OLD EARTH (of the 3D/4D structure) must first be purged and removed from that soul, and then by the extension, purged from all humans upon the earth who make up a significant enough number to create a ‘mass consciousness’, thereby creating a new paradigm of collective consciousness (collective meaning ALL SOUL’S).

Now let’s get back to the topics of DISCLOSURE and INNER EARTH BEINGS. These beings are actually of a HIGHER DIMENSIONAL FREQUENCY by default. They live in societies that are not just a few hundred years old, (as is the United States of America), or a few thousand as some other cultures on the planet are, but tens or hundreds of thousands or years of advanced civilizations. They could not sustain that unless they were indeed more spiritually advanced than we are of the upper earth.

When we connect this ‘dot’ of the definition of the NEW EARTH to the ‘dot’ of DISCLOSURE, (which is our reconnection with our star brothers and sisters whom we know as the GALACTIC FEDERATION, commanded in our solar system by the ASHTAR COMMAND under LORD ASHTAR), and to the other ‘dot’ of our earth ancestors who went into the INNER EARTH to protect themselves from harmful elements (which is our reconnection with the AGARTHA CITIES or which TELOS, located beneath MOUNT SHASTA, is the capitol city), it becomes quite clear that the beings who make up such a FEDERATION OF LIGHT in our solar system and within our earth might not actually desire to directly interact with beings who still possess energies within them of fear and separation.

If we take time to consider what a frequency vibration mismatch really is, we can easily see that the MAIN REASON any official public FIRST CONTACT has not been forthcoming is that there still remains upon the (upper) earth too much THIRD and FOURTH dimensional energies.

This then is the deeper story within DISCLOSURE: the beings of LIGHT that would get ‘exposed’ are not fully ready to be exposed… to us. It is not OUR leaders but THEIRS who are not yet in a hurry to mingle our frequencies.

Which finally brings us right back to ARCHANGEL LORD METATRON who desires to TEACH us using the higher frequencies of LIGHT on HOW we can raise our consciousness AND physicality into actually BECOMING that HIGHER FREQUENCY of LIGHT so that we can return to ONENESS with the CHRISTED INTERGALACTICS and INNER EARTH BEINGS.

‘CHRISTED’ is the key understanding here. After all, these are the only beings that an earth person desires to get “exposed”. No one wants the dark E.T. races to become our earthly partners on the upper earth (believe us). And a CHRISTED being is indeed one that has perfected the ability to live in a life of joy, compassion, oneness with respect and enthusiasm for all endeavors that are within the frequency of CHRISTED energy.

As this Angelic Spiritual Master has said, the summer of 2015 is an OPPORTUNITY to raise ones awareness. What awareness? The awareness is that each of us as members of humanity can become a CHRISTED individual.

As we all know, when opportunity knocks, we have to actually open the door. Many will not, especially those that are ‘mostly content’ with a 3D/4D way of life even if they desire things to get better; (‘mostly content’ means one has a routine in life that is preferred to remain stable over disrupting it. It is one who likes their current lifestyle even if it is not pleasant. Sure there are aspects that should be changed in their eyes, but that is only if those changes occur outside themselves: in their governments, in their businesses, in their communities. It is not about the change that demands going within to find the ‘thoughts and emotions of lower elements’ and correct them.

So even though we perceive that many will not open this LIGHT door of opportunity, it is our hope that many others will.


How do you open such a door? Obviously we have a biased answer. We would say you need to do exactly what we wrote earlier. OPENING the door means accepting that you understand not much can change on this earth until each soul (you) takes action to remove one’s personal 3D/4D views, biases, angers, fears, frustrations, judgments from within the subconscious and consciousness.

Basically this means once the door is open, you have to then WALK through it to the other side. You must take ACTION in a very concrete manner. Such action means exposing yourself, intentionally, to energies that you normally don’t experience in a daily life within the 3D/4D, that is, to seek out and find HIGHER DIMENSIONAL ENERGIES that can give you a NEW perspective and understanding. Even though the 3D/4D mind is incapable of understanding these energies, this is absolutely required because any consciousness cannot change (raise) it’s level of awareness without coming into contact with a source of HIGHER AWARENESS. (Another way to think about it: if we did not have to do anything to make the NEW EARTH a reality, it would already be here.)

Essentially we must be taught. Step by step, inch by inch. How long does it take to learn to SHIFT everything you know about yourself and your life from one level of awareness to another? We don’t yet know for the public at large but individuals can attain such enlightened understanding almost instantly, and then through the correct application of diligent exposure and persistent study go on to see real long term progress in as little a few years’ time. We have seen it in our students.

Archangel Lord Metatron is the Master Teacher for these particular FREQUENCIES OF LIGHT that are now open to us from the SUMMER SOLSTICE. Now that doorway begins its journey toward closing. For those who take advantage of it now, they can then build upon these frequencies and be ready to accept the NEXT OPPORTUNITY as these energies are always DIVINE stepping stones; building blocks of Light that, if used correctly, can accelerate one up in awareness step by step.


As a child you enjoyed Tinker Bell. She pleaded with all those who doubted Fairies existed to believe in her or else she would, literally, die. Was it a mythical magical tale?

The Fifth Dimension is one of magic. It is the magic of the HEART. And in that space many wondrous things occur, things that mere mortals of the 3D/4D can only dream about.

All opportunities come and they go. The question to ask yourself is this: how long can humanity go on before the opportunity to co-create the New Earth is missed? Again, our biased recommendation is that the time is indeed NOW as ignoring such an opportunity is taken on at the peril of our collective soul’s advancement as a race.

Are you going to be one who OPENS the door and then WALKS through it?

If you are such a ONE, as the originators of these messages and transmissions of LIGHT from the HIGHEST SOURCE OF ONENESS through the UNIFIED WHOLE, we are offering ARCHANGEL LORD METATRON’S TEACHINGS in a special package. We are doing this so that everyone can access the HIGHEST FREQUENCY teachings and utilize them during this OPPORTUNITY OF LIGHT to work specifically with his SOLAR ANGELS in getting a boost through the first Four Mastery Initiations, (along with our previous teaching about the Metatronic Seals and Golden Solar Angel). Reaching the 4th level of Initiation is neither quick nor easy, but this kind of assistance does not come along every day from the SPIRITUAL FORCES. Biased as we are, we HIGHLY RECOMMEND these teachings.

In the package material there are a total of FIVE teachings (approx. 12 hours of specific high vibrational teachings and attunements). With this summer offer each hour+ class is as inexpensive as just $14 or less for those of Normal and Modest Means (we have a sliding scale depending on your level of financial means).

As another GATEWAY OF LIGHT is quickly approaching, this offer is subject to change. Please go to if you are interested in accepting this opportunity with Archangel Lord Metatron and the Angels. (Naturally from our perspective as Spiritual Teachers, we hope you do.)

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. If you like this article please do the creation of the New Earth a favor and SHARE it | Make sure to connect with us in these ways:
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Metatronic Package of Teachings: Angelic Boost for the Four Initiations

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“The Solar Angel class from Lord Metatron is very powerful…I feel different…my imagination is more expansive and I trust my intuition more. Amazing! Thank you,” ~ Alysen

I, come forward as Lord Metatron at this time to assist any individual that would like assistance with their initiations of Mastery. I bring to you the availability of the Golden Solar Angels of Light and all angelic presences during this phase of teaching.It has always been my desire to come forward at a time that would be beneficial to the Spiritual Hierarchy, the Order of Melchizedek, and Initiates on the earth-plane that would be able to accelerate and yet balance their energies through the first Four Levels of the Initiations.As we have just experienced a beautiful teaching with one another within the Embody Your Solar Angel I want to continue this work of the Metatronic Seals but directing it in the manner of the angelic essence. We are all angels together. Each of you has come to Earth in that angelic form to assist Gaia and humanity in the transition towards Oneness. Within that process comes the journey of the Self that must be addressed within each soul. It can be long and arduous, but each of you that are ready at this time, can go through the process in a gentler way of acceptance.

This course series will entail working with your Solar Angel through the Initiations. We will, again, connect with your angelic self so that she/he can be your guide through those four levels that are the most important for a strong foundation. It will entail a step-by-step process to assist each of you to understand more about yourself while going through the acceleration phases.

It does not matter where you are presently sitting within the initiation as sometimes as an initiate, we have to go back to the lower levels to clear some elements that were not ready to appear until we get to the higher phases.

My role is not to teach you about each initiation but to attune you to the energetic exchange that represents each initiation while helping you to access your Solar Angel in the process. We will work through the Metatronic Seals in a different way than I have taught previously. I take on my essence as the Archangel and the Lord to guide each of you through Rev. Meleriessee through the process.

Each level of the initiations along with specific Metatronic Seals to assist in the process of full activation will be accessed in the succession of the classes.

Each of the specific Metatronic Seals that will be initiated and activated. Activation depends upon where each individual can hold the energies within their body, where they stand within their Planetary Ascension.

◊ Class No. 1 – Initiation 1
Inspiration – Representing the Etheric Body
Remembrance of the Angelic Presence and Grounding Process which will entail accessing Etheric Body so that the Physical Body can hold the energies.

◊ Class No. 2 – Initiation 2
Illumination – Representing the Emotional Body
Female Essence which will include accessing the feminine aspects within each individual so that there is more of a flow of those energies within.

◊ Class No. 3 – Initiation 3
Intuition – Representing the Mental Body
Male Essence – initiating the energies to help the Mental Body to understand the process of power and structure of the initiate.

◊ Class No. 4 – Initiation 4
Liberation from Wheel of Rebirth ~ Embodying the Higher Self
Integration of Masculine & Feminine Divine; Accessing the Higher Self – both of these seals work together as when the Higher Self is fully actualized at this stage, then the Masculine and Feminine work cohesively together.

This series of classes will help each initiate to go through the challenging periods with more ease and grace as it will connect them to their Solar Angel through the process. Many individuals do not realize that they are really angelic so the process of the initiations can be very challenging and almost life threatening to them.

I believe working with the Metatronic Seals and the Solar Angel will assist each initiate to walk through the necessary doorways and find the solutions they are searching for within their pathway.

This program will entail quite a bit of attunement elements so that they can be initiated within a person, then activated, and finally the actualization will occur when they have walked completely through the full Initiation Process. In previous timelines this work could take many lifetimes to achieve these results.

Each of the attunements can be utilized many times as elements will arise that that attunement will assist to allow the individual to find a stage of actualization within their four-body system.

In addition the energies that are being activated within the planet at this time are going to assist in fully accepting these energies within each individual. It is not a quick fix but it is accessing an assistant within your life to help you walk through the challenging moments of each initiation phase (which includes seven (7) sublevels of each initiation).

I hope you will join me with Walking Terra Christa in bringing this amazing class to each of you.

I am Lord Metatron
In service to all Initiates and Angels of this Earth

A Four-Part Series with Lord Metatron to assist individuals within the first FOUR INITIATIONS of Mastery. We have the unique opportunity with the use of the SOLAR ANGELS assistance to receive guidance and specific frequencies to make our progress through the early crucial stages of the Mastery Initiations be realized with more ease and grace. Each class is between 90 to 120 minutes in duration.


WE NOW HAVE A PACKAGED TEACHING OFFER to assist in receiving these timely FREQUENCIES OF LIGHT with the DIVINE LIGHT LANGUAGE ENCODING via Rev. Meleriessee.

1. Our two-part GOLDEN SOLAR ANGEL TEACHING (two-part series approx. 3 hours $88 value);
2. Our SOLAR ANGEL EMBODIMENT TEACHING (approx. 90 minutes $33 value);
3. Our CLARION TEMPLE TEACHING “ANGELS RETURN” (approx. 1 hour $22 value – read the transcript here);
4. And our CLARION TEMPLE TEACHING “GUARDIANS OF METATRONIC LIGHT” (approx. 1 hour $22 value – read the transcript here).

As a packaged offer this entire program of teachings from AA LORD METATRON and his ANGELIC FORCES ~ valued at $163 ~ now ON SALE representing significant savings:



Please make your selection:


For those who order the SOLAR ANGEL PACKAGE we offer the discounted individual METATRONIC SEAL SESSIONS to determine the frequencies to be accessed within the specific Metatronic Seals (Keys). 

If you haven’t done this yet, I highly recommend it. I had the [session] last week and have listened to the recording of the session diligently ever since. Each time I listen, I hear a new detail or understand a deeper layer then previously. It has been like someone helping me climb up a difficult mountain, a light shining on something I couldn’t see clearly – I am so grateful for the insight, clarity and advancement it has provided. Do it as soon as you can.” – K.H. (United Kingdom)

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. If you like this article please do the creation of the New Earth a favor and SHARE it | Make sure to connect with us in these ways:
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Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

Understanding How to Create the New Earth

New Earth Terra Christa

How do you interpret this?

“The hard part is over. The only thing left to do now is alter your expectations and enjoy the ride. You are a divine being of light and your true nature will soon be all you know. The pace is now accelerating and the coming changes will also be met by shifts in monetary systems, the political landscape and well as modifications in social and economical infrastructures. This will happen sooner than later, but likely before the end of this year. Many of these events will happen simultaneously and when the greater cycles begins, you will know. It will be difficult, but that is the time to be centered and focus on seeing all the good that will come in the age of empowerment. You are a truly empowered human…own your mastery.” –

My interpretation/opinion:
1. “The only thing left to do is enjoy the ride.” – This statement is the deepest type of subconscious programming of the dark agenda. Their role is to have you believe the New Age is going to happen if you just keep high hopes and share meditations of love and light together. There is no work that really has to be done other than that.

2. “…will also be met by shifts in monetary systems, the political landscape and well as modifications in social and economical infrastructures. This will happen sooner than later, but likely before the end of this year. “- This statement is a listing of all the things you already have been preprogrammed to want changed. The message is reinforcing to you that the change in all the crucial areas of your material life you are hoping will change, will in fact do so, and again without you lifting a finger. It does not tell you how they will change specifically, but you will fill in the back story yourself.

3. “It will be difficult, but that is the time to be centered and focus on seeing all the good that will come in the age of empowerment. You are a truly empowered human…own your mastery.” – This defines human mastery for you and lets you know that the message is real. For it is not a fairy tale if they tell you there will be difficulties. But again, they don’t tell you what the difficulties will be, instead the writer allows you to fill in the blanks from your own mind and emotions. But, again, the ultimate take away message tells you “don’t worry, be happy” as you are an empowered human in your own mastery and that means you don’t need to work at it, the universe itself is here to serve it to you as you are, after all, a divine supreme being who deserves it.

Disclaimer and Conclusion:

This is 100% my own opinion. It is not meant to disparage or be critical of any person. The writer/author of the linked article, like most visionary channels who desire to share information on the New Age is 99% correct in what is being said in terms of human consciousness and how it is changing. I simply found this article useful to demonstrate the very subtle subconscious programming that goes on within the vast majority of visionaries who are using only the gifts of intellect to share their information. It is not their programing, they are simply passing on and continuing the established dark agenda without knowledge that they are doing so. It is all part of the “just be the love and the light” packaging of disinformation by the dark agenda, who are very much still planning on having every human on earth NOT experience the true New Age, but their own Theme Park version of it.

What about the subconscious messages? At the end of the day, the only element the human system takes away from these types of writings, as brilliant as they are, is that things will get better if we just relax and allow them to happen. And while this is true in a Universal sense, it is not sufficient to change anything any day soon with regard to the specific types of change really required to create a New Golden Age that is universal and in unity for all humans.

Human Mastery in a New Age is affecting change by BEING the change. It means WALKING the talk, not just meditating and visioning ON the ideas of change. There are 1000’s of awakening humans who now have the gifts of tapping into the universal field and sharing tremendously great writings and ideas. But if they do not have a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of control, a true understanding of the ones that have been in control for 10,000 years on earth, they will simply become pawns for facilitating the actions of those controllers.

The TRUE SHIFT IN CONSCIOUSNESS is the same one spoken of by the visionaries throughout documented human history: Lao-Tzu, Confucius, Buddha, Jeshua, Muhammad, Ghandi, et al., who all spoke of going within to know what is without.

Mastery is just a potentiality unless each soul discovers who they are and how they manifest who they are in their physicality, for it is physicality that creates. Do you WALK THE TALK OF THE MASTER? Or do you still have weekly interactions with each other than cause you irritation, disappointment, anger, pain?

All the lower negative emotions are not caused by another, they are caused by your interpretation of another. The are simply MIRRORS of your level of consciousness being revealed to you. Invest in those reflections instead of being distracted by the ideals of visionary thinking, and then you will be on the road to empowerment and mastery, not just speaking about it. Do not disregard visionary channels, just understand that they may not fully understand how to create the visions they are perceiving.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Mel and Mike on Healing Conversations

Acoustic Health Mel and MikeINTERVIEW. One of the best explanations on being a Fifth Dimensional human upon Gaia. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden (Mel and Mike) of speak about the ‘real deal’ behind Fifth Dimensional Mastery, the Hollow Earth and what Ascension upon Terra Christa is all about. Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos the Lemurian capitol city gives a simple message through Meleriessee about how we must act now to create Ascension of our 3D energies.

Listen in as Lauren Galey of Healing Conversations on continues her groundbreaking interviews of prominent New Earth thought leaders who encourage each of us to consciously co-create our world. Past leaders include Bruce Lipton, Dan Millman, Dr. Emoto, Dr. Norm Shealy, Dr. Todd Ovokaitys, Drs. JJ and Desiree Hurtak, James Tyberonn, Jim Self and Lynn McTaggert among many others.

CLICK HERE to listen now to the 1 hour plus interview

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