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Standing Tall ~ Festival of Lights Full Moon Ceremony ~ February 2021

Ascension Mastery* Message for the Festival of Lights Full Moon Ceremony held on February 27, 2021 as brought forth by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee, Walking Terra Christa.

The full moon occurred on February 27, 2021 within the Moon of Virgo, and the Sun of Pisces as of 12:17 AM Pacific, 3:16 AM Eastern within Universal Time of 8:17 AM.

This article is a transcription of the messages that were received from Master Djwhal Khul, Master of Ceremonies; Lord Ashtar with the Galactic Federal of Light, Lord Sananda, with the Native Elders (from around the world), Lady No-Eyes, and White Buffalo Woman.

Lord Ashtar with the Galactic Councils of Light bring forth the Re-Initialization of the Ascension Columns of Light around the world with a special blessing from Lord Sananda on the Web of Light. The Whale and Dolphin spiritual community gives forth a divine blessing from their Hearts to Ours.

The Moon in Virgo represents our Physical Self or our Personality Self. It is our grounding. It is how we work through walking upon this Earth. The Pisces of the Sun represents our Spiritual Self, our vision. As the Moon in Virgo represents the personality of making sure we put things in order, the Sun of Pisces represents our Spiritual Self bringing forth the vision that we desire to hold from our Higher Self perspective.

As Virgo and Pisces come together it creates an opportunity for a doorway to open to allow our personality self to access more of our Higher Self’s energies in our physical consciousness. What happens through this process is there can be moments of transcending old elements that do not fit the Higher Self’s purpose. This moon is a very emotional one. It represents the Emotional Self. Grandmother Moon represents the Feminine Divine while Grandfather Sun represents the Masculine Divine. As the two of them come together, the Masculine Self walks with the Feminine Self.

It also brings forth the ability to find harmonious ways to step out of the box.

Master Djwhal Khul’s Keynote for this month is:

“The Moon of Virgo within the Sun of Pisces allows me to become One with the Vision of my Higher Self as I experience the Rebirthing of my Physical Self to become aligned with whom I Am Becoming through my Highest Good.”

The Highest Good comes from the perspective of the Higher Self, Monad, and I Am Presence which makes up our Twelve Light Bodies. 

Through the ceremony it is important for you to open up your Emotional Self. Allow it to flow. Allow the elements that you have been dealing with that are painful or restrictive to open up unto the blessing of your Higher Self for your Highest Good.

We gather together in our group Merkabah of the Rainbow Merkabah of Light. We call upon Master Djwhal Khul to guide us into the Golden Etheric City of Wakan-Soieka. We arrive within this beautiful ceremonial city into the stadium where we have visited many times before. There is a beautiful flame in the middle that goes all the way up into the higher levels of acceleration and Cosmic frequencies housing all the 22 Rays of God. We find our seats in the first row of the seating area. It goes all the way around. It is a circular ceremony of Light representing the Rays of God by representing the Elders that walked upon this Earth, the Native Elders. So, it represents the Medicine Wheel of the East, of new beginnings, of the South of emotional balance, of the West of the physical vision, and of the North representing our Spiritual Selves.

We call upon the energies of the flame in the middle that represents the Great Spirit. It also represents the Creative Source of Oneness of the 144th Dimension. We are joined by many Souls of many walks upon many planets of the Solar, the Galactic, the Universal, the Multi-Universal, and the Cosmic level along with the Christed Inner Earth Beings representing Telos and all of the Agarthian Cities, the Crystalline Cities, that represent their essences within the Earth as they hold that 5th dimensional frequency within the Core of Gaia.

We also call upon the Ray Chohans of all the Rays. We call upon the overlighting Masters, Angels, and Light Beings, the Inter-Galactic energies representing the beautiful planetary systems of Andromeda, Sirius B, Pleiadian, Arcturian, and many others that are part of the Galactic Federation of Light.


I, as Master Djwhal Khul, bring forth my blessing unto each of you in these moments. Thank you for joining us within our ceremony.

Mahlariessee has spoken eloquently of this Moon. The only additional comment that I have is to,

“Open yourself up. Allow your heart to be totally open, to be in the moment, and to accept what your Highest Self of your Higher Consciousness gives to you assisting you in your Personality Self to make the necessary changes. This is what we mean by ‘For Your Highest Good’.”

Take a deep breath into that and allow your Higher Self and those Higher Light energies, your Solar Angel to assist you through this process, your own Team of Light that walks with you and assists you in each process of the walk upon the Earth.

Let us begin with energies with Lord Ashtar and the Ashtar Command, the Galactic Forces of Light.


Greetings My Friends. I am Lord Ashtar. It is a pleasure to be with everyone once again to bring forth the dynamics of not only the Ascension Columns that are built around the world, but to bring forth more of those Ascension Light energies to assist each of you, to assist Gaia, and all of humanity.

The purity of this cycle is representative of what is going to be occurring throughout this year. There will be more and more closeness within the Higher Light energies and the physical energies on an individual basis. But it does not come without frustration and turbulence as the darker forces of light are continually trying to interfere with what humanity is creating upon this Earth, of creating a planet that can move into a 5th dimensional frequency of Light as what we feel here in these moments.

If you look at the flame, presently, there is one large Column of Light that represents everything that we do through Lady Mahlariessee as she has volunteered to work with us for many years to assist in the evolution of the planet to move into a higher frequency of Light.

Each of you being here with us in these moments are also Comrades of that Light, because the more that you enhance your own Ascension Columns, whether they are in your homes or private spaces, or in nature, through our essences that we are coming together in unity. It is absolutely necessary.

In just the last couple of weeks, we have an added element that we have brought forth into the Ascension Columns. The Sirian Council of Light is offering their assistance to bring forth a fine attunement of Light energies between EACH of the columns. There is nothing extra that must be said because they are now part of the process of these columns to be more powerful within each other.

This means that each of the columns can communicate with each other. It brings forth a fence-like energy around each of the columns. It is not just one line of filament; it is continuous all the way from the top to the bottom and into the Core of Gaia. This is going to create a grid-like substance of the Web of Light that will assist the Earth to vibrate on a more continuous level, and to allow these energies to move through each of you and around you.

We have added these energies because there has been some extreme interference that has been going on. Some of this is because of timelines opening up from old Sirian lifetimes that some of you may have been a part of. We are here to assist, to transcend those energies to allow every person that may have experienced such a planetary structure to move into that Higher Light frequency and to assist humanity, to assist this Earth.

We are here to assist in any way that we can. So, if you feel uncomfortable about any energies or seeing things that are not quite right, please call upon us through the Unified Whole Galactic Agartha Alliance; and we will assist you and we will be in your space to help you transform the energies at a higher level.

If you are utilizing the tools that Walking Terra Christa has given, please continue to use them, because they are very powerful and can assist, along with the transmission of this ceremony every month.

Let us continue and bring forth the re-uniting of the energies around the globe. If there are any areas that you know of that need assistance just place it in your mind’s eye. Do not go to the area, but just allow your mind’s eye to show a vision.

“We call upon the Unified Whole Command of the 144th Dimension, the 330 Rays of God, and the 352 Levels of Initiations of the Mahatma to assist in re-aligning all of the Ascension Columns that have been created around the world, inside your homes and spaces, along with any that have been intended to be in nature. We ask that this Divine Light energy to be re-initiated as the Divine energies come down through all the dimensions from the 144th into the planetary level of the Earth. We allow these columns now to be connected fully into the Core Essence of Gaia. Allow it to go into the Christed Agartha Cities, as all the cities have created their own Columns of Light with the express instructions through Walking Terra Christa. Each of us are now creating these Columns of Light together to bring forth the expression of the Creative Source of Oneness through all the dimensions, through all the Rays of God, through all the Creative Forces of Mastery, through Divine Mother Father God, through all of the Great Central Suns to come down through the Angels, for the entire Root Race that was created upon this Earth to come back into the Force of Light that it was. It shall be and never be changed again.”

Now actualize all these energies through this Divine Language Network Light Encoding.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

We allow this Light energy to now go down into the Core of Gaia. The new doorway has been opened.

Take a deep breath. My role with each of you is to assist. My role is to carry the Inter-Galactic Forces of Light through our Starships to help and guide humanity. We take this energy everywhere around the world. We take it to the areas that have geographically gone through this upheaval, and any areas of the United States with weather patterns and many areas of many other countries and continents.

We feel this Light frequency and allow the filaments from the Sirian Council of Light to surround the entire circumference of the planet.

This is our Web of Light.

I now extend the energies unto Lord Sananda for the blessing. Namaste’.


I come in Peace, I come in Love, I come in Mercy, I come in all the aspects of the Beauty that each of you are from your Highest level of creation into this physical extension upon the Earth. As you walk with this grace and beauty, please know that we are here to assist in this process.

We call upon the Web of Light that has increased in size every cycle that we come together in these moments. Feel the extension of this Light frequency coming into your own consciousness. Feel the vibration of the Beauty of Unity coming together in Oneness and for the highest good of the planet, the highest good of all that we are together in this Circle of Light. This Web of Light is vibrating and extending our Light energies into a higher level of acceptance that will create the aspects that you are desiring to hold within your Physical Self.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

I ask each of you to open your Heart to allow this level of Light vibration to come within you while you let it expand through your four-body system. It is the blessing that is absolutely necessary to hold in your own consciousness so then you can emit it out of your bodily system unto others just by being in that moment of feeling, of accepting, of loving to go deeper and deeper into your consciousness and into your physicality to change your Three Minds to blend as the One Mind of your superconscious, to allow your heart to expand into all that it is through the blessing of your Three-Fold Flame.

Each of you represent the Divine energy of Mother Father God in your own Heart. You are an extension of their Love.

I, as Lord Sananda, send this unto your heart in this moment. Just breathe into it and feel the exquisite joy, the pleasure of being in a state of serenity and compassion. Allow that to extend to all parts of your existence. Allow yourself to become One within it. This is the goal of true Oneness to first individually feel this Oneness.

Now we all extend our energies unto each other with all of the Masters, the Light Beings, the Angels, and the beautiful extension of the Inner Earth Agarthan Cities, of all those Souls. We come together in Oneness to bring forth a sense of compassion, a sense of moving forward one step at a time, allowing the changes to occur. Anything that you feel is affecting you of a lower frequency will just whittle away if you allow it to be. Allow it to be in a state within your breath, within your heart, into the state of Oneness that we are all bringing forth.

So Mote it Be My Dearest Ones. I walk with you in grace, in love, in beauty.

I am Lord Sananda.


We will now receive a blessing from the Whales and the Dolphins as they represent the Hierarchy of the Sea.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]


We, of the Whales and the Dolphins in group consciousness now bring forth our Divine blessing unto each of you, because you are assisting more deeply through these ceremonies than you can ever know. It is helping us; it is helping the physical habitation of our species. It is helping our Spiritual habitation to connect to the species. We are coming together more in the many avenues of the seas and the oceans around the world centering our Divine energies unto each of you within your hearts.

We, of The Whales, give you this message to be strong with what you experience in your histories. Some is good and some is not so good. So, concentrate mainly on the better aspects of your Etheric Self, the aspects that need to grow and be stronger than they ever have before.

We, of The Dolphins, want you to laugh off the pain. Laugh off what does not feel right and find that part, that centeredness within your Heart, within this Web of Light to assist you with the joy that is you. You may not feel it physically, but spiritually it is you. You have arrived. You have come onto this planet to assist all of us as we want to assist you.

[Blessing from the Whales and Dolpins from their language.]

We give you our blessing.


This is Lord Ashtar once again. Let us come together for another moment. Feel the exquisite connection that each of us has with the species of the seas, with the species of the lands, which is you. With the species of the Spiritual Hierarchy that have walked this Earth before. Now we are all walking it together in beauty and in grace. It is our pleasure of the Ashtar Galactic Forces of Light to assist each of you through the vibrational essence where we all came from.

Namaste’. Be at peace within.


I am Master Djwhal Khul. We now bring forth the Native Elders to ground this energy, to fully ground it and receive Divine messages from these Elders to assist each of you in your planetary functions.


AHO! We are the Elders from around the world of all indigenous races. We come together in this group consciousness to assist and give forth our blessing unto each of you.

We are deeply honored that we can come together in this way. Never before did we ever think that all of the Tribal Nations would come into the Oneness to assist the planet.

‘Standing Tall’ is the most important element that you can hold within your own reality. ‘Standing Tall’ of your convictions, ‘Standing Tall’ of your love, ‘Standing Tall’ of your fears. Because when you allow yourself to ‘Stand Tall’ then you can fully acknowledge what needs to change within yourself. Do not be afraid of yourself. Do not be fearful of the transitions that are happening upon the Earth or the transitions of your loved ones. Life is eternal. It is continually evolving. It is important for each of you to realize this within your own consciousness.

What is your new beginning for this Moon?

What is it that you desire to hold?

Allow the Mental Realm to become the active participant of all of the mental thoughts through the Higher Mind. Become One with your Higher Mind as you step into the Eastern Direction of the Wheel.

It will assist you to transform while you learn to walk differently than you have before. Changes will come; your Higher Mind will assist you to move through those changes. Fly like the Eagle above the difficulty but know that when you reach that difficulty that you are able to ‘Stand Tall’ to be part of that Divine Light.

As we walk around the Medicine Wheel, we enter the South, the South of Emotional Balance, the South of the Inner Child laughing at the situation. This is most important to realize within yourself that the issues that you are holding onto are just mirrors of what is inside you and for you to remove them. Allow the Joy and the Acceptance of your Emotional Body to shine within you. The Coyote is represented in the South Shield and what does the Coyote do? He laughs at you. So, laugh at yourself and continue the journey.

As we move into the West of the Vision of the Bear, go deep into your own consciousness. Look at that Vision. Be prepared to see all aspects of that vision and you shall become it. You shall become the roaring Bear; you shall become the strength and the power that you desire to be.

As you stand in the North of the White Buffalo of Abundance, this is where you truly reap the reward of your walk around the Wheel and become part of that essence. Allow your prayers to be heard, extend them unto each of us, extend them unto Mother Earth, Father Sky, Grandmother Moon, Grandfather Sun, extend it to the Cloud People, the Root Givers. Extend it to the Rock People, extend it to all aspects of the lands. Be One with the Earth but bring to the Earth the pure aspect of your Divinity of Light. That is what this cycle represents.

As we stand in the center and look at the amazing Flame of Light that is here that represents the Fire. The Fire of the Earth and the wind blesses us with change. The Sun beams down upon us to give illumination. Feel this power within you as you look at these Divine Flames that represent the Rays of God.

Spectrums of Light of your strength, your POWER, your LOVE, your ACCEPTANCE, your COMPASSION, your PURITY, and your CONSECRATION of your Divine Self. Of the blessing of feeling the serenity and the peacefulness to re-create through ceremony.

Allow the Seat of your Soul to be in your Thymus. Allow the blessing to shine. Allow yourself to bring forth the Higher Light Bodies, to bring forth the balance of the Masculine and Feminine, to bring forth those essences of MERCY, Compassion, and GRACE, to bring forth your Christ Consciousness to be an awareness that is not something that you think of, but something that you are, something that you become.

Allow the Higher Light Vibrations, the vibrational energies, allow the Divinity of Light to come down and shine upon your Crown chakra.  Allow it to extend into all that you are. Become the multi-dimensional Light. Become the Magenta of the Divine Love and Divine Inner Power. Feel that blessing that you are as you become All That Is, the Divine Mother Father God and what all of the Great Central Suns represent.

We extend this Light energy through our essences of our understanding of what the Spectrums of Light represent by walking in grace and beauty and with the power of all that you desire to be. Let it be! Let it become your reality.

Do not fool around anymore! It is time. This Moon and this Sun is giving you the blessing you have been asking for, the blessing to come into your Heart, the blessing to come into all aspects of your Etheric Self to change those timelines, to change the negativity. The more that you empower yourself to grow beyond what you are in this present circumstance, the more Light is achieved upon the Earth.

These beautiful Ascension Columns, they become stronger and stronger as you become part of that reality. Allow it to be. As we call upon the Great Spirit of Light, the Divine Essence of the Creative Source of Oneness through all the dimensional frequencies to come down upon this ceremony in this moment and give us this Blessing of Light. AHO! Now allow it to become your reality. Stomp your feet, shake your heads, allow this vibration to assist you.

[Chanting and Drumming]

AHO! Allow the beat of the drum to be the drum within your own heart. As you walk with the presence of the drum within your Heart, you become the Heartbeat of the Spirit.

We, of the Elders, are deeply honored to walk with you and grace you with our presence and to also help you throughout this cycle. Call upon us. Do your own ceremony. Walk with grace and beauty, with strength and power to bring forth the blessing of your highest good unto your physical reality.



Greetings My Friends. I am Lady No Eyes.

The message from the Elders is very much what I would want to share with each of you. The time has come to stop complaining. The time has come to stop whining. The time has come to stand with whom you are as a Higher Being of Light. Call upon these energies to assist you to acknowledge the presence of your past memories of walking in balance. If you cannot find those memories, then faith will guide you there. Faith will guide you through the darkness to break down the doors that are holding you back and allowing you to resurface as a Divine Being of Light with the presence of humility and humanity of being able to look into your heart and to see from whence you came and then it will push you to keep going into the next step of your creation.

The world needs you presently. This cycle represents that ability to come into true Oneness to allow every Soul that has the capability to step into that Higher Good that they are, to remind themselves that they are not what their lower self thinks they are.

Are you ready My Friends?

Are you ready Dearest Souls to fully step forward and acknowledge the truth?

That truth will set you free. But in retrospect you will have to break down those doors that you do not want to break down. But you must be strong, you must be diligent, you must be powerful, not from your personality, not from your ego, but from your Higher Ego that brings forth the sense of,

“I am doing this because I desire to be more to myself than I ever have, and I acknowledge this part presently. In the love and the light, I truly honor the Masters and what they are showing me and how they are assisting me and to allow me to grow and grow and grow. I extend it to all of humanity. I extend it to the ones that are arguing, I extend it to the ones that are fighting, I extend it to all the ones that are in isolation because I know. I have been there before.” 

You have been there before. You just do not want to honor that. Because in those moments of loneliness really comes the strength, really comes the stability, really comes the power to not be in that space once again.

I give unto you in this cycle the power of your agility to move forward, to be strong, and to stand within these energies to allow your Higher Self Consciousness to be more prevalent within your lower self personality. Let it change.

It is not easy, I know. But you must Persevere. You must work through these energies and allow the Divine consciousness that is here within this ceremony presently. Looking at all these Masters around you, they have done it before you. Acknowledge this, acknowledge it within your Heart. Acknowledge it within the presence that you are.

I am Lady No Eyes Visionary for this Earth. I extend my love and light unto each of you.


[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]


I am White Buffalo Woman. I bring unto you the blessing of abundance, the whiteness of the buffalo. Place it in your mind’s eye as we bring the buffalo here within this circle.

Think of what the buffalo has gone through. The purity of the buffalo has been acquired only through the trials of the darker buffalo. Bring that pure essence into your own Heart which allows you to extend all that you are and all that you can be into this moment of your re-creation.

I, as White Buffalo Woman, extend unto you the ability to die a death today, to die a spiritual death, to remove the cords, to remove the attachments, to remove all that does not serve your highest purpose in this moment.

[Chanting and Rattling]

Feel the Light, the transference of the rattle bringing the breakage of the old to no longer be part of your reality. It does not matter what it is. Do not think about why or how. You just let it go. Let it go through this Light energy.

I extend this prayer unto you, “Give it to me now. Give it to me in this flame, in this fire. Give it to me in all that you no longer want.”

You know what it is My Friends. You know! Let it come into this space and allow the vibration that we bring forth to assist.

[Drumming and Chanting]

Now let us rejoice, let us rejoice for the life that you are becoming.

[Drumming and Chanting]

Now feel this within yourself. Feel the change that has come over you. I extend unto you the prayers of Light and Love, and the presence of your Heart. Let it flow within you deeply and acknowledge it. Become it as you become One within yourself.

AHO! I am White Buffalo Woman.


Namaste’. It is I, Master Djwhal Khul. Let us take a moment of reflection.

Feel the blessing that you are becoming. Feel the strength but feel the illumination. I extend to you the Golden Yellow Flame that I am representative of. Feel the extension of what I have shared earlier.

“The Moon of Virgo with the Sun of Pisces allows me to become One with the vision of my Higher Self. Feel that vision. I experience the rebirthing of my physical self. I feel the vibrational change coming through my Four Body System to become aligned with whom I am becoming through my Highest Good.”

Now take a moment to reflect through your Higher Mind of, “What is that Highest Good for you?” Extend it unto yourself because it is your right to have this. It is your ability to hold the blessing of your Higher consciousness into your physical self within your heart and to walk with beauty and grace.

I am Master Djwhal Khul Spokesbeing for the Ceremony of the Festival of Lights. Feel and now look at the flame. It is almost like fireworks coming out to all of us in this circle.

We arise together, we raise our hands up in unison and we thank the energies of Grandfather Sun and Grandmother Moon for assisting us in this walk upon the Earth.

Feel the grounding that is happening to you. Now you connect to the inner Core of Gaia deeper down from this 5th dimensional energy, going downwards and then coming back up as she is giving unto each of us a blessing of her essence. Feel the vibrational change that is occurring within you in this moment.

Say unto the flame within your own essence, “What Is My Highest Good In This Moment?”

Take a breath and become it.

Namaste’. So Mote it Be; Let it Be Done. Let it Be Done Dearest Ones through the Heart of All That Is. We are One.

It is now time for us to leave the ceremony. We walk up the steps to the hillside above. We bid farewell to all these beautiful Souls. Please return at any time you would like throughout the month. Please know that these monthly ceremonies do not have to go away. If you find something that really helps you in this ceremony return to it again to help yourself go through it.

We gather together in our beautiful Rainbow Merkabah energy. We see a Vortex of Light of the 22 Flames. It now takes us out of Wakan-Soieka into the planetary level. Each of you shall now travel within your own Light Vehicle coming back into your physical body. Grounding these energies, take a breath. Acknowledge what has happened to you. If you found some inspiration, write it down afterwards. Work upon it and try to do your own ceremony.

The Full Moon is always active up to the time of the New Moon. Of course, the strength of it is very powerful right now and it has been for the last three days, so you may already be feeling these energies. It is my blessing to walk with each of you.

I am Master Djwhal Khul, Ray Chohan of Love and Wisdom, at your service.

If you missed the LIVE event, the recording can be listened to via this link.

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 *Ascension Mastery is the realized form of manifesting Ascension Frequencies where your vibratory rate actually increases over time due to the in-depth training (not the intellectual pursuit or study) and the acquiring of a higher Spiritual Essence. Everyone on Earth is already part of God’s Light and Love but that does not mean they as individuals (or collectively) are Ascending, or that Ascension is happening to them. Earth is at a cross roads of Spiritual Awakening to step into Ascension, but without each person taking on an individual personal life responsibility to change their lives into practicing actual Ascension energies there can be no real shift in frequency. Ascension as a concept, belief or a mystery to be revealed is akin to a mere informational level desired by the mental intellect and does not create the authentic higher Ascension Octave of Light and Love required for a New Earth to be created. Our mission as an Academy is to bring forth that actual level of higher love and light for you to learn to feel and acquire them. It is a process that will take any initiate/lightworker many years (even decades) to achieve just as it did for the Ascended Masters themselves. You may order our very powerful SPIRITUAL HEALING meditation as a great way to start using targeted meditations that go beyond what is typically used.  We also have the previously released SEVEN FREE CLASSES to help during these challenging times (visit to access).

Gathering together monthly at the turn of the new millennium, the early “Pioneers of Terra Christa” (as those individuals were termed by Spirit) did more in Service than has been accomplished for many eons of time. (And still importantly continues with those involved in the active gatherings of the Ascend.Earth project for the monthly Festival of Lights Walking Terra Christa events. The reason being that while these higher frequencies are not yet able to be understood from the human mental mind, continually attending these specific events throughout the year targets the crystalline frequencies to become acquired into the current human carbon based structure so they can be grounded. Individual humans are the one’s who ground the frequencies for Humanity as a whole, as this is how dimensional mass consciousness works, and why so many more individuals are needed for this higher level of service right now including non-English speakers, as it is more about the energies received than about the words being spoken.)

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2021 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!


With Master Djwhal Khul, Divine Mother Father God, the Native Elders.

This is the excerpt of the transmissions from Rev. Christine Meleriessee during the Ceremony we held. It is a very special event that assists each participant to receive their own gifts fully from WESAK* so they can share their gifts with Humanity through ONENESS thereby contributing to the greater good holistically and not from a desire to force change from a lower frequency.

Listen to the full teaching (an additional 20 minutes of introduction and elevation of the energies) to understand the Festival and how the Wesak energies are about the three festivals in sequence. This audio is listed in our free Audio mp3 library.

Teachings of the Full Moon of the Lion, February 2, 2015

full_moon-fbOur full moon ceremonies are now being extended with the beautiful energies of Master Djwhal Khul as he is working with Walking Terra Christa more deeply to help initiates to become Ascended Masters.  Part of his teachings through Alice Bailey was to invoke Festivals each month during the full moon.

Master Djwhal (as he calls himself) is very clear that he wants to have a festival each full moon including the Festivals of the Christ, Wesak, and Humanity.  Walking Terra Christa has always provided these three festivals each year.  Since Djwhal is working with them very personally, they want to invoke the other festivals within their full moon teachings.

So each month Master Djwhal will be participating within the energies as we invoke not only our usually full moon ceremonial energies within the direction of the monthly festivals.  This month represented the Festival of Aquarius.  We hope you enjoy reading the teachings that these amazing Beings of Light shared with us on February 2, 2015.


It is I, Master Djwhal. I am deeply pleased to be with each of you in these moments. Since this is my first time participating in the Full Moon Ceremonies, I would like to come through at the beginning and the end, so that you can experience the energies and frequencies as you usually do with the Native energies with Dearest No-Eyes and White Buffalo Calf Woman, to assist in this process.

The Festival of Aquarius represents the faculty of bringing forth the energetic exchange of what Aquarius may mean. Aquarius means openness. It represents fluidness, the ability to move from one place to another without any restrictions. We allow these energies to come fully within the temple this evening and within each of your Hearts. I connect with each and every one of you in these moments.

Our role is not to change what you have been doing, but to enhance it and bring forth the higher dimensions in an active role of continuation. What this festival represents is to allow your Heart to be totally free of any constrictions, of what your physical self may try to bring forth within your Beingness.

We bring forth the energies of Love and Wisdom of the Golden Yellow, feeling this Ray within the temple in this moment. It circles like a strobe of Light, moving into all areas of the temple from beginning to end. Feel the illumination of your Mental Mind. Allow your Higher Mind to fully come within you. We call upon the frequency of the Crystalline Flame. Utilize some sparkles of Green within the ray to assist you with Harmony, Balance and Beauty, as you go through the conflicts. The conflicts are always a lesson to help you get through the part of yourself that truly does not want to accept.

The Crystalline Flame is so very powerful, as it has that resurrecting energy. We bring that forth now within this Temple of Light and allow it to move into your full body system, your Physical, your Mental, your Emotional and your Etheric Bodies. Let it flow fully through all aspects of yourself that need to be purged.

The energy of this moon, as Michael has shared, is so very powerful to allow these energies to exist. We then call upon the Ceremonial Order, Magic and Structure to sustain all that, to be able to bring forth the Violet Purple Flame within your existence. It takes what you are experiencing with the other two rays, balances them out and grounds them to share with others. Allow yourself to see this flame fully coming within this existence. These flames are taking us to the 49th dimensional frequency. Allow it to come within your system through your breath. Allow the rays to flow and go wherever they need to be. Do not center upon a specific focus within your mind.

What you may not realize is that when you focus on one specific area, the other areas are not accessed and not being healed. We have to heal through the full-body system, which is what we would like to try teaching you to bring forth these efforts.

Take a deep breath in this moment to bring forth unto me what it is you desire.

What is it you need assistance with through the process of this moon?

Where are your deepest challenges coming up for you?

Some of the words I hear are “I do not understand where I am going. I am confused with what I am experiencing. I am lost. I have a hard time stepping into the ability to move into this frequency. I do not how to ground it. I am ungrounded”. I would like to bring forth some comments and Light energy to assist you in this process. Do not focus on any specific element, as I shared a few moments ago.

Your Higher Self knows exactly what you need. You fully need to accept that role within your life to surrender onto your Higher Self. It is the first stepping stone to your Monad and I AM Presence. You cannot jump to your I AM Presence from your physical. You may feel it, but what it does is create an over encompassing energy as it is 144 Souls of Light. Sometimes within your lower self, you will not be able to assess it. You are trying to locate what the reasons are, how it is done, and how you can get there. I ask you to not focus on one element and just allow these frequencies to come into you.

Say onto us now,

“I desire change within my Physical Body. I desire to do this in my life. I desire to feel differently about this. I desire to remove. I desire”.

About the other elements of being lost I will say that part of the Mastery Pathway is that you will feel lost. You are alone, physically. It is why we come together in this way. It is why I am stepping forward through Meleriessee and Michael in order to assist each of you to go into a deeper part of yourself. It is time.
The work that needs to be done must be more concrete. It needs to be more physical. You cannot be floating in the higher realms any longer. The teachings have been brought through many different individuals. What I would like to bring forth is a practical experience for each of you. The other element I would like you to see within yourself, are the changes you are making. Thus, it is important to reflect within yourself.

Journal; if you are not journaling, to allow these energies to come to you so that you can get it grounded. The ones who do not feel grounded, you are dealing with your higher Chakras. You are not dealing with your lower Chakras, as you do not want to go there or you are told by others that you do not have to go there, that everything is Light and Love, that you are just a Divine Being of Light. It is true, but within that Divine Being of Light, you are not fully accessing that energy within your physical self. You are accessing it within your Higher Mind. That is why the lower initiations can be so very difficult.

This is what we bring unto you tonight through this moon, to assist you in this process, and bring this energy fully down into your Earth Star, into the Earth. The more you do so, the more you will help others. This is where it needs to be, concrete. Not concrete in your mind. Allow the Illumination to come to you. Allow the regeneration of the Crystalline Ray and then the balance of that magic to flow within your world to create structure. Not a physical structure, but a magical structure within your world. This is what we are bringing forth in these moments.

Let us take a deep breath.

Acknowledge your Higher Essence in this moment for whom you are.

Acknowledge what you have become. Acknowledge who you are as we bring forth the illumination of the Light, ease your mind.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

We now bring in the Crystalline essence to purge what needs to be released. As you illuminate your mind, you allow your Higher Essence to fully be within you. You have to go into the deeper parts, into that Root Chakra, into the deeper core of your Being you do not want to look at. Let it be regenerated through the Crystalline Flame.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Now we bring in the Violet and Purple to ground those energies and create structure through your higher essence into your physical essence. Allow them to merge.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Breathe and allow whatever is coming up for you to be illuminated through the Love and Wisdom. Allow the Violet Purple Flame to transmute it, while the Crystalline Flame allows you to resurrect from the old into the new. It is my divine pleasure to be with you. I will return at the very end, as now you have worked through the elements of your true native ceremony, your true physical essence, to allow it to expand.

All my blessings. Namaste.


It is I, No-Eyes. Aho, Aho, Aho,

It is my pleasure also to be part of this miraculous ceremony with Divine Being Master Djwhal. I come with the frequency of the many elders and teachers that are here. The teachings that are coming into the Earth at this time are assisting each of you to go into a deeper level of your existence.

I say to you, do not be fooled by words and by pictures. Do not be fooled by anything but listen to your own true self. That true self is going to change. It will change as your acceleration changes. You will be able to look at yourself and say “Why did I think that way about myself at that time? Now I see things so differently”. That is the beauty of allowing the illumination of Light to come fully within the planet. I love the essence of the moon this month. It brings in the essence of power, strength, and courage that the lion gives to us.

It brings forth the availability to come in a softer manner. We all know that struggles occur in many different ways. Some individuals are very addicted to those traumatic experiences. They may not understand that they are addicted to those frequencies, but it seems like when you are in the state of turmoil, you feel like you are doing something. When you are in a state of silence and feeling peaceful, the physical essence can be very uncomfortable within that. You are not taught to condition yourself to the silence, to the healing, and to the serenity. Yet, when you do go in there time and time again, the more often that you do, you say to yourself “Why have I not done this for myself previously?”

I say to each of you about this month, there are many great changes within the Earth that we still have to go through and that you have to experience physically.
Each of you is doing your part to make it better, just by being here in these moments.

I look forward to the day when we can all be together, do a full ceremony and embrace one another physically. Right now, my Heart is very open to the transference of energies you are going through especially, the younger ones who are newer on this pathway. Many of you have large egos. You think you have a better way of doing it. Yet you will learn through your own processes and your lessons, it truly is not the way to go about your lessons. There will be a great amount of lessons for those that step into the lower egos, who think they have many of the answers, when yet it is only beginning. This is truly what you and the Earth are experiencing. If we take all those unawakened individuals with the egos of their physical selves very intact, thinking that things are just going to be fine as the Earth is going to change on her own. They do not do anything about it for themselves.

This causes confliction to go out among the environments, to the lands of the people and the animals. We have a class of those who want to heal and are working against each other. You are doing the healing. You are bringing that essence unto the lands of the people and the animals. The others are doing the same thing. They do not know that it is what they are doing, but in truth it is so. The duality of this planet is very strong right now. The best way you can get through this process is to know yourself and continually go deeper within yourself. It is what this month represents.

The winter is always a time, just like the bear going into the cave, to go deeper and deeper within them-selves to see the visions for their future when they come out of the cave. Take advantage of this time. Go deeper into yourself. Allow the beautiful purification of these essences that are coming forth of what beloved Master Djwhal has given us. The Lion gives us within the sign of Aquarius representing the fire energy, but it is diffused.

There is still fire within this essence, yet it is coming in at a different rate than it did before. The process of understanding what is occurring must come from the Higher Mind. It must come from the Source of Light that you are and bringing that forth into yourself, into the planet, to allow it to extend onto others. You do not have to do anything physically. It is not the purpose in these moments. The Earth will change with each of your help. She will strive to be better, because you are striving to be better. This moon represents that. There will be changes. There will be different weather patterns.

There will be environmental patterns that are going to try and make you stop. Do not stop. Allow the fire of this Lion to be fully within you. Keep purging and give yourself compassion and love. That is what he is giving to the planet at this time. It is the purification of your essences coming into full balance. I ask you to go into your core. I ask you deeply in these moments. Reflect within the balance that needs to be acquired upon this Earth.

We call upon the energies of the East and the Eagle, the Mental Realm, to be fully revealed through the Lion. We call upon the energies of the South, of the Coyote and the laughter, to bring forth the Emotional Balance. We call upon the energies of the West, of Raphael and Physical Healing. We call upon the energies of the North, of the Buffalo and the spiritual essence to allow the Higher Ego to be in all these aspects. We call upon the Source of Light, the Great Spirit. We call upon the energies that bring forth the Light into our world, into our existence in each moment. Let us breathe and bring forth that essence now.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Let us dance, let it burst out of you into this beautiful temple of Light. Allow these beautiful rays and these beautiful essences of the four directions, so that you can come into the middle and be all the directions. In balance and Light, allow it to be your guide. Allow it to be your role of existence. It is your divine right.

With deepest gratitude, Aho!


Aho, and Greetings,

It is our deepest desire to connect with each of you as you sit within the energies of this circle together with us. We are the Native Elders of all races upon this Earth.

We find ourselves here with all souls of many dimensional levels. Each one has walked the pathway of what it is like to be within a bodily structure of a planetary existence. What you experience within these essences of energies is indeed for your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual illumination.
Taken as a totality of Beingness, that is what gets you closest to your truest essence. It is the only pathway, which can bring you to experiencing what it is like to harmonize and commune within the energies of the Great Spirit, of your Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Self. As most Native traditions and indigenous ways have taught you, it is by bringing these elements into your daily life, into the way in which you carry yourself within your morning, your afternoon, your evening and your night and being one with all the elements around you. Be one with the four directions and the four elements of the wind, the earth, the fire and the water. These are not just words to recite in your ceremonies.

The fire represents purging. The water represents healing and soothing. The air represents your newness, your regeneration. Bring those essences within you and then expanding them without every moment that you walk upon the Earth. There is much beauty in this way of life. There is more joy, there is more harmony, there is more connectedness to your fellow human beings. Within this connection is your true family, your true heritage. It is where you bring forth that love and compassion, as it extends from yourself and being within yourself. It cannot be any other way. You cannot look outside yourself for that which you do not have. Those are the elements these ceremonies bring you.

You know everything that we are saying, but it is our role and our honor to remind you. It is so easy to get lost within your modern world, to forget who you are and to forget how you are a being of Light. We know that there are many elements within each one of you. They arise to the surface because it must be made aware within your consciousness what they are.

It is at this time in the history of your world, that the energies of Great Spirit, which encompasses all of the frequencies of your spirituality within the masters who join us within these ceremonies to assist you greatly. In past times you have been mired into accepted ways of being that prevented you from seeing the entirety of whom you are. This is what we want to bring you. This is what we want you to be more aware of. It is truly wonderful that we can do so at this time.
As we take up the drums and bring about the energies and frequencies of these elements within words that we bring you, celebrate with us. It truly is your Divine Right upon this pathway of being within a physical body, to actually transform not only yourself, but the entire planetary structures. There are many, many, many Beings who watch you and hold your endeavors deeply within their Hearts because of what you do and because of what you will accomplish.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}



It is my divine pleasure as White Buffalo Calf Woman to be with each of you in these moments for another moon ceremony. It is so very exciting to see the energetics that are being experiencing by having Master Djwhal with us in this ceremony. We all know that We Are One. We all know that we are within the Unified Whole essence. Yet to hear the knowledge from each individual and to bring forth their frequency of Light within this beautiful temple, within our ceremonies this month, to me is such a gift onto myself.

We, as Natives, have a tendency within our timelines to think that we are the only ones who can achieve the end results of what we desire. Yet here we are within this consciousness, within this frequency of Light and communicating with one another. Our messages may be a little bit different, but they are very similar as what your thoughts are in this moment. We all desire to achieve Oneness upon this Earth, upon Gaia, to walk onto Terra Christa together. This is what each of you is learning every moment of your days.

Are you making reflections of what you are experiencing?

You will want to reflect upon them in years to come. From the beginning times, when duality was still so very strong and when the beauty of all that we are together will come together. That is my prayer for each of you, for you to remember and reflect, to journal and write about what you are experiencing in these times. It is a book that will be remembered by many.

In this moment, I would like to share with you the ability for you to have the magic within your world, to state your prayers and to see them coming back onto you. See them and do not be waiting for many years in between. The energetic exchange of the planet, yes, in that is great duality and conflictions within weather patterns in all different parts of the world and conflictions within people. Yet, if you believe, you shall receive. That is what I love so deeply. It is to see within the Hearts and minds of the souls that I work with what they have achieved.

When you achieve something in your life, no matter how big or small it is, it gives you hope to continue the process. The more hope we have, the more hope others will have. There is a way. You are finding all the ways to do what you need to be doing. Let us reflect unto each other in these moments in this beautiful temple of Light with all these colors swirling around.

The directions become one within your Heart, within your Four Body System, accepting the beautiful animals that represent these energies. Let them come into your Heart. Let them come into your mind’s space. Your mind is being illuminated. You can feel the Harmony and Balance within your world. You are purging. You are allowing the essence of the Lion to come through to you in these moments. Let us connect with this beautiful Lioness. Allow her to come into you now to remove the aspects you no longer need and to have compassion and love for what you are going through.

When you put compassion into your removals, it helps to process them. It helps for them to be released through the entirety of these essences. Call upon your Higher Self in this moment to bring onto you the essence of the Lion.

See the Lion now within this beautiful temple. She is not fierce, but she is strong. She is not aggressive, but she is assertive. She is full of love and wants to bring forth that love and compassion onto what you need to purge to come through to you now. We call upon the energy of the Lion, the essence of the Lion, to come fully into your existence.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

I am the Water, I am the Air and I am of the Earth. I extend onto you the ability to feel the power of my Light through this moon to find the harmony and the delight of what you are experiencing.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

I am One with each of you.

What do you ask? What do you desire in this moment?

Give it to me.

I, as White Buffalo Calf Woman, will take your prayers and eliminate all your worries, so that you may achieve your desires. I feel the purging occurring now. I feel the Light that you are. I see the gratitude. I see the prayers you desire. Let me take them. Let me take all your worries. Let me take all you do not desire any longer, so that you may achieve your purest essence within the physical existence that you are.

Feel this essence coming unto you now.

Feel the power of what you want to create in your world. Be it. Be this essence. Be all that you need to be, as the clouds are eliminated.

Grandfather Sun is shining brightly upon each of you, grounding it deeply into whom you are. Let it come into your full existence, into every cell, every molecule and every part of your physical existence. Let it come to the soles of your feet into your Earth Star. Become the new essence that you are. I walk with you in beauty.

I AM White Buffalo Calf Woman.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

It is I, Djwhal Khul, once again.

Allow your mind to be illuminated to feel the Higher Mind. Allow the Lower Ego to dissipate. It does not matter what it has been. Allow it to dissipate, as you bring in the Harmony and Balance. Allow that to flow within you. We feel the resurrection you have become. You create the Ceremonial Magic in your world. Feel the Purple Violet essence of the Cosmic Frequency of this Ray to fully be with you.

Walk with it, experience it. Put it deeply into your physical existence through all that you are. As you see what we have done, we have allowed the Higher Essence to be initiated. You walk through the process of your ceremony with these beautiful beings of Light, the beautiful elders and Native teachers that help you to ground this essence. We bring that frequency back, as you see these amazing colors of the Golden Yellow meshed with the Crystalline and the Violet Purple. You become these essences within yourself. Now we have fully activated them. Allow that activation to come within you now.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

I am bringing forth the essence of your I AM Presence and the HUM represents it blending together with your physical essence.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Breathe deeply. Ground it fully within all aspects of your being, activating all these essences that you are. The next step will be for you to actualize them, which may take some time. The effect of activation does not mean that it will hold it physically, although you can when you are willing to remove all the lower aspects of Love and Wisdom of the Crystalline Flame and of Harmony and Balance, to remove the conflict, and Ceremonial Magic, which represents your Crown Chakra, your Root Chakra and your Sacral Chakra.

All these essences together with the energy of Aquarius being in this sun sign at this Full Moon, allows you to relax and bring them fully within you. Expand the love and compassion that you are to be within you and it will seep out of you. It is just like when you put something in a container, say a liquid. When you clean out that container, there are still parts of that substance in that container until you fully wash it out.

Now you are not washing the essence out of you. It is expanding out of your Four Body System. It goes into the world around you.

Let us intend what you have received today to expand this energy 144 miles beyond your own frequency, beyond your own Auric Field. Think about how beautiful that is. This is giving service. It is learning to give service on the Mastery pathway.

It is my divine pleasure to be with each of you. I look forward to our next meeting together.

I AM Master Djwhal Khul at your service. Call upon me for any assistance that you desire in your future moments.


Walking Terra Christa holds a full moon ceremony each month.  Details and recordings are available via their website, Free Mastery Teachings.

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Celestial Energies Equinox Ceremony and Channeling

Earth - Equinox
Allowing The Higher Frequencies To Blend With Gaia Through Your Essence Into Hers


If you have been feeling the energies of this Equinox, this call will assist you to fully integrate those energies.  Then you can share them with Humanity and Gaia.  Click the underlined link as this is perhaps on of the most high vibrational tele-calls we have done to date to assist you in shifting into the New Earth Energies.

We etherically travel to the 10th Dimensional frequency.  Most will feel the vibrations on this call for certain.  Plus an important message about each of us grounding these frequencies into Gaia.

Blessings In Oneness!

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