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Lord Metatron shares how an initiate can understand how to walk into the 2nd Initiation of the Emotional Body by first accessing their Angelic Presence, of the 1st Metatronic Seal – Integration & Initiation of the Solar Angel.

In order to walk through the higher initiation with a feeling of synchronicity an individual must first realize the potential they have as a Soul within their Physical Self.

Many awakened individuals do not realize the potential they have as being that person that has opened up their Etheric Self to the realities of many dimensions of light. They have a sense of their ego telling them that they are special and do not see that what they have been given is the doorway to be opened into their Soul’s History of Light, the Etheric Self. They may even get caught up in thinking that they have all the answers, that the messages they receive are within God’s Light, just because the window of opportunity has been opened for them.

It is important to realize that in order for an Initiate to fully accept their potential as an awakened soul, that they have a responsibility to their physical self and others around them. I see this happening so often amongst the souls that are opening themselves to new avenues of inter-dimensional light.

When a person awakens to the fact that there are other realities that they can perceive, the leave the Hall of Ignorance. This allows them to walk through a doorway into the perception of their Etheric Self, the Soul’s Body of Light that has been with them for all of eternity. They then move into the Hall of Knowledge – in which they learn their lessons; and then the Hall of Wisdom, where they gain the golden nugget of learning each lesson.

Now the Etheric Body is just like all the other bodies of light; it has been asleep and now has the reality that it is part of a greater whole within the consciousness of the four-body system. It has all the feelings, the realities of all experiences in and out of the body, it brings froth the remembrances of past timelines which are good and bad to help the individual self to heal from the inside out.

In many individuals that are able to see through the Eternal Truth of who they have been, they will realize that they are more than their mental mind perceives them to be. They may even realize that they were an angel in the first incarnation and bring forth that element of actualization into the four-body system. An initiate that perceives this part of themselves will go far in their studies of their eternal self. It is a very special person that can understand that this is part of their evolution.

It is represented by accessing and acknowledging the first Metatronic Seal, Integration and Initiation of the Solar Angel.

The Solar Angel represents the first entryway of understanding your Soul’s history. It serves as the first incarnation from formlessness into a reality under the guidelines of Divine Mother and Father God. You see, the Solar Angel represents the ability to realize that the first step has been initiated. As an Angel, it was your entry level into the awareness of the Angelic Presence. Each person has a Solar Angel and is the bridge to the higher reality of your Higher Self.

It is within this stage that the Soul Essence realizes the potential that they have to integrate the Solar Angel within the Physical Self. It is the first step to Self-Realization that the Mental and Emotional Body is aligned with the Etheric Self as this part of the reality knows the potential that an individual has within themselves.

As your Solar Angel is initiated within your consciousness, you then become the integration of both – the Angel you are and the Higher Self you are. This is because you are existing within a physical body and all realities are possible.

It is within this stage of your evolution as a soul that you leave the Hall of Ignorance and fully accept the potential you are through your Etheric Self.

Many initiates go through this process in their altered states of reality. The potential is to allow the Conscious Mind to remember the Angelic Self so that it can start to work as One. If an individual has the potential within their Etheric Self to remember the Solar Angel, then the process of their initiations will go much smoother than someone who has no conscious memory of the integration.

It is about allowing the process to occur – not through control mechanisms but being in a State of Allowance – that all things are in alignment through the higher dimensional realities into the physical state of existence.

It is important to realize the potential you have to initiate your Solar Angel, as it is the doorway into your Etheric Self, the Soul’s History of Light.

This is the first seal that is most important for every initiate to access as it is the bridge unto the higher light they are. It also has the potential to assist the mental and emotional bodies to come into the alignment of the four-body system. It will create a pathway for the initiate to go through their lessons at a much lesser degree of intensity, because they will have accessed the Pure State of Allowing the energies to work with them and not against them.

My suggestion for each initiate is to call upon their Solar Angel to assist them to know themselves on a deeper level. We have to remember that the Etheric Body holds the history of all that you have experienced as a soul in and out of body since it’s time of inception. The Solar Angel is the Bridge to the Higher Self, bringing forth the 4th initiation of the integration of the Three Minds within the Three-Fold Flame of the Wisdom (and Will), Love, and Power of each Initiate and Master.

Start first and foremost with the Solar Angel; try not to jump into the Higher Self. Sometimes initiates forget the process of the Solar Angel so the transition to be One with the Higher Self can sometimes be more challenging. It takes longer to feel the Higher Self essence because the Etheric Self has not been activated so there can be a struggle for the interaction to occur. It does not mean it won’t happen, but it will be a much longer involved process.

Take time within your breath, to relax your full body system. Use the breath to help you relax your heart and allow your angel wings to spread from the back of your shoulder blades. Sit quietly with this energy so you can then allow the wings to spread. Notice what your thought and your emotional process is at this time. Feel the joy that becomes you. Then, call upon your Higher Self to be part of the process.

The more often you use this exercise the easier it will to connect to the Divinity of Light that you are from the angelic standpoint into your Higher Self Essence. Use it daily to fully feel this presence. It will assist you with working through the emotional and mental turmoil that your other bodies are dealing with. Consistency is the key to achieving this part of your mastery.

I am Lord Metatron at your Service.

Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

Interested in fully understanding how the SOLAR ANGEL can benefit your Ascension and getting the higher energetic transmissions to assist you to do so? A very powerful class given by Lord Metatron and Lord Saint Germain begins today. 

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Cosmic Heart

Lord Adonis is a Cosmic and Galactic Master that is the guiding force of the Divine Heart of the Universe through each soul on the Earth. He will be working with Walking Terra Christa to help individuals to access this light force within themselves using a Cosmic Transference Light Encodement attunement. (Plus receive a 16 minute Guided Meditation when you register.)
Join us live or via MP3 for this special teaching May 7th, 2016: REGISTER: OPENING THE COSMIC HEART

by Rev. Christine Meleriessee 

Greetings My Fellow Divine Beings of Light,

I am here on this day to assist each of you to bring forth more light essence into your Divine Heart so that you can truly realize the potential that you are through each action, thought, and emotion that you embody. I am Lord Adonis at your service.

My role is to help each soul on this earth to fully embody their divine given talent of their heart essence to be fully expressed in their lives. I know you are aware of your timelines (whether you remember them or not) as your Etheric Body is not within the Divine Essence of your Being. It is encased with all that you have been in all elements of your experiences as a soul in many incarnations whether it was planetary, galactic, or angelic. Yes, you may still have elements from your angelic heritage that needs to be cleared.

You must remember that as an angel, your first incarnation in form, had a huge job to do and it did not always go well. You became grounded within this earth or another planet in a different galaxy. Right now you hold all of that within your subconscious mind.

So how can you reflect a pure heart essence if all these elements are apparent in your consciousness?

Well, you cannot and no one expects you to be perfect. That is why we as the Cosmic Masters, the Galactic Masters, and the Solar Masters along with Planetary Master are here to assist you in this process of your pathway towards the Divine Heart Essence that you are.

You see, the reflection that you see in the mirror is only a moment of recognition.

How many times during a day do you look in the mirror?

What do you see?

Is it different each time?

These thoughts all relate to the same element of what is being transferred into your Heart Essence through your consciousness. If you are not aware of your higher consciousness on a moment-by-moment basis, then you are not going to be able to access the Divinity of your Light within yourself. You then are going to see what your physical consciousness is giving to you, not your Higher Self or Super Conscious.

It is important to realize that what you are thinking is a reflection of your subconscious thoughts that come into the physical consciousness.

So what happens when you allow your super conscious or the Higher Self Divine Mind the accessibility of those thoughts within you? Well, then you are able to better access your Divine Heart Essence.

It is my role to help each of you to achieve this element within your life. It is essential to your life path for the New Earth and accessing the higher dimensions physically within your body. When you don’t realize that there needs to be a change, then the transformation cannot occur. It becomes part of the same cycle repeating itself over again within your mind. That is being on a merry-go-round of life. You never seem to get off; you don’t access any other elements that can help you achieve the Cosmic Heart that is you, because you did not know that you could stop the process.

Awareness is a wonderful element to have in our lives, but the important part is to realize what that awareness brings to your consciousness.

If you don’t have the accessibility to look within yourself and see the changes that you are going through, then you cannot step forward. You will stay stuck within those energies even if they are a positive experience for your soul to realize. The process of your evolving soul is to allow it to move forward in the time and space that is feasible for you while not getting stuck within it. This creates lower ego thinking that will not allow you to step out of your own troubled self and into the transformative self that you desire to acquire within your life.

As you go through higher vibrational challenges, it is important to realize what you are experiencing during that movement.

Then, you must ground the energy you have becomes. Sometimes as a physical self you will not be able to hold unto all the vibrational change within your full body system, but again, I use the word Awareness.

You must realize what the change has done for you, how do you address it in your physical life through your emotions and your thoughts.

How has it made a difference in your life.

And, the most important element is what has happened to you physically?

Is the body changing, or the way that you project yourself to the outside world is different than it was previously.

I will tell you that each of these vibrational changes that you experience through the planetary alignments or mis-alignments are meant to bring forth an awareness of whom you are at a given moment, what is the lesson that you need to learn and are you adhering to the rules of the Universe.

These elements are very important because you are a physical being that is trying to access your spiritual essence, to become the enlightened spiritual being in a physical body. That in itself is a huge doorway but it must be acquired in small steps as your reality will adjust through each process. The important focus should be in your consciousness to realize what is happening to you through that acceleration.

Many lightworkers think that they already have everything into place because of their awareness of the spiritual world. But that is only the beginning.

The next phases must include the process of accessing your spiritual mind into the physical mind. That cannot be done in one quick swift movement and then all of a sudden it is done. It must be acquired through each moment that you are accelerating and then learning to hold it within your physical self. Utilizing the Higher Mind in your meditation will help you to access it in your physical mind. Remember, the essential component is to allow the Higher Mind to work with the Lower Mind. There is no separation; it is a merger of the highest conditions.

So now that you realize that it is a process of allowing the energy to be integrated within you, focus on grounding it into all parts of yourself, through the Physical, the Etheric, the Emotional, and the Mental. Feel the different elements in each of the different bodies. Allow the healing to go into the Etheric body which may cause moments of realization of old timelines or just a thought process to be acknowledged within you.

Take the time to feel how it is being accessed within your consciousness, and if there are any elements that need special consideration. What emotions do you present within yourself and allow the thoughts that go along with those feelings to be acknowledged. Tap into your sub conscious thoughts – have they changed or are they getting more charged with other energies. Utilize your tools, like the Rays of God to remove the elements and receive the healing that you need.


Then, and only then, look within your Heart Essence with your breath. Close your eyes and allow yourself to go into a deeper level than before. See yourself evolving into your Divine Heart. Check to see if your Higher Self present through the process and thank their essence for assisting you.

The most important element is not to take these movements for granted. You cannot just allow the change to be within you and then go about your day. If you truly want to create the Divine Heart to be embodied within you, then you must allow yourself to be nurtured and accepted through the process.

This means that each time there is a moon cycle, a planetary cycle, or you participate in an attunement or teaching, you must allow your physical self to accept it. You must come in through your physical senses, your emotions, and your thoughts. Your subconscious mind needs to heal and in turn, all of this transformation will allow the Etheric body to heal. Your chakras will align more perfectly than before; you will feel better physically, emotionally, and mentally.

Now the Divine Heart is being accessed through your Divine Mind of your Higher Self, your Monad, and your I AM Presence.

Through each step you should feel that you have made an achievement of your acceleration from the Soul essence into the physical essence so that they become One essence. This process is not going to happen overnight, but you must access it through each change you go through.

I know that you have busy lives but there is a reason you are awakened. You must remember the most important element is Your Healing. That is your contract with your I AM Presence and your Divine Mind that needs to be adhered to. Then, and only then, will you be able to step out into the world with confidence and humility of who you are and what you have achieved. This allows you to gain the Wisdom of your Divine Mind to be fully accessed within you.

It is my pleasure to work with each of you through your transition and evolving spirit.

I AM Lord Adonis at your service, in Oneness of the Cosmic Forces.

Note: For assistance in understanding and receiving a Divine Light Language attunement in these energies, join Walking Terra Christa on Saturday, May 7th, 2016 at 12:30 PM Pacific as we connect with Lord Adonis. He brings for a special dispensation of the Divine Heart of the Universe offering an attunement of Cosmic Transference Light Encodement. To join live or via MP3 audio recording click OPENING THE COSMIC HEART to register. 

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and THIS  IMPORTANT BUTTON LINK: WE NEED YOU! PLEASE VISIT IAMTHE144.ORG IF YOU LOVE THE EARTH AND WANT TO HELP RAISE THE PLANET’S VIBRATION!


Cosmic Heart

Lord Adonis teaches on the Law of Correspondence on Saturday, May 7th, 2016 as we travel to the Sacred Heart Temple of Oneness within 144th dimension in the Commemorative Hall to receive an attunement to assist our growth and acceptance of our own Cosmic Heart. See: Getting Physical: Holding to the Universal Law of Correspondence.


If you have been a student of the work of Ascension Mastery Training, you know that the Rays of Vibration from the Great Cosmic Core are reaching Earth with an increased intensity since the close of the year 2012. Because certain human souls who have contracted to be here at this time have consciously taken on the role of personally grounding these Higher Frequencies of Light of the Rays of God into themselves by Raising their Own Consciousness and Light Bodies to be more in alignment with Oneness, the resultant energy is then able to extend into the earthplane at a much higher rate than would otherwise be possible.

This movement of energies within souls upon earth opens the gateway for more direct communication with the Higher Beings of Light. The more souls who come to also take up this contract, the more these same accelerations become possible for even more souls. It cannot be done any other way. Lord Adonis is the teacher of Sanat Kumara and other Higher Dimensional Beings and he can now step forward to assist us in moving through our levels of advancement.

In many ways this has been a monumental task undertaken by these souls as it first required them to fully embrace the parts of themselves that felt separated from Oneness. Once embraced they could then discover their own reunification within of their Soul’s Masculine and Feminine Divine as once again the Divine Plan for all souls is to become into such balance.

Just as the Rays of God do not cease bringing ever deeper and more expansive Light Frequencies to Humanity, the process of going ever deeper within that path of discovery also never ceases for those that access them, it only grows and grows more expansive.

Once one embraces the Cosmic Energies to actively undertake the return to the path of Oneness, each soul must relearn almost everything they know (think, feel and do) about what it means to be a Spiritual Being. Within the Higher Octaves of Light Frequency, any elements within a person that retain separation in any form become glaring abnormalities that can no longer remain hidden to that individual.

As Master Thoth pointed out in his companion teaching on this subject, failing to move within that return to Oneness is what stops Synchronized Living, and it all comes down to how willing each of us is to allow our True Essence to be Who We Are, instead of simply holding to the needs and wants of our Physical Selves personality. Which is another way of saying, are we ready to return to the essence of our Higher Selves I AM PRESENCE, or that pure frequency of LOVE?


Lord Adonis is the ideal of Love and Wisdom through the Christ Consciousness.  He has worked directly with Lord Maitreya of the Office of the Christ (and now also Lord Kuthumi) to bring this focus into the Earth. He is considered to hold the Heart Focus of the Multi-Universes through the Cosmic Levels into the physical reality soul-by-soul. (READ THE LORD ADONIS MESSAGE HERE).

His essence is actually not as a “he” but as a truly merged divine feminine and masculine self but it serves us to know him as a masculine being who has re-merged with his feminine.

Lord Adonis has been the teacher of Sanat Kumara, and has a long history of helping planets moving into a higher creative expression within the multi-universes.  He founded the Venus School of Planetary Logoi and has assisted many initiates to heal the old wounds from the past in order to move forward in their next incarnation.  This is especially true after the fall of Lemuria and Atlantis.

His essence comes forth as a Galactic force instead of a Planetary one to assist every soul on the Earth to embody their own Heart Focus while realizing the potential to connect in Oneness to all hearts in and out of body.  This will assist the earth in becoming more evolved towards the creative process of Oneness and moving towards Terra Christa.

Lord Adonis will be presently his essence through our Higher Essence and not the physical mind.  His role is for each person attending to be able to feel this connection not only from him but from the Source of Light they she/he is embracing.

This will be a highly attuned class with high vibrational essences in waves of light being sent to each person. It will assist in allowing the Divine Heart to be activated within the Physical Heart through each individual.

Listening to the Divine Wisdom of your Higher Mind through the Higher Self into your present consciousness is the only communication that should be acknowledged within your world. It is the space of continued energies from the Source of Light that you were born from as a Spirit of Divine Essence. It is a way of living that relates to all references of the God Essence within Love and Faith by allowing Humility to be your guide as your Inner Power will be acknowledged in the Presence of the Light that you truly exist within.

This universal law brings up these elements to be acknowledged within your physical consciousness through each thought, feeling, and action that you create within your life. It is the essence of allowing your higher creative process to be part of your physical existence. It is then that your life enfolds in a new and different manner.

Join us as Lord Adonis instructs on the Law of Correspondence, Saturday, May 7th, 2016 at 12:30 PM Pacific as we travel to the Sacred Heart Temple of Oneness within 144th dimension in the Commemorative Hall which is a meeting place for many masters of the Unified Whole Command. Included is an attunement to bring forth our Cosmic Heart Focus Within into our Physical Being. Details are available via Getting Physical: Holding to the Universal Law of Correspondence.

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and THIS  IMPORTANT BUTTON LINK: WE NEED YOU! PLEASE VISIT IAMTHE144.ORG IF YOU LOVE THE EARTH AND WANT TO HELP RAISE THE PLANET’S VIBRATION!

The China Stock Collapse versus Your Angelic Self


Archangel Lord Metatron, through our transmissions this past month informed everyone that this summer was a very powerful OPPORTUNITY to become more integrated with your true self through the Mastery Path of using the energies of the SOLAR ANGEL. The SPIRITUAL FORCES OF LIGHT know that the earth plane will be going through some very challenging moments this summer.

The recent shock to the GLOBAL FINANCIAL SYSTEM was just such a challenge. How did you react? As these opportunities occur, the energy that comes into the planet from the Cosmic Great Central Sun at the center of our Universe, bathes every soul on earth, regardless of each individual’s personal level of awareness of those higher frequencies.

But are you aware that being presented with this opportunity is not the same as accepting it? This crucial difference was a real eye-opener for us when we were in our early initiations of the first four.

To accept what Lord Metatron is speaking about one has to consciously ACTIVATE the energies WITHIN the mind body system. Advancing your Soul’s Pathway of Light does not just happen because the opportunities are given by the God Force.

So in this message we are taking the time to offer a deeper understanding to humanity at large but specifically to those who enjoy benefiting from New Earth teachings such as those we provide.

These are concepts that we did not know about ourselves until we realized them through our work in learning to move through the Initiations. Rev. J.Michael Hayden (Aranathanara) was very much into learning intellectually about many topics, including the ones involving the E.T.s and 3D mass consciousness, but at those early stages, he was not aware that he had been missing out on many spiritual doorways of opportunity.


Let’s first take a wider perspective of what the New Earth is going to be and how it is intricately intertwined with DISCLOSURE and the INNER EARTH inhabitants.

Did you ever deeply contemplate what DISCLOSURE is really about? Have you ever thoughtfully considered the implications within INNER EARTH revelation writings like those of ADMIRAL BYRD’s on his personal experiences (and those of many others)? Have you been one who follows DR. GREER’s work?

Why do you think, while there is ample evidence in our modern world of these “MYTHS” being quite real, that DISCLOSURE has not happened yet? Do you think that it is just a question of allowing the TRUTH to be released to the public? Do you think that SECRET GOVERNMENT players and their cohorts have an agenda to withhold such truths from the public?

This is what most people who feel there is more to their physical existence than they are “led” to believe, think. They never consider that the story may be much more complex.

THE 3rd, 4th, AND 5th DIMENSIONS

So let’s also take an overview look at what the NEW EARTH of the FIFTH DIMENSION actually consists of in terms of energy frequencies. The information we will share is actually quite obvious once you are able to connect the dots.

The initial definition we need to share is “Fifth Dimension”. To understand fully we must first take a step back: the Third Dimension is that level of reality where there are rules to live by which are handed down to us from our governments, schools and other various authorities such as our religions, our cultures and our families, both the patriarchy and matriarchy throughout the generations. These rules are important for the protection and sustainability of the populace. Within this level of reality, everything that exists is in terms of either normal behavior or unacceptable behavior. It is a world of forced uniformity where one must conform to the majority thought form in any given matter.

Next is the Fourth Dimension. This is the level of reality, where the veil of mass delusion that is the Third Dimension, is seen for just what it is: falsehoods and fictions created by the few to control the many into behaving ‘properly’. But this realization comes at a price. It means giving up all notions of the idea of a fixed reality. It means embracing the notion that whatever one has been told by the various types of Third Dimensional authorities on what is to be considered ‘not true’, is probably actually true or at the least, something worth looking into with a new understanding.

The Fourth Dimension is also that place where a ‘truer’ version of reality exists. It is one where duality is seen as just that. The delusions and falsehoods that were perpetuated are exposed. Along with this awakening of consciousness also comes the awareness that many things once considered ‘scary’ are actually real. And those things, once understood and seen with the eyes of new comprehension, are no longer scary. This may require new levels of respect for what was formerly unknown but overall, in this dimensional reality there are no secrets that can be kept hidden. This is the reality that many early indigenous peoples lived in as they could “see” much that our modern world would pretend does not exist. They lived in a reality where ghosts and fairies were very real everyday understandings.

Finally, we have the FIFTH DIMENSION. It is that level of reality where, yes there are no secrets, but also where there are no competing agendas; as without secrets all have come to understand that having care and compassion for ALL beings, without any separating energies is where all can be truly happy and in a love based communal brother-sisterhood of existence.


Then we look at the definition of the New Earth, which is that GOLDEN AGE that has been written and spoken about for many millennia. What are the characteristics of a Golden Age? We all know this; it is indeed the energy of love, joy, and compassion. It is the actual sharing of a heart to heart connection with ALL other souls, and ALL kingdoms of this earth. It is the ultimate RESPECT of this earth and of EACH sentient being who walks upon her. A true GOLDEN AGE requires the ‘higher consciousness’ of a FIFTH DIMENSION awareness.

Now if we look at our current earthly planetary life in the here and now, what level do you think we are currently in?

We would say that we are experiencing both the THIRD and FOURTH at the same time depending on a given individuals perspectives and belief systems. One may be very much aware that there are secret agendas in politics, but at the same time may hold dear to their own version of what is proper and acceptable in their version of what is correct family behavior.

Just within the last month, the United States Judicial system declared that all couples, regardless of sexual orientation, are permitted to marry and receive all the benefits associated, in society, with that union. This is not only a FOURTH DIMENSIONAL but also FIFTH DIMENSIONAL awareness.

Many new age sources say that we are IN the FIFTH DIMENSION already, and site examples of such types of declarative united compassionate activity. But can you ALSO see much activity on our planet that is still THIRD or FOURTH dimensional?

We do. For example, many are not pleased with the High Court’s ruling in that case, including 4 of the 9 Supreme Court judges on that very court, let alone many citizens of the populace. Look at the China Stock crash this week. Did it cause fear and anxiety?

If there is a lack of acceptance and an energy within soul’s, either as individuals but especially in groups, that still desires to stay in some form of ‘fear’, ‘other’ or ‘separation’, clearly, from this perspective, we are NOT IN the FIFTH DIMENSION (5D).

This is because dimensional frequencies are founded upon the collective consciousness of all humans (on the upper earth) in entirety, which again means there can be no FIFTH DIMENSIONAL reality until the fear-separation is removed.


Moving on to our deeper understanding: let’s call this concept of a NEW EARTH, (which by definition is the whole of human consciousness being in a FIFTH DIMENSIONAL awareness) our first ‘dot’.

This was a major revelation for Rev. Aranathanara because he was very impressed with both Dr. Greer and David Wilcock’s information and he felt, like many individuals, that it was not about him personally, but about the various factions within our earth leaders. They were the ones who needed to change.

A NEW EARTH is not, as has been written and seen in some popular examples, just about being able to raise one’s consciousness through meditation or via charitable giving activities. It is not just a question of feeling the love of those you find acceptable or sharing your light with others who you feel are less fortunate than yourself.

Moving into the 5D structure upon a NEW EARTH requires that all elements within each soul that are of the OLD EARTH (of the 3D/4D structure) must first be purged and removed from that soul, and then by the extension, purged from all humans upon the earth who make up a significant enough number to create a ‘mass consciousness’, thereby creating a new paradigm of collective consciousness (collective meaning ALL SOUL’S).

Now let’s get back to the topics of DISCLOSURE and INNER EARTH BEINGS. These beings are actually of a HIGHER DIMENSIONAL FREQUENCY by default. They live in societies that are not just a few hundred years old, (as is the United States of America), or a few thousand as some other cultures on the planet are, but tens or hundreds of thousands or years of advanced civilizations. They could not sustain that unless they were indeed more spiritually advanced than we are of the upper earth.

When we connect this ‘dot’ of the definition of the NEW EARTH to the ‘dot’ of DISCLOSURE, (which is our reconnection with our star brothers and sisters whom we know as the GALACTIC FEDERATION, commanded in our solar system by the ASHTAR COMMAND under LORD ASHTAR), and to the other ‘dot’ of our earth ancestors who went into the INNER EARTH to protect themselves from harmful elements (which is our reconnection with the AGARTHA CITIES or which TELOS, located beneath MOUNT SHASTA, is the capitol city), it becomes quite clear that the beings who make up such a FEDERATION OF LIGHT in our solar system and within our earth might not actually desire to directly interact with beings who still possess energies within them of fear and separation.

If we take time to consider what a frequency vibration mismatch really is, we can easily see that the MAIN REASON any official public FIRST CONTACT has not been forthcoming is that there still remains upon the (upper) earth too much THIRD and FOURTH dimensional energies.

This then is the deeper story within DISCLOSURE: the beings of LIGHT that would get ‘exposed’ are not fully ready to be exposed… to us. It is not OUR leaders but THEIRS who are not yet in a hurry to mingle our frequencies.

Which finally brings us right back to ARCHANGEL LORD METATRON who desires to TEACH us using the higher frequencies of LIGHT on HOW we can raise our consciousness AND physicality into actually BECOMING that HIGHER FREQUENCY of LIGHT so that we can return to ONENESS with the CHRISTED INTERGALACTICS and INNER EARTH BEINGS.

‘CHRISTED’ is the key understanding here. After all, these are the only beings that an earth person desires to get “exposed”. No one wants the dark E.T. races to become our earthly partners on the upper earth (believe us). And a CHRISTED being is indeed one that has perfected the ability to live in a life of joy, compassion, oneness with respect and enthusiasm for all endeavors that are within the frequency of CHRISTED energy.

As this Angelic Spiritual Master has said, the summer of 2015 is an OPPORTUNITY to raise ones awareness. What awareness? The awareness is that each of us as members of humanity can become a CHRISTED individual.

As we all know, when opportunity knocks, we have to actually open the door. Many will not, especially those that are ‘mostly content’ with a 3D/4D way of life even if they desire things to get better; (‘mostly content’ means one has a routine in life that is preferred to remain stable over disrupting it. It is one who likes their current lifestyle even if it is not pleasant. Sure there are aspects that should be changed in their eyes, but that is only if those changes occur outside themselves: in their governments, in their businesses, in their communities. It is not about the change that demands going within to find the ‘thoughts and emotions of lower elements’ and correct them.

So even though we perceive that many will not open this LIGHT door of opportunity, it is our hope that many others will.


How do you open such a door? Obviously we have a biased answer. We would say you need to do exactly what we wrote earlier. OPENING the door means accepting that you understand not much can change on this earth until each soul (you) takes action to remove one’s personal 3D/4D views, biases, angers, fears, frustrations, judgments from within the subconscious and consciousness.

Basically this means once the door is open, you have to then WALK through it to the other side. You must take ACTION in a very concrete manner. Such action means exposing yourself, intentionally, to energies that you normally don’t experience in a daily life within the 3D/4D, that is, to seek out and find HIGHER DIMENSIONAL ENERGIES that can give you a NEW perspective and understanding. Even though the 3D/4D mind is incapable of understanding these energies, this is absolutely required because any consciousness cannot change (raise) it’s level of awareness without coming into contact with a source of HIGHER AWARENESS. (Another way to think about it: if we did not have to do anything to make the NEW EARTH a reality, it would already be here.)

Essentially we must be taught. Step by step, inch by inch. How long does it take to learn to SHIFT everything you know about yourself and your life from one level of awareness to another? We don’t yet know for the public at large but individuals can attain such enlightened understanding almost instantly, and then through the correct application of diligent exposure and persistent study go on to see real long term progress in as little a few years’ time. We have seen it in our students.

Archangel Lord Metatron is the Master Teacher for these particular FREQUENCIES OF LIGHT that are now open to us from the SUMMER SOLSTICE. Now that doorway begins its journey toward closing. For those who take advantage of it now, they can then build upon these frequencies and be ready to accept the NEXT OPPORTUNITY as these energies are always DIVINE stepping stones; building blocks of Light that, if used correctly, can accelerate one up in awareness step by step.


As a child you enjoyed Tinker Bell. She pleaded with all those who doubted Fairies existed to believe in her or else she would, literally, die. Was it a mythical magical tale?

The Fifth Dimension is one of magic. It is the magic of the HEART. And in that space many wondrous things occur, things that mere mortals of the 3D/4D can only dream about.

All opportunities come and they go. The question to ask yourself is this: how long can humanity go on before the opportunity to co-create the New Earth is missed? Again, our biased recommendation is that the time is indeed NOW as ignoring such an opportunity is taken on at the peril of our collective soul’s advancement as a race.

Are you going to be one who OPENS the door and then WALKS through it?

If you are such a ONE, as the originators of these messages and transmissions of LIGHT from the HIGHEST SOURCE OF ONENESS through the UNIFIED WHOLE, we are offering ARCHANGEL LORD METATRON’S TEACHINGS in a special package. We are doing this so that everyone can access the HIGHEST FREQUENCY teachings and utilize them during this OPPORTUNITY OF LIGHT to work specifically with his SOLAR ANGELS in getting a boost through the first Four Mastery Initiations, (along with our previous teaching about the Metatronic Seals and Golden Solar Angel). Reaching the 4th level of Initiation is neither quick nor easy, but this kind of assistance does not come along every day from the SPIRITUAL FORCES. Biased as we are, we HIGHLY RECOMMEND these teachings.

In the package material there are a total of FIVE teachings (approx. 12 hours of specific high vibrational teachings and attunements). With this summer offer each hour+ class is as inexpensive as just $14 or less for those of Normal and Modest Means (we have a sliding scale depending on your level of financial means).

As another GATEWAY OF LIGHT is quickly approaching, this offer is subject to change. Please go to if you are interested in accepting this opportunity with Archangel Lord Metatron and the Angels. (Naturally from our perspective as Spiritual Teachers, we hope you do.)

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. If you like this article please do the creation of the New Earth a favor and SHARE it | Make sure to connect with us in these ways:
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What Transformed Within You ~ Lord Adama Discourse ~ August 15th, 2013

Lord Adama’s Discourses

Lord Adama is our host for a monthly class of his Discourses.  This month is especially powerful as he will be discussing THE LION’S GATE ENERGIES & WHAT HAS TRANSFORMED WITHIN US. 

We all know that we have changed but do you understand how that transformation has occurred within your consciousness?  Are you feeling it mentally, emotionally, or physically?  Maybe you are unsure.  Lord Adama is going to delve into the subject of how we can assist ourselves within the process of transforming by first, understanding what occurred for us.

Lord Adama interacts with each participant personally to help them understand the process that they are undergoing.  Very similar to a group therapy session in which we all learn from one another.  Personal interaction is part of this program so if you have any questions you would like to present on the subject matter, please have them prepared ahead of time.

Lord Adama  will delve into the subject of the second most powerful gateway of 2013 after WESAK and how you can use the energies best. Everyone should take a personal inventory of what they are experiencing presently and journal/write it down for the call. There will be a discussion before the journey and after the attunement.

We will be meeting at 5 PM Pacific, 12 Midnight GMT, on Thursday, August 15, 2013 via tele-conference which is accessible via Skype.  The fee for this class is only $33; individuals from the past classes have truly felt a difference in their understanding of what they are experiencing with the accelerations and downloads from the Universal Consciousness.


Access to the call will be emailed to you upon receiving payment notification from PayPal.

Please register no later than  3 PM Pacific, August 15th, 2013

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