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STEP 1-WILLING TO SURRENDER TO LOVE ~ Lord Saint Germain with Lady Nada

Lord Saint Germain is the Mahachohan of the Seven Rays of God. He brings forth an understanding of how to Surrender to the Emotions that are a necessary prerequisite to healing within the 2nd Initiation of Ascension Mastery.

It is my pleasure as Lord Saint Germain to assist each of you in understanding the lessons you are learning within the Initiate Pathway. The important elements to realize is that it not only applies to your Higher Self becoming integrated but how your Lower Self (of the Physical, Etheric, Emotional, and Mental Bodies) relate to the experience of your Spiritual Body becoming more focalized within your consciousness.

The first level of your initiation represents your awakening of your physical senses to another world that is beyond your reach. You realize that there is more to living than being in the third dimensional construct, “Nothing is truly as you thought it was.”

It opens up doorways into your psyche to help you understand that as a human being you are more than the physical consciousness. It is at this level that you can have the revelation that not only can you have spiritual gifts but you can change the drama you have been living within your physical world.

Not all initiates can have this realization within themselves as it takes much effort to get to a point of seeing that the world around you is working in myriad ways of perception, some good but not always.

At the first level, an initiate realizes that their physical way of doing things is no longer working; an individual can become health consciousness while having the desire to take care of themselves realizing that their body is a temple that must be healed and acknowledged. It is also at this stage that the Etheric Body becomes activated within an individual. Remembrances can occur from past timelines and if you are more attuned, you will realize your Angelic Presence within you.

Stepping into the 2nd level of initiation brings for the ability to learn more about the emotional body. It is a time to allow the Act of Surrender to become commonplace within the consciousness so that the way a person is feeling needs to be more understood. We call this process leaving the Hall of Ignorance and stepping into the Hall of Knowledge by learning more about who you are as a person from the standpoint of the Emotional Body. This is the process of learning how to access of the first step ~ Willing to Surrender to Love.

Many of the individuals that accept this initiation as part of their physical existence realize that their emotional body is construed with lower elements of shame, guilt, unworthiness, abandonment issues, being compulsive, having a lack of emotional intimacy, and wanting to be in control of all situations and people in their life.

This is where the lower self is in control and needs to be healed. Some individuals call this Recovering the Essence of the Inner Child which truly represents the Emotional Body needing to be healed from past traumas and events. Now this part of the emotional layers can not only stem for your present lifetime but many other lifetimes in which your soul experienced periods of great challenge and neglect. It has arisen in this timeline for every soul to address the energies so that true healing can be acknowledged and accepted.

The initiates that ignore this part of their history will find that their lifepath will be strewn with great challenges and emotional turmoil. The process of accepting your soul’s history is allowing all remembrances come to the surface to be healed. You have to remember that you are becoming a multi-dimensional being of light and all timelines will be revealed no matter the level of intensity that they bring forth.

In order to fully step into the Hall of Knowledge an initiate must learn what feels right within their psyche and what does not fit. Pushing it away with higher accelerations will assist in the moment but the truth of the matter is that it needs to be fully rectified; otherwise the issues will reappear in different situation throughout your pathway.

As masters, each of us have grown through similar processes to help our own emotional bodies to be healed; the difference at this time is that the energies within Gaia are so very intensified that the elements you are dealing with are being magnified in a much larger percentage than it was hundreds of years ago.

So as an Initiate moving into the 2nd Initiation of the Emotional Body it is essential to truly Surrender to all that does not fit who you think you are within the emotional level. It takes some deep soul searching to look into these layers so that you can see the changes you are making as they need to be fully grounded into your full existence. Emotions are the cornerstone of the four-body system; it is how you will relate your energies and how your mental body will react to your emotional self. This is how you will achieve the balance of the Masculine and Feminine Divine.

When you reach this stage of your development it is important to realize the potential you must create healing within your Emotional Body, it is the step that will assist you to accept a healthy Mental Body as both work within each other to assist you to become more fully balanced.

It is when an initiate starts to learn the lessons and apply the knowledge that has been gained that they step into the Hall of Wisdom. This is truly a great gift for any initiate to realize the potential they have accepted within their emotional and mental bodies by correlating all experiences through the Etheric Self.

As the Mahachohan of all the Rays, I want to reiterate how important it is to work with the first Seven Rays of God. You could look at the emotional issues and see that you might want to have the strength to walk into the emotional imbalance that you are dealing with. But ideally, we want to bring forth a sense of Serenity and Peace.

Think about this for a moment. When you allow the essence of Tranquility to come into your Emotional Center, what happens? You relax and then the process of what you need to do will be adjusted within you. You are actually able to SURRENDER to all the other emotions you are dealing with. This allows you to be in the Hall of Knowledge to gain the Wisdom that is required to understand what is occurring for you from the Emotional Body, the 2nd Initiation. Without going through this process, you cannot advance into the higher initiations with ease and grace. It will become just the opposite effect. Each initiate must realize that the ray assists in the healing process, but the work through the subconscious mind must be done. Otherwise, the issues will resurface to be worked upon.

I ask you to call upon Lady Nada of the Ray of Inner Devotion of the Ruby Red-Gold Flame. It brings forth a sense of peace and calmness when you allow yourself to connect with the flame itself but even more of a stabilization with Lady Nada as your guide. She is the twin ray of Lord Sananda and has taken over the role of Ray Chohan. I will let her help you through this process herself:

Greetings My Dearest Initiates,

It is my pleasure to exhibit my essence unto each of you in this moment. I understand the pitfalls of being on the mastery pathway and how challenging it can be to step into the world of pure honesty of the self.

This process is absolutely essential in order for you to achieve lasting results. It is imperative to walk through the periods of darkness that can befall upon you so that you can find the power of your emotional self to be fully in alignment with what your Higher Self tells you to be.

That can be a challenging concept – to listen to your Higher Self, feel that essence that is you which can be so beautiful and soothing, but then to integrate those energies within your emotional body so that it can be healed.

There is no other way to get through this step of your acceleration. You cannot bypass it; you cannot think that achieving a higher consciousness is going to wipe away what is lying within your subconscious. It will help to break it apart, but you being the physical self within the higher self must take that initiative to change your past, heal it, accept it for what it was and see who you have become in the current state of your evolvement.

I am here to assist you to realize that the tranquility and love I give to you can be yours to hold within your heart so that it is not me making the change but truly You creating the movement of that transformation.

Surrender to what you don’t like, let it be put into the light so that it can be forever more healed and never return into the same state of awareness that it showed itself to you. Let those moments of your past be a distant fleeting thought so that it no longer bothers you.

I give you the Ruby Red-Gold Flame into your Solar Plexus to help you realize the potential that you are. Look at the particles that do not fit that essence and allow it to be revealed. Then work upon it within your subconscious mind.

Be the Change you Desire To Be.

It is my Pleasure to Exhibit my Light unto you in this moment, I Am Lady Nada.

Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

Interested in fully understanding how the energies of SURRENDER apply to the Initiations within  your Ascension and getting the higher energetic transmissions to assist you to do so? A very powerful class given by Lord Metatron and Lord Saint Germain with Lady Nada begins today. 

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It is our pleasure as the Unified Whole Command within the 144th dimensional frequency to communicate with each of you in this moment. We are Master Thoth, the Great Divine Director, and Master Einstein overseeing the entire focus of the Creative Source of Oneness.

We come to you in the presence of much change within elements of increased stability. It is up to each of you in how you will experience these elements within your life.

As 2017 has arrived, it has brought with it the old fragments of what has occurred in 2016. This can cause much speculation and lack of faith that this new year will bring to humanity what it promises.

But the truth shall reign through all the kingdoms to realize the potential of what this new year will bring unto Gaia and all of her inhabitants.

So we ask of you, what is your truth?

Is it a moment when you think of something in your mind and say that is my truth?

Is it a moment in which you reflect deeper unto yourself which is a step above the previous moment?

Or is it a moment in which you take a breath, go into a higher consciousness beyond your physical mind or your physical emotions and realize the potential that can be?

This is truly what needs to be acquired in your present state of movement. No individual person can no longer live just by what they think alone. It is an important moment when a physical human self realizes that they have been driving themselves through their mental concepts and not pulling upon the soul’s essence, the one that has the answers from a higher state of consciousness.

Oh, many of you may think you are in this higher state of consciousness because you feel love, you feel the ability to have empathy towards another, but that can be a contradiction within your own mind set. Even the most highly developed ascended masters in body have to double check themselves continually to make sure that they are not speaking from the lower self, the physical mind as it takes great patience and deliberation to hold the higher essence within the physical self through the many changes that are occurring within this planet.

This year is no different; there is no magic formula that is going to be created so that the world will come into a peaceful condition. It must be earned and it must be acquired through the diligence of the Higher Mind being the only element that is in control. Without this element in place then every person will have a false sense of who they are being in any given moment.

This year of 2017 represents New Beginnings Coming Into Oneness.

This doorway is a huge opening for every soul upon the planet to realize the potential to step into that Oneness, that essence of being part of a greater whole within a higher reality. It is not the magical thought that all will step into this new essence. It represents the POTENTIAL to do so.

The pathway of moving into a unified whole with all sentient beings can represent many elements that will occur. One can think they desire Oneness but is every person upon this planet within that definition of being One with all things? This is a very important realization to have within yourself.

There is great potential at this time.

Let’s look at some of the planetary alignments that are happening. Presently all planets within this universal structure around earth are moving forward very slowly. This means that there is no constriction of karma having to be re-written in a sense. But if you look at each of the planets themselves, they don’t all represent 100% success in any fashion. It just means that they are slowly rising to move into a future state of existence. This means that their interaction with each other can be very powerful as they are at their highest state of existence.

Each of these planets represents a different aspect of life on earth. Together they give you the characteristics of mental communication, change, transformation, having the drive and energy to move forward, love and attraction, dreams becoming a reality, a strong discipline to look at elements that do not fit and seeing the growth and wisdom that occurs through such a unified front around the atmosphere of the Earth.

So if we put all of these characteristics into one sphere of light it allows for any life form that adheres to these energies to receive all of these elements within oneself. Separately, each of these planets can create harmony or havoc depending upon the other elements that are in place. So, when they align together, they become synchronistic within each other. They look at the relationship they possess with each planet so that wholeness can be achieved. As their relationship grows within this 30 day period, they realize the potential they have to assist Earth in her present evolution.

It is during this stage that Earth is going through a huge change of how she will react in any given situation and each of the other planets are adjusting their energetic status to accommodate Gaia in her transformation.

You see, it is not just a period of connecting to the Source of Light, the Oneness, it is how that interaction with one another will affect the other party or in this case, planet.

Now if you take that revelation of what is occurring presently and add the mix of the Sun and the Moon they are the reflection of the overseeing agents of how this will effect Gaia’s position within the Universe. As the New Moon is fast approaching it brings to light the elements that have been created during the Full Moon on January 12th, 2017. That alignment represented the Masculine and the Feminine now coming out of darkness to work together cohesively.

The New Moon of Aquarius occurs on January 27th, 2017 is another step toward self-awareness. It brings forth the ability to step forward into the unknown and allow the gift of sharing and then receiving to be accepted into your world. This totally relates to the balancing energies of the Masculine and Feminine Divine so it brings forth the energies that has already been exposed this month to continue to bring forth the Divine Essence of Oneness to be recreated within your world.

Now each of these planets is going through this process. Yes, the alignment is occurring within all planets so all planets will be affected. As these planets are circling around Earth bringing forth the highest qualities of harmonization to be realized, then they in turn will feel the same. It also brings the Sun and the Moon into a more stabilized state even if their attributes, at this time, may not reflect that energy.

Everything is shifting around the Earth and within the Earth. The same is true for each of you.

You see, this process of the Alignment of Planets is to help the Earth and each of you in advance. The ability to understand that the movement of coming into wholeness is not a momentary element but one that is a true beginning for Gaia.

This does not mean that everything that has occurred moves into wholes; just the opposite. It represents the restablization of energies to occur. Within that element it can cause transformation, elements to arise that were not apparent before, much change through the process, bringing forth the essence of wanting to attract more desires to become a reality. There may be moments of desiring to walk through challenges and fears while being very disciplined in the process. You may not even know why you feel this why but there is a potential for elements to come into the sphere of light that have not been revealed previously.

As these changes occur and you start to see that you can change what you thought you could not previously, you will become more influenced by the Light of the Source. This means that your soul essence becomes your priority and not just a connection when you have time.

What needs to occur individually is for each of you to see this process within yourself. It is not something that is going to occur globally if each soul does not allow the potential that they can be to be shown to them. This is the beauty of the alignment of the Planets – they are working cohesively together to bring all elements that have been lost to be realized within each individual self.

This means that the kingdoms of the earth will awaken to a new part of themselves. In order for the New Earth to occur it must be achieved in this way.

The downside to these energies that the transformation, the change, the drive to create change can also effect all individuals that are not able to handle this new growth cycle. So there will be more of the same, deaths, undue hardships that will be experienced, and the lack of understanding. Arguments can result very easily and the elements within the Mental Body that needs to be healed will surface so that energy will be exposed and very raw. Many individuals will not fare well through this stage as the healing needs to occur from many different areas.

All is being revealed in your world to give you the grand opportunity to change. The more that you fight what you do not like, the more the battle will continue.

It is up to each of you in the Lightworker Community to realize the potential you have to change within you. Just because you are an awakened individual does not mean you DON’T NEED TO HEAL YOURSELF. Do not allow your physical ego get in the way.

Remember this is cycle of alignment with the planets will be ending very shortly. The planets are in a state of higher frequency to help bring about these changes. STABILITY is very important at this time.

As each of you grow within your own soul’s essence, then that energy is going to be sent outside of yourself into the One’s that cannot do it on their own. Remember, you are the Earth angels and all angels need to always see their own mirrors everywhere they go. That is how the healing will occur.

We have a lot of cleanup work to do. Many think that this is the beginning of the New Earth and in a way it is. It is a period of Resurrection – to change what has been lost.

The ability to effect change within yourself is very great and substantially this will go out into the world. Then it will be returned to you ten-fold.

These are the elements you fully want to put into wholeness during this period and allow the other particles that do not reflect these energies to be brought to your attention:

Mercury – How you communicate through your mind to others;

Uranus – Ability to work with change;

Pluto – The Power of Transformation;

Mars – Where is your drive, the energy you exhibit by showing courage;

Venus – Being able to attract the Love by being the Love within;

Neptune – Allowing your healing to be most important and accepting your dreams are your reality;

Jupiter – Having Self Confidence to realize your growth and wisdom of any given situation;

Saturn – Having the Discipline to face your fears and challenges.

These are the pre-requisites of staying within Oneness and moving forward as each of the planets are doing so presently. This will allow the alignment of the Masculine (Sun) and Feminine (Moon) energies to fully coming into the required state of equilibrium and balance.

As this alignment has been ongoing throughout the month and continues till February 7th, it is now time to realize the potential that you have to continue the process. Understanding what your foundation represents is an essential quality to have fully in place. This was a grand opportunity for each soul to realize their potential upon this planet. The window will be shut very soon, but the effects of what you experienced will be with you continually if you allow it to be your reality.

Take the time to truly realize the potential you have within yourself for change upon this planet. Be an example by not creating more negative energy to flow through the dimensional frequencies. Each individual truly needs to find their own Divine Creative Essence within themselves as it is the most important focus that will assist Gaia in her transition.

It is a very raw beginning but it is time for each individual to realize the potential they have to elicit change. Let us work together to help the planet and others to see that the transformation has just begun.

In blessings and love, we walk with each of you: We are The Great Divine Director, Master Thoth and Master Einstein within the Unified Whole Command at your service to this Earth and all her inhabitants.

~ Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden, Integrative Channel

To journey more into the Masculine and Feminine Divine Self Walking Terra Christa held a class with Master Thoth, Lord Sananda, and Lady Nada on the Universal Law of Gender: Soul Mate Foundations. Please click the link to read the blog and order the MP3 recording of this powerful class (2 hours).

Did you find this post educational for your higher understanding? Please consider supporting our work with a $3 donation for this article right now for 2017. Everyone reading this can help make a difference. We require public support to bring forth these important Ascension Mastery transmissions.

© Copyright 2017 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Linking to this page from any website or blog is welcomed and encouraged. Reprinting or reposting this material on websites or blogs that sell or advertise any products or services as well as any printed or written reproduction) is not authorized without written permission. Sharing our Social Media sites is also encouraged. Connect with us on  FACEBOOK   TWITTER   YOUTUBE    NEWSLETTER  DONATE  | Rights are only granted to repost this material electronically on informational websites or blogs that do not sell or advertise any products or services. In such cases, you must include this copyright statement in full including the above active url referral links to help everyone stay informed and support our messages. In cases of text only formats, these active url links may be converted to display the full path of the url as linked. 



Master Thoth and Lord Melchizedek discuss the Law of Relativity and how it relates to the understanding of Initiations, Lessons, and Planetary Accelerations such as Wave-X.

In this message, part 1 of 2, Lord Melchizedek’s perspective is given.
~ Transmitted by 
Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden, Integrative Channel

Greetings and Love to Each of You,

I Am Lord Melchizedek bringing forth the Melchizedek Priesthood to help you understand the Universal Law of Relativity and what it may mean in relation to your pathway to gain Mastery.

All of the Universal Laws represent the Initiations as without them we would not have a specific guideline of how to achieve mastery. Many individuals may not realize this unless they had studied the esoteric texts that first brought forth this information. I think in today’s standards that many initiates do not truly understand how to apply the laws to their own lives as they have not been given the opportunity to study them for their own personal use.

As we work within the Law of Relativity, there are other laws that have come first. It is important to realize that each individual must work within each law to totally understand how it relates to their personal understanding, their abilities to transform their psychological issues, to acknowledge their ability to look within themselves not only from a physical perspective but within the soul’s history.

When an Initiate comes across the Law of Relativity, they may not fully comprehend what it means for them. Yes, everyone has lessons as that is part of life, right? But the important element is how do they apply those lessons?

Do they accept the challenge and go deeper into it by looking at the lower psychological thoughts, or do they just say, “I whisk this away with the Violet Flame,” and then continue on with their day.

I share these statements as they are very important realizations into the Lower Ego versus the Higher Ego. A person that is willing to go into the depths of their despair by utilizing the metaphysical tools they have been giving, is truly utilizing their Higher Ego of the Higher Self and not the physical mind.

In retrospect an individual that is doing it for the opposite reason, of just wanting to not look at it, not able to acknowledge the darkness within, is truly working within the Lower Ego.

I think this is a big issue with many Light Workers at this time as they come into this planet with very special gifts. I make no doubt about this, but there is also an attitude that with these special gifts come very special considerations of being on this pathway. Some initiates feel they don’t have to go the extra long way into the psyche of the mind because they are gifted and came here to assist the Earth.

All of this is very true but the most important fact is that Earth is the School of Learning How to Walk as a Master. Many have done it before you and we are here for the asking. This pathway is one of deep reflection and assessment of the soul. It is not just about having gifts although that comes along with the territory.

It is about being that Master, with honesty, integrity, truth, respect, consideration of others, but most of all understanding that the true pathway is of the Self first.

We, as Masters, cannot help others if we are holding elements of dark timelines or debris to occur which can be sent to others. That is why this planet has gotten into the state of duality. It has happened before and we as the Masters want it never to occur again. I think you would agree with me.

Now I have your attention.

Lessons are created by your Divine Self to be realized within your Physical Self so that you can accept that you are a Light Being upon this planet. But yet, your soul has traveled many eons of time in many places. Some of these places have not been so good, and many of them have been right here on Earth.

As each soul goes through a challenge or a problem in their life, they are given the grand opportunity to work with their Higher Self to accept a new part of themselves in the Light that can help the physical mind to surrender to the old elements that have been plaguing that soul.

The Law of Relativity represents those energies to become manifest.

If you were to compare each lesson you learned, then you might find similarities between them especially if you fully did not accept the lesson within the physical consciousness.

This is how you get through your Initiations, all the sub levels as there are many tests that occur for each initiate in all of the levels. The beginning levels of the 1st through the 4th are extremely powerful for the physical self as they involved the Physical Body, the Emotional Body, the Mental Body, and then accepting the Higher Self within all four bodies.

As your soul brings up the many timelines of the past, you will encounter situations that will test you in your skills of awareness, what you have learned in the previous lessons, and how to acknowledge them with your physical consciousness.

It is a make or break deal for your Initiations and how quickly you fully accept the new essence you are becoming, the healing you are going through, and how it reflects your current lifestyle.

We also have to consider the challenges of the planetary alignments that are consistently occurring presently and will do so for quite some time to come.

Presently, the earth is within the Electromagnetic energies of Wave X.

You have just experienced several eclipses and then the Equinox, not to mention the New Moon and Full Moon cycles that are occurring.

All of this takes a toll on the way an initiate learns their lessons as sometimes there can be a feeling that it is because of the energies that are occurring. Please know that this is not true.

Wave X represents the Masculine of the Electro and the Feminine of the Magnetic pull that is being transmitted from the Source of Light – the 144th dimension where each I AM Presence was first ignited.

Within this essence is the balanced of the Masculine and Feminine energies that each soul fully needs to embrace within themselves. This first is being ignited into the core of Gaia for each soul to be able to feel these energies as it helps them to make the necessary changes within their ascension process. It is a grand opportunity to allow the Forces of Light to assist in the transformation of the physical self to change into a higher octave of energy.

The result of the exchange needs to be met with each individual within their four body system. It will allow for the changes to occur where imbalances may be the result within their system. It is a time to fully accept the challenge to go deeper and be more. It will also allow for the Light Quotient to be increased if the individual is ready to acknowledge the darker aspects that are arising, change them to be in full wholeness, and see the resultant energy you will become.

The Law of Relativity comes into the playing field with Wave X presently and all other energetic alignments that are occurring.

It helps an initiate to realize how far they have come, or where they need to go within their progress. Are there changes that were not acknowledged previously or are there existing conditions that still need to be healed?

Then it is important to realize the potential that as an Initiate you have to change what you were into what you desire to be. The revelation is that as you stand within the movement of the lesson, you then allow yourself to realize that your lessons are relative to everything else that you experience. It must be an acknowledgement within yourself that as others learn their lessons, yours may not be as challenging.

Every soul, every initiate, upon this planet is going through a similar experience. Take inventory of your own lessons, what they mean to you, and reflect back upon whom you were in previous moments. I guarantee you that you will see the growth and the potential to be more within yourself as you continue your journey.

These are all important revelations to have within this law. What you accept, you will receive; what you share, will come back to you.

It is all part of the Lessons that each initiate must learn within their pathway.

Gratitude is a very important consideration during these times of high acceleration ~ embrace the ability to be here now to experience this change as the Source of Light, the Multi-Universes, and all involved are assisting you to go further in a shorter amount of time than would have been experienced in previous lifetimes.

I look forward to working with each of you through your Planetary Ascension.

I AM Lord Melchizedek at your service.


© Copyright 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Linking to this page from any website or blog is welcomed and encouraged. Sharing our Social Media sites is also encouraged. Connect with us on ♥ FACEBOOK  ♥ TWITTER  ♥ YOUTUBE   ♥ NEWSLETTER ♥ DONATE  | Rights are only granted to repost this material electronically on informational websites and blogs that do not sell or advertise any products or services. Any reposting must include this copyright statement in full including the above active url referral links to help everyone stay informed and support our messages. In cases of text only formats, these active url links may be converted to display the full path of the url as linked. 

Lord Metatron SOLSTICE BLESSING EVENT audio recording

FB-Shasta SOLSTICE June 2016 view from McCloud

Lord Metatron is the host of the ceremony – we etherically travel to the Golden Etheric City of Havalancheeiah which resides in the 5th dimensional earth of Mt. Shasta, CA, USA to discover the new earth energies that are now being incorporated upon GAIA. This is a very powerful event as a full moon and solstice has not happened for many years. It is bringing huge light infractions into the earth. We are celebrating within the City of Havalancheeiah in the TEMPLE OF THE ALL because it represents the 22nd Ray of Divine Completion and there will be an unprecedented amount of light energy that will be ignited during this time. Lord Metatron also blesses participants with the first 5 Metatronic Seals to open those energies into being able to be accessed in a totally new manner not previously thought possible. The Great Cosmic Central Sun as Divine Mother Father God also bring forth a special blessing.

Click here to download the audio recording (approx. 1 hour and 15 minutes.)

Thank you for your donations as they are an important exchange to support these energies!

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:


Lord Metatron with Lord Saint Germain share an in-depth discussion of the Solstice-Full Moon Alignment for June 2016 with a special announcement of these energies becoming more grounded into the Mt. Shasta area.

Greetings and Love to each of you,

I Am Lord Metatron and I am communicating with Lord Saint Germain in this moment. We are standing within the Command Center of Telos at this moment. We have been wanting to converse with each of you about the energetic exchanges that will be occurring on June 20th, 2016 for the Solstice Full Moon energies.

We have some very important information that we want to convey to you. We are coming together in this way as I represent the Light Infractions that come into the Earth through the Sacred Geometry within the Metatronic Light Frequencies. I will be explaining how this solstice is different from the others and hopefully assist each of you to understand your role in being upon the earth at this time.

Lord Saint Germain, being the Mahachohan of the Seven Rays of God represents the Spiritual Hierarchy of all the Chohans, Elohim, and the Archangels that represent those flames of light. He speaks from the Ascended Master State of Consciousness to assist each of you to incorporate these energies within your consciousness but he has a very important announcement to make about this transition of Light that each of you will be experiencing. We are quite excited about our energies coming together in this way.

I, as Lord Metatron, first of all want to thank you for taking the time to read this information but please connect within your Higher Self with some deep breaths as you absorb the energies off of the page. I bring to you the Metatronic Light Frequencies for you to accept into your consciousness so that the changes that will be occurring will not throw you off balance. We want each of you to fully incorporate as much light frequency as possible, but at the same time to allow your equilibrium to be the determining factor through this event.

Let me start at the beginning by sharing with you about this year’s accelerated phases that have been occurring within you and upon the planet. At first, we were very unsure if humanity would be able to accept the light formations for this Solstice experience. We have found through the previous months of the Wesak energies that the awakened souls are realizing more about themselves than was expected. We know this year has been a challenge for each of you and that your physical existence is going into another dimensional experience. It is for this reason that this Solstice during June with the alignment of the full moon energies will be especially important as a landmark of energetic exchange for the planet.

The Solstice always represents the Feminine and Masculine Divine energies coming into alignment, Heaven and Earth meeting at the point of time to receive the essences unto each other. We are finding that humanity is starting to realize some of these elements within themselves through individuals that are awakening to the higher energies and realizing the potential they have within themselves. We also noticed that there is a wave of movement within these individuals that some believe one way and others that believe another. We know there is duality within the planet as it is truly in the fourth dimensional energies. It is truly being shown in people around the world with the leaders and common folk arguing with one another trying to find their place in their existence.

During last year’s Solstice the Solar Angels of every soul upon this earth were activated to work with each individual through their sleep state, meditations, and hopefully in the awakened state. The Solar Angel is the representative of each person’s Higher Self until that aspect can be fully accepted into the full body system (usually end of the 4th initiation of the Mastery Pathway). We found that people starting changing in various ways even if that person had not awakened in their consciousness to what was happening. It truly made a difference to the energies of the earth plane.

So as of 2016 Gaia moved into a new phase of her initiations with each individual being given the opportunity to open up their energies to the Solar Angel in physical form. We found so many more individuals awakening that would not have done so previously. It has been miraculous to watch and see.

But yet, there still needed to be more that occurred. Just because an individual opened up their eyes and ears to another dimensional world did not mean that they did not know how to handle the energies. We found this to be very true. So more had to happen in a gentle but yet powerful movement.

The Wesak energies were unbelievably powerful for each initiate and even those that were not fully on the pathway starting to think more about their self care and how they may need to change. We did find that many did not understand this process and some have slipped back into their uncertainty of the self.

As the Solstice comes closer, we saw many of you that are awakened and aware of your own challenges and achievements; you were being affected deeply by the present energetic exchanges that were occurring. People were not ready to accept the physical challenges, as the mental and emotional bodies still were not catching up to the rest of the process that has been occurring.

We have been concerned that many of you would not be able to handle the present exchanges of the Solstice with the Full Moon, but as we researched deeper into the percentages of how to teach individuals to ground these energies, we started to feel that it was time to allow these energies to occur. Sometimes, we in the Spiritual Hierarchy, have been very protective of each of you. The increased energies have been kept at bay so as to assist humanity in the process.

We have found that there are many of you that are ready to go to the next step, the ones that are within the First Wave. These individuals have worked at this a very long time and many souls left the planet due to the increased challenges. They are the ones that have been able to set the foundation for the continued waves to come into the planet.

The other souls that have come in afterwards are catching up to the first level and then there have been several other levels following suit. But it is within these individuals that the 1st Wavers needs to hold their ground through this process as to help the others even though it seems as if you have been doing this for a long time. The following wavers need to acknowledge that the 1st wavers truly have been the pioneers to help others and realize the potential to learn so much through this process.

So this brings me to the Solstice with the Full Moon in June.

These energies represented by the planets of the Moon with Sagittarius bring forth great expansion. It is a time for the Masculine and Feminine Divine to unite. It is a very changing energy that represents Divine Love and Manifestation to be present within the planet. It is also a time of balance between the mental and emotional bodies so that one does not go out of alignment. It is represented by Radiance of the Light and the Emergence of the Dark uniting together as One, not in separation that it has been.

All of our misgivings have been blessed by each of you that is stepping forward during this time to hold these frequencies. The planet will be infused with the Electro-Magnetic pulses that represent the Masculine – Feminine Divine.

What does this mean for each of you?

Well, it is a time of great change, more than you have ever experienced. The ability to fully stand within this power and allow yourself to be grounded to the earth will result in changes in your life that will work with you. It will ignite elements that do not fit this essence so each of you must realize that it is time for elements to come into alignment not only within Gaia but within each of you.

As you are the holders of this light frequency, it is imperative for you to allow the Electro-Magnetic pulses to come within you, through you, and then into Gaia. You are the holders of this light and your job is to send it out of you. But yet, you will also feel the fluctuations of changes to occur within you. It is an opportune time to allow yourself to go into a new state of Beingness, to accept your challenges, and learn that the lessons have not be for naught. They are teaching you to be more and better from your I AM Presence for the greater good.

So I am here to help you ignite these energies within yourself through the Sun and the Moon. We are here to work together and I will also be helping to ground some of the Metatronic Seals within the Earth. These seals are to assist each of you to come to the reality of your Divine Contract as an Angel of Light, to be able to hold this essence within your physical body.

Through the Solstice we will be working within these seals:

  1. Integration of the Higher Essence
  2. Grounding
  3. Male Essence – Desiring to be acknowledged
  4. Female Essence – Desiring to be appreciated
  5. Integration of Masculine & Feminine Divine As One

This is only halfway through the seals as there are 10 seals to receive your Golden Solar Angel, but each awakened soul, upon the pathway of Mastery will work through these seals to allow them to become a reality. We are bringing forth the Electro-Magnetic energies within Gaia to be introduced and accepted by each living organism of this earth.

All of these energies may be very intense for many of you as your four-body system becomes accustomed to receiving the higher light infractions that are necessary to hold these frequencies. You must remember that it is imperative to do the soul psychology work to heal through your emotional and mental bodies. This is just the beginning of allowing the Masculine-Feminine Divine to be fully implanted with in the earth.

It is a powerful event, this Solstice of 2016, which truly reflects what was desired to happen in 2012 but humanity was not ready. I am very excited to be with each of you and work more closely to allow these energies to happen upon Gaia, within Gaia, and within each of you.

I now turn the energies over to Lord Saint Germain so he can tell you more exciting news.

Blessings and Love,

I am Lord Metatron at your service.



Thank you, Lord Metatron for the fabulous introduction to these energies and the event we are all about to experience. I am excited to be able to be the Being that has been chosen to speak about the physical manifestation of the Electro-Magnetic energies.

I am Lord St. Germain, standing here with my colleague and close friend, Lord Adama, High Priest in Telos to share this news.

During the time of the Solstice as the Electro-Magnetic energies are flowing into the planet, there will be a physical event that will occur in and around Mount Shasta. Those of you that are aware of our Golden City over Mount Shasta in the Etheric 20160429_180006858_iOSEarth will understand what we are conveying to you.

This city has been a meeting place for all of us within the Ascended Master State of Consciousness for eons of time. We call this Golden Etheric City Havalanechee. It represents the 22nd Ray of God in the flame of Platinum and brings forth the essence of the Source of All That Is. It is the stage of the 5th Dimensional Consciousness of Completion, the God and Goddess coming together as One.

At the time of the entranceway of the Solstice, with the Sun and Moon coming together, accessing the Electro-magnetic energies, this city will be igniting its essence of the Platinum Ray to spin through the atmosphere into the 4th dimensional Earth residing in Mount Shasta. It will ignite electro-magnetic rays that will come into the crown of the mountain, through the mountain and around the mountain bringing forth a 5th dimensional consciousness that represents Divine Completion.

Since the City of Telos is beneath the mountain it will be the foundation of these energies to be held within and around the mountain for 144 miles through the forests, the lands, and the people. It will ignite a higher consciousness than has ever been experienced before beyond Lemuria and Atlantis.

At first, the waves of light will come in very softly so that no one is shocked by its frequency; yet it needs to be grounded. It will assist in removing debris and clarifying the energies around the area so that eventually the individuals living and visiting the mountain will be assisted greatly to change.

It will be very subtle and may take many years for this to occur, but it is a true beginning.

Since Mount Shasta is the Root Chakra of the Earth this means that this chakra is being cleansed and purified by these light infractions. It will be the beginning of changes upon the earth and since Mount Shasta will be considered the Ascension Capital of the Earth, it will be the first cleaning energies. Let’s face it, we all know that this earth needs cleansing and now is the time for it to be integrated and grounded within the earth. Some of you may know that there are some conflicting energies within the area, so this grounding process of the electro-magnetic energies are going to assist substantially.

At the same time, the crown of the Mountain will hold this light frequency through the Golden City of Havalanechee as it becomes closer to the physical earth. This will take some time, but this will be the start of the transference of the light to be acknowledged. The tip of the mountain will ignite small fragments of light to other mountains around the world, like, Himalayas, Machu Picchu, and Mount Fuji so that there will be a transference of this light that will be ignited in various points around the globe.

It is the first time that an event of this sort will be accepted into the Earth. Lord Ashtar and the Intergalactic Federation of Light will be transferring the energies around Mount Shasta and other mountain ranges as we have discussed.

The initial energies will start at the beginning of the Solstice. As I said it will be very subtle, but it will help individuals to heal by coming to the mountain especially with the intentions of being part of the Union of the Masculine and Feminine Divine. Changes will happen here, and I, with all the Ray Chohans, are here to assist in the integration and acceptance of more light infractions within each person.

If any individual is uncomfortable with what happens to them, they will find themselves leaving the area as this energy will not be for them. This will assist in transforming the land masses to create Mount Shasta to be the center for Ascension for initiates that receive a magnetic pull to be here.

It is a time of great change and now we can fully accept the physical reality of the higher dimensional energies to come into alignment. We are very excited to have this occur at this time. We hope you will join us soon in the magical capital of the world.

I am honored to walk with you and be part of this magnificent acceleration. As you know, I have been desiring to see these changes to come to fruition for about 100 years. Our time is coming and this is our beginning of healing for Gaia and each of you.

Thank you for being with us, alive on the planet. We will work with each of you to assist you in your personal journey. Please do call upon us so that we can create the New Earth together.

In deep honor and respect,

I Am Lord Saint Germain

Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

Walking Terra Christa will be holding a Solstice/Full Moon Ceremony on Monday, June 20th, 2016 at 4:30 PM Pacific. Dial: (605) 562-3140, Use Access Code: 405260# for US Calls, or click the link for International options: OPEN TELECALL.

Walking Terra Christa held a 2-hour class with Master Thoth and The Great Divine Director: REVEALING LOST PUZZLE PIECES: THE LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT.  You may utilize this class in your personal time as it represents Changing and Accepting Timelines from the soul’s perspective. It is very helpful in accessing One’s I Am Presence and finding your true essence to be initiated.

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:

The Doorway of Our Power

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This is the transcription of the LIVE call within the Clarion Temple of Oneness with Lord Kuthumi, representing the Office of the Christ on October 12, 2015.


[Crystal Bowl Ringing]

It is my divine Pleasure to be with each of you. I am Lord Kuthumi.

I was very, very excited to have the energies open up between myself and Meleriessee just a short time ago. I think operating in this manner will assist us to become more physical with the energies and allow the frequencies of light, the attunements, to occur as we move into the Temple as it will allow each of us as Master to attune ourselves to each of you in the physicality.  [Our format for the class has changed so that the teacher speaks first, then guides us to the Clarion Temple of Oneness for the attunements.]

So please do continue your breathwork in this process. What I want to feel is the energetic exchange of your higher consciousness into your physical self.

As we breathe together and open up our heart centers, let us talk about the Three-Fold Flame as I am coming in representing the Office of the Christ. We bring forth the Love of the Pink, the Will of the Blue, accessing your Wisdom within that essence also which helps to create your Power.

I ask you this, “How do you feel about each of those three aspects?” What happens with the essence of Power is that it is accentuated through the other two elements.

So we start with the essence of LOVE.

Now as I tune into each of your consciousness at this moment, I know all of you want to accept love within yourself continuously. You have love for many other individuals, for many other elements of this earth, certain animals, love of nature, and allowing those essences of what you see around you to bring forth love.

But, what I want to speak about is Love of yourself ;Love of your Divine Nature within yourself to fully embrace that part of you.

Now deep down within your consciousness, you may feel this love continually. But we need it to come higher into the existence of the physicality. Sometimes, when we feel love, there are great emotions that are represented by that love. There should be an element of warmth, of blessedness within you, and I ask you to go deep within this through your breath, go into your Heart Center, go into the Feminine aspect that is within you. Or, it is trying to be with-out of you.

How do you allow that energy to go outside of yourself?

This is very, very important, because many individuals upon this planet feel this love and they want to express that love, but how well do they do so?

I would say that the percentage is about 50% within humanity. So I ask you to look at yourself in your own Inner Truth and even the parts of you that you don’t like.

Where is the percentage level for you to express your true worth?

Now, that can contain many elements. It can be how you feel about another individual and what that individual does to you within your Heart. Because love can also create negative emotions, as we know. But I want to ignite within you this evening is the power to bring forth the deepest essence of love; not from a physical standpoint, but from the spiritual of your highest essence. But how am I going to do that? That is what I am going to show you within the Temple tonight-to ignite those energies within you.

In order for us to express our Will, we must have that essence of Love.

Standing on its own, we know what the masculine energies can do. It does not ignite any of the elements of Love, it ignites the elements of control and aggressiveness of power within its raw form, which can be very damaging. These essences can tear an individual apart. But, in truth, everyone has the ability to feel the depth of his or her higher love. Some would say this is God’s love.

But in truth, I want you to go beyond that essence and to feel the truth of God is the truth of yourself.

What particle that is within yourself that you are not fully acknowledging from the God Source, from the Source of Light that You Are?

It is what you have experienced, not this lifetime but all the other lifetimes that creates your approval system within yourself. What needs to be done is those energies need to be defragmented and pulled apart so that the true work can be revealed. Without going through this process, then you are fooling yourself of what you truly know about yourself.

We have to allow the depth to go deeper into the Heart Essence and to bring forth the totality that each of you truly are, not what you think you are. This, then, is going to be able to allow you to move more freely within the Masculine Divine. What has happened upon this planet is that the Masculine Self has been doing all the work and the Feminine Self gets lost in that process. As that is not her energetic exchange, the idea of love comes from a completely different experience than if the Feminine Divine is activated first.

This, in truth, is what occurs within each of you.

The Masculine Self will try to argue with the Feminine Self that she does not know what she is talking about. But, in truth, the feminine essence is the feeling frequency. Many schools of thought will teach that it is the Masculine Self that has the idea first and then the Feminine Self initiates it, which is true.

I want you to go a little deeper with that element.

Let’s take this process of Meleriessee of trying to make the decision of which teacher would be coming into the Temple this evening. Her first thought was to go searching for the list of the masters to get a feeling of the energies. That is coming from the Masculine Self. But then she re-grouped within herself and said, “No, that is not the way I need to be doing this.”

So then, she goes deeper in her Divine Mind, her Intuitive Mind and gets a feeling that she felt my essence. She does not know why Lord Kuthumi is coming through for the teaching tonight. In her conscious mind she may say, “I need to understand.” But, the one element that we are teaching her is not to understand, to go by her intuitive self which she has done most of her life. But, in situations like this sometimes she has a tendency to fall back into the old self and say, “I must research this myself.” She still is actualizing her Divine Mind at that point, but she was still looking for other avenues. On this day she did not let that happen.

This is what I want everyone to understand. Your Will may push you to go and do something, but what is the feeling behind that thought. That is the Feminine Self. You must get a sense within yourself if you have the ability to get a vision, or have a feeling, or a visual, Her visual was my energy and she knows what my essence feels like to her. So then, she commands, it to the Masculine Self and at this moment within her, it is one embryo of light. She knew immediately that this is who should be in the temple tonight. She would understand later why it occurred this way.

When I give this example, I reflect and say that the ‘feeling level’ was the first element that she realized within herself. Originally, she was going by ‘acting and doing’ so that was more of the masculine energy, but then she went back to the feeling level. It was at that time that she knew that the action would be to have my energy within the teaching this evening. Once she did that, she felt peace. That is the power of the moment.

This is what I want each of you to understand that the total consciousness of everything you do must go into this feeling stage. It does not have to be massive but just a little flicker within your Heart Center, within your breath, or within your energy field. It feels like a warmth, it feels like an okay signal. You are the only one that can tell within yourself what that symbol should be. Give yourself some symbolism to help you through this process until you can fully intuitive like Meleriessee did.

When you go through that feeling stage, then you activate the Will. That is the Masculine Self being part of the process. Then what occurs is the feminine is fully initiated. So she at first gets that feeling level that she ignites it unto the masculine and the masculine gives its okay. Then it expands more. So the feminine initiates that energy.

That is the power of the Masculine and Feminine working together.

You may say, so, why is this discussion so important? We understand about the masculine and feminine. Well, you are coming upon a New Moon and more accelerations, which will be activating these energies in this way.

Understanding the process in the simple form of what the Masculine and Feminine Essences are doing within your full consciousness will assist you to go deeper and create the changes that are necessary.

What does this New Moon represent?   BALANCE – it represents balance and the perfect aspect of that element is allowing the feminine to have more input into the masculine energies. Not waiting for the masculine to make the decision and waiting for the feminine to act upon it.

So the planet is moving more into a feeling state. That is the Feminine Divine. It does not mean that the masculine gets lost, it means the masculine is fully comprehending his role within the feminine divine. That is the true power.

I would say that this moon represents Power. It represents both sides of the equation to come into balance. If you step on either side too far, then the opposite side is going up to high or you move down to the opposite side to the masculine, then the feminine is too high. Where are they? They are not in placement of each other. There cannot be any God’s power within that equation. There is an imbalance that occurs and this is what happens for each of you. When you are trying so hard to initiate a change within your life, the flow between both sides is not coming to meet in the middle. So the power cannot be ignited whatever that power represents. It could be power of manifestation, power of growth, power of regeneration. Whatever that moment is for you, whatever is the conclusion that you come to, they come into full alignment when they work together. This is the process of allowing the feeling level of the Feminine Essence , the understanding, the intuitive part to move to the Masculine Essence. Usually the masculine on its own without the feminine has no intuitive sense. It goes by actions and reactions, tried solutions. That part of the equation cannot work any longer upon this planet. So as each of you are becoming into more alignment with your Higher Essence, allowing your physical self to understand these processes will assist you in the whole pathway of regeneration that you are going through.

So I put it into these simple terms of allowing these energies of this moon to assist you in the next stage that will be occurring next month.

When you accept the equation as such, that is when your true power comes together. That is when the synchronicity of every moment that you are experiencing goes into the next moment. It is when you question, when you don’t allow the Intuitive Self to work with the Analytical Self that it gets you into trouble. Those problems, then, cannot be ignored. They must be looked at. So this is where your challenges are fully coming in. This is when you are not working as a Divine Being of the Christ Consciousness.

Let’s truly experience this together of allowing the energetic of the Feminine and the Masculine to really come into wholeness within yourself and understand it.

Let’s all breathe deeply

Igniting the energies that have already been started, allow them to come into you to create your Merkabah Vehicle as we call upon a Group Merkabah. We will move out of the existence of the Planetary Level, going up into the higher realms like a balloon going up into the sky. We are one huge balloon passing the Solar Level, going into the Galactic Level, into the Star Systems into the Universal Level and then the Multi-Universal Level. All of a sudden we just find ourselves slowly, slowly coming down unto the existence of the beautiful meadow that is part of the Clarion Temple of Oneness.

We are approaching the Rainbow Bridge. Now I want you to feel that existence with the vibrational energies that I have been sharing with you. As we walk across the water, notice the colors that are emanating from the stones and the sides of the stream. As we step unto the other side we feel Oneness with all of these beautiful Beings that are part of this temple. We follow the Garden Pathway and walk upwards as we are met by Archangel Michael’s Warriors and we acknowledge one another as we step into the Temple. Yamteleus is waiting for us – we acknowledge him, he acknowledges us, and all the souls within this beautiful temple all arise as they had been receiving this vibrational message through each of you.

We walk down unto the first row and I extend my energies unto the middle of the arena, known as a stage. Each of you find your positions within each of your seats. The Temple, this evening is filled with the God Force of Light of the Golden colors reflecting all the other colors that blend within each other. I bring to you that essence; but I do want Yamteleus to give a message. I now step aside as he gives forth his energetic exchange.


Welcome, Welcome; It is I, Yamteleus. I am very excited to have each of you here.

I want to share what we have experienced through the message that Lord Kuthumi has given to each of you in the manner that has been done this evening. The vibrational exchange has been very grounding for us even though we are not in a physical body. Being without a body, we sometimes don’t always understand the process that each of you is going through. All of these beautiful souls that are here within the temple are having remembrances of their physical lives, of possibly where they did not understand intuition and the opposite effect of thoughts and action along with reflection upon those situations that were not in balance and what occurred,

I think it is very beautiful in what we have experienced through this process as it is helping so many souls presently in such a way. I am very excited to have this experience in this manner; and I see how the repetitive movements that can always be the same can cause mediocrity and a process of getting used to things. But yet, when things change as what we have experienced this evening, there is a particle of excitement to see how it is going to effect each of us and each of you.

I am very pleased to feel these energies in this manner and to have the existence of Lord Kuthumi in a completely different way than we have experienced before.

I want to thank you for allowing this exchange to occur; in a way, you had no control in how the class is being presented, but yet, you do, by accepting that change. I see such acceptance and love ~ thank you.


It is I, Lord Kuthumi, once again.

Let us take a moment with our breath.

First, I want to thank Yamteleus for the understanding from his perspective and from all the souls that are healing through this Temple that they are affected by everything every one else does, especially within this Temple as it brings such deep healing for so many souls on so many levels. That is why I love this experience within the Temple as it is a place where each of us comes together. It does not matter who we are; even though you look at me as the teacher and an Ascended Being of Light, I understand where you are coming from. This is because I have been there. That is the blessing we give to you this evening, Understanding; understanding of what you endure and have to experience because each of us has had similar experiences. That makes us soul brothers and sisters, which helps us to bring that Oneness together of Acceptance of Who We Are.

So the other element I want to share before we move forward with the attunement of the Masculine and Feminine Divine into the Power element is the Reflection of what is occurring for you presently.

We all know that changes are happening within you and within the planet, which is assisting greatly to make the changes more accessible to others. It definitely is a domino-effect as each of you feel these frequencies of light, it sends those frequencies out to another, and another, and another, and another. That chain finally does go down to the unaware people. They feel it differently than you do but there is an awareness that happens to them within their own consciousness. So we are all effected by one another. You are affected by me; I am affected by each of you. We hope that in the process that it is a good experience.

What I want to pinpoint in these elements is to reflect upon “What is it that you are experiencing, what is it, what are the reflections, what are the changes you are going through?”

You must realize within yourself that an acceleration comes into your Being, it changes who you are, and then you must go into the depths of your soul to see what the change does to you physically. Otherwise, that work is for naught.

The reflection of the conscious mind must accept the Super-Conscious, the higher levels of consciousness and to make residual effects to occur as you walk upon this planet. That is why you are here with the ascension process to make those necessary changes in your life. They will be small, at first. They may be just one way you have done something: like the way you meditate, the time you get up, or the way you go to bed. Then, it moves out of that element: they way that you perform a task, the way that you interact with another person, the way you do a job, the way you communicate to a person. Then it goes deeper within that.

Is there a change that you have needed to create within your life?

All these elements are a domino effect in your own existence, because it will help you to walk through those doorways that are necessary for your changes. Maybe it is a new house, maybe it is a new location, maybe it is a new job, maybe its being an entrepreneur instead of a job, maybe it is being a teaching, maybe it is being a student, or something that you have never experienced before. These are all the residual effects of what you are doing within your world.

So we go back to that position of the see-saw, of the balance, of being in the middle of your power. The masculine and the feminine are now working together to create those doorways to occur. Now within that process, of course, you are going to remove the elements that do not fit that doorway. But you cannot let those challenges stop you from going forward. You can’t allow yourself to ever be isolated, frozen, or keep yourself in a time and space that does not include working through those doorways. So the energetic exchange that is happening presently with this New Moon is allowing that frequency to give you the change you are looking for. This is because of the domino effect that you have gone through previously is allowing you to move into a new stance whether it is an idea, thought, experience, or whatever it is, it is something new you are feeling. This is the time to balance it; this is the time to allow the accessibility of your Divine Mind coming together with your Analytical Mind to bring forth your power.

What is happening is that the Masculine Mind helps the Feminine Mind to feel more powerful. The Feminine Mind helps the Masculine Mind to be more soft and flowing. That ignites the power within you to create any desires, an outcome that you are looking to occur.

So let’s center upon that energy now in this beautiful temple of light as we look above there are beautiful streams of spectrums of light coming down, and bringing forth that energetic exchange you need to help you move further from the old space, to bring forth the balance within yourself.

Let’s us first think about the feminine. What is the feeling you are experiencing right now. What is happening to you, do you have any adjectives occurring for you through your thought process? Is it exhilarating for you? Is it moving, tingling, is it soft or warm and allows you to feel like you are under a heavy blanket like you are nurturing yourself. Allow that essence to come in first.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Feel the warmth and the healing that is occurring for you. Now allow that to move into your Masculine Side, allow your Masculine Side to feel the energetic exchange. Now feel his essence accepting this frequency.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Feel now, the two of them flowing within you. Feeling within your heart, feeling the power that you are; feeling the balance that you have been striving to achieve. Allow it to go down into your Earth Star; become this balance within you. You are the balance now, feel the power in this moment as these two essences come together. Breathe and extend your higher consciousness into your physical consciousness and be this essence. Be the power that you are as this is igniting your DNA, it is allowing the flow of what you know in your wisdom to be creating in this moment.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}









Now take these affirming thoughts and allow the energy to flow within you. Flow with it; do you see colors, feel it, do you see shapes. Can you see the geometric shapes that you became that is part of your DNA structure, it is part of your heritage that is being accessed at this time.

Work with it, Be it, connect with it. It is yours to hold and hold it deeply. Let it be in your lower limbs, let it be in all parts of you, not just the upper part of you.

Walk with it, expand it, as this is your Regenerative Period of Light within your physical self.

It is my pleasure as Lord Kuthumi to walk with you and extend these energies unto the Earth. It is assisting humanity greatly. All my blessings of light from the Office of the Christ, we watch over you and know and understand the challenges you receive.   Please know that we are here in all our Light and Glory, thank you dearest one for accepting my energies.

I Am Master Kuthumi

Closing Energies:

Take some deep breaths, allow yourself to stand up as we walk up the steps within the temple. We bid farewell to everyone. We thank Lord Kuthumi for this amazing teaching today and understanding of the Christ Consciousness within our physical self. We bid farewell to Yamteleus and Archangel Michael’s Warriors.

We step down unto the garden pathway; notice that it feels differently than other times. As we walk across the Rainbow Bridge, we create the Group Merkabah Vehicle. We descend from the 36th dimension going downwards, into the 24th, and then into the 11th, through the 10th, as we split apart into our separate vehicles as we come down into your present location. Feeling your body, breathing body, down your lower limbs, into your feet and your Earth Star.

Individuals may purchase the MP3 download of any of our calls via The Cosmic Great Central Sun (Divine Mother/Father God) now speaks monthly in the temple occurring on the first Monday of each month.  The transcript for the Cosmic Oneness is available via  to read. If you would like to be part of these energies LIVE or listen privately, please check out our new Partnership/Member Program in which we offer several ways to be part of these energies at a cost that you can afford.

Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. Michael Hayden (Aranathanara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Accelerations of Venus/Jupiter Coupled with the Full Moon

planet sun moon

This week we are being presented with opportunities of more growth with the Venus/Jupiter Transit along with the Full Moon of Capricorn in the sign of Cancer. These energies are going to set the stage for our month in July with heightened elements that will assist us in creating more love-centered experiences, with expansiveness to have the greatest opportunities to achieve what we desire.

Venus and Jupiter are coming in alignment on June 30, 2015. It is being reported that on the evenings of June 30th and July 1st that we will be able to see in the night sky these magnificent planets lighting up the heavens.

But what does it mean for each of us individually?

The energies that are coming into the planet since the Solstice are going to be giving us grand opportunities of light, love, and transforming our physical bodies to exist in these light worlds.

The Solstice brought to us the energetic exchange of the Solar Angels that we are to become more physically grounded within our existence.

What do angels represent to humans?

The main answer to that question is Divine and Heavenly thoughts and feeling. Angels are soft, loving, and truly have our back in any kind of situation that we encounter.

When we have the realizations within ourselves that We Are Those Angels, what comes to mind?

I say it brings to us a gift that we have all be waiting to occur in our lives. This is the time to allow it to be by allowing the acceptance that we are angelic into our physical consciousness. This will help us to make the necessary changes within the Earth, heal our wounds of the past, and allow us to move forward with gentleness of Love that is each of us, embodied.

The alignment of Venus with Jupiter is another step in the right direction towards balance, harmony, and the integration of the Masculine and Feminine Divine.

Venus is the planet of Love as we all know. It brings to us softness, gentleness, compassion, and allows us to be warm-hearted within ourselves. This brings forth the ability to be expressive from the Heart Center. It represents the Feminine Divine essence.

Jupiter represents the planet of Expansion and Higher Education such as temples, and schools. It is a planet of luck and gives the opportunity for elements to fall into our laps, so to speak. It give us strength, courage, and the ability to walk through any doorway that we encounter, no matter what the circumstances may be. It represents the Masculine Divine Essence.

Having these two planets come into alignment with one another truly represents a grand opportunity for each of us to embody these characteristics within ourselves and our daily living. For several years there has been much talk about the balancing act of the Masculine and Feminine Divine, and how the Feminine essence needs to be embodied within every human upon the planet. We have seen great changes in many individuals upon GAIA fully taking this role within their lives as the thoughts and feelings being expressed to others is getting better. But, the main element I want to convey is the balance of each of us internally.

We cannot help others in our pathway until we make the necessary changes ourselves. I believe that the energetic push we are receiving this season is helping us to do just exactly that. We are now in a position to expand our horizons and see the truth within each of us.

We are Love as that is the basis of our multi-dimensional selves. We have come to this planet at this time to expand this existence within ourselves, but the main component is to understand our own heart essence and what it may mean to the outside world. We don’t always know that what we are expressing is received in a different manner than we think it feels within ourselves.

The alignment that is occurring in the next 48-72 hours will assist the essence of Love and Expansion to come within each of us. It is another moment in time to allow the totality of our Soul’s Journey to be expressed within our Beings, as we connect in the higher consciousness of all realities being created right here upon the Earth. We take the energies of the Solstice, our Solar Angel assisting us to be more than we ever have been in the body. It will allow us to put into practice physically what we have learned consciously.

We are the Light of this Planet and this is our perfect opportunity to allow it to enfold within our physical body. It is our moment of rejuvenation.

It is a perfect time to allow our higher essence, our Solar Angel, to come fully within us to feel the Divine Love that We Are. We then expand it out around us. The Feminine receives it and the Masculine expands it.

So what is it that you would like to receive?

Put it out to the Universal Consciousness all that your intentions of life that you want to be accepted within your world. Do a special ceremony to see the Divine Masculine and Feminine coming together in the heavens as you experience in your physical self. Then allow the magic to happen. Let it be within you as Jupiter brings forth that ability let it happen.

Be in a state of awareness of the balance of your Yin and Yang coming together to Create, Create, Create.

It is an amazing time to allow this to happen.

Continue to allow both of your masculine and feminine essences to guide you as one. As the lights in the sky on these dates are showing us that it is now time to Receive our Divine Compensation for all the work we have done.

The work will continue but the Spiritual Hierarchy is giving us confirmation that this is one step in the process of allowing our Divinity to Be Our World upon this Earth.

This prepares us to step into the Full Moon energies on the 1st of July at 7:22 PM Pacific, 10:22 PM Eastern, and GMT– 02:22 July 2nd. The aspects during this full moon represent the Sun being in Cancer with the Moon in Capricorn.

The essence of Grandmother Moon takes us from the alignment of Venus/Jupiter to balance our emotional and mental bodies by accessing the unconditional love of Cancer into our public world with Capricorn. It will be time to take what we have learned through learning how to access our Divine Beingness into the outside world around us. This can be quite a challenge, if as an individual, we are still adhering to what the is expected of us by others instead of taking our truest desires and manifest them through acceptance of whom we have become.

The messages that Spirit has given us through this cycle is that we become more aligned with our True Essence of the Heart but our test is to show it outside of ourselves. Otherwise, we tend to isolate our feelings and do not truly express our deepest essence that we have become through all of the energetic exchanges and powerful energies since the Solstice.

It truly is a magnificent week of acceleration, but one that instills our ability to make the necessary changes by accepting who we have become.

Walking Terra Christa is facilitating an Open Sacred Ceremony on Wednesday, July 1st at 4:30 PM Pacific to celebrate the Full Moon energies. This is a free call but donations are always appreciated. If you have not registered to join our monthly ceremonies, please use this link, Open Sacred Ceremony-Registration. A copy of the MP3 recording is available within 24 hours.

We hope that you will join us for a powerful energetic exchange.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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The Other Side ~ Part 3 ~ Telosian Way of Being

TWOB Other Side

Now let us look at the male side, the analytical side.  The first aspect that we would like to look at with the thought processes is within the male energy:

  • Are you able to have your own power?
  • Can you speak up for yourself?
  • Do you allow yourself to do this in your physical world?
  • Or are you afraid to speak and show who you are?

Many individuals that are highly emotionally balanced have a tendency to only speak up until the time is very crucial and then what comes out, is only emotion.  So that can cause a problem.

  • How are you analytically?
  • Do you think about things too much?
  • Do you worry consistently?
  • Do you worry about everyone else?
  • Do you think that no one likes you?
  • Do you think, think, think too much.

There needs to be a balance within these aspects.  The male side has this tendency because he is the one that has ideas but what happens is that these ideas have a tendency to stay within that male energy.  The other thing is that you over analyze everything that you do.  It is important to think about and go back and say, “I did this at this time, I did this at that time, did I put it in perfect order.” This creates a pattern of going back criticizing themselves.  Criticism is a very strong facet for the male energy.

So as we move from the physical self we want to move into more of a personality.  What is your personality in your mental?  You can have a good mental level and be strong in your work.  Say that you’re an accountant by profession or you’re good at tasking.  A lot of administrative people are good in their mental level, because they can organize and put things in perfect order but does this go the other way.  Are you too overly fastidious about putting everything in order, not allowing things to flow because within this we want a fluidness to occur too.  So what happens within this is, as we get into the spiritual aspect of the mental level, of the Masculine Divine, those energies and those thought processes come in but then they are handed to the Feminine side to create it.  What happens most of the time is that side of the body does not receive those messages because the male part wants control.

Another aspect is, a person that is overly critical and overly in control of themselves will be very critical to others.  So what you’re feeling inside of yourselves is going to react outside of yourself.  These are the aspects we want to bring.  We totally want to bring forth, the parts of ourselves of the male and the female to be in balance, because we cannot bring them together without knowing the aspects that need to be realigned.  So let’s look at some other parts that can occur.

Let’s say that you’re in a work situation and you’ve tried to do your best but things do not go as well as you would have liked to, your mind was on something else, and you just couldn’t concentrate, maybe you were too tired, maybe you were too stressed out and your boss or your co-worker criticizes you.  What happens in that criticism for you personally is that an individual that is an emotionally-based person would totally take it all on and would say it was completely his fault.  The mentally-based person would be over analytical and go back and look at all little details that occurred to see what the problem is, would still blame himself.  We want is to have a balance within those elements by reflection on them, and say, “Well this is what occurred, I was going through stressful times, I was not balanced within myself” and instead of becoming angry you give it to the feminine side, the emotional side of the body and allow a release to occur.

So the best way for the release to occur is to not hold on to this element that happened in your life and not worry about that consistently.  You do something for yourself that will release it.  An emotional person would cry about it.  Another problem would be addiction, you would drink, you would use some drugs, would go shopping, or you would eat food; whatever that addiction is in your personality, which would represent acting out an overly critical personality trait.  A balanced personality would do something nurturing for themselves.  Maybe it’s just to relax, have a glass of wine, some candles, have a bath, maybe talk it out with a friend or take a walk or go running as long as it is not something in excess.  Do some exercise which will help you to start to feel the balance.  This is what we want each of you to understand.

I’m going to use Christine as an example again because I’m right in her head so these thoughts are coming up.  Her last position as an Administrative Coordinator, she was working on a proposal and she was the proposal coordinator putting the proposals together and there were two proposals being done in 24 hours, a massive job for all the people that were involved but very, very critical for her because she was the end result of those proposals getting in the right format.  There were a couple of mistakes that were made.  She was criticized very deeply for that and in the process what occurred is that she had a car accident the month before and was totally not in the state she had been previously as she went through a transformation in that car accident.  Her spiritual body was becoming more active in her physical body, so it created these elements to happen eventually for her to no longer to be at that job but in the process of this, she was no longer considered the perfect employee that she was previously.  Her mental levels were not fully focused; so what did she do for herself? ~ This helped to create the balance within her life.  Previously in many years before if this might have happened to her, she probably might have cried, probably would have been upset, probably would have wanted to have a confrontation with the higher-ups and talk about how sorry she was but no discussion was ever made.  They just criticized her and talked about her behind her back which she knew, so what did she do?  She let it go and said, “I’m transforming.  I can’t do anything about it.  And it’s going to open up other doorways for me to no longer be at this shop because this is truly what I wanted to be.” This is a balanced self.  What she did was she slept, she took a bath, and she relaxed and when she went back to work, she only stayed for a couple of hours and when she had interaction with her supervisor, it was not of a detriment.  She allowed herself to be Ok.  When communication needed to be done, she spoke about what had happened to her and they didn’t receive it very well.  She was fine with the way that it happened.  This shows a balanced personality of the Masculine and the Feminine.  Previously she would not have had that reaction, so this shows the transformation she had gone through.

I’ve just used this as an example, and I am sure each of you have your own examples where in previous circumstances, you would have reacted completely different than you’re reacting now.  This is the process we want.  The main thing about this course is Awareness.  We fully want each of you to be aware of how you are acting in certain situations and that you’re not taking on something that is not yours.  This is what happens a lot of times also that we take on too much energy.  The individuals are all part of something that occurs between them.  On the Upper Earth this is very difficult because your inner workings and your living in your community is so much different than what we experience.  This would never have happened on our level because there is open communication continually; we look at each other as Divine Beings and we don’t criticize others.  We all fully understand each other.  Each of you have a more difficult task because where there is an interaction, there is a great misunderstanding because individuals are at so many different levels in consciousness and awareness.

Each of you on this series and on this pathway is stepping ahead, and we are giving you tools to assist others.  They are going to come behind you and you’re going to need to work with them.  Many of you are working with the inner earth cities, so this is going to be very important because you are the first people that these individuals are going to see.  We have to live by example; if we can’t live by example, then we can’t live together at all, because individuals may come and see that you are not living by their rules and standards.  How can they understand to do it for themselves?  They will try to weave in and out through deceit, dishonesty, not being trustworthy, and this creates the dysfunction that you’re all dealing with now.  So we’re trying to right many eons and eons when these traits have occurred.

So let’s move on with the program.  This gives you the basics of what you need to look at and how each of your aspects of the Masculine and the Feminine can blame each other.  They may not come out and say, “I blame you”, inside of yourself or probably you may have said,” I am too emotional or I am too analytical”.  So that is the blaming that occurs.  You are taking on that criticism.  It’s an inner criticism that is occurring within you, which causes the other side to feel deflated.  If you can think of your male and female actually being separate personalities within yourself, they can create this.  Many of you have conversations between both and you have gone back and forth and battered between them.  This is also a sign of imbalance because what we want to do is we want to stop that process.  We want to stop those lower energies, that criticism, that doubt, and the insecurities; because what happens is that the emotional body takes on the other one.  So if your emotional body isn’t in the spiritual level, what happens is that it will be infiltrated within the physical part of your body.  It’s going to be internalized.  If you cannot access it through the emotional body then that part of yourself, the feminine aspect shuts down and says, “Well, I don’t want to listen.”

The same thing can happen with the masculine energy when the mental body doesn’t want to listen.  When the mental level wants all that chatter and does not want to stop, continually, continually, continually, continually, continually, then there’s a shutting down that occurs.  This is when it goes in the cellular structure and different parts of your body.

So I also want you to think about where you may have physical pain and how it manifests within you.  I also want you to be very aware when these elements occur for you, if you receive physical pain immediately because that is representative of the thought process, the action that happened or the reaction or the interaction with someone else and then you immediately internalize it within yourself.  We totally want to have a full body system that is very healed and we fully need to understand these thought processes and these emotional feelings that occur and not allow them to be like falling into quicksand.  Think of your body as quicksand and these elements occurring as they just seep right into the physical structure.  It seems like it takes a very long time for them to become unstuck which is true.  This is the process that each of you is going through.  So this now concludes our discussion part.  We will now assist you with this process with the attunements.

The Telosian Way is a 10-week course hosted by Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos and available for MP3 download,.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

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