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Accepting Oneness Through Responsibility

Machu Picchu Shamballa 1_800_457

This is the transcription of the visit to the Golden City of SHAMBALLA which resides in the 5th dimensional New Earth over Machu Picchu that took place on January 13, 2016.  

Lord Melchizdek, Lord Metatron, and the Mahatma are the Overlighting Beings for this City which represents THE MAGNETISM OF ONE UNIVERSAL BEING. It represents the 16th Ray in the color of White Violet Light.

Lord Adama brings forth the energetic exchange to travel to the Golden Etheric City of Shamballa located in the 5th Dimensional Earth over Macchu Picchu.

Let us now ignite those Merkabah Vehicles in preparation to travel to the Golden Etheric City of Shamballa. We center upon the Violet White Light. The mixture of Light Violet White spinning within you and around you igniting your Merkabah Vehicle allowing the extension to go beyond your physical existence. Breathing deeply, breathing deeply as you arise out of your physical body feeling those beautiful essences as you move up to the 5th dimensional frequency of light. We call upon the White Violet light feeling the vortex of energy as you spin through this spectrum of light, it takes you to the Golden Etheric City of Shamballa over Macchu Picchu.

You feel the magnificence of this geographic location that it represents. You feel the power of the Spiritual Self, of the Masters all in one consciousness as this energy represents the Inner Earth, above the Earth and beyond the Earth. We feel that existence moving through the entire being with your breath as you are twisting and turning as you are moving through the vortex of energy. You find yourself now at the beautiful gateway of this city.

There are magnificent lights around this city. You see the mountain ranges and beyond. You feel the exquisite essence of spiritual devotion as we walk through the gateway; there is a calmness that occurs within you. You start to feel the existence of all love, all light of your purest consciousness within your I AM Presence to be fully with you.

As we walk along this beautiful pathway, there are many gardens as this is the entranceway to the city. We have not experienced this previously. The gardens are massive, they go far, and they go wide. There is beautiful shrubbery and flowers of all different kinds. Everything grows here; everything. It does not matter what the soil is; it represents tropical gardens, earth gardens, rock gardens, and so many other types of gardens. You can see the crystalline structure of the rocks, of the mountains, and the hills. We walk up this amazing beautiful hill. You feel the exquisite essence of being One within yourself. Feeling this brilliance of light as it is you. What the city represents is to come to this space to remember; to fully remember the full consciousness but being in a physical body.

We are now met by Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron and the Mahatma. The Mahatma represents many consciousnesses of Beings. I allow myself to join each of you as a visitor to the amazing city of Shamballa. I am Lord Adama happy to be with each of you.

Greetings My Dearest Ones,

We are the consciousness of Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron, and the Mahatma.

We bring unto the God Force of the 49th dimensional frequency and from 0-49 as we also represent the 144th dimension in the skies above of the heavens all around us. As we walk through this garden, feel the earth upon your feet. Feel the splendor that You Are as a Spiritual Being within a physical body in a journey of light. Feeling that existence within you; feel that the Power That You Are – the Greatness of You. As the Light Frequency comes up through your feet and brings forth electrical-magnetic movements, feel that frequency of light that you are to come into the all existence that you ever desired to be as your multi-dimensional self becomes empowered within your physical existence. As we walk further, the pathway twists and turns through all the many gardens. These gardens are all facets of earth life as there are many different kinds. There is a separation and merging of the gardens going into each other.

So we ask of you in this moment to go off on your own for a moment so you can investigate which part of the gardens to you want to experience. Do you want to be of the gardens that represent rock formations, or streams, or ocean water? Do you want to be part of the gardens that represent the desert, represent tropical energies or possibly any garden that represents any geographic area of the earth?

We take a moment as you are going to investigate and feel the energies that are most appropriate for you. They are all very close with each other; you don’t have to travel far. We now bring forth this charge of light. When you fully go into the center of the garden and feel the energies, notice the animals that are with you. Notice everything that is coming together in Oneness. Allow that exchange to be within your full consciousness. Breathe deeply and allow it be within you. Go my Dearest Ones, go and experience the totality of your existence in a completely different way.

[Crystal Bowl Ringing]

[Divine Light Language Encoding]

Let us now gather round, my Dearest Ones. Come from your garden and bring that garden to the rest of us. Let us expand our energies together as we step to the side and see this sparkling body of water, with mountain all around it and a beautiful crystalline structure. We call this body of water “Synthesis of Light”. It represents all of these elements coming together around the beautiful body of water that has a circumference of a few hundred feet.

There are many Beings of Light from all walks of life circling the outside area. In the middle is a beautiful crystalline structure; it is more than a structure but a Temple of Light. There is a bridge that we will step upon and walk onto the crystalline structure. The water is the Light Violet color but it is also emanating colors of crystalline, blue, and green with frequencies sparking off of the surface.

As you walk across the little bridge, it moves up an incline and straightens out. We step into the altar area which is like a circumference of a base with a crystalline energy coming up into the middle. Around the base there are many little seats for us to sit upon. I ask each of you to take your place here. First of all, you may not be sure why we asked you to go to your garden. This is an element that makes you feel safe; an environment that you may be accustomed to that gives you the availability to find security within yourself. As a human, that is what your mental mind desires to have which is security and strength with the availability that you will be safe. Within the human world, you sometimes do not feel the safety, my dearest ones. You are presently allowing your Spiritual Self to come fully into your Physical Self. It opens up the doorway for you to have new experiences. You also may have had timelines in which you were not safe. So I ask you now to bring up any of those thought patterns within this space right here of this crystalline structure. The light is a frequency; the base of the crystal is in the water below. It is very much like a laser beam of the Violet White Light. You can put your hand through it and feel the extension of the energy. It is not solid; it is a frequency of light.

So we sit here amongst this space of energy, the base starts to turn very slightly around. As it is doing so, you are starting to see the perspective from different parts of the environment around us. It is a beautiful body of water that resembles a lake yet not formed as a lake. It is formed like an ocean or a stream or a waterfall. It has all aspects of Oneness. As the altar moves around, notice what you are looking at – is there mountains, sandy areas, hills, or flat areas.

Allow yourself to just experience all those elements. Are there massive trees, bushes or just flowers?   Everything has its purpose upon the earth but when we step into the core of Oneness within all the aspects together, that is true spiritual enlightenment. As we bring forth the energetics through the this city, we start to feel the different parts of ourselves that desires adjustment, desire of movement, that desire of expression, of love, of light, of vibration. You start to feel that essence – the vibrating energy of our altar spinning in a very slow manner. It starts to create a surge of energy coming up from your feet and swirling within your chakras connecting to all parts of yourself.

Let’s think about the journey to fully embody this light frequency.

You have to go through the journey of the 1st seven rays, and then you explore the pathway of the higher rays by accepting your light body, feeling that illumination, and allowing yourself to walk into that new phase of your existence to create the Christ Consciousness within you which is so prevalent upon the earth now.

It is important within your heart; tap into your Heart Essence within your breath and call upon “I DESIRE TO TAP INTO MY CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS FOR ME TO FEEL IT PHYSICALLY.”  

What does it represent for me?

Then, move into Vibratory Communication of your Throat Chakra by chanting, movement, song, or vibrational essences that eventually means something from your Higher Mind. This is all about surrendering as you move into your Third Eye, you feel the Divine Structure you are becoming. That allows you to accept of the totality of the Golden White flame to be part of those essences. It is imperative to feel these things through these processes within your consciousness and eventually you are going to fully embrace it physically. Don’t push yourself through it. That is what the White Violet Light represents.

Think about the Violet as it is the transmuting color but it is very light in its hues. It is mixed with the White Light; it represents your own consciousness of the I AM Presence; it represents the God consciousness; it represents your Monad and your soul along with who you have ever been. It means that you are becoming Multi-Dimensional. Within that level of being multi-dimensional, you start to see colors and colors swirling within you, around you.

Now the igniting energy of the altar and the flame comes out at the top, circles of sparkles of White Violet Light that is merging with the water of the lake. It is acting as a conductor for you to fully embrace True Oneness of the Totality of Whom You Are into the aspect of the physical self. Allow it to come into all parts of yourself.

[Divine Light Language Encoding]

Feel it deeply coming into your Solar Plexus now; feeling the power, feeling your Higher Power, your Higher Heart, feeling the totality that you truly are. We all rise together as the altar ceases to move. Notice at the area you are looking at beyond the lake. Does it seem the same or is it a part of something else that you are unsure you have seen before. Allow your intuitive mind to bring you the expression that you desire.

We now exit the altar and walk across the bridge. I want you to fully experience the Divinity of your Light that has enfolded within you in these moments. Allow it to be expressed within you as deeply as you can; as deeply as you can. Feel that extension through your Heart and your Solar Plexus, the cornerstone of your Power and your Love. Feel those essences as you walk unto the land once again.

All the many masters that have been here supporting your energies now arise as they come towards us. As we all circle within each other. Circles and circles; we stand in the middle as Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron, and the Mahatma. Then the inner circle is each of you with many of the Masters coming in to stand in between; then more Beings of Light on the outside with another circle being created; then another, and another. There are so many circles that it is merging all the gardens within the Oneness. Each of the gardens that were separate are coming into the true core of Oneness.

Feel this Oneness, my Dearest Ones. Feel the representation that you desire to have in your world. Allow yourself to feel Divine Oneness, as this is what our truth has expressed today – to fully ignite these energies to assist you on this journey, to allow yourself to reflect on what this feels like to have Divine Oneness. When you come back into your physical body, it will be a different experience whether it is tomorrow or the next day, or next week. So you must always reflect upon the powerful moments of your existence so that it can filter into your future moments. As the trials and the tests that you come across, will bring this forth into your physical existence. It is so very powerful; it will help you to mold yourself and a new world for others. Be the power of Light that You Are in this present moment.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Now our circles are blending. The outside circle merges with the next one, and the next and the next filtering through each of you and each of us. We become One; we are One in this moment. It is a consciousness; it is not a thought; it is a feeling. Let this feeling to totally be within your Heart before we separate.

My Dearest Ones, you truly are the Divine Expression of Light upon this Earth.

Remember this as you experience other elements that come your way. As long as you remember how to fully tap into this essence, you will never forget who you are.

We now separate our frequencies of light as we walk the pathway with each of you once again. Take a moment to feel the reflection of whom you are compared to when you first arrived. As we walk up the hill, towards the gate feel the beautiful essences and the gardens all around the area by connecting to each of you; feeling the beauty of the plants, the minerals, and the elements as they are all here along with all the animals and all of us.

Blessings My Dearest Ones, we are the 3 M’s, Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron, and the Mahatma, delightfully happy to assist you.

Namaste, So Mote It Be ~ We are One.

It is I, Lord Adama once again. Thank you for this beautiful blessing of light.

Let us now continue our journey as we walk through the entranceway exiting the city. We step into the vortex of the White Violet Light, feeling many colors and colors as we are spinning in multi directions. It is guiding us and taking us from that 5th dimensional frequency moving down into the Planetary Level more fully. Each of us separates as we move toward our physical location. Feel yourself coming back down into the existence of all that you are, breathing deeply, breathing deeply, center yourself within your body. Feeling the Light Violet within you; feeling the blessing you have received from your I AM Presence, from the totality that you truly are.

It is our deepest pleasure of the Spiritual Hierarchy within the Unified Whole energies and my exquisite desire to always walk with you so we can become closer in physicality. Thank you; in deep gratitude and love,

I Am Lord Adama with the Telosian Council of Light

We Are At Your Service.

January 13, 2016 ~ New Earth Consciousness~Circle of Light Class

The New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light class meets each Wednesday.  Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos is the host with a beginning lecture on the current energies.  Walking Terra Christa is glad to provide these classes in our Partner/Membership Program or purchasing the MP3 files individually.  Details are provided in the “Teachings of the Golden Etheric Cities” 

© 2016 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:


Becoming One in the Golden City of Shamballa – Decree


The Golden Earth City of Shamballa is within the 5th Dimensional Earth which we call Terra Christa.  It represents the 16th Ray “Magnetism Created to Reflect the One Universal Being.”

The special city of light, “Shamballa” is located over Maccu Picchu along with an Inner Earth City below Machu Picchu. Machu Picchu is situated above a loop of the Urubamba River, which surrounds the site on three sides, with cliffs dropping vertically for 450 metres (1,480 ft) to the river at their base. The area is subject to morning mists rising from the river. (

The City of Shamballa has always been the place where all the Masters gather for ceremony, meetings, and very powerful moments in the history of civilization. This city is in the Aghartha Network being part of the Inner Earth Cities.

The Golden City that we are referring to  is above Maccu Picchu within the 5th Dimension-Etheric Earth. Eventually the Inner Earth, Upper Earth, and Etheric Earth will become one City of Unification.

The city is represented by the 16th Ray of Reflection of the One Universal Being of the I AM which is overlighted by: the 3M’s as Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron & the Mahatma as One Universal Being

Color: Light Violet White

Chakra:   Crown – initiates the 5th dimensional chakra grid


  • Ability to hold more Light,
  • Connection to your I AM Presence,
  • Higher Energies,
  • Initiation,
  • Sacred Geometry,
  • Sound & Color Healing,
  • Spiritual Connection,
  • Transcending Limitations.
 3M’s is a shortened name for Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron & the Mahatma

They represent a totality of frequencies from all levels of the God Force.   Lord Melchizedek is the overlighting energies of all lightworkers within the Priesthood of Light. He is the direct communication by which each of us works through our initiations of Light. Lord Metatron is the overlighting force of all the angelic beings which brings each of us into your Angelic Presence of the previous timelines.   He imparts great knowledge and shows Initiates how to raise their Light Quotient into the 100% ratio. The Mahatma represents all of the 352 levels of initiation of the God Force encompassing all 49 dimensions of reality. These groups of Beings sit within the essence of Divine Mother and Father God of the 49th dimensional of reality.

Walking Terra Christa initiated their new program for 2016 representing the Universal and Spiritual Laws by focusing on the 1st Law of Divine Oneness.

We journeyed to the Golden City of Shamballa for our first teaching of Divine Oneness.  The following is a decree that represents this visit.  When reading it, try to envision yourself within the city by utilizing your breath and connecting to the energies.


I journey to the Golden Earth Etheric Cities,

On this day, my intention is to travel to the Golden City of Shamballa,

Which resides in the Etheric Earth,

Over Macchu Picchu.

It represents the 16th Ray of the One Universal Being,

Within the color of Light Violet Light.

As I visit this magnificent city,

I feel its amazing qualities of being in pure Oneness;

I look around me and see a multitude of many colors,

In its most purest form.

As I enter the city,

I walk through a beautiful gateway

That takes me into magnificent gardens,

Of the most beautiful flowers I have ever seen.

I start to feel the purity of the light,

It merges within me and settles within my Crown Area;

The surging of the light is so strong,

That I take a moment to sit.

I realize there is a beautiful pond in front of me,

With crystals emanating from the bottom of the pool,

There is a small fountain in the middle of the crystal formation,

As it emits the lightest Violet Light I have ever seen.

I am then met by Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron, and the Mahatma;

They come to me in one consciousness,

It is like a mist of beautiful Violet light,

Flowing all around me.

My crown chakra is filled,

With the qualities of these colors,

I feel all I have been thinking,

To be transcended through these essences.

I breathe deeper,

I feel my Spiritual Self,

Blending within me,

In the far distance I hear a beautiful voice,

The sound seems so familiar;

I sit and reflect,

As my tears are of joy, not of sadness,

As I know my role is now changing within me.

Many colors are emitting from their consciousness,

The 3M’s are fully aligning their essence with mine.

I feel the peace, I feel joy,

I feel Unconditional Love;,

I feel their kinship of light,

Being shared with me,

As I become One Universal Being;

With Lord Melchizedek,

Lord Metatron,

And The Mahatma

Being emanated to me in this moment.

I AM that I AM that I AM

Walking Terra Christa holds a weekly class on the Golden Earth Etheric Cities in which we journey to one of the cities with Lord Adama as our guide.  To become part of this amazing program, please check out how you can join LIVE or receive the recordings of the class through our Partner/Membership Program.

© 2016 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:

Initiating the Metatronic Seals in Preparation for 11:11

abstract blues pinks yellow_800_600

Lord Metatron Speaks About The Seals and Preparation for November 11, 2015.
Transmitted by Christine Meleriessee Hayden of Walking Terra Christa

I AM Lord Metatron and my role in this moment is to share some important facts about what is occurring for each of you during this intensified time of great change. I am excited to be part of each of your essence as you read this message. I bring with it intertwined with higher light frequencies to help you relax and be One within yourself.

Let’s all take a deep breath together as we move from the space of physical existence into the space of multi-dimensional essences coming together as One.

This is truly the journey that each of you has stepped upon within your physical body. You are learning how to access the other parts of your existence while still being grounded in your life. Or are you?

That is a big question, because as the transitions of each planetary acceleration comes into focus, you change with each small increment of light that occurs within you and around you. You are moving so quickly that at times you are unsure who you are and what is becoming of you. The movements of light frequency are moving so fast that it is hard to ascertain within the physical self what is occurring in each moment.

This year of 2015 has been tremendous for every soul upon this planet. But the ones that are aware of the other dimensional frequencies that it almost feels like you may be in a science fiction movie. Your life has change, but yet it has not. You are traveling by the speed of light into another phase of your multi-dimensional self. But yet, parts of that self are not aligned with who you are, on the Earth. So there can be much confusion that occurs through this process.

Please do not allow the lack of understanding that you have held you back from the potentiality that is occurring. You are not crazy; you are moving very quickly and by the speed of light. But yet, your body has to catch up to the higher part of your essence that is trying to become integrated within your four-body system.

That is truly when the confusion sets in because the Mental Body is trying to figure out all it is all happening within the mental structure that you have always known. But that is impossible, because your Mental Mind of the physical self can never understand what your Divine Mind is creating for you. Until you are able to sit back, allow yourself to enjoy the ride you are on, then you will always be in this state of confusion.

Many of you are so very gifted that you have the ability through your psychic abilities to perceive realities that are truly beyond your comprehension of the physical world. This is when you can activate only your Third Eye, instead of your Divine Mind. It happens very easily with those souls that enter into the body and realize there is more to their reality than what others may think. The problem is that these souls are only accessing their Third Eye and Crown Chakra. The rest of the chakras do not become initiated in the process. This is only because training has to occur within the physical reality.

So what has occurred since the Equinox is that more light elements are becoming activated within the planet. Every person that has the ability to tap into these realities do so within their higher chakras which means the lower chakras become lost and confused. The Etheric Body is not initiated within the process so the old emotional and mental elements from the past timelines become very activated as the frequency of light comes into the four-body system all of the chakras are initiated through this process. So the mental attitude of the physical system can be relating on the third dimensional construct as that is the only way that part of the bodily functions can relate; but, yet, the upper chakras are becoming so very active that it causes hyperactivity within those areas.

The Heart Center is the core of the upper and lower chakras so it will be hit the hardest with the dysfunctional thoughts and emotions that are being emitted. This is, when the true work needs to occur in order for the body to accept the higher accelerations, all parts must be initiated.

Individuals that have a difficult time relating emotionally will also be a target for these energies to create mass confusion within their system. This is because they can be interacting only within the mental faculties instead of a balanced heart of the Masculine and Feminine Divine. So the important focus during this time is to allow the Higher Mind, the Divine Mind to have the accessibility within your four-body system. This can only occur as you allow the frequencies of light to intertwine within all of your chakras so that the higher chakras can be initiated through the changes that are occurring.


I am a soul that has embodied upon the planet of density. The environment can be very disrupting to my higher thoughts. But yet, I know I have timelines from other lifetimes that are lodged within my lower chakras. So I will take the time to let the lower chakras know what the higher chakras are experiencing and vice versa. I now call upon my Solar Angel, the Bridge to my Higher Self to assist me within the process.

What I am trying to convey to each of you is that you cannot forget any part of your existence. You must acknowledge all parts of your bodily functions, all the chakras, your Etheric Body, and your Higher Self and Divine Mind which is your I AM Presence. Your Solar Angel will assist you to connect to your Higher Self, the first step of acknowledging your Divine Self. This is mastered within the 4th Initiation of Mastery.

The intensity of the energies will increase from this point forward into 11:11. And, they will not stop at that point.

My question is:   How much are you willing to do for yourself in order to walk through the doorway into your next reality that is trying to be One with you?

What have you gone through in the last three months?

Make a list of your challenges, but yet your successes. Try to reflect on how you felt in August, then in September, and now at this stage of your acceleration.

Taking these steps will allow you to know more of whom you are, what you desire, and possibly what you did to help you get through the challenges more easily?

Allow your chakras to become more intertwined with the higher frequencies. Work with the Rays of God to increase the energy you can hold in your full body system. The more you are able to hold at this time, the more you will able to understand as the 11:11 becomes increasingly closer.

The beautiful part of these present energies is that once you have the ability to hold one small fragment of light within yourself, you will see the change that occurs within you. When you feel the increased light, and then forget about it, this will frustrate you as your body won’t be able to hold it. In order to ascend into the fifth dimensional level of existence, your light infractions must change, but it’s not just about the light. It is about your shadow side and what needs to be adjusted, removed, and then the readjustment will happen.

Please know that these planetary alignments will continue and it is up to you to look to see how you were able to get through the change and realign your entire system.

This I call, Gaining your Nuggets of Wisdom, because it represents the journey from the beginning to each moment. Every time you feel differently, you may act differently. You will readjust within your four-body system to allow for the increased energies to be held not only within your consciousness but within your seven body system.

The potential of the future energies is to be able to hold these frequencies, but you must know what you need to do in any given moment. The only way to do that is to understand what you have gone through, what tools did you use, were those tools helpful, and how you felt afterwards to that you could balance your light within the body.

Doing all that I suggest will assist you to receive more of the Metatronic Seals that are destined to be part of your reality. Many individuals think that the seals represent an essence that is already part of their existence. Part of this statement is true, but in order for them to be revealed within your physical you must be able to access them through your Divine Mind, your I AM Presence. Your Solar Angel is your friend and ally to help you acknowledge the Higher Part of yourself. It is important to connect to this part of your existence. As of June 2015 during the Solstice, all Solar Angels were initiated to work with all souls upon this planet.

My role is to help individuals such as each of you how to de-ascend your Highest Essence into the physical consciousness in order for the Metatronic Seals to become a true reality. I am truly exhibiting the highest frequency of light within the planet as that is one of my tasks, along with Master Vywamus and Lord Saint Germain to help as many souls to have true remembrance within their essence as a physical being. I am working with my colleagues and several others to bring forth an understanding of what needs to be accomplished in order to fully activate and actualize the Metatronic Seals that have been waiting to be revealed for each of you.

What are the Metatronic Seals?

The Metatronic Seals represent 12 steps of creation from the Golden Solar Angel and Solar Angel that you are that are being embodied within the physical body. The seals assist in creating the multi-dimensional self within the physical and are a step-by-step process to allow the existence of your I AM Presence to be fully acknowledged within your physical consciousness and bodily structure.

The seals are not just integrated but each initiate must go through a process within themselves to accept the higher seal within their physical body. They work hand-in-hand with the initiation process of mastery to help the initiate to command the higher light forces while grounding the essence they represent. It brings forth the ability to access the characteristics of each seal within your physical life, through the energetic transmission that occurs within each of the seals. They assist in your journey of the mastery within your life.

Each soul is activated with a Star Glyph which holds the ability to bring forth all 12 seals. They are protected by the Guardians of the Metatronic Light. When an individual is ready to accept the work that needs to be done, the Guardians along with myself will help direct the energies within you. Now each seal is a step-by-step process to be acknowledged within the four-body system. They align with the Initiations of Mastery which allows a soul to fully access their full mastery through the process.

The Seals are represented by these characteristics:

  1. Integration
  2. Grounding
  3. Masculine Essence
  4. Feminine Essence
  5. Integration of Masculine & Feminine Divine
  6. Awareness of Wisdom through the Ages
  7. Acceleration of Wisdom
  8. Application of Wisdom/Gifts
  9. Remembrance of Angelic Presence
  10. Special Gifts and Knowledges of the Past
  11. Accessing all Parts – Formlessness, angelic, intergalactic, inter-planetary, human and work on the Inner Plane in between lifetimes
  12. Induction into Service with Lord Metatron of the Illumination of the Golden Flame

The activation of the Star Glyph allows for the seals to be initiated within your consciousness. When the seals are initiated, it is then your responsibility to continually work within the seals. Initiation of your Golden Solar Angel is Actualization (fully embodying) your I AM Presence. You become One of all things within you, the multi-dimensional self fully actualized in your physical body.

I have been working with Walking Terra Christa through several classes to assist in this process. Otherwise, it occurs naturally as you walk through each of the doorways of the initiation process. I am continuing this work with them to help align individuals to the Seals in their Awakened State of Awareness.

This time upon the Earth is challenging, but it is rewarding not only as a soul, but a spirit of the Light inhabited within the physical body. By utilizing the Metatronic Seals, you will be able to access your multi-dimensional self in a way that you have never achieved previously.

Again, please remember what has occurred for you previously and how you were affected by it. Knowledge is a very important element and you cannot gain the Wisdom without experiencing the knowledge first-hand.  This is why the Metatronic Seals are so very important.

The process that you are experiencing without the knowledge of the seals will still take you into a journey of mastery. But, utilizing all tools to help you through the doorways along with accepting the present energies to become You, will truly assist you in a more focused manner.

I walk with you through every step of the way and honor each of you for opening your heart unto your Divine Essence to become manifested upon this Earth.

All my blessings in Light and Love of the Christed Essence We Are,

Lord Metatron

Note: Lord Metatron will be hosting our next class in the Ascension Clinic series “HIGHER GROUNDING”,  on Saturday, October 31st, 2015 at 1 PM Pacific, 4 PM Eastern. Click here to learn more about what the class offers and why you may desire to participate.

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below. If you like this article please do the creation of the New Earth a favor and SHARE it in these ways:
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New Earth Frequency Update ~ July 23, 2015

New Earth Frequency Update

Our True Beginning

Blessings and Love from the Unified Whole Command of the 144th Dimension of Reality representing Oneness.

We are The Great Divine Director, Master Thoth, and Master Einstein here to serve each of you in this moment.

The challenges and accelerations of 2015 have truly helped to make this year a movement towards Harmony upon GAIA. We stand in the middle of the year and would like to reflect back on the immense changes that have occurred through the vibrational levels. Each person is going to infuse it within them as best as they can depending upon where they reside within their own cosmic consciousness.

The beginning of the year was very challenging for many of you as the Crystalline Ray became more accessible within the planet as each of you had to hold this energy within you very deeply. We know it has been quite a ride for many of you.

Then the Equinox came along with the Wesak Festivals. These energies took each person into a deeper part of themselves even have they had not realized what was occurring. Debris has been flying out of so many souls so that the deep healing can truly be acquired. The shifting of those energies has accelerated GAIA’s essence with the work that each Initiate took upon themselves to do within their own essence.

Within those energies great change has resulted within each of you and humanity, as a whole. You may not see the overall effects of the movement, but it is happening on much deeper levels than you realize.

As we moved into the Solstice energies, the vibrational changes became softer with the entrance-way of the Solar Angels becoming grounded within the planet. We saw great changes through this process during the five-day period of accelerations occurring. This energy helped to be accessed by every human being upon this planet to feel the pure essence of Divine Light that they truly have been from the beginning of time. Many did not feel it consciously but it assisted them in their daily world, to make necessary changes with more ease and grace than they had done previously. It is not being seen with the physical eye, but perceived within the essence of each individual. It is like a cloud of pure light flowing within and around each individual to help them make better choices that are aligned with their higher purpose.

This energy is also assisting the lower frequencies in having such a hold on the planet as the Divine Essence that is being centered upon the earth is flowing in and out of every living organism, even as we speak. It continues to this day.

In order to really feel the full effects of these magnificent celestial changes physically each person must be responsible to allow these energies to enter their consciousness and be very aware of the changes they are going through. Even when the road seems rough and filled with uncertainty, the Solar Angels are assisting each of you to go deeper, know more about yourself on a spiritual level, and to find the balance of your own Divine Self to be fully manifested within your foundation upon this earth.

This is truly a great opportunity to walk through doorways of change that you may have not been able to see previously. The Celestial Energies are helping each person on the planet to become more softer, more loving, and more accepting of the challenges that they are going through presently. There is a sense of peace than can be revealed if you allow yourself to fully tap into this frequency.

Take time to sit and reflect on these energies especially in a beautiful place of nature. Notice the differences that are occurring within each of you with your thoughts and feelings of what you are experiencing. Allow the movement of the angels within the planet to be fully grounded with who you are.

You are the chosen ones that have decided to come back upon this earth and do it once again. Do not allow the old self to guide you in the opposite direction of the Self Love that your Solar Angel is asking you to receive. Be very receptive to the change that is occurring for you.

Within this process though there can be moments of non-believe, not understanding what you are experiencing, and wanting to just stop the whole process. You can become angry with yourself, and tired of looking within when you just want to fly away. We totally understand this reality. It is part of your programming coming upon this Planet. But as angels, you vowed to stand true to your beginning essence while not allowing the old self to control you, to keep you stuck, and to feel the pain of the past. This journey is not for the faint-hearted and that is why you have chosen to walk with others during this pathway of Light. Be strong within yourself and do not let anything deter away from your own essence of awakening.

This is a very deep process that is happening for each of you. You may not realize the magnificence of what is occurring within your own Being due to other elements that you are being faced with presently. It is a huge challenge and an even bigger awakening upon this planet.

Each of you are being asked to step forward, do the dirty cleanup work that is necessary so that you can fully accept the Divine Being that you truly are.

Aren’t you tired of making choices based on your physical mind and not your Higher Mind?


The more individuals that are able to grasp these energies, the easier your transition will be through the activation of the Solar Angel into the Higher Self, and then eventually activating your Golden Solar Angel. All of these gifts are awaiting for you.
Are you ready to accept them?


You must find time to create balance within your life so that you are not all one thing or the other. You must remove your addictive behavior from any particle that is not good for you. It does not have to be about drugs or alcohol; it is about freedom from one space to another, Flowing with Life throughout your day not allowing the restrictions of the 3rd dimensional mind to control you any longer.

So the planet is being infused with the Angelic Essence to help each of you remember your own essence. As that is occurring, it is helping all land masses upon the planet to accept this love. But, with this higher level of vibrational essence, comes with great changes. Land masses will change, environments need to readjust to the frequency just like each of you are doing.

The most important element through this process is to fully connect to your Angelic Mind/Divine Mind and not to get caught up in the debris that is happening around you. You, as the first angels that are now awakening once again, have a commitment to uphold these energies within yourself.

We know that this is not an easy task for any one of you, and we totally commend you for this pathway of awakening that you have chosen. You are strong souls or else you would not be making this commitment at this time; you are ready to stand fully in your power with the deepest love that you can hold within yourselves.

As the moon cycles are very important, the next phase on the 31st of July represents a very futuristic approach of what we have been sharing. It is time to fully take the opportunity of fellowship and creating new things within your lives.

This energy is to bring the Feminine and Masculine Divine into more creation as the angels represents the balance of both genders. In August this alignment is going to be felt very strongly and will represent the ability to be both within your physical existence.

We ask you to work with us through this process. Allow us to help you to understand your Balanced State of Emotions and Thoughts. Bring forth the Three-Fold Flame more strongly within your Heart Center. It will help ignite the Angelic Presence that you are combined with the Divine Human Essence you are learning to incorporate within your Being.

It is a great time to rejoice with these energies, as it is the True Beginning of what we have all desired to occur within humanity. Each of you stand at the forefront to lay down your weapons of battle, to be the igniting frequency of light within your Being, holding your Highest Essence within you as your Solar Angels are here to help.

Let us all fly together as we did in the beginning of this Earth. Creating the purest essence of sparkling light from mountaintops flowing into the oceans and around the lands of GAIA as we experience more harmonious moments of creation.

This is our True Beginning Together.

The work must be done in order for it to be fully grounded, but the energies through the next two months is going to assist in creating the balance within each of you. It is also a very powerful time to fly through your initiations if you listen to the signs around you. Be very cognizant of your old thoughts versus your new thoughts and allow your Divine Mind blend within your Physical Mind.

As we move towards the Equinox in September, true abundance can be created on this earth.

Let us work together as we are all here to assist within the Unified Whole Command, with the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light, with Divine Mother and Father God. Each of us can be present in your lives if you allow it to be.

We look forward to our energetic exchanges with each of you.

In the Light of the Christ That We Are Together, We Are One,

The Great Divine Director, Master Thoth, and Master Einstein
At Your Service in the Light of the All

If you would like to know more about accessing your Solar Angel, Walking Terra Christa has facilitated a special program series with Lord Metatron, “Angelic Boost”. Included are teachings from Lord Metatron on the Solar Angels, journey to his Golden Temple of Illumination with activations for the Solar Angel along with infusing the first five Metatronic Seals that are associated with the first four initiations of Mastery. Please click the link above to receive how to order this powerful angelic series.

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).

Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Solar Angels Walking The Earth ~ Solstice of June 2015

sunrise solstice_800_500


Lord Metatron Shares a Message about Accessing Our Solar Angel During the Summer Solstice 2015


This is Lord Metatron at your service. It is my pleasure to guide each of your through the June Solstice in 2015. It is a magnificent time of creation and I am very excited for the prosperity and light that is coming into the planet.

At this time the reflection of individuals that are walking a Pathway of the Light is one of great challenge. This is due to the changes that have to be incurred in order for the Light Infractions to be placed within the Earth.  GAIA is readying herself for more acceleration just as each of you has been doing within your own pathways.

Let me talk about the Metatronic Seals and what they mean for humanity at this time.

Each of the seals are represented by the 12 Strands of DNA and is directly related to an individual’s acceleration upon the Earth. Each of  you have a Solar Angel that works with you through the first four Initiations of Mastery.  If each of you could see the Solar Angel that you are, you would understand the concept I am trying to convey.

As you go through your initiations and accelerations, you are allowing your physical body to hold the higher light forms which will activate your higher strands of DNA, but without going into the depth of your own soul’s history, it is much harder to achieve. You have chosen to embody upon this planet and at this time, it allows for the Remembrance to Occur within the physical structure. This has to be a consistent journey of the Self, but one that is very much contained within the origins of your Soul’s Purpose and how it will reflect your personality of the physical body that you have inhabited.

Each time there is a change in the season upon the earth, humanity has the opportunity to incorporate the Solar Angelic qualities within themselves. Those of you that have been working within your own pathway have an opportunistic approach to the Self. This means that the opportunity presently lies within your own consciousness of what you shall incorporate physically and what you shall on receive within your higher consciousness. Because, you see, there is a difference between the two. You can have ascension symptoms within your consciousness and within your physicality.

The Solstice of June 2015 is a movement into the next few months where there are grand opportunities for individuals that choose to embody more of their Solar Angel have the distinct ability to do so. It is a coming of a time that has been waiting for many years. You see, the Solar Angel reflects the initiations of Mastery. When one reaches the 4th initiation of the Higher Self becoming more embodied within the personality, then the Solar Angel has done its work for the physical vehicle.  The Solar Angel goes back to the Source, and the Initiate then works on the higher initiations by accessing the Golden Solar Angel.  It is then the embodied Higher Self essence’s role to continue on the pathway of the initiation from the 4th through the 7th. This is what we call Planetary Ascension or what Dr. Joshua David Stone labeled “Kindergarten Ascension”. It is just the beginning.  Fully embodying the Golden Solar Angel represents accessing all 12 strands of DNA with the 12-Body system within the 12th Dimensional Physicality.

Our goal within the Spiritual Hierarchy is to have as many people as possible reach this stage of creation in which the Solar Angel returns to its space of Oneness as the Initiate arises into a new space of existence throughout the coming years.

We know that each Equinox and Solstice the energetic patterns within the Earth change drastically. In June it represents the Light becoming ever so stronger than the Dark. It is a moment in time when all Solar Angels upon the planet within physical bodies unite together in ceremony and joy. In 2015 at this time the creation of the Solar Angels exhibiting these energies will be one of celebration of their Light.

This does not mean that all individuals will reach the 4th initiation; what it does represent is that the Light Infractions become stronger and the Solar Angels inhabit the earth to assist humanity. The most important element is that the Initiates fully ground themselves with the Solar Angel in order to express the joy and gratitude of the journey, but yet, there is a coming together of many elements to create Completion. This completion can be in the form of an unawakened person waking up, it can come in the form of Lightworkers or Starseeds realizing that there is more for them than before, and it can mean that acceleration will occur in many initiates during this time. It could be the next step within a sub-level of an initiation; and there is no guide how small or large the acceleration can measure.

You see the more light that is held, the more the planet can hold her Light. Being a Torch of Solar Angels Upon the Earth, remembering that the power of the energy lies in the journey of completion. Solar Angels being implanted upon the earth to assist humanity until they are ready to accept their role as Divine Sentient Being of Light inhabited upon GAIA.

It truly is a moment of celebration and love for all of us. I am deeply honored to walk with each of you during this powerful moment of celebration.

I humbly walk with each of you,
Lord Metatron

Walking Terra Christa is facilitating a Summer Solstice Ceremony on Saturday, June 20th, 2015 at 10 AM Pacific, 17:00 UTC.  To receive information on participating in the call, we do require each person to register (once).
[Note: If you have already registered, the number is the same and registration is not required again.]

We do provide an MP3 recording within 24 hours.

We do have SKYPE™ options available:



WTC is also Hosting a Special Teaching with Lord Metatron to assist individuals embody their SOLAR ANGELIC ESSENCE at this unique time.
This 90 minute class will be held on Thursday, June 25 at 4:30 PM PDT.

Solar Angel Class

Please Select Your Financial Means Level (Members: ~15% off)

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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The Trinity of Light ~ Lord Metatron

portal_light-fbGreetings, My Dearest Beloveds,

It is my pleasure to walk with you during this time and all times of creation of the New Earth.

We are entering into another Portal Of Light that has not been felt upon this planet previously. On March 20th with the New Moon, Solar Eclipse, and the Eqinox all showing their beautiful energies as an extremely entryway of light into GAIA, I believe it will be a welcome entryway into the next phase of growth for Gaia and each of you. But I assure you, that preparations must be made within yourself to accept these energies on a much deeper level within your core essence.

I know that many of you are doing fabulous work but in truth, we must go deeper. The effects of the changes within Gaia are so strong that each of you needs to step up to the next level of your responsibility. Otherwise, you will be taken into a completely different direction than you truly thought you were going.

This is not because you are not doing as well as you would like to be. In fact, it is because the light infractions are so strong that each individual within the planet must go further into their soul’s existence. It is a time of great renewal, which takes us into a completely different paradigm of light and existence than has ever been felt before.

The power can only be as great as One that Can Hold That Power.

This Trinity of Light represents light coding that is being implanted within the earth through the effect of the Sun and the Moon, but with the entire existence of the Earth. It is a cataclysm event in proportions of the light infractions. It is something that none of us could ever imagine would occur, but yet we are here experiencing it together.

This focus of light is the start of many elements upon the planet. It is an entryway for more of the Christed Light frequencies to be implanted within the earth as we come upon the Festivals of Ascension with the Christ (April), Wesak (May), and Humanity (June) through the next season. It is an opportunity for each individual person to see what is within him or her so that they can achieve the highest possible reflection of the Wesak energies.

As initiates, each of you are standing in a place of renewal; that process of regeneration is only possible when an individual understands deeply what keeps them from the full potential.

The pathway of Mastery is not just about being an Ascended Master to achieve great things; the first component is the pathway of the Self as the energies assist in removing all particles that have kept that soul from achieving these things in previous timelines. Each of you is being gifted to go further than you have ever done before and being grounded within a physical body. That is a huge achievement in itself.

The next element is that this Portal Of Light is going to assist the Earth to awaken in different ways than it did before. So there could be quite a bit of turmoil in places around the world. In order to allow the shift to occur into a higher frequency, the areas that don’t hold that light element within itself must be changed. This is where it becomes very difficult, as the changes occurring within and around the world could be quite monumental.

The other side of this event is the beauty that the Light and the Dark are standing in equal parts of each other. It is a time for Gaia to fully move into more Light and allow the Dark not to take precedence over elements.

Each of you, as the initiates upon the earth, then are able to see a difference within yourself. The infractions of the light and dark can be shifted dramatically if you allow it to be. This is why this energy is so very powerful. Great change can happen to everyone but only if they are willing to step into the next doorway of opportunity.

So as this event occurs, it will give each Initiate, each Ascended Being, each Angelic Being, and Inner Earth Being to take on a huge responsibility.  It is time for each of you that are on the planet to hold the light you receive to take it into Gaia so that her foundation will be illuminated by the Light you are receiving.  This will assist in the process of the future months to be more grounding for the planet and all of humanity.

This will also assist each of you on a personal level.  The more light infraction that you can hold within yourself, the easier your transition will be for the New Earth.  The energies of Wesak represent moving into a higher level of the initiation process so having this Portal of Light at this time to be activated within you is a gift in itself.

This is when each of us together with the God Force and the Source of Oneness with each of you upon the Earth unite with one another to create a force of Light that is beyond your wildest dreams. It is a place of great renewal but not without removing the old elements that have been in place for eons of time. This includes your timelines, Earth’s timelines, and all of ours. We all must step into wholeness for this project of the New Earth to be created.

The Trinity of Light with the Super Moon energies is our doorway into a new world.

I extend my hand to each of you, helping you to aspire to the greatness that you are so that we can do this job together.

It is our Opportunity of Light, Love, and Freedom Within to be Fully Acknowledged.

It is my Divine Purpose to stand with you as we unite as One.

I Am Lord Metatron at your service.

Integrative Channel:  Rev. Christine Meleriessee Heliohah

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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The Pathway of Multi-Dimensionality ~ Lord Adama

gladiolablossom-qprwtcGreetings, My Dearest Ones,

Aluna, Aluna, Aluna.

It is so nice to be here with each of you once again. I am very happy we are all together here.

I ask each of you to open up your hearts, and feel all those energies Meleriessee brought in. Allow them to be activated within you. Call upon your highest potential. That is what I would like to talk about today.

This city of Honlontonneash represents that highest potential and ability to be within Divine Love and Divine Power. It means there is no Lower Mind and no Lower Self, although they are in the physical self. The integration has taken place and you allow those essences to fully be within you.

How does an initiate get to the point at which it is consistently within that concept?

Again, I am going to state that each of you is living on the Upper Earth, where some places are 3rd dimensional, other places are 4th dimensional, so it does not support that energy to constantly be in that space. You do have to work much harder than coming to Telos and being able to actualize it. It takes a lot more strength and courage. What you are going through is to be faced with situations in your life consistently to go deeper within yourself, to look at yourself, to understand what you are feeling. When it does not feel or look right to you, then you have to change it.

I know that this is the most challenging part. It feels like you are constantly hitting brick walls. You are not fully able to walk through all these doorways as quickly as you would like to. Everything must come in its own time.

Your greatest potential is a statement that represents your highest essence. As you go through the challenges of your initiations, within the lower initiations, that highest potential is not going to be the same that it can be on a much higher level, such as someone on the 8th initiation for instance. Within the lower initiations, you are going through those doorways that make you look at yourself on a deeper level. You still work within your 3rd dimensional construct, although intentionally you are working with your 5th dimensional self.

Yet, how much of that is grounded?

How much are you accessing through your physical self?

It is like any other school you go through. You have to relearn your experiences. The only way you can stay within that process is to learn your lessons and accepting those lessons. When a situation occurs again, you say to yourself “I am not going to do it the way I have before”.

This is what you are going through. Your highest potential coming into consciousness is not going to be on the level of a high initiate; one that has acquired mastery. Even then it can be a challenge, depending on your consciousness, depending on what your subconscious is still holding within you, depending on what your Supe-Conscious wants to bring forth that rules your full Conscious mind.

This is why I speak of reflection so often, what it truly means and why we need to reflect on who we have been previously. It is the only way we can work on what we have done before to see the difference and who we have become. The more you bring this essence within your Physical Body, the more you will accelerate and allow it to be grounded. Then your highest potential changes. It will get broader. It will change onto a higher level.

The more you practice utilizing the Rays of God, the more you bring in that energetic field within your body and the more you will be able to hold. You have to remember that your Physical Body cannot hold these frequencies. One of the major components of that is your environment; where you are living, the lands you are walking upon, the debris that is upon the Earth, the souls that are still stuck there, affects you tremendously. This is why we ask you to do the cleansing showers and baths. It is only a tool for you to help yourself connect to that higher essence that you are within your potentiality. When you do so, you will feel a difference, even if it is only slight. We want the best for each of you, to be able to hold this energy within yourselves, to hold it within your entire structure, not just your Physical Body, but to allow it to go into your Earth Star, to allow that Earth Star to spin with these frequencies of light. That is your highest potential. That is the ability to fully accept your Divine Love and Divine Power.

It is ready to enfold within you.

It is everything else you have been dealing with of becoming the multi-dimensional self that stops you from having that potential. It is a challenge as this road has many different pathways you can go into. It is important for you to always acknowledge within yourself who you are, what you are in this moment.

So I ask you in this moment, how do you feel about your energy?

How do you feel about your emotions?

How do you feel about your mental thoughts and the full totality of your existence?

If you can tune into yourself to see that your body is transparent and that you are just light infractions coming in and through you, you would understand it more easily. Yet what happens is that the Concrete Mind, the physical mind, does not see it as that. A training process has to occur. You have to remember that you are the Divine Light. You are this Divine Essence. You are the vibrational level of bringing forth the frequency within yourself. Let it spin through you and ground it through your feet. Let it be in your Earth Star so that it can become you.

We know that each time you listen to one of these teachings, in the moment it feels absolutely beautiful. Yet afterwards, you can slip away and not fully feel everything you desire to have in your world. The role of becoming a multi-dimensional self is truly quite enormous. It is not only about ascension. It is not only about feeling the higher energies. It is about becoming all those elements that you ever have and to be able to change the elements within yourself that do not fit.

This is why I suggest for individuals every month to sit and make a mission statement, a paragraph of what you would like to achieve within that month spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. That way it can blend within you physically. The more you intertwine your highest essence within your physical creation, the more you will be able to accept what you are receiving. Everything that happens to you is a direct result of what is going on inside of you.

I know each of you knows this. You see it occurring within you, but then you are concerned about why it is happening a certain way.

Why am I not getting my way, my wish, my desire?

You have to take that statement and turn it inside yourself. Ask that question. Why are you not getting it? The layers of debris, some call it the onion peeling, to get to the core essence could take years to unravel. With the frequencies of light and the changes we are presently experiencing upon the Earth, it can go much quicker. What happens to each of you is that it becomes more of a challenge energetically, emotionally, or mentally. Sometimes you do not have time to relax in between the adjusting energies that are coming into the planet.

At this time, it is a perfect opportunity to do so. Fully take the elements you are receiving and allow them to come into your consciousness and into what you are experiencing. See what needs to change. Use these frequencies of light to assist yourself with moving into the direction you desire. If it is peace and solitude, you ask for that. If it is serenity, you ask for that. If it is movement, you ask for that. You do not go backwards. That is the most important element.

When you travel backwards, you are only going back in linear time to what you have been before. This causes great distress within your psyche, within your higher consciousness, within your Physical Body. It is very important to be reflective without taking on those energies and be the old self once again. I know sometimes that can be very difficult in this process, as you may feel you are becoming the old self. Yet in truth what is occurring is that the layers are being peeled away so that you can find the inner core. Within that essence it may feel very raw, because it will be new. That is allowing yourself to receive your highest potential.

Tonight is going to be a very powerful exchange of energies with Lord Metatron, as he is going to assist you. Think about what you have received in the classes of the Solar Angelic Body. Think about the attunement you have received. What has it done for you? Have you relistened and made some notes to yourself about what areas may need to be addressed?

As we go through these attunements, it brings up unpleasant elements and it brings up beautiful elements. The role of those frequencies is to assist you to remove the unpleasant thoughts and emotions, and to change them so that you can become that potential.

I would like to thank Lord Metatron for giving forth this teaching through the process. As I know, it will assist each of you on a much deeper level. We look forward to having him come back and continue the process with the keys and the Metatronic Light.

Many blessings to each of you,

I AM Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos

Always At Your Service

Extracted from the New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light class, October 19th, 2014.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Angels Return

angels-wtcThis is the transcription of the LIVE call within the Clarion Temple of Oneness with The Golden Solar Angels of Lord Metatron on October 27, 2014.


We are the Golden Solar Angels of Metatron. We come into this beautiful temple this evening and there are many of us.

Allow our essence to filter within you as you so represent the beauty of what we are; the purification of your Light that you received from the Cosmic Great Central Sun in the previous moments is the reflection of all that you have ever been; of the Angelic Presence, of the Light, of the Teachers of the Angelic Realm that are now within the earth and our role this evening through Lord Metatron is to assist each and every one of you to have that remembrance of your Solar angelic Body and beyond; of the ones you have been of the many principalities that have traveled far and wide to fully receive and to give unto this Earth the blessings that you so personify within your existence.

But do you realize this?

Do you realize the blessing of yourself, of the other parts of yourself that have been forgotten?
You see, you pray to the angels; you pray to the many masters to assist you in the Divinity of your Light, to assist you in the balance, in the completion to help you understand more of whom you are but yet, we, here so much of that within you.

We are here to help you, to remind you of all of this. You see through the many timelines that you have experienced, you have forgotten. Some of you are luckier than others as you have more of a remembrance than others. But it is not just a remembrance that we want to share about; it is the ability to understand within yourself that this is You.

You, as the Fallen Angels upon this Earth have the hardest job of anyone.

We, of the angelic realm, the masters of the mastery realm, and the light beings of the Light Being Realm all have their definitive role to assist humanity, but yet you are humanity.

You are the ones that are assisting humanity. You are the human beings upon this earth, and there are sparks of light within you that have awakened for the allowance of remembering more of yourself. But there is still a very long journey for you to travel.

There is so much more for you to experience, to embrace; then you can teach and be that teacher by personifying this frequency of light within yourself. We know it must be difficult to understand within yourself when you look in the mirror that you are not just human, but yet you are. You have within you so many more elements. We, who represent the Metatronic Light of the Solar Golden Angels have this remembrance because we chose to be where we are. Our role was different, and we are here this evening to assist you in your role to help you know more of your internalizations, to help you know more of your multi-dimensional self.

As you see, not all the angels could come to Earth. If all the angels came to Earth, then there would not be any angels in the heavens. So we all had to share this role. Our role presently of the Golden Solar Light is to bring that unto each of you in these moments. For the reflection that You Are to be presented to you in a way that allows you to feel it.

We know what the humans are like; they want to know with proof, and we know that each of you in this moment do not have the need for proof. You know you are part of the angelic realm, of the purification of your essences to allow them to be intertwined within yourself. We want to continue what the Cosmic Great Central Sun has shared with you, and to bring into your essence the ability to feel more that you have been by allowing the totality of all the seals of Metatron to be initiated within you that allows to fully accept your gifts, your wisdom, your knowledge, your ability to ground all of this within your physical existence. That is truly the beauty of whom you are of accepting all these realms of light within you and to know that it was you while being able to tap into those gifts and wisdom but yet still be physical.

We say to you “do not be sad that you are in this physical body as so many are,” because they find it so difficult. Yes, you have chosen the hardest pathway within the Universe. You have chosen to come into physicality into a planet that represents love but represents so much more. Then what happens is you are required to remember all those Selves you have been previously that you have wanted to forget. So you have to bring those elements into existence to find your way back home.

But you don’t go back home; you stay.

You stay unto the planet and bring all those essences unto yourself. Think about all the individuals upon the planet, if they could know this, how much easier it would be for them. How much easier it would be when they go into their churches they actually connect to their own angelic source, and allow Lord Metatron to be part of their journey instead of looking to him as an ‘icon’ that cannot be touched. As a statue that cannot be revealed to the source of light that he is.

We all know that is not true and this is why we have been asked to come here in these moments to help you to feel it, accept it, to allow it to come deeper into your existence so that when you awaken from this dream you will not say to yourself,

“Why cannot, I remember.”

You will say to yourself, “I know it is happening, I receive it, I am patient to allow it to be.”

This is the most important element to realize within the potentiality that you are, to allow these essences to fully be you, because it is your Divine Right to understand about the angelic self, about the solar angel, and then the Golden Solar Angel. It is for you to receive all these essences.

When you do, you will see; you will come together by the 100’s, and you will say unto each other how grateful you are for the journey you have taken, because then the Earth will change. The Earth will rise into that 5th dimensional essence and you will be able to walk the lands, as a human, as a master, as a light being, as a starseed, as an angel. You will be all of these things but yet the journey is not easy. That destination will not be known for quite awhile, but each person within themselves must acknowledge exactly the essences that they are bringing forth so they can assist their own physical being to be whole.

What happens when you leave the body at this stage?

You do not come back to the angelic form; you go to the form where you have your lessons, to look at them, and see what you have learned, and the lessons that you will go forward from that point, and return to planetary form. Because each of you is so very special you chose this journey to come unto this planet, to be upon this planet, and many other planets.

The most important element that we can share with you is that the journey continues no matter where you are. But the most beautiful essence is to fully embody it in this moment in time, in this physical assistance upon this beautiful planet of GAIA. It will flourish but every one needs to do their part.

So we send you this light to assist you in your own divinity of your own Golden Solar Angelic Essence. That beauty of light having all those fields fully embodied within you.

When you think you can achieve, that is when you shall walk that journey and to receive what it is you desire in the many levels of creation.

It may not all come at one time and it may not all come in the way you would like, but It Is Arriving. Allow yourself to know this – the beauty of these essences in these moments.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Allow the purification of your essences to fully intertwine within you as the Waves of Light of the beautiful colors of our essences are blending within this beautiful temple at this moment.

Allow them to flow through you and around you and be you, and feel the totality that you are as the Angelic presence is more active within you than it ever has been before.

Let it come, Let it Be, Let it expand within you.

Feel the purification of all that you have ever been to come into complete harmony. Feel that purification of light, and feel the beautiful harmonization of all your existences coming together in peace, serenity, joy, beauty.

Feel, feel these essences.

Now we blend them fully through the temple into the many dimensional frequencies below into the planet of GAIA. Allow the earth to feel the beautiful Angelic Bodies of the Metatron of the Solar Angelic Realm to come fully within, to come fully into the existence of GAIA’s core, and into all her peoples upon the lands to accept their divinity of all that they are in the multi-levels of creation to arise within them, within their hearts, within their solar plexus, to feel the Divine Love and Divine Beingness that they truly are.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Breathe, now feel the beautiful sparkles of creation that you are from your Angelic Self and the Solar Body of Light to fully come within you to exist through every moment, to exist in your thoughts and your emotions and to see that totality of your angelic essence to be with you in all parts of yourself. This is your Divine Right to never, ever forget the creation that you have been previously to allow the intermingling of these energies to blend fully within you, to ground them deeply as you walk upon the Earth, the angels return once again.

We walk with you as the Golden Solar Angels of Metatron to fully reflect your Divinity of Light and our Divinity of Light as we come together in a new and eliciting way.

We are One. The Angels are all One Together.

With our highest blessing bestowed upon each of you, allow our existence to always be remembered, always, in Love and Joy and Peace and Serenity,

We Are One; We Are One.

You may purchase the MP3 download of any of our calls via The transcript for the Cosmic Great Central Sun via is available to read.. You may also apply to our Student Membership Program by paying a monthly fee to join all teachings on Monday and Wednesday evenings.
©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara. Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.
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Guardians of Metatronic Light

geometric-webwtcThis is the transcription of the LIVE call within the Clarion Temple of Oneness with The Guardians of Metatronic Light on October 20th, 2014.


Blessings, blessings to each of you. It is our pleasure to be with you as the Guardians of the Metatronic Light. This is new for us to come in this manner, but we are very, very happy to do so.

We bring forth these essences unto you of our ability to hold the Metatronic Light. What does that mean for each of you in human form?

It means the power of Divinity of Existence that each of you are experiencing is being brought forth in so many ways. For us to be able to comprehend whom we are and what we bring forth, is that we are the defining light that comes from Lord Metatron himself, but to each of you, each of the angelic forms to create that pure Beingness to be accepted through the many levels of dimensional frequencies and understanding. We represent the Solar Angels and the Golden Solar Angels. We are the defining line between Metatron and the Golden Solar Angels.

So what we bring unto you on this day is to help you accept yourself in the physical essence that you are.
You are learning more about the Solar Angels, you are learning more about the Metatronic Seals, but what causes an individual to tap into that frequency? Many are doing sacred geometry are bringing forth the divinity of our vibrational rays through the geometric shapes. I am sure many of you have seen these designs that very gifted individuals are doing. Remember, they are a communicator, and within that communication they are allowing that frequency of light that they are tapping into to come into form unto the Earthplane, to come into an existence of the physical world.

What we bring to you today is to help you not understand sacred geometry, but to help you to receive the understanding of the Metatronic Seals and what they represent. In your world you were given definitions of what they represent, but in truth, it goes beyond a deeper level of understanding. It doesn’t take your physical mind to do it; it doesn’t take your Higher Mind to do it.

It takes your I AM Presence to receive it ~ to just Receive It.

We bring forth these vibrational essences unto you today to assist you, to help you to understand more of what you are receiving, and allow it to come fully into you. As your awareness is opening up to more levels of deep understanding, of the many Universes and the frequencies of Light that exist so that you will receive these frequencies of light, it will assist you in understanding more about being a Golden Solar Angel. We are not here to command that energy to make you become the Golden Solar Angel. It is only you that can do so.

What we are here is to assist you with is to understand each of the seals and to bring forth remembrance into your full-body system. So to all the souls that are here in the Temple without a body, it is helping them to acknowledge their Golden Solar Self and to be more aligned with the teachings and rules of Lord Metatron as he is bringing forth the words of God and we are that defining energy to assist you in the transition. (The Clarion Temple of Oneness represents all souls whether in or out of body who come to the Temple to heal their past wounds. Archangel Michael holds the gateway for souls to enter. We invite many souls that are just passing to the Other Side to join the Temple each week.)

We are here to help you accept more of what you need to be and that is why we say that it is not something we have done previously as it was not time for us to fully coexist with each of you. In this moment, in this beautiful temple of light, we bring forth these frequencies of the Metatron Light that exemplifies the Tree of Life, which represents all aspects of Beingness of Truth, Sincerity, Harmony, Balance, Purity, Love, Dedication, Respect, and Understanding.

Those are the words that assist you. With us, we have no words; we just have the transmission of energy.

Let’s get started with that essence to help you to receive more of whom you are to assist you in becoming All That You Are.

Now you must remember that you will only receive what is necessary through your Higher Self. Each time that you listen to this recording it will help you to ground more of it. But at this time, Lord Metatron has asked to come forward to assist each of you and humanity to ground more of the Metatronic essence that he so embodies. As we do this, we bring forth these essences unto you.

So we bring this essence through each of your Solar Angels and Golden Solar Angels into your Higher Self from the I AM presence to receive what is necessary to ground the next phase of your existence upon the energies that are occurring within the earth. It will help you to be more stable and accept elements in a deeper level. Please allow these transmissions to assist you, and what does not assist you, your Higher Self will not allow it to be integrated within you although you may feel it first. So it will be like it is passing through you. Let us allow this continuance of Light to occur now.

Breathe deeply and feel all the frequencies of all the colors within this temple as we also represent these spectrums of light.

{Divine Language Light Encoding}

Feel the colors within colors almost like neon lights in the beautiful temple as we recreate Sacred Geometry. It represents movements that we make within each other as there are over 1,000 Guardians of Light creating the Metatronic Seals. We move with the frequency in and out, in and out allowing those elements to always stay in motion.

Feel these frequencies of light within yourself now as they circle within the height of the temple, all the way up to the 144th level to the Temple of Illumination of Lord Metatron that we represent through that frequency unto this Temple of the 36th dimension.

We now take this frequency of light; we are going to blend it into the Core of GAIA to assist humanity, to receive their divinity of the Metatronic Light that will help them to understand and open up doorways of remembrance for every individual upon the planet. We bring these essences now from the 36th dimension down through the 24th, and colors upon colors intertwining with each other. It is like a fireworks display but more of the geometric shapes. There is more defining energy as it goes down through the Galactic Level, and then into the Solar Level, it goes deeper and deeper into the core of the Earth.

See it on the outside of the Earth as we blend GAIA’s Merkabah with the Guardian that We Are and blend our energies into the core of GAIA; we allow every individual soul upon the planet including animals, plants, and kingdoms of so many forms to receive this frequency of light to allow this energy that we embody of the 144th level to beam down into the core of GAIA, to allow her essence to expand and open up doorways to allow people to receive; the more frequencies of light that they are, and to be embodied with the qualities of their Divine Purpose.
We now bring these energies back up into our Heart Center within the Temple, because as of right now, what we have created is a beautiful Sacred Grid of Light from the Illuminating Temple of the Metatronic Seals down through all the dimensions through this temple, and into GAIA. As now, we are more interconnected than we ever have been before. In the frequency of Light that we are, allow it to come into you.

Open yourself up to feel the frequency that your Higher Self, your Monad, and your I AM Presence is guiding you to have and allow it to expand within you. Take it to any places within you that have been hurting through this last phase of Divine Light coming into the planet, and allow it to be healed.

Our energy has a very special quality to heal elements, to purge elements, but also to accept elements.

Bring forth these frequencies of Light into your Heart Center and Solar Plexus and to all those aspects in our full Beingness to be let go through the Earth Star and the Soul Star. As your Merkabah now has a completely different effect than it did before. It will open up avenues for you to receive more strands of DNA; it will help you to receive all essences, but it must be done through your Higher Self, your Monad, and your I AM Presence. All that we are is a guiding light.

We are the Guardians to allow this light to come to you; but each of you with your free will allows it to grow and be whatever it should be. Breathe deeply now as our essences are in complete alignment with each of you. If you want to connect with our energies, you must do so through the 144th dimension of the Illuminating Temple of Light as nothing must come in between us. It must be in the purest form and that is why we have never come forward previously as it was not time. The time is Now for us to be more aligned with each of you, and we hold that frequency to allow it to be. And we extend it outwards into the many levels of creation that are ready to receive it.

We thank Lord Metatron for allowing us to be here this evening. We thank the Light of God; we thank Divine Mother Father God; we thank the Creative Source of Oneness that we are all as now our expansion is possible.

In blessings in love and light we are together, We Are One.

Blessings, Joy, Beauty, and Harmony

So Mote It Be

In Great Gratitude for allowing this transmission to occur, we are the Guardians of the Metatronic Light.

Individuals are encouraged to join the live call of The Clarion Temple of Oneness for a small fee at Walking Terra, due to the attunements that are given not only by the Cosmic Great Central Sun but it includes a guest speaker each week from the Spiritual Hierarchy.  You may also purchase the MP3 download of any of our calls.  You may also read the transcript for the Cosmic Great Central Sun via  You may also apply to our Student Membership Program by paying a monthly fee to join all teachings on Monday and Wednesday evenings.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara. Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Full Realization of the Self

5th-dimens-bodywtcThis is the written transmission of the Cosmic Great Central Sun of the Divine Mother and Father God was shared Live in the Clarion Temple of Oneness on October 20th, 2014.  It includes information about the planetary changes in October 2014, but contains very pertinent tools for accepting changes within the four-body system.


I AM that I AM, I AM that I AM

I Am the Divine Mother – Father God of the Cosmic Great Central Sun at your service.

Many blessings to each of you as we bring forth the energetic exchange this evening that will assist you in bringing more elements into the focus of your existence within your consciousness, within your thoughts, within your emotions, and what you are experiencing in the physical body by allowing your Higher Self, your Monad, your I AM Presence to be in direct communication with your physical self.

The last month has been very transitional for each of you. The planet is going through a lot of changes since the Equinox, the Full Moon with a Lunar Eclipse and now a Solar Eclipse. These energies that are coming into the planet are going into each of you deeply. The one part of you that would assist in this process is to UNDERSTAND.

We have conversed before how individuals have a tendency to put everything into one basket and saying, “this is my transformation” without looking at the little details they acquired during the transition. In order for that transition to occur within you, you had to go through some preliminary steps, and that is the part that each of you do not realize; what they are when you are going through them. Sometimes that is because if you knew what was happening on a deeper level that you would not allow yourself to feel those emotions or thoughts that are occurring within you. This is because it is part of the existence of being in a human body, that you stop that process. The lower self or lower mind can stop you. It does not matter what level of existence within your mastery initiations you are presently on; this process can still be an integral part of whom you are. It takes great courage; it takes great initiative to walk through these steps. That initiative is not given to you on a physical level; it is not your lower, your lower mind, or your dysfunctional self. It is your Higher Essence; it is part of you.

As each of you come onto these classes to learn more how to connect within yourself, but yet how many of you think about it when you are going through a challenge. The most important element with this is, “it is time you do think about it”.

This is because when you acknowledge it within yourself that you are going through a process of elimination and integration, as it is coming from a higher part of yourself, your physical body can accept this. The increments of light that are coming into your physical existence, through that parts that process is coming into your cellular memory, your physical structure, and all aspects of your physicality. But yet, when you are experience it, you don’t say, “This is coming into my cellular thoughts, or whom I was before.” You just know that it comes.

This is a question that I pose to you, How many of you allow yourself to stop and reflect when something like this is happening to say, “There is a better place for me to be; I need to go into a higher place, I need another aspect of my Divine Mind, my Divine Heart to come fully into me so it will help me through this process.”

So we ask you to look at the past three weeks and what you have experienced; we know that each of you have been challenged and you have changed. But are you holding onto those changes?

Are you allowing them to be within yourself more fully?

This is the most important aspect. If you cannot hold onto the new essence that has arrived, then there are still more elements that need to be purged that are holding the old frequency within you.

This is true with every little thought that you have or every little aspect of your personality that you thought that was you. You will find that your personality will change greatly through this process. That is the beauty of it. You are no longer the dysfunctional self within, questioning yourself and everything that you do while having those lower thoughts either about yourself or others. You start to allow those higher essences to shift within you. Like anything else that occurs, it takes time. It takes time for them to be integrated.

Have you ever cooked or baked something and you have to let it sit for awhile to allow the ingredients to soak in before you bake, roast, grill it, or even eat it. It takes awhile for those ingredients to blend within to create what you are making. This is what is happening to each of you each time.

We bring this up tonight as we are at a very opportune time before the New Moon and Solar Eclipse that represents Self Mastery and the particles of yourself that no longer fit. It represents the next step you will be taking into your world. Not everyone is going to be taking the same step. Not everyone is at the same level of initiation, and it is important not to push this. Otherwise, you get into trouble. You fully cannot accept the new parts of yourself until the new parts have been fully removed. Otherwise, that becomes more of a dysfunctional mix within you. That is when confusion sets in. It happens when you don’t know what you are doing because the new particles are trying to find their way into the space where the old aspects were removed.

In the last week we have been in an adjustment period. This is exactly what has been happening because you were challenged with these other energies especially with the Lunar Eclipse. Now, as we move into the New Moon, you can fully ground what you desire within yourself to allow your totality that is ready to be incorporated within you at a deeper level. And many of you will try to grasp at many different straws.
We want you to pick one element that you need to fully ground within you. You may be surprised that one element will be the grounding force you have been searching for and will allow the transition of other elements to fall into place. Many times we are unable as humans to bring forth the new essence, the new thought, the new project into the self, because there are too many of them happening at the same time. There is always one piece that is much larger than the other. Within that piece that fits into your structure, there are additional pieces that will come quickly right afterwards.

Did you ever notice that when you are in a moment of synchronicity that other synchronistic events occur for you, things just fall into place?

This is the space that each of you are going through. This New Moon is such a pivotal time of allowing your Will, your Power, your Structure, and your commanding energy of manifestation to be able to be grounded within you. But you must look deeply within the other particles that are arising; the mirrors that are shining at you, the thoughts or feelings that come up to you during the day. Write them down; look at them; transform them into light and if they are deeper levels of those characteristics plaguing you, go into those deeper levels. Take this opportunity at this time to fully allow yourself to be in alignment of whom you are supposed to be in this moment.

You must remember: everything happens at the right time, everything is in Divine Order, and you can’t push yourself to be in a higher initiation until you are ready to accept where you are as there are lessons to be learned in between.
So what have the lessons been for you presently?

This is what we ask you to look at, within your Heart, into the structure of your Beingness to allow them to be fully purged out of you, if it is time. You may not have anything that needs to be purged. You may be in complete alignment allowing all aspects to come into the creation that you are standing upon.

So as you breathe deeply within yourself, what is the first thought that comes to your mind that is the biggest project that is needed for you at this time to allow everything else to come into place?

It may be aspects of your old self, prosperity consciousness, aspects to create a new life for your-self, a new relationship, a new journey, or a new walk. Each of you is going through something completely brand new in this moment.

Let us fully breathe into that essence presently. Allow the purity of light that you are to fully intertwine within you, within this beautiful Temple of Light as we bring forth these essences to come into your Heart. As it does so, activate it within your Divine Mind and your Divine Heart as the Masculine and Feminine that you are. Allow it to all come together to accept the missing puzzle piece that you need to bring forth in your existence presently so that everything else will come together.

{Divine Language Light Encoding}

We, as the Divine Mother and Father God of the Great Central Sun, command the frequency of Light of every individual participating in this moment to receive their Divining Essence of Light to assist them in the grounding of their Light Within the existence that They Are.

{Divine Language Light Encoding}

We, of the Cosmic Great Central Sun, brings forth the light of all the Great Central Suns into the purity and existence within this Clarion Temple of Light.

Feel the Frequency That You Are coming into you Now.

What does it feel like?

What occurring with you?

Expansion, Expansion of the next aspect of your life to be fully within you.

Feel it blending into all the particles of light within you, blending into all the aspects. As it merges within you, it will bring up of any elements that do not fit this basis that you need on this day, in this moment. Feel it coming all the way through your bodily system; feel it going into all chakras, into your Earth Star and all aspects beyond the physical, into your Etheric Body, the Emotional and Mental Body accessing your Soul Star.

We now command that every individual person be able to look at all elements within themselves that do not fit their next highest aspect. Be in this space that you are Now and Feel It.

Feel it blending and merging and purging; Be the Divine Light the You Are.

Be the Acceptance that You Are and pick one creation, only one, that you desire to be manifested upon this earth within this New Moon that represents your Self Mastery, your ability to step into the process of your Divinity of Light, your Higher Self that you are trying to acknowledge in all other elements.

Be it ~ Allow it to come ~

Allow it to come as the Light of the 330 Rays of God that are within this temple and circling within you. You cannot fail, because each of these rays represents a different aspect of your Being.

What is it that you need ~ Will and Power; Love and Wisdom, Heart Centeredness, Creation of Light, Harmony and Balance, do you need to understand the Science of the Rays. Do you need to devote these essences to yourself in order for you to accept your freedom to feel that creation, your basis that is underneath your Earth Star so that you can command it to be within this Earth and allow it to go deeply into GAIA.

When you ground it fully into GAIA, then it cannot go anywhere else. It goes into her essence because you are part of her. Breathe and allow this transformation to occur within you. As we initiate each of you, through this frequency of light, through your Higher Self and your Higher Essence to command within yourself whatever you desire deeply.

{Divine Language Light Encoding}

Breathe and receive the Divinity of Light that You Are to fully come into you, and the rest will occur through your existence. Surrender to the process, surrender to what you are receiving and allow it to be fully within you.

So Mote It Be in the Light of the Christ That We Are. We Are One.
Adonai, Adonai, Adonai, Tzebayoth
Holy, Holy, Holy the Lord God of Hosts

Allow the Gods and Goddesses that you are to be fully embodied within you with all existences.

We of the Divine Mother and Father God of the Cosmic Great Central Sun fully acknowledge all that you are and wrap our arms around you in Love, in Peace, and Unity of our Hearts Together.

Cosmic Oneness is combined with our weekly call, “The Clarion Temple of Oneness,” which is held on Monday evenings. Individuals are encouraged to join the live call for a small fee at Walking Terra, due to the attunements that are given not only by the Cosmic Great Central Sun but a guest speaker each week from the Spiritual Hierarchy. You may also purchase the MP3 download of any of our calls.

You may join our monthly membership program.  Please see details via

The Clarion Temple of Oneness channeling can be accessed via which contains the portion from the Guardians of Metatronic Light, October 20th, 2014.


©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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