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Embracing December’s Light ~ Lord Sananda with Lady Nada


A Transmission from Lord Sananda and Lady Nada
by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

Note: Walking Terra Christa is offering a December Course Series “COMING HOME” on the subject of restoring our Divine Contracts to assist us in being in our Authentic Self for the Holidays. CLICK HERE to learn more about Divine Contracts. 

Dearest Beloveds,

It is my pleasure to be with you in this moment of our creation together. I bring you my essence as Lord Sananda with the inflection of Yeshua. With me I have Lady Nada bringing her inflection of Mary Magdalene.

As the holidays are coming closer, it can be a time of great exhilaration and celebration within your physical essence.

We want to share what this may mean within your Higher Self energies and how that is reflected within your physical essence. The changes that are occurring presently do require much inner power and reflection of the Source of Light you are becoming. The earth is in deep turmoil but yet at the same time she is rejoicing in her transition that is occurring within her.

How do each of you feel about your transition within the month of December?

It truly represents reflection of the past year and how that relates to your own development of the Self.  It is important to take this time to understand how you have changed and what it means for you. What are the experiences you are having within your consciousness and how do you feel about the upcoming time of celebration?

It does not matter what your belief system or traditions may be; December reflects enjoyment of the Soul within the Physical existence meaning that it is a time to allow your Highest Self to be part of the festivities that you are enjoying within your physical life.

Is this happening for you? Or do you have feelings of not wanting to be part of the energies presently? Maybe you are in a situation that does not allow you to enjoy the energies as much as you would like. Many souls have much difficulty at this time of year.

Do you understand why this happens?

Each of you represent the Masculine and Feminine energies within your soul. But, how much of that essence is being exhibited within your physical life? We use the word “Divine” in connection to the Masculine and Feminine, but until a person truly accepts their divinity of being part of the source of light, then that essence cannot be accepted within the Physical Self.

This is exactly why there can be contradictions that will occur during this season of festivity and light. The body holds so much more than you realize; and it is at this time that it can be pushed out of you to be faced.

What are you facing at this time within your emotional and mental self?

These are important questions because they will reflect how you feel about the energies this month. Gaia is transitioning and so is each of you. Within this process we are here to help you acknowledge a deeper part of yourself than you did before. December represents a month of enjoyment but it is also the last leg of the journey before you step into a new year. It is a time to allow the old to be gone forever so that the ‘new’ can be found.

As we move into the energies this month, there are many elements that you will be faced with. The Gateway of 12:12 represents the ability to come into Wholeness and not allowing anything to get in the way of your progress. It is a time to remove the elements that have impeded you while embracing the parts of you that are waiting in the Universal Consciousness to be revealed. It is a time to fully accept that you are becoming Higher Consciousness and it is not just a thought, but an actual moment in time.

It is an important time to fully address who you have become and how you want to project that essence unto others and the world around you. On December 25th there is a powerful moment when the Light is going to be so bright that it will help each of you to be your own Divine Essence, You are the Christ Child as you hold this consciousness within you – it is yours to have if you choose to accept it.

The magnificence of this month is beyond what I can share except that we are honored to walk with you, as the Divine Masculine and Feminine we have been ~ each of you now have the accessibility to be more within yourself. We truly know your trials, your lessons, and know that you will be completely immersed within the Light you desire to have.

The issue will be – ARE YOU READY FOR IT?

This means that your physical body has to be prepared, you need to acknowledge what does not work, you must understand your emotional and mental needs, wants, and desires. This also relates to elements that you do not like must be removed or else they will grow within you like a bad seed which has been the case before. Do not let Who You Are stand in the way of Who You Are Becoming.

This means that the physical part of your existence may seem like the real deal but it truly is not. Your physical body houses every part of your livelihood, good and bad. The energy is becoming so increasingly more powerful that it will increase exponentially within you. This means that the parts that are hurting will become more remorseful if you don’t allow the healing to occur within you. The power of the present energies within this month are absolutely more intense than you have ever felt before. It is important to know what your needs are, what elements need to be addressed, and what you need to embrace within yourself.


Reflect on the current conditions within yourself, see how you have allowed yourself to move forward, and embrace the essence that you are truly becoming. It is part of the process. Learn to ground it deeply, affirm it within your mind, and feel it within your heart.

It is the time of the Masculine and Feminine Divine to come into Union.

Are you ready to accept yours? Do you need to prepare more?

What does 2016 hold for you?

These are all important elements to consider as the time is shifting so quickly from the past to the present that the future can hold so much more than you ever thought possible.

It is a time of great revelations. We are excited to see the changes occurring within each you. You are the Light, you are the Love. Embrace it deeply Dearest Ones.

We align with each of you. Let us work together and step into the New Challenge of the Self, the Divine Self to become manifested within you.

In Expressions of the Source of Light,

We are Lord Sananda and Lady Nada at your service.

Integrative Channel:   Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

Note: Walking Terra Christa is offering a December Course Series “COMING HOME” on the subject of restoring our Divine Contracts to assist us in being in our Authentic Self for the Holidays. CLICK HERE to learn more about Divine Contracts. 

© 2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:



Activating the Union of the Eternal Self within the Physical Body: A THREE PART HOME STUDY TEACHING MEDITATION SERIES


“I loved how I could feel myself transforming with the high frequencies being bought in. The guided meditation was excellent…I feel much more empowered now (been challenged with some issues for a long time) and this class helped me see them changing. I feel stronger now…I recommend this class…This was super cool!”

“After the class was over felt very happy…very emotional. I was now free to be my authentic self…live my life coming from the sacred heart and the Christ Consciousness. Just joyful tears of being free… I love the invocation the way you start the class… it just rings so true in my heart. It makes me feel like I am home. I have already recommended this class to others…”

“Excellent… Having the opportunity for a healing of this type not usually available through other formats was very liberating and welcomed.”

“When I saw the posting for the class I knew that this was going to help me…today I feel renewed…[the] clearing of contracts and walking through the doorway for me and finding the balance I needed… Excellent.”

“Experiencing Master Yeshua’s energy was a blessing [that] deeply touches my heart, but going to the hall of record, I felt like I have been there, but this time was so vivid and it was so transforming for me…In such a short amount of time, I was able to enlighten/ lighten the load on my masculine side (right side of physical body), removing the lower aspects I’ve been working for years…, and connecting to my divine mind and masculine self. It was truly magical!”

The Holidays are upon us. It is a glorious time to rejoice and to experience celebrations with loved ones, or to recall those moments we feel we no longer can experience with them. It does not matter what holiday that you may be celebrating ~ Christmas, Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa ~ they all represent sharing and loving others in special ways.

But what truly happens to each of us internally during this time?

◊  How do you feel about your true essence and what you bring to others?

◊  Do the impressions of the holidays cause you to feel sad or lonely even if you are with others?

◊  Are you able to share your true feelings and beliefs from a spiritual perspective?

◊  Is it that you feel challenged to be with others that may not understand who you have become?

These are all important considerations when stepping unto the Pathway of Mastery and Ascension, as having memories of connectedness that we no longer feel, or even being with those individuals that we love so dearly can sometimes be a very challenging experience.

Many of the issues arise due to the Masculine and Feminine Divine not being in alignment with the Physical Body.

As humans learning to re-embrace our True Divine Essence of the Self, awakened souls on earth are now embarking upon a conscious process to discard what no longer serves, and accept what restores the unity of Wholeness and Oneness.

Regardless of what sex we are inhabiting in this body, or the  sexual orientation that we express within the body, we each are both Masculine and Feminine. Over eons of time we have continually engaged in dis-harmonious thoughts and deeds that caused us to alter the original image, or blueprint within our physical soul’s DNA, that held that Wholeness, into being much less pure.

The alterations become a deeply ingrained part of us. They directly relate to our own internal feelings and thoughts of being separated when we are faced with the energies of holiday cheer. This is because these often non-spiritual frequencies (public messages, thoughts, occasions, activities) are almost too physical/material in nature. Due to the often unconscious “rules” we are required to uphold regarding holidays,  we are not even considering how to interact within the authenticity of the self.

In order to feel the Joy and connection outside ourselves, we must first bring it within. And this requires first removing the old contracts that we have built up over our many lifetimes, rebalancing each facet of our divine self in the feminine and in the masculine, and then writing new contracts that are once again holding the prime directive to be that of Wholeness above all else.

In this 3 part course series Yeshua and Mary Magdalene assist us as the two great Spiritual Beings who walked the earth and learned the value of the Divine Within to create it outside themselves for each other. This represents what we must do for ourselves to restore the contracts of Divine Wholeness for the Masculine and Feminine. 

What happens to a person that is balanced within their masculine and feminine self? They are empowered, they accept elements as they occur, they are able to receive love and give love, they are able to interact with other individuals, they are in balance. There would be no question of what they are experiencing. They accept what others have to say and are able to speak their mind freely. What we want to help everyone accept at this time is their own ability to accept Love, to give Love, to be in balance in all ways.
~ Yeshua and Mary

We join with Lord Sananda and Lady Nanda as the higher essences representing these great teachers who take us on a special journey of love. We gain a special dispensation to work within the Hall of Records which is located within the 49th dimensional frequency of Light to access our Masculine and Feminine Divine Contracts (both good and bad) so that the past can be rectified to bring forth the Love, Balance, Inner Power, and Acceptance that we desire. Included are attunements to remove the contracts of darkness within each level of the masculine and feminine along with attunements to access a new contract of the Self.

Each of you represent the Masculine and Feminine energies within your soul. But, how much of that essence is being exhibited within your physical life? We use the word “Divine” in connection to the Masculine and Feminine, but until a person truly accepts their divinity of being part of the source of light, then that essence cannot be accepted within the Physical Self. This is exactly why there can be contradictions that will occur during this season of festivity and light. The body holds so much more than you realize; and it is at this time that it can be pushed out of you to be faced.
~ Lord Sananda with Lady Nada “Embracing December’s Light”
(Read the full transmission)

◊ Class No. 1 ~ AUDIO RECORDING NOW AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY  – a teaching by Master Yeshua on the Masculine Essence, with a meditation journey (Hall of Records) and an attunement on the qualities that need to be exhibited to access the Divine Essence.
PREPARATION: Please make a list beforehand of the positive traits and negative traits that you possess of the Masculine.

◊ Class No. 2 ~ AUDIO RECORDING NOW AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY  – a teaching by Lady Master Mary Magdalene on the Feminine Essence, with a meditation journey (Hall of Records) and an attunement on the qualities that need to be exhibited to access the Divine Essence.
PREPARATION: Please make a list beforehand of the positive traits and negative traits that you possess of the Feminine.

◊ Class No. 3 ~ Special Ceremony of Union to bring forth the Masculine and Feminine Divine as One (hosted by both Lord Sananda and Lady Nada).


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© Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery.

Understanding How to Create the New Earth

New Earth Terra Christa

How do you interpret this?

“The hard part is over. The only thing left to do now is alter your expectations and enjoy the ride. You are a divine being of light and your true nature will soon be all you know. The pace is now accelerating and the coming changes will also be met by shifts in monetary systems, the political landscape and well as modifications in social and economical infrastructures. This will happen sooner than later, but likely before the end of this year. Many of these events will happen simultaneously and when the greater cycles begins, you will know. It will be difficult, but that is the time to be centered and focus on seeing all the good that will come in the age of empowerment. You are a truly empowered human…own your mastery.” –

My interpretation/opinion:
1. “The only thing left to do is enjoy the ride.” – This statement is the deepest type of subconscious programming of the dark agenda. Their role is to have you believe the New Age is going to happen if you just keep high hopes and share meditations of love and light together. There is no work that really has to be done other than that.

2. “…will also be met by shifts in monetary systems, the political landscape and well as modifications in social and economical infrastructures. This will happen sooner than later, but likely before the end of this year. “- This statement is a listing of all the things you already have been preprogrammed to want changed. The message is reinforcing to you that the change in all the crucial areas of your material life you are hoping will change, will in fact do so, and again without you lifting a finger. It does not tell you how they will change specifically, but you will fill in the back story yourself.

3. “It will be difficult, but that is the time to be centered and focus on seeing all the good that will come in the age of empowerment. You are a truly empowered human…own your mastery.” – This defines human mastery for you and lets you know that the message is real. For it is not a fairy tale if they tell you there will be difficulties. But again, they don’t tell you what the difficulties will be, instead the writer allows you to fill in the blanks from your own mind and emotions. But, again, the ultimate take away message tells you “don’t worry, be happy” as you are an empowered human in your own mastery and that means you don’t need to work at it, the universe itself is here to serve it to you as you are, after all, a divine supreme being who deserves it.

Disclaimer and Conclusion:

This is 100% my own opinion. It is not meant to disparage or be critical of any person. The writer/author of the linked article, like most visionary channels who desire to share information on the New Age is 99% correct in what is being said in terms of human consciousness and how it is changing. I simply found this article useful to demonstrate the very subtle subconscious programming that goes on within the vast majority of visionaries who are using only the gifts of intellect to share their information. It is not their programing, they are simply passing on and continuing the established dark agenda without knowledge that they are doing so. It is all part of the “just be the love and the light” packaging of disinformation by the dark agenda, who are very much still planning on having every human on earth NOT experience the true New Age, but their own Theme Park version of it.

What about the subconscious messages? At the end of the day, the only element the human system takes away from these types of writings, as brilliant as they are, is that things will get better if we just relax and allow them to happen. And while this is true in a Universal sense, it is not sufficient to change anything any day soon with regard to the specific types of change really required to create a New Golden Age that is universal and in unity for all humans.

Human Mastery in a New Age is affecting change by BEING the change. It means WALKING the talk, not just meditating and visioning ON the ideas of change. There are 1000’s of awakening humans who now have the gifts of tapping into the universal field and sharing tremendously great writings and ideas. But if they do not have a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of control, a true understanding of the ones that have been in control for 10,000 years on earth, they will simply become pawns for facilitating the actions of those controllers.

The TRUE SHIFT IN CONSCIOUSNESS is the same one spoken of by the visionaries throughout documented human history: Lao-Tzu, Confucius, Buddha, Jeshua, Muhammad, Ghandi, et al., who all spoke of going within to know what is without.

Mastery is just a potentiality unless each soul discovers who they are and how they manifest who they are in their physicality, for it is physicality that creates. Do you WALK THE TALK OF THE MASTER? Or do you still have weekly interactions with each other than cause you irritation, disappointment, anger, pain?

All the lower negative emotions are not caused by another, they are caused by your interpretation of another. The are simply MIRRORS of your level of consciousness being revealed to you. Invest in those reflections instead of being distracted by the ideals of visionary thinking, and then you will be on the road to empowerment and mastery, not just speaking about it. Do not disregard visionary channels, just understand that they may not fully understand how to create the visions they are perceiving.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Introducing Unified Whole Weekly New Earth Frequency Updates

Weekly we will provide the energies of what is occurring within the Cosmic Forces into the Planetary Level as we are affected by all levels of vibration in and around us.  The Planetary level is based on the planets and what the resulting energies we are experiencing.  The Cosmic level is a channeled message brought forth by the Team of Light* of Ascended Masters, Intergalactics, Inner Earth Beings, and Cosmic Frequencies.  The messages will come forth this group consciousness known as UNIFIED WHOLE COMMAND IN THE LIGHT OF ONENESS.

Week of September 16th, 2012

Planetary Level:

We are in the midst of a New Moon which this time is a double intensity.  It is within the Sun Sign of Virgo along with the Moon Sign.  It represents nurturing in parenting relationships, of child to parent so our Inner Child is really asking for additional assistance.  Other aspects relate to changing your diet into a healthier way of eating, taking care of yourself, understanding when relationships do not work they do not serve your highest purpose, learning compassion and deep love for the self.  The solar flares are low presently which helps us to keep the balance with the New Moon activities.

Cosmic Level:

This week promises to create change in a very subtle level for each individual.  The New Moon is always a time of re-creation and makes the necessary changes to adjust to each of the resulting energies that do not allow for a complete flow and balance.  With the onset of this moon you may find that you want to make changes in your life that you have been thinking about for quite some time.  It is how you go about it that is very important.

This is essentially important as the energies may be subtle but they are very distinct for each individual.  Everyone is changing greatly at this time and it is important to realize that the changes will occur quickly and then you will need to readjust the frequencies within you.  What you ask for, you will receive.  So be very particular in your prayers of being gentle to yourself.

Addictions play an important role at this time.  What you do not work on, will work harder against you.  This is in relation to food, drink, drugs, relationships, and self-care.  Nothing must be in excess at this time and if it is, then it will pull you down further.  So it is time to do some self-cleaning in and around your self and environment.

The frequencies of light expanding upon the planet will be very slow this week.  There are not going to be any major surges because it is time to fully clean out your closets and reaffirm what you desire in your life.  So gentleness is the word we want to share with you.  This represents each of you own SELF and everyone else that is in your life.  Compassion is deeply needed to be rooted within your Being to assist you in the process of the changes that are going to result within your lives.

The Fall Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the Spring Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere will have the same effect electrically with individuals.  So this week is in preparation for that phase from the seasons.  Clean up the old, get ready for the new as it is a time of complete renewal and rebirth.

Look to your skies for answers of the light that is coming into the planet.  Allow yourself to have a dialogue with individuals of the Sky Nations as they are looking for your assistance.  This assistance is only coming presently in the form of Light Frequencies to assist you in this process of healing that you are going through.  Notice when you see the lights blinking at you they are acknowledging your process of continuance.  There is a reason why they are beckoning you.  It is your remembrance of being with them in all aspects of your Being.

Prepare yourself for the next phase of the Harvest Moon.  In order to fully remove old elements you must reflect deeply, nurture your process and have no regrets on your future.  You are commanding the elements to occur as they will so allow yourself to be bathed in the Light of Pure Divine that you are.

Step into the energies of the Equinox of the flow and grace that You Are.  It is a time of complete renewal of who YOU ARE.  Each day is awakening of these frequencies.  Celebrate your birthing process within the land, on the water, and within the sky elements that You Are.

We, of the Unified Whole Command in Light of Oneness

Align with the Essence of Oneness.  Join us and breathe the light that We Are.

*Team of Light consists of Ascended Masters (St. Germain, El Moyra, Serapis Bey, Djwhal Khul, Master Kuthumi, Lord Maitreya, Master Hilarion, Lord Sananda, Paul the Venetian, Lord Buddha, and more), Lady Masters (Mother Mary, Lady Isis, Lakshmi, Pallas Athena, Quan Yin and more), Inner Earth Beings (Lord Adama, The Telosian Council of Light, Mikos), Intergalactics (Ashtar Command, Arcturians, Pleidians, Sirians, Andromedians, Lord of the Great Bear Star System, and all Christed Intergalactics),  Angelic Realms (Archangels and all principalities), Divine Mother and Father God, Master Thoth the overseeing spokesbeing of the Unified Whole, Krishna, Ganesh, and all dieties in the Spiritual Hierarchy, Native Elders that walked the Earth before, along with all the Elementals, Fairies and Spirits of the Light including Dolphins and Whales.


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