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Understanding the Art of “Preferencing” ~ Master Einstein

Albert Einstein

This is the transcription of the LIVE call within the Clarion Temple of Oneness with Master Einstein on  September 21st, 2015.


Greetings, Greetings, Greetings,

I is I, Yamteleus at your service. Thank you for being with us this evening.

Tonight with the changes that we are going through within the temple, we totally want to reflect of the Cosmic Great Central Sun energies for a moment. Divine Mother Father God are still with us even though they will not be speaking.

If we take a few breaths and allow ourselves to be of the beautiful frequency of light that Divine Mother Father God is encasing within us presently with these energies. We call upon the Angels to assist in raising the vibration in their energetic exchange.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Let’s take a moment and totally feel your heart center with all the colors and beautiful essences that you are of the Masculine and Feminine Divine energy as One; as you were as an angel. Feel the amazing beauty that you are in all levels of exchange through your breath from breath to breath in each moment as the existence of these energies blend as One within each other.

We go deeper into the core of your Heart to feel this exchange occurring for you. It is our pleasure to assist in these moments as we are the angels of all principalities, and we wrap our wings around each of you as we experience all the changes together.

We Are the Angels of the Light Expressing our Joy and Love to each of you.


Good Evening,

My fellow Souls of the Light,

I Am Master Einstein and it is my pleasure to be with each of you. I come tonight as a Messenger of Love to assist every one of you to understand the energetic exchange that occurs through your Higher Mind into your Physical Mind.

I have been asked to step forward at this time as many are experiencing the transitions even it is only a few moments in your day or upon awakening from your sleep. The clarification that you are looking for is right within yourself.

But how do you express that through your physical mind? Allow it to be and it shall come.

Those words may seem easier than the act itself.

How does one truly bring forth the highly intellectual states of the Divine Mind into the physical self when the Physical Mind, which can be very highly intellectual within itself, come together?

I say to you “They just do,” but that does not assist you to understand the process; because, you are truly programmed to receive clarification from your physical mind to interpret everything that is occurring within your world, within the atmosphere, within others, and within humanity.

Let us take for example of the upcoming energies of the Equinox ~ now intuitively each of you knows this is a very momentous occasion going from one season to another. That is a physical existence so that would be within your physical mind, but yet intuitively you know that it is a time of great change, of moving from one conceptual thought into another. What happens through this process is that the increased movement from one season unto another is like stepping from one cliff unto another cliff. This is when the ability to have trust and faith is very important.

As you move from one stage unto another stage, you are going to be able to experience life in the way that it is being presented to you, but if you allow yourself to be in fear, wanting control of your circumstances and not willing to surrender to what your Higher Self desires for you to have within the physical world, then the transition from one to the other can be very tremendous in a not very positive manner. I would say that this probably pertains to the majority of this world.

If you, as the person upon this planet, can grasp the conceptual element of “PREFERENCING” which means that you allow yourself to move from one space unto another without questioning what is happening, then you will achieve great results through this process.

This happens through every activation that occurs. There has been much talk amongst your colleagues and peers about the energetic exchange that is occurring presently. Some call this “Wave-X”. I am not quite sure why they call it that, but it is a form of energetic exchange that is coming into the planet as we shared in our blog for the New Earth Frequency Update.

We talked about a ball of energy and you receive that Sphere Of Light. If you allow yourself to surrender to that ball of light, that vibrational change to come into you, you are allowing your Divine Mind to take control of the wheel. You surrender from the physical mind and allow yourself to just flow into the next phase of your development.

roller coaster_800_533It is like being on a Roller Coaster. If you have ever experienced that event of sitting in a seat and someone else having control of the train on the track, what happens to you physically when you are very slowly going up that hill as you are feeling the anticipation of what the next move is going to be; when you get to the top, that is the climatic moment from moving up that mountain top and then all of a sudden your cart goes all the way day through this big hill and the momentous movement of the train is carried with you. You become one with all those elements as you are experiencing on that ride.

This is exactly what is occurring at this time.

So if I say to you, “How is your anticipation at this time a couple of days before the Equinox is to occur.” Are you allowing yourself to step into a fear mode, are you allowing yourself to just move through the process that you need to acquire in order to have the most optimal experience when you get to the top. The top is that day of the Equinox.

It is an exciting time; it is a powerful time., and it is a marvelous time. But, it is also a time of great surrender of what has been behind you. This is where the intellect of the physical mind gets in the way of the intuitive mind to come fully into the Self. Those thoughts are going to stop you, they can kill you in a certain way. You won’t be dead but you won’t be able to move forward as much as you could.

If you allow yourself to just feel the freedom of what is occurring presently. It does not matter what others may be seeing of “what could be.” All that you can do is allow your Divine Mind to be your guide and it is the only way you are going to do that is feel the exhilaration and the challenges you have endured that you have experienced previously. It is taking you another “click higher”, another “click higher” another “click higher” up to the top of mountain. This is the position in which each of you are experiencing at this time on this planet. Every person is in this place, but the majority of humanity is in the fear mode of uncertainty, “What is going to happen next, is there going to be another earthquake, is there going to be another volcano that erupts, is there is going to be some disaster that will happen?”

If we think about this new wave of energy coming towards the planet, it is the gift from the Source of Light. Within that energetic exchange it creates multitudes of light forms to come into each of you for you to experience the exhilaration. Don’t worry about the consequences, just allow yourself to experience it with ease and grace. Think of yourself on that Roller Coaster ride. Open up your arms wide and allow your Heart to expand as you go deeper through the process. This is exactly what is occurring at this time.

So I ask each of you in this moment to breath deeply into your Divine Mind.

You may ask, “How do I do that?”

I ask you now, to let go, fully let go. Feel yourself on that Roller Coaster. Feel the wind brushing your face, feel the laughter and joy in your heart as the exhilaration of that ride as your protected by the cart. Just as you are protected by your Merkabah.

Your Merkabah Vehicle does so much more than you can ever realize. It takes you into a deeper part of yourself and allows the spinning essences that are part of you to become more physical part of you. It restructures your cellular memory and allows your crystalline structure to come in closer to your heart, not just in your Etheric Body; it allows the frequency of light to come more fully within you. Have great gratitude that you understand what a Merkabah is and not so much about the details of how it works. Allow the infraction of light that is occurring for you presently to spin within you and go around you and be you as it becomes You.

So your Merkabah Vehicle is the vehicle of the roller coaster. Your I Am Presence is directing that energy to come within you.

Where are you? Are you going to accept it, are you going to accept some of it, or are you going to put it aside?

I know each of you today, I know your answer, but I also know you will have questions as that is what humans do. They question every movement that is occurring for them. So I ask you to put that aside and be that passenger on the Roller Coaster. Allow your I Am Presence to guide you through this process of feeling the higher essences with in you.

So let us move into to next phase of surrender. It is good when you take moments within your day such as I will share with you to surrender into the silence, to surrender into the joy, to surrender in the existence of All That Is. You take those energies from the Source of Light that you are and bring them into yourself. Let the Mental Mind no longer be in control. In fact, the Mental Mind will be so silent that it existence within you will change greatly.

As each of you are climbing this huge, huge mountain, sometimes it feels like you are almost going to fall. But, yet, something happens that you do not fall, because you allow your Intuitive Self, your Divine Mind to fully come within you so that you can accept things in a completely different manner than you ever have before. Let us allow this to occur as you feel yourself moving, going upwards, take a breath.

[Crystal Bowl Ringing}

The deeper you breathe, the higher your energy becomes.

Deeper, deeper, and deeper; and higher, higher, higher, and higher. Now the exhilaration is coming within you. Everything that you have been experiencing – the challenges, the questions, the comments, they all dissipate. You have the complete silence of the wind around you. Feel that mountain you have been climbing, be grateful for the mountain as it is helping you to go deeper within yourself.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Command Now, your Divine Mind to be fully the only consciousness you have within you.

Breathe it deeply, Allow your Higher Essence beyond the Higher Self into the I AM Presence to fully come within you so the experience is brought by All That You Are, all that you incorporate. You feel the beauty of moving with the flow; feeling the vibrational change within you as now you exist within the source of the Universe and you find yourself going higher, higher, and higher, and higher and say to yourself,

“I Am my Divine Mind, my Intuitive Mind allows me to feel the power that I Am, and I am excited by the union that I bring forth unto myself on this day.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

I Am the Divine Mind of all the Consciousness that I AM

 I Am All that I Am

 And I now allow it to flow within my body, I breathe it deeply into all structures to come within me. I feel my Merkabah spinning in many different directions and many different colors.

 I feel the expectation of arising to the top of the mountain. It is in this moment that I receive more than I ever thought that I could. It is not my physical self, it is my Higher Self, it is my Higher Mind, it is my Intuitive Self as I start to vibrate with the Light that is coming towards me.

 I now stand at the top of the mountain and I receive the gift of the Light that I Am. It is coming deeper than I have ever felt before as I have prepared deeply for this moment in time.

Allow yourself now to experience the exquisite beauty of this Light.

Can’t you feel it deeply in all of your muscles and cells with the tingling that is occurring within your full body system?

Anything you cannot handle will be dissipate. So we take a moment at the top of this mountain and ground it into the mountain. We ground it into the essence of this mountain and it expands down the mountain into the earth, into the peaks and valleys, into the waters, into everything that exists upon the land.

As we extend this energy unto ourselves in this moment, allow your breath to bring forth your Divine Mind fully within your consciousness. Feel the difference. Feel the message that is not part of your lower mind, it is not part of your lower body, it is part of your Higher Body, it is the Divine Existence of All that You Are and you are allowing it to grow deeply within you.

As this occurs, this energy expands into the world, into the core of Gaia, into all her wonders and all her lands. This frequency of light that is called Wave-X by some individuals. It is truly just a frequency that is allowing Gaia to receive, and it is a beautiful moment that each of you has this experience within yourself. Let it go into your core; do not be afraid of any reaction that you feel within yourself. Let it expand out of you with your breath and command it through your I AM Presence that what you cannot hold goes to the Earth. It goes into all places and all lands. It goes into the purity that you are and that we are all together.

So I ask you now as that energy returns back, you balance yourself, feeling your feet planted very strongly within the Earth and allow your Merkabah to take you down the mountain.

Feel the exhilaration as you move down the mountain, just like the Roller Coaster ride, and you feel the wind, you feel the sun, you see the clouds, you see everything different than you ever did before as now you are allowing your Divine Mind to be your control.

Go deeply into your core, Solar Plexus, into your Heart, and allow the expansion that you feel to be part of your reality as this is truly what each of you will be experiencing if you allow it to be. Do not just look as the Equinox as another season. Look at it of what you have achieved, what you have endured, to get you to the next mountain top, and then be free and allow it to flow within you as you extend it out to others.

As we sit here in this beautiful temple this evening, I very enamored by all of you. I feel blessed to be able to be in the position that I am to be part of the Unified Whole Command, but on this day I come to you as my highest essence within that Oneness but within the ability to educate you in a different way than you have previously.

Hold what is within your Heart deeply. Feel the bliss; feel the enjoyment of this moment now after you have climbed that mountain. There will be many more mountains to climb, but for this Equinox allow yourself to go into a new phase, into a new existence, into a new presence that you have never allowed yourself to experience before.

Be that change you want to be by just allowing it To Be.

It is my pleasure as Master Einstein to assist you with this transition. If you can imagine your Divine Mind just holding itself above your Crown, and allowing it to come into your brain activity just by letting all the thoughts go along with the questions, and just Be that Essence, that is the beginning stage of activating your Divine Mind.

It is my Divine Pleasure to walk with you as I do not get the chance very often so I want to thank Walking Terra Christa for allowing me to be here in this moment to bring forth these essences into each of you. You have the answers, I know you do, I see them in each of you, just allow them to manifest in a way that they are supposed to be through your Divine Mind.

All my blessings in Light of Love of this beautiful temple, this is my honor to be with each of you.

I Am Master Einstein

Individuals may purchase the MP3 download of any of our calls via The Cosmic Great Central Sun (Divine Mother/Father God) now speaks monthly in the temple occurring on the first Monday of each month.  The transcript for the Cosmic Oneness is available via  to read. If you would like to be part of these energies LIVE or listen privately, please check out our new Partnership/Member Program in which we offer several ways to be part of these energies at a cost that you can afford.

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below. If you like this article please do the creation of the New Earth a favor and SHARE it in these ways:
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