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There might not be a topic that is more misunderstood than Love.

Everyone thinks they know what it is, yet at some point in life, everyone gets blindsided by discovering they did not know what they thought they knew.

Unfortunately for many souls, they seem to keep repeating the pattern, always never expecting to get another emotionally devastating jolt when they venture back into a relationship.

And it is not just relationships where we can stumble. Because all too often we try to seek out a substitute for the love we are missing. Many individuals consistently start and stop new ventures in the form of projects, jobs, or even professions. They discover a new passion that is the next big thing and pour themselves into the act of creation. And then they lose the passion for it all too soon or as soon as something more exciting comes along.

Of course, there are individuals who act this way when seeking or creating human relationships, never understanding why they can’t “stay in love” when everything seemed so great.

There are also others who are in long term relationships that all their friends admire, yet they personally are dissatisfied with the quality of their experiences. And then there are those who feel the struggle to be in a relationship is just to hard to take on or they just don’t feel ready.

As seeming different as these varied evolvements, or rather involvements, appear to be, they all suffer from the same underlying issue of imbalance in terms of Divine Love of the Self.

The truth is that to create the healthy balance we all desire in relationships so that we are both nurtured and empowered within the relationship, it all must start with the degree of wholeness that we have first created in the most important relationship we can have: the one with our self.

It is not a new concept of course. But the key to obtaining fulfilling relationships is to work upon your own personality so that you learn to create better choices and engagements and can discover how to overcome your own blind spots. For such a process to be successful you must proceed in a manner that brings growth and maturity part and parcel within the most important aspect of who you are: your spiritual center.

Despite the quick fix/immediate gratification nature of our modern lifestyles from super retreats to the newest yoga programs offering all manner of methods to reshape and re-engineer how we might act or appear to others, nothing is more important that getting to the core of our own truth.

Finding that truth – our intimate connection with our Spiritual Truth – is the only “place” where we can go to make real and permanent change. All else is window dressing that just fades over time and leaves us right back where we were. But how do we do something substantial that we clearly never mastered on our own?

Ascension Mastery is the process of creating real change by merging the Spiritual Self with the Personality Self. It is becoming more of who we really are as a Soul versus who we have come to believe we are as a person. This is why it is a different approach than mainstream programs.

This Mastery Class is designed to assist each person to begin the process using the higher spiritual energies, because let’s face it, changing the personality self is an immensely challenging journey. Many say it can’t even really be done. We have seen that it it can and is in fact very possible. It would be more accurate to say it is inevitable within the Ascension process. But only so when the entire force of consciousness that embodies love, compassion and the path of supporting true Oneness of the realm of the Ascended Masters Wisdom is honestly embraced.

We extend an invitation to begin (or continue to) co-create changing who you think you are. At the same time you will benefit the Mastery Consciousness of all humanity with the revelations you personally experience, as there is the crucial component of Grounding Higher Energies in all Walking Terra Christa teachings. Our teachings are always applauded as being very powerful and life altering by our students and participants.

While the Ascended Realm Beings can’t wave a magic wand and instantly recreate you, (as that is changing someone else and the very act of being a Master means you have free will and sovereignty over your own choices), you can begin to delve deeper into your own understandings and revelations so that you do change and achieve your Soul’s purpose for you as walk upon Gaia in this life.


DATE: SATURDAY OCTOBER 20, 2018 at 11:00 AM PT (2:00 PM ET).

LIST OF TEACHERS: LORD SAINT GERMAIN:  Brings forth an overview of what it means to have your foundation filled with Unconditional Self Love and Self Worth. He will explain why the 21 Day Program as written by Dr. Joshua David Stone needs to be the cornerstone of all Initiates on their pathway as without some of these points an individual will still seek healing in other ways.

LORD MELCHIZEDEK:  Discusses how the Three-Fold Flame within the Heart is directly related to unconditional self-love and self-worth, and how the pitfalls of the physical walk can literally create havoc for an Initiate. He shares insights on how to not get caught up in the drama of the 3rd dimensional world.

MASTER DJWHAL KHUL:  Talks about how the Inner Child Syndrome can be a deterrent to an Initiate unless they learn how to parent their Inner Self through the energetics of Unconditional Love as given forth by the Solar Angel, Higher Self and I Am Presence.

MASTER JOSHUA STONE: Discussing how important the 21-Day Program for Unconditional Self-Love and Self-Worth is to totally heal the psychological self. He will briefly be speaking about a few of the points of his 21-day program along with giving the reasoning of how it affects the Three-Fold Flame within your Sacred Heart. These points are Owning Your Personal Power; Learning the two levels of Unconditional Self-Love and Self-Worth, Learning to Feel Good About Yourself; Learning everything in life is a Lesson; Learning how to be your own personal Alchemist.

COSMIC MASTER VYWAMUS: Gives a discussion of the effects of increasing the Light Quotient within the four-body (physical, etheric, emotional, mental); what happens, when the higher light energies should occur, and how to be vigilant within your practice.

CLASS DESCRIPTION: Becoming the Sacred Chamber of the Heart represents the Three-Fold Flame to be fully acknowledged by the Initiate. Many individuals may not realize how important it is to fully become One within their Sacred Heart due to life experiences.

This class is going to address how to hold those higher light frequencies for a longer period of time by fully acknowledging what is not represented within the Three-Fold Flame. The important elements is to allow the essence of Unconditional Self-Love and Self-Worth to be fully embraced, remembered, and acknowledged no matter what the circumstances or the feelings that are erupting within the physical consciousness. This teaching is about awareness and how to pinpoint those elements that need to be healed so that the Initiate can fully Become the Sacred Chamber of the Heart.

In this class there is a question answer discussion so participants can get a better personal understanding of how they individually bring forth these energies with Lord Saint Germain. Immediately following we take an etheric journey to travel to the City of Telos with Lord Adama to receive Divine Language Network Light Attunements. We also travel to Master Djwhal Khul’s Ashram of Love and Wisdom on the Innerplane Level along with Lord Melchizedek’s Golden Chamber in the 24th Dimensional Frequency to receive light attunements of Unconditional Self-Love and Self Worth with Cosmic Master Vywamus.

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