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We are presently experiencing the dynamics of the Full Moon of Virgo in conjunction with the Sun of Pisces which is occurring on February 24th, 2024 at 4:30 AM Pacific,
7:30 AM Eastern within Universal Time of
12:30 PM.

As Virgo is being guided by Grandmother Moon representing the Feminine Divine, it brings to us the ability to go deeper within our emotional self. Virgo relates to the physical self and the walk upon the Earth. It brings order to our existence by allowing elements to be in more alignment of our physicality.

There could be a sudden realization that something in your life is not aligning with your higher consciousness which can create a feeling of lack which is actually a golden opportunity to delve deeper into our emotional self.

This can cause conflict as the emotions are being challenged by the planets Mercury and Saturn. There is an opening occurring within the Emotional Body that we may have had a tendency to hold back previously. The energies are going to have the opposite effect as there may be an urgency to feel many emotions that we may have been keeping locked away.

Sadness, guilt, fear along with loneliness may arise. Feelings which represent unrealized negative emotions that need to be transformed into a state of forgiveness and divine love. This cycle is definitely a powerful one for each of us to step into the higher state of our Spiritual Self to become fully active within us.

The Moon of Virgo allows us to cleanse and purify elements that need a deep healing. Our Hearts are being opened up into new realizations about ourselves. As we go through this process, there can be a feeling of freedom and movement as if the pain has been lifted from our consciousness.

The Sun of Pisces representing Grandfather Sun of the Masculine Self is the key to accessing our Spiritual Self as this part of our higher consciousness can assist greatly in the healing process. It is a cycle of transmutation moving into a transformative state of awareness. The masculine energies help to ground what the feminine essence is projecting not only within our consciousness, but the four-body (Physical-Etheric-Emotional-Mental) system will be affected by the changes we are experiencing.

We have to be reminded that what we are feeling presently is helping us to acknowledge a deeper part of ourselves to be fully realized and grounded within us. Each soul is experiencing a deep state of healing – what needs to be revealed will occur during this full moon cycle.

Within the Sun Bear Tribe, representing the Rainbow Tribe of all souls as one, this cycle represents the Cougar. Turquoise is the stone, the color is Blue-Green, and the plant is Plantain. It represents creating a Sacred Space and being protective of that space. Learning to deepen your awareness with deep sensitivity, with a yearning for spirituality by learning to express your true feelings, and developing the need for grounding on the Earth with what you are integrating from your Higher Consciousness.

Blue-Green is the color of the Flame of the 9th Ray, Joy and Attraction to Light, guided by Lady Nada and Lady Mother Mary, which allows for the openness of experiencing Hope and Joy (of the 22 Rays of God). This Ray settles into the Root Chakra allowing for the deep healing to be grounded, assisting in removing elements that represent the opposite energies. It is suggested to call upon this flame with the Animal Spirit of Cougar to help to create the transformation you are experiencing to be part of your physical walk upon the Earth.

As we move closer to the first of the three festivals in the Wesak trilogy of  energies, next month is the celebration of the Festival of the Christ during the full moon (March 25th) cycle, that of the state of Resurrection and Rebirth. This current moon cycle in February is helping us to prepare for the upcoming energies as we will then move into the energies of our Soul’s next personal Resurrection and Rebirth. (Our special Annual Festival of Wesak is on Sunday April 21, 2024 to save the date. It is the highest Ascension Festival of the Year).

Take time for reflection, journal, breathe and chant away the emotional pain as you step into a new reality of yourself to be re-born. Doing a ceremony by connecting to the elements of the Earth and Sky will truly assist in allowing the energies to move through you. (You are encouraged to use the audio of our Ceremony to assist in the higher spiritual energies. See below.)

Master Djwhal Khul’s Keynote for February 2024

I call upon the Full Moon of Virgo to allow me to feel the emotions that I need to release in order for my physical consciousness to be transformed into the blessing of my Spiritual Self becoming fully realized within me.

I Am that I Am that I Am!

Greetings Dearest Initiates,

It is I, Master Djwhal Khul, extending unto each of you my blessings for a heightened experience of the Full Moon of Virgo for February 2024.

The opening of the Emotional Self is an important part of allowing your Higher Consciousness to become more integrated within you. As an Initiate, it is an important step to raising your vibration as the Etheric Self holds so many lower elements that you have experienced in your previous timelines. Your chakras can be very congested with these energies which will stop the process you are trying to achieve within your four-body system.

It is imperative that as one that chooses to open up into the Ascension Pathway that you will have many lessons to learn and one of the main challenge is allowing the depth of your Emotional Self to go through cycles of Spiritual Death and Rebirth. We know that this can be very challenging in itself, but with the assistance of this month’s Full Moon of Virgo with the opposition of the Sun of Pisces, there is an alignment occurring within the cycle of rejuvenation for your Soul’s Essence.

Openness within your consciousness is an essential component of accessing the depth of your feelings as it is imperative that you start to learn that the challenges are commonplace for an individual on the Initiate pathway. Within the movement of this cycle the Moon and the Sun are helping you to acknowledge a deeper understanding within yourself.

The important element within this process is to allow your Emotional Self to guide you by experiencing the emotions that are locked away within you. Sometimes within the moon’s energies, an individual does not always know why they are experiencing conflicting emotions which is exactly where you want to be. Don’t try to figure out the whys and wherefores, but just move through the energies and you will arrive at your destination with a sense of courage and freedom within your entire consciousness.

Take time to reflect on the specific emotion by feeling it, releasing the lower aspect that is bothering you, and move forward with more ease and grace. Always remember to utilize your breath and Higher Consciousness to bring in the positive aspect you desire to achieve. Utilize the Rays of God to assist you through this process.

I do suggest taking time for inner reflection, writing about what you are feeling, and call upon the God Force of the Ascended Masters to help you. Realize that you are not alone in your healing process. We are all here to assist in any way that we can.

I walk with each of you every step of the way.

I am Master Djwhal Khul, Ray Chohan for Love and Wisdom

Walking Terra Christa facilitated the Full Moon Festival of Lights Ceremony with Master Djwhal Khul, the Native Elders, messages from Lady No Eyes, and White Buffalo Woman on February 24th, 2024. This is a Vibratory Etheric Journey Meditative ceremony to experience the State of Oneness with the Ascended Masters and the God Force to celebrate the internal State of Inspiration. Replay the Ceremony audio recording by clicking here!

We are extremely grateful to those who offered gift donations to support our Ascension Service to Humanity! You may donate at this link.

© 2024 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). (*formerly spelled Meleriessee). Please share and repost. Rights are granted to repost this article in full with image electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages.

Lord Adama High Priest of Telos on the Reality of 2023 vs Lemuria and Atlantis


LIVE EVENT: January 14th, 2023 – High Priest of Telos Lord Adama
Subject: The reality of living upon the Earth in 2023 vs Lemuria and Atlantis; Each soul’s personal responsibility to make internal changes to create the New Earth.

Lord Adama is most widely known from the TELOS BOOKS by author Dianne Robbins and author Louis Aurelia Jones. His loving words are often quoted on Facebook and social media along with his understandings of how “upper earth” humans must evolve in order for them to incorporate 5th Dimensional Consciousness. One of the most famous is that we must grow by 2/3rds more from our present state of consciousness to be able to Stand as One with the Telosian and Agartha Network “Inner Earth” peoples. Over the past decades since he was able to telepathically share his words through these two wonderful authors, he has chosen to work more integrally with Lady Mahlariessee as she is an integrative channel and he can fully be his own personality when he teaches.

His wisdom is great, as he was part of the Lemurian Civilization that had to flee into the Inner Earth to survive the destruction of Lemuria and Atlantis over 12,000 years ago.

Lord Adama truly believes in humanity and is here to serve to Upper Earth in teaching us the ways of living and becoming more 5th dimensional representing Divine Love. He is also a task master helping his Initiates to allow their consciousness to be centered with learning how to change the psychological self to become more aligned within the Source of God.

This is a class that should not be missed as it can help you to realize more of your full potential of living on the transitional earth, helping with the changes that each of us are experiencing, while going through a personal transformation of allowing the Higher Light Bodies to become more aligned within the physical consciousness.

LIVE OR VIA RECORDING – 11:00 AM Pacific Time (North America) via ZOOM

Please join us for this first class of the year of Embodying The Divine Spiritual Self!     CLICK HERE FOR INFORMATION AND ENROLLMENT

Blessings on your Higher Spiritual journey through 2023!!

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2023 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!


Lord Adama Discourses ~ Accepting Your Own Healing Process to Heal GAIA and Humanity


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos shares his wisdom and knowledge for Ascension Mastery Training.  This discourse helps us to understand how important it is to expand our Consciousness through Higher Vibrational Light and Energies to assist the Earth in her expansion into a 5th Dimensional Reality. The Time is Now and Lord Adama urges everyone to step into their Healing Processes to help Gaia. Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden is an Integrative Channel who works exclusively with Lord Adama of Telos and the Agarthan Council of Light.

Alunnah! Alunnah! Alunnah!

Hello! Hello! Hello Everyone!

It’s good to be back connecting to each of you from my Heart to your Hearts. So, let’s do that presently.

Step into the Heart Center feeling the Divine energies of the Green Golden White Flame and all the flames to come into your Heart Center feeling the compassionate love and breathing through that as I’m speaking.

I want to continue our discussion about the Earth that Lord Ashtar started at our recent Equinox Full Moon gathering. I want everyone to be in the presence of Love as I share this with Love.

As you know the Earth has been in turmoil with many challenges for the last couple of years with the virus and then the vaccinations and whether or not to take them and the discussions within politics, the war effort, everything is coming to the surface.

How does one handle all of this? Only through your Higher Self consciousness.

It is important for each of you realize this. You are here with us; you are doing this work.

Do you know why you’re doing this work?

What is the reason for you of actually being part of these energies, listening to the meditations?

What is it within yourself that you want to change?

Because as you change, it is going to create everything around you to be experienced in a much more positive way.

There is a lot of misconception among the Lightworker Community where they think we are already in the 5th dimension. And I’m sure each of you here today realize that that is very untrue otherwise why would you be affected by lower energies.

Why would you have to protect yourself so much? Why would you have to be concerned about anything that you’re doing within the outside world if the Upper Earth was experiencing 5th dimensional energies?

This process is very much on the downside of what is occurring for the Earth, and I speak this with grave concern as the High Priest of Telos and the spokesperson for the Agartha Network. We are all in agreement and we want to share our views with each of you because we feel that it is time.

The world is coming into a state of imbalance, and it is necessary for every individual soul, first and foremost, to do as much as they can within themselves.

We are very grateful for those of you that are here and being part of these energies. We’ve lost a few people this year that have decided to do other things or feel that this work was maybe too difficult. too challenging, and they didn’t want to step any further into it, that they wanted more of the 3rd dimensional life or being with their friends that are not doing this work.

I share this with grave concern for each of you to really come from your own Heart Essence to feel it deeply within yourself and to realize the potential that we may be facing in future years. I say in future years because it’s not prevalent presently, but we have to be prepared that the Earth will not be able to exist on the level that we would like it to; so we will need to transform our energies to a higher plane of existence of the 5th dimensional Earth.

But it can’t be as easy as what you’re experiencing in these meditations of just going to a vortex and you arrive.

You’re journeying into these Golden Etheric Cities going through your challenges as these Masters of the cities are assisting you with those challenges to change the mindset that is within your consciousness to help you really accept your reality on a different level than you are presently. I’m sure after each visit you feel this, but how well do you ground it?

This is something for you to ask of yourself. I’m not questioning you. I want every person to question themselves. How well are you handling your Higher Consciousness to be part of their physical consciousness?

We know that Ascension Mastery represents the ladder of Higher Consciousness.

It’s planetary ascension allowing those Lightforms to come into the physical body so that you can walk with them. So, those Seven Initiations represent the walks into the doorways of accessing those energies through the four-body system and so that the Higher Realms of Light to be part of your reality. But having your Lower Mind be more prevalent, your Lower Ego, does not mean that you will be able to achieve Ascension Mastery. So, I believe that a lot of lightworkers think they are already doing this.

But until everyone realizes the potential within themselves to fully transcend the lower forms of energy within the chakras, within the four-body system that the New Earth cannot occur in its present form. It can occur in a higher existence but that means for each of you that desires to be on that higher existence you must work harder for yourself.

You are living in a planet of duality which is facing you every day. There are mirrors looking at you, they are breaking or cracking or just looking at you. That is why it is so very important to realize the potential that you are creating within your own four-body (physical-etheric (chakras)-emotional-mental) system. As each of you goes through these transitions, and I know they are not easy, it’s important to remove the self-doubt, the lower chit-chat within your mind that you’re not good enough, that you cannot achieve a higher level of acceptance, for you to realize the potential that you can be. Always command that energy within your consciousness that you will stand up to all that is occurring around you.

You are in the face of many difficulties upon this Earth, but it is important that we realize that each of us has chosen this before we came into body. Of course, my memory of that is very slight as it was many hundreds of years ago. For each of you it is much quicker, but it doesn’t mean that you’re not going to remember it. You have awakened within these energies and it’s important to realize the potential that you can be to yourself. This means changing your Cellular Structure, it means changing the way that your body works and bringing it into a higher existence.

As you change, you can change others around you especially those in close proximity to you, someone that you’re living with, your children. As you bring forth these changes within yourself, you can walk differently than you ever have before. But it takes great diligence, it takes practice, it takes the ability to see within yourself that this is a positive change for you, and that you are truly desiring to keep going through those doorways to have that ability within yourself to say.

“I look back to see who I was and now I’m a completely different person, a better person for myself. I think differently, I feel differently. I experience life differently. My thoughts have changed. I’m no longer judgmental, I’m no longer argumentative. I accept it when someone does not believe in what I do and accept what they do. That is their choice.”

So, these are all the elements that we’ve been teaching you for a 5th dimensional way of existence. It cannot be done overnight but you have to work hard upon it, because I am telling you in another decade if we don’t work harder and be better to each other on the Upper Earth, then the Earth is not going to exist.

Look at what’s happened this summer with the fires in the west, the storms in the east, and volcanoes in other parts of the world going through great cataclysmic events that are just so very devastating to the Heart. We don’t want this but what we do want is that we want more and more individuals to be able to look at themselves and say, “Yes, I believe in the Rays of God. I incorporate those Rays of God within me. I become those flames. My chakras are expanding into the Cosmic Level.”

This is why Mahlariessee has been teaching this for the last decade or more to assist, to do what she has done to incorporate those energies within your chakras. Doing this so that you can no longer see the chakra color on its own, it is blending with the ray energies. It’s not just the process of blending the colors; it’s learning the aspects of those rays and really ingesting them, not through wishful thinking but really commanding within yourself that you have become the Blue Flame of the Will of God with the Strength. You feel the freedom of that, you feel the movement of those energies. You have become the Pink Flame with the Divine Mother God of learning to create with the essence of love in all those aspects that we continually teach. It’s not just there to learn about the rays. It’s there to incorporate the ray energies.

So, at this Equinox, as you have heard, those Seven Flames are coming more strongly into the Earth, and you may already be feeling that Equinox energy as it occurred yesterday and it’s going to continue for the next three months until the Solstice. So, take advantage of it, become more of those flames, become more of that essence.

I don’t want to be bearer of bad news in saying, “Well, the Earth is not going to make it.” The more that you incorporate these rays the more it’s going to assist others that you are in contact with. Our hope is to get it to as many people as possible as Reverend Ara is working on a project presently to certify people to do this ray energy and listening to the meditations in a group format. I applaud both Ara and Mahlariessee for what they are doing because it is a lot to handle being on the Upper Earth. If they weren’t so important up here, I would be bringing them into Telos presently, because they have achieved all that I am asking of each of you and more. I’m not saying you have to acquire it to the level that they are, but to become the ray energies at the level that you are incorporating in your Best Self, the self that you don’t even know yet.

This is how we are going to heal the Earth.

The ones that will not allow themselves to heal will become very ill and will cause aggression and animosity in all their energies. Notice around you, are people acting differently than they were before?

This is imperative. I don’t want to see in another decade so many souls purging themselves and the Earth erupting in a place that is similar to what happened with Lemuria and Atlantis. So, I send my Heart Energies out to you.

We need each of you to be diligent and I feel that those of you that are here are diligent, but we also need others. And those others are not for you to preach to but for you to incorporate and for us to re-energize all that has happened with these Columns of Light.

Mahlariessee today worked on the fire that has erupted near Redding, California (Fawn Fire) which isn’t far away from them. She saw a picture, so she worked on bringing those Ascension Light Columns right into the fire. Hopefully that will help.

This is what we need for each of you to do in your spaces around the world. The Earth is in trouble. It is not flourishing so we need to come together. I myself standing for the Agarthan Council, they also want to assist as much as possible which is a new process for them. It has not happened previously. So, it means that this group is showing the Agarthans what can be done and I’m proud of every one of you of what you are doing.

I know this process is not easy, but if you’re going to get upset about it, you’re going to place yourself into victimhood, or being a martyr and that is not going to assist your process as a soul.

And I am here to help, I am here to help with these energies to assist as many people as possible, because the other element that is happening is the Dark Side is trying to take over. We already know the duality that is going on with the vaccinations and the virus. Whether you were vaccinated or not does not matter.

What does matter is to look at your spirituality, to look at your connection to your God Source, to look at your own spiritual self. This is what’s going to heal everyone whether they’ve been vaccinated or not, to safeguard yourself, to raise your immune system, because there may be other strains. This is not the end of it. It is all part of the Dark Forces to bring this forth. You can’t get mad at it because that’s not going to help.

You have to empower yourself with the Will of God to bring forth those Divine aspects of that Blue Flame, the Divine aspects of the Pink Flame and all the other flames. Those Masters, the Elohim Masters, and the Archangels are there to assist you to be stronger. You may have your moments and I cannot blame you. You have come to the Earth in a most grueling time, but I believe we have all been through it before.

Let us help each other to become better, to become more aware of what is happening instead of having blinders on.

This is why I give forth this discourse, not to get you upset, but to prepare you. You’re all Warriors of Light and I know that you can stand strong. I know you can make these changes within yourself, because I have faith in each of you that you are here for a reason, that you are here to give to this Earth what it is that your Higher Self desires, your I Am Presence, your God Source of Light and that is the blessing.

I thank you for being here, I thank you for being a Warrior of Light, I thank you for allowing me to speak as I am because it is our truth, our understanding from the technology that we have, and looking and going forward. Until we bring more light into the planet physically, which is required of humans of walking with that light, then we are not going to be able to change the mineral kingdoms, the animal kingdoms, the planetary life, and the core of the Earth.

So, let us rally around together and learn more about ourselves so that we can be better and more accomplished and have a planetary system of what we all desire to experience. We in the Inner Earth would like to be up on the Upper Earth and I’m sure you want to be in the Inner Earth.

Let us continue our journey together. I want to give you confidence, I want to give you Love, I want to give you the ability to persevere, to be strong, and to know that when you have those moments of emotional charges let them out of yourself. You are a beautiful species so let us all work together to create a better Earth, Terra Christa, as we have deemed it to be possible.

Thank you. I am Lord Adama with the Agarthan Council of Light.

Alunnah! Alunnah! Alunnah!

To further help individuals heal within their spiritual essence and filter healthier frequencies into the mental/emotional/etheric light bodies (subtle energy body structures), last year we created a special meditation [SPIRITUAL CLEANSING FOR HEALTH AND HEALING] to assist in realignment from the disruptive energetics of the Global Pandemic.
This Journey Meditation is now ON SALE at this link.

We also have more free Meditations that help connect to the Solar Angel and the Entranceway of Light of the Solar Frequency. If you enjoy the events and meditations we create, please tell others about us and subscribe and follow us. Donations are also needed and appreciated by using our website menu.  (These Meditations are available by clicking here.)

*Ascension Mastery is the realized form of manifesting Ascension Frequencies where your vibratory rate actually increases over time due to the in-depth training (not the intellectual pursuit or study) and the acquiring of a higher Spiritual Essence. Everyone on Earth is already part of God’s Light and Love but that does not mean they as individuals (or collectively) are Ascending, or that Ascension is happening to them. Earth is at a cross roads of Spiritual Awakening to step into Ascension, but without each person taking on an individual personal life responsibility to change their lives into practicing actual Ascension energies there can be no real shift in frequency. Ascension as a concept, belief or a mystery to be revealed is akin to a mere informational level desired by the mental intellect and does not create the authentic higher Ascension Octave of Light and Love required for a New Earth to be created. Our mission as an Academy is to bring forth that actual level of higher love and light for you to learn to feel and acquire them. It is a process that will take any initiate/lightworker many years (even decades) to achieve just as it did for the Ascended Masters themselves. You may order our very powerful SPIRITUAL HEALING meditation as a great way to start using targeted meditations that go beyond what is typically used.  We also have the previously released SEVEN FREE CLASSES to help during these challenging times to assist in your Ascension Spirituality (visit to access).

ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join this free Global Project by Walking Terra Christa to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance.

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2021 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

Full Moon of June 2020: Deeper Spiritual Meaning of the Lunar Eclipse Ascension Festival of Humanity

2020 Festival of Humanity by WalkingTerraChrista

Ascension Mastery Message of the Spiritual Meaning of the June 2020 accelerations of the Festival of Humanity (Goodwill or World Invocation Day) of the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse with Master Djwhal Khul as brought forth by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden.

As we experience the Full Moon on June 5, 2020 at 3:12 PM EDT, 12:12 PM PDT, 7:12 PM UTC, it brings to the Earth a Lunar Eclipse to prepare us for the divine energies of the Ascension Festival of Humanity.

Below we provide Master Dwhal Khul’s personal message for the current challenging times. We begin with an overall understanding of the Cosmic Ascension Mastery* energies: This moon is within Sagittarius aligning within the Sun of Gemini. Sagittarius represents the Higher Mind with Gemini of the Concrete Mind (Lower Self) so there can be a push and pull effect that occurs through this axis of the moon and the sun. Some may call this a Love/Hate energy as it brings to the surface the elements that have been hidden away from our consciousness which is now being revealed. The Love aspect is our Higher Mind, the one that guides us to become more aligned with our True Self, not the lower consciousness of our personality.

The Sun of Gemini urges us to think logically wherein the Moon of Sagittarius allows us to Intuit, feeling the ability to broaden our horizons beyond what the lower mind can see.

Coupled with this energy is a Lunar Eclipse which gives us the opportunity to work on the ability to step into balance with the present axis of Gemini and Sagittarius. It is time to allow past patterns that may have been holding us back to be healed as the Lunar Eclipse represents Communications.

It is important to realize that any type of interaction with other individuals should come from the balanced state of allowing the Higher Mind to work and integrate within the Lower Mind. The relationship between the Soul and the Physical Personality now is an opportunity to allow for a sense of synergy and blessing so that the old self will accept the new self to be part of that creative process.

It is a time to allow the moon essence representing the Feminine Divine to assist the sun essence of the Masculine Divine to be part of the healing process. Both parts of our Mental Self need to accept one another in order to access the higher light energies represented by our Soul’s Essence.

In addition, the Sun Bear Medicine Tribe considers this moon to sit in the East, which represents the Mental Realm of New Beginnings; is part of the Elemental Clan of the Butterfly bringing forth Transmutation into Transformation. Included in their understanding is the aspect of the Deer giving us gentleness, moving through the darker energies with preciseness watching every step we take, along with the mineral of Moss Agate (representing New Beginnings) to see the beauty that you behold within yourself, and the Plant Yarrow of giving forth cleansing and purification.

The next part of the equation of this moon is that it represents the third Ascension Festival of the Year representing Humanity or Goodwill. Some also consider to be World Invocation Day as this is a time of enacting higher energies into life’s existence through personal effort.

This festival is most important as it allows the divine energies that were expressed through the Wesak Moon to become more grounded into the earth. It is a time to allow the parts of ourselves that were accelerated to truly become an integral component within our full body system (physical-etheric-emotion-mental) so that the higher light bodies that are part of our I Am Presence (12 in all) can start to work through our physical vehicle.

The main components of this festival are Restoration, Enlightenment, and Reconstruction to occur so that the Light, Love and Knowledge of the God Source to be the focus of our existence upon this Earth. This truly represents Hope for Humanity.

This occurs by accessing the seven Flames of God which are now fully grounded within the Earth. This means that we have the accessibility to become these flames within our physical self and to walk with the aspects they represent through learning to access them and allowing each of the Ray Chohans to assist us to hold these light infractions within our seven chakras.

It is a time to allow the seven steps to be acknowledged within our full consciousness.

  1. The Will to acknowledge the Power to create Strength and Courage to start to rebuild – Blue Flame of Will and Power (Throat Chakra);
  2. Will to Love will stimulate humanity to overcome hatred. – Golden Yellow Flame of Love and Wisdom (Crown Chakra);
  3. The Will to Action will assist people to access Love and Adoration as the corner stone for change – Pink Flame of Creative Actualization (Heart Chakra);
  4. Will to Cooperate will assist in creating Right Action, Right Thoughts, Right Feelings – Crystalline Flame of Harmony & Balance Through Conflict (Root Chakra);
  5. Will to Know and Think Correctly and Creatively will allow for the Intuitive Mind/Higher Mind to be the guide to create a better world – Green-Golden-White Flame of the Science of the Divine Mind (Third Eye Chakra);
  6. Will to Persist will become a necessary trait through the ability to access Inner Devotion to Create Outer Results guided by the Spiritual Hierarchy – Ruby Red-Golden Flame of Inner Devotion (Solar Plexus Chakra);
  7. The Will to Organize will further a building process which will be carried forward under the direct inspiration of the Spiritual Hierarchy– Purple/Violet Flame of Ceremonial Order & Discipline (Sacral Chakra).

With the present circumstances upon this Earth, this Festival and Full Moon is truly assisting in allowing each of us to step into a new process as Initiates to realize these elements within ourselves so that it can be shared with humanity. It does not need to occur through verbal communication, but the more that we embody these traits within ourselves, and hold true to what we experienced during Wesak, then we are assisting Humanity to feel these energies as the Spiritual Hierarchy helps us to create the New Earth.




Greetings My Dearest Comrades of the Light,

I am Master Djwhal Khul, the Ray Chohan of Love of Wisdom honoring each of you in these moments.

First of all, my heart and all the hearts of the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Unified Whole Command unite with each of you at this time. We always honor all of you but what humanity is experiencing presently is a climatic event that will forever change your history. The main element is to continue with what you are doing, allowing your Higher Selves to guide you into a victory of your Soul’s Essence to be the guiding factor of your world.

Each of you are at an especially important part of your own evolution. It is up to you in how you will react or not react to the current changes that are occurring. The destruction of your world is imminent, and the reconstruction is absolutely paramount.

I would like each of you to take a moment with a prana breath to come into your system, continue that process as you realize within yourself that your physical body is an energy vehicle and it must be treated as such.

The role that you play in the outer world is contingent upon the role you sustain within yourself, your own reality, and how to consistently change the process within you. Your energies are constantly changing and it is at this time, there is a divine opportunity when the world is in upheaval to come into a higher level of existence within your mind, your emotions, your physicality, and yes, your etheric self.

When such events as what you are experiencing occur, it takes the strength of the Initiate to rise above such occurrences and become One within yourself. Each of you have gone through a tremendous acceleration this year especially since the Wesak energies. It is important for you to realize the power you have within your own Divine Self, to change any outside interference within you even if it is just for an hour, or a moment.

Each of us as Initiates and Masters go through such events like this so each of you are being tested tremendously to not fall into the trap of the lower energies of fear and anguish, to uphold your highest ideals within your own consciousness, and to become more of what your Higher Self consciousness deems appropriate for you to acknowledge within your four-body system. I know this is not easy but this is truly a great test.

If each of you can uphold the qualities within the Festival of Humanity as shared by Lady Mahlariessee, then you can become those essences within each of your chakras. You can walk with the next level of your acceleration with ease and grace, but only if you remember what you have acquired, and allow it to become the focal point within your reality.

Each of you are important, and most hold this light so deeply within yourself, to change your soul’s history of what you have been before, to walk through this darkness with Love while gaining your Wisdom, as it is essential for the New Earth. It cannot be done without you and you must remove the debris within yourself. Let go of these elements that hold you back; do not be angry, but turn that frustration into the higher light. Allow the Light of Divine Mother of Love and Divine Father of Will to become your mantra. Be strong and stay focused as you will help humanity in so many ways that you are unaware of.

I don’t think any of you as Initiates are the ones that should be protesting; that is getting into your lower self. Allow those souls that need to be in that energy to create that change as it is part of their evolution.

As they go through their walks to make people aware, that is when each of you will be able to take that energetic lower energy and change it into a positive frequency of light. Become the Seven Flames of God, allow them to flow into each of those chakras, and feel the changes that will occur for you. This is your role at this time.

Becoming this energy will allow you to accelerate the darkness within you.

Become the Change you Wish to Be as so put by my friend, Master Mahatma Ghandi.

We all walk with you in balance.

It is my honor to share my essence with you,

I Am Master Dhwhal Khul

Ray Chohan for Love and Wisdom

A free online global audio event designed to help you connect to the higher frequency vibration of these sacred New Earth energies:

ON JUNE 6, 2020 at 10am PT
for Walking Terra Christa is holding their monthly Festival of Lights Online Global Audio Ceremony. This event recites the GREAT INVOCATION and includes a journey to Shamballa to celebrate the Festival of Humanity with Lord Sanat Kumara and to ground the Full Moon Energies. This high spiritual event is hosted by Master Djwhal Khul. Included will be the energies of re-initializing the Ascension Columns with Lord Ashtar of the Ascend Earth Project with the Star Nations/Native Elders and a special message from Lady No Eyes on the present earth energies.
To JOIN & ATTEND LIVE (turn off your video as this is audio only):

Re-listen to the free audio recording (or to receive the connection energies if you miss the live event. Audio recording is usually posted in our Free Library after the event or within 24 hours.).

*Ascension Mastery is the realized form of manifesting Ascension Frequencies where your vibratory rate actually increases over time due to the in-depth training (not the intellectual pursuit or study) and the acquiring of a higher Spiritual Essence. Everyone on Earth is already part of God’s Light and Love but that does not mean they as individuals (or collectively) are Ascending, or that Ascension is happening to them. Earth is at a cross roads of Spiritual Awakening to step into Ascension, but without each person taking on an individual personal life responsibility to change their lives into practicing actual Ascension energies there can be no real shift in frequency. Ascension as a concept, belief or a mystery to be revealed is akin to a mere informational level desired by the mental intellect and does not create the authentic higher Ascension Octave of Light and Love required for a New Earth to be created. Our mission as an Academy is to bring forth that actual level of higher love and light for you to learn to feel and acquire them. It is a process that will take any initiate/lightworker many years (even decades) to achieve just as it did for the Ascended Masters themselves. A great way to start is by using targeted meditations that go beyond what is typically used. Our SPIRITUAL HEALING meditation or the SEVEN FREE CLASSES to help during these challenging times will assist. (visit to access or order).


The New Moon is now upon us within the sign of Aires. It occurred March 27, 2017, 7:59 PM Pacific, 10:59 PM Eastern, and March 28, 2017-2:58 GMT. It is now a time of action, creating the new pathway of beginning a cycle of light that has not been accomplished previously.

This cycle of the moon is very powerful as it comes after the March Equinox allowing for more movement into the world we would like to be part of. This, of course, should start with ourselves before we can see the changes that will occur in others around the world.

Café shares this about the Aires New Moon in 2017:

“This is a strong cycle under which to re-evaluate our relationship to ourselves. With this potent Aries energy, we have the chance to make significant changes in our lives. It’s time to make some solid yet realistic plans and to set the stage for reaping the rewards from our new beginnings, as little or big as they may be, in approximately two weeks’ time after the Full Moon occurs.”

I believe that this cycle is going to help each of us to understand what has occurred in the past three months which is crucial for us to accept the changes we should make within our consciousness and our efforts to make it part of our existence.

Isn’t it true that what we think becomes our reality?

If we are still struggling, then that is what we will experience. But, yet if we take steps towards a healthier existence (emotionally, mentally, and physically), then we can become more passionate within our lives. There becomes a moment of having more meaning of what we are doing for ourselves, and then eventually for others.

This moon is helping us to come into a new existence of understanding our subconscious and allow our higher consciousness to help us through the difficulties of transitioning from the old self into the new self.

I believe this moon is helping us to transform the old self into a new level of understanding; thus, becoming a newly evolved human being; One, that is part of a spiritual essence but allowing the physical self to accept the movement of change.

The other important element within this equation that the full moon occurring on April 10th, 2017 represents the first ascension festival of the spring, The Festival of The Christ. This event brings forth the element of resurrecting the old self in preparation for the Wesak Festival occurring May 10th, 2017.

This takes into account that the changes we are trying to make through this new moon along with the past full moon, the equinox, and the upcoming moon are going to catapult us into a new consciousness if we allow it to occur.

I have been working with these energies for at least 20 years or more and I have never seen such an anticipated excitement within the Spiritual Hierarchy, especially Master Djwhal Khul. The effect of these festivals this year are going to assist our planet exponentially than ever before.

I think it is very important to reflect on what has occurred since January of this year, and how we have been affected by the energies in the outside world. For me, it has become increasingly more challenging to connect with others due to the conflict of politics especially here in the United States as it has effected the entire world to see what needs to be changed.

The important element is: what needs to be changed within each of us individually?

My own personal experience of this winter has been one of isolation due to the weather and working diligently not only on the teachings I am a part of but how it affects my personal consciousness. I have found that through each moon cycle and acceleration I learn more about myself.

As most of you know, I have been on this pathway for over 30 years but the more I walk upon it, the more I realize I do not know. It is an experience of understanding my soul’s consciousness, what my Etheric Body is trying to tell me and how I can get through the challenge of walking this earth in the higher realms of light. I could not do it without living in Mount Shasta. It helps me not only to sustain the energies but to realize what I need to change.

My challenge presently has been my physical body. I realized I chose this lifetime so that I could walk this pathway and I would have physical challenges. Some of these I have overcome throughout the years. I can feel myself getting younger even though chronologically I am getting older. I have confidence in the healing that is occurring within me physically as I am seeing dramatic improvements.

The most important lesson I have learned through this cycle that challenges help us to realize our true potential. I have arrived at a new state of consciousness about my body. It is getting stronger because I have persevered this winter to get up, do the exercises no matter how little, that consistency is the most important factor, and to call upon my I Am Presence continually to walk through the storm.

It is now Spring; it is a New Moon that will help me to create actions in my life that I have already desired to acquire through my Higher Mind, and it is becoming a reality.

I look forward to the full moon on the 10th of April for the Festival of the Christ so that this year I am becoming the Christed Being that I know I am within my physical body; how I walk, how my joints react and move, how the Light Energy I Am is now being more fully received into the Physical Self.

So, I say to those of you that are in pain emotionally and mentally, please know it will change if you are ready to continue the journey. Your I Am Presence is guiding you to be more than you ever thought you could be and you may just be surprised to see the results within your four-body system.

Step forward for this New Moon and realize your thoughts you desire to be, can be your Reality of your Life. We have a fabulous month ahead of us, and I hope you can reflect on how different you are now than you were in January.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

Walking Terra Christa will be sharing more information about the three Ascension Festivals of the Spring, The Christ, Wesak, and Humanity along with information of how to join us for our global meditation calls.

Walking Terra Christa is offering their monthly classes in 2017 “Mastering the Spiritual Recovery of the Soul” which is facilitated through Lord Saint Germain, the Ray Chohan of the Month, and Lord Metatron. Each month we work with Lord Saint Germain and Lord Metatron for the Metatronic Seals. Included are the Ray Chohans for the specific rays we are working on as they provide information and Divine Language Light Encodements to assist in accessing the energies within the physical body.  Please use the link to learn more about this series.

© Copyright 2017 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Personal use and providing a link to this article for informational or educational purpose (articles, websites or blogs) is welcomed and encouraged except any use related to or associated with profit making activities (including individual, business or organizational websites, publications, blogs, etc.) Reprinting or reposting this material for publications, websites or blogs that sell or advertise any products or services (as well as any printed or written reproduction) is not authorized without written permission. Rights are only granted to repost this material (in full and unedited with working url links) electronically on informational websites or blogs that do not sell or advertise any products or services. In such cases, you must include this complete copyright statement in full including the above active url referral links to help everyone stay informed and support our messages. In cases of text only formats, these active url links may be converted to display the full path of the url as linked. The information contained herein does not constitute the rendering of healthcare advice or the provision of treatment or treatment recommendations. It is not to be considered or inferred as medical or psychological advice. Use of the website and its originating content constitutes agreement of terms as provided under Website Terms and Disclaimer (click here).

Mastery Thought of the Day

alphaomegaMaster El Morya, the Ray Chohan of the Blue Flame of Will and Power shares some powerful words to ignite Courage Within

It is very important to reflect upon your insecurities. This is what will help you understand your achievements throughout this acceleration of your strength coming within you. That strength can come in many different ways. The weaknesses will be exhibited in many different ways also. It is the beauty of the human conditioning.

Some of you may think, “I just want to have my protective energy, I just want to be like Hercules, I just want to be like El Morya”. And I say to you, that without my own insecurities, I would not be able to convey to you the power of change that occurs when you allow the weaker parts of yourself to be healed.

If you reflect on some thoughts that you had previously, look at the achievements you have created through the process. I do believe that many individuals do not understand how strong they truly are.

It is only in the expression of the emotions that it comes through; in ways of feeling helpless and not being able to stand on your own two feet that you can be strong. But yet, have you not all arrived in this juncture of time together?

You have traveled far to be able to incorporate the frequencies of Light through your mental thoughts and your emotional feelings, so that they can be expressed in the totality of your physical existence. With the higher consciousness fully evolved, I can say that it is great achievement. I can also say that you must look back and see how far you have come.

Master El Morya,

Clarion Temple of Oneness, January 2014

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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2nd New Moon in January ~ Progressive Change

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On January 30th, 2014 at 1:39 PM Pacific, 4:39 PM Eastern, 21:39 GMT we will experience the energies of the New Moon in Aquarius.


This the New Moon of Progressive Change as what we have experienced in the month of January is going to help us move into more changes by accepting the challenges with more ease and grace.

The New Moon energy is going to help us propel further by thinking outside of the box and detaching from our emotions and destructive behaviors.  It is a time to let go of the old way of doing things and step into the unknown by reaching out to others.  As Lightworkers, that can be a challenge as we only want to be with like-minded people and sometimes where we are located does not afford us the availability to spend time in group connections.

On a spiritual note, I take this energy to mean that it is time to reach out deeper with our spiritual connections.  The first one is with our-self.  I pose some questions:  Are you connecting on a deep level to your Higher Self and what has changed for you?  What did not work for you this month?  Do you know how you can handle things differently within our own spiritual pathway?

Reflect deeply on each week in January and try to see how you have changed through each cycle.  It is important that we see the changes that are happening within our consciousness and life to truly embrace the new essence that is awaiting for our arrival.   Then take inventory on the elements that need to be removed and the ones you want to embrace.  Allow yourself to look at your small achievements and reward yourself with positive energy.  Accept the fact that you are changing even if it is very minute and no one else may see it as much as you.  That is okay; you are the one that needs to confirm within your physical mind that “all is okay”.

Then, if you need assistance with understanding what these questions may mean or need to reach out, please do so within your meditations and prayers.  The best place to ask for help from the Ascended Beings is when you are within your quiet space reflecting on what it is you need to change.  Allow yourself to be within your breath awareness, the “in and out” of the breath represents the “no time zone”.  It is within this space that we truly connect more fully to ourselves.  Once you experience this, you will want to do it continually as it helps you to become more focused on your Higher Essence instead of your Physical Self.

Then, when you return into your conscious awareness, write down your experience.  How did it feel in your body?  Were you completely out of your consciousness or could you reflect upon your higher energies like floating on a cloud?  Be specific so you can let your Higher Mind blend within your Lower Mind.

This is truly what this New Moon represents for each of us.  We are within a time of great acceleration but also dramatic changes are going to happen within this Earth.  We have to learn how to ground our higher essence within our physical system.  If we do not do so, then we will be vacillating between our emotions and thoughts.  Nothing can be achieved in this way of being.  It is of the old paradigm of the 3rd dimension.  It is n w time to take action.

As you work with this exercise, you will see that you are more positive and hopeful about your life situation.  Elements will change to help you see your life more objectively without the confines of the old mind and heart getting in the way.  You start to learn to access your Higher Essence, feel the love that you are on that level and fully extend it into your physical body.  You will see healing occur for you in various ways.  But you must make the first step and create your new reality.

Blessings for a wonderful moon experience.

In expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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January 13th, 2014 ~ Unity Number “3”

Unity Number for TodayToday is January 13th, 2014 and the Unity Number is “3”.  


This number represents enjoyment and a sunny disposition.  It is a day to have fun, be sociable, friendly and reach out to another person with your Light.  Keywords include:  jovial, having fun, adventurous, and self-expressive.

Take time on this day to celebrate yourself for the achievements you have made through the last two days.  We know that stepping into these powerful activations can sometimes cause issues to arise that need to be rectified.  That is why the world is being affected so deeply by the light accelerations coming into GAIA.

What would you like to do on this day?  Yesterday’s number represented the ability to step into your mastery in a new level.  Look at how you achieved a new part of yourself to be expressed and now show it to others.  First, inspire your physical body for accepting the light infractions by showing a deep sense of accomplishment through the challenges of yesterday.  Today, create a ceremony for yourself.  Look at your old self and see how you have stepped into a new power of light by acceptance.

It is important to understand what you are going through in the small moments so you can see the accomplishment of many moments together.  Sometimes, as humans, you forget and then become very hard on yourself in the process.

Be adventurous and do something different for yourself.  Show the depth of your essence that you are tapping into during your meditations and accept the new-found Being that you are becoming.  Look to the sun of Helios and Vesta as they watch over each of you with their vibrancy.  Let it permeate through your entire Beingness.

Yes, there is more to come, but today is a day to enjoy the fruit of your labors.  You deserve it.  Embrace the Light and let it shine to another.  Call a friend in need so they can see the beautiful light that they are.  They will be thankful that you did, and so will you.

EMBRACE THE LIGHT YOU HAVE BECOME.  We embrace each of you.

The Unified Whole Command of Many Beings of Light

Comprised of Master Thoth, Great Divine Director, Master Einstein

The Brotherhood of White Light with the Spiritual Hierarchy and Angelic Realm in Oneness

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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2014 ~ The Year of GROUNDING UNITY ~ New Earth Frequency Update

New Earth Frequency UpdatePlanetary ~ As Shared by Meleriessee

We are now standing within the threshold of 2014.  The year of 2013 represented great changes within each of us and on the planet in various ways.  We experienced high activations through each of the cycles through the months and now we have stepped into a new doorway to Unite our True Self’s with our Physical Reality.  It was the year of “Synchronization”.  Now we take that synchronization and blend into our present experience as we walk as renewed Beings of Light.

With the oncoming energies of 2014, the theme of this New Year represents Walking into Grounding Unity.  This is bringing in the energies of the Oneness Consciousness that we all have been accessing in our thought forms, down into our physical energies, and grounding them into GAIA which is important in the structure of this year in 2014.

It is important to take time to reflect on our recent past experiences to truly measure the power of walking into a new year at any given time.  This year of 2014 there is an alignment occurring for more individuals to understand themselves in a completely and different manner.

The number “14” represents our karmic rebirth.  This is the year in which we are “righting” all our past deeds and in doing so, we are receiving the Divine Dispensation from our Higher Essence to be manifested within our world.  The keywords for this year represent, “harmony, balance, temperance, and prudence”.  It is a year in which elements will come into alignment to allow for the true manifestation of our heart’s desire from our highest consciousness into a physical reality.

This does not mean that there will not be more challenges within our lives.  It depends upon how deep and far you travel within your Soul Body to ignite the darker timelines so that the lighter timelines can be ignited.  In order to receive we must purge the old elements to make room for the divine power that we are.  Walking into a mastery pathway is truly the only way in which you can understand the process of your journey as it continues in each moment.  The deeper we travel, the more we will receive.  This year is going to help us create these elements and then give it to GAIA and others around us.

You may be finding that souls will choose not to stay on the planet as the light is going to become so much stronger that it will be more of a challenge for souls that are not ready to continue this journey within the physical body.  We are creating the New Earth presently but we have a lot of work to do with ourselves and each other for it to become fully manifested within our world.  2014 represents a gift from the Source to help us achieve our next level of acceleration to help humanity.

It makes perfect sense that on January 1st we experienced the first New Moon of the year as we are experiencing the ability to express Oneness from our personal self.  It is a time of great reflection, making the necessary changes to what does not fit our consciousness for Unity within ourselves, and how we can achieve the highest results within our physical reality.

We walked across a bridge from 2013 to 2014 to fully embrace the expression of our essence as it was shown to us in 2013 to know that this New Year is a new beginning to allow for more changes within us helping us to acknowledge our multi-dimensional self to be fully manifest.

The Unified Whole Command message was given to us during our retreat in late December to prepare us for the New Year.  Due to time constraints we were unable to share the message until this moment.  We hope you enjoy as we continue the journey together in Oneness.

Cosmic ~ Unified Whole Command -Transmission of Light

2014 GROUNDING UNITYGreetings,

It is our pleasure to come into this venue for the New Earth Frequency Update.  This is Master Toth, the Great Divine Director, and Master Einstein; Commanders of the Unified Whole Command along with Light Beings that makes up the Unified Whole Energies of the 144th Dimension of Oneness.

Let us talk a little bit about 2013 first.  What a tremendously powerful year it has been for every individual upon the planet as the energies of each month that have occurred with the transitions are allowing each individual person to fully embrace who they are.  Changes have been made.  The lands of GAIA are being deeply affected and within the hearts and minds of all humankind, life is being altered.

Each of you, of the Lightworker Community, are learning that change is inevitable and the more that you work within yourself, the more results you will see within your life.

Some of you may be saying “Oh, is there more to come?  What is happening upon the Earth?  I thought the New Earth would be here.  I feel the New Earth.  I feel the new energies.  I feel Unity Consciousness.”

But, you need to fully Ground Unity within your personal existence through your physical body, incorporating the higher chakras, allowing the Etheric body to be repaired and healed so that the Feminine (of the Emotional body) and the Masculine (of the Mental Body) can be fully actualized through the activations of the Three-Fold Flame, of Love, Will, and Power.

Well, in essence, the Winter Solstice prepared the bridge – the Portal of Light of walking from 2013 into 2014.  Now some of you may have been deeply affected with some dramatic purging changes either physically, emotionally, or mentally because that is all part of the process.  Because you see, as we go into 2014, it is important to have the realization that the Divinity of our Light must come more fully, not just in the consciousness within the mind thoughts and the feelings but, fully within the physical existence.  So as an Initiate of the Mastery Pathway, you will be challenged to move through these Levels of the Initiation you are working through.

You may think that a doorway is being closed but yet, the more that you work within yourself, you find that the doorway is now being opened.  You may not be quite ready to walk through it, but you see that there is a possibility to do so.  And this is exactly what happens to each occurrence of the Activations within the Earth.  The Moon Cycle, the Eclipses, the Equinoxes, the Solstices; all of these are so very important and how can we not mention Comet Ison; and the energies of Helios and Vesta of the Great Central Sun, as all the Great Central Suns are activating their energies within each other to assist GAIA.

We are merging into a New World where elements from other dimensional frequencies are becoming more active within humankind.  It is representative of the Light Ships in the skies that the Galactic Ships are showing everyone on Earth hat they know what they are going through and they are here for their assistance.

It is important to have the realization within your own consciousness of what feels right and what does not.  This is going to be an important element for 2014 as more pieces of the puzzle of GAIA’s Ascension are going to be coming into creation.  Each individual soul is going to be finding themselves researching and wanting to learn more about each different piece that they experience.  This is when humankind can get into trouble because then they keep moving forward to research and find more information but yet, what are they doing within themselves?

As we moved towards the energies on December 31st, it represented a Gateway of Life of going into the New Year.  The Sun was streaming its Rays on this day to fully connect with Helios and Vesta of the Great Central Sun and allowing those frequencies of Light to fully be within you and put out the ability to walk through this doorway with ease and grace.

So you may be finding that this time that you are purging, that you are removing elements within your Soul’s Essence, that He or She does not need because the Etheric Body is being cleansed in many different ways.  It may result as physical symptoms, but please know that they are not always the present life circumstance but in the Physical Body.  So there are elements of your timelines being ignited through this process.  It is important for us to have these realizations; otherwise the Mind may go to other places and try to research information of how to feel through this process.

The best healing capability will be through your Higher Essence, raising your vibration, allowing the energies to fully be within your body, because that is why you are purging.  So the more aspects of higher consciousness that you can bring into yourself through the cellular memories, the easier it will be for you to accept the Divinity of your Pathway that is unfolding.

Every occurrence that has happened from 2013 has molded you to be who you are presently.  So as you are reading this transmission, let us fully embrace your Soul’s Essence and what it is your Higher Self desires for you to experience as you go into 2014.

We are representing 2014 with the definition of Grounding Unity.  What does that truly mean?  It means everything that you have been experiencing up to this point is now going to be fully grounded into your Full-body system.  It is now time to fully access your body, not on an individual basis but on a completed level of understanding.  This means taking the Physical, the Etheric, the Emotional, the Mental, the Spiritual, and the Higher Spiritual Bodies to be One.  If we continually access them in separatist thinking, then they will stay in that Essence.  If you were being challenged by your Mental Body, or your Emotional feelings, please know that when you keep them separate, they will be independent and not allow themselves to merge into the completeness within your Heart Center of the Masculine and Feminine Divine coming into Wholeness within your creation.  The more that you access these energies within your physical existence, the easier the process will be in 2014.

Manifestation is going to be very powerful for 2014 but only as powerful as your Full-body system.  When you allowing your Highest Essence, and when we say Highest Essence, we don’t just mean your Higher Self, we mean your Monad and I AM Presence; that consciousness that you are, that we all are part of, that the Unified Whole comes from, the Source of Light and allowing that Source of Light to fully be in the Full-body creation.  This is going to help you more than anything else because as we move through this year there will be major changes that will occur within the World, within GAIA.  The more grounded you are and settled within your own consciousness, the more understanding you will acquire of what you are experiencing.

Please know that every individual soul upon this planet is going through this process in quite different ways.  This means that an individual that is not an awakened person is still going to be feeling these Essences and some of them may not be able to handle it.  They may choose to receive an illness and leave the planet.  They may find themselves in an accident that they need to heal themselves from, or they may feel lethargic and not sure what to do with themselves.

This is where each of you, as the Lightworkers, are going to assist because the more that you ground these frequencies within yourself, the more understanding you will have.  Stepping onto the Mastery Pathway is an essential component because the more understanding you have of what you are experiencing; the better you can extend it out into the World.  You see, you don’t have to share the knowledge with another Being, but what you need to know for yourself is what you are experiencing.

The process of Initiation is very deep and involved so it is important to look at it on a simpler basis; to have an understanding that you are working through your Physical Body, your Emotional Body, your Mental Body, and then moving into your Spiritual Body and that’s what all the tests and initiations are about.  But it is an important stage and it is the most important as you cannot move forward without having these elements put in place.  It will make your energy flow more easily.  It will help you in your healing.  It will allow you to accept your feelings and it will bring forth the thoughts from the higher frequency.  Then the body will be able to relax.  What you are going through presently is stressful, so it is important to allow the body to receive the higher frequencies of Light to allow the experience to be the most beautiful one you have ever envisioned.

What is your desire for 2014 as you step into this New Essence?  Know that you are being completely taken care of by your Highest Essence to do this work and to bring forth these energies onto the planet.

So it is imperative to take this time, the bridge of December 31st, and walk into the New Year as a new you, a transformed Being of Light with the Essence of the Great Central Sun all working together and all the levels of creation:  the Solar, the Galactic, the Universal, the Multi-Universal,  the Cosmic,  and then the Source of Oneness of the 144th Dimensional Frequency of Light.

We are all here with you, walking with you through this process of allowing your purest sense to come fully within your Being; to accept yourself in a completely different manner than you ever have before.  Everything else will fall away if you just allow it to be.  The more that you create the New Essence that you are to be fully transformed into the physical existence, the more GAIA will receive it and the World.

Let’s face it.  The leaders of this World need this Light but most of them cannot do it for themselves so each of you standing at the forefront are the ones bringing this forth and yes we know it is a great challenge and a great responsibility.  We, of the Unified Whole Command, are deeply honored that you are doing so and that you are stepping forward and allowing these light formations to be fully within you.

Just please know to only bring within yourself what you can.  Utilize the work through your Higher Self and allow the Physical Body to accept it in a step-by-step process because the more that you try to bring on, the more challenging the process will be.  Your body can burn up by bringing on too many energies.  So allow yourself to rejuvenate in between.  Balance yourself.  Learn to enjoy what you are experiencing and not be constantly in the forefront having to be the first one in line that’s going to win the race.  This is not a race.

We are in a state of evolution that has never occurred on this planet.  The best way that we can get through this process together is to be honest, truthful, compassionate, loving, considerate, and humble; and that creates power.  The process that is occurring presently is allowing your three minds of the super-conscious, the sub-conscious, and the conscious to be One Mind within your physical structure as you receive your Masculine and Feminine Divine to come into Love, Power, and your Will; all guided by God’s Light.  So the structures of the old Mental Mind will dissipate, and when they don’t, these energies of 2014 will cause more confliction.  So it is very, very important to be strong within yourself, to understand what is occurring for you, so that you can be all that you’ve ever desired to be.

We bless you with this amazing walk into 2014.

Your experiences will only be measured by your Highest Essence and that has unlimited potential bringing forth Harmony and Balance and the Divine Light that each of you are to be fully manifested within the physical creation that you are.

It is our Divine Pleasure of the Unified Whole Command of Master Toth, the Great Divine Director, and Master Einstein to be the spokes-beings for this amazing energy of Oneness upon the Earth.

So Mote It Be In The Light Of All That We Are Together.  We Are One.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically in its full entirety with no alteration on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and audio, printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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