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~ Rev. Christine Meleriessee shares some thoughts on how the energies of 2016 affected her Pathway of Mastery.

As I look back into this year of Completion, I realize that there were many moments that I wanted to share to each of you. I was so busy with the teachings and the work that I truly have not had the time to do what I love best ~ share with others my journey so that they can gain some insight into what they are going through.

So for 2017 I will be doing more personal writings. The Masters, especially Master Thoth, have been pushing me to become a scholar of esoteric writings within the context of my higher essence but with the knowledge of metaphysical elements that I have acquired through my training of mastery.

The Ascended Masters have walked with me since the beginning. I realize this now. I thought they became more apparent in my world as I progressed to understanding the Science of Mastery from Dr. Joshua David Stone’s teachings. But, in fact, I was destined this life to remember my true essence and there were times in my teenage years I have revelations that there was more to my existence than my physical experiences.

I have been working with Master Djwhal Khul to bring forth the Festivals of Light during each full moon. He also has been pushing me to speak more from my higher essence than sharing direct channeling from him. This is all due to the integration I have gone through for the past 30 years of allowing their essences of the Spiritual Hierarchy from the higher realms to be part of my consciousness. Each of these beautiful masters whom I call friends have always known what pathway I needed to take in order to aspire to more than my physical self wanted to realize.

In the past few months I have felt this change. When Master Thoth and I worked together for the Universal Laws classes, I felt that I no longer needed to search for the answers from other sources. We would sit and communicate through my essence as I typed the information for the class. At first, this was very scary for me as I always wanted to keep my lower ego in check. But then, I realized that the teachings far surpassed anything else that was being presented by others. I learned that I can fully accept my mastery at the high level of initiation I have achieved. It has taken me 30 years to fully embrace this part of me, but I learned that is my new essence that I am bringing forth.

Oh, the Masters sit with me; I feel their essences as I prepare to write and depending upon the context it will be a different master that works with me. I knew many years ago, that I was part of a very special circle. I have learned through my own lessons and the teachings that this is a part of me that I need to accept.

The Time is Now to Bring Forth a New Part of Myself.

It is quite comical to think that as you grow in mastery, that you can still have concerns about what you are teaching and experiencing within yourself. But that is so much a big part of learning what it is like to Walk in Mastery.

As I look at this year that is about to close, I realize the challenges I have experienced are part of this new awakening that is becoming grounded within me.

The challenges do not represent so much of a physical experience, but more of my Higher Essence becoming my physical reality. There were times it has been physical and I was able to see how much strength I had within myself to get through the ordeal.

One such time is when I fell in October one day before my husband and I were to board a plane to the East Coast. Mike had personal business to take care of and I needed to go as a grounding energy for him as he had to travel into the city of Philadelphia each day. It was a huge decision of whether I should go to the East, but with the help of Lord Adama (of Telos) and the Masters they helped us see that it was more than personal business. It was about sending the light of Mount Shasta to the East and across the country one month before the presidential election.

As I fell, I landed on my right arm. My shoulder joint slipped and my hand pushed against the floor as all the muscles and tendons from the shoulder through the elbow and hand were heavily damaged. I can tell you that it was excruciating pain. We called upon all the Healers of Light as our friend Rochelle worked on me with her healing hands. I also tuned into the energies and could see the damage and what needed to be done.

I sat there and thought, “There is no way that I can travel like this.” But, I pushed through it with Mike’s help and him telling me that there was no other way to get through this challenge. I could not move my arm but was able to travel unto two planes and get to the East.

Through this challenge, I saw my strength in a different way than ever before. I felt the energies of the Elohim of Hercules and Amazonia and called upon all the Beings of the Seven Flames to help me in each moment. I survived the trip and was able to spend time with family I had not seen in five years. I never thought I would ever see them again. I walked through a new doorway that helped me to share with them who I had become in the last five years.

It helped me to see the mountains that we must climb to reach a new destination of understanding within our consciousness.

This year has been very intense. Mike and I have had to learn lessons that normally we would never would have experienced. Our students teach us so many things especially when we have a retreat as we did in August. We were faced with many elements that were not synchronous, but yet were able to walk through a new doorway of understanding.

Every time something happens, we realize the potential we have to make the necessary adjustments so something like that does not happen again. As an old friend always said, “Lessons Learned”. You must always learn what the lesson is teaching you; otherwise, it will be repeated time and time again.

Many individuals may think that when you arrive within the higher initiations (past the 20th) that life gets easier as the ascended master. Yes, we don’t have to deal with our inner child, our past mistakes as people, and we find our inner truth; but, we do have lessons in how we relate to others especially in a mentoring capacity. It’s about who we are as a person and how we communicate that energy to others.

It all comes back to you ten-fold ~ that is the Law of Ascension Mastery.

This week I have been feeling at a loss. It is an emotional response that is going on within my consciousness. It may be from the work I am doing in Telos every night as I sleep. I always find that whatever issues I may be working with need to be adjusted within the physical self the next day. Yesterday I was emotionally raw and feeling I was going through yet another death experience.

As always, I ask for the assistance of the Masters throughout my day. I have been healing my body as I hold water very heavily. I started a regimen of a Herbal Diuretic that is in the form of an elixir. I realized that some of the weight on my legs and stomach have reduced since I started. I also work with crystals and essential oils to massage my legs. Since I was standing for 3 days in a row cooking it took a toll on my lower limbs so I have been putting my legs up, massaging, and brining in healing energy to assist in the process.

Usually when you have a physical issue from your past there is emotional releasement that occurs. I believe this has been part of it as I am now taking an oath for the anti-aging process to become a true reality. It takes great effort to do the healing and then let the energies to assist you. It is a process of letting go from the physical mind.

As I have been doing this connective work within myself, I knew there were other limits I had placed upon myself. One of them is the holiday preparation. As you accelerate with the crystalline structure within you, the process of doing heavy-duty physical tasks can be very challenging. The light body is not used to standing for eight hours at a time, so when you stop, it is like a huge drop of energy. You must regenerate your body and sometimes it can take several days or a couple of weeks depending upon the energies of others around you.

Taking time after Christmas was essential. What I wasn’t prepared for was the emotional imbalance that I felt for 24 hours, just at the time of the onset of the New Moon energies. As I was writing a post for the New Moon on Facebook today, I understood completely what I had been going through.

This year I pushed myself in unbelievable ways. The teachings and the work always took precedence in my life. I would deal with the energies afterwards and sometimes I could not move after a class. The energy that I bring in sometimes is quite an overload for my body.

As I look back through the year, I realized that I need to self-care more in my life and fit it in with all the other tasks. I have been doing exactly what I tell others not to do.

I believe 2016 has done this for us. It has pushed us in various ways making us feel as if we don’t have enough time to create all that we desire to have in our lives. My fall in October was a result of that energy. I felt it again during the Christmas holiday.

So as I regenerated physically this week I came to the full realization that I am changing so quickly that my adjustments in each moment are not enough. I need to fully see how to make the necessary change, ground it fully within my physical consciousness and body. I, then, will be able to see the separation from the old energy so I can accept the new essence I am trying to embrace.

Tomorrow is my birthday. It has not always been a wondrous time due to being on New Year’s Eve. Emotionally it has been a challenge through the years and I realized that as I physically am getting older, the rest of me is getting younger. I was looking too much at the chronological age instead of seeing how my body moves, how I feel at this age, and realizing my potential.

To quote Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos, “It is at the age of 65 when our children become adults in Telos. They have learned their lessons, they have achieved spiritual maturity, and accelerated in their initiations. You, are just beginning a new life cycle that will go on for many hundreds of years. We are honored to have you walk as a Teolsian on the Upper Earth.”

I would never share my age previously; I always wanted to be portrayed as a younger human being. I realize that I am coming of age as Lord Adama shares. I have learned many lessons which have healed many elements of my soul’s history. I am grateful for the body I have as the healing will continue, and deeply grateful for the assistance of the Ascended Beings of Light helping me every step along the way.

Happy New Year of 2017 – coming into Oneness – a whole new beginning.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

Walking Terra Christa is providing Holiday specials on their classes and products,

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Understanding the Law of Divine Oneness ~ Lord Adama Discourse

Universal Law Divine Oneness

“The Law of Divine Oneness helps us to understand that we live in a world where everything is connected to everything else. Everything we do, say, think, and believe affects others and the universe around us.”

Greetings My Dearest Ones,

It is I, Lord Adama, with the Telosian Council of Light. It is wonderful to be returning once again to our visitation and to our work within Ascension Mastery.

We have chosen to work with each of the Universal Laws within the Walking Terra Christa program. I want to talk a bout a little about Divine Oneness and what that represents for each of you within your consciousness and physical existence.

As the Universal Laws are becoming very much a part of the laws of the earth in a more direct manner than they ever have before, it is important for each of you as initiates and students of mastery to really understand what that may mean for you on a personal basis.

Remember we have spoken about how ascension is representing De-Ascension of de-ascending your highest aspects into your physical body and to create a life for yourself that is part of those elements of mastery within the Universal Laws. This year so represents the earth starting that doorway of coming into Oneness. Many individuals that are awakened think they are in Oneness. Some may think that the New Earth has arrived but in truth, when you exist as we do in the Inner Earth then you could say that the New Earth has arrived. But until that time, we have to say that the journey to the New Earth is occurring and is exactly what you are experiencing within the planet, on the planet, and being part of this consciousness. So as we go through this process I want each of you to really reflect within yourself what Oneness means to you.

I give you some examples that may help you to correlate the words with your personal experiences.

Spiritual Mirrors

We all have spiritual mirrors with other individuals and events that happen to us. When those mirrors appear to us, how do you react to them, and what happens to you?

Do you stay in your third dimensional construct and not really fully intuit from your Higher Mind exactly what occurs at that time; and what emotions do you have when those mirrors appear to you?

Do you run away from them?

Do you have fear? Or do you face them head-on and how do you do so?  

Do you utilize your skills of assertiveness from your Heart, speaking from your inner truth as all we have been teaching for quite some time and all that you learned last year through all of the journeys through each of the rays?

The other element is what do those mirrors represent for you? What lower energies appear in your life? Because this causes separation and this is not true Oneness.

I will tell you that the majority of humanity is not in Oneness, but you have not been trained to do so. That is why I love to work with you ~ to help you through this process so you can have an understanding. The most important element within Divine Oneness is to understand that everything that you think goes out to the Universe.

Think – that is a huge order to comprehend and to bring forth into yourself. Because every thought you have about everything you are experiencing, every person that is in your life, goes out into the Universe and it reverberates back to you later. It is all electronic-magnetic waves filtering through the Universe and returning back to you. Then, what you say and what you do is part of that process. You are probably better with doing things that you want to do in your highest creative process. All these things represent Oneness. The list can go on and on of the lower frequencies that can cause Oneness not to happen. The more often that each of you as initiates bring forth these abilities through Universal Consciousness, it is going to assist in creating the New Earth. This is why the Universal Laws are very important for 2016. Let’s talk little bit about Ascension Mastery.

Each of you has chosen to be here. You have chosen to walk this pathway, to receive assistance and guidance, but the most important element with that choice is what do you do with it.

Do you allow it to be part of your life or is it just part of your spiritual self? Do you experience these moments just to relax and feel better about yourself for a short amount of time?

Or do you apply them in your physical life. This is very important.

This is truly what mastery represents of taking what you have learned from your Spiritual Self and applying it to the Physical Self. The physical existence changes to move into the spiritual existence. But through that process, the transition, can be very disheartening, it can be difficult and challenging. It is very important that when you go through those processes, what are your thoughts. What are you thinking about what you are experiencing?

Those thoughts go out into the Universe and then they return. If those thoughts have anything to do with anyone else or any situation, people that are assisting you, they come back – not only to you, but those other people.

The reason I want to share this is that it is an important element for everyone to consider. In order to live in a 5th dimensional frequency of light, these laws have to be adhered to in every element of your life. This is just our beginning stage to fully understand them. You are not going to be able to change what you are doing and the processes that you going through immediately, but what I give to you are reminders.

Let’s also think about what you receive when individuals are talking about you, thinking of you, most of you probably feel that. The more intuitive that you are and the higher you become on the ascension pathway. the more often it will happen. It is very important as an initiate, when these elements happen not to become agitated or upset, but to raise your vibration.

Oneness represents the 144th dimension, does it not?

That is what we are working with. So raising your vibration of going to a higher level and into that consciousness that is comfortable to you out of that third dimensional construct or fourth dimension is essential to this process.

Just to clarify about the third dimension is that I speak in the 3rd but truly want to move out of that thought process as it truly is the 4th dimension now. Fully the earth is in the 4th dimension of the light and dark; fighting with one another, trying to blend with one another, but at times you will feel the Light and then the Dark. So the merging of those two elements is very important at this stage of evolution.

Part of this process is taking responsibility that starts within your-self. I am not talking about responsibility of a job you have to do but your own inner responsibility and what you do for yourself spiritually and physically.

What is it that you can assist yourself with to move into the Oneness?

This is a huge statement. It is a consciousness that is hard to grasp within the human construct., because it is so large and evolving, it brings forth those elements of sometimes lack of understanding from the Lower Mind. Your Higher Mind understands it all. So I ask each of you to tune into that frequency within your breath of the energies that Meleriessee has brought forth to assist that frequency of light.

Let us think about the Light Violet Light. It is a mixture of hues of light violet with the white light. It is a pure form of energy. Within that purest form you start to exist within the Oneness; within that ability to understanding movement of light, movement of dark.

Becoming Light; Merging Together.

It is raised above any planetary existence; it is a pure consciousness that comes fully into your own consciousness. You may not be able to grasp it within your mental self at this point which is okay, but bring forth the understanding that all these elements must come into place into order to receive the joy, unconditional love, acceptance, and many other characteristics, you need to allow yourself to be conscious of what you are experiencing in each moment. This is so very important to take responsibility for yourself. We talk about how we need to nurture the inner self and this is all a part of it. It is about your nurturing, your responsibility, your communication, how you feel, how you think, and allowing yourself to fully combining those energies into the completed stage that is necessary.

Sometimes you may have movements when you are not within that flowing essence. This is due to the programming within the human self to not have your spiritual self. That is why you are in a program to walk mastery. You are allowing yourself to understand from your highest sense into your lowest sense. Some may not like the word “lowest”, but the physical body is the lower form of energy. I think we would all agree on that, because that physical self is in the third dimensional essence. We want to move that third dimensional essence to the fifth dimensional essence. It is important that when you are in conflicting times, to be very careful what you are going through and what you are experiencing.

As we move through these energies this year, it is going to become more imperative to be strong about what we are experiencing, what we are seeing, what we are doing, and what we are thinking. And to come from the Heart Center Basis, is our first step of allowing these energies to come more fully into the physical self, to become more concrete. If we think about Oneness, many talk about Oneness on the ascension or awakened pathway, but truly what does that mean – that we are all the same. But if someone is in a conflicted state, if you read something about someone, you may have sympathy or feel empathetic towards them. But there is a part of you that feels that they are less than you, there is a part of you feels that there may be other aspects that you have never experienced? That is being empathetic but you don’t want to take on their roles. You don’t want to put yourself in a space in which there is a lack of understanding.

All you have to do is give them God’s love. Utilize the Flames of God and then come back into your own space. That is pure Oneness. Every soul is not going to understand every other soul in the Universe. That is why you are a part of a Monad; that is why you are part of an I AM Presence. This is because those souls are so much a part of you. When we step out of that framework and connect with other soul personalities that are not aligned with what we have experienced, that is when the true growth occurs. Because lack of understanding. can bring aggression, lack of compassion and it is important that each of you understands the dynamics of Divine Oneness. It is massive and it is huge.

I cannot even share the words, as it would take hours and hours upon end about what it means for an individual. This is because each of your experiences is going to be different, and are different. Each of your thought processes are different depending upon who you are as a soul, the many lifetimes you have experienced, what you are experiencing now, what you likes and dislikes are about. But if we as a consciousness, can put ourselves put ourselves into the global consciousness, it allows us to move out of the construct of the Lower Mind into the Higher Mind into that stated movement of understanding.

This is where true compassion exists; this is where true understanding is acquired. The earth is going to have to go through this understanding in order to sustain itself on a higher dimensional level.

So what we want for each of you through this process is to bring forth these energies. The best way that we know how to do this by picking a city that represents a frequency. Then what we are going to do in the other weeks, is work on the elements that are part of that sustainable energy, like your Higher Mind, Illumination, and working within those essences with these beautiful beings of light to assist in this process. So the journeys that we are going to be taking to the city; some may be on the 1st chakra grid of the 3rd dimensional level within the Cosmic energies representing the rays 1 through 7. But the teachings are going to be different because we will center upon the Universal Law that is represented within that city.

We also want to offer a broad spectrum of what it means to visit these cities. It does not mean that we utilize the specific energies of the ray and what that ray means, or the specific energies of the Beings and what their soul history is about. So now we take the global consciousness of the Universal Laws and put them into full force action within your own consciousness so that you can start to understand within your world what occurs with the situations within your life and to really start to attain mastery within your physical existence. That is my role with each of you this year. I really want to assist you to understand what needs to be changed and how to do so. But as you know, diligence is needed. That is the other part of the earth’s energies this year.

As Michael as said, “Roll of your sleeves for mastery.” What does that mean, roll up your sleeves? Well, you roll up your sleeves when you are going to get down dirty when you do some yard work, or dig ditching, or hard labor. You roll up your sleeves when you have to work harder and your body is being put into extreme circumstances.

In this case, it is your consciousness; it is your higher consciousness working with your Physical Consciousness; your physical self has to roll up the sleeves and say, “Okay, I am ready. I am ready to go deeper within myself. I am going to let go of the constraints that I have in my consciousness; I am going to work within my soul psychology so that all the aspects that I have within me are the positive ones. The lower aspects can be fully removed. My Etheric Body is going to go through a cleansing process and it is going to occur step-by-step as I know it cannot be done all at once. It is too much overload. Even though I want it to be over-with and healed. I want to be on the other side, and I want to be in the 7th initiation and move into Cosmic Ascension. I want to move out of the planetary ascension.”

These are all important aspects for you to concentrate on as you are going through your darkest movements. It is when you are darkest, that you are separate from everything else. There is no Oneness; so please know that this process is to help you to go into that deeper state. The only person that you can blame is yourself. There is no one else. You may want to blame others, you may want to blame a friend, a colleague, a teacher, or a mentor, because they have pushed you so far.

But believe me, each of you has your own reality. This is what I want you to realize. This is also what you have to think about in these moments. How far do you want to go? How deep do you want to go.

Say these words to yourself; “I call upon my Higher Self, bring in the Sea Foam Green, I feel my Higher Self into my Heart Center.” Feel it within your Higher Essence not the Lower Self as it will tell you what it has been telling you for many lifetimes.

This is a new experience for every one of you. You have never been able to integrate your Higher Self into your Physical Being. Never !

This is exciting, this is amazing, but the journey can be very challenging. It can be difficult and debilitating, but your Higher Self does not want you to fail. No, no. He or she is with you to assist you and all the work you are receiving. So each month you have to look at yourself and tell yourself, this is what I want. Yes, this is what I want and affirm from your Higher Essence that this is the journey you want to be on.

All you have to do is think about before you were awakened. How did you feel? What were you like? What was your life like?

Yes, your life is different when you are on this pathway. You start to see things differently; you start to feel differently, but that is one step closer into Divine Oneness. You are working within that Universal Law. Do not allow your Lower Self, your Physical Self to stop you from this process. Every time you have a moment where you are not sure of what you are going through, look at why that is happening. What is appearing for you? It is a releasement that is coming out of you. So allow yourself to step into that. Embrace it, and don’t complain about. Those complaints go out into the universe and they will come back to you, to haunt you and try to stop you.

This is so imperative to understand as so many people do not. It is important to have your own time of silence; it is important to have your own time when you are the only important element when your Spiritual Self is the part of you, the aspect of you that is going to assist you. Without those times and moments you will not be able to move forward.

This energy of this year is massive. If you thought 2015 was intense, this will be more so. Many elements are going to change – the earth is going to change. There is going to be tragedies, weather patterns that cause disruption in geographic areas. You must be diligent with your own purity of light within what we give you within the Unified Whole, within all these massive Beings of light to assist in that process. These are going to be the most important elements for you to consider through each step of the way.

Embrace the time; embrace them when you are joyful, when you are elated, when you have successes and expand them outside of you. Breathe them and allow them to expand as that is going into the Oneness. That is allowing every other soul upon this planet and beyond of this multi dimension to feel that. It will return to you.


It is the first step of very challenging journey but what we are going to be giving you in this program for this year are teachings from Master Thoth about the laws, teachings of different Beings that will be associated with the issues that come up, teachings of guided meditations and visualizations that help you get through this process. I am very excited because we are going into another deeper level, but I believe you will rise to the occasion as you always do. Show the purity of your Light, show the depth of Love that you are by allowing it to expand out you. It is all there, my Dearest One, it is all there ready for you to embrace.

My deepest love,

I Am Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos

With the Telosian Council of Light At Your Service

Lord Adama is the host of our weekly New Earth Consciousness – Circle of Light teaching in which we travel to the Golden Etheric Cities.  If you have an interest in connecting with Lord Adama, he gives a discourse each week.  Please check our our Partner/Membership Program in which you can be part of the LIVE calls or receive the recordings at an affordable price.

© 2016 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:

Responsibility of Self Mastery ~ Lord Adama

garden-webBlessings Dearest Ones,

I speak to you from the Telosian Command Center with the Telosian Council of Light. I am Lord Adama with a special message of love to each of you.

At this time within the upper Earth, there are great changes happening with each individual person. Individuals are being challenged by the simplest tasks within their world and truly do not know how to change them. Their concrete minds (of the physical self) are trying to control the process of their lives.

I share this information which I know is not new to you because each of you as awakened beings of Light have a role within yourself to help humanity. It is truly within your own process of understanding. The more that you are able to envision within yourself of what you desire, the more that others will also do the same.

You see, you have a very important role upon this planet. It is one that is teaching you that you have a commitment not only to yourself but to others to be strong, loving, compassionate, and desiring to hold that essence within you. it is about Responsibility of the Self.

As you move through your day, you intend to allow elements to be put into place that will assist you to experience the beautiful moments you desire to be expressed in your life. So is everyone else.

But I tell you this, the month of October has taken every individual person on a journey of the self; some are very concerned with what they are experiencing as it is not of the old way of being. You and I know that this is so very true. Nothing stays the same especially within these times of acceleration.

The difference between you and them is that you know this. You have lived it and work through it every day in your thoughts and emotions. You are learning how to process elements differently in your world.

If you are not doing so, then there is no time like the NOW for self reflection. This then turns into Self Responsibility.

Think about it ~ if we don’t take care of ourselves, then what is going to happen within this Earth? We won’t achieve the New Earth even in consciousness. It will be a dream that is not fully realized.

The potential that you have within you each moment is beyond the capacity of your physical self. Each of you all know that you are more than the physical body; you work hard within your meditations to change the thoughts and emotions that plague you every day. As you make the necessary changes within yourself, you are helping GAIA to receive them. This then in turn is gifted to all human beings upon the planet.

The work that you are doing is not going un-noticed. Others are being affected each moment with a positive and loving thought. It filters through the air waves and allows someone else to receive your Divine Moment of Beauty, Joy, Expansion within your heart, and the full existence that you are embracing. It is such a beautiful element when each person upon the planet allows their Divine Essence to enfold within them. It helps to change the thoughts, the emotions, and all the unsettling moments that occur within the Earth.

Many love to connect with the Angels. What happens when you feel their essence coming down into your heart? It helps to expand your heart and heal the wounds within.

This is so very true of each of you. You are the Human Angels and it is your responsibility to take what love you are embodying within you and share it outwards into the essence of the world. You don’t have to talk about it, all you have to do is let it expand out of you with your breath. Send it into the core of GAIA or to a particular place or person so that they can receive the purity of light that you are allowing to be within you.

Don’t hold your expressive essence within you. It is part of your pathway within Mastery to share it with others. Some individuals are not there yet; they can not express this joy or love within them due to their timelines, or their pain as that is all they can focus upon.

It is time within yourself to take the breath of light that you are and then just allow it to spin outside of your field into the world around you. Believe me, it will be received. Maybe not within the physical consciousness, but truly in the Higher Consciousness which will help that person to eventually receive it.

We, in Telos, work with each of you for the same reasons. We cannot let you ponder what you should be doing as mistakes can be made. We want to show you how we have done it. We truly are not any different than any of you.

It is our Responsibility as Divine Beings to show others how we have achieved our enrichment of life. Take a moment and share your essence of love and light unto the world you live in. It is part of your mastery pathway to do so.

This is one way in which we are going to bring the New Earth into full consciousness and planetary reality. Small steps to create our Divine Wisdom to be fully manifest.

In Light and Love, I expand my essence unto each of you in this moment.
I am Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos
Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee
October 31, 2014

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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The Bounty of Our Gifts ~ Lord Adama

harvest-webBlessings and Love.  It is I, Lord Adama with the Telosian Council of Light.

I want to share today on the exchange of energies from each of us unto each of you.  We, in Telos, are very connected to each of you on the Upper Earth and want to extend our sincere thoughts of love and blessings since the Autumn Equinox.

The Harvest is now here and it is our time to celebrate all that we have experienced up to this point.  Is this something that you have thought about within you?

Isn’t it true that each of you desires to have your manifestations to come into your reality?

What is it that you have done up to this point that allows those creations to become you?

These are the questions that I want to pose to you since now is the most fruitful season of the year.  Those of you that live across the hemisphere that are experiencing the essence of Spring truly are going through the same level of creation within your lives as you plant your seeds for your future.

So it is important to fully reflect within yourself how to embrace the walk that you have been taking in the past months.  It will help you come to the fruition of your new essence expanding within you.

You see we don’t just create elements to occur without first having to understand the process that we have gone under to make them appear in our lives.  We must first learn the lessons that our Higher Self is giving to us in order to fully receive the gifts of our labor.

So as we just moved through a New Moon and experienced the most powerful equinox on the planet; it is time for each of you to embrace all that you have achieved.  As the more that you realize within yourself these achievements, the deeper will be your Harvest of the Self.

Take time to truly reflect the bounty of your life within you; then more can appear.  Until you say thank you for the beautiful gifts you are receiving, then you cannot receive more.  It is a proven fact.

The beauty of your life is not measured by your hardships, but how you walk through those challenging doorways to find the blissfulness of your essence to enfold within your Being.

I applaud each of you for what you are experiencing and processing in your lives.  Let the old essence be thrown away that does not serve you.  Put it into wholeness so that you never have to experience it again.  Be the bliss that you desire as it is truly ready to be received.  All you have to do is reach your arms out and feel all those gifts of joy, peace, and be the manifestor of your own destiny.  Don’t hesitate to realize how far you have gone; then you gone continue the journey with less baggage and more excitement of who you have become.  This is fully realizing the Bounty of Your Gifts being sent from your Higher Self unto your Physical Creation.

All my love from my Heart to Yours,

I AM Lord Adama, of the Telosian Council of Light

September 29th, 2014

Integrative Channel, Rev. Christine Meleriessee

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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The Art of Self Responsibility ~ Lord Adama’s Discourse

heartrainbowGreetings it is my pleasure to be here with you again.  I am Lord Adama with the Telosian Council.

Hello, Hello; Aluna, Aluna, Aluna.

I want to start this evening with a little prayer.  I ask everyone to take a deep breath as each of the Telosian’s are also connecting at this time.  As we become one, we connect our energies; were just going to turn up the switch a little bit on the OM Wave Crystal.  As it comes up through Meleriessee and Mike’s sacred space, we are going to send it out to each of you through Meleriessee and Mike’s energies and also Rochelle that is sitting here.  Just very softly you may feel a little bit of a hum going through you; just tune into that feeling it in all parts of yourself to tune your energies to a little bit higher octave presently.

Aluna, Aluna, Aluna.

We come together to meet as One with the Telosian Community with the Upper Earth through Walking Terra Christa, Mel and Mike with Rochelle as their guest.  As each of us expands our energies unto each of you, we breathe deeply for you to feel our love, our joy, our community of Spirit of Oneness as we connect deeply with one another through our heart essences.

Aluna, Aluna, Aluna.

There that feels as if there is more connectiveness.  So this evening I want to share about several elements representing the energies of 2014 as we are now through three quarters of January.

I think each of you have gotten an idea of what is happening for you personally in your own pathway. I ask everyone in this moment just to take a deep breath and put forward any intentions so that I can receive them.  This is our circle together; it is just not me speaking and for each of you listening.  I want it to be more than that as if we are all gathered together in Telos which we will do so in a little while.

I know each of you love Telos and love me but what I want to feel is what you are going through presently which is the good and the bad of it all.  The first element I want to talk about is vulnerability.  If we understand that the process of Mastery represents the ability to be vulnerable in all moments and allow for that free flowing form of energy that is part of your spirit, that is part of your soul, to fully be blended within you, it is when we fall back into the old constructs that don’t allow us to accept the higher essence to fully be part of us.

So vulnerability is an important stage.  It is also probably the most difficult to acquire because it can create a lot of fear.  In the understanding of what 2014 is going to represent, I am going to jump around the circle here and bring forth some different aspects because they are all going to represent the ability to be Responsible for Ourselves.

When I say those words, it is not about your physical existence or your finances.  It is about taking care of yourself on the earthly plane.  It represents your spiritually of allowing your higher essence to be fully within you and to accept what changes are going to occur for you in that pathway. We all know it is not easy but it is an essential component in order to raise our frequency that we desire.  This is very, very important and I know each of you are working diligently within your own understanding of what that may mean for you.

So I am going to ask you to take a moment with a breath and allow yourself to just experience the vibrations that are coming through in this session and not think about anything at all, not worrying, not concerned, and not concentrating on what you have done today, what you are not doing, or what you are going through.

Think of yourself as a complete open vessel and allowing the higher energies to come into your vessel as you need to propel it forward into the pathway.  Because what happens to each of us is that we forget sometimes as we get so caught up in tasks that need to be done, in issues that need to be addressed, in trying to eat properly and be part of a community with others.  It is a lot to really concentrate on so in these moments of our gathering, I want each of you to just be free of anything constraints that you are.  The only element that is important in this moment is the ability to assist you and catapult you into a new level of your existence.

It is very important that we do this because within the construct that is happening on the Upper Earth, we have a tendency to be bombarded with thoughts, information from many different levels, and it is important to take a moment to reflect within yourself on what it is you are experiencing.

In this moment what do you feel?

Are you allowing the energetic exchange to come to you?

Do you feel the essence of the OM wave?

Do you feel the stillness of your Heart beating and your breath in and out allowing the flow of energy to be you in this moment?

This is the first step of Self Responsibility.

2014 is going to take us into another level of experience as each of you probably already realizing in your own personal experiences.  How do we continue on this pathway when there are so many challenges that occur so that the Divinity of your Light cannot be assessed?  This is because of so many variables being shot at each of you through your mental thoughts, through your emotions, through your timelines, and through everything that you are experiencing?

As you are becoming multi-dimensional, all those variables come into play; but it is important for you to really allow the energies to flow within you.  We know that the energies represent grounding for this year as Unity.  It doesn’t mean that you have to grasp the Ball of Oneness all at once. Because you desire it so deeply that you want it so much, you want to feel your connection.  What happens in that process of reaching out too much and not allowing yourself to regenerate within your own essences is the flow gets lost?

The synchronization will not occur because there will be too many obstacles in the way; the energetic exchanges will allow you to flow so then what happens.  It is like a snowball and that snowball just builds up and builds up with everything that you are doing and then all of sudden it burst opens and the energetic exchanges of the phases of the moon, the sun, the fires, and the eclipses that will be coming up create the changes that will put this planet into more of an accelerated phase are going to catapult you into a new existence.  You may not be ready to experience more of the intensified energies that will be coming forward.

I take this day to really stress to each of you what is it that you need to express within yourself.  Taking a few moments of No-Time when you are not going anywhere as we are all connecting with each other, you are feeling the vibrational energies and hearing the words.  I want you to just allow them to flow within you. It is when you allow that flow to happen that you are fully integrated, that you are allowing your higher essences to be within you, you are allowing your physical and mental bodies to relax and you have nothing to worry about except to feel this beautiful essence that you are.

This is essential.  Having a daily meditation is important, but having moments of this is very more important to stop and reflect and to be one with the Frequency of Light that is occurring presently.  It is when we stop and allow our Self to feel everything else that is going around us that we become one with it that we start to realize all the variables that are coming at us from many thought forms and energy exchanges that are happening in every part of the globe and within the Earth in which each of us resonates with vibrationally. Sometimes those vibrations can be very uneasy, because they will not align fully with whom you are.  So I go back to the statement of vulnerability.  This is the space where you allow yourself to be totality to whatever is coming to you in the universe and whatever you are sending out.

Allowing yourself to feel the in-and-the-out breath, to be in that space of continuum of Light in this moment. This is an important phase because without allowing ourselves to fully be vulnerable of all the energies that are around us, then we cannot understand what we are truly going through. It is everything else that puts these obstacles in front of us, because you are your best teacher whether you know it or not, you and your Higher Self and I AM Presence. When you stop and allow the pulsation of Light to come fully within you and be you, it becomes you; you are that essence that is pure vulnerability.  That’s the ability to become completely open to whatever energies, whatever circumstances are happening to you in that moment. And the reason that you can allow this to happen is the fact that you put yourself in a sacred space as we are doing now.  Allow whatever frequencies or energies that are coming to you allow yourself to feel the flow.  There is no mind control, there is no obsession to anything outside of yourself there is just allowing that flow to be within because in order for us to become the integrated being that you are trying to be of the higher essences trying to be more of your physical essence you have to allow moments like this to occur because everything else will get in the way.

It will totally stop you from having that purity and simple-ness that is part of your essences; it is not something from the Earth plane, it is not a timeline, it is not a previous lifetime, it is not karma, it is not any of those.  It is allowing those moments of stillness that you are a part of everything else in the multi-universes to feel that connection allows us to fully be at One. This is the raw beginning when you start to understand that this is the process that you need to be in to accept more to come to you.  Then you will be able to go about what is necessary.

I suggest that you take time like this on a weekly basis whether it is with others and you connect just as we are connecting whether you do it by yourself and allow that flow of energy to be within you. Because what happens is we become One within ourselves and One outside of our Self.

It allows the higher mind to really flow within you, and the higher heart to be part of you. There are no circumstances that stop the process; there no any other forms of thoughts and why’s and wherefores of how it is going to be done. It is just that moment that we all deserve to express.  We are all within this physical existence together even though I am within the Inner Earth, I am alive.  I feel all that you feel and you feel the same from others.  What happens in this process is that all the other elements that build upon whom you become get in the way. So we have to get out of the way, we have to fully step out of ourselves to allow it to flow within.  Otherwise, we are just looking at the outside circumstances or the inner circumstances and we don’t allow the flow of Oneness to be within our conditioning process.

This is the first step of having responsibility for ourselves.  Isn’t this what we all desire? Every one of you.  Isn’t that what you want? To feel better about yourself, to accept more elements within yourself, and to feel that Oneness. We have to start individually because it is not going to happen upon the Earth.  This year is going to prove to each of us that we have the power to do more with whom we are by allowing the accessibility of the higher frequency of Light to be fully grounded within us.  But we can’t ground those energies just by saying “Oh, I am going to ground these energies and they’re going to be fully within me”. That is the lower mind or “I feel very emotional today and I need to help heal the Earth”. That is using your lower heart; allow the flow to be within you.

It is a very important process that we are stepping into because of each of the cycles that will be occurring this year will take us deeper into our multi-dimensional selves.  This means those aspects that we desire to receive are going to come within us, but you can’t go to planet Arcturus and go find it, it has to come to you when you are ready depending on where your timelines were that are being ignited through the process.

Most of you are purging old elements; your body is trying to accept these energies that are Crystalline. They are Crystalline because we are moving into that higher frequency on the planet and within that it causes a lot of pain and frustration.  So the essence of your energy is going to try to push it in a completely different direction. You don’t intend for that to happen but with the process of your mind and trying to understand and figure out elements that are occurring within in your life, challenges you greatly.. You are pushing that synchronicity from coming into you, because you are coming from the programming of your physical self.

Believe me, each of you have been programmed quite deeply upon the Upper Earth.  It is why you are here now to stop that programming, to make the necessary changes, and open up new doorways for you to walk through.

I embrace each of you deeply because you have the courage to do so. You may not feel like you have great courage and strength, but believe me to step into this process, to step into this awareness, this pathway of mastery, it allows you to go deeper within yourself. So you are finding many trials, many tests that you are coming encountering, but they are only being given to you to become better.  So if you take moments like this and allow the energy to flow within you, those tests and trials will seem like nothing.  You won’t have a opinion about it, you won’t push it away because you are afraid or you are not sure, you will have the courage to step into it with the flow of Light that you are.

This is what is occurring presently of allowing yourself to be completely open, and allowing your whole body to receive what it needs.  It is not by questing what it needs, just allowing the flow of the universe to come to you.  So I want each of you to experience.

We are going to take a little journey and go into Telos so you can really feel the beautiful essence that you are and expand that deeply as those energies start to flow within you. I want you to feel the pleasure of your Light.  I want you to expand within that, because that is just going to assist you on a much deeper level than if I sit here and tell you exactly what needs to be changed. I could do this, but tonight I want you to really reflect within yourself what needs to be changed.  I want you to feel it not by saying, “I can’t contact my Higher Self, I can’t do that, I’m not there yet.”

I want you to feel the flow of energy so that you can experience so that it is more evolving for you.  This will help you fully step into the next part of your power because this is where Self Responsibility lies.  It is the foundation of allowing the higher essences to fully come within you without assessing these moments of “no time” you cannot do it, because the accelerated phase of the frequency of Light that is happening within the planet is beyond the concept of your physical mind.

You cannot figure it out because it whizzes by you so quickly that you missed it, it is like if you are an unawakened person and you had no clue that there is more to life than what you are experiencing as you are missing so much.  So we take you into these aspects of learning what is your responsibility.  It is not responsibility to others at this point, it is the responsibility to your own self-awareness, your own self-healing, your own self-growing, because this is truly what is happening to you.  You are expanding out of the physical existence into the higher existence that you are and those aspects are just waiting to be with you.

Blessings in Love and Joy,

I AM Lord Adama,

Your Brother in Telos

Lord Adama’s Discourse is a monthly meeting; the recording of this class includes a visualization in Telos which is available for purchase on our site,

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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