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Gaia’s weather patterns are intentionally more extreme because it keeps the human consciousness in the lower energy frequencies of fear, survival, worry, anxiety and overly concerned about physical beingness. 

These conditions are not random. They are not being generated naturally by Mother Earth.

In this Walking Terra Christa Audio Teaching Lord Ashtar shares a special visualization and exercise to connect with the energies of the Galactic forces of Light to assist the weather conditions that we are all experiencing presently. His talk includes our partnership together and how we are assisting GAIA to ascend.

We all know that we are being assisted by our Star Brothers and Sisters in the Light; this call is a deeper connection between each of them and us. They need our assistance as much as we need them.

Many Blessings this New Year. May 2014 usher in the New Energies of Oneness with true abundance and understanding as it is the Year of Grounding Unity.
-Mel and Mike

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©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically in its full entirety with no alteration on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and audio, printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Halloween ~ A Third Dimensional Reality

halloween-fbHalloween has always been a favorite holiday amongst many individuals.  My parents loved Halloween and made it a party for the kids to drink Cider and Bobbing for Apples.  I have enjoyed it as a child and an adult, but that day has been long gone.

The children today either go to parties or are escorted by their parents into specific neighborhoods.  Times have changed drastically but it seems like people still get into this holiday.

It is a chance to dress up and be someone else.  Adult Halloween Parties are very active still in this day of age, but what does it truly mean.

First of all, children dress up to act either a favorite hero, what they want to be in life, or what they see on TV.  Adults on the other hand bring out their dark side and have the desire to scare others or hide behind their masks.  It is at this time that the element of the hidden Archetypes comes out from the closet.  All you have to do is look around at the costumes, Pirates, Warriors, or Hero figures that they want to try to be.  It is a night when everyone comes together as someone else.  What happens when the masks come off?

We come back to our original state of being.  The archetypes become hidden within the subconscious once again and the roles are put on to show others not the true self but the one that is loved and adored by others.  This truly is a sad state of affairs when you think about it.

As we are evolving from the 3rd dimensional reality to construct the 5th dimension within our lives, our environment, and how we interact with others, the masks come off.  We find ourselves going through challenges to find “who we truly are” so that others can love us from that perspective of our soul.  The concept of Halloween and dressing up to be somebody that we may have been in another timeline now becomes a true reality.

Think about it ~ who have you dressed up as in the past?  I bet it is an aspect of yourself that you truly desired to be and then play acted with others for a short amount of time.  But what happens to the feelings that may erupt.  Then what do you do with them?  To you keep them hiding from others, or do you allow them to be part of your personality?

I was pondering these thoughts earlier today as this holiday in America is probably the most lucrative business besides Christmas or Valentine’s Day.  Everyone wants to be someone else.   Then there are the darkies that come out of the closet on this holiday.  It is a known fact that the forces of darkness, i.e., lost souls, dead people in cemeteries, and your favorite celebrity that has not found the light, can be very prevalent during the wee hours of darkness on October 31st, 2013.  It is shown in every advertisement on TV, the internet, and within the movies.  It is the business of scaring people.

But yet, what about those of us that are now walking as awakened beings, the ones that look into the depth of their soul to heal their darkness to find the Light that they are.  Do we continue to hide behind the masks of Halloween or do we accept the fact that we are the LIGHT and must portray that essence within us whether it is on the last day in October or every other day of the year.

Let’s face it – there is not a Halloween in the 5th dimension.  We are striving towards Oneness to create the New Earth and there is no room for elements of darkness to invade our privacy.  So how do we go about existing on this day when it is a time when the dark forces are ready to play with every soul upon the planet.  And, they will, believe me.

If you acknowledge your psychic abilities, this is a time when the dark force is ready to do battle with you.  They don’t like the fact that we are bringing more light frequencies into the planet as then the ratio of the dark vs. the light is now being overtaken by the essence of higher frequencies which we call the Light.  It is imperative to truly be resilient during this time.  Of course, the Light is much stronger than the dark and some would say, “Well, I am protected.”

This all may be true and what you believe, you are.  But we as a species and planet are moving away from interactions of a lower nature as we accelerate GAIA’s frequency into the higher realms.  We have to remember that we are living in the fourth dimension physically no matter what your consciousness may be.  That level represents duality of dark and light fighting within each other.  During the Fall Equinox we hit a new high with the Light being infused upon this planet.  We are now working within the confines of the Blue Flame of Will and Power which brings the qualities of courage, strength, protection, being truthful and having deep faith.

So on Halloween this year take a moment to reflect on the Blue Flame.  Take time to meditate on the Light of the Blue Flame being infused within the planet, within yourself, and those around you. Call upon the energies of Archangel Michael and Faith who overlight this ray in their work along with the Elohim Hercules and Amazonia.  With their assistance we will find that the dark energies will not have credence over Planet Earth any longer.

In expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee

©2012-2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

 For more updated ascension and channeled information, please check out Walking Terra Christa‘s blog posts.

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Mastery Tool of the Day

swirlslightHow To Learn to Embody the Blue Ray of Will and Power to Assist Others

As we are experiencing the Blue Ray to become embodied within us, it represents God’s Will and Power.  This means that our interaction with our highest essence is the rule of life upon the Earth presently.

We want to infuse within us the Higher Aspects of the Ray in our daily living.  They are represented with the ability to have courage and determination as we express ourselves within and with others.  We are given the gift of clear vision but the challenge is being able to put it into action.  Finding our inner truth is essential to fully command the Blue Ray within our physical existence.  So how do we do this?

Being honest with ourselves, our thoughts, our words, our feelings are essential, because what we think, we become, and what we think is sent out into the world around us.  This ray will assist us greatly on an individual basis but globally it will be the change that we truly need to embrace.  As we connect with the energies of the Blue Flame so personified by Archangel Michael and Faith, there is nothing that we cannot conquer.  Additionally, Master El Morya is the Ray Chohan; he represents the challenges of creating the Bridge to Freedom and is assisting us greatly through this process.

We then find through the depth of our truth within that we accept our true humility, as we gain sympathy for the journey we have traveled and great tolerance to continue the process.  These are considered the higher aspects of the Blue Flame but cannot be embodied until we understand within ourselves how we have arrived at this juncture of time.  We then will have patience, with great faith as we continue to strive for the best expression of our self through our Highest Essence.

Without allowing ourselves to be true to the Self, we cannot embody the Blue Ray and will still have the lower aspects plaguing in our consciousness.  These are called the Glamours of the Rays which are representative of the following characteristics:

Being pompous about your physical strength; personal magnetism; self centeredness; selfish personal ambition; rulership; dictatorship and control; isolation, aloneness or aloofness; destructive type behaviors; and superimposing your will upon others by force.

As you can see, our world has been rules by these lower aspects and this is what we are trying to change.  So we must do it within ourselves, first and foremost.  It will change our field of energy and then expand to others.  We cannot make others do what we want; only provide the right tools for them to help themselves.  This ray also represents the Masculine Divine so as we bring in the higher aspects of the ray, the masculine energy within each individual and the planet will soften to allow the integration within the Feminine Divine to allow the Three-Fold Flame to be ignited physically.

Using the vibrational essence of any of the rays will help to embody it within your consciousness.  We are working on changing the subconscious by integrating the super-conscious thoughts of the Higher Self.

Visualize the deep blue essence of the Ray of Will and Power coming to you as go about your day.  Feeling the essence of the Blue Flame to protect you and ask only that you allow the higher aspects to come within you.  It will assist you with bringing up the lower energies that may be lodged within your Etheric Body so that the healing can fully take place.  Use any gemstones that are representative of the deep blue:  Lapis Lazuli, Topaz, Sodalite, etc.  Chant the tone of “I” several times; or just ask to be imbued with the Blue Ray.

It is imperative that we learn to utilize the Blue Flame first and foremost as we are the representatives of GAIA.  The more that we infuse this essence within us, the more she can stabilize which will affect the controls that are occurring within governments, organizations, and individuals in power presently.

The Overlighting Beings for the Blue Flame of Will and Power are:

Elders from the Throne of Grace:  Alura & Aluri

Ray Chohan:  Master El Morya

Elohim Masters:  Hercules & Amazonia

Archangels:  Michael & Faith

Please note that the Elders are the directive force from Divine Mother/Father God who ignite the flame into each of the overlighting beings.  Calling upon any of these mentors of light will bring the Blue Flame into your physical structure.

If you have a deep desire to connect more fully with the Blue Flame, the Golden Etheric City of Goloniea (previously known as GoBean) which resides over Arizona and New Mexico in the Etheric Earth is a powerful place to visit.  We do have MP3 files from the New Earth Consciousness-Golden Earth City classes for this city.  If you have an interest in learning more about the Blue Flame in Goloniea, please consider purchasing an MP3 recording via

©2012-2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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