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Ascension Mastery Message for the Solstice of June in 2018 with Lord Metatron. Channeled Transmission by Rev. Christine Meleriessee of Walking Terra Christa.

The Solstice occurs on June 21st, 2018 at 10:07 GMT, 3:07 AM Pacific, 6:07 AM Eastern. Lord Metatron shares his words of wisdom on what we can expect to experience with the solstice energies.

Greetings with Deep Love,

I am Lord Metatron bringing forth a divine message of what the June 21st Solstice within this year brings to Gaia and each of all her inhabitants.

The energies presently coming into the planet before the Solstice are representing great changes to occur which you may have seen in your own life. The effects of the Rainbow Arcs of Light is continuing with each shift of the Sun and the Moon reflecting into Gaia’s planetary functions.

Energetically this energy has brought forth great power to be realized in the form of allowing the extension of the light frequencies to be exposed in a new and different manner. There is an opening of the light rays through each of the Great Central Suns that is allowing every soul upon this earth to come into a new extension of their higher presence. It may come in the form of changing their diet, the way they are living, or Initiates realizing there is more they need to do about the healing of their emotional and mental bodies.

In any case there is a true opening of allowing each soul to feel a small percentage of what can be within their lives if they allow themselves to fully become present and ready to receive the integration of the Alpha and Omega of Helios and Vesta, our Solar Logos.

As we move into the June Solstice, it represents more of the same but specifically the effect of what Helios and Vesta represent, who are the Solar Logos. They bring to humanity the ability to step into their world of the Alpha Omega, the Masculine and Feminine God concept of Divine Father and Mother God.

Helios and Vesta are the Solar Great Central Sun and the effects of what is happening within the Earth through the Solar Flares is a direct result of their essence being expressed on a physical basis.

Electro-Magnetic charges are being sent into the grounding force of Gaia to assist in the acceleration of the planetary functions. This means that every soul must align within themselves a higher part of their existence.

This is exactly what has been occurring since the March Equinox. The Ascension Festivals occurred and brought forth a divine dispensation of more light to be infused within Gaia but also each of you. The process of the depth of your changes is a direct result of these energies coming into alignment.

This Solstice occurring in June for the Northern and Southern Hemispheres brings about the same effects. It does not matter where you are residing within the world all of the energetic charges are being felt by every soul upon this earth.

As we move into the Solstice energies, there is going to be a power surge that occurs within each of you. It may be very subtle at first with the increased light frequency bringing forth more of a burning away of dross and debris in a more tangible form than it was before.

This has already been initiated within the planet’s outer field and will increase substantially at the rising of the Sun on the 21st and will continue for a three-day period in which the increased light infractions will become more grounded within Gaia’s Crystalline Core on the setting of the Sun on the 24th of June.

These electro-magnetic pulses represent the Divine Father of the Alpha and Divine Mother of the Omega as Helios and Vesta, the Solar Logos and Great Central Sun as they will be expanding their energies into the planetary structure in a much more concentrated effort.

These light frequencies are going to bring forth more of a balance of the Masculine and Feminine essence to occur within each soul upon the earth. It allows for what has not been in alignment to come into balance. It will be reflected not only through humanity but each kingdom that is walking the earth.

Many will say that this is the 5th dimension arriving but in truth, this is only the beginning stage to occur as we have been sharing for quite some time. In order for the planet to transition into the 5th dimensional energies there must be moments such as this to align the planetary function of what was upon this Earth into what could be arriving to assist in the process of creating the New Earth.

This Solstice is substantial in the fact that it allows for the Alpha and Omega to be part of the grand plan. The light infractions that will be sent through this process can be very powerful depending on how well you are ready to allow the change to happen. The most important element is to balance your four-body system and allow the higher light essence to assist your body in becoming more crystalline. This process can be very challenging and sometimes debilitating.


This is essential in order for the Spiritual Body to become more integrated within your system on a physical basis.

During this three-day period it is a time of great reflection, openness to the Divine Mind is going to be the main element of reflection, and allowing the Truth to be revealed and illuminated through Helios and Vesta. There is no hiding away of issues, or thoughts; they become very apparent and within that process they can be healed.


The beauty of this Solstice is that what has been hidden can now be declared as the forces of this light is being brought into alignment of All That Is. There are no hidden agendas as they will emerge out of the darkness that has been lost within you.

This also goes true for Planetary and Global awareness. Hidden agendas will be revealed and possibly not in a very positive manner. It is important not to get lost in the worldly affairs of others. Your role is to fully accept that what you thought was lost can now be found. The treasure is being revealed for every soul to see within themselves what is their Truth as it is Illuminated within their consciousness.

During this process manifestation can occur in many ways as long as you are in alignment with the Illumination and the Truth as Helios and Vesta are imparting it to the Earth. The vibrancy of these accelerations will truly assist in your healing of all elements within the four-body system.

It is a time of great revelation of hope and faith that life is changing little by little.

Be aware of how you are feeling. What emotions are arising and what is occurring within your thought processes?

In order to sustain this light energy, it is important to see the particles of your darkness that need to be released into the Solar Great Central Sun.

The effect of these energies will continue throughout the months into the Equinox of September. There will be many moments of clearing and recharging your full body system. Allow yourself to walk as the Great Initiate you are, know when it feels uncomfortable, and allow yourself to step into the world of healing bringing forth the acceleration of your light to be the focal point in your consciousness.

I suggest connecting to Helios and Vesta with the Sun’s energies especially at sunrise, not only on the 21st but within the three day cycle. Allow their Divine Truth to assist you to see your own reality from the standpoint of a multi-dimensional being that you desire to be. It cannot just be in your thinking process as that is the Masculine self, but command it to be by Initiating the transference of Light within the Feminine self.

This is allowing your Truth to be revealed within all aspects of your Being.

Enjoy these energies especially at the onset; they will be very powerful and will assist you in the process of allowing your Divine Self to become manifest within your world. The more individuals that achieve this individually, the more we will have a planet that is truly representative of the Light and Love it deserves.

I walk with each of you,

I Am Lord Metatron, at your service.

Walking Terra Christa’s global festival for the Solstice Light Event to celebrate the Solstice of June is available here

Related: Listen to the free 30 minute Guided Meditation for the Helios and Vesta Frequencies of Light: Entranceway of Light. (donations accepted).

Other important resources:

ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join Walking Terra Christa in this special project to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance. To learn more please use the link.

P.S. It is not coincidental that the ROYAL TETON RETREAT of the ASCENDED MASTERS opens for healing twice a year just before the Solstice. Please use the extra dispensations offered for the remainder of the 30 day window to best assist your soul’s growth with these energies. Details about this spiritual practice are at the link including information on a special class and meditation to learn how best to go about it.


Activating Light Infractions of the Solstice


This is the transcription of the LIVE call within the Clarion Temple of Oneness with Solar Logos, Helios and Vesta of the Great Central Sun on Monday, June 22nd, 2015.

Greetings, My Dearest Friends,
It is I, Yamteleus, your Spokes-Being for the Clarion Temple of Oneness.  Thank you so much for being with us this evening.

It is a very exciting time once again – a Solstice – where the influctuation of the energies within the planet are so strong that each of us within the Innerplane Levels are so excited to see the transformation occurring in many different places.

We are going to continue those energies this evening with Beloved Helios and Vesta, the Divine and the Divine Father of the Solar System of our planet as they reside within the Great Central Sun. It will be a very beautiful and transforming evening within the temple.

Many blessings to each of you.

It is our pleasure to be with you; We are Helios And Vesta, Solar Logos Of The Great Central Sun.

We bring forth to you the aspects of this Frequency of Light, but also illuminate everything that you are ~ to allow the Illumination that you have desired to be to become manifest within your physical being.

As we stand within this Frequency of Light, within you as the Great Central Sun, and we bring forth these essences unto each of you, it is the warmth, companionship, and love that we totally want to give to you at this time. First, there is a word of Gratitude for what you are doing as it has helped GAIA to sustain her worth in the present conditioning. Without your diligence of walking into this pathway and being strong within it, we would not be able to share as much as we do or desire to do.

We bring to you the Alpha and the Omega, we bring to you the Masculine and Feminine Divine. That is what this exchange is so much a part of. If you think about your Solar Angel, that angel is the Masculine and the Feminine. There is no difference. It is a balancing energy of light just as your Higher Self is so the reflection you receive within your physical body through this exchange through the Solstice will help you to determine what needs to be addressed and what needs to be embraced. This is the process each of you is going through.

There will always be change in your lives as you have chosen a planet that represents great movement. Each of you, as the stability of light that you have been from the other planes, come into this plane of existence, and sometimes everything can get distorted in many different directions. This is because your physical mind is fighting against the Illumination of your Spiritual Mind. So conflicts result within you. But if you allow yourself to feel our energies through this process of our meeting at this time, it will assist in the Divinity of Acceptance within your Heart. Not just a spiritual experience within a meditation, a beautiful vision, or within your dream-state, it is a physical reality and this is what we desire for each of you.

As I, Helios, bring forth Illumination, Vesta brings forth the power to hold it within you by Concentrating upon it allowing the masculine and feminine to come together as one instead of fighting against one another. It is within this process that it is very important.

We don’t think this energetic exchange being one or the other, either as Masculine or Feminine. We see it being as the totality of Oneness within the Self as the Solar Angel represents that energy. I think the form of a Solar Angel is so much easier to understand than the Higher Self, because if you have a vision of what your angel could be, that assists the mental mind to accept that vision. Sometimes within the Higher Self there is formal way of looking at it. It is within this process that is important for you to surrender and allow the frequency of light to come fully within your Being as you can accept yourself in a completely different manner than you have in the previous moments. Don’t let your physical mind to control things for you. Don’t let your habits control you. Don’t let your physical experiences control you.

Only allow the totality of your higher essence in that composition of androgynous energy allowing your Masculine and Feminine to fully be within you. That is the process that we want for every individual upon this earth, but yet, what occurs in the multi-dimensional phases is that one becomes stronger than the other depending upon the events, relationships, inter-actions, or the feelings within the physical body. Do not allow that separation to occur for you.

This is why this energetic exchange is so powerful at this time. It is an element of Love.

If you were to look at a couple that had that spiritual love for each other, you would say, “Wow, they are really balanced with one another. That is what I desire for myself.” But the statement should be, “That is what I desire within myself.”

This is where it gets confusing because as humans, you want so much of the love to come from another person or being, and we search for things that we are lacking within ourselves. We look to others to give us the answers instead of looking at yourselves.

So this process of energetic exchange that is going on presently is to assist you and rolling out the white carpet for the next three months to allow what you are experiencing now to continue through that process to find the Divine Love that you are within yourself.

So let us help you to bring that forth into your Beingness to concentrate on the Divinity of Light you are in the form of the angelic presence. It actually represents Light Infractions that we impart to the Earth from the Sun.

What happens when you sit in the sun?

You feel warmth, feeling content and peaceful, you may even feel sleepy. So the Light Infractions that we are bringing forth at this time assists in this process even though at times it may be damaging to the physical self only because it is brought forth through intensity. But our role presently is to assist this earth and make the necessary changes, as we do not have another 100 years to do so. It has to be in a shorter time span than that, and each of you have a role to incorporate these essences within yourself to sustain life upon this earth, to assist others to understand the process without speaking the words, and just being the Infraction of Light that we are going to extend to each of you.

What we ask you for is to feel your Heart with your breath and allow your Masculine and Feminine essences to receive more balance than they have previously. This will allow these beautiful movements to come within you to remove elements you do not need and to accept the elements you have.

We call this Embracing Yourself; this is The Illumination.

So I, as Helios, now bring that Illumination to you through the Great Central Sun expanding Golden Rays of Light through your entire essence so that you may feel that warmth, and Divinity of Light that you are.

{Divine Language Light Encoding}

Now feel the illumination of your Solar Angel slowly coming within you, first within the Heart and allow it to float down.

I as, Vesta, Concentrate deeply for you to bless yourself to be this essence.

Feel now the energy changing your physical body with each breath that you take, the cellular structure changes. Everything adjusts for you to receive. The Infractions of Light from your Solar Angel now are ready to be fully incorporated within your physical body.

{Divine Language Light Encoding}

We, as Helios and Vesta, blend the Masculine and Feminine within you as your own Masculine and Feminine now come together in Unison.

Feel that power within you, of the Masculine and Feminine Divine.

Feel the Illumination, the Grounding, and the Concentration of this occurring within you, because this is your Divinity of Life.

Allow this actualization that we are giving to you to blend within you and breathe it; to feel it for the next couple of days. Allow it to guide you through everything that you desire to create, everything you desire to feel and to think within you, it is the power of your Beingness to allow this essence to fully be within you. Be the essence.

As we, as Helios & Vesta, of the Great Central Sun, embrace you with the pure ability to accept. To accept that you are more in this moment than you were in the last. And you will be more in the next moment. But allow this grounding force to occur within you. It is your responsibility to hold it as best as you can.

Walk on the ground, allow it to be grounded into Gaia, step into the waters and allow it to flow into the tides. Allow it to move through the trees, allow it to be in the mountains and into the core of the mountains, not just the peaks. As we all work within each other, to create this beautiful earth, the most important element is to create the beautiful you that we see that you are. Be this essence and whatever does not fit will dissipate; because that is what process you are going through.

It is our divine pleasure as Helios and Vesta to walk with you in this process in the next few days and the next few months.

All of our Divine Love from our Heart to Yours,

We are One with Each of You.

Individuals may purchase the MP3 download of any of our calls via The Cosmic Great Central Sun (Divine Mother/Father God) speaks each week in the temple before our guest speaker. The transcript for the Cosmic Oneness is available via to read.

You may also apply to our Student/ Membership Program by paying a monthly fee to join all teachings on Monday and Wednesday evenings.©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery

Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara.

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Invoking the Full Power of Rebirth ~ Lord Sanat Kumara with Lord Metatron

upward pathwayCHANNELED EXCERPT. Walking Terra Christa hosted a tele-call with Lord Sanat Kumara and Metatron for the SPRING EQUINOX on March 20th, 2014.  RA the Sun God and Helios and Vesta of the Great Central Sun offered their blessings for this magnificent doorway of light into GAIA and each of us.

The following is a small transcript of our meditation with each of these magnificent beings.  You may listen to the MP3 file via our free library,  We offer free teleconferences on the full moon and powerful energetic times of acceleration.  Please join us live for the next full moon call which also represents the Festival of the Christ, the first of the three ascension gateways for 2014,



We are Helios and Vesta with RA the Sun God.  We are here to allow the frequency of the 10th dimension to come fully within your being and help you be acclimated to this frequency of Light.  Feel our essences embodying the entire temple, every one of you experiencing this power within yourself.  Allow it to flow within you.  It is a very powerful time and we understand what you are experiencing.  Not in the way that you understand, but from our level of existence.  Let us all be One for the next few moments within this beautiful temple, so that we can assist you in holding this frequency on a much deeper level than you ever thought you could.

The power of the energies in the present moment is to allow the frequency of Light of this Equinox to fully come onto the planet as best as we can.  We know that each of you understands that you are the Torchbearers.  You are the holders of this frequency.

Yet, within that process, the intensity of this Light can be so strong that it may deter you into different directions.  That is not what we choose it to be.  So at this moment we will hold this frequency for you within this temple.  We will hold it from the base of your Earth Star, as the Crystalline structure underneath you will infiltrate up through your entire field and move up to your Soul Star.  Allow it to spin within you in all different directions and to be within you as best as you can.

Be completely comfortable through this process.  Only receive what is ready to be accepted within the internalization of your entire existence in the Now, as it is changing in each moment.  During this fluctuation of the Light upon the planet, the ability for more electromagnetic energies to be balanced within all the electrons of Gaia is increased.  This essence is coming into the frequency to allow each of you to hold it as deeply as you can; but only at the bare minimum of acceptance.

We know that you are overloaded.  We know that you have been challenged.  Let us have some moments of exultation for this Light.  Let us embrace the ability to dance in the sunlight, to dance in the moonlight, and come into complete balance during this creative space.  This creative space is occurring presently.  We know that the full acceleration of the Equinox is not completely taking place until tomorrow.  Yet it is happening everywhere around the world.  As you can see it is already happening somewhere around the world within your present timeframe in little pieces of Light.

So what is it in this moment that allows you to accept a different part of yourself, that you had not fully realized previously?

It is the power of the opening doorways.  It is the power you being able to remove those essences that are no longer part of your creative process.  In fact, they are not creation at all.  They are actually the embodiment of dysfunction, the embodiment of trauma, the embodiment of lack of understanding.  It cannot be felt on the level that you are experiencing presently, so we want each of you to filter this Light frequency slowly into your essence.  Feel all forms of Light slowly coming into your entire Light Body.  If you bring it forth into your Light Body and allow it to come into the etheric essence and the physicality that you are, you start accepting it.  It is when you try to do it too quickly and all at one time that it becomes a problem.

Experiencing this Light in the frequency that You Are, allows you to be in the full composition of all that you are bringing forth; with a breath, with a thought, with an emotion.  You are all these experiences in this moment.  The Divine Light will be infused upon you at this time, to assist you with your next level of creation.  Breathe deeply and allow our essence to be embodied within you and help with the electromagnetic structures of your Feminine and Masculine Divine, for the balance of those frequencies of Light to come within you.  Not just one or the other, but allow them to be fully balanced.

You see, you cannot receive them separately.  They must come into balance through this structure we are embodying onto you in these moments.  Breathe deeply and allow these essences to fully come into your existence.

{Divine Light Language Voice Transmission}


It is my pleasure to be here with you as Lord Sanat Kumara.  I am deeply honored to be within your essences at this time.

Bless yourself for arriving in this state of Beingness.  Bless yourself for your challenges.  Bless yourself for your accomplishments.  Bless yourself for everything.  It is my divine pleasure as the Father of the Brotherhood of White Light to see the existence of each of you and so many more who are not with us at this time, to come into alignment and to be that being of Light that you have been asking yourself to be.

I know, I know, I know it has been so very difficult!  And in the process of your divinity having challenges will continue.  However, let us think about what occurs for you when you go through a challenge.  You gain more wisdom.  It is ironic, is it not?  It seems that you cannot gain your wisdom without having to go through many doorways of fear, of not understanding.  But yet, when you break down barriers, what occurs for you?  That is your wisdom.  Your knowledge is already there.  It is the wisdom that comes with it.  It is within your knowledge that you are aware of what you need to do.  And then you break down those doorways, those electronic doors that have kept you from the full totality of your Beingness in a physical structure.

Then you begin to understand; that is your true wisdom. 

I truly know what each of you is going through in this present time.  I know what some of you are experiencing.  And I know that some of you may not even understand what you are experiencing.  Yet you continue along the pathway of the enlightened ones.

Is that not truly who you are?

You are bringing forth the frequency of Light to be more upon this planet than it ever has been previously.  We can talk about Lemuria.  We can talk about Atlantis.  But let us not go there.  That is behind us now.  That has formed our foundation of what we knew we did not want to do.  Yet, some of you still strive to be in that old space.  It is very important you bring forth that knowledge of the past for the New Earth, but your wisdom allows you to understand so much more in the frequency of Light that you are.

Presently, this Equinox is a very powerful element.  Many do not realize that.  There was so much hoopla put out about December 2012 and theories of what could have happened.  So now individuals go about their lives just as they always did, thinking that things are simply going to be status quo.  Well, each of you and I know that that is not true.  What you are experiencing is so very true to your Heart.  In the envelopment of the full totality of the existence of a higher plane of living upon the Earth, the Earth has to shift into that frequency as each of you are learning to do.

Your lives are changing greatly through this process.  This spring brings forth the ability to refresh your-self anew.  Yes, it is another rebirth.

Remember we go through these periods of rebirth, so that we do not take with us into the new cycle what we had before that no longer works.  We must always readjust ourselves to the new frequency of Light and move into the purest essences.  This is what I am here to assist you with, and help you with these beautiful Rays of Light; to bring in the essences of the Holy Kumaras of Venus, as Venus and the Earth will be intertwining their energies on such deep level that has never occurred before.  Each of you has traveled to Venus.  Each of you has been in that space.  Otherwise, you would not be prepared to be here in this moment and to be listening, to be feeling this energetic exchange.

I bring to you the essence of Venus that is on the higher dimensional frequency, to assist you in having the essence of your purity, your love, your ability to connect to the essence of God in a different format, to be able to flow with your energies, to be able to ground them deeply, to have you wisdom, to have your power, to have your will and to have your freedom.

That is truly what my essence represents for the Brotherhood of White Light.  We created the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light to keep everything in its prospective form.  Each of you is acknowledging that essence within yourselves presently.  It is the power of allowing this knowledge that you have to come fully into your entire Beingness.  We stand on the threshold of a new world in the next 24 hours.  The purity of your Light cannot be matched by anything else, or else we would not be arriving here in this juncture of time.  We would not be feeling these essences as we have.  We would not be challenged as we have.  You would be going along your day as if nothing ever occurred for you.  Yet we all know that is not true.  Each of you has awakened to a new part of yourself, and it is a continuous process of this rebirth experience.  Each of you is being prepared for the most amazing Wesak.  And this is the beginning for Earth, to allow her essence to expand into her Light Body.  Each of you are an important participant in this event, and many events upon events.

If you feel disillusioned at this time, allow my essence to help you with that.  If you feel excited, share it with others through your electrical exchanges.  If you are feeling unsure of elements, let us change that.  At this present time, as we are moving into Equinox energies, the changes that are occurring on the other planetary systems are all in alignment with Gaia.  You are being protected.  You are being guided.  You are being assisted in so many ways.  Fully allow yourself to be the Ascended Master you want to become.  Allow that responsibility to be fully within you as we step upon a new world.  It is the beginning of allowing these essences to fully come within you and assist the planet.

What we see is that each of you impart these essences onto yourself, and then they go down into the Earth.  It is much like a movie; you see the twinkling of lights that move down into the roots of the Earth and flow into other areas.  This is exactly what is occurring for you.  The blessing of these essences is about to be acknowledged by so many others.  Not so many humans, but everything else that matters.  All that you connect with; the elements, animals, the frequencies of the trees, the clouds, the sun, the sun and the sky.  All these essences matter, because at first in order for the Earth to shift into this higher frequency, it has to be filled with these light formations which is just as you are experiencing it.

Let us equate it to each of your personal experiences.  As you bring the Light frequencies into your Physical Body, you allow your Light Quotient to change and shift.  Do you not feel it on a physical level?  You feel it in your vibration, you feel it in your sensitivity, you feel it in what is occurring for you, and allow those essences to be grounded.  Well, this is exactly what Gaia is experiencing.  It is going to all of her communities, all her land masses, all her frequencies of Light to allow those energies to shift and change.  Eventually the people will accept these energies.  This is what we truly want.  And this is where each of you comes in with your responsibility.

You chose to awaken at an early age, so that you could bring forth these energies onto the Earth.  Without each of you, this could not be done.  We could not to it this way.  The planet would not exist in the way that it is now.  We ask each of you to take whatever it is that you no longer need, and allow each of us to help you remove it.

We are here as the Hierarchy for the New Earth.

Each of you stands in the forefront for the training that you are undergoing.  You have all been here many times.  We have all been together.  You have all been to planetary systems.  And now you have come to Gaia to be this creative force.

What is happening on the outside ethers is not your problem.  It is the problem of the Intergalactics.  They are the ones stepping forward to move through the battles.  Each of you is to incorporate this Light onto yourself, fully in all areas of existence.  Feel the essence of Helios, Vesta and RA the Sun God as they infiltrate these frequencies of Light.  Feel the essence of these beautiful Rays.  The Rays are being sent for you to receive your 5th dimensional body.  It is taking time, as the Earth has not shifted enough for you to truly accept that 5th dimensional body unless you live in higher places of sacredness.  This is very important.  Even in those higher places of sacredness, individuals cannot exist as much as they would like to, but we are all here to exist together within that consciousness.  And there is a movement of change that is happening within the next 24 hours.  Allow yourself now to see this beautiful essence that is occurring.

As you look in front of you, the space that was the altar has now changed.  There is a beautiful Rainbow Bridge.  This Rainbow Bridge will take into that new role of existence.  It is not taking you to another planet.  It not taking you to the Upper Earth yet.  But it is taking you into your own world; the space that you need to create within yourself.  As Meleriessee would say, it is a shift in consciousness to allow that energy to move from the space we are in now.  I call upon Lord Metatron in this moment.  The two of us will escort each of you across this bride.  Let us hear from his essence presently.  I thank you deeply for walking with us through this process.


{Divine Light Language Voice Transmission}

I AM that I AM!  I AM Lord Metatron at your service.

I am here to assist you in the divinity of your Light, and allowing the balance that you so desperately ask for to come fully within your physical existence.  I know, my children, I know.  I know how difficult it has been for you each of you.  We honor you deeply for continuing the journey, for being in this space in this moment, for each of us to commune together, to be together to feel the frequency of Light that we are, as we all shall be physically in our future times.  Let us breathe deeply into the Heart Center, and allow what it is you are experiencing in this moment with all these beautiful Rays of Light coming down through the entire Temple.  Ways of energy are flowing down into your essence, you feel a breeze of the frequency.  You can see colors.  You may see these red, large pieces of fabric blowing around and against you, allowing yourself to feel the balance.

Let us all arise from where we are sitting and stand on top of this beautiful Crystalline structure.  It is multicolored with all the different hues of the Rays.  The Rays are now merging.  When you first walked in, they were all those different frequencies.  Now allow these frequencies to blend fully within you.  You blend with the lower Rays, with the middle Rays and the higher Rays.  Understand the transition you have been going through.  Feel these beautiful essences flowing within you as I speak a little bit more.

The depth of your healing has been a very important pathway which is not only for you, but upon this Earth.  You see, this Earth has been riddled with so much darkness for so many years, eons and eons of time.  You are here as a healer.  You are here to remove these essences within you and upon the Earth.  The more that you traveled in lifetimes to come to this Earth, the more difficult the travel has been for you.  The amount of times you have spent on other planetary systems assisted you to be here at this time.  However, sometimes that can be a detriment for some of you.  You may expect things to happen much easier than they have.  You have forgotten what you experienced in the previous timelines.  And that is okay.

Right now we want all timelines that have been coming up for each of you to be fully removed through the essences of this amazing temple of Light.  As we stand here now, the base structure of the temple is now going to spin very slowly in a clockwise manner.  We are like a kaleidoscope of Light energies and frequency, allowing the full body system to accept the codes of Light that are associated with your DNA.  Allow yourself to be activated in a completely different way.  It is up to you and your Higher Self what it is that you need to bring forth within you at this time.  Allow the experience to come fully within you.

{Divine Light Language Voice Transmission}

Allow yourselves to now ground what you have experienced.  This process of coding we are bringing forth helps you to be purged of anything that is necessary.  Some of it you may not know, and that is okay.  We ask for the purity of Light and the Love that you desire in this moment, so that you can be a full channel of Light, a vortex of Light, coming from Helios and Vesta for the Spring Equinox.

Allow that energy to fully come within you now.  You are ready.  You are fully ready.  I stand here with Lord Sanat Kumara and myself.  Sanat Kumara will come to the right side of your body, and I will come to the left.  We will escort each of you across this beautiful Rainbow Bridge.

As we start to walk across the bridge, feel your essence starting to change.  There may be some resistance, because you are coming into a new existence.  This new existence will help you, yet your Lower Self may want to hinder you a bit.  We step one step at a time, feeling the essences of the steps.

Continue as we are at the middle of the bridge.  How does it feel?  Turn around and look back.  See the old self now dissipating.  Dissipating into Wholeness, dissipating what you no longer need, as now you step further into this beautiful doorway.

The beautiful doorway consists of many colors of Light.  It is the part of you that has been waiting to fully come within you since what you have been experiencing these past few months.  You are now ready to be the conduit of Light, to receive this frequency, to assist Gaia and everyone else.  Each of you will do it in your own manner.  It does not matter where you are within your pathway or what you are bringing forth.  Your responsibility at this time is through your Higher Self.  Whatever that is, it is not an earthly thing.  It is a vibratory energy.

We now expand as we walk through this magnificent doorway that has just opened up from side-to-side.  We feel the frequency of Light of all the many colors streaming forth into our beings.  It is blowing away!  We feel it across our face, blowing our hair, blowing our clothes.  It is a beautiful essence as we now walk into the divinity of Light that we truly desire.  There is greenery, there are flowers, there are beautiful essences.  We have walked into this beautiful experience of spring.

What is it that you see?

Are there streams flowing through?

Is there a pond of water? 

Are there flowers growing in the most beautiful gardens? 

It is not restricted.  There is no garden with any walls.  It goes on for miles and miles and miles.

As we step into this spring oasis, you see the elementals.  They are dancing all around you, so very happy.  There are rocks that want to talk to you.  There are trees that blowing in the wind.  Everyone is feeling the exultation of the most beautiful experience with Light frequency upon this Earth.  Please walk around this beautiful space, this beautiful land, meadows, hills and mountains on the distance.  We feel this beautiful enjoyment of the spring coming onto Gaia.  We now expand ourselves deeply as we feel our feet go into the Earth.  Feel the extension of this Light coming through each of us and onto Gaia.

{Divine Light Language Voice Transmission}

We feel our energies.  This is the pure existence of Light upon the planet.  Feel it in your Heart.  Feel it in the extension that you are, as now you have changed.  You have walked into spring.  What seeds do you need to plant?

Think about this now for the next event of Wesak.

Allow the energies to come fully within.  Please know that this is a period of adjustment, allowing the balance to occur for a three-day process.  Allow that to come within you and within the following week, you may begin to feel the change that you have created.  It may cause more elements to come into adjustment, and sometimes that takes change.  Sometimes that takes energies to shift.  But let us enjoy this exultation in this moment, allowing these frequencies you are embodying to be part of the planet’s existence.

I, myself as Lord Metatron, with Sanat Kumara, embrace you deeply.  We embrace you so deeply for the responsibility that you have taken on.  Those of you that have read my material through Meleriessee will know that I have put forth the word of this work taking great diligence.  And this is your blessing from us.  We are completely honored and enamored by the work that you are doing and continue to do.  We know each of you is on a different level, and that is okay.  This is all part of the process.  But please know that you are needed so much in order for others to understand in times to come.  This is the celebration of your Spring Essence fully manifesting within your physical being.  Allow the blessings to come to you in the next few days.  Hold your hands out and allow yourself to receive.

Know that you will receive in many different ways.  It is our divine pleasure to be fully with you.  We will now let Meleriessee guide you back to your home essence.  You may return any time you would like, and we will be here waiting for you and assist you.

All our Love, in so many forms of Light and enjoyment.

We are One with each of you.

Lord Metatron and Sanat Kumara


©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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January 13th, 2014 ~ Unity Number “3”

Unity Number for TodayToday is January 13th, 2014 and the Unity Number is “3”.  


This number represents enjoyment and a sunny disposition.  It is a day to have fun, be sociable, friendly and reach out to another person with your Light.  Keywords include:  jovial, having fun, adventurous, and self-expressive.

Take time on this day to celebrate yourself for the achievements you have made through the last two days.  We know that stepping into these powerful activations can sometimes cause issues to arise that need to be rectified.  That is why the world is being affected so deeply by the light accelerations coming into GAIA.

What would you like to do on this day?  Yesterday’s number represented the ability to step into your mastery in a new level.  Look at how you achieved a new part of yourself to be expressed and now show it to others.  First, inspire your physical body for accepting the light infractions by showing a deep sense of accomplishment through the challenges of yesterday.  Today, create a ceremony for yourself.  Look at your old self and see how you have stepped into a new power of light by acceptance.

It is important to understand what you are going through in the small moments so you can see the accomplishment of many moments together.  Sometimes, as humans, you forget and then become very hard on yourself in the process.

Be adventurous and do something different for yourself.  Show the depth of your essence that you are tapping into during your meditations and accept the new-found Being that you are becoming.  Look to the sun of Helios and Vesta as they watch over each of you with their vibrancy.  Let it permeate through your entire Beingness.

Yes, there is more to come, but today is a day to enjoy the fruit of your labors.  You deserve it.  Embrace the Light and let it shine to another.  Call a friend in need so they can see the beautiful light that they are.  They will be thankful that you did, and so will you.

EMBRACE THE LIGHT YOU HAVE BECOME.  We embrace each of you.

The Unified Whole Command of Many Beings of Light

Comprised of Master Thoth, Great Divine Director, Master Einstein

The Brotherhood of White Light with the Spiritual Hierarchy and Angelic Realm in Oneness

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Mastery Tool of the Day

Call forth to Helios & Vesta, our Solar Logos to specifically help build your Lightbody.

Sunset Oregon

Request a complete anchoring of your soul and monadic Lightbodies into your four-body system, and a full merger into your physical vehicle.  Helios & Vesta are especially proficient at this work since they is the Solar Logos and embody the sun energy what has its direct correlation to the Lightbody.

In addition call upon Helios and Vesta to assist your transition into the Lightbody especially during the Solar Flares that we are presently experiencing within GAIA.  They can assist in balancing the four-body system so that the effect is not so intensive within the physical body.


©2012-2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Mastery Tool of the Day



At the time of taking your sixth initiation and ascension, you must make a decision as to which of the seven paths of higher evolution you will follow.  As we evolve through our initiations, we will understand in more detail what these paths represent for us in our pathway.  It is not until we are able to fully access our Higher Mind completely that we start to comprehend what our chose pathway can be.

Understanding the Seven Paths will help us to see why we choose a certain service in our physical world as it is setting the foundation in our ascension process to build upon as we progress through our initiations.  As we walk towards the New Earth, the dimensional foundation will allow us to progress within these pathways while still being OF THE EARTH BUT N OT PART OF IT.  We walk as the Ascended Masters for the New Earth.  If a soul chooses to leave this plane of existence, understanding their Path of High Evolution will assist them when the full physical ascension occurs.  So whatever is our choosing of living in this reality or another reality, understanding the process of our higher evolution will assist us tremendously.

It is also very common for us to choose a certain path at a certain level and then it changes through our progression and enlightenment upon the Earth.  All seven paths ultimately lead to the same place and this is why a soul can transfer from one path to another at a later time.

We are sharing this information to give individuals an understanding of what they are studying or are magnetized toward in their studies of ascension along with the work they are doing on the Inner Plane.  It helps to fully grasp what each of these paths may be.  This is only an introduction and a more in-depth study of the seven paths will be shared in later writings.

  1. The Path of Earth Service ~ Many of us are choosing this path especially with the opening of the New Earth energies becoming a reality.  In addition each soul chooses which kingdom that they are working with:  human, animal, plant, or mineral.  There is a long list to join this Path as many souls have chosen to do so.  This means your work with GAIA would continue in your ascension pathway in the many cycles of rebirth.
  2. The Path of Magnetic Work ~ This path represents the communication with Helios & Vesta, our Solar Logs, RA the Sun God, and the essential energy of the solar system.  Learning to direct the fohat energy into the planetary astral plane helps to clear man-made glamour and delusion.  The pure astral energy used on this path is pure unconditional love.  Individuals on this path wield the force of electrical magnetism under the direction of the Great Ones, Matter of every density and vibration is manipulated in the service of the Divine Plan and the Unified Whole Command of the 144th dimensional levels of Oneness.
  3. The Path of  Training to Become a Planetary Logos ~ This is the path of Sanat Kumara chose and now Lord Buddha.  The masters choosing this path at the 6th initiation are being trained to take up the work of the seven planetary logoi and the 49 subplanetary logoi and their assistants for the next system.  Each of the seven ray chohans takes on a number of students and trains them specifically for this work.
  4. The Path to Sirius ~ this path is the most popular for humanity after their ascension.  Sirius is considered to be the higher University and many travel there during the sleep-state for teachings with Lord of Sirius (please note, this only connects with the planetary system of Sirius B, as Sirius A is still in a 3rd dimensional reality).  This path represents stepping into the middle ground of pathways as it represents the galactic doorway to our galaxy.  It is closely aligned with the Pleiades.  The Path of Sirius is very aligned with our pathway of the New Earth as Sirius split into two planets A and B which was prophesied for GAIA but due to the increased rate of lightworkers and light within Earth we are n ow moving GAIA into the New Earth.
  5. The Ray Path ~ This path represents working within the same ray that an individual has within their Monad and working within that ray.  Individuals work with Sanat Kumara, also known as the Lord of the World and the chohan governing your particular ray.  If an individual chooses this path, they would travel to every part of the solar system in their service work.  If an individual finds the law of vibration of profound importantance, they would be attracted to the Ray Path.
  6. The Path on Which the Solar Logos Himself is Found ~ This path deals with the training process to become a Solar Logos.  It is different from the 3rd which, which trains an individual to become a planetary logos.  This path leads directly to the cosmic planes of consciousness.  This is a very high ray path and much training and implementation of the soul’s work goes into being within this Path.  An individual would have previously worked with Helios and Vesta and then will step into the cosmic responsibilities.  It takes a very high level of initiation to choose this Path.
  7. The Path of Absolute Sonship ~ This path forms a triangle between the Planetary Logos, Sanat Kumara, Lord Buddha, the Solar Logos, Helios and Vesta, and a cosmic being of huge proportions beyond the concept of our physical reality.  This path also relates to the Great Bear Star System.  It is advised that if you feel magnetized towards this path that you work with Master Djwhal Khul to assist you in the process to get to this space.  This path is the highest evolution for a soul and it takes great diligence, foresight, and can only be followed by the highest of initiates.  There is much training that has to be realized before stepping into this path.

In summation, this information is being shared to assist an individual to understand why they are magnetized to a certain level of work and to help them accept the changes they are going through to have the potentiality of Mastery for the New Earth.  If it seems confusing, don’t work through your Lower Mind to understand it but call upon your Higher Self (Higher Mind) to access the information.  Have him/her work with you in your meditation and dream-state to understand the material.  Go back to it later and then you may be able to ascertain what it means for you in your present pathway.

This material is excerpted from Dr. Joshua David Stone, “Beyond Ascension”.  His essence also provided some additional information through Rev. Christine Meleriessee in the writing of this material.

©2012-2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Decree ~ The Balance of Alpha and Omega within my Consciousness


Helios VEsta Alpha Omega
I call upon Helios & Vesta,
Our Solar Logos,
Who Represent the Alpha and Omega.

I am a human upon this planet,
You call Earth;
I ask to walk with you,
As I integrate the balance within me.

You created this Galaxy that Earth is a part of,
You have assisted in the balance of Masculine and Feminine Divine;
You brought to us the 49 Ascended Masters to bring forth the teachings of the Great White Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light,
They have honored this planet and all its inhabitants to the full realization of our I AM.

I have forgotten at times who I AM and why I came here,
I want to remember,
I ask that you help me with my transformation,
I am healing deeply through my personal expression,
Of the Divine Being that I AM.

I now feel your essence,
Blending within mine;
It helps me to recall the times I have lost.

I honor the Cosmic Law;
I express love within and share with others,
I am truthful, honest, compassionate, and most of all loving in all deeds I perform,
I share the responsibility of showing others the way.

I Am One with You,
Helios and Vesta,
Alpha and Omega,
Our Central Sun.

I return to my original State of Being,
I Am One With You,
In this Moment and for all of eternity.

I AM that I AM that I AM.

Rev. Christine Meleriessee Heliohah

Celestial Energies Equinox Ceremony and Channeling

Earth - Equinox
Allowing The Higher Frequencies To Blend With Gaia Through Your Essence Into Hers


If you have been feeling the energies of this Equinox, this call will assist you to fully integrate those energies.  Then you can share them with Humanity and Gaia.  Click the underlined link as this is perhaps on of the most high vibrational tele-calls we have done to date to assist you in shifting into the New Earth Energies.

We etherically travel to the 10th Dimensional frequency.  Most will feel the vibrations on this call for certain.  Plus an important message about each of us grounding these frequencies into Gaia.

Blessings In Oneness!

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