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Integrating the Sparkle of the Crystalline Flame for Abundance

quartz cluster_800_563The Elohim Masters Purity and Astrea of the 4th Ray of Harmony and Balance blessed our Abundance of Light-Prosperity Circle with their essence and assistance to create our desires to become manifest within our world with the Crystalline Flame.

Blessings, My Dearest Children,

It is I, Purity with Astrea.

We are so happy to be with you again to bring forth our energies for this beautiful circle of abundance and the creation of your Light within your physical essence.

Today, we want you to concentrate on how beautiful you are from your purest essence. Do not think about your physical structure. Feel the Source of Oneness, as we sit within this beautiful garden of the 144th dimension. We bring forth that essence into the Physical Body through the breath, circling in all parts of your Being. Allow yourself to sit back and enjoy.

You are the perfect Crystalline structure. Feel your Merkabah as that Crystalline structure, from the top of your Soul Star to the bottom of your Earth Star. Think of it as a double pointed crystal.

Within that crystal are many facets. Sometimes, some of those facets need to be cleansed and purified. Just like you would purify your own crystals. Breathe deeply through this process and allow us to assist. We are the 4th step of Precipitation with the Elohim.

What does that exactly mean?

Well, you have brought forth the Will To Do and allowed the Mental Illumination to be cleared through the Second Ray. Then the Creative Actualization of the Pink Flame came of what you would truly like to create within your world was being brought forth. Now we fully allow our Crystalline Light to embrace it, allowing to sparkle. We remove any elements that may be causing blockages through you, so that the desired outcome occurs for you.

What is it today, in this moment, that you desire most of all?

Is it within your Physical Body, your Emotional Body, your Mental Body?

Is it within your physical life of what you desire to create?

What is the first element that comes into your mind from your higher mind, when you allow that illumination to come fully within you?

Think of the healing you are going through and what you need to focus upon in this moment. In all instances, if there is something out of alignment, then you cannot truly manifest the desired outcome. You may desire a better life. You may desire a new job, a new residence, or funds for a special event. Yet if you are having confliction in any of the FOUR Bodies of the Physical, the Etheric, the Emotional and the Mental, then that desired outcome is going to take a whole lot longer.

That is what we are here to assist you with. We want to bring forth the clarity you need in order to understand within yourself what it is you need to focus upon to help yourself.

I say to you again; what is it that is holding you back in this moment? You may not even realize it. Yet you may have a physical outcome that is being created within you. Think about that as we bring forth this reflection of the Crystalline Flame.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Feel the Crystalline Light that you truly are from your Source of Oneness, from the beginning stages of your creation. Allow this creation to fully come within your Being. Allow it to flow within you. Allow it to move through you. Allow it to be expressed through your breath, through your thoughts, through your feelings, and every part of you is now sparkling with the purity of the Crystalline Flame.

You are the beautiful crystal. You are sparkling.

The sun shines through you and it creates beautiful rainbows of Light in many different directions. Feel the transformation that is occurring now. Allow this essence to go into any part that you feel you are struggling with right now.
Allow it to go into the Physical, the Emotional, the Mental and possibly the Etheric Body. Allow all bodies to be the Crystalline Flame. Allow all bodies to project rainbows with colors of Light within you.

Let us take a breath while you feel that essence.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Say these words unto yourself

“I AM embodying the Crystalline Flame, as I now feel the sparkles of Light that are projected through the flame into every part of my being. It shoots off rainbows of colors of Light, so I am not only the Crystalline Flame, I am all colors of the spectrums of Light.

I embody this essence within myself. I allow it to come into the parts that need it the most. I feel it flowing through my being.

I feel the transformation occurring, as the regeneration is now my pathway.

I step into this doorway, as I resurrect the old elements. They no longer need to be within my creative process. I thank them for what they have given to me, but I no longer need to have them.”

I feel myself now as the Crystalline Flame.

I AM the Crystalline Flame. I AM the purest Crystalline Light that I have ever seen.

I embody it. I AM pure. I AM beautiful. I sparkle with each moment of the flame.

It brings onto me the harmonization that I desire.

I now create that desire within me. I feel it coming to me now. All the desired manifestation in this moment is me.”

State what you would like to have.

Allow it to come within you now, as you are the Crystalline Flame. You are the purity of Light. You are God’s Light within you. There is nothing else that can penetrate that Light in the power that you are. Feel it deeply.

Feel it deeply in all aspects of your being. Allow the purification of this Light to flow within you.

Now you bring unto you the desired element through your Will, through allowing the Mental Mind to Illuminate. You bring in your Higher Mind, embracing yourself with the Pink Flame and now you become the Creative Source of the Purity of it. Embrace it with Pure Light. There is nothing else that matters in this moment.

Feel it deeply. Feel it and embrace it. You are the master of your destiny. You are achieving all you desire.

Allow it to come further into yourself.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

We embrace you deeply. We wrap our arms around you with the Crystalline Flame. You are the purity of God.

Blessings and Light to each of you on your journey. We walk with you.

We are Purity and Astrea,the Elohim Masters of the 4th Ray of Harmony and Balance.

The Abundance of Light ~ Creating Prosperity Together Circle takes place on the 1st, 2nd & 4th Saturday’s at 10 AM Pacific and is a free service. Please use the link to register for this amazing connection.

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery, by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Entering the Temple of Initiation ~ Journey

This is a visit into the Golden Etheric City of Shashwam with Elohim Masters Purity and Astrea that took place on January 14th, 2015.  The Temple of Initiation is a global temple within the city in which all the masters share their teachings.

Feel your Merkabah Vehicle spin in multi directions with colors upon colors that you are in your beautiful Vehicle of Light. We move from the 3rd Dimensional Earth into the 5th Dimensional Earth.

The wonderful Energies of Shashwam are represented within your Mind of the Crystalline Flame. You feel a magnetic pull of going toward that city in the middle of the United States over Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, and Oklahoma. The beautiful magnetic pull takes us right into the 5th Dimensional Golden Etheric City. As you enter the city, you see yourself walking along a beautiful hillside. You look around and everything is sparkling. There are many hills flowing from the mountains and going down into the valley. We take this pathway along a hilly area.

It is a pathway made out of beautiful Crystalline steps. As we step unto them, we feel the frequency of the Crystalline Ray coming up from the soles of our feet through our Earth Star. We see there are beautiful movements of the steps, almost like an escalator. We are taken down deep into the valley. Within this valley, you can feel the essence of the old frequencies of Native energies and how they truly loved the Earth and the Sky. We step onto the grass that is there with the beautiful meadow. There are wildflowers growing everywhere and a beautiful pure green grassy pathway. Feel the Essence of the Green coming up through your feet into your lower limbs, in through your Root Chakra. It is the beginning essence of this Ray to be intertwined within you. We see around us many temples.

This city is very large encompassing thousands of miles. It brings forth this frequency of Light that is very serene and tranquil. A little breeze brushes your face. Take a deep breath. Feel the beginning stages of finding serenity within yourself. We walk down the Pathway further and we see in front of us the beauty Beings, Elohim Purity and Astrea. They are wearing beautiful robes. Astrea has a beautiful gown that brings forth the Blue Essence with the Crystalline Frequency. Purity has an amazing essence about him. As we come closer, they join our circle. Take a moment and feel their magnificent Essences.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Welcome, my dearest ones,

It is I, Purity with Astrea.

Thank you so much for being with us. Let us continue our walk.

As we walk through this garden of Light, take a moment with your breath to feel the purification of these essences that are here. The Crystalline Flame is everywhere within this city. It goes for miles and miles; as you can see the sparkly lights within all the trees, on the grass and in the flowers. Crystals grow here everywhere. We do not have rock gardens. We have Crystal Gardens. Observe them as we walk through the windy pathway that takes us through a beautiful garden area. You can hear the waterfall in the distance. Allow yourself to expand deeply within those Essences. We are taking you to the Temple of Initiation tonight to assist you in bringing forth the frequency of the Crystalline Flame and help you merge your four-body system, so that you can start the resurrection process.

Resurrection is not just one large element you go through and then find yourself in a completed stage of Rebirth. You can resurrect each moment you have an issue. What we want to try and assist you with is to understand that you can get through these issues by just utilizing the Crystalline Flame. What happens within the Crystalline Flame is that the energy is initiated within you as you call upon those frequencies. Sometimes you may call upon it to bring harmonization within you, but other times when you utilize it, it can just open up the elements. You open up the doorway and all of a sudden there is the issue you need to look at. When we say Temple of Initiation, it is truly the space where we will invite individuals to come to in order to fully understand what it means to initiate this Ray within themselves. Let us continue the walk.

We see the waterfall at our right side. Beautiful Blue-Green essences and Crystalline Flames with crystal formations come out of the wall by the waterfall. We walk into an amazing mountain and the waterfall is part of the mountain. As we step into this beautiful area, we feel the essence of the crystals everywhere. If you have ever experienced going into a crystal cave upon your own Earth, this is very much the same.

As we enter this beautiful Temple of Light, the walls are adorned with many types of crystal formations in many colors. Take a moment and walk around the room. Feel the energetic surging occurring from the crystalline formations. The top of the ceiling is open, almost like what you would call a skylight. Yet is a natural skylight. The Sun is shining down deeply into the core of the temple room. This is the core of our temple. Take a moment to feel the purification that is beginning to blend within you.

What is it that you need the most presently?

How would you like this Ray to assist you?

We have to remember that we cannot jump steps in any of the movements of Initiating, Activating and Actualizing.

It is a step-by-step process that needs to continue in each moment of our creation. In this moment, we want to bring forth the first sacred ceremony of Initiating this ray within yourself. You will see where the Sun is coming down, from the very high open space above. That Light reflects on all the crystals and there is a beautiful flame in the middle, which is the Crystalline Ray. When you walk in this Temple of Initiation, your feet are settled right within the ground. See the Green essence of grass, of growth, and of plants. This is a very natural setting to allow these essences to fully be within you to accept yourself in a completely different manner and to be so connected to the Earth’s energies.

As the flame now ignites further, it expands out in a horizontal manner so that there are frequencies of Light coming diagonally, vertically, and horizontally to bring in this Flame at a very high rate. You may call this flame the Firelight of all the Flames, because it ignites not just the Crystalline color, but many colors. That is why we of Purity and Astrea work so well within this flame. We bring in that Blue Essence to transform and change what does not work.

As we stand around the altar, you will see that the altar is now opening up. Sides are coming down. The flame is more directed into each of you and through this room. Take a moment and find a seat around the altar. There are soft, cushioned chairs and lounges. Find your seat and just feel the Initiation of this flame coming within you.

As Dearest Reverend Ara has shared about the four-body systems, we know that each of those four bodies need to be repaired and regenerated to assist in the process of full healing of the full-body system, in order to be able to incorporate the essence of all these Rays of God within your Actualization of the Physical Body. It is a necessary component to go through these elements. We are here to assist you through that process.

Allow us to be your mirrors. Allow us to help you transform whatever is not working within your world. As the world changes, each of you is changing even more than the Earth. It is important for you to hold that higher frequency, so that Gaia can keep it grounded within herself. You have come here at this time to make these changes within yourself, so that you can fully accept your new way of existence.

The Old Self has to die within that process. We ask you about the Emotional Body.

Are your Emotions open? Do you allow them to flow? Or are they closed off?

We ask you about the Mental Body.

Are you constantly working within the Lower Self of your mental framework and your subconscious mind?

Due to the work you are doing, some of it may not be as strict as other elements because of the changes you are going through. If your Mental Faculties are always in place trying to analyze the process of your healing, you cannot receive any Intuitive thoughts from your Higher Self or I AM Presence. You will be constantly blocked. Your Lower Mind will be giving the messages and those messages could be wrong.

The other element we look at is how is the Etheric Body doing?

How is the part of yourself that represents the timelines? Is the Etheric Body as clear as it could be?

These are all thoughts to ponder upon for yourself. We are not here to judge.

These three bodies will affect your Physical Body. Even the Process of your Physical Body not being in an accepting mode because of what you have endured in this lifetime. I hope you have gone through those changes previous to these moments. If not, you will be combating these elements during this lifetime along with other elements you are processing. We all know that emotionally and mentally, you are going to be affected physically. If you are unaware of what you are going through in any of the three bodies, your Physical Body will be affected. If you have stress you are not looking at or you do not even realize you have, then your body can be affected.

You can be feel the debris within your Solar Plexus, your Heart Area, irritations in your System, neck pain, shoulder pain, or back pain. These are all signs that there is something more going on within you. I am sure each of you understands this, but not comprehending how you are affected within your own personal pathway is the most important thing. It must be comprehended on all levels of consciousness to bring it into your full consciousness.

This evening we want to assist you with not worrying about any of those things I have been sharing. I share them to be a remembrance for you and something that you can say to yourself “Oh my heavens, yes, I understand what has occurred”. What we bring forth is the essence of the Blue Lightning Frequency to transform all those dark thoughts and elements, to help you move into the Resurrection Stage, to open up a doorway of some particles within you that you may not even realize are a problem.

Yet they truly are a problem. Your Awareness just has not gotten you to that point yet, and that is fine. Let us do the work for you. Let us assist you in transforming these energies within yourself. The whole process within the flame we will be bringing in is that it will burn away those particles of debris. Then we will teach you how to use the Crystalline Flame to balance them out. To initiate these Energies within you is our role this evening. You may find issues that arise. You may have tears. You may have anger. You may have thoughts. It is then within that moment that you take the tools of learning about the Crystalline Ray and you change them. Yet, you must embrace them first. We will open up the doorway together for you to do so.

You cannot just utilize any ray and say that it is going to take it away for you. You have to understand what it is you are feeling. Even, if in the beginning you do not understand. This is what this ray assists with.

In this moment, we call in Master Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian and the Archangels to assist us. This Temple is not only our temple. It belongs to all of us.

“We are pleasured to be able to speak with you through our own essences this evening (group consciousness of Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, and Archangels Uriel and Aurora) and to help you through this process. In this moment, there is a screen across the top of the ceiling where the sunlight was coming in. We are now moving into the darkness, yet it is truly not dark. All crystalline frequencies are now opened up by candles of Light within all the walls. The vibrancy of the flame is being opened up. The doorway is at the base of the Flame’s structure within the altar. We are going to bring forth that beautiful Essence unto each of you. Purity and Astrea will now bring in the Blue Lightning Flame to ignite within you all that is not working in this present time. Remember, there may be other Elements you need to work upon, but if they are not ready to come up, you will not even know what they are. Let us continue with this Essence now.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

As Purity and Astrea, we call upon the Blue Lightning Essence to come fully within this beautiful Temple of Initiation unto each individual through their Soul Star, going through the entire structure of the Physical, the Etheric, the Mental and the Emotional Bodies to change, purify, open up, and allow the doorway of Resurrection to be started.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Feel the Blue Flame Lightning come fully within you, sparkling colors of light are firing mixed with the White, coming in from the Highest Point within this Temple into your pure Beingness, opening and cracking all that does not belong in your Consciousness, your Awareness, in your Physical Essence in this moment.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

The doorway of the Essence of Purity is now open. Allow it to come fully into your Hearts. Feel that Purity of Light come into you now. The rawness within your entire structure will appear. It may be more apparent than anything else. Allow it to be peeled away as you see the cracking occur around you. The shell is gone. It is now time for you to arise. As you arise, the flame of the Crystalline Light comes more fully within you. You feel the warmth of the flame around the altar. You put your hands and palms toward the flame. You put arms high and allow yourself to be in the purified state of this Crystalline Ray within you. Allow it to move into your physical conditioning to transform all parts into the Crystalline Light that you can hold. From the top of your Crown all the way into your head, your neck, your shoulders, your spinal column, your chest, your Heart, your Solar Plexus, your stomach, your middle back, your lower back, into your Sacral, into your Creativity and Sexual Organs, allowing yourself to feel all the Essences, into your Root, as the base structure that you are is being transformed.

Allow it to go down into your limbs, into all parts of yourself. Now state exactly what Healing you need physically.

Allow the Energies to go within the area and state out loud or in your head,

“I, ________ (your name), bring forth the Crystalline Flame into AREA _____ (stating the area of healing)”.

We now bring in the Crystalline Flame into the Etheric Body. Allow the Etheric Body to be completely purified of any misconstrued thoughts, any elements that are trying to surface from other timelines.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

What needs to be opened up in this moment through the Crystalline Flame?

We initiate these Energies within. I, _________(state your name and call upon any feelings you are having) to be put into the purest Light. Good or bad. Good feelings can be put into the Crystalline Light to make them feel more purified.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Now call upon your Emotional Body to be blended with your Etheric and your Physical, as now we move on to the Mental. Call upon your Mental Faculties, your Concrete Mind, to be opened up to the Higher Mind.

Allow yourself to say “I, (state your name), ask for the Transformation of these Thoughts”.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Feel the mental thoughts now activating your Higher Mind through your Higher Self. The Concrete Mind of your subconscious is accepting. What will occur within this is that your subconscious mind will bring up thought processes that do not work within the Higher Mind. Then you can fully work on the elements within yourself.

Feel the change, as the blending of the mind, the heart, and the bodies all come together. Feel yourself as one full bodily essence. Now the flame within this room no longer is the Central Flame, but it is a flame of swirling Crystalline Lights within the entire Temple. Feel the energetic exchange that is occurring within you now.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Hold this frequency within your Heart. You are now in the stage of Resurrection.

Allow the Healing to occur, as you are now activating the Crystalline Flame within you. You are activating the elements. If you still have issues with whatever is coming up, work with affirmations to change them, after you listen each time. Allow us to purge it all in these moments. Allow us to purge it into this beautiful Temple of Light.

As we all stand within this room, we become the Crystalline Flame. We become that essence within. Allow it now to be Actualized within you. Allow it to come within your Full Body System. They are not separate. In this Consciousness you are feeling, bring these Energies onto yourself. What is it that comes to mind through your Higher Mind and Higher Heart? Allow that thought process of any words such as Serenity, Temperance, Relaxation, or Understanding assist you.

Right now you are not understanding from your Lower Self. You are understanding from your Higher Self. It does not matter what the understanding is. Just feel it. Allow it to be within you.

This is why we bring forth of the Purification of Light. This is the Temple of Initiation.

It is now time for us to leave the room through the way we came in. You may walk around the room a little bit to embrace the purified Essences of the Light that is blending within you. As we walk out the gateway of the temple, we see this beautiful rainbow of Light within the gateway around us. We walk underneath this Rainbow of many color spectrums, many levels of frequency.
In this moment, you feel the ability to accept them into your essence, through your breath. Know that your Higher Self is guiding you into what you should receive and what you shall not receive. Do not worry about it. We see the waterfall to our left, so we take the pathway to the waterfall. Within the water, crystals reflect their essence back to us. It looks like a Rainbow of Light inside the water. Bend down and put the palms of your hands into the water. Splash it to your face. Sip the waters, and feel the Purification of the Light that you are.

Allow yourself to fully feel the acceptance of who you are in this moment. In this moment, you allow the change to occur within you.

We take the pathway across the waterfall, around the other side, around the grove of trees, and we smell beautiful flowers of many different scents: Roses, Honeysuckle, Lavender, and so many more. As we walk through the grove of trees up to the pathway, it is now time for us to leave. We send you back into your full consciousness.

We, as Purity and Astrea, wrap our arms around you. Let us encircle our essences within each other right now. Know that your journey is not alone. Know that we are here with you to assist you in this process. Know that we are glad that we can communicate in this manner. In the blessings that we are together, we are deeply honored to be your mentors, to be your friends, as we walk into the New Earth.

So Mote It Be In The Light That We Are Together,

We are Elohim Masters Purity and Astrea.

We now continue up the pathway over the hillside and we see the frequency of Light of the Crystalline Flame. Turn around and take one last look at what you have experienced in this beautiful City. There are many temples on the outside, beyond the one Temple of Light, beyond the Inner City of the community here.

We step up through the beautiful Essences, activating our Merkabah Vehicles of Light. Feel ourselves being lifted off this beautiful City, coming back down to your home location. Your physical body is the sensor for you to return. Feel the beautiful essences you have incorporated within yourself.

Take time to re-listen to this recording. As elements arise for you in issues, work on them. You must always embrace them first. You must embrace the pain in order to understand the pain. Then you can use the ray to diffuse it and put it into the Crystalline Flame for it to be gone forever. If you need to work with some affirmations, do so. Journal about all that you are experiencing, because it will assist you on a much deeper level.

Many Blessings of Love and Light. Thank you for joining us.

The New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light class meets each Wednesday. Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos is the host with a beginning lecture on the current energies. Walking Terra Christa is glad to provide these classes in our Membership Program or purchasing the MP3 files individually. Details are provided in the “Teachings of the Golden Etheric Cities” and can be accessed by clicking the link.
©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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The Temple of Initiation ~ Decree

temple_of_love_by_Geistig-1On January 14, 2015 Walking Terra Christa hosted a journey into the Golden City of Shashwam in the Etheric New Earth which is located over the states of Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Nebraska.

We worked with the Elohim Masters Purity and Astrea as this city represents the Crystalline Ray of Harmony, Beauty, and Balance in the color of Crystalline Light.

The Elohim of Purity with his beloved, Astrea release the Cosmic Blue Lightning of Divine Love, at one’s command, to remove the accumulated debris and foci that collects within the auric field.   It then can be transmuted easier.  The Blue Lightning shatters the destructive energies so that the balance can be felt once again. This assists with the Crystalline Ray being able to come fully into one’s auric field, and especially, the Root Chakra area.

This is the decree for the visit to this amazing city of light.

The Temple of Initiation

I have arrived into the Golden City of Shashwam,
Which represents the 4th Ray of Harmony and Balance;
I am walking a pathway to illuminate all that I AM,
Into the person that I have become.

I ask for the assistance of Elohim Masters Purity and Astrea,
With the Light of the Divine Love,
They embody within them.

I see Purity and Astrea in front of me,
Illuminating their essence of the purity that they are,
They embrace me deeply,
With the frequency of their Blue Love,
That intertwines within the Crystalline Ray.

As we walk together,
They share that the essence of the Green Flame,
It is very important,
As it represents the Ray of Harmony by grounding it into my Being.

You see, Dearest One, the Crystalline Light can be so very strong,
That it can bypass elements that need to be purified,
So that is why we are here.

I walk in a grassy meadow,
As I feel the Green Flame within me,
It goes into my Root Chakra,
Assisting me to understand what I have not seen.

We walk further,
In front of us is a beautiful illuminating Temple of Crystalline Light,
It is the Temple of Initiation,
To allow the first moments of the Crystalline Flame come within me.

Arm-in-Arm we walk together,
As I feel the changes occur within me,
I am now activating the Crystalline Ray,
In through my Root Chakra,
As it allows me to see the parts that have been lost.
I feel my Physical, Emotional, Mental, and Etheric bodies,
Going through a transition so that I may see more within me.

I feel as if I am resurrecting old parts of myself,
That have been lost.

As now Elohim Masters Purity and Astrea,
Stand before me,
With the Lighting Blue Essence,
To transform all my discordant feeling and thoughts.

It runs through my being,
I allow the Purification to be fully within me.

I thank Purity and Astrea,
For showing me the way into all that I AM,
My journey is just beginning,
But I know I am right where I am supposed to be.

Blessed Be,
I AM Ready
For the Resurrection to Begin

I AM that I AM that I AM

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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The Crystalline Ray of Harmony and Balance

snow white lightWe are being giving a great gift this New Year’s with the infusion of the Crystalline Ray to come fully into GAIA’s core of Light on December 31st at midnight.

What does this mean?

This is the ray to use when you are going through major upheavals and conflicts.  Master Serapis Bey is partnering with Master Paul the Venetian to help all beings of this planet to feel their essence in preparation for the New Earth.  This light infraction will assist each individual to fully embrace the Harmony and Love that they desire.  2015 is being called “Embracing Harmony to send Love”.  It is ideal for each of us that this ray is now infused within the Earth.

Below is some descriptive information excerpted from our 22 Ray Challenge Program with a special decree.  Our suggestion is to read this decree aloud at the stroke of midnight to assist in grounding this wonderful Ray of Light.

Master Serapis is a Lord of Love and his One Purpose in Life is to free every individual from the recoil of impure causes and cores of limitations and disease which can cause distress on the mind, body, and spirit.  He has been the Chohan of the Fourth Ray since 400 B.C.  He also works very closely with Master Paul the Venetian, the Ray Chohan for the Third Ray of Active & Creative Intelligence.  They both have shared the energies of these beautiful rays and work hand-in-hand with each other.

Master Serapis Bey works with every initiate who chooses to be on the Ascension Pathway.  He assists in cleansing the aura of the individual within their Etheric Body and lovingly prepares those initiations which will help each candidate to transmute his lower nature.  If the candidate is willing to move further into their ascension process with deep earnest and study, he will assign a brother or sister from retreat in Luxor that will provide the candidate Opportunities so that they can achieve their Ascension in the Light as long as they can PERSEVERE through the process.  The experience for the initiate will enhance their ascension process so that they are not being punished or put into major lessons, but to fully expand their essence in the Light.  Opportunities create growth.

A Message from Serapis Bey:

Greeting My Fellow Comrades of the Light,

I am  very excited to speak to you in this moment.  We are at a very crucial time of elevation of the Light within the planet and it is important that each of us come together to understand that process.  If you spend too much time on the consciousnesses of your physical mind, then you will never be able to comprehend the changes and accelerations that you are experiencing as it will be filtered through the mind and not through your intuition.

Presently within the earth’s evolution there are so many energies that are being filtered within the planet so it may be a challenge to discern what is right and wrong in any given thought process.  It is imperative to work with the frequencies of Harmony and Balance of the Crystalline Ray to assist in the Divinity within your Soul’s Essence.  The true goal at hand is to fully express joy in all moments of being, but until an individual can fully access their full body system, and then it becomes convoluted in the process.  This is where the confusion sets in and then all of a sudden a person may not know what the truth is as the energy becomes intertwined not only within the Divine level but within the physical.  This is where Harmony and Balance needs to be utilized.

The power of your divinity lies within the truth of your soul’s essence.  Until you learn to tap into that aspect of yourself, then you are just being fooled by other energies you have encountered in previous lifetimes and timelines.  It take great diligence to continue to work through this process and I AM here to assist.

I enjoy so much in helping each initiate understand what they are experiencing deeply.   When this happens, this is when Divine Order sets in from your Higher Self and I AM Presence.  It make take quite some time to get to that perfect understanding but we in Luxor are here to help.

We also have a beautiful Golden Etheric City that is being built in the fifth dimensional NEW EARTH.  It is called Shashwam and resides in the Central United States within Kansas, Colorado, Nebraska and now will move into Oklahoma.  So if you want to visit, please intend to come into the city and we will be happy to receive you to help you find balance and harmony within your life.

My main message at this time is to help you to remember and reflect on the Beauty that You Are.  It is important to remember these aspects of yourself to get through the trials and lessons of walking into mastership.  Please acknowledge your worth and your ability to be more than you are now or ever have been.

All my Light to each of you,

I AM Master Serapis Bey

Master Paul the Venetian has previously held the post of the 4th Ray of Harmony and Balance through Conflict.  He is stepping forward to partner with Serapis Bey as they work very closely with each other.

Paul is quite a perfectionist but very tolerant and sympathetic to each initate.  All he requires to have him work with you is sincere motivation that you want to achieve the desired results of walking into Mastery.  He brings forth the gift of gratitude very deeply.  He expresses the virtues of tolerance and selflessness.   He works within the Temple of Liberty where he achieved his ascension when it was established after the Fall of Atlantis.

His role with Master Serapis Bey is to bring forth the gift of gratitude through the challenges of resurrecting the old feelings and thoughts that are lodged within the earth’s atmosphere and within each individual.

Aspects of this Ray:

Ray No. 4 ~ Experiencing Pure Joy in Each Moment

Definition ~Harmony & Balance Through Conflict

Color: Crystalline

Chakra: Root

Elders from the Throne of Grace: Lord Esteela & Lady Esteelo

Chohan: Master Serapis Bey

Elohim Masters: Purity & Astrea

Archangels: Gabriel & Hope

Toning Sound: “LAM, OH”

Working with the 4th Ray of Harmony and Balance is essential to every individual that walks unto the pathway of Mastery. This ray will assist in the process of “Resurrecting” the old into the new which is an essential component of Ascension.

On the Planetary level the ray represents the color of Green and can be very helpful in grounding while allowing the old parts of the Self to be removed and replaced with the essence of Purity. On the Universal level of the Crystalline color an individual is accessing the highest frequency of the light to be infused within the Root Chakra. It will allow the expansion of a person’s I AM to be fully revealed as the lower aspects are removed completely.

Since this ray is integrated within the Root Chakra whether it is on the Planetary or Universal level it truly aligns with the lower frequencies that can be held within the Root area such as fears, anger, frustration, jealousy, and all those lower energies that we do not like to think we hold within us. Working with this ray will totally assist an individual in fully changing these parts of the Self that can be lodged deeply within the Etheric Body, or Cellular Structure.

Lord Esteela & Lady Esteelo truly bring forth this perfected grace as they embody the creative essence of God’s Divinity allowing it to be imbued upon each individual that accesses this frequency of light. The power of the Crystalline energies is a force that cannot be matched by any of the other rays. Whatever a person is dealing with in their life that seems insurmountable will be fully transformed when utilizing this ray of Harmony and Beauty.
The Higher Expression represents planning based on the blueprints of the Ascended Masters as in working with the New Earth Golden Cities and the Lower Expression would indicate working with the planning of the present Earth energies. A person that embodies this ray on a physical level would be very artistic in their pathway.

Characteristics: The ability to have an artistic development with creative ideas flowing; represents balance and equilibrium within an individual’s pathway while expressing Divinity and Growth; a deep compassionate nature that is very generous but yet is able to have the power to reveal the true path imbued with great physical courage.

Virtues To Be Aspired To: The pathway of resurrection, changing elements within Oneself for the Greater Whole, thereby allowing God’s purity of light to be fully within one’s thoughts and emotions, having a balanced four-body system to create One Body of Light; has the optimal ability to always have Hope no matter what the circumstances may be; great artistic development which can present itself in many areas of interest (painting, singing, and creating projects in various ways) along with flowing with the harmony of life. In turn these attributes allow an individual to be serene, mentally and morally balanced which helps them to gain self confidence and control..

Aspects to Avoid: Feelings of worry, lack of moral courage, being self-centered which creates an individual feel inadequate when dealing with others. This tends to create disharmony and discord.

Decree: Flowing with the Harmony of the Light I AM, © WTC 2014

It is now time for me to imbue the Crystalline Light,
Of Harmony & Beauty of the 4th Ray;
The Essence of this Ray is very powerful,
As it comes within my Root Chakra representing the Resurrection of My Being.

I call upon the energies of the Crystalline Light,
To full embrace me deeply;
It helps to remove all parts that do not fit with my new Reality,
That will be represented upon the New Earth of Terra Christa.

I see before me the beautiful Elders of Lord Esteela & Lady Esteelo,
Representing the Elders from the Throne of Grace;
With a breath from their essence,
I feel their Crystalline White Lights coming towards me,
I stop and allow their essence to blend within mine;
My Child, please do not stop,
Flow with the energies as that is what they represent;
Breathe in the pure white light,
Breath out,
The aspects of Disharmony,
Worry about Your-Self,
Lack of Inner Respect;
While you feel the fluidness of Light,
Blend within and around you,
As it molds you into the Divine Being You Are.

I feel the parts of myself fully intertwined with the higher frequencies,
As I allow my I AM to fully be my guide;
I know this is just the beginning.

I continue further and see Master Serapis Bey,
Hold out his hands unto mine;
I feel his ecstatic personality shining deeply in my Heart,
And permeating through every aspect of my physical existence;
He now scans my body as he prepares me for my next initiation,
I feel the impurity of my existence now being removed;
As he extends to me his deep compassion,
For stepping into the world of Beauty and Harmony;
He says to me,
You are now ready for the next step;
This phase is your present Resurrection,
Of What has been;
Is now gone,
To prepare you for the Moment of your Rebirth.

Swirling colors of lights in crystalline forms
Are now blending within my Root area;
The old me is being readjusted,
To prepare for the next phase of my journey.

I then see the Elohim Masters of Purity & Astrea,
Standing before me;
With outstretched Arms of Light.
I feel their essence of the Cosmic Blue Lightning of Divine Love,
Now shatter all that I have been unable to accomplish on my own;
It is taking all my discomfort in all levels,
To be replaced by the Purity and Light That They Are.

They say unto me,
Just stand and hold onto the parts of your-Self that you know are true,
Blend within the frequency of perfection that You Are.

I feel this essence now become my essence,
Of the Purity and Divine Love;
As it flows within me,
In Waves of Beauty that I AM.

I am deeply honored to feel these beautiful Beings assist me in my physical creation,
It is flowing through me as I allow the changes to occur;
I cannot stop it,
It is now continuing and spinning me in many directions.

Then at this point,
When I think I have received it all;
I see the Archangels of Gabriel and Hope,
Embracing me with their Wings of Pure Light;
It seems as if Gabriel knows exactly what I need,
I feel my emotions changing deeply;
What was confusing before,
Now becomes totally clear;
He shows me the greatest Joy that I could ever imagine.

Then Archangel Hope shows me deeply the essence that I AM,
I Am radiating with the Deep Love of my Eternal Light that I AM;
She shares with me,
Every time you have a moment,
When it is not the true reflection of YOU;
Stop and expand within the Crystalline frequencies of God coming to you,
You must remember you are a Child of God,
In this amazing omnipresent Universe;
Expand this Light through you and around you,
Which will not only to balance your own life circumstances,
But all the parts that have made you in this form.

In this moment,
Feel your Creation;
Flowing with the Artistic rhythms of the Universe;
In the waves of the ocean,
In the movement of the wind,
In the warmth of the sun,
And upon the strength of the Earth.

I feel all of these elements within me,
I AM One and not separate as it may seem;
I feel the serenity flowing within me,
My mind stops and allows the fluids of all of this beauty,
To completely blend within me.

I stand with the sound of “OH” running through my head,
I allow it to come through to my voice;
As the purity of the Light of God,
Within the Crystalline Rays flow in and out of me,

I deeply sing;
I feel the equilibrium,
Between My Heart and My Mind;
Are now fully accepting,
God’s Purity Within Me.

I AM that I AM that I AM.

Blessings for an amazing year in 2015 EMBRACING HARMONY TO SEND LOVE.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Balance the Chakra System with Crystalline Light ~ Lord Adama Discourse

crystalline lightLet us take a breath and within that breath I want you to fully go into your Root Chakra and allow it to spin in a clockwise manner.  Feel the infusion within the Crystalline Light within you. Those of you that can perceive Light within your chakras, do you see the Crystalline Light or do you see some inflections of some other colors or possibly some darkness within the chakras that need to be transmuted? Use your third eye to feel that essence and your breath as you breathe from your highest self into your physical body.  Bring that energy into your root area and feel the spinning of the wheel.

I am asking you to do this exercise to assist you but we always ask the questions:

How are you feeling?

What is happening in your life?

What are the obstructions if there are any?

Are there any changes happening to you?

Many times those thought processes that come up for you are coming from your mental level and not the accessibility of your Etheric essence of your chakra system of what truly maybe occurring within that area.

It is important to have the chakras clear as possible especially on this third dimensional chakra grid in order to receive more essences within you.  If you are not aware of them, how can you know until they arise. So this is an exercise that we suggest that you try by just breathing into each of your chakras for a moment and feeling the essence of that chakra.  Sometimes you cannot perceive it through your third eye but can you sense it or can you feel it in your physical body if there is an obstruction somewhere.

We are at a very powerful time.  The energies have been intertwining within each of you and some of you may feel a little bit stuck or stagnated with what you should be doing although you may have ideas coming to you.  It is hard for you to put them into practice or how to get started with that practice because in most cases at this time of the year, it is something completely new, something that you want to try but maybe a task or project that you are not sure of how to get grounded with it. What is occurring within your root chakra is very important because it represents the creativity that is flowing within you and that there is a loss of that creativity which represents the fact that there is not a flow within the energy that is occurring within your full body system. So it is important to understand how we can assist ourselves just by taking a deep breath just by commanding the energies to come fully within the body.

It is important to realize that we must flow for anything that you want to occur.  I think each of you are realizing this especially for those that are a part of the prosperity call because each time you gather together and create the circle of Light along with the masters or Angels that are working with you everything seems possible. Why is that so? It is because your Lower mind is not in the way; you are not worried about how it is going to occur.  You just allow yourself to be in the flow of life and this is an imperative thought process that you need to be in to be able to live in the fifth dimensional world. Now your challenges are greater than that because you’re still living in the lower world but yet actualizing it in your body from a higher sense.  You learn to put all these things that you are learning into practice with diligence and constantly reminding yourself that you are a multi dimensional being in which you are aspiring to more Light in your body.  The obstructions are going to occur because you are breaking through walls of dysfunction and disease that have been there for a long time.

This is on a global basis it is just not your personal pathways it is the people that you are interacting with and what you are doing with your day and the work that you are putting out there to give service even if you are just talking to another individual about what you are doing or giving Light to Gaia you are giving service. So it is very imperative at this time to remember how to find the balance through the obstructions we have talked about before the media, we have talked about the programming of television shows, videos, people that are writing things, it is even more important at this stage of the game because we are breaking through the walls all of us together and those walls do not want to be broken down by others that have strived to have this planet in bondage. So what happens with this is you need to learn more tools that you already have from your multi dimensional self and this is what we are trying to teach you.

We are not trying to teach you new ways of doing things.  If you tap into your I AM Presence, you already have the availability of many tools to you.  It is just that your lower mind is in the way of accessing those special abilities to transform yourself.

As each of us is shifting into a higher perspective, it only makes perfect sense to allow these energies to assist us in every moment of our day when we need it. It’s imperative that we share these energies about the lower energies to prepare you.  Each of you knew this when you arrived unto the planet except with the veil of forgetfulness you forgot how challenging it would be to get through the obstructions. 2013 represents the year of synchronicity, but how can we be synchronized if we are walking down the road and all of a sudden there is a tree in front of us. That is the obstruction and this is what is happening to everyone on the planet. We must raise our vibrations to the higher level and then you can jump over the tree, as the tree no longer exists but it is when you are in your lower mind faculties that the obstruction will be there.

So this is why you are challenged each moment; this is why you are going through the changes that you are because the energies within this year as accelerated each of you to a new level.  It s like you stepped into an elevator and you went to a new level.  Now the body has to adjust to that new level and how to make the outside circumstances fit in. I will tell you that many of them will not fit; you will have to change them, you will have to change the way that you do things, communicate, or Be and that is the challenging part.  It is not easy for any of us; it is not easy for the Ray Chohans to walk away from their present posts within the Spiritual Hierarchy that some of them have been there for hundreds or thousands of years.  Now others are coming in to assist them so that they can go to a higher level.

This is the true ascension process so I want to share with you my deepest gratitude for stepping into this world.  We know it is not easy especially at this time, but you truly are the light bearers upon the planet and it is necessary for you to be strong through each of the changes that you encounter.

Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos, is our guide weekly for the New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light class as we travel to the Golden Etheric Cities.  Join us on a call-by-call basis,, or join our membership program,

©2012-2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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“The Spirit of Resurrection” Archangel Hope

Archangel Hope, the Ray of Crystalline LightArchangel Hope is the beloved of Archangel Gabriel who we worked with  during our Abundance of Light – Creating Prosperity Together,,  utilizing the beautiful Ray energy of Harmony and Balance.

[image: Archangel Hope, the Ray of Crystalline Light]

Just to recap the information, this Ray of the Crystalline Light represents Resurrection, changing elements within ourselves, God’s purity of Light within our thoughts, emotions, being able to have hope in all things, being in the flow of life and activating artistic developments. Hope has the ability to embrace within each of us the intensity of feeling hope in any moment by instilling a Ray of her own quality. She assists individuals to develop their Divine Plan, she provides the doorway to excitement and enthusiasm so that each individual can have hope no matter what they are experiencing.  She is “the spirit of resurrection”.

Both Gabriel and Hope work together to instill that the essence of miracles continually to enfold into each of our lives no matter what our circumstances may be  ~ there is still hope. So as Gabriel brings forth the purification to allow the darkness to be removed, Hope comes forward and instills her flame resurrecting all of the feelings that have been lost and brings them in the essence of hope.  Then comes excitement and the buoyancy of feeling as if it is a new beginning. She steps in through our death and rebirth experience.  Both of them work together; it is important for us to remember how hard the Archangels work to be within each of us.

{{{Crystal bowl ringing}}}


It is my divine pleasure to be here. I Am Archangel Hope.

I want you to feel the essence as Archangel Gabriel is standing by within this beautiful garden so I want any of you to connect with his energy if you need assistance in fully going through that death process.  Today what I am here to assist you with is to instill the ability to see the beauty of your life and what is unfolding within you each moment no matter what challenges you may be feeling; because in order for our desire to come fully manifest, we must go through these processes.

Some individuals may think that they can just think of their desire and it shall be.  That is fine for some but for many it becomes a challenge because what you have brought forth in you previously.  Don’t allow yourself to stay in those moments without having hope. If you are one that has been challenged in your journey and it seems like every road that you turn has set you back with blockages along with not receiving the totality of what you feel you desire and deserve, it is just because there is elements within your Lower Self that have not allowed the essence of regeneration to ignite.  Each of you has it, you have it within the depth of your Being, you have it within soul’s essence; its just that your physical creation of your Mental and Emotional bodies have not held these truths to be so evident within your consciousness.

Now as we are moving into higher frequencies of Light, the Feminine and Masculine elements are starting to understand each other.  If they are not, then this is another way that we can assist you. In order to allow the emotions and the thoughts too blend within each other and to have the I AM Presence activated with the Higher Self, these constrictions that have held you back must be removed.  This is how we assist through the Crystalline Ray of Harmony and Balance. I ask you to think about a moment in which you pick up a crystal a clear quartz crystal and what do you see in that crystal clarity? You see beautiful sparkling light and this is what we mirror to each of you.

I, today, am very excited as I do not get this chance very often to come through in this manner. I am deeply pleased to share with you my essence, my essence of allowing the purification that you have gone through to now bring you in to a space of hopefulness.  And this hopefulness comes from God’s Light as I represent the ability to bring this forth into your essence form my essence.

So I ask all of you now to take a deep breath as you call upon my essence of Archangel Hope to fully come within your being.  Allow me to stand within you to help you bring forth the ability of a child opening up a gift for their birthday.  Remember that child you are because everyday you are receiving a gift.  It is a gift for you to understand yourself in a much deeper essence than you ever have previously.  So I expand to you my hopefulness from God’s Light into your Hearts and allow it to run through your entire Being.  This Ray is so representative in the root chakra which is where many lower elements are held.  This is also where they ignite from the Etheric body so it’s important to purify yourself with the Crystalline Light continually and continually and continually.

I stand here within you right now and bring to you my Spirit of Resurrection.  Breathe deeply as it runs through your entire physical body, moving into your Etheric body, going into your Emotional body and your Mental body until they can become One.  Let us breathe and feel this essence of each other. And say these words unto yourself:

I, in the Divine Light that I am, and then {state your name} call upon Archangel Hope to instill within me the ability to feel excitement in each moment.

I feel the Crystalline Light infused within me and burn away all that I no longer need as the challenges are now gone.

I bring forth this essence unto my Being to see the newness of everyday but it is in each moment, just as the sun arises every morning.

I arise within me Hope, Excitement, Joy, Ecstasy, and the Beauty that I AM.

I now ask each of you to envision in yourself what it is that you desire in this moment? What it is that you feel we need to help you with your challenges whether it is an emotional thought or a tangible item, cash flow, maybe you need to bring something in your life that will assist you presently in a physical sense so it can be intangible or tangible. Breathe into that and see that essence coming into you now.  See the Creation, allow your vision to flow as the Crystalline Light comes within you.  Then the openness of your vision can give you the clarity you needed a moment ago.  In this moment it may not be the same, because as you bring in the Crystalline Ray it changes. Feel that igniting within your Root area, feel that coming into the aspect of your whole Being and you see in front of you now what you desire.  It comes in your Mind’s Eye.  It comes through your thoughts, it comes through your feelings ~ feel that essence now.

Hold it in your hands, if you would like, and embrace it now with the Crystalline Light and say these words unto yourself:

I Am the Light of the Crystalline Ray.  As I call upon Archangel Hope I feel all that I deserve and I am so excited to allow it to be manifested within me.

I Am this Being of Light.

I deserve to create all that I desire and need in these moments so in the next moment I shall truly walk with Beauty and Grace and the Light that I AM.

See in front of you now a beautiful gift.  It is wrapped in crystalline paper and silver ribbon. You open it up and as you do so, it is yours to have.

I call upon my Higher Self and my I AM Presence in this moment to receive my desired outcome as I express within myself the ability to receive.  I shall receive more.

I feel the hope coming to me as I now embodied with the light of Archangel Hope and call upon these energies to instill within me the ability to accept all that I deserve.

I receive, I receive, and I receive

I Am joy

I AM Love

I AM excited with All That I Am

I Am that I Am that I Am

I now embody the Crystalline Light from both of these beautiful Archangels but it is Hope that is instilled within me to allow my thoughts to be the Masculine Divine which allows my emotions to be the Feminine Divine as now they blend their essence within me.  I receive in each moment all that I desire

I express what I need beyond the capacity of what I need so that I will flourish within the life I am living.

I AM Abundant

I AM Love

I AM excited to be the Master of my Destiny

I AM that I AM

I AM that I AM

Feel the receiving energy flowing within you in this moment.  I, as Archangel Hope, am deeply gratified to be with each of you in this moment.  Our association will now move into a deeper connection.  I am not stepping away as I work with each of you to be the Creative Source of Light that you are. I give you this hope.  I give you all that I am in these moments to assist you in the process of your Creative Life in all that you are. I stand with you.

I am Archangel Hope with my beloved Gabriel.

Just take a moment and allow her essence to blend within you as you feel her energies.  See the crystalline structures, the crystals, and the beautiful sparkles of light that are completely within the garden in this moment as we now continue with the prayers to activate what she has given to us.


©Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,,

 Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

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