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Lord Saint Germain is the Mahachohan of the Seven Rays of God. In this integrated channelled message he shares more on what it means to become 5th Dimensional. Ascended Masters Djwhal Khul and Serapis Bey also share their thoughts on the relationship to our Solar Angel.


My Dearest Beloveds,

I Am Lord Saint Germain, the MahaChohan of the Seven Rays of God. I come to you today to talk about how to bring forth the ability to continue the walk through your Initiations even when you feel as if you want to stop because of lower emotions or experiences that occur that can bring you into a state of wanting to give up.

You have to continually remind yourself that you are a Being of Light and without that light you could not hold yourself within your physical body.

Did you ever consider that thought in your consciousness?

Let’s think about it – you come from a light essence that was conceived through the frequency of Divine Mother and Father God, who by the way was conceived by the Creative Source of Oneness. This means you are from this Divine Oneness and were born to come into various forms of existence. When you arrived into that state of higher consciousness, you had no misconceived thought that it would not be anything but totally bliss – to share your light to others and to bring into creation Planets in the Multi-Universes.

As you have traveled far and wide through this journey, you have forgotten your Divine Essence of being angelic, being free flowing, being one in all of the creative process. Instead you have experienced the density of planetary life and now you have awakened once again to remember all that you are.

This journey is quite challenging in itself as you have to learn how to deal with the essential components of your soul body of light which can be riddled with darkness. You go through the initiation process because that is what you do as one who has awakened to the light within. You step into this journey wanting to be more than you have been before on the earthplane, but yet it is a challenging step to walk into the abyss of the old to find the New Beginning that is awaiting for your arrival.

This is a continual process walking through the many levels of ascension mastery. As you realize the potential that you can be, then you realize the ability to be all that you truly deserve. The dreams you have had in the past can be your reality as you move through the doorways that previously were blocked from your awareness.

Each of us as masters have taken on this role and you now, in this timeframe, are becoming that same Initiate of Mastery.

It does not matter where you are in your initiation process as the struggle can occur at any time especially through the Planetary Ascension Process which is up through the 7th Initiation. Some students may think it is like a magic wand and everything becomes perfect when you reach that level. Unfortunately, it is not true. You still have to work through your elements of achieving ascension mastery but then in the higher realms of light. Sometimes it can be more challenging physically as your physical body will change drastically.

The important element is how do you achieve the ability to feel better about what you are experiencing especially when the Lower (physical) Mind wants to come into play of your emotional state?

Surrendering is the first step to take in all that you desire to achieve. As an initiate of mastery, you must realize the potential you have when you can let go of all misconceived notions that have been set in your subconscious mind of What You Should Be Doing instead of realizing the potential of fully accessing your Spiritual Self.

This is not always an easy task as you probably already know.

Diligence is the key along with the ability to be patient with yourself.

How do you get from being a purely 3rd dimensional physical person into learning how to breathe, act, think, and feel through a 5th dimensional self?

The first element is to realize the steps you have had to take through many eons of time to get to this point: of truly desiring to be an Ascended Master.

It is not something that should be taken lightly; it is very serious and it takes deep consideration for fore-thought of how to move from the old self into a more attuned healthy four-body system along with acting upon that essence that you are becoming.

The truth of the matter is every initiate must have the Hope and Faith that new doorways will always be opening and the steps to walk through those stages of growth need to be fully realized by a higher part of your reality which is your Solar Angel.

In order to fully accept that your Higher Self is your guiding light, you must realize that there is a bridge of communication between the Physical Mind and The Higher Mind. Your Solar Angel is with you to help you remember your angelic remembrances so that you can step through the doorways of light and dark to help you accelerate through your challenges. That is what true Mastery represents.

It is the part of you that did not realize you were an angel as you are on the earth, but yet when you access those attributes of your Divine Self, you can start to fully accept the potential that is within you to be angel and human. It is the light that you have been asking to be within you as it guides you into the higher realms of light through the Higher Self. That is just the beginning as you learn to access your Monad (the other souls that work with you), and then your I Am Presence.

So many students try to reach the top first and get lost because the steps in between have not been acknowledged. You must have a solid foundation in order to hold the higher energies. That is why there is Mastery so that souls can go through the initiations or steps to fully remove the old elements that no longer serve a soul’s purpose. Along the way each step you go through gives you a moment of accomplishment but not for long. As the road of Mastery is paved with great challenges but wonderful moments of realization as that soul.

This is why it is important to not ignore the Solar Angel as this part of your essence will help you to have the Faith, Patience, and Ability to walk through any storm no matter how small or large it is. This is when you as the Soul becomes One with the Angel to initiate Hope into your awareness no matter what the circumstance.

The journey of the Soul into the Angel into the I Am Presence is riddled with great moments of excitement and joy as you will realize the potential you have to no longer fall back into what you were before. It is exhilarating to see initiates make the changes and create a new foundation of light within themselves.

I as Lord Saint Germain totally understand what you are going through and that is why I am here to help you through each step of your journey. The ecstasy of Mastery will come to you eventually but the initial steps will take you back into your soul’s history to help you heal the parts of yourself that have been forgotten so that you can fully hold the higher essence you are becoming.

I have asked two of my Ray Chohans to say a few words on this step of the journey of Initiating Hope and Faith with Master Djwhal Khul, Ray Chohan of Love and Wisdom, and Master Serapis Bey, Ray Chohan of Harmony and Balance through Conflict.

In blessings of all we are together,

I Am Lord Saint Germain



I am Master Djwhal Khul and I am delighted to share some thoughts with you on the subject of how Love and Wisdom will assist you understanding how be One with Hope in your life.

I see life without hope is a life riddled with pain. As humans, each individual truly needs to acquire the ability to learn how to receive hope in any given situation. Without hope, it is like a stream without the river flowing with in it. It is a dry well in which an individual cannot see the beauty in anything as all they see is the pain of it all.

I see the process of initiating Love within your life cannot be done without the Angelic Presence that as humans is very important for their spiritual development. What does an angel represent to you? To me it says softness, beauty, joy, flowing energy, and an amazing singing voice that you can hear through the wind.

If you can imagine yourself as that angel, you shall always acquire Hope along with Faith to be your guide.

Within the Ray of Love and Wisdom, I help to bring forth the flame of Golden Yellow through the Elders Lord Ralya & Lady Ralyio. It comes into your Crown Chakra which is the spiritual center and then elicits a beautiful essence to flow through all parts of your existence, all chakras, all healing centers, your cellular level and into all of four body system. It is like the warmth of the sun beaming down upon you; it burns up the dis-ease that is in your mind and causing your emotions to be imbalanced. It is a soothing light to the darkness that you have been feeling.

When you allow yourself to fully breathe in this essence, it cannot help but assist you to accept the challenge as a lesson as it becomes One within you. The Golden Yellow Flame is the pure existence of God’s light of the Christ Consciousness in small increments. It allows your lower mind to release the pain as your Higher Mind ignites its power through you.

It is important to realize that all the pain you have within you can be healed. All of it is possible and that is way you have awakened. Getting mad at the process will not assist the energies as it will just ignite more fear to occur within you. Allow my essence to help you calm your subconscious mind in order to receive the Divine Light you are.

That is pure surrender unto your Solar Angel and Higher Self. It is the start of a grand beginning and you will thank yourself for doing so.

I walk with you, call upon my essence to help you through your challenges so that you can be the Master you desire.

I am Master Djwhal Khul


Dearest Initiates,

I come to you as Master Serapis Bey and I am deeply honored to speak with you in this moment. The main element I want to convey is that I bring to you the Love of God. It is my role upon this earth as being the master I have been for eons of time.

When you cannot accept what is happening to you, I will come to assist you. In fact, if you have said to yourself that you desire to learn more about your ascension pathway as an Initiate, you and I have already met. It is my role to assist every student to help them heal and clear up their aura so that the pathway of their initiations will be clear of any other elements from the outside world they may have encountered.

So many times when an individual awakens to the light within them, and starts to see this light around them, they have a tendency to truly need a clearing and cleansing of their auric field.

It is my duty within the Crystalline flame to assist students to be able to get to the core of their essence. So many times initiates cannot see these things within themselves because they have been conditioned to feel them consistently like they are a part of them. My role is to help each of you move more easily through your initiations and not allow the lower mind of lack of understanding to overcome their emotions.

The Crystalline Flame with some specks of green light will assist each of you to clear away elements of debris that has been lodged within your field for a long time. Just because you have awakened unto the other worlds does not mean you are ready to deal with the responsibility of having these gifts as it can create inconsistencies of your life or memories of your past lives.

I give you the Love of God to embrace you deeply and help you resurrect the old elements so that a new beginning can take place within your consciousness and then in your Heart.

This is so the Solar Angel can help you to achieve what you desire to be – a Divine Being of Light. I give you serenity, and to be mentally balanced with self confidence in all that you see and do in your Life.

It is my pleasure to walk with you in Oneness as we learn from each other.

I Am Master Serapis Bey

Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

Interested in fully understanding how the energies of HOPE AND FAITH apply to the Initiations within Ascension and getting energetic healing transmissions to assist you to do so? We invite you to Enroll in a very powerful seminar class given by Lord Metatron and Lord Saint Germain with Masters Djwhal Khul and Serapis Bey on Saturday, March 18th, 2017.

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Love and Wisdom of the Golden Yellow Ray

sun waterLord Adama, High Priest of Telos, shared with us the importance of working with the Golden Yellow Ray of Love and Wisdom which is represented by the Golden Etheric City of Malancheiah.  This city resides over Illinois and Indiana which reflects Attainment of our Desires and fully inhabiting the Christ Consciousness within the full-body system.

Greeting My Friends,

It is I, Lord Adama with the Telosian Council of Light.

We are now stepping into another new journey of the Rays. I truly love the essence of the Golden Yellow Ray representing Love and Wisdom. It helps individuals to really feel a different part of themselves, which maybe they were holding back. I think our journey tonight is going to be absolutely amazing.

Some of the elements I would like you to think about at this present time is:

What stops you?

Do you think in your own experiences of having mental illumination; meaning your consciousness is coming from the higher mind instead of the lower mind?

What are the difficult challenges you have within yourself of not accessing that energy 24/7?

Let us all breathe together and allow me to feel your answers. The one reason, which I can feel within some of your answers, is frustration and confusion about what the Higher Mind represents in reference to the Lower Mind.

We need to use lower mind for mental activities. Thus, it will always be accessed. Through the process of allowing your Higher Mind to be the guiding rule; your Super-Conscious, which is your Higher Mind, blends into your Subconscious, into your pure Consciousness. It cannot do so until those lower frequency thoughts and feelings are purged.

Believe me, as you go along your pathway, you will see that it will get easier. Sometimes, you will have lower thoughts; but you will not hold onto them. That is the beauty of learning when have stepped into a new existence of your Higher Self and your Higher Mind working through you; instead of you just being the physical mind. It is not going to feel any different, but the reaction will be different. The number one problem is depending upon how long you have been aware of these lower feelings.

Individuals who are new on the pathway, perhaps five years into having an awareness but have not stepped into the mastery, have not looked at their psychological self, have not done any inner child work; or possibly do not understand what it is to utilize an affirmation to change those thought forms. In the age you are experiencing now, some people believe that it is just magic and that it will just go away. Sometimes that can be. If the reason you are holding onto those old thoughts and feelings is something very minor, you can process that through a high frequency of Light to come into you. In truth, most of the thoughts and feelings that stay with you and hold you back to create an obstacle, have been there for a reason. They served you a purpose in an earlier time. Those are the levels of doorways you must walk through. You may have had a trait for many different lifetimes.

It may include many timelines when it either came up or did not come up. Maybe you held it within yourself or you boasted about it. Either way, it is out of balance. The true particle of that is to bring them into centeredness. You must allow those energies to come to the surface, so that you as the initiate or individual, who wants to be better in your life, accepts things differently and receives elements that are important for you. You must delve into this essence.

The process of working within this Ray is going to assist each of you of doing it by what you may call magic; by just allowing the breath of the Golden Yellow to come within you. It will start to settle you down. It will calm you more. You will begin to have more patience in a given moment. It may not be every moment of your day. That is okay. If you begin to see an element coming up for you and you utilize this ray to assist you in that process, you then see a definite change. It means you have walked through a new doorway.

The next time you build upon that and the time after that you will do the same. This is the process of realizing who you have been in your physical self is not truly whom you are as a spiritual self. When you are meditating, it truly feels like that.

It is exactly what is going to be occurring for many of you through this process. I hope all of you can have a realization within yourself that you are not whom you were before; that you will take a moment, and not react as you did before.

This city represents Attainment of Desires. What does that mean?

When one brings forth the Christed energy fully within themselves, we know that any element can be attained as it is coming from the I AM Presence. It is coming from the Higher Self, not the physical self. This city is very powerful in allowing individuals to bring forth those energies within their full consciousness.

We have not traveled here for quite some time. It must have been at least over six months. There is a reason for that. This city has needed to incorporate a lot of work to create these energies as we would like them to be. At this point in time, they are coming together as we desired them to be, but we will still grow upon them and change parts of the city. Yet in truth, walking into this city will assist you in understanding what it means to bring that Golden Flame within you, to be that protective force, to be the power that you are. This is truly the acceptance of love and wisdom. To get there is a learning process.

We have chosen to step into the city at this time for one main reason; the Wesak energies. We are in the middle between the two festivals of Wesak and Humanity; bringing forth the Golden Yellow Flame at this time allows each of you to walk within your existence, understand your challenges and be able to accept your achievements through the process.

You are becoming the Christed self. You are becoming the Buddha through the process each moment you work within these energies. It is a crucial time for the Earth. The more we work with these energies together, the more we will be able to assist the Earth. It is not your job at this time to send that energy anywhere else. You will just be that energy. That is going to assist more than anything else we will be doing.

We are in this period of moving our higher essences into our lower essences and commanding these energies within ourselves. I truly hope this process will assist each of you to know yourself more deeply than you did before. That is why we are working within this city at this time.

As we have seen, the Earth needs it. There are changes happening everywhere around the globe. Some of them are not very good. Yet we need to help as many people as we can to bring forth this energetic exchange

We are coming into a time of great change. The planet is going to be changing. It needs to change in order for these Etheric Cities to become manifest.

As I stand with each of you and all these beautiful beings of Light, the message from Lord Kuthumi and Lord Maitreya of the Office of the Christ is that we want each of you to know that you are completely protected. You shine above only, because of what you have learned about yourself. You are bringing that forth into your actions, your thoughts and your emotions. We believe this journey of the Golden Ray energies this month are going to be extremely powerful for everyone.

I thank you deeply for continuing this process and knowing that your greatest weaknesses are truly your greatest strengths. I think that is what everyone is learning. I thank you deeply for all that you are and all you are becoming.

In the Light that I Am, I Am Lord Adama at your service.

Aluna, Aluna, Aluna.

This is an excerpt of our New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light teachings that meets every Wednesday evening. Walking Terra Christa is glad to provide these classes in our Membership Program or purchasing the MP3 files individually.  Details are provided in the “Teachings of the Golden Etheric Cities” and can be accessed by clicking the link.

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Decree for Golden City of Malancheiah – Visit May 20, 2015

golden sky_800_500Walking Terra Christa is journeying through each of the Seven Rays of God with their teachings for 2015.  In late May we started the journey into the Golden City of Malancheia, also known as Malton, which represents the Golden Yellow Flame of Love and Wisdom; it resides in the Etheric Earth over Illinois and Indiana.

This decree for the City of Malancheiah represents working with each of the Beings of Light that are represented with the Ray of Love and Wisdom.  It helps to read the decree while breathing through each phrase, feeling yourself walking with each of these magnificent Beings of Light.

Accessing My Divine Mind Through the Golden City of Malancheiah

As I walk into the Golden City of Malancheiah,
That resides within the Etheric Earth,
Over Illinois and Indiana,
I feel the presence of the Christed Energies everywhere I walk.

There is an entranceway into the City,
As the entire Golden City is protected by a Golden Pyramid of Light,
I walk through the gate,
I am enamored by its beauty and grace.

I feel the dynamics of this amazing ray of light,
Golden Yellow is everywhere I look,
I step onto the Golden Pathway,
Which is encased with many crystals and light infractions.

It is at this point that I start to feel,
My own Divine Mind,
Flowing into my Mental Mind;
All my questions have been erased,
As I stand in the power of the God Presence that I AM.

I see around me many small pyramids of light,
The energies are quite different than the others,
Within my breath,
I now expand into my Being,
What I am seeing around me.

I am now met by Lord Kuthumi,
Who represents the Office of the Christ,
He stands with Lord Maitreya.

They open up their arms unto my Being,
As they each step to my sides,
One on the right, the other on the left.

They escort me into the main Temple of Light,
It is magnificent in its structure,
It goes for miles and miles,
It is called the Ashram of the Christ.

As I walk further,
I am met by Masters Djwhal Khul and Joshua Stone;
Everyone is so very happy to see me;
I, then, see the Archangels Jophiel and Christine,
With the Elohim Apollo and Lumina.

There is a huge altar filled with the Golden Flame,
Intertwined with a fountain of water,
That travels upwards and then around the walls of the pyramid.

This altar is wide and tall,
I walk around it,
I feel the essence of the Divine Flame of Love and Wisdom,
Has it becomes embodied within me.

I then see Lord Buddha who sits upon the altar,
Within its beautiful glory,
It looks like a holograph as his form blends with the light of the Golden Yellow.

I then see the reflection of Lord Melchizedek,
Who represents the pathway of Mastery for each Initiate,
He stands with Lord Metatron,
As he brings forth the Golden Solar Angel that I AM.

I stand here,
Knowing that my journey is going to be magnificent,
I feel the Illumination of the Light,
Coming into my Mental Body,
I feel its purest essence,
Flowing through my veins.

As I am learning to fully embody,
The Golden Flame of Love and Wisdom.

I am honored to be part of this world,
I know that I will heal deeply,
And allow my full essence of my I AM Presence,
To be my guide.

I AM that I AM that I AM

Written by Rev. Christine Meleriessee

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Decree ~ Festival of Humanity

Divine Love Power Rose decreeInitiating Divine Love and Divine Power ~  Celebrating The Festival of Humanity

The third ascension festival as now arrived,
June 2, 2015;
It is known as World Invocation Day,
As each Initiate and Master invocates the Love and Power,
That they have acquired through the Festivals of Light.

I call upon the energies of Will and Power,
Representing the Blue Flame,
To ignite my Masculine Divine,
Within my Heart Center.

It swirls within and around me,
As I feel the ability to stand in my truth,
I feel my Strength, and Courage of Walking a New Pathway.

I then call upon the energies of Creative Actualization,
Representing the Pink Flame,
To Ignite my Feminine Divine,
Of Love,
Within my Heart Center.

The acceptance I feel is now ignited through the partnership,
Of my Masculine and Feminine Self,
Becoming One element within my Heart.

I feel Compassionate and Tolerant of all I have endured,
My Mental Body is full of Illumination of Light,
As I become one with my essence of the Divine.

I now ignite the essence of the Golden Yellow Flame,
It brings to me my Love and Wisdom,
I feel the Power that is erupted within my Heart Center,
I feel Universal Love flowing within me,
As I expand what I have received.

I now feel the effects of my Inner Devotion,
Being created within me,
I see the Flame of Ruby Red with Gold,
Igniting a Serenity of Peace and Love.

I expand all of these essences,
Through my Field of Light,
I send it around me,
For others to feel within themselves.

I have learned through the process of my initiations,
That I am now empowered within who I have become;
I rejoice in this understanding of myself.

I AM One with all of Creation,
I send this light unto GAIA within the Core of Her Crystalline Structure,
It moves through every living organism,
Upon her existence.

I now feel it coming back to me,
As I receive what I have shared to others.

Today is the Festival of Goodwill and Humanity,
I invoke these essences everywhere I walk, talk, and think.

I am a Lightworker upon this Earth,
I have expanded what I have received,
To help others to do the same.

We are all One Circle of Light,
As this Earth evolves into the New Earth,
One Step at a time.

I AM that I AM that I AM

Creator:  Rev. Christine Meleriessee with Master Djwhal Khul

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Integrating the Essence of Freedom Within

buddha2_800_533A Special Decree for Wesak 2015

The Wesak Moon is now upon the Earth,
Within the Year of 2015;
It is a time for the renewal of my Spiritual Essence Blending within My Physical Self,
I have traveled on many roads,
To come to this juncture of time.

I am excited to experience,
The Power of Lord Buddha’s ascension,
As I stand as an Initiate of Mastery.

I reflect on the changes that have occurred for me,
How I handled the challenges,
And Accepted the Achievements of My Life;
I realize that there are no failures in Mastery,
Just understanding my growth,
And how I have changed along the way.

I now feel the essences of this powerful event of Wesak,
I stand with others as I ignite the Presence of God’s Light within me,
I understand that the Will of God,
Represents my own Will within my life;
I feel the purification of the Blue Flame,
To blend within me,
As I acknowledge the Wisdom I have acquired,
Through my Journey.

It gives me great Peace to know,
I am following my Heart’s desire,
To Acquire the Will of God Within.

I, then, feel the essence of the Golden Yellow Flame,
It represents Love and Wisdom,
I feel the illumination of my Mental Mind,
As My Higher Mind is now fully accessed within me;
I have learned through my meditations,
To full access my Divine Self,
As I learn that Love is my Guide to the Source of my Being.

These beautiful flames have taught me how to step into My One Source of Light,
I feel the essence of the Will of God allowing my Higher Mind to Be Activated,
Through the Blue Flame;
As the essence of the Heart of God represents the Love I now embody within me,
As the Pink Flame flows within,
In this moment,
My Masculine and Feminine Divine are fully activated,
And feeling Free Within Me.

I now inhabit the Flame of the Golden Yellow,
I have learned that accessing my Higher Mind,
Allows me to fully embrace my Inner Power of Light.

The Three-Fold Flame is now activated within me,
As I stand as an Initiate of Mastery,
In the presence of Lord Buddha,
And all the Christed Beings of Light.

I now incorporate the Peace I have desired,
As the Love Flows Within me,
I Accept my Power,
As My Wisdom is my Guide.

I feel the manifestation of my Higher Essence,
Guiding me through this moment of re-creation,
I now have Strength to walk through the next doorway of Light,

I have acquired Personal Freedom,
As I realize the lessons of my past,
Are now molding my future,
Allowing me to acknowledge,
That I am ready for the next level of acceleration,
Within my full body system.

I AM One with all that I have ever been,
As I walk with the Masters in Shamballa,
I feel the Freedom flowing within me,
Of All That I have Learned and Embraced.

I AM that I AM that I AM

Join Walking Terra Christa on May 3rd, 2015 for a special Wesak Ceremony event via teleconference at 10:00 AM Pacific.  Details available via Wesak 2015-Freedom Within.

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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The Festival of Aquarius ~ Decree

AquariusWe will now be providing decrees each month representing the festivals per Master Djwhal Khul’s teachings.  These festivals are celebrated on the full moon, but the energies takes us into the New Moon so that we can extend our service unto GAIA and humanity to receive.

The Festival of Aquarius is the first ceremony that we participated in with Master Djwhal on February 2, 2015.  We feel that these energies are important to share to help the transition into the New Moon energies which occurs on February 18, 2015.

The Festival of Aquarius

The Full Moon has arrived within the sign of Aquarius,

I feel the movements of openness,

I am able to move through my challenges of many levels,

As I connect with the beautiful essence of my Divine Beingness.

I first call upon the essence of Love and Wisdom,

Of the Golden Yellow Ray,

To come into my Lower Mind,

As my thoughts become illuminated,

With the integration of my Higher Mind.

I breathe deeply and feel the lower thoughts changing,

Into the essence I truly am,

I send them unto my Feminine Self,

So that her emotions will align with my Highest Truth.

I then ignite the Ray of Crystalline Light,

Representing Harmony and Balance,

As this ray comes into my emotional level,

I feel it purging the feelings that truly do not belong to me,

They represent my Old Self,

As I am now resurrecting my physical being,

Into the what I desire.

I feel the change within me,

The wind blows across my body,

I feel a freedom within me,

As now I am ready to restructure my foundation.

I now feel the essence of the Violet and Purple Flames,

Representing Ceremonial Structure and Magic;

The Violet flows through me,

It transmutes any other elements that do not fit my truest essence;

The Purple takes me into a new consciousness,

Of my Higher Self,

Fully intact within my Higher Mind and Higher Heart,

As the Divine Being I AM,

Is fully acknowledged within me.

My four-body system is shifting,

Into this new essence I have created,

I feel the balance within,

I allow my truest essence to expand,

As it moves through me and out of me.

The issues I felt with this moon are now helping me,

To move into the New Moon Frequencies,

Within the essence of Aquarius,

In a different and focused manner.

I truly am a transformed Being of Light,

Accepting my role,

As an Initiate upon this Earth,

Within my four-body system,

To expand this essence I have acquired,

Unto the World Around me,

Through my breath in each moment I breathe.

 I AM that I AM that I AM

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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WESAK 2014 – Gaia’s Light Body Creating Love and Wisdom



Please Join & Share: GAIA’s Merkabah Body of Light Now in Full Activation


As the Body of GAIA is enforced within her Merkabah Light Body the physical threshold is enforced to create all Universes to join in the Unity of Terra Christa. Wesak 2014 is a time to allow the unification of all sentient beings to stand in harmony for the family of light to be embraced. Light Beings around the Universes meet yearly to stand in the presence of Lord Buddha’s ascension to the next higher level of existence. We, as the initiates on Earth, celebrate this occasion by gathering together at the time of the full moon of Taurus.



RAYS OF GOD being infused within GAIA’s Light Body

During 2013 GAIA was infused physically with the first two RAYS OF GOD on a planetary level to help in her own spiritual acceleration. Her body vehicle, just like each of us, requires the rays to be Initialized, Activated and then Actualized within her in order for the Ascension process to occur.

The first two Rays of God that have been initialized and activated are the Blue Flame of Will and Power (which teaches us to know that Strength and Power Allows for Tolerance and Patience to be Within us), and the second was the Ruby Red Flame of Inner Devotion (expressed as “the Pathway of Peace is the Forgiveness of the Self”). This means that we as a planet can now walk through the doorway of Power to receive Peace for humankind. These two rays represent very powerful energies that were infused within GAIA to help with her ascension into Terra Christa. This means that as sentient beings we are also infused with these rays to assist GAIA in her process.

2014 is the year of Unity and Balance of Energies within GAIA and each of us. The power of these energies together is taking us into a new level of awareness within many individuals around the world. This is just the beginning for each of us. We now act in unison to induct the third ray, the GOLDEN YELLOW FLAME OF LOVE & WISDOM (representing completely allowing the lower mind to surrender to the Oneness of Universal Love, accepting our Divine Mind and Heart to access our Divine Wisdom).

As we stand as initiates to collectively Ascend Mastery for the New Earth, we are embracing each of these energies within us but so much more. As the Torch Bearers for the New Earth, it is our responsibility to allow the unification of our Divine Essence to become manifest within our physical existence. This is helping GAIA to continue her journey.

Wesak 2014 promises to be a massive step for GAIA as she arises to the occasion, each of us will be doing the same in our own mastery pathway. The alignment of the spiritual forces of the many Universes represented by the Unified Whole Command of the 144th dimensional level of Oneness will be standing with each of us to receive our next divine dispensation through Lord Buddha, Sanat Kumara, Lord Melchizedek, Saint Germain, and Lord Maitreya, who will each give us a personal message and blessing along with Divine Light Language Codes through Reverend Christine Meleriessee and grounded through Reverend Michael Aranathanara.


The date of WESAK is a very important event to those upon the Mastery Path of Initiations with the Ascended Masters and Spiritual Brotherhood of White Light as we celebrate the ascension process of Lord Buddha of his death and rebirth into the next elevated step of creation. As Lord Buddha is the planetary Logos, every being is also given an opportunity to embrace the work they have accomplished as an evolving soul and once again can formally step into another progression of experience. We, as initiates, are able to intimately experience the life remembrance and current status of Lord Buddha to engage in the process of spiritual death taking place up to the Wesak energies each year. Our initiation level is elevated within ourselves just as all other Chelas and Masters of the world are doing.

The WESAK Trinity of Events

Taking us to a new level within our Light and Love Quotient due to the work we have done within ourselves from the previous year, the WESAK energies actually involves three festivals as part of spiritual doorway that reopens annually. Each Festival is celebrated on the Full Moon cycle of the month in which it occurs. This series of doorways begins prior to the WESAK date of May 14, 2014 with the Festival of the Christ in the month of April and then the Festival of Humanity in June following WESAK. In the first festival, which like the other two festivals falls on the full moon, we realize and release the old that did not work for us in our pathway and begin to resurrect our purity and grace. The resurrection elements then cumulate in the acceleration of our ascension process in the Festival of Wesak. The following month is the Festival of Humanity in which we share with others our knowledge and expertise of who we are as realized beings bringing the gifts from within to being without, thus completing the cycle.

For 2014, we are connecting with everyone worldwide who wishes to join us using our global tel-conferencing teaching line via SKYPE or using the international access numbers. Please join with us for a very special ceremony on May 14th, 2014 as we will gather here in Mt. Shasta to join together with our Soul Family of Light to celebrate our next acceleration with GAIA as our guide.

We will recite the sacred WESAK ceremonial prayers and receive divine Blessings from the members of the Spiritual Hierarchy and Brotherhood of White Light. We anticipate doing a 2 hour ceremony however as the energies are from the Cosmic level, keeping to a schedule for such events is not always possible so we have allowed extra time and invite you to do the same.

To celebrate with us in co-creating our Highest Purpose, and receive these wonderful blessings, please register below. (Those attending the 2014 WESAK JOURNEY RETREAT do not need to register as this ceremony is part of the retreat.)


Please use this button to order the 2 hour recording including the message blessings, prayers and decrees.


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©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden. Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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