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Divine Alchemy of the Heart



The Solstice Energies for 2014

Due to the intensity of the energies that December of 2014 will bring, we are offering a selection of our Journey Retreat teachings to everyone.

Our Distance Learning Option:

Use this form to order the AUDIO of this special event (Retreat attendees receive the AUDIO as part of enrollment). We will make every attempt to provide the audio mp3 as downloads during the actual retreat, but we can only guarantee you will receive them by December 23 (48 hours after the retreat ends) for you to use them to assist grounding the Higher Octave Frequencies of Light.

There will be at least four (4) teaching sessions offered as MP3 downloads. This breaks down to just (Normal Means) $44 Per Session. However, as we are also going to be doing MORE sessions than 4, please be prepared to receive as many as six (6) Audio Teachings for the same exchange. (See our write-up here.)


Divine Alchemy Journey Retreat Audio MP3 – (4 sessions)



Divine Heart Alchemy

Embody the Essence of Ceremonial Magic and Transmutation
Grounded Within the Earth Plane



Who doesn’t want to be able to discover the Truth within their Heart and Transform it into Full Divinity so that it becomes Who They Are? That is Divine Alchemy. This is the Journey of the Soul Manifested. On December 18, 2014 we begin that Journey Within.

In 2014 Walking Terra Christa has taken students on a journey into the first 7 Rays of God and what they mean to each individual on a personal basis. We have gone through the first phases of what many are calling the Initiation of the Golden Age (as the transference of energies could not actually occur strongly enough in 2012). This meant we now had the opportunity to ground the Rays of God into actualization upon the planet during the year in ways we could not attain ever before.

The Solstice Event

This day marks the “darkest day” of the year when the sun is at its lowest point, crossing the threshold of moving from that singular moment into the pathway of rising once again to shine brighter and brighter with each progressive moment of Light. It is therefore associated with the time of rebirth, transformation, deep gratitude and celebration.

Over the ages this has represented spiritual rebirth at its most sacred meaning. Ancient Temples across the earth were constructed to honor this moment, some have inner chambers that are only illuminated by the first light of the Solstice sunrise as it breaks upon the land.

Throughout history, Knights Templar, Rosicrucians, Masons and others may have gathered in dark corners of ancient rooms to discuss the coming event. They spoke in low whispers lest anyone not of the fold hear them speak of turning dross into gold. Should someone over hear them, the subjects they spoke of held a hidden meaning that only they knew how to decode.

Turning Dross to Gold

Even these followers of ancient practices did not realize that the tenants they so nobly strove to follow and inhabit within themselves originated in times beyond antiquity, in lands long ago covered by the deep oceans. Even they could not grasp that the secrets they protected once flourished across a once vast continent called the land of Mu, so named as travelers to the paradise realm shortened the full name of Lemuria for ease of use.

Legends of why Mu, and it’s smaller cousin Atlantis, disappeared into the seas promulgated the belief that it was the carelessness of not protecting the truth of the land and its sacred spirituality. For in those times, there was no secular life as all manner of livelihood was lived in strict devotion to being a spiritual being in a physical body.

The secret they did not reveal was that they first worked upon their spiritual selves in order to facilitate growth in their physical lives.

When those followers spoke of turning dross into gold using the secret of alchemy, ever cautious of unwanted eavesdropping,  their words may indeed have alluded to smelting metals and special formulas, but that was a ruse within a ruse to protect the real truths. For the most precious and sought after treasure was for them to remove the darkness within their own hearts and rejoice within their own Divinity as free and majestic beings.

Upon GAIA to Continue this WORK

As Initiates, we are here inhabiting the physical body to become once again, our Spiritual Essence within the Physical Body. We are here to learn as we expand our light within our body and ground it through our Earth Star, that we can become each of the Rays of God within our actual physical vehicles (Rays=Light=Light Body=Light Being). This is truly what Ascended Mastery represents on a physical pathway. As such, this goes beyond ‘spirituality’ into being a physically manifested reality that is spiritual and returning to they way of life as practiced in Lemuria and Atlantis by those who knew the secrets.

The goal to having the Fifth Dimensional New Earth created is having a world where the current paradigm of achieving earthly success prior to engaging in the deep work of spiritual alchemy is reversed.

Many still believe they can have the time to pursue their spiritual life in earnest once they have first mastered their material lives. That was the old paradigm. Now that we are officially within the energies of the birth of the Golden Age, that pattern of existence must be reversed. That is the darkness within man’s souls that the Solstice Light acts to reveal and remove.

We are once again being given Divine Cosmic Light by the Spiritual Forces to assist Earth and ourselves to Raise Our Vibration. This does not automatically create the New Earth, instead it is what now gives us the ability to create the New Earth. The pattern of thinking within the ‘New Age’ community that the New Earth is being created and will automatically appear, is one of the many levels of misinformation that circulates, but that idea that it is now time to build the New Earth is very accurate.


We are here to not only continue the ancient ways but to expand upon and anchor within the planet the new frequencies of Light. It is our job to consciously shift our own resonance to attune ourselves to these Higher Level Octaves of Frequencies. Otherwise the energies are not held at the rate to which they can potentially be anchored, which results in both ourselves and GAIA not advancing at the optimal rate of acceleration. Which means the lower frequencies of the 3rd/4th dimension do not shift as quickly as they could into the 5th and higher dimensions. In fact, in the dire case scenario, the earth does not shift much at all until we each do so, first individual and then collectively.

Hence the requirement for us to learn True Alchemy.

Becoming the True Alchemist within is about creation, beauty, joy, freedom. More specifically, it is about removing all the elements within your personality, your ego, your subconsciousness, your consciousness, that prevent you from holding the frequency of vibration that True Alchemy requires in order to create True Manifestation.

This initiation of energy transference now continues and culminates with the Solstice of 2014. As we have shared, it is the opportunity to consciously ground these higher light waves. The key to actual earthly transformation is in how many have participated at the level required to ground these energies in full enough force to actually see a change occur. Obviously, more individuals are required to do so. We are entirely hopeful and anticipate that you will be one of them.

Since we are constantly changing, the Rays assist us to understand more about ourselves in order to utilize that change for our Highest Good. This can change from week-to-week or month-to-month. What we need in strength today may have been different six months ago. As we change, we need to understand what the transition has been for each of us through our feelings, emotions, and physical existence. It is this understanding that is the basis for all alchemy, and this is one of the truths that are not widely understood.


THE SOLSTICE of 2014 – Our Next Grand Opportunity

The ‘HEART’ of Mount Shasta

The Heart of Mt. Shasta

On DECEMBER 21st we have the opportunity to demonstrate the Foundation of Alchemy of the 7th Ray.

Ray 7 is the Flame of Transmutation and Ceremonial Magic. So first we must learn to apply the powers of this Ray, of the Violet and Deep Purple Flame, within ourselves and who we are being. Doing so opens the doorway to making the changes we desire to make within our lives so that we do begin to experience the passion, joy, and freedom from lack and struggle in all areas of our reality. However, it must start from within first.

With utilizing the 7th Flame, we now have the opportunity to build upon the elements in first 6 Rays to make our creations more sustainable and flowing. In this powerful inner journey event, we will:


On this four-day inner excursion with each other Saint Germain is our guide for this special intensive journey to bring out our own individual Transmutation and Ceremonial Magic. We will work with all of the Rays of God to find out exactly which areas an individual may need to address in healing for their present situation. The focus will be on the Violet/Purple Flame of Transmutation and Ceremonial Magic but as the Mahachohan, Saint Germain, will help each individual to understand the process that they are undergoing by using his Mastery of all these Rays.snowscape

Weather permitting we will visit the vortex power spots in the Mount Shasta area to activate and actualize these teachings within us.

Thursday December 18 and Friday December 19:

The beginning of the journey will include an overview of the first six rays of Will and Power, Love and Wisdom, Creative Actualization, Harmony and Balance, Science of God, and Inner Devotion.

Friday December 19 and Saturday December 20:

The remaining time we will work with the Violet/Purple Flame of Transmutation and Acceleration with each of the beautiful Beings that represent this flame. Meditative journeys will be provided with the Elohim Masters of Arcturus and Virginia, Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst along with the Elders of Lord Teesian and Lady Teesio, with special appearance from Lady Portia, the now appointed Ray Chohan. In addition there will be time spent with Lord Sanat Kumara who holds the Violet Flame for the Venusian Rays of God as he will be hosting our retreats in 2015 to work with the Venusian Flames representing a 7th Dimensional Light Body.

We will etherically visit the Temples with Luanda Angola (Elohim), Temple of Purification over Cuba (Archangels), along with the Cathedral of the Violet Flame in the Rocky Mountains with Saint Germain and a special visitation to the Royal Teton Retreat, in Wyoming to work with all the Ray Chohans focusing on the lower vs. higher aspects of the Soul Essence. Another exquisite journey will be within the Golden City of Wahanee/Fronlamm in the 5th Dimensional Earth to connect with all the Beings of the 7th Ray of Ceremonial Magic. Each of these journeys will present opportunities for spiritual, emotional, and mental advancement within each person’s four-body system which will represent the accelerated energies of this retreat.

Sunday December 21:


Continuing the above teachings, we will celebrate the Solstice Energies as we embrace the acceleration that each individual has acquired through this process of Light, Love, and embodiment of grounding it within the physical creation with Lord Sanat Kumara. We will also be conducting our Annual Christmas Celebration Gathering via Tele-conference with others around the word to celebrate the Energies of the Christ with Lord Sananda, Lady Mother Mary, and Lady Magdalene.

Teachings will include understanding the reflection of the lower self and what has you reliving out the same lessons while accessing the Higher Self to be fully activated. We will assist participants to learn when they react within themselves from the lower mind. Exercises will be given and group participation with each other to command the ability to receive Love and Guidance which will assist to change our inability to accept our Divine Essence within the Physical Body.

Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos (Lemuria), is also our co-guide for each of our Journeys as he or Saint Germain will communicate with us each morning and evening to get an overview of each day’s activities and the energies that we will be experiencing.


Enrollment is Closed to Attend this Important
Spiritual Awakening Journey Retreat in Person

For those individuals that are unable to travel to Mount Shasta, we are offering select Retreat Teachings as an AUDIO MP3 option.

Mel and Mike on Healing Conversations

Acoustic Health Mel and MikeINTERVIEW. One of the best explanations on being a Fifth Dimensional human upon Gaia. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden (Mel and Mike) of speak about the ‘real deal’ behind Fifth Dimensional Mastery, the Hollow Earth and what Ascension upon Terra Christa is all about. Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos the Lemurian capitol city gives a simple message through Meleriessee about how we must act now to create Ascension of our 3D energies.

Listen in as Lauren Galey of Healing Conversations on continues her groundbreaking interviews of prominent New Earth thought leaders who encourage each of us to consciously co-create our world. Past leaders include Bruce Lipton, Dan Millman, Dr. Emoto, Dr. Norm Shealy, Dr. Todd Ovokaitys, Drs. JJ and Desiree Hurtak, James Tyberonn, Jim Self and Lynn McTaggert among many others.

CLICK HERE to listen now to the 1 hour plus interview

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