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Goddess of Liberty ~ Guest Speaker for the Clarion Temple of Oneness

Lady Liberty
Photo taken over Manhattan, Noriko Kikuchi, 2013


On Monday, July 15th, 2013 the Clarion Temple of Oneness will be honoring the energies of the Goddess of Liberty.  This will be the first time she will be speaking with us; we are very excited to have her within the Temple (details to join this call can be obtained through Walking Terra,

The Goddess of Liberty has assisted mankind from the beginning of time when we first took embodiment on Earth.  The Manu brought every initiate before the Goddess of Liberty to understand their contract of coming into the Earth.  This contract meant that since each soul was coming into earth they would take on physical form to utilize life through their Divine Will.  They were also given the Divine Dispensation to call upon any of the Ascended Beings in times of great challenges with the highs and lows of earth life when an individual would have difficulty to handle conditions concerning their contract as an initiate upon the Earth.

The Goddess of Liberty brought the Liberty Flame to Earth.  She established this flame within the Temple of the Sun which is now present on the island of Manhattan (known to be the Temple within Atlantis).  In the early days the veil between worlds was thin and the light bodies of Goddess of Liberty as well as all archangels could be seen.  We are now coming into the same exposure as the veil of all worlds are merging.  She was considered the spokesperson of the Karmic Board which now lies in the hands of the Great Divine Director.  Her post as one of the Lords of Karma is still ongoing.

Lady Liberty represents Liberty, Freedom and Illumination represented by the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom of the Golden Yellow Flame.  She works with all souls to embody these qualities within them and uphold the respective essence of God’s consciousness to be embodies upon this planet and will asset any lifestream to hold this essence upon Gaia.

In Lady Liberty’s own words:

Blessings and deep joy to each of you in this moment.  I am Lady Liberty also known as Goddess of Liberty due to the frequency of my light to be embellished upon this planet called Earth.  It is my Divine pleasure to be able to extend my service of light to each of you on a personal basis.

Changes are happening very quickly upon the earth at this time and it is with great joy that we in the higher hierarchy of Light are excited about the work that each of you are doing.  We understand how deeply you are being challenged to go the distance within your world and life and to continually be reflecting and changing within each moment.  I say to you that it is a miraculous time of renewal for Gaia and all her inhabitants.  Since the time of Atlantis I truly have extended my deepest essence into all of you walking this pathway of increasing the light frequencies within the Earth so that many more would follow. What truly has happened is that more increased areas of light are being focused upon areas that we thought would not exist, but yet, here we are together talking about the healing of each of you and the planet.

The life form that you have chosen is one of great transition in this time of great acceleration.  What you have learned previously, you are putting into practice every day even though you may not be realizing the full effect of what you are experiencing in your world.  The essence of your lifestream in this moment is so bright that I am entirely amazed by the presence of your Beingness on the planet at this time.

What I am trying to convey is that the hard work you have been doing, even just for yourself, is expanding so much wider than we originally thought that it would.  Now you are in the midst of great change both within the physical and the spiritual as these two worlds are melding together into One.  Whenever we, as a soul take on more frequency of light, it can be challenging to the physical body.  But yet, the physical self is learning to adjust in each of the moments of your creation.  The power of the energies presently is allowing you to understand how to illuminate from your Higher Mind instead of the lower bodily functions.

If we reflect on the terms of freedom, liberty, and illumination, it must first be presented from the status of the inner self.  You have come to this earth to assist in creating more light frequency but how can you do this without first acknowledging all parts within your self to become One.  In the stage of remembrance that you are acknowledging, you allow your higher self essence to blend within your physical existence.  Depending upon when you have awakened, this is going to take some time as the ego has a tendency to want to be ahead of the crowd and control how life is going to be.  This is when the contracts that have been sealed are not revealed and an individual can move through their pathway without really knowing their true essence.  But when, an initiate steps into the world of Mastery this is when true Remembrance occurs and that is the Illumination of the Soul into the World of Matter.

I want to assist each of you with this process.  Learning to allow the flow of your essence to combine into your physical existence takes time and perseverance.  When you have achieved this state completely, then you are fully acknowledging Freedom of the Self and true liberation can happen.  This is exactly what you are truly to achieve as the remembrances of past timelines and association with others are coming into the forefront of your mind.  We must learn to surrender into the process of remembering and true Illumination will occur.

It is then at this state that your true Light is illuminated into the Hearts of others.  In order for each individual being to accept their multi-dimensionality, they must learn all parts that have been lost to either accept or reject their essence.  You are learning to make your physical existence into a world that you never have experienced previously.  This is the joy, ecstasy, and power of the work that you are doing.  Believing each moment in the power of your Light will assist in the creation of Freedom in your world.  But, you must be patient through the process especially in times of great acceleration.

What I want to help you with during our connection within the Temple, is to understand what you are experiencing, how to apply it to the higher realms of thoughts, and not step into any place that does not serve your highest purpose.  The frequency of light presently is challenging you to go deeper.  The best way you can do so is to relax and allow the Freedom of the Light to show you the way through Liberty of the Self.

It is exciting to see so many arising into more of themselves, but the work is just beginning for the mass consciousness.  I ask you to step forward and take care of your own challenges in order to understand the pathway you are about to embark upon.

I look forward to our continued affiliation of Light within our worlds together.

I AM Lady Liberty at your service.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

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