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Preparing to Be an Energy Transcender with Lord Melchizedek


Walking Terra Christa is holding our second class “ENERGY POSTURE” in our series, “Transcending Energy – Ascension Clinic” which teaches on the subject of preparing the full body system to receive the higher accelerations. Our introductory class with Dr. Lorphan on the Crystalline Light Body gave an excellent background and Healing for anyone interested in learning more about, or already experiencing, the challenges of incorporating the Light Body (including what are termed “Ascension Symptoms”).

We have learned that it is essentially important to prepare the body to receive the initiations of light so that those energies can assist in raising the Light Quotient within the body and become grounded within the individual’s “FOUNDATION”.

The Foundation is located under the Earth Star and can be seen as a spiraling light formation that is created within an individual’s field. If that Foundation is filled with other elements that do not fit the higher dimensional levels that are entering the body, then the incoming energies cannot be held within the full body system.

In this class we provide some tools and techniques and explain why they are essential. Some of the subjects will be:

  • Protection for the Self and Your Environment – key elements,
  • Art of Journaling – working with the Mental Body,
  • Breathing Techniques – Preparing the Body,
  • Relaxation of the Physical – A visualization to go through all the body parts to prepare for the higher energies. We will pass on a special guided technique called “Spiraling Light”, which is a meditation that Dr. W. Brugh Joy developed that we infuse with the Higher Octave frequencies of the Rays of God.

We work with Lord Melchizedek to bring all of these steps into initiating the four-body system to prepare for the accelerations of light.

As awakened individuals, we have to go through a process to receive the energies, which will in turn, facilitate the process of healing. Without the proper foundational steps, the higher forms of healing do not take root. This is why we have to go through the purging process of removing the old elements such as fear, anger, frustration, low self-esteem issues, co-dependency issues, insecurity within the self, (just to name a few along with the Ascension Symptoms), as well as the many lessons that we encounter in order to fully accept our Divine Self Embodied Within.

It is when we go through these frequencies of the planetary changes that these elements arise within our full consciousness for us to look at them, acknowledge them, so that they can fully be put into Oneness. Many of these elements are coming from the Etheric Body, which has housed debris from the many timelines we have experienced in other times. Without going through this process, the Lower Ego can stay intact too long and cause many particles to arise within an individual that then create the opportunity for more lessons that are necessary to make the changes.

It can also cause the Mental Body to be so active that the Emotional Body cannot go through the many feelings that need to be processed. We have come from eons of the Masculine Divine being the rule of the world. As this is no longer in alignment with the Higher Octave Energies we are experiencing, it can be very challenging to step into the awareness of the emotions, allowing the Heart to heal within. This is the process of the Feminine Divine blending with the Masculine Divine, (which is exactly what the New Earth requires to come into full creation).

What all this means is we have to prepare the four-body system (Physical, Etheric, Emotional, and Mental) to receive the Higher Bodies (of the Higher Self, Monad, and I Am Presence) so that we can expand into the seven-body system.

It requires a step-by-step process to allow the energies to full be integrated through the four bodies. When an individual can automatically go into the higher state of awareness, it makes it easier, but it takes great diligence and practice to get there. As individuals, we have to teach each of our four bodies to work with one another through this process.

Sometimes we have to go back to the beginning and restructure how we achieve things in our life. As our body changes through the process, we need to be cognizant of the tools that are necessary to allow this flow of exchange. This is what our work brings forth so that a pathway that can be more easily walked to the New Earth is created.

A Message from Lord Melchizedek:


It is my Divine Pleasure to be part of these teachings. As many of you already know, I work with all of the initiates within the Mastery Pathway, and my energies are an integral part of Walking Terra Christa.

Let’s speak about what it means to have “Energy Posture”.

As a human, your body is not accustomed to receiving the higher light frequencies. It is in a period of adjustment so that it can be aligned with your Soul’s Essence from the higher realms. Some individuals become easily adjusted within this focus, but many do not. The majority of awakened souls on this planet do not know how to deal with the ascension symptoms as they come in various degrees of light frequency depending upon the lifestyle and consciousness that a person can hold within themselves.

As you prepare your body to allow the frequency to be integrated within your full consciousness, you become very aware of whom you are, what works for you, and how to get through your days within the higher frequencies of light.

Holding the higher light quotients within the body takes great diligence and patience within the soul. It does not happen automatically although many individuals may think just the opposite. You see, you have come to earth, the planet of Gravity, of Duality. You, as a soul, are probably very enlightened in the higher dimensions of light, but yet, on Earth it is more of a challenge to hold the vibrational essences within the physical body.

So the body has to become accustomed to the process.

As I said, it can be very overwhelming especially if you have not been trained to hold the light within you and ground it. Many individuals have the ability to bring in the higher essences but hold it in their higher chakras so the lower body does not receive the benefits of the higher frequencies. It is imperative to fully ground these energies not only for each of you, but for Gaia, as you are her Beacons of Light.

I believe that what we will embark upon in this class is to help you realize your full potential from a soul’s purpose to fully be acknowledged within your physical body. Meleriessee and Mike have some wonderful tools they want to share;  I will assist in bringing “the whole package together” with my energies. My role is to help you cement all the parts to come into Oneness of the Self.

Working with each of you and this class will give me a deeper opportunity to continue this journey on a more personal basis.

I look forward to working every person that attends this class, as our affiliation with each other will be connected on a more personal basis.

Many blessings and Light,

Lord Melchizedek

If you are interested in attending this class on Thursday, October 8th at 4:30 PM Pacific, please check out “Our Class Page”. You may attend LIVE or join just to access the MP3 recording. The series will continue throughout the month in preparation for the 11:11 energies.

Walking Terra Christa also has a great Partner Member Program in which you can take advantage of weekly teachings/channelings at a price that is geared to your income level.  We would love to have you join our Soul Family of Light.

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below. If you like this article please do the creation of the New Earth a favor and SHARE it in these ways:
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Igniting the 15th Ray to Assist in Grounding the Wesak Energies

doorwayRay 15 ~ Accessing the Doorways of Light into My Physical Creation



It is in the color spectrum of Light Golden White and is the last ray to be infused on the 4th dimensional chakra grid within the Crown Chakra.

The Beings that overlight this Ray are the Elohim Councils of God and the 24 Elders That Surround the Throne of Grace Representing the first 12 Rays of God.

The Golden Etheric City of  Bytheezeusian that represents our entryway towards our I AM Presence is located over Saudi Arabia.  Now some may say, why that city?

It represents all levels of energies, the light with the dark and allowing them to merge into Oneness.  On May 28th our New Each Consciousness class visited the City of Bytheezeusian over Saudi Arabia.  We were guided by the Elohim Councils of God into the Temple of the Enlightened Ones.  Below is the decree of this city which represents these beautiful energies as we visited the Magical Forest to walk to the Temple.


The journey of the Golden Cities represents a change within my Being,

I have walked through many different cities to learn about the eternal Being that I AM,

Today I have arrived in a very special place,

It is the City of Bytheezeusian which is overlighted over Saudia Arabia.

I have learned to transmute, love, express, remove parts of myself that do not fit whom I AM

That is always the question I present within myself,


I am light,

I AM Joy,

I AM Magic,

I AM Creative,

I AM Pure in my Heart,

And so many more elements.

I must remember that my Physical Mind does not hold these thoughts,

But yet my Higher Heart and Higher Mind blend together into the Oneness that I AM,

Sometimes I fall and forget,

It is not because what I have learned and fear of moving forward,

But remembering all parts of myself.

I arrive in the Temple of the Enlightened Ones,

I am embraced by the Elohim Councils of God,

They share with me the expression of all that I AM

Is right within my Highest Essence.

I see all that they represent,

Will & Power, Love & Wisdom, Creative Intelligence, Harmony and Balance;

Scientific Knowledge and Music of the Spheres;

Devotion to the Self;

And the Essence of Magic.

I feel their embracement and the joy that is within me,

I AM all of these and more;

As I stand with each of these Beings in the Oneness that We Are,

I am embraced by my inner self, my outer self, and all parts that have been lost.

I now have been found through the Journey of the Eternal Self.

I AM that I AM that I AM.

Working with this decree and the energies of this ray will assist us, as an initiate on the mastery pathway, to accept the challenges we have been facing presently, help us to surrender to the process, and ground the new essence that we have become to be our next foundation.

(Please note when reading decrees it helps to bring in your higher self through your breath; feel the energies and not just read them from your physical mind.)  The MP3 file for this call is available for download for a small fee, Teachings of the Golden Cities, (scroll to bottom of page to see the listing for the MP3 files).


©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Living in Fifth Dimensional Community


Many wish to live in a society where there is a cohesive sense of community. A place where each soul is recognized appreciated and honored for not only their individuality but also their gifts and contributions.

One aspect of living in a Golden Age upon a New Earth (“Terra Christa”) is often overlooked. That is the concept of communal energies. While the merging of our fields occurs in the regular Third dimensional world we all know, this aspect becomes much more pronounced when living in a higher frequency because lower energies are much more noticeable once you raise your frequency. What one member of the group feels or thinks; all members of the group will experience and at a much greater level than in the Third dimension. All will be impacted positively or negatively depending on the particular vibration of the emotion or the thought form.

In the Third dimension individuals who are more considerate and caring of others (which is a descriptive adjective that can be applied to a Lightworker), may have the habit of dealing with disruptive or lower frequency personal feelings and thoughts by keeping them to ones self as they work on resolving it, while those who are less concerned about how they affect others may be more abusive and outwardly more negative in their expression of those frequencies within them.

Recognizing one’s own energies as something to be monitored and corrected if needed is a trait of the more awakened soul, partly because they probably are also more sensitive to energies themselves but mostly because they realize they are seeking the pathway to greater Unity. Lightworkers and those who designate themselves as being here on earth to assist in the awakening of humanity are indeed more sensitive so they can learn to master a deeper level of energetic perceptions within, and outside of themselves.

The path to living together as One, requires more diligence because we cannot arise to a new way of being without the complete discovering of exactly how we each are contributing to the energies of the earth, each other and existence itself.

How often are we the unwitting or unknowing cause of disruption? How often do we contribute to continuing or condoning the exact frequencies that we find so destructive?

We all know that energy, once created, continues to exist. In terms of our fields, especially the mental and emotional bodies, what we create within will then continue to radiate outward. It cannot be ‘uncreated’ once created; it can only be slowed or stopped by another creation of lesser or equal force (respectively).

Communal living truly requires a depth of harmony not normally comprehended because the level of “right energy” that must be not only created to begin with, but then carefully nurtured and protected, is not something that many of us have ever experienced firsthand.

In our Third dimensional life conditioning, we can get away with ignoring much of what we feel or think inside, internalizing and suppressing any unwanted experiences or emotions so that we do not have to deal with them.

This is, to use an often overused phrase that is probably more applicable here than in any other usage, “the true root of all evil”.

Living in a Fifth Dimensional field of frequency means that one cannot carry around such baggage. All energies of those who make up the sum of the whole truly make up the whole. And this is true regardless of if you are aware of your baggage or not. Baggage is baggage. It is not personal, it is just what is. Third dimensional life carry’s a great deal of baggage with it.

Here is a cursory set of relationship guidelines to follow in order to begin the process of clearing out the baggage and raise your vibration so that you can lay a foundation for living communally upon the New Earth.

  1. Learn the Art of Self Awareness – one must be able to perceive when they are affected by lower frequencies, regardless of the source originating as external or internal. At the level of awareness we are speaking about, this is not a skill taught in most current cultures. It requires a true knowing of one’s inner self. One must learn who they really are to be aware of when they are not being that person. It is not a simple journey but it is very possible and much required being the first step in personal Mastery.
  2. Brave into Open Conversation – no resolution can exist in a world where things remain hidden. This is why you are seeing so many previously hidden aspects of our corporations, organizations and governments coming to light. We must also mirror that action by bringing what is inside us to light as well. Even if you are not really aware of anything more than an imbalance in your field, let alone your emotions or thoughts, learn to speak to others about your state of being. After all, your state of being actually contributes to theirs. Isolation or putting off such a conversation is only contributing more to the existence of disharmony within the larger field of the communal energy.
  3. Discover How to Raise Your Frequency – seek out tools and resources on how to “shift” your state of being in terms of a Higher Frequency of living. There are many coaching or traditional methods that can have you delve into your thoughts and emotions. Seek out those that have you gain full awareness of your perceptions and the ability to then shift your perspective and state of being in short order. There are some methods that involve techniques that accelerate the process so you do not need to spend years in therapy trying to retrace your footsteps, these involve using the knowledge and vibrations of the Higher Frequencies within the healing process itself. Regardless of what form of practice or methods you use, the goal is to not allow your past conditioning reaction to dictate your future wellbeing action. This is a process of discovering how often we make assumptions not only about others and their motivations but how deeply we are conditioned in doing so within our own conscious, or more accurately, subconscious.

Clearly these pointers are merely overview descriptions but they are very necessary if one desires to live in true harmonious relations with others. As we move forward into the energies of the New Earth within the 21st Century, the old patterns of allowing disruptive ways of being in our lives will no longer work. The higher vibrations of the cosmic energies now hitting and starting to be anchored within mother earth will make the gap between lower energies and higher energies more pronounced with every passing day. Individuals will find that the dysfunctional coping mechanisms they had successfully used to distract or divert issues or circumstances will cease to protect them. After all, the actual desire is to live in real companionship not just in the company of others, and that is how it is in the Fifth Dimension.


©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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