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How to Visit the Royal Teton Retreat of the Ascended Masters

Accelerate with the Meditation Journey Class from Walking Terra Christa to understanding how to prepare for Visiting the Royal Teton Retreat of the Ascended Masters at this time of year for 30 days of special dispensations.

The best availability for the spiritual opportunity to receive assistance from the Ascended Masters occurs twice a year for seekers, adepts and initiates of Ascension. Now is the time to prepare for your meditative etheric visit. As we are now arriving into the period of the attending the Royal Teton Retreat in your etheric self, it is a time to work with the Divine Masters represented by the Teton Visit to assist our progress as Initiates so that we are able to assist Humanity to help Create the New Earth.

(Using the etheric body and not just the mental body of your imagination is one of the keys to a successful visitation. When you activate the use of the etheric energy body, you actually “travel” in the etheric body, which looks just like you. It is part of your spiritual body or soul. Our Journey Meditation helps you receive that activation).

(To learn more about the Royal Teton Retreat, please see our previous blog).

I had much deeper understanding of this process hearing directly from the Great Divine Director. His essence is so powerful and loving. He blessed us with divine wisdom of seeing from a higher perspective of our ascension journey, how it affects our four body system, and how to pinpoint a core element to work at the Royal Teton to truly heal and transform into that higher part of our divine selves. I’m deeply grateful and excited to receive this divine compensation of another powerful journey of self-realization this month!

“I found this class was very helpful because I gained a clearer understanding of my challenges in my relationships… I had not seen this so clearly before because I was allowing myself to be a victim to the issue. Already I feel like a weight has shifted and I feel a beautiful expansion of self-love growing. So grateful for Walking Terra Christa and their teachings – for I am truly finding my freedom Thank you!”


It brings forth the perfect opportunity to be assisted by the Divine Masters to assist us in our past timelines that are held within our Etheric Body. The Royal Teton Retreat is open twice a year, starting at 12:01 AM on both June 15th and then on December 15th so that we as Initiates are able to work with the Karmic Board and the overlighting Masters of Lord Saint Germain, Djwhal Khul, Lord Lanto, Master Hilarion along with the Ray Chohans of the Seven Flames. (The retreat stays open for 30 days for each visitation).

We all know that the intensity of the energies on the planet has accelerated many of us into a new wave of consciousness while trying to integrate the higher light quotients within the physical body. The reason that so many awakened individuals are struggling with these energies is that the physical body is still not ready to ground the higher frequencies within the cellular structure. It can cause many elements to arise that can be very challenging to the entire four-body system.

Part of the reason that these elements are arising is that the emotional and mental bodies are not in full alignment due to past timelines that are being held within the Etheric Self. This part of your existence is your Soul’s Body of Light. It holds within it particles of both Light and Dark frequencies that need to be accessed within the Crystalline Structure. So as the shift of consciousness occurs, these elements become very acute within the Emotional and Mental bodies and can cause great strife within a person’s physical existence. This is because these elements need to be purged and/or healed so that the Carbon-based body can become the Crystalline Structure.

With the integration of the Festival of Goodwill or Humanity, there will be a reconstruction of the following elements through each of the Seven Rays of God:

◊ The Power of Will  – Blue Flame;
◊ The Will to Love  – Love and Wisdom – Golden Yellow Flame;
◊ The Will to Action – Creative and Active Intelligence – Pink Flame;
◊ The Will to Cooperate – Harmony and Balance through Conflict – Crystalline Flame;
◊ The Will to Know and To Think Correctly and Creatively –Science of Divine Mind – Green Golden White Flame;
◊ The Will to Persist will become a human characteristic, – Inner Devotion – Ruby Red Golden Flame;
◊ The Will to Organize – Ceremonial Magic & Structure – Violet Purple Flame. 

In addition, the seven Rays of God are now quantumly (in Frequencies of Higher Light) becoming grounded into the Core of Gaia, (a Solar and Cosmic Event that has steadily been happening since 2013), humanity is uniquely positioned to be able to use these Rays like never before. (This is assuming they take the proper active consciousness steps to do so).

This means accessing these Rays makes it easier for each aspirant of Ascension Mastery to gain progress.

With that greater acceptance of these Rays/Flames of Light into Gaia comes greater challenges to each soul upon earth as now they must acquire the ability to step into full realization of the Ascended Master State of Consciousness. This is why proper training is now needed.

If you are working on your own Ascension and desire the assistance of the Divine Masters / Spiritual Beings of Light to work with you and guide you in the inner plane during this open window of opportunity please enroll.

Walking Terra Christa offers a special class to work directly with the Great Divine Director and the Karmic Board to assist each person to focus upon the issue(s) they are dealing with since the Festival of Wesak. This will help in learning how to incorporate the Seven Rays of God within each of their chakras so that the third dimensional chakra grid will align with the Cosmic Levels of Acceleration.

Meditative Journey Class is available via the recording digital audio download.

(Duration approximately 90 minutes audio teaching / meditation / attunement).

The Great Divine Director shares how to focus on this seven-step process of incorporating the aspects of Will, Love, Action, Cooperation, Knowingness, Persistence, and Organization in order to fully become the new essence that you desire to achieve.

Included in the class itself is a deep meditation with the higher light aspects being incorporated more into each of the Seven Chakras. Doing so assists you to become more balanced with what you have been experiencing. What this process does is to help you, as the Initiate, to have more of a higher understanding of who you are becoming as an Integrated Self. It will assist in clarifying to each individual the area(s) they need assistance with so that the incorporation of the New Self can be fully realized.

This is a preparation training class designed to assist in your Royal Teton Retreat Visitations. As a bonus along with the class you also receive a second TETON RETREAT JOURNEY SELF GUIDED MEDITATION to use after the class for your personal visitations. 

Our recommendation as teachers of true Ascension Mastery is to use both these ascension training tools to receive the higher energies during your meditation visits within the right framework of energies, as simply intending to visit on your own assists but it does not have the higher frequency vibrational energies we provide of the DIVINE LANGUAGE NETWORK LIGHTCODESsm. It is these Higher Energies that create a stronger shift in the full body system (mental, emotional, etheric, physical bodies) that are not provided elsewhere. You may use this meditation while you fall asleep and/or are actively in the meditative state.

From Please share and repost. Rights are granted to repost this article in full (please include the included images except for a text only post) electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the original URL referral link as the original author source for transparency.

©2018-2023 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). (*formerly spelled Meleriessee). Article originally posted in 2018 and updated in 2023.



Below is original information that was shared about the Lion’s Gate in 2016 which very much still applies every year for humanity, as the LION’S GATE PORTAL represents the SIRIUS PLANETARY action of Ascension from it’s third dimensional form (Sirius A planet) into the creation of a new planet in the fifth dimensional form (Sirius B).

Over the years we have seen many articles and postings about these fifth dimensional energies being on our planet to the extent that individual believe they are now living in a fifth dimensional reality. This is despite the many lower energies that occur on the planet that are not in a higher love/light frequency of inclusiveness and oneness. We include not only the harsh weather patterns that are across the globe, but also the global pandemic, not to mention many warring conflicts among many tribes and cultures worldwide including aggressive political views. It is not possible for a planet to arise to a fifth dimension under such conditions.

All is not to be forsaken however, as it is very possible for individuals to choose a spirituality lifestyle of Ascension Mastery (Ascension Spirituality) that creates more fifth dimensional consciousness within their persona. It does require huge shifts within the personality which is made up of the mental mind, the emotional heart and the etheric soul. (We differentiate the “soul” with the lowercase “s” as being the one who reincarnates for lifetime after lifetime, hundreds of times: essential the “you” that is you. In comparison there is also the “Soul” with the uppercase “S” that is that eternal God Spark of your Divinity, which does not change from lifetime to lifetime and exists in purity at the highest dimensional frequency of the 144th Dimension). So within each person who desires to achieve it, the full body system of the mental, emotional, etheric and physical must evolve into its higher energy equivalents for the higher consciousness to become the dominant consciousness.

Anyone who has spent years of their life perfecting a trade of a skill can attest that they had to grow in many ways in order to become a master at that endeavor.

Ascension Mastery is no exception, yet, ascension from a 3d way of living into a 5d one is not possible for even an individual person without learning the in’s and out’s of why they keep reincarnating and repeating the same cycles lifetime to lifetime. This is the process the Sirius B population had to go through and it took them many decades if not hundreds of years. That is why they are specifically positioned to now assist humanity and Gaia, they know what it involves.

The key is to understand that “ascension” is not something that will happen to you, it is something you must create yourself, not as an external reality as no soul can do that, but by seeking to rewrite your karma as a soul who has lived many lifetimes. Technically, it requires “de-acending” higher light frequencies, which are the 22 Rays of God, into your entire beingness.

Gateway Portals of vibration and frequency such as the LION’S GATE are therefore, and energy that helps you look more deeper into who you are being as a soul on this planet in all aspects and areas of your life: this is both a consciousness energy and literal Rays of God from the Cosmic Dimensions. In order to “take up the mantle” of that higher person one must exhibit great fortitude and effort, just as that master crafts person had to do.

We have been exclusively teaching this form of Ascension Mastery for almost a decade as Walking Terra Christa, and Lady Mahlariessee did so herself for a decade prior. We have found there is no substitute.

At the end of the article we are including a link to utilize the energies of the Lord of Sirius to assist you in your spiritual growth to become more aligned with a way of living that is more loving, more compassionate, more inclusive, more divine even, in how one comes to view life on earth and their fellow travelers upon her, but most importantly how on comes to view themselves.

For 2021 we know that the time of this connection will cause one to rise to a higher level of acceleration if they allow it to happen. It can cause dysfunction within the physical body until the personality self accepts the transformation that is occurring.

This has been occuring since the 28th of July but specifically the 8th of August is the main portal that is being opened. It is important for souls to absorb the energies and not question it as to why or what is occurring.
Sirius is helping Gaia, us as the human souls to accept our Divine Love, remove the darkness that has ensued us and create harmony and balance in our lives which will richen all of humanity. it is a time to fully accept the power that we hold in our spiritual light bodies. They do not want Earth to go through what Sirius A did, so their assistance is very intensified.
Did you know that within your Medical Assistance Program Healing Team there is one Sirian Healer that is working to help your four body system and DNA to become more aligned with what you desire it to be? Call upon them in your meditations, before sleep and specifically state any issues you are having in your four bodies, physical, emotional, mental, etheric and of course spiritual.
Take time in silence to absorb the energies – they continue through the 12th.


Greetings My Fellow Light Beings,

It is a pleasure to connect with each of you at this powerful time of acceleration. I am Lord Metatron at your service.

I want to converse with you about the energetic exchanges that are occurring presently upon the planet. The Lion’s Gate has been receiving great attention by many individuals as it is always a very powerful moment within the year.

This year is especially interesting as the open of the gateway of energies is truly a continuation of light that occurred [last year]. You see, that the energies of last year were so very powerful that the movement of the frequency has been continuing into [this year]. We have arrived at that juncture in which the gate’s opening doorway allows for more grounding energies to occur within the planet.

It brings forth the ability for more to occur by allowing your soul’s essence to acknowledge the presence of these light formations.

The exchange of light that occurs through Sirius is very special as their planetary movements are very similar to what you are experiencing, but yet it comes in a different way of understanding. Sirius B is the planet that is emitting these frequencies; in fact, Lord and Lady of Sirius with the Councils of Sirus are very prevalent within the exchange that is occurring. We are all very present for these emanations of light to bring forth more possibilities within the physical realm of Gaia.

There are so many more elements that need to be acquired before the assistance of Sirius B can be acknowledged within a physical state of conditioning. But the process of allowing the potential of Seventh Dimensional energies to be experienced, not by the physical self, but by the higher consciousness of the Earth to be expanded within the state of consciousness of humanity.

In other words, the Earth is not becoming seventh dimensional at all, but the access of the Vortex is seventh dimensional.

This means that the transference of energies are not a grounding essence but yet it passes through the earth and then beyond the earth for the potential of acceleration to occur.

If you can understand your own consciousness and what that may mean for you in any given moment, then you can grasp the potential of more to be realized within your world. It is like standing on the edge of a precipice not knowing what the outcome will be but knowing that there is more to be realized. This is exactly what is occurring presently through this Lion’s Gate.

The energy of this vortex of light represents a spiritual grounding force that needs to be applied within the four-body system. It is an entryway to allow the inclusive energies to be received in order to assist the three minds of the conscious – sub-conscious –   super-conscious. It is the potential of all elements to come into place to allow for the entryway of more to be realized.

It is also the process of going back through the Etheric Body to allow the healing to occur. This means that the many moments that are still stuck in pockets of despair within the Etheric Level need to be released.

The Lion’s Gate is a very powerful surge of light energy that is creating all souls to awaken to another part of their reality – the reality that they know nothing about.

Not only are all souls upon the earth moving through their Etheric Self, Gaia is going through the same. This means that timelines are being healed and erupted as we speak. Events that are occurring can be elements of the past to be put into wholeness so that there are no pantheons of existence upon the earth. The pantheon energies are everywhere around the earth.

This will take some time for this clearing process to occur as it will not be an easy transition.

This, in turn, allows for the blending of all energies to come into balance. It is the highest experience of knowingness that can occur for a soul inhabited within the body upon a planet that is going through the same process. But the most important element is to allow the process to happen.

This energetic exchange can cause many energies to shift.

It is a time of great transformation in which elements will arise, healing will take place, and has the potential of allowing the physical self to step further into their destined awareness of Spirit and Matter becoming One.

You must remember that it can cause great destruction and change to occur. Be prepared for a sequence of events to change within the Earth.

Of course, this wave of light has already started on July 26, 2016. It is building up to the 8th of August and then will waver off about the 12th of August. This is when it is imperative to get to know what is happening within you.

This is not just about allowing the energies to come within you, and change; it is being part of the process.

I want everyone to be encouraged that this is a time of great growth. Each individual soul will be affected by these energies; it is imperative to realize that each of you that are fully aware of these energies have a responsibility to yourself. As you fully integrate the changes, then you are doing Gaia a great service.

Every soul upon this Earth holds their own frequencies and if those levels of light are within a low percentage, then Gaia cannot move forward. Of course, each awakened soul needs to know that they are accelerating, but it is important to fully ground the energies.

If you do not allow the change to become all parts of you, then it cannot be achieved.

The body will feel the changes so it is important for you to have tools in place that assist you in going through the process. It is about being aware of who you are becoming in each moment.

Don’t allow the third dimensional construct that you have been part of to stop you in this process.

The mirrors must be broken in order for the full effect to be realized in all of your parts: through the Physical, Etheric, Emotional, and Mental Bodies. This energetic exchange is about Alignment of the Self.

What I suggest is that after the 8th of August it should have come to a moment of culmination. It is a good time to do a ceremony for yourself especially in the outdoors.

Embrace who you are becoming.

Then, the next phase will be for you to ground it through all of your chakra centers allow your energy to become more than it was the moment before.

Another tool is to write everyday about what you are feeling, what you have done, and how you feel you have been affected for the day. Do this through the entire phase of the Lion’s Gate. This will assist you to become more of what is happening; to increase your energetic exchange within your physical cells, organs, muscles, and joints. Walk with the energy; become it completely, as it will truly help you acknowledge the change within you.

This process is allowing the change to occur within Gaia. What you are experiencing on the earth presently is exactly what Sirius went through and that is why they separated into another planet.

Each of the beings of Sirius along with myself, Archangel Michael, and many others are working with each of you to help in this process of sustaining these energies upon the earth.

Expect changes to happen. I know you are being challenged with everything that is occurring within and around the earth, but your role is to stay above that increased duality. Don’t buy into it and remember your tools for the changes you are about to experience.

This is the year in which the true grounding needs to occur in order to allow the actualization of the new light to come into existence. Remember that this is the year of endings and new beginnings. This is something to truly be excited about.

Allow the energies to become you, Do the Work, and then See the Results to appear within You.

I Am Lord Metatron at your service.

So Mote It Be ~ It is Done

Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Mahlariessee (formerly spelled “Meleriessee”).



© 2016-2021 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. Michael Ara Hayden. Please feel free to share this article in complete unaltered original form.

Become the Phoenix: The Spiritual Meaning of the Full Moon ~ Master Djwhal Khul ~ Festival of Lights

Ascension Mastery Message for the Full Moon Energies of Pisces within Sun of Virgo for September 13th-14th, 2019 with Master Djwhal Khul. Transmission by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee of Walking Terra Christa.

Arising into My Rebirth

We now step into the full moon cycle of September which occurs on the 13th at 9:33 PM Pacific, while other parts of the world experience the energies during the 14th of September, 12:33 AM Eastern. The Universal time zone occurs on at 4:33 AM on the 14th of the month.

The moon is within Pisces while the sun is in Virgo. This polarity is considered the Service Axis ( as Virgo represents the physical reality of day-to-day functions, and the need for order. Whereas, Pisces is the spiritual aspect of visions and seeing a better focus of life through faith of our Divine Self.

Per the information given by there are other aspects that come into play for this full moon cycle in which Jupiter, Mars, and Neptune form a T-square creating conflicting emotions to arise resulting in great changes to occur.

Within this is the true element of Transformation which creates a sense of Re-birth.

The native teachings of the Bear Tribe (Sun Bear) relate this moon to the Harvest time in which all elements arise to be transmuted into the Light. Within the medicine wheel energies, the stone totem is Amethyst, is positioned between the South and the West directions. Amethyst is a healing stone as it helps to transmute dis-ease and darkness into a healing state. The plant totem is the Violet which helps an individual to step into the realms of the Heart.

This position within the wheel represents the essence of the Bear bringing forth intuitive knowledge to be received learning to be a Visionary of your own destiny. It also cautions against being overly critical of the self or others. It is a place of honoring our paths of where we are, spiritually, in order to move forward.

Honesty and integrity are the true warriors to be acknowledged within the Self.

The Harvest Moon brings to us the element of learning how to penetrate the heart and make decisions from our higher perspective and not the lower ego. As that occurs, great manifestation of our desires can occur.

Since the Piscean energies represent the Spiritual Self, we call upon these energies at this time to help the Physical Self of Virgo to acknowledge, that within the lower consciousness, we do not know the true answer to our destiny. It lies within our Higher Self and I Am Presence to be acknowledged. We must accept, that we as a soul, have the ability to feel our true worth and essence as long as we get the lower mental mind out of the way.

This is why we are calling the present energies Arising Above Out of the Ashes into a new Beginning.

It is now time to fully embrace the power of our higher essence to be the deciding factor which can cause an individual to have to face their truth that is within them in order to empower themselves. This is not an easy process, but we are being assisted by the Universal Core with the Light Energies to walk through this doorway positively, which is truly our destiny.

On the other side of this moon lies infinite possibilities for each of us to embrace a better part of ourselves. But we must allow our Higher Self to guide us through the dark doorway that has kept us in bondage from freedom. The Phoenix represents this freedom ~ rising above the ashes below.

As we experience this rebirth, we help others to do the same. This is not a selfish act but in truth what we do for ourselves, we do for others.

We have to look and see what is happening around the world at this time. It is devastating to our hearts to see what others are enduring so, as the Awakened Ones, we must rise to the occasion to help ourselves to see what is holding us back and go higher into the light.

As we do so, we will see that more Light will be sent to the Earth to help those that may not understand how to create what every human desires to be in each moment.


Master Djwhal Khul’s Keynote for September 2019:

“I allow the darkness of what I have been to arise above into my Higher Essence as I Rebirth Myself creating my new Harvest of Reality assisting Others to do the same.”



“It is my pleasure to speak to each of you in this moment. I am Master Djwhal Khul at your service.

We know that this year of 2019 represents stepping more fully into learning how to walk as a Master. It has brought forth a deep sense of change that many may not have realized would occur for them.

Within this change, I am not speaking about your physical reality, but the adjustments you have had to make within your consciousness ~ of who you are and who you desire to become. This is the year of great acceleration, but within that movement of accessing higher aspects of yourself, it takes great courage to look within and see what else needs to occur.

I think it is important for this Month of the Harvest to really look back and see what you can improve upon for yourselves. There is always room for an individual to advance within their own potential and to realize that it comes from within your essence, not from your outside experiences.

This cycle is giving every human being the opportunity to look deeper within themselves in order to re-create their experience upon the earth.

If each individual was able to achieve this within themselves the world would be a much better place to be. There would be more community and camaraderie between souls. All that is not right in the world stems from each and every individual person of whom they think they are deep within their heart.

Each person has a grand opportunity at this point, to make their lives better due to these energies. It is important to realize that there is always something that needs to be improved upon and it needs to occur on an individual basis.

Let’s think about that for a moment.

It is the moon of the Harvest when it is a powerful time to create intentions to bring forth abundance in many areas of living.

But as a soul, if you do not look within yourself of what needs to be changed, then those manifestations will be created by whom you are in this moment. And, you may think that you are doing okay, and this would not happen to you. But it truly is not so.

Every soul upon the earth is going through a healing phase whether you share it with others or not. Your Etheric Self, which is your traveling soul, holds many energies, thoughts, and memories within yourself. It is how you have created your life whether it be for the good and not so good.

The Etheric Self (body) has to heal so deeply within you that it has nothing to do with your physical consciousness except that who you think you are as a person needs to occur on a deeper level.

I ask each of you to take time for this full moon cycle to truly breathe deeply for 30 minutes, connect to your Heart Essence and your higher consciousness. Allow your Prana Breath to take you into a deeper part of your consciousness; possibly somewhere you have not traveled before. Allow your intentions to be realized from your Pure Heart and not your Lower Ego.

The breath may take you on a journey of your emotions; allow them to flow through you, release the pain and suffering inside of you. What is your deepest fear? Acknowledge it, embrace it, and let it become you.

Your breath will then take you to a better place within yourself. This is the moment that you write your Intention for this moon. Try to allow yourself to only concentrate about one area of your life.

Now and only now, is when your true growth will occur. This is become your Harvest Moon as you allow your Divine Self to guide you to the next step.

What occurs through this process, is that your consciousness and full body system then embodies this energy. It becomes you and it will be sent to others just by allowing yourself to be you.

This is the Moon of Rebirth, arise out of your dark thoughts, and allow yourself to fly like the Phoenix.

I walk with each of you as we learn together how to create the New Earth.

Many blessings of love,

I Am Master Djwhal Khul at your service.”

To help you absorb these energies from your abstract mind and embrace the Feminine elements, Walking Terra Christ is facilitating a ceremony (global online or phone audio conference) for the Festival of Lights on Saturday, September 14th, 2019 at 10 AM Pacific. Join to personally receive and co-create higher spiritual light for earth and humanity. Setting up an ASCENSION COLUMN in your own space will also be very beneficial. Please see the ASCEND EARTH PROJECT.

These are vibrationally powerful experiences with the Masters and Spiritual Hierarchy of the Christed Consciousness. For the Full Moon event we energetically connect and travel in a meditative transference to the Golden Etheric City of Wakan-Soieka located in the 5th dimension over the area of North and South Dakota, Wyoming, and Montanna within the United States. This City holds the frequencies of the Seven Rays of God (Seven Flames).

You may access the conference via your computer or phone (please note this is an audio only conference).

Worldwide access: Click link to join via computer or phone: (International conference dial-in phone numbers are listed on the link) or Dial: (712) 770-5505, use Access #266957.

These free (donation supported from those who can do so) online global audio events are designed to help you connect to the higher frequency vibration of these sacred energies.

If you miss the live event, the audio will be posted in our AUDIO LIBRARY after the live event concludes.

STEP 1-WILLING TO SURRENDER TO LOVE ~ Lord Saint Germain with Lady Nada

Lord Saint Germain is the Mahachohan of the Seven Rays of God. He brings forth an understanding of how to Surrender to the Emotions that are a necessary prerequisite to healing within the 2nd Initiation of Ascension Mastery.

It is my pleasure as Lord Saint Germain to assist each of you in understanding the lessons you are learning within the Initiate Pathway. The important elements to realize is that it not only applies to your Higher Self becoming integrated but how your Lower Self (of the Physical, Etheric, Emotional, and Mental Bodies) relate to the experience of your Spiritual Body becoming more focalized within your consciousness.

The first level of your initiation represents your awakening of your physical senses to another world that is beyond your reach. You realize that there is more to living than being in the third dimensional construct, “Nothing is truly as you thought it was.”

It opens up doorways into your psyche to help you understand that as a human being you are more than the physical consciousness. It is at this level that you can have the revelation that not only can you have spiritual gifts but you can change the drama you have been living within your physical world.

Not all initiates can have this realization within themselves as it takes much effort to get to a point of seeing that the world around you is working in myriad ways of perception, some good but not always.

At the first level, an initiate realizes that their physical way of doing things is no longer working; an individual can become health consciousness while having the desire to take care of themselves realizing that their body is a temple that must be healed and acknowledged. It is also at this stage that the Etheric Body becomes activated within an individual. Remembrances can occur from past timelines and if you are more attuned, you will realize your Angelic Presence within you.

Stepping into the 2nd level of initiation brings for the ability to learn more about the emotional body. It is a time to allow the Act of Surrender to become commonplace within the consciousness so that the way a person is feeling needs to be more understood. We call this process leaving the Hall of Ignorance and stepping into the Hall of Knowledge by learning more about who you are as a person from the standpoint of the Emotional Body. This is the process of learning how to access of the first step ~ Willing to Surrender to Love.

Many of the individuals that accept this initiation as part of their physical existence realize that their emotional body is construed with lower elements of shame, guilt, unworthiness, abandonment issues, being compulsive, having a lack of emotional intimacy, and wanting to be in control of all situations and people in their life.

This is where the lower self is in control and needs to be healed. Some individuals call this Recovering the Essence of the Inner Child which truly represents the Emotional Body needing to be healed from past traumas and events. Now this part of the emotional layers can not only stem for your present lifetime but many other lifetimes in which your soul experienced periods of great challenge and neglect. It has arisen in this timeline for every soul to address the energies so that true healing can be acknowledged and accepted.

The initiates that ignore this part of their history will find that their lifepath will be strewn with great challenges and emotional turmoil. The process of accepting your soul’s history is allowing all remembrances come to the surface to be healed. You have to remember that you are becoming a multi-dimensional being of light and all timelines will be revealed no matter the level of intensity that they bring forth.

In order to fully step into the Hall of Knowledge an initiate must learn what feels right within their psyche and what does not fit. Pushing it away with higher accelerations will assist in the moment but the truth of the matter is that it needs to be fully rectified; otherwise the issues will reappear in different situation throughout your pathway.

As masters, each of us have grown through similar processes to help our own emotional bodies to be healed; the difference at this time is that the energies within Gaia are so very intensified that the elements you are dealing with are being magnified in a much larger percentage than it was hundreds of years ago.

So as an Initiate moving into the 2nd Initiation of the Emotional Body it is essential to truly Surrender to all that does not fit who you think you are within the emotional level. It takes some deep soul searching to look into these layers so that you can see the changes you are making as they need to be fully grounded into your full existence. Emotions are the cornerstone of the four-body system; it is how you will relate your energies and how your mental body will react to your emotional self. This is how you will achieve the balance of the Masculine and Feminine Divine.

When you reach this stage of your development it is important to realize the potential you must create healing within your Emotional Body, it is the step that will assist you to accept a healthy Mental Body as both work within each other to assist you to become more fully balanced.

It is when an initiate starts to learn the lessons and apply the knowledge that has been gained that they step into the Hall of Wisdom. This is truly a great gift for any initiate to realize the potential they have accepted within their emotional and mental bodies by correlating all experiences through the Etheric Self.

As the Mahachohan of all the Rays, I want to reiterate how important it is to work with the first Seven Rays of God. You could look at the emotional issues and see that you might want to have the strength to walk into the emotional imbalance that you are dealing with. But ideally, we want to bring forth a sense of Serenity and Peace.

Think about this for a moment. When you allow the essence of Tranquility to come into your Emotional Center, what happens? You relax and then the process of what you need to do will be adjusted within you. You are actually able to SURRENDER to all the other emotions you are dealing with. This allows you to be in the Hall of Knowledge to gain the Wisdom that is required to understand what is occurring for you from the Emotional Body, the 2nd Initiation. Without going through this process, you cannot advance into the higher initiations with ease and grace. It will become just the opposite effect. Each initiate must realize that the ray assists in the healing process, but the work through the subconscious mind must be done. Otherwise, the issues will resurface to be worked upon.

I ask you to call upon Lady Nada of the Ray of Inner Devotion of the Ruby Red-Gold Flame. It brings forth a sense of peace and calmness when you allow yourself to connect with the flame itself but even more of a stabilization with Lady Nada as your guide. She is the twin ray of Lord Sananda and has taken over the role of Ray Chohan. I will let her help you through this process herself:

Greetings My Dearest Initiates,

It is my pleasure to exhibit my essence unto each of you in this moment. I understand the pitfalls of being on the mastery pathway and how challenging it can be to step into the world of pure honesty of the self.

This process is absolutely essential in order for you to achieve lasting results. It is imperative to walk through the periods of darkness that can befall upon you so that you can find the power of your emotional self to be fully in alignment with what your Higher Self tells you to be.

That can be a challenging concept – to listen to your Higher Self, feel that essence that is you which can be so beautiful and soothing, but then to integrate those energies within your emotional body so that it can be healed.

There is no other way to get through this step of your acceleration. You cannot bypass it; you cannot think that achieving a higher consciousness is going to wipe away what is lying within your subconscious. It will help to break it apart, but you being the physical self within the higher self must take that initiative to change your past, heal it, accept it for what it was and see who you have become in the current state of your evolvement.

I am here to assist you to realize that the tranquility and love I give to you can be yours to hold within your heart so that it is not me making the change but truly You creating the movement of that transformation.

Surrender to what you don’t like, let it be put into the light so that it can be forever more healed and never return into the same state of awareness that it showed itself to you. Let those moments of your past be a distant fleeting thought so that it no longer bothers you.

I give you the Ruby Red-Gold Flame into your Solar Plexus to help you realize the potential that you are. Look at the particles that do not fit that essence and allow it to be revealed. Then work upon it within your subconscious mind.

Be the Change you Desire To Be.

It is my Pleasure to Exhibit my Light unto you in this moment, I Am Lady Nada.

Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

Interested in fully understanding how the energies of SURRENDER apply to the Initiations within  your Ascension and getting the higher energetic transmissions to assist you to do so? A very powerful class given by Lord Metatron and Lord Saint Germain with Lady Nada begins today. 

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© Copyright 2017 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Personal use and providing a link to this article for informational or educational purpose (articles, websites or blogs) is welcomed and encouraged except any use related to or associated with profit making activities (including individual, business or organizational websites, publications, blogs, etc.) Reprinting or reposting this material for publications, websites or blogs that sell or advertise any products or services (as well as any printed or written reproduction) is not authorized without written permission. Rights are only granted to repost this material (in full and unedited with working url links) electronically on informational websites or blogs that do not sell or advertise any products or services. In such cases, you must include this complete copyright statement in full including the above active url referral links to help everyone stay informed and support our messages. In cases of text only formats, these active url links may be converted to display the full path of the url as linked. The information contained herein does not constitute the rendering of healthcare advice or the provision of treatment or treatment recommendations. It is not to be considered or inferred as medical or psychological advice. Use of the website and its originating content constitutes agreement of terms as provided under Website Terms and Disclaimer (click here).



Lord Metatron shares how an initiate can understand how to walk into the 2nd Initiation of the Emotional Body by first accessing their Angelic Presence, of the 1st Metatronic Seal – Integration & Initiation of the Solar Angel.

In order to walk through the higher initiation with a feeling of synchronicity an individual must first realize the potential they have as a Soul within their Physical Self.

Many awakened individuals do not realize the potential they have as being that person that has opened up their Etheric Self to the realities of many dimensions of light. They have a sense of their ego telling them that they are special and do not see that what they have been given is the doorway to be opened into their Soul’s History of Light, the Etheric Self. They may even get caught up in thinking that they have all the answers, that the messages they receive are within God’s Light, just because the window of opportunity has been opened for them.

It is important to realize that in order for an Initiate to fully accept their potential as an awakened soul, that they have a responsibility to their physical self and others around them. I see this happening so often amongst the souls that are opening themselves to new avenues of inter-dimensional light.

When a person awakens to the fact that there are other realities that they can perceive, the leave the Hall of Ignorance. This allows them to walk through a doorway into the perception of their Etheric Self, the Soul’s Body of Light that has been with them for all of eternity. They then move into the Hall of Knowledge – in which they learn their lessons; and then the Hall of Wisdom, where they gain the golden nugget of learning each lesson.

Now the Etheric Body is just like all the other bodies of light; it has been asleep and now has the reality that it is part of a greater whole within the consciousness of the four-body system. It has all the feelings, the realities of all experiences in and out of the body, it brings froth the remembrances of past timelines which are good and bad to help the individual self to heal from the inside out.

In many individuals that are able to see through the Eternal Truth of who they have been, they will realize that they are more than their mental mind perceives them to be. They may even realize that they were an angel in the first incarnation and bring forth that element of actualization into the four-body system. An initiate that perceives this part of themselves will go far in their studies of their eternal self. It is a very special person that can understand that this is part of their evolution.

It is represented by accessing and acknowledging the first Metatronic Seal, Integration and Initiation of the Solar Angel.

The Solar Angel represents the first entryway of understanding your Soul’s history. It serves as the first incarnation from formlessness into a reality under the guidelines of Divine Mother and Father God. You see, the Solar Angel represents the ability to realize that the first step has been initiated. As an Angel, it was your entry level into the awareness of the Angelic Presence. Each person has a Solar Angel and is the bridge to the higher reality of your Higher Self.

It is within this stage that the Soul Essence realizes the potential that they have to integrate the Solar Angel within the Physical Self. It is the first step to Self-Realization that the Mental and Emotional Body is aligned with the Etheric Self as this part of the reality knows the potential that an individual has within themselves.

As your Solar Angel is initiated within your consciousness, you then become the integration of both – the Angel you are and the Higher Self you are. This is because you are existing within a physical body and all realities are possible.

It is within this stage of your evolution as a soul that you leave the Hall of Ignorance and fully accept the potential you are through your Etheric Self.

Many initiates go through this process in their altered states of reality. The potential is to allow the Conscious Mind to remember the Angelic Self so that it can start to work as One. If an individual has the potential within their Etheric Self to remember the Solar Angel, then the process of their initiations will go much smoother than someone who has no conscious memory of the integration.

It is about allowing the process to occur – not through control mechanisms but being in a State of Allowance – that all things are in alignment through the higher dimensional realities into the physical state of existence.

It is important to realize the potential you have to initiate your Solar Angel, as it is the doorway into your Etheric Self, the Soul’s History of Light.

This is the first seal that is most important for every initiate to access as it is the bridge unto the higher light they are. It also has the potential to assist the mental and emotional bodies to come into the alignment of the four-body system. It will create a pathway for the initiate to go through their lessons at a much lesser degree of intensity, because they will have accessed the Pure State of Allowing the energies to work with them and not against them.

My suggestion for each initiate is to call upon their Solar Angel to assist them to know themselves on a deeper level. We have to remember that the Etheric Body holds the history of all that you have experienced as a soul in and out of body since it’s time of inception. The Solar Angel is the Bridge to the Higher Self, bringing forth the 4th initiation of the integration of the Three Minds within the Three-Fold Flame of the Wisdom (and Will), Love, and Power of each Initiate and Master.

Start first and foremost with the Solar Angel; try not to jump into the Higher Self. Sometimes initiates forget the process of the Solar Angel so the transition to be One with the Higher Self can sometimes be more challenging. It takes longer to feel the Higher Self essence because the Etheric Self has not been activated so there can be a struggle for the interaction to occur. It does not mean it won’t happen, but it will be a much longer involved process.

Take time within your breath, to relax your full body system. Use the breath to help you relax your heart and allow your angel wings to spread from the back of your shoulder blades. Sit quietly with this energy so you can then allow the wings to spread. Notice what your thought and your emotional process is at this time. Feel the joy that becomes you. Then, call upon your Higher Self to be part of the process.

The more often you use this exercise the easier it will to connect to the Divinity of Light that you are from the angelic standpoint into your Higher Self Essence. Use it daily to fully feel this presence. It will assist you with working through the emotional and mental turmoil that your other bodies are dealing with. Consistency is the key to achieving this part of your mastery.

I am Lord Metatron at your Service.

Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

Interested in fully understanding how the SOLAR ANGEL can benefit your Ascension and getting the higher energetic transmissions to assist you to do so? A very powerful class given by Lord Metatron and Lord Saint Germain begins today. 

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Did you find this post educational for your higher understanding? Not able to enroll? Instead please consider supporting our work with a $3 donation for this article right now for 2017. Everyone reading this can help make a difference. We require public support to bring forth these important Ascension Mastery transmissions.

© Copyright 2017 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Personal use and providing a link to this article for informational or educational purpose (articles, websites or blogs) is welcomed and encouraged except any use related to or associated with profit making activities (including individual, business or organizational websites, publications, blogs, etc.) Reprinting or reposting this material for publications, websites or blogs that sell or advertise any products or services (as well as any printed or written reproduction) is not authorized without written permission. Rights are only granted to repost this material (in full and unedited with working url links) electronically on informational websites or blogs that do not sell or advertise any products or services. In such cases, you must include this complete copyright statement in full including the above active url referral links to help everyone stay informed and support our messages. In cases of text only formats, these active url links may be converted to display the full path of the url as linked. The information contained herein does not constitute the rendering of healthcare advice or the provision of treatment or treatment recommendations. It is not to be considered or inferred as medical or psychological advice. Use of the website and its originating content constitutes agreement of terms as provided under Website Terms and Disclaimer (click here).



Greetings My Fellow Light Beings,

It is a pleasure to connect with each of you at this powerful time of acceleration. I am Lord Metatron at your service.

I want to converse with you about the energetic exchanges that are occurring presently upon the planet. The Lion’s Gate has been receiving great attention by many individuals as it is always a very powerful moment within the year.

This year is especially interesting as the open of the gateway of energies is truly a continuation of light that occurred in 2015. You see, that the energies of last year were so very powerful that the movement of the frequency has been continuing into 2016. We have arrived at that juncture in which the gate’s opening doorway allows for more grounding energies to occur within the planet.

It brings forth the ability for more to occur by allowing your soul’s essence to acknowledge the presence of these light formations.

The exchange of light that occurs through Sirius is very special as their planetary movements are very similar to what you are experiencing, but yet it comes in a different way of understanding. Sirius B is the planet that is emitting these frequencies; in fact, Lord and Lady of Sirius with the Councils of Sirus are very prevalent within the exchange that is occurring. We are all very present for these emanations of light to bring forth more possibilities within the physical realm of Gaia.

There are so many more elements that need to be acquired before the assistance of Sirius B can be acknowledged within a physical state of conditioning. But the process of allowing the potential of Seventh Dimensional energies to be experienced, not by the physical self, but by the higher consciousness of the Earth to be expanded within the state of consciousness of humanity.

In other words, the Earth is not becoming seventh dimensional at all, but the access of the Vortex is seventh dimensional.

This means that the transference of energies are not a grounding essence but yet it passes through the earth and then beyond the earth for the potential of acceleration to occur.

If you can understand your own consciousness and what that may mean for you in any given moment, then you can grasp the potential of more to be realized within your world. It is like standing on the edge of a precipice not knowing what the outcome will be but knowing that there is more to be realized. This is exactly what is occurring presently through this Lion’s Gate.

The energy of this vortex of light represents a spiritual grounding force that needs to be applied within the four-body system. It is an entryway to allow the inclusive energies to be received in order to assist the three minds of the conscious – sub-conscious –   super-conscious. It is the potential of all elements to come into place to allow for the entryway of more to be realized.

It is also the process of going back through the Etheric Body to allow the healing to occur. This means that the many moments that are still stuck in pockets of despair within the Etheric Level need to be released.

The Lion’s Gate is a very powerful surge of light energy that is creating all souls to awaken to another part of their reality – the reality that they know nothing about.

Not only are all souls upon the earth moving through their Etheric Self, Gaia is going through the same. This means that timelines are being healed and erupted as we speak. Events that are occurring can be elements of the past to be put into wholeness so that there are no pantheons of existence upon the earth. The pantheon energies are everywhere around the earth.

This will take some time for this clearing process to occur as it will not be an easy transition.

This, in turn, allows for the blending of all energies to come into balance. It is the highest experience of knowingness that can occur for a soul inhabited within the body upon a planet that is going through the same process. But the most important element is to allow the process to happen.

This energetic exchange can cause many energies to shift.

It is a time of great transformation in which elements will arise, healing will take place, and has the potential of allowing the physical self to step further into their destined awareness of Spirit and Matter becoming One.

You must remember that it can cause great destruction and change to occur. Be prepared for a sequence of events to change within the Earth.

Of course, this wave of light has already started on July 26, 2016. It is building up to the 8th of August and then will waver off about the 12th of August. This is when it is imperative to get to know what is happening within you.

This is not just about allowing the energies to come within you, and change; it is being part of the process.

I want everyone to be encouraged that this is a time of great growth. Each individual soul will be affected by these energies; it is imperative to realize that each of you that are fully aware of these energies have a responsibility to yourself. As you fully integrate the changes, then you are doing Gaia a great service.

Every soul upon this Earth holds their own frequencies and if those levels of light are within a low percentage, then Gaia cannot move forward. Of course, each awakened soul needs to know that they are accelerating, but it is important to fully ground the energies.

If you do not allow the change to become all parts of you, then it cannot be achieved.

The body will feel the changes so it is important for you to have tools in place that assist you in going through the process. It is about being aware of who you are becoming in each moment.

Don’t allow the third dimensional construct that you have been part of to stop you in this process.

The mirrors must be broken in order for the full effect to be realized in all of your parts: through the Physical, Etheric, Emotional, and Mental Bodies. This energetic exchange is about Alignment of the Self.

What I suggest is that after the 8th of August it should have come to a moment of culmination. It is a good time to do a ceremony for yourself especially in the outdoors.

Embrace who you are becoming.

Then, the next phase will be for you to ground it through all of your chakra centers allow your energy to become more than it was the moment before.

Another tool is to write everyday about what you are feeling, what you have done, and how you feel you have been affected for the day. Do this through the entire phase of the Lion’s Gate. This will assist you to become more of what is happening; to increase your energetic exchange within your physical cells, organs, muscles, and joints. Walk with the energy; become it completely, as it will truly help you acknowledge the change within you.

This process is allowing the change to occur within Gaia. What you are experiencing on the earth presently is exactly what Sirius went through and that is why they separated into another planet.

Each of the beings of Sirius along with myself, Archangel Michael, and many others are working with each of you to help in this process of sustaining these energies upon the earth.

Expect changes to happen. I know you are being challenged with everything that is occurring within and around the earth, but your role is to stay above that increased duality. Don’t buy into it and remember your tools for the changes you are about to experience.

This is the year in which the true grounding needs to occur in order to allow the actualization of the new light to come into existence. Remember that this is the year of endings and new beginnings. This is something to truly be excited about.

Allow the energies to become you, Do the Work, and then See the Results to appear within You.

I Am Lord Metatron at your service.

So Mote It Be ~ It is Done

Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee

For those interested in being a PLANETARY HEALER within the ASCENSION MASTERY PATH, our August Retreat starts on August 16th. It is a retreat of personal transformation for the Self and Gaia.  Please click here to read about this special event.

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).
Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:

The Transition of Gaia ~ New Earth Frequency Update June 2016


new earth

Greetings and Love,

We are Master Thoth, the Great Divine Director, and Master Einstein representing the Unified Whole Command of the 144th Dimensional Frequency of Light.

We would like to share with you the dynamics of the energies that are presently occurring within the Earth and how you may be affected during this time as great accelerations are occurring for everyone, within and around the Earth.

2016 truly has been a powerful year but yet all the years leading up to this time have created the availability for each of you to experience more frequency of light than the previous years. The changes that are occurring presently are beyond the scope of understanding within the human mind but yet so many individuals are looking to information that will assist them to UNDERSTAND from their mental body. Sometimes as a human you just have to let go of the chatter to really find the true answer. It is an element that has to occur from your Divine Mind, your Higher Self, into the focus of your physical existence.

So how does One go from the Physical Mind into the Higher Mind?

Well, that is exactly what each of you is experiencing presently whether you are intentionally working upon it or it is happening through your higher states of awareness. The process of life changing upon the Earth is occurring right before your eyes, within your consciousness, and through your physical experiences. This is what is called the Ascension Process, and it is going to continue for quite some time.

But what stage of growth are you experiencing presently?

As the influctuation of the light energy is increased around the planet, it allows for seepage of these light elements to come into the existence of humanity. But since the Awakened individuals are still at a low percentage level, then the experience of this light is going to be increased within each person. This means that each of you that are aware of the elevated energies is going to be effected at a higher rate than the general population of the Earth. The more aware you become, the more that you accept to receive these energies within your system.

As the planet is changing through this process, it is imperative that each soul receives these increased energies so that it can be held within the core of Gaia. This means that each of you must be very diligent to realize that you will change in the re-patterning of the earth. In fact, you have asked to take on this role so that this earth can arise into her higher creations of light. You are the beacon of light to take on these responsibilities so that others can do the same.

But how do you go about allowing this to happen without feeling overload?

This is a very good question as within the context of your physical mind, there cannot be any answers. There is only the continued thoughts of how and why you can continue through this process.

Change is inevitable within each of you, but it depends upon how you relate to those changes that are occurring. We also know you want the global change to happen but it cannot occur immediately. But the important element to consider is how are you being affected within your consciousness and your life to what is happening upon the Earth.

Each of you is a Torch Bearer to bring forth this energy to be held within Gaia. But yet, a Torch Bearer also has the responsibility of knowing within themselves how the changes are affecting them and how to continue to be that Torch Bearer. We believe that some individuals think that the Earth is within the 5th dimensional frequency but we beg to differ with that statement. We think it is a matter of understanding the consciousness that is occurring and not what is happening within the Earth.

There are great changes at this time. The preparation that each of you are going through is tremendous as there are more light infractions appearing within the Earth to be grounded to assist the planet to align with the 5th dimensional level, but it is up to each of you to hold it within your own consciousness. All you have to do is look at the world around you to see the battles that are occurring within countries, within leaders, and within the people. This represents the fourth dimensional level of consciousness. This earth has shifted from the third dimension because there is an awareness that was not present previously. Living within the third level represents being asleep so it is important to look around you at individuals, “are they still asleep”. Unfortunately, many still are.

But yet, the planet is still transitioning to the level that you desire to have in existence at this time. Hope is not a bad thing; in fact it is very important to see that there is a chance for the Earth to move into the higher realms of light. But please know that there still needs to be so much work in order for that pathway to be grounded within Gaia and each of you.

That is exactly what you are going through presently. It is important through each change of light that is occurring to know what is happening within you as great movements of acceleration will happen to change your four-body system into a heightened level of awareness, but there is so much more that is involved within that process. If you are not already participating in the teachings of mastery in your own life, it is imperative that you do so as they will help you to realize what is changing within your system, and to realize it is all part of the process of ascension – De-Ascending your Highest Consciousness into your Full Body System. Each of you must heal deeply in order to hold the 5th dimensional light body. It will not come into you just because the planet is transitioning into a higher level. You have to allow the healing to create more healing into the depth of your soul’s history.

So the effects of the God Force are bringing forth the light infractions to assist each of you to go through this process. Your physical bodies are not used to these elements that are increasing through each month and change of the seasons. The planet is accelerating but you must realize that there is a long way to travel until Gaia can fully accept her role as a 5th dimensional planet and then beyond.

The Solstice in June is another event that is going to catapult these energies into a higher frequency of light for each of you. The understanding of what is occurring is not our role to share as Lord Metatron wants to bring forth that information, but we can tell you that each of you are preparing to hold more light energy within your physical form. There is a great deal of internal work that needs to be done in order for it to be held within you. Changes have to result within your psychological self as it represents your multi-dimensional personality, your soul body of light (the Etheric Body), and how that integration occurs within your entire structure.

So yes, many of you are being challenged. It is affecting your sleep, your times of being awake, your chakras being realigned, your intuitive self is becoming stronger, and more light quotient being grounded within your physical self. All of these elements create havoc within the physical body especially when the individual going through that process does not understand that they have to remove the elements that have been lodged within their soul’s psychological self for eons of time. You must understand that you cannot rise to the higher frequencies without taking care of these elements. You may still feel the elevation of the light, and you will probably feel extreme pain during these times, but you won’t be able to hold it.

Some individuals may feel that this is wrong, to go into the past as it is finished. But unfortunately, your Etheric body holds it all and this part of you is your Feeling Body. It allows the other bodies of the Emotional and Mental to work through you. It cannot be ignored in any shape or form. If you don’t take care of these elements now, then you will have to do so at some time either in or out of body.

So when we look at the earth and what is happening presently, we can understand why you want to go into the “love and light” syndrome. This is not a bad thing, but realizations must come to the forefront as each of you hold this light but also hold your own darkness even if you don’t go into that space. It is ignited through your field of light and can be causing more debris to be centered upon the earth.

We know that this is not easy to hear for some of you, and others you may feel that you are starting to understand why the world is the way it is.

Yes, there are increased Light Quotients being realized in every single person at this time. And, there will be more. The important element for each of you is to be able to hold it as much as possible. Yes, these light infractions will create change for you, but it is up to each of you to realize what is happening, go into the energy, and look for yourself within the Emotional and Mental Bodies so that it can be transformed. Otherwise, we are going to be experiencing these energies upon the Earth for a very long time.

Now there may be others that are feeling the increase rate of acceleration in a different way. Their psychic abilities may be so strong that they feel as if they are moving into a different time and space. There are many opportunities at this time. The veil between the worlds is very thin and many things can happen through this process during the Solstice. This way of existing is not recommended, as it will take you into a different dimensional universe that is not aligned with the Light of God or the Source of Light. But many may decide this is the route they want to take because of the challenges they are feeling physically and emotionally. You have to remember that you have a contract with Gaia to uphold these energies even though the transition can be difficult, almost feeling as if you cannot go onward. The history within your soul is healing deeply through each transition to allow the four-body system to come into alignment as it should be. There are many timelines within your Etheric Body that ignite every time there is an increased amount of energy within the planet. It is essential that every person be able to transform their physical body into the light body, but these timelines need to be rectified, purified, and put into wholeness so that the full body system can be centered within the Earth.

The important element we want to convey is that Grounding is essential for each of you at this time. Bringing forth the accelerated energy into your full body system, allow the changes to occur for you, heal all parts of yourself through the process, and feel the new You become very grounded within your thoughts, your emotions, and everything that is important to existing upon this Earth. We need you to stay, not to leave and go into other worlds. We know it is not easy at all, but call upon your Higher Essence to help you realize the contract that you have taken on.

It is a critical time for Gaia and for each of you. Holding as much of these light frequencies within you to be grounded to her essence is imperative. Others need to feel this especially the Ones that are still asleep; we need each of you to become better within yourself to hold this essence you are becoming. Work through your physical elements, call upon each of the Brothers and Sisters of the White Brotherhood to assist you, become the Master you desire to be.

As you do so, you will heal your body, your emotions, and your thoughts. You will become the Divine Mind as is deemed appropriate through the Ascended Master State of Consciousness.

Step into the energy of the Solstice and this coming season with a renewed sense of who you are becoming. Allow yourself to change in the process, be happy with your transition even when it feels not so joyful. Each of you has this power within you to be One with your Higher Self or Divine Mind and this is the process you need to realize for yourself.

We want to extend our loving assistance to help you through the transition of the New Earth. Realize within yourself that you can be in the 5th dimensional consciousness, within your thoughts and your emotions, and the more you feel this, the more it will become concrete within Gaia’s core. But always be honest with yourself of what you are feeling, the emotions and thoughts that come into your consciousness as they need to be changed.

You will thank yourself for acknowledging all elements of who you are becoming. And most of all, Gaia thanks you for taking on an enormous role of responsibility to assist her so that other souls will be able to come to the 5th dimensional earth of Terra Christa. It is a beautiful time of great acceleration. We have deep compassion and love for each of you.

Blessings on our journey together,

We are the Unified Whole Command of

Master Thoth, The Great Divine Director, and Master Einstein

Walking Terra Christa will be holding a Solstice/Full Moon Ceremony on Monday, June 20th, 2016 at 4:30 PM Pacific.  For details on how to join this OPEN TELECALL, please click the link and then select the registration image.

Walking Terra Christa held a 2-hour class with Master Thoth and The Great Divine Director: REVEALING LOST PUZZLE PIECES: THE LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT.  You may utilize this class in your personal time as it represents Changing and Accepting Timelines from the soul’s perspective to assist with grounding the Solstice Frequencies of Light.

Click here to read Lord Metatron and Ascended Master Saint Germain’s message about the SOLSTICE of JUNE 2016.

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:



Greetings and Blessings,

I come to you as Master Thoth to bring forth an understanding of the Law of Cause and Effect which needs to be addressed about your own personal pathway; the way that you address the energies within your ascension process; and how it reflects your outer world.

“As an initiate on the Pathway of Mastery, it is always important to allow the present energies you are feeling to be the defining rule of who you are becoming.”

This is a very important statement that should be reflected within your consciousness every moment and every day of your existence. As a student of ascension, it can be very easy to take things for granted due to the influx of energies that you are experiencing. As you became an awakened individual, there are many elements that have occurred in your life to help you to realize what “Awakened” means in the context of being human. These are gifts that you realized are becoming part of your consciousness and has given you the ability to perceive other frequencies of light, dimensions, and understanding of whom you may have been before.

I use the word “gift” as it is an open doorway for the realization of life within a human body to be acknowledged in a complete and different way than it was before.

You probably had memories of your old life in the state of being asleep, not being able to realize the potential of your life in a completely different existence. You then are able to look at yourself with a knowingness that you did not have within yourself in the old way of thinking.

But, did you ever think about how you became an awakened individual?

This is a very important question, as it just does not happen. Otherwise, there would be many more people upon this earth that would understand what it means to be aware of their consciousness and surroundings.

There was a sequence of events that occurred in your previous experiences that helped you to come into a state of awakening, the period of existence that we say “All Things Come Into Oneness.” Sometimes it may be a series of events, or it may have been a traumatic occurrence, possibly a sickness, or a loss of a loved one. There are many variables in which this can happen. Each soul has their own way of understanding their truth.

As a master working within the Universal Laws, the sequence of events can make sense. This is due to the fact that the perception of a master involves all dimensions of existence to come into the one source of creation. But mastery does not just happen overnight, it represents a series of experiences that are part of the creative process within the human conditioning.

The Law of Cause and Effect is represented by what I am speaking about with you. It is a process of seeing how the consequence of our actions is intertwined with one another. It is a moment in which we feel the change occur within our-selves or the elements that have not been in alignment to come into our creation. It teaches you (the initiate) how you are experiencing life through your actions, your thoughts, your emotions and how it is re-created into your outside world.

So the previous four Universal Laws of Oneness, Vibration, Action, and Correspondence are all directly related to experiencing the Law of Cause and Effect in each moment that you will have a thought, an emotion, or experience. As a soul inhabited within the body, you will go through each of these experiences, as it will take you deeper into your soul’s essence to help you understand the process you have been going through.

As an individual that has become “awakened”, you take on the role of allowing all of your past deeds, thoughts, emotions, and actions to be realized once again. This is the role of stepping into your Etheric Self, it is what constitutes your Chakra System so that all elements can come into Oneness.

There are many individuals on the planet that are awakened but not all are on the Mastery Pathway. Awakening can be a state of healing for the physical body, it is actually the first step towards mastery, but again, the percentage of souls that are able to walk through the many doorways into mastery is not as high as we would like them to be.

It is a step into self awareness but cosmic awareness that allows a soul to realize the potential they have within themselves to be One with their Spirit and their Physical self.

As one experiences of the Law of Cause and Effect on a personal basis and makes it their mantra, so to speak, they can realize the potential that they have to change their life while making a positive impression upon society.

This is one of the hardest laws to fully integrate because it takes the diligence to look deeply within one’s psychological thoughts and elements that may have held them back in previous timelines. Being Honest within the self is the most important aspect to be put in place for all experiences, all thoughts, and all emotions. It will assist in re-creating the Etheric Body into a source of power and love so that the physical experience will be the highest possible reflection of the Soul’s Essence.

The difficulty is not in how to do it, but just allowing it to be. The main element that is administered within the Pathway of Mastery is the knowingness that the initiate may not know why or how, but they still push forward through the adversity. The Universe has a very special quality in that it supports a soul through the many doorways if that initiate can allow the soul to assist them in their journey. It truly is a gift when initiates allow this part of themselves to be aligned in the process without worrying what the next outcome will be.

So I pull upon my statement once again, “As an initiate on the pathway of mastery, it is always important to allow the present energies you are feeling to be the defining rule of who you are becoming.”

This should be your mantra as it will guide you into the places that you have not wanted to travel before as an un-awakened individual. Even if you do not know what the feelings represent, it allows you to continue the walk through the next doorway of who you are becoming. It is a continual journey.

The Cause is how you think and act, your vibration, and your movement; the Effect represents how it is received in your outside world.

Notice what happens to you, and then reflect on the why and how afterwards.

I Am Master Thoth at your service.

Join Walking Terra Christa on Saturday, June 4th, 2016 at 12:30 PM Pacific as we connect with Master Thoth and The Great Divine Director, REVEALING LOST PUZZLE PIECES: THE LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT.  You may join LIVE or receive the MP3 recording of the classes.

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:

Be Like the Dancing Planets ~ Embrace your Rebirth


The Unified Whole Command brings forth their essence to share that the alignment of the Dancing Planets that occurred on January 20, 2016 represent our own alignment within the Physical through the Spiritual Self.

This alignment continues for 30 days and it brings a perfect opportunity to incorporate the changes that we desire.

Greetings My Dearest Comrades of the Light,

Welcome to 2016! How does it feel? The frequencies of light are ever changing in each day, hour, and minute. That is what you will be experiencing during this cycle of acceleration.

We are honored to communicate with each of you. We represent the Unified Whole Command of the 144th dimensional energies with Master Thoth, Master Einstein, and the Great Divine Director. Our role is to assist each of you in understanding the dynamics of the earth changes and how you may help yourself through the process of GREAT CHANGE.

We are so divinely excited to be able to walk with each of you through these changes and want to reiterate to you that we represent the Source of Light that each of you reside from – your True Beginning. So we ask you to take a breath and feel our energies as we expand our essence through the writings of our communication.

As the month of January as represented a new beginning within a new year, it can hold elements of anticipation as the energy starts to enfold. As we speak at this time, of the third quarter of the month, we see that there is great confusion but yet also an alignment of energy that is helping many of you to understand that it is all in Divine Order. If you can come to that realization, then you are on the right track. The Universal Laws will become more commonplace in your consciousness as the teachings of the old ways are becoming your Way of Being. That is truly what is starting to occur within this year, but with it comes great turbulence as some of the energies are going to fight against those teachings that truly come from the truth of the eternal self.

Let us take a look of what is happening energetically within the planetary system. On the 20th of this month there has been alignment between five of the planets within your solar system which will last for 30 days.   This is a testimony of what can be to occur but within the understanding of the planets in alignment there comes a period of re-growth.

As these planets are all working within the symmetry of the Earth, they are exhibiting a forceful bond between one another. Each of their essences brings forth a special understanding but the focus within the Solar System is to show that these elements are starting to come into alignment. What happens when this occurs is that whatever does not fit that connection of light, there will be conflicting energies that will result.

Let’s take a look at them:

Mercury of Communication and Understanding

Venus of Beauty and Harmony

Mars of Energy and Intuitiveness

Jupiter of Expansion and Belief of the Cosmos

Saturn of Being Fixated towards a Cause, a Reason for existence and in-depth study of the situation

Each of these planets represent a higher order of understanding as they bring forth the ability to look at life in a very positive experience. Saturn is the planet that is holding the energies for the rest of the planets. The cause brings a New Order of Life. Mercury brings forth the ability to communicate more clearly, Mars shares its essence of an energetic exchange through being very insightful; Jupiter shares its essence of expanding the concept and belief that there is more than is being shown presently as Venus is the harmonization of love and peace of all the elements coming together in Oneness.

If you take this explanation of what is happening around the earth and bring it forth into your own experience, we are sure that you would see that a new consciousness is being created.   Aren’t you changing in each moment of your creation? Each of these elements can be understood on a personal level and how to adjust how you are dealing with your life into accepting the New You.

The cause of your existence is changing; you are learning that the foundation you have had is now being reinforced with a sense of your higher self.

Just as Gaia is expanding through her consciousness all of humanity is doing the same. The difference is that part of humanity accepts the new way of understanding that life is changing for them. The other part is still cloaked in their darkness and cannot see the Light that they truly are – their source of existence.   The difference between the two is that one part of humanity is becoming enlightened of what they have not known and the other part is not awakened to the possibilities that are being presented.

As this alignment has occurred, it will create great change in the frequency of the Earth. There will be extreme conditions in the bodily functions. Remember, it is about experiencing the alignment but also to incorporate the changes in your four-body system. So there can be great revelations of what is occurring for you.

Those of you that are working through the first seven levels of your Planetary Ascension (which represents most all awakened beings) will find that your emotions can become very raw.   As the energy is changing, it is working through the Emotional and Mental bodies for them to become aligned within each other. Deep meditations or utilizing special healing tools will assist in the process. Your subconscious is being worked upon with issues you have been having. You may find that you are anxious in one moment and then very calm in another.   This is allowing you to move into the state of Divine Oneness. Utilize spiritual tools to help you become more focused with your Higher Self energies.

In both cases of the higher initiation levels and the lower, the physical body will be affected in many different ways. There may be periods of acute feelings within the physical body where there are weaknesses. It may feel like you are healing continuously through the issues you have been dealing with. Your sleep state can be erratic. One day you are wide-awake after three or four hours, and another you are sleeping continuously. On the days of being so awake, it is time to do the inner reflection, writing, connecting to the Ascended Master State of Consciousness.

Your light quotient can increase but it is up to each individual person to sustain it. Sometimes when this happens a person feels it is uncomfortable so they do things to try and push it away. Grounding these energies in through the Earth Star and restructuring your foundation is the most important way to deal with the inconsistencies.

This is because this awareness of the dimension frequencies is coming into alignment at this time.   Inter-dimensional travel is very acute and can happen in a moment’s notice. It is important to take time to process every emotion or thought that is coming into your awareness. Some moments may seem more challenging than others.

In any case this time is one of great reflection and each moment can be different than the other.   The important element is to become very accepting of what is happening for you and not to step into the world of uncertainty. Be one with your I AM Presence.

The moon energies of January and February will also reflect these changes. So it is imperative to be grounded with yourself, do your inner work, and understand your inner self, and less concerned with the outer self.   These suggestions will help you tremendously to get through these elements.

The most important element that we can share is that your stability must come from within as changes are occurring immensely within the planet and within your own energetic system.   Your Etheric bodies are becoming more acutely aware of what is happening in the emotional and mental bodies so the adjustment can be very challenging to say the least.

As we have said before, the main component will be your connection to your Spiritual Self as the changes will become more acute. Think of the alignment of the planets with Saturn representing your own foundation.  It is important to know what is your foundation, why you are guided to do certain tasks, and what the end result may mean for you. You don’t want to bring elements into alignment that are an opposite polarity of what you are trying to integrate within yourself.The remaining planets represent the different aspects of your psychological self to be put into wholeness.

Mercury is the communicator.  How do you communicate to others?

Mars is the key to how you perceive your own energies by allowing your intuitiveness to be your guide and not your Mental Mind.

While Jupiter allows for the expansion of your physical consciousness into the higher realms.

Venus brings the beauty and harmony that is important to expand out of your field into the world around you as you share the Love That You Are Becoming.

All you have to do is look at the weather patterns and see that Gaia is experiencing the same type of conditions within her full-body system. The extreme challenges that are occurring within the planet are resulting in high temperatures and then lower temperatures. High levels of precipitation is occurring as these elements are being focused into Gaia’s core essence. This is the see-saw effect that is happening within and around the planet. There will be areas of concern for individuals, and then there will be a feeling of peace in other places around the globe.

In order to fully actualize the Divine Laws of the Universe the laws have to be applied to the consciousness of humanity individually and collectively. So what happens within that process is that elements are disrupted due to not being in alignment with that initial concept of Oneness.

All that do not adhere to the acceptance of the Light will be revealed and changed.

This is exactly what is occurring at this time as the earth is moving in her evolution towards enlightenment. When a society moves from being very un-awakened to an awakening, it takes many moments of the creative process to be initiated. This is the process that you are all experiencing at this time.

Yes, there are great challenges, but each of you has a contract to be here, to experience it, and to see it flourish into a more evolved society where many more will choose to be part of the Divine Oneness.

The Heavens are aligning with the Earth as all the Human Angels are becoming aware of their role in the New Earth.

Each of you are the Human Angels and you have traveled far and wide to come to this place in time.   You arrived in the beginning and chose to stay to assist. You have spent many lifetimes trying to bring Light to this planet and have endured so very much. It is time for the releasement of all you have held within your system. It is no longer necessary to hold it within you; it is your time to fully accept your Divinity of Light within the physical existence.

Remove these elements, my Dearest Ones, as the time will be coming that you will accept what you have chosen to experience. The transition from the dark into the light is not an easy one to experience. Let it Be, my dearest Ones. As we now see, the light within this planet. It is shining deeply in Gaia’s core; each of you.   You are removing lifetimes and lifetimes of your old existence in order to truly Be One Within Yourself as you desired it to be a long time ago.

Allow this transition that you are experiencing to be one of Greatness. As each moment that you have to change, you are re-charging the molecules surrounding your essence as others will feel your ability to transform the self.   Others will follow in your steps.   So please continue the journey of re-birth.

We honor each of you for all that you are doing, becoming, showing to others.

In Expressions of Oneness,

We are the Unified Whole Command of the 144th Dimension of Light

Master Thoth, Master Einstein and the Great Divine Director

Integrative Channel:  Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery provides many services for initiates and students to learn more about the Ascension Mastery Pathway. An additional feature (if one desires) of becoming a Member on their program is a Mentorship Program in which each student participates monthly in a group mentoring class with Lord Adama, the option of having a monthly mentoring session, along with providing a Student Guide to help initiates work through their issues while accelerating through the Initiates of Mastery. Please check out our Partner/Membership Program to experience the teachings on your own time via the recordings.


© 2016 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:


Preparing to Be an Energy Transcender with Lord Melchizedek


Walking Terra Christa is holding our second class “ENERGY POSTURE” in our series, “Transcending Energy – Ascension Clinic” which teaches on the subject of preparing the full body system to receive the higher accelerations. Our introductory class with Dr. Lorphan on the Crystalline Light Body gave an excellent background and Healing for anyone interested in learning more about, or already experiencing, the challenges of incorporating the Light Body (including what are termed “Ascension Symptoms”).

We have learned that it is essentially important to prepare the body to receive the initiations of light so that those energies can assist in raising the Light Quotient within the body and become grounded within the individual’s “FOUNDATION”.

The Foundation is located under the Earth Star and can be seen as a spiraling light formation that is created within an individual’s field. If that Foundation is filled with other elements that do not fit the higher dimensional levels that are entering the body, then the incoming energies cannot be held within the full body system.

In this class we provide some tools and techniques and explain why they are essential. Some of the subjects will be:

  • Protection for the Self and Your Environment – key elements,
  • Art of Journaling – working with the Mental Body,
  • Breathing Techniques – Preparing the Body,
  • Relaxation of the Physical – A visualization to go through all the body parts to prepare for the higher energies. We will pass on a special guided technique called “Spiraling Light”, which is a meditation that Dr. W. Brugh Joy developed that we infuse with the Higher Octave frequencies of the Rays of God.

We work with Lord Melchizedek to bring all of these steps into initiating the four-body system to prepare for the accelerations of light.

As awakened individuals, we have to go through a process to receive the energies, which will in turn, facilitate the process of healing. Without the proper foundational steps, the higher forms of healing do not take root. This is why we have to go through the purging process of removing the old elements such as fear, anger, frustration, low self-esteem issues, co-dependency issues, insecurity within the self, (just to name a few along with the Ascension Symptoms), as well as the many lessons that we encounter in order to fully accept our Divine Self Embodied Within.

It is when we go through these frequencies of the planetary changes that these elements arise within our full consciousness for us to look at them, acknowledge them, so that they can fully be put into Oneness. Many of these elements are coming from the Etheric Body, which has housed debris from the many timelines we have experienced in other times. Without going through this process, the Lower Ego can stay intact too long and cause many particles to arise within an individual that then create the opportunity for more lessons that are necessary to make the changes.

It can also cause the Mental Body to be so active that the Emotional Body cannot go through the many feelings that need to be processed. We have come from eons of the Masculine Divine being the rule of the world. As this is no longer in alignment with the Higher Octave Energies we are experiencing, it can be very challenging to step into the awareness of the emotions, allowing the Heart to heal within. This is the process of the Feminine Divine blending with the Masculine Divine, (which is exactly what the New Earth requires to come into full creation).

What all this means is we have to prepare the four-body system (Physical, Etheric, Emotional, and Mental) to receive the Higher Bodies (of the Higher Self, Monad, and I Am Presence) so that we can expand into the seven-body system.

It requires a step-by-step process to allow the energies to full be integrated through the four bodies. When an individual can automatically go into the higher state of awareness, it makes it easier, but it takes great diligence and practice to get there. As individuals, we have to teach each of our four bodies to work with one another through this process.

Sometimes we have to go back to the beginning and restructure how we achieve things in our life. As our body changes through the process, we need to be cognizant of the tools that are necessary to allow this flow of exchange. This is what our work brings forth so that a pathway that can be more easily walked to the New Earth is created.

A Message from Lord Melchizedek:


It is my Divine Pleasure to be part of these teachings. As many of you already know, I work with all of the initiates within the Mastery Pathway, and my energies are an integral part of Walking Terra Christa.

Let’s speak about what it means to have “Energy Posture”.

As a human, your body is not accustomed to receiving the higher light frequencies. It is in a period of adjustment so that it can be aligned with your Soul’s Essence from the higher realms. Some individuals become easily adjusted within this focus, but many do not. The majority of awakened souls on this planet do not know how to deal with the ascension symptoms as they come in various degrees of light frequency depending upon the lifestyle and consciousness that a person can hold within themselves.

As you prepare your body to allow the frequency to be integrated within your full consciousness, you become very aware of whom you are, what works for you, and how to get through your days within the higher frequencies of light.

Holding the higher light quotients within the body takes great diligence and patience within the soul. It does not happen automatically although many individuals may think just the opposite. You see, you have come to earth, the planet of Gravity, of Duality. You, as a soul, are probably very enlightened in the higher dimensions of light, but yet, on Earth it is more of a challenge to hold the vibrational essences within the physical body.

So the body has to become accustomed to the process.

As I said, it can be very overwhelming especially if you have not been trained to hold the light within you and ground it. Many individuals have the ability to bring in the higher essences but hold it in their higher chakras so the lower body does not receive the benefits of the higher frequencies. It is imperative to fully ground these energies not only for each of you, but for Gaia, as you are her Beacons of Light.

I believe that what we will embark upon in this class is to help you realize your full potential from a soul’s purpose to fully be acknowledged within your physical body. Meleriessee and Mike have some wonderful tools they want to share;  I will assist in bringing “the whole package together” with my energies. My role is to help you cement all the parts to come into Oneness of the Self.

Working with each of you and this class will give me a deeper opportunity to continue this journey on a more personal basis.

I look forward to working every person that attends this class, as our affiliation with each other will be connected on a more personal basis.

Many blessings and Light,

Lord Melchizedek

If you are interested in attending this class on Thursday, October 8th at 4:30 PM Pacific, please check out “Our Class Page”. You may attend LIVE or join just to access the MP3 recording. The series will continue throughout the month in preparation for the 11:11 energies.

Walking Terra Christa also has a great Partner Member Program in which you can take advantage of weekly teachings/channelings at a price that is geared to your income level.  We would love to have you join our Soul Family of Light.

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below. If you like this article please do the creation of the New Earth a favor and SHARE it in these ways:
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