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Working with the Pink Flame of Active and Creative Intelligence

gladiolablossom-qprwtcWalking Terra Christa is now journeying within the Golden City of Saceleaus (in the Etheric New Earth over Central Ontario, Cananda) for the next few weeks within the New Earth Consciousness Circle of Light classes.

This city represents the Pink Flame of Active and Creative Intelligence guided by Mahachohan Saint Germain and Chohan Paul the Venetian.  They are joined by the Elders Lord Seelea and Lady Seeleo (of the 49th dimension representing the Throne of Grace) with Elohim Masters Heros and Amora along with Archangels Chamuel and Charity.

Characteristics of this ray and city represent:

Acquiring Deep Compassion, Having Tolerance, and Devotion to the Self which will allows for the manifestation of  elements to flow.  This creates higher energy and accessing common sense in each moment from the Heart Center.  It will help to exhibit feelings of Gratitude, Charity, and Reverence.

When an individual has problems within the lower self they have a tendency to feel they want to isolate, have a tendency to be obstinate, selfish, overly critical of others, and seeing too many details which may paralayze the Creative Action desired.

Utilizing the Pink Flame will assist in accepting the positive characteristics while changing the lower thought elements that can stop from allowing the manifestation of any element to be created.  Use this decree; call upon the Pink Flame from the Elders to assist in changing the issues within your Heart Center and outside of yourself.  Breathe pink every moment to find the Love within your Higher Essence to become fully manifest within your world.

Initiation into the Golden City of Saceleaus

I am walking the pathway of Mastery,

With Walking Terra Christa has my guide.

We are working with the Pink Flame of Active and Creative Intelligence.

Today, we are visiting the Golden Etheric City of Saceleaus,

With Paul the Venetian representing the Ray Chohan,

As Saint Germain, the Mahachohan offers his services,

With the Elders, the Elohim and the Archangels,

All standing by to assist Me,

In this beautiful period of devotional love,

As I learn to fully embody the Pink Flame within my Heart Center.

I walk into the city and see the pure essence of the Pink Flame embodied everywhere,

There is a circular walkway around the Sacred Heart Temple,

It is made of Rose Quartz and Pink Colored Crystals,

As I walk onto the pathway,

I feel my heart center shifting into pure acceptance and understanding;

At the entrance of the Temple,

I am met by Mahochohan Saint Germain with Paul the Venetian,

They welcome me with open arms,

I see the pink flames everywhere I look,

Even the sun is shining with hues of pink and yellow.

As I stand within the entrance-way,

I then am introduced to the other Beautiful Beings of Light,

The Elders, Lord Seeleo and Lady Seeleia who ignite the flame,

With The Elohim Heros and Amoro,

Along with the Archangels Chamuel and Charity.

I feel so blessed in this moment

I have Love,

I have Compassion,

I have Devotion;

I am in Deep Gratitude of the work I am about to embark upon.

I now feel the blessings of the Pink Ray flowing through me;

Each of these amazing teachers are now my guide.

I will become all I desire Upon this Earth;

Of All that I desire

As I walk with each of them through this process,

Of Allowing My Sacred Heart to become manifested within me. .

I AM that I AM that I AM.

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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