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How to Visit the Royal Teton Retreat of the Ascended Masters

Accelerate with the Meditation Journey Class from Walking Terra Christa to understanding how to prepare for Visiting the Royal Teton Retreat of the Ascended Masters at this time of year for 30 days of special dispensations.

The best availability for the spiritual opportunity to receive assistance from the Ascended Masters occurs twice a year for seekers, adepts and initiates of Ascension. Now is the time to prepare for your meditative etheric visit. As we are now arriving into the period of the attending the Royal Teton Retreat in your etheric self, it is a time to work with the Divine Masters represented by the Teton Visit to assist our progress as Initiates so that we are able to assist Humanity to help Create the New Earth.

(Using the etheric body and not just the mental body of your imagination is one of the keys to a successful visitation. When you activate the use of the etheric energy body, you actually “travel” in the etheric body, which looks just like you. It is part of your spiritual body or soul. Our Journey Meditation helps you receive that activation).

(To learn more about the Royal Teton Retreat, please see our previous blog).

I had much deeper understanding of this process hearing directly from the Great Divine Director. His essence is so powerful and loving. He blessed us with divine wisdom of seeing from a higher perspective of our ascension journey, how it affects our four body system, and how to pinpoint a core element to work at the Royal Teton to truly heal and transform into that higher part of our divine selves. I’m deeply grateful and excited to receive this divine compensation of another powerful journey of self-realization this month!

“I found this class was very helpful because I gained a clearer understanding of my challenges in my relationships… I had not seen this so clearly before because I was allowing myself to be a victim to the issue. Already I feel like a weight has shifted and I feel a beautiful expansion of self-love growing. So grateful for Walking Terra Christa and their teachings – for I am truly finding my freedom Thank you!”


It brings forth the perfect opportunity to be assisted by the Divine Masters to assist us in our past timelines that are held within our Etheric Body. The Royal Teton Retreat is open twice a year, starting at 12:01 AM on both June 15th and then on December 15th so that we as Initiates are able to work with the Karmic Board and the overlighting Masters of Lord Saint Germain, Djwhal Khul, Lord Lanto, Master Hilarion along with the Ray Chohans of the Seven Flames. (The retreat stays open for 30 days for each visitation).

We all know that the intensity of the energies on the planet has accelerated many of us into a new wave of consciousness while trying to integrate the higher light quotients within the physical body. The reason that so many awakened individuals are struggling with these energies is that the physical body is still not ready to ground the higher frequencies within the cellular structure. It can cause many elements to arise that can be very challenging to the entire four-body system.

Part of the reason that these elements are arising is that the emotional and mental bodies are not in full alignment due to past timelines that are being held within the Etheric Self. This part of your existence is your Soul’s Body of Light. It holds within it particles of both Light and Dark frequencies that need to be accessed within the Crystalline Structure. So as the shift of consciousness occurs, these elements become very acute within the Emotional and Mental bodies and can cause great strife within a person’s physical existence. This is because these elements need to be purged and/or healed so that the Carbon-based body can become the Crystalline Structure.

With the integration of the Festival of Goodwill or Humanity, there will be a reconstruction of the following elements through each of the Seven Rays of God:

◊ The Power of Will  – Blue Flame;
◊ The Will to Love  – Love and Wisdom – Golden Yellow Flame;
◊ The Will to Action – Creative and Active Intelligence – Pink Flame;
◊ The Will to Cooperate – Harmony and Balance through Conflict – Crystalline Flame;
◊ The Will to Know and To Think Correctly and Creatively –Science of Divine Mind – Green Golden White Flame;
◊ The Will to Persist will become a human characteristic, – Inner Devotion – Ruby Red Golden Flame;
◊ The Will to Organize – Ceremonial Magic & Structure – Violet Purple Flame. 

In addition, the seven Rays of God are now quantumly (in Frequencies of Higher Light) becoming grounded into the Core of Gaia, (a Solar and Cosmic Event that has steadily been happening since 2013), humanity is uniquely positioned to be able to use these Rays like never before. (This is assuming they take the proper active consciousness steps to do so).

This means accessing these Rays makes it easier for each aspirant of Ascension Mastery to gain progress.

With that greater acceptance of these Rays/Flames of Light into Gaia comes greater challenges to each soul upon earth as now they must acquire the ability to step into full realization of the Ascended Master State of Consciousness. This is why proper training is now needed.

If you are working on your own Ascension and desire the assistance of the Divine Masters / Spiritual Beings of Light to work with you and guide you in the inner plane during this open window of opportunity please enroll.

Walking Terra Christa offers a special class to work directly with the Great Divine Director and the Karmic Board to assist each person to focus upon the issue(s) they are dealing with since the Festival of Wesak. This will help in learning how to incorporate the Seven Rays of God within each of their chakras so that the third dimensional chakra grid will align with the Cosmic Levels of Acceleration.

Meditative Journey Class is available via the recording digital audio download.

(Duration approximately 90 minutes audio teaching / meditation / attunement).

The Great Divine Director shares how to focus on this seven-step process of incorporating the aspects of Will, Love, Action, Cooperation, Knowingness, Persistence, and Organization in order to fully become the new essence that you desire to achieve.

Included in the class itself is a deep meditation with the higher light aspects being incorporated more into each of the Seven Chakras. Doing so assists you to become more balanced with what you have been experiencing. What this process does is to help you, as the Initiate, to have more of a higher understanding of who you are becoming as an Integrated Self. It will assist in clarifying to each individual the area(s) they need assistance with so that the incorporation of the New Self can be fully realized.

This is a preparation training class designed to assist in your Royal Teton Retreat Visitations. As a bonus along with the class you also receive a second TETON RETREAT JOURNEY SELF GUIDED MEDITATION to use after the class for your personal visitations. 

Our recommendation as teachers of true Ascension Mastery is to use both these ascension training tools to receive the higher energies during your meditation visits within the right framework of energies, as simply intending to visit on your own assists but it does not have the higher frequency vibrational energies we provide of the DIVINE LANGUAGE NETWORK LIGHTCODESsm. It is these Higher Energies that create a stronger shift in the full body system (mental, emotional, etheric, physical bodies) that are not provided elsewhere. You may use this meditation while you fall asleep and/or are actively in the meditative state.

From Please share and repost. Rights are granted to repost this article in full (please include the included images except for a text only post) electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the original URL referral link as the original author source for transparency.

©2018-2023 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). (*formerly spelled Meleriessee). Article originally posted in 2018 and updated in 2023.

Ascension and Christ Consciousness is Upon Us


Most everyone on earth thinks the word “Christ” is the name Christianity invented to reference “Jesus” as the prophesied anointed King who would save the world from darkness; and that it originated from the Greek “Christos” which means “anointed one” and used most often to apply to the status of a king.

Esoterically within the direct essence of pure spiritual understanding that Humanity first practiced on earth, (which was long before our most ancient records of human civilization), the Lemuria culture without exception enjoyed the benefits of one unified spiritual practice that was most accurate in creating Wholeness of the Soul within the Physical.

In truth, such a level of integrated spiritual understandings would not be called a “practice” anymore than we would say indigenous cultures engage in practices of spiritual ritual; for to those peoples it is more accurately a way of living, of being, and not something they engage in apart from their daily life. In contrast to how most modern humans live, it is just part of who they are at all times and moments.

The lost continent of Lemuria was such a culture before it became an ancient mystery when it sank into the Pacific Ocean over 10,000 years ago. All the language and understandings of their attained higher spiritual existence filtered down throughout time as a mere echo of what had once been a higher form of life and living.

(Article continues….)

[Walking Terra Christa is having an OPEN HOUSE during the THREE WESAK FESTIVAL OF LIGHT to share the deeper energies of the Christ Consciousness].

Bringing Together the Hearts of Oneness: A 9-11 Healing


Today is the remembrance of 9-11. I think that every human upon this planet has their views of what occurred along with moments of reflecting on how this day changed our lives not only in the United States but around the world.

My role today is not to talk about how or why it happened. Instead I want to convey the healing that has occurred since that time as many of you know I had my own personal experience indirectly related to the souls that perished on that day, the healing that has occurred since that time, and the growth that we need to continue in order to bring forth the best experience for each of us on this Earth.

It is important for each of us to hold the Light as high as possible especially during times of great transition. As teachers of what Ascension in planetary form means, we now know that we all need to create the Light forms continually to help those that cannot do so.

Wellness Project Buddists BangkokA great reflection for us is what the Buddhists achieved after the bombing in Bangkok last month by gathering together at the site where the tragedy occurred. They truly have brought in the power of ONENESS to change the energies. This is exactly what we (humanity) need to do all around the world. It is happening but we need to increase our desire for Love and Peace by connecting directly with the Power of It Occurring.

Today as I write this (Spet. 11, 2015) Space announces that there is a very powerful GEOMAGNETIC STORM occurring. A stream of solar wind hit Earth’s magnetic field on Sept. 11th, sparking one of the strongest geomagnetic storms of the year with auroras being seen in multiple US states.

This truly represents Higher Octave Light Intensity changes are occurring within the Earth. We have to look at the fact that changes are occurring within this earth, on the planet and with everyone. On days like today we must look to the Good to move away from the pain that we have endured. It will never be forgotten in any way as it has helped us to realize how precious life is on the physical plane and nothing should ever be taken for granted.

Our goal at Walking Terra Christa on this day is to share the Love of the Clarion Temple of Oneness. This is our weekly meditation journey that was started after the Twin Tower tragedy with Archangel Michael as my guide. It is important for us to reflect on the healing that has occurred since the inception of this temple. It is a honor that I was chosen to bring forth these energies of love with light. It has changed my life completely in so many ways.

The Clarion Temple of Oneness is guided by Archangel Michael to assist all souls to heal their physical experiences; it helps to remove karmic ties to allow a soul to continue on the journey of their Divine Soul’s purpose. We have a spokes-being who was a Fire Chief Battalion in New York City at the time of the Twin Tower Tragedy. His name is now Yametleus as he has now aspired to his Higher Self.

ClarionTempleofOneness-LightBeings-1023x809I introduce to you Yametelus, who wants to share his own story for this day of healing.

Blessings and love to each of you on this day. I am Yametelus and am deeply honored to be with each of you in your hearts as we connect with each other.

My role within the Temple is something that I would never have fathomed in my physical life. I was a very simple man, loved my family, and most of all, my job of helping others in my role as a fireman. My memories of that day have been put into wholeness so the depth of my pain is no longer there. I have been able to heal so very deeply in ways that I could never have imagined.

Many souls on this day have gone through a tremendous healing. As I sit in the Clarion Temple which resides within the 36th dimensional frequency I am able to reflect on what this journey means to me personally but for all of Creation. I also like to consider what our lives would have been like if we had not been so rudely taken away from our physical world.

Would I understand the Universal Consciousness as I do now?

Unfortunately, sometimes a traumatic event has to happen to wake us up to a new reality. I recalled the moment of my transition when Christine came into the darkness that so many of us were being held in. Her light was so bright as she communicated to us that it was okay to move into the Light that she held. It illuminated my world so deeply as many others felt the same. Many did not experience this moment, and we are still working together to help them to move into a higher space of contentment.

As I traveled with Christine, she introduced me to Archangel Michael, who as a Christian I knew very well. I was deeply confronted with such peace and love that I knew I was in the right space even though my heart was still with so many others and my family that I left behind.

Archangel Michael helped me to realize how powerful my journey would be for the Earth if I took care of myself in that moment. I felt he was my boss now and I must listen to what he said.

What happened for me is that I became involved in a deep healing process. Within a short time they asked me to speak for the consciousness of all souls by being part of this etheric temple they wanted to erect to help not only lost souls of 9-11 but all souls that leave the physical plane. He told me they planned it to be a place in which they would meet the Higher Beings of Light and learn about their own soul’s development, and deep healing would occur for these souls.

Since I was always one that wanted to take care of the ‘many’, my soul could not say “No”. I agreed.

Since that time, with the work that Dearest Meleriessee brought forth of the beautiful Masters and Beings of Light sharing their teachings each week, I was able to grow into a higher part of myself. My lower self became healed; I accept elements I needed but the ones that were holding me back dissipated into the Light.

I have seen many souls come into the temple. Some of them are reticent at first, but with the work of the angels, the masters, and the Creative Source of Light that we are, the healing takes place. I love the fact that no one is allowed in the temple unless they are ready to surrender the lower frequencies that have occurred for them in the Earthplane.

I have also seen souls go onto their journeys in a higher plane of existence and some of them have chosen to return to Earth although that represents a minority of individuals.

I have experienced how the energies of this temple not only reside in this higher dimension but it filters down through the lower dimensions into the Earth. I do believe that it is helping GAIA move into a higher position of grounding the Light within her. I also believe that we are helping so many more souls than possibly could have been achieved without this magnificent temple of light.

I want to reiterate how important it is for every soul to connect with these energies of Light. I know that each of you as Lightworkers or Starseeds have a big job to do, and it is important to reflect this light into your own Being. I also know how much dysfunction is still occurring on the planet, which creates many challenges for all of you. I need to share that doing this work on these levels is what is most important to heal our emotions of the past.

On this day of September 11th and continuing throughout the days ahead, I ask each of you to take a portion of what I share and bring it into yourself. I know many people are still so very angry about what occurred. They want to know who and why; their purpose is to be able to punish the people that were behind this terrible act.

Let us look and see the good that has come out of it. I believe it has helped people especially in New York City to look within their hearts to help each other through the pain of it all. We should never forget what happened, but I believe the healing must go into deeper levels of existence. Otherwise, the people that are left cannot heal through this situation.

I know I have a purpose that is aligned to the life I had on the Earth, but it represents so much more to many individuals. Every time I see a soul coming into the temple, or any of you that meditate within the temple, I cry within my heart, because that is the true healing that I see. We don’t have to hold onto the hate, but to allow that anger to take us into a deeper part of ourselves. This is what I have done within my existence at this time, and I am ever so grateful for the journey I have embarked upon.

Let us connect with each other from my Heart, the Heart of the Temple, the Heart of the Ascended Light Beings, and all who visit this temple, to all of the people on the Earth. You are the ones that have the most difficult task of upholding this light, but we truly want to help you.

So today and this week forward, the Clarion Temple of Oneness, will ignite its energetic essence unto each person that choose to open their heart. As you open your Heart, it will go to others around you. Let us not think about the pain for what we have all endured, but let us know think about the healing that is occurring within the planet.

We are all healing together, United as One. The division occurred but let us know fully accept Oneness of our Hearts Together.

The temple is open for you to visit in your meditations, your sleep state or just by asking to connect with this essence. This is the Gift I want to share with each of you.

I thank you for your continued efforts especially the ones that join us in the Clarion Temple each week. The Clarion Call has been sent out around the Universe for Love to Prevail upon the Earth.

All my Blessings and Deepest Love of my Heart,

I AM Yamteleus, Spokes-being and Guide for the Clarion Temple of Oneness

I want to thank Yamteleus for desiring to come forward with this message. I believe the essence of what he shares is so very important. It is an important day to reflect on more healing and light to come into the planet to assist those in need of those heart-centered energies. Let us take this energy and heal the ones that may be stuck in the astral plane to help them come to the temple, and likewise, all the souls on this Earth that need deep love in their hearts. [If you would like to know more about the history of the Clarion Temple of Oneness, please see our blog post just for the Temple:]

Speaking from my Heart to each of you, I am deeply honored that I can look at this day in the awe of what we are trying to achieve, bringing forth such love in a way that nothing can stop it from happening ~ to bring Peace and Oneness to this Earth.

We have a special video that brings forth the Heart Energies using the Cosmic Heart Meditation. It will help to bring forth the Heart Essence and then it can be expanded to others. We hope that take time to listen and allow your heart to be expanded into the core of Gaia on this day.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

The Clarion Temple of Oneness is a guided journey and meditation with teachings from the Ascended Beings of Light; it is held on Monday evenings. You can receive the meditations via download through our new program, Walking Terra Christa Partner Members. To receive more information, please click on the link.

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below. If you like this article please do the creation of the New Earth a favor and SHARE it in these ways:
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Shifting in Consciousness

blanket of light snow 9-5-15_800_600As I awoke this morning, I felt that there was something different in the energies. Sometimes this happens to me. I call this Shifting in Consciousness.

As we start to become aware of other dimensional frequencies within our consciousness, we can feel the changes that are occurring for us through our Higher Essence into the physical. It does not mean that they are grounded into the Earth but it is representative of an energetic surge, you might say.

Those of you that have a sense of these energies are very special. But yet, it can be a learned behavior. It takes time to form your craft of meditation into the physical world. Practicing the breath and being in a higher state of existence truly is an art but one that can be performed by anyone.

I have had this gift for most of my awakening life which represents 30 years of inner growth. I get a sense that there is a change in the air, but yet I cannot put my finger on it. Many years ago when I had a stuttering problem and I had learned to get through that issue with my meditations and work. But yet, sometimes I would start to stutter when talking to others. It was not something that the other person would notice. It was more like a stammering or hesitation. But I felt it. That was when I knew that I was going through a shift of consciousness, a new awakening, or experiencing walking through a new doorway. It just had not been mastered within the physical plane.

I felt this energy this morning as I awoke. I picked up my favorite book presenting, “Walking with the Masters of the Far East” which is a story of scientists in the late 1800’s traveling through the Himalayas meeting many ascended masters as they receive teachings from these beautiful Beings. I always like to read this book in the morning or at night as it helps me to get out of my physical reality into the God Consciousness.

I have been doing that practice all through my days recently. Michael and I were married a month ago and we are having a huge challenge with our finances. We are off from our teachings until next week so the flow of the funds seems to have slowed down to a trickle on a daily basis.

What does one do when this happens?

Well, for us, we have been working diligently with the Masters to bring forth our I AM Presence within the physical which allows the peace and love to come within our hearts. We are issuing commands that this is not the way that our life should be. In fact both of us went through some huge timelines two weeks ago to release the anger and frustration of what we have been experiencing. It has given has many lessons to understand what has occurred since our Divine Union Ceremony on the 8th of August.

We have learned that the union of our wedding in the physical form has created such a huge foundation for our life that elements need to adjust in the process. What we have been doing previously will no longer work. The understanding that has arrived with the lessons is absolutely amazing. This is because we are able to stand within the power of our Highest Essence within the physical to see the changes we are going through.

We now have to build a new foundation based on our union of love. It takes great patience and compassion to be able to hold this energy without interference of the lower thought forms. We have spent the last four years building this foundation in the spiritual level so that it could be grounded within the earth. We have had to raise our vibrations in so many different ways combating the lower energies. We have been tested time and time again for our perseverance and deep love of ourselves individually and together.

Through the advice of the Elohim Masters they have shared with us what we are fully creating within our physical essence combined with our spiritual essence. Yesterday they shared, “When there is an energy change as what the two of you have experienced, then there has to be a period of stability in which the energy has to become accustomed to your physical existence. When that happens there are moments of complete silence when you become One with your I Am Presence and that essence has to become accustomed to the entire process. We don’t want to call this stagnation, but it is a period of non-movement in the physical plane as all essences come into Oneness. The only thing you can do is to hold it deeply within yourself and know that the changes are coming in your near future. It takes great patience and diligence to stay in this space. We honor you deeply for creating this for yourselves and we understand the process.”

It all made sense because both of us have been in peace even though we have had very little cash flow to even buy food. We are getting just enough of what we need and are deeply compassionate about this pathway. We are learning to be in Pure Alchemy of the Divine Essence we are.

It is hard to explain this present pathway on a physical level. I have had many moments of fear and some tears, but when I come to the space of the higher consciousness I have been working with for so many years, there is only patience that comes into the mind-set. It is about initiating the Higher Mind and Higher Heart on a much deeper level.

Yesterday we had rain and it felt so very refreshing. Mount Shasta has been so dry all summer with so many forest fires that it felt like a true blessing from the higher dimensions of light. What I did not realize is how much it would mean to me on this day.

As I came out of our bedroom into our computer area, I stepped unto our back deck. There in front of me was the beautiful Lady Shasta covered very lightly in a white blanket of snow. I knew in that moment that the blessing had been received and that the energy I felt was being shown to me in the physical world.

Snow represents purity to me and having the mountain covered in this beauty was a sign that movement is now upon us. I was elated and excited to see this occurrence as it truly was a gift from the Heavens that the change has now been grounded. As it becomes more concrete, then the true abundance of life can be created.

I know many individuals are feeling these powerful times of transformation. It may not always be financial but many souls are choosing to leave the planet at this time. This is due to the transmutation that needs to occur in order for each of us to be transformed into the next phase of our journey.

I am elated and so excited to see the change in our physical world today. I never doubt my feelings, as that is what I do best, is to be a messenger of many worlds. Sometimes it has to do with my own world and what I am experiencing.

I believe that the intensity of the Super Moon has allowed each of us to be better within ourselves, to go to deeper levels, and to have the understanding that the transition of what we are experiencing is most important to the development of our Inner Self within the Outer Self.

I hope that each of you can feel the same, as I do believe the darkness that we have been encased with for eons of time is lightening within our experiences. Go to that space of your breath and your Higher Self to find the peace that is ready to enfold within you.

Happy Magical Day to Each of you.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Accessing Your Higher Essence with Lords Metatron and Sanat Kumara


Academy of New Earth Mastery Special Fall Ascension Mastery Series*

*Special Mastery Class with open enrollment | Academy Students receive as part of the student membership.

Part One:

  • Monday October 13 @ 4:30 PM – LORD METATRON: THE GOLDEN SOLAR ANGEL PT.1
  • Wednesday October 22 @ 4:30 PM – LORD METATRON: THE GOLDEN SOLAR ANGEL PT. 2

Part Two:


Revealing the Higher Essence Within

How does one come to understand what the Ascension process is all about if they have never experienced it before?

Both Lord Metatron and Lord Sanat Kumara understand this human challenge and desire to assist individuals upon earth who are searching for ways to create a higher dimensional world to live within.

Walking Terra Christa offers a new series of classes that will prepare individuals to access their own Higher Dimensional elements so they can use that awareness as a guide post towards creating their own personal Ascension foundation.

Building upon this foundation is what will enable an individual to begin to personally experience the beginnings of the Ascension process. Specifically, this series assist an individual in working through the first 5 levels of the Initiations in a more flowing and direct manner.


Lord Metatron is an Archangel who has walked as a human in the being we know as Enoch. This gives him the unique ability to assist us in following in his footsteps. Prior teachings that we have given about the Metatronic Seals, or Keys, has been to instruct individuals in the basic knowledge of those 12 keys. We then offered personal sessions for anyone desiring to have Lord Metatron determine the frequencies to be accessed for the specific keys relevant to that specific individual. (As each person will not access each Seal in the same order as another person).

What we learned was that individuals had the impression that they could simply be activated with the Seals and that would be all that was required for them to reacquire their own Golden Solar Angelic essence. Part of the reason for this belief was that there are poplar teachers/channels who have been offering activations in the Metatronic Keys for some time.

The missing piece that makes the difference within the New Earth energies after 2012 is between passively ‘activating’ the Seals by the hand of another and actually activating it by the power of your own understanding. In the first situation someone else is acting in the capacity of the authoritative source. In the latter situation, you are acting as the authoritative source.

As the soul that you are pursues the Mastery pathway, very early on in the initiations process it becomes essential to take full personal responsibility and authority over your own pathway of Light. What this means for the development of the New Earth is that the Metatronic Seals, like any other spiritual element not of the earth plane, can no longer simply be activated by an outside force or authority for you. While this still can assist in the old 3D plane of existence to awaken souls to a greater understanding of themselves, it does not create the full development and actualization to ground the elements within you, and therefore, within GAIA that is now required.

The Golden Solar Angel is the Christed Self of being fully integrated with the Solar Angelic Being, the Higher Self, and the Monad; all representing aspects within the soul’s existence of becoming both the angel and the master within the physical. It starts with the element of the Christed Self being aligned with the Solar Angelic Being, which acts as the intermediary between the Monad and the Personality (physical self). The process of consciously blending the angelic essence in this understanding within the process of the Initiations of Ascended Mastery enables one to better accelerate through the Initiations in a consistent and continuous manner.

In this first half of the fall series, Lord Metatron will assist students to:

  • Learn why the Metatroinc Seals came into being and the purpose they serve
  • Receive the knowledge of how the Metatronic Seals act to ground the Solar Angelic Body in the physical and what that means for a
  • Gain a better understanding of how each Seal can accelerate the process of going through the Beginning Stages of the Initiations.
  • Attune to the Metatronic Frequency of the Seals to accelerate their own initiation pathway.

This teaching will be a requirement level course for anyone desiring to enroll in the next phase of Metatronic teachings where Lord Metatron gets into the specifics of attuning each individual to the appropriate seals that they are ready to access within the Initiations pathway.


The Ascension Mastery pathway is both unique and specific compared to all other forms of spiritual advancement and study. It alone requires one to raise their own frequency in order to then bring that higher frequency back down into the physical body and to also ground it within the planet so that others can access it.  No other pathway requires this particular level of accessibility be accomplished in order to progress farther in Mastery.

Part of that progression is not only accepting the role and responsibility of fully gaining command of ones known earthly human consciousnesses but also accessing ones multidimensional consciousness from other planes of existence. Just as Lord Metatron teaches us to reacquire our Solar Angelic Self in order to assist us to progress more efficiently and effectively, we have many other levels of the self that may be reacquired in order to assist us.

Lord Sanat Kumara has an invested interest in the pathway of the Earth.  He has been known as the Father of the Spiritual Hierarchy since the time of Lemuria and Atlantis.  In 1956 he journeyed back to his home planet of Venus as his role upon the Earth was finished in its initial stages.  He has worked with the Planetary Logos, now Lord Buddha, to assist the planet in allowing the frequencies of light to expand within GAIA and each of her inhabitants especially the initiates of the Mastery Pathway.

Sanat Kumara is now able to once again step more fully into assisting each individual on the mastery pathway to go deeper and further within their acceleration. This assistance allows for the grounding of the higher energies to be focused within each initiate as they grow through the process.

Preparations are needed to be made for each Chela (or initiate) so that their work upon the New Earth of Terra Christa can be achieved.  Each of us within these roles have traveled to Venus to work with the Holy Kumaras to learn more about our own pathways, the healing of our wounds from the past in order to assist GAIA in her ascended state of Beingness.

Sanat Kumara desires with Walking Terra Christa to assist each individual to access their past elements in order to achieve the desired outcome within the Earth.  Each of us wants to assist GAIA through this process, but it is a known fact that we must understand more about ourselves.

In 2015 Sanat Kumara will be taking on a much larger role to assist lightworkers to understand their pathways while helping each individual to access their ability to expand within their consciousness and awareness.

This two-part course will assist in opening up doorways unto the work that has been done previously for each person.  When working with the Holy Kumaras we accelerate within the Seven Flames of the Multi-Dimensional Pathway.  Each of the Flame Holders will be working with the group consciousness to expand their awareness, tap into their history of the soul, and be able to learn how to ground the 7th dimensional frequency of Venus into each of our chakras for the balance of the Seven-Body System.

In the second half of the series Lord Sanat Kumara will be our guide to:

  • Delve into the world of Venus and Discover our own Heritage
  • Understand how the Venusian Light of God has always held the role of assisting Humanity and its Importance for our Future
  • Provide specific Tools and Techniques of Acceleration that will assist Higher Frequency Vibrational elements within the Physical being to Reveal the Parts of ourselves that are Ready to be Acknowledged.
  • Learn how to Ground Higher Dimensional aspects that have been put in safe keeping until it was time to fully accept the role of Being the Multidimensional Self.


To enroll in the Series (consisting of four class sessions during our fall semester) choose one of the option below depending on your prerequisite status.

For those planning to attend the course live on the Global Telecasts there are two options depending on if you own the Protection Protocols Course or not.  On the day of class prior to the start time, the Unified Whole Protection Meditation is required to be done along with the Cleansing Shower or Bath procedure as linked in the course handout.

For those ordering the Audio MP3 recordings only, use Option 1 also.

We have a sliding Scale to better fit your situation. Details here.

OPTION 1: For those who own our Protection Protocols Course materials or are ordering the Audio MP3 recordings only. Chose pay in full or the payment plan.

FULL PAYMENT: Fall Semester Series – (4 sessions)



OPTION 1: (Payment Plan – 3 equal payments)

PAYMENT PLAN: Fall Semester Series – (4 sessions)


OPTION 2: For those who require our Protection Protocols Course materials. (Your order includes the Protection Course at a 25% Discount). Chose pay in full or the payment plan.

FULL PAYMENT w/PROTECTION COURSE: Fall Semester Series – (4 sessions)



OPTION 2: (Payment Plan – 3 equal payments)

PAYMENT PLAN: Fall Semester Series – (4 sessions)

Understanding How to Create the New Earth

New Earth Terra Christa

How do you interpret this?

“The hard part is over. The only thing left to do now is alter your expectations and enjoy the ride. You are a divine being of light and your true nature will soon be all you know. The pace is now accelerating and the coming changes will also be met by shifts in monetary systems, the political landscape and well as modifications in social and economical infrastructures. This will happen sooner than later, but likely before the end of this year. Many of these events will happen simultaneously and when the greater cycles begins, you will know. It will be difficult, but that is the time to be centered and focus on seeing all the good that will come in the age of empowerment. You are a truly empowered human…own your mastery.” –

My interpretation/opinion:
1. “The only thing left to do is enjoy the ride.” – This statement is the deepest type of subconscious programming of the dark agenda. Their role is to have you believe the New Age is going to happen if you just keep high hopes and share meditations of love and light together. There is no work that really has to be done other than that.

2. “…will also be met by shifts in monetary systems, the political landscape and well as modifications in social and economical infrastructures. This will happen sooner than later, but likely before the end of this year. “- This statement is a listing of all the things you already have been preprogrammed to want changed. The message is reinforcing to you that the change in all the crucial areas of your material life you are hoping will change, will in fact do so, and again without you lifting a finger. It does not tell you how they will change specifically, but you will fill in the back story yourself.

3. “It will be difficult, but that is the time to be centered and focus on seeing all the good that will come in the age of empowerment. You are a truly empowered human…own your mastery.” – This defines human mastery for you and lets you know that the message is real. For it is not a fairy tale if they tell you there will be difficulties. But again, they don’t tell you what the difficulties will be, instead the writer allows you to fill in the blanks from your own mind and emotions. But, again, the ultimate take away message tells you “don’t worry, be happy” as you are an empowered human in your own mastery and that means you don’t need to work at it, the universe itself is here to serve it to you as you are, after all, a divine supreme being who deserves it.

Disclaimer and Conclusion:

This is 100% my own opinion. It is not meant to disparage or be critical of any person. The writer/author of the linked article, like most visionary channels who desire to share information on the New Age is 99% correct in what is being said in terms of human consciousness and how it is changing. I simply found this article useful to demonstrate the very subtle subconscious programming that goes on within the vast majority of visionaries who are using only the gifts of intellect to share their information. It is not their programing, they are simply passing on and continuing the established dark agenda without knowledge that they are doing so. It is all part of the “just be the love and the light” packaging of disinformation by the dark agenda, who are very much still planning on having every human on earth NOT experience the true New Age, but their own Theme Park version of it.

What about the subconscious messages? At the end of the day, the only element the human system takes away from these types of writings, as brilliant as they are, is that things will get better if we just relax and allow them to happen. And while this is true in a Universal sense, it is not sufficient to change anything any day soon with regard to the specific types of change really required to create a New Golden Age that is universal and in unity for all humans.

Human Mastery in a New Age is affecting change by BEING the change. It means WALKING the talk, not just meditating and visioning ON the ideas of change. There are 1000’s of awakening humans who now have the gifts of tapping into the universal field and sharing tremendously great writings and ideas. But if they do not have a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of control, a true understanding of the ones that have been in control for 10,000 years on earth, they will simply become pawns for facilitating the actions of those controllers.

The TRUE SHIFT IN CONSCIOUSNESS is the same one spoken of by the visionaries throughout documented human history: Lao-Tzu, Confucius, Buddha, Jeshua, Muhammad, Ghandi, et al., who all spoke of going within to know what is without.

Mastery is just a potentiality unless each soul discovers who they are and how they manifest who they are in their physicality, for it is physicality that creates. Do you WALK THE TALK OF THE MASTER? Or do you still have weekly interactions with each other than cause you irritation, disappointment, anger, pain?

All the lower negative emotions are not caused by another, they are caused by your interpretation of another. The are simply MIRRORS of your level of consciousness being revealed to you. Invest in those reflections instead of being distracted by the ideals of visionary thinking, and then you will be on the road to empowerment and mastery, not just speaking about it. Do not disregard visionary channels, just understand that they may not fully understand how to create the visions they are perceiving.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Mastery Tool of the Day

ascension3Understanding the Concept of the “Higher Mind”

We talk about activating the Higher Mind in all of our meditations, but how do we understand the Higher Mind within the Physical Mind.  Some individuals have a very hard time with defining how this works within them.

I am sharing some of Dr. Stone’s writing, “Cosmic Ascension” to help individuals put this information in perspective:

The 3rd dimension perception is separate, like a string of beads.  We see things in a linear fashion.

The 4th dimension we have inner and outer, psychic and metaphysical.  We tend to see things either within ourselves or outside of ourselves.  There has not been a blending of the Higher Mind within the physical.

The 5th dimension opens both the inner and outer to blend together.  It is on this level that you understand that everything is related to everything and that you cannot take in one thing without taking in all things.

Per Dr. Stone “The problem is that we select our focus ordinarily on three-dimensional thinking, and that is why we cannot stay in the higher vibrational level, such as Lord Melchizedek of the 36th dimension.”

To put it simply we are so used to being within our physical mind that it is difficult to allow the Higher Mind to be our guide.  We do it during our meditations, but what happens to us when we are going about our day?  This is an important aspect to consider as it will help us to further our ascension process.

Within the 3rd initiation we are working within the 4th dimensional consciousness.  Many lightworkers are at this stage.  As we reach the 4th initiation, we then are utilizing our 5th dimensional consciousness which is the time that the Higher Self blends into the Physical body, thereby, activating the Higher Heart and Mind.  Many times an initiate will still be separating themselves until they fully work through this last initiation as there are seven steps within each level.  So the separation of the physical mind and higher mind can still occur.

It is when we fully accept that we do not understand, and we don’t have any words to explain it, we start to function on a fully realized fifth-dimensional level.  We will then be able to continue our communications within the third-dimensional world by accessing our consciousness within the 5th dimensional arena.

This takes great practice as many initiates reach their higher levels and are still only accessing the 3rd dimensional mental faculties.  Utilizing the Rays of God each day in your beginning meditation will assist greatly.

Take time to utilize your protection; we suggest counting upwards to the Unified Whole Command of the 144th level.  Then call upon the Rays to come down through your Antakarana Bridge (Rainbow Bridge of Light from your I AM, through your Monad and Higher Self).

Breathe in the rays by utilizing the color in each chakra:

Golden Yellow in the Crown,

White/Green/Gold in the Third Eye,

Deep Blue in the Throat,

Deep Pink in the Heart,

Ruby Red/Gold in the Solar Plexus,

Violet/Purple in the Sacral,

Crystalline in the Root.

Allow the flames to blend within each other.  Then call upon the Sea Foam Green of the 8th Ray of Higher Cleansing to spin within you activating your Thymus Chakra.  This opens up the doorway for your Soul (Higher Self to be fully activated).  Feel the higher vibrational energies that you are becoming by taping into your Higher Heart and Higher Mind.

Allow these energies to blend within your Earth Star so that you ground them.  Ask your Soul Star and Earth Star to spin simultaneously as it will activate your full body system.

Test yourself out by bringing in a thought process you may have had previously.  See how you feel.  Is there a reaction or a feeling of acceptance?

Additionally, you can call upon Master Djwhal Khul for his assistance in your sleep state.  Ask to work with him in his inter-planetary ashram to assist you in blending the Higher Mind with the Physical Mind.  You may also ask for Lord Melchizedek to assist you with this transition.

Both of these masters are standing by to help each of us become the Ascended Masters upon the New Earth.  Please know that it takes great diligence and patience as there are many areas within us that need cleansing and purification.


©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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