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Sharing Wisdom Creates Healing Within

Orbs of light-1This is the transcription of the LIVE call within the Clarion Temple of Oneness with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on January 19th, 2015.

Good evening,

It is I, Yamteleus. I am very excited about tonight and having Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., also known as Master Altebetahn.

I am not quite sure as which aspect he will be coming through, perhaps a little bit of both. I believe his Essence is representative of what each of you is experiencing: Courage, Faith, understanding in your own Pathways. I am eager to hear what he has to say to bring forth the energies within this amazing Temple. These are elements that each of us as souls truly need to embody within ourselves. Especially those of us who have passed over and have no idea what is happening to us when we leave the Body.

Many of us follow the doctrines of religion. Many of those doctrines do not teach us how to walk into the Light or the Tunnel of Light with that Light Body. It is very exciting to have his essence here, not only to share with each of you his words and beautiful communication, but to help the Souls here to understand so much more about themselves. I believe his work truly aligned with what he believed as his Truth. He allowed that Truth to be brought forth to many others.

Let us get started with the energies and bring forth this beautiful Essence for tonight.

Thank you for being with us.

I AM Yamteleus at your service.

Greetings, My Beloved Comrades,

It is I, Martin Luther King Jr., also known as Altebetahn within my Higher Self. I bring you both aspects. It is a pleasure and an honor to be here at this time. My sharing within the Temple has been very limited. I know that my reputation stands for itself, yet that is not what I want to speak about this evening.

Our Divine Mother and Father God shared with you about acquiring your wisdom. When you are in this physical body as I recall, you always look into the higher points of understanding what your wisdom is.

Wisdom is only acquired through the experience of challenges and achievements. It is not felt until after those challenges occur, and you can see the achievements that were acquired within that movement.

Any normal human being walking down the street just wants to find wisdom. What they do not realize is that each moment they experience changes, the resulting energy afterwards, the summation of what that experience represented, is truly their Wisdom.

We can acquire wisdom through physical experience. We can acquire it through the emotional, the mental, and we can acquire it through Spiritual Enlightenment. We can acquire it through our higher aspects. They are waiting to be included within the physical existence. Wisdom can be acquired from different lifetimes, when those timelines represented challenges and achievements. Each of us as souls have many different levels of wisdom within our existence.

Today is an important day. Not only because I am here, but the fact that I am being honored within the world. That is not truly my Wisdom.

My wisdom represents what I have acquired in that lifetime to make the necessary changes I desired. Of course, my life stopped short. If I was a soul filled with grief and regret, then I could have stayed in that level of consciousness, because of what I did not achieve. Instead, I looked to what I had acquired, how I had assisted others to understand, and how I had made changes upon the Earth. I do not regret any of it. The only regret I have had was that I could not continue. Yet that was not to be at that time.

I share this wisdom with you for you to reflect within yourself upon your own wisdom through the ages and what you have acquired.

Many times our Mental Mind, our thought processes take us into a place we should not go. It takes us into the space of not understanding ourselves. Looking at a situation and saying to the self,

“I should have done this, I should have done that, why did I do things that way? Why was I not smart enough? Why did I not see things differently? Why was I not more intuitive? What happened to my gut instinct at that moment?”

This is true for any of us especially in times of trauma and challenges of dysfunction. What you are learning within yourself is to change those experiences of trauma, of what you have remembered, whether it is this timeline or another timeline, or another aspect that needs to be looked at.

Every moment you bring forth the acknowledgments of what you have experienced, that is your Wisdom.

That is how you share it in the succeeding days. This is why we have teachers that have gone through experiences through the years and then come back to mentor others. They share with you a portion of their wisdom. It won’t be exactly their experience, but understanding that the true worth of a teacher is one that can impart their own knowledge of the past to share their wisdom with others.

Today I share with you a part of my wisdom.

I was compassionate, I was loving. I was also very aggressive. I was stubborn. I stepped into areas that put me in harm’s way. I truly was not a balanced Self. Yet my role was to show the existence of what Light represented within Darkness for a race that truly needed to embrace that essence within themselves.

What part of your journey do you feel compassionate about?

What part of your journey puts you in the darkest places?

It does not necessarily have to be that you were putting yourself in harm’s way. We call that the Warriorship Archetype. I truly was a Warrior. Yet, I did not leave leading others astray by shooting. It had to be done in a peaceful way. That peaceful way put us in harm’s way which affected many, many people. I acknowledge those souls deeply.

If I take the Wisdom I learned through that experience, and I impart to you what you may need to you in your own life situation, it is the power of your knowledge and your highest essence of the God Source that you are to be combined within you, as the physical Being you are.

This is the most powerful tool we can share with others. I see what is happening around the world presently. I know where they are coming from. I see what is happening within each of you and others who sit in silence. That is the most powerful tool we can impart onto this Earth at this time.

When I meet each of you personally, I will thank you deeply. You have taken my Wisdom along with others, Mahatma Gandhi, Lord Buddha, Master Babaji, all the great Masters that sit in SILENCE and expand that ENERGY outside of themselves. The airwaves and the light forms go out to Source and then coming back into the Planet, into each of you, around you and to others; it is the most powerful ammunition you could bring forth onto this Earth. I am so very grateful to see this occurring. My way was needed at that time. Your way is needed at this time.

It is my pleasure to be able to commune with you to bring my Heart Essence onto each of you. I know we have the same goal in mind. Peace on Earth. It is not about riots. It is not about demonstrations. It is about each of you being that Christ within your body, to be the Buddha, to be all the Masters you work with.

I, as Altebetahn, am that Master. As Martin Luther, I was not. Today I join forces with each of you in a completely different manner than I have ever done before. I extend to you my Knowledge of Peace. I know what it feels like to see and to achieve Peace in areas where there was turmoil.

As we work together to bring forth these Essences as One, we are a Force to be reckoned with. Nothing can interfere with the global vortex we create. It is my pleasure to be the Center of that Vortex in these moments. I extend onto you my Compassion, my Love, my dearest existence of Hearts within Hearts, understanding one another, and know that Peace will occur upon this Earth. Yet each of us needs to be strong. Within that Strength, as you are bringing forth these Elements within yourself, remove the Aspects that represent Warriorship, Aggression, and wanting to fight back.

The only way we can come together is to be in this powerful Vortex of Light Frequency of Peace within. When we acquire that Peace within, the rest of Humanity shall receive it. I give this unto you in these moments.

In the Light that I AM as Martin Luther King, Jr., along with Altebetahn, I allow myself to fully blend that physical aspect with my highest aspect to represent to all of humanity and to each of you what this means. It represents the deepest compassion anyone can muster up, see, or find. It is the Passion within that, the deepest Sympathy, Serenity and the Light Focus of allowing all Beings to receive this Peace of Light that we are.

Let us now come together within this beautiful Temple of one ball of Peace, Serenity, Love, Divine Beingness, Acceptance, and Enjoyment, bringing all aspects together in the Oneness that we are.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

We expand our Circle of Light of many colors of God’s Essence within. We now extend it with our breath of the Light upon the Earth. It expands into the essence of Gaia’s heart as it vibrates to all of Humanity. Let us breathe and extend it together as we are moving toward the Peaceful Planet of Light.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

We feel individuals awakening to feel Peace and Allowance within themselves. We bring that back into the Temple now.

As I stand here within each of you, I feel each of your hearts. I feel your passion for life. I feel your Divinity of Light and wanting to extend that to others. Please do yourself a favor and extend it to yourself. Let it expand within your Heart. Allow it to be all that you are.

That is the most beautiful gift you can give to anyone at this time.

Allow it to expand within you, because you are the Peace. You are the Love. You are the existence of all that we are together. This is the Wisdom I extend unto you.

This is what I have learned from my lesson of this timeline upon the Earth. This is what I have learned from the Essence of working with the beautiful Masters in my soul’s healing. It is my pleasure to be considered a Master at this moment in time.

I AM Master Altebetahn at your Divine Service. Thank you for the Healing that my soul has acquired through this dissertation of Light.

My Blessings and Love to each of you.

Individuals may purchase the MP3 download of any of our calls via The Cosmic Great Central Sun (Divine Mother/Father God) speaks each week in the temple before our guest speaker. The transcript for the Cosmic Oneness is available via to read. You may also apply to our Student/ Membership Program by paying a monthly fee to join all teachings on Monday and Wednesday evenings.©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery
Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara. Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.
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Teachings of the Full Moon of the Lion, February 2, 2015

full_moon-fbOur full moon ceremonies are now being extended with the beautiful energies of Master Djwhal Khul as he is working with Walking Terra Christa more deeply to help initiates to become Ascended Masters.  Part of his teachings through Alice Bailey was to invoke Festivals each month during the full moon.

Master Djwhal (as he calls himself) is very clear that he wants to have a festival each full moon including the Festivals of the Christ, Wesak, and Humanity.  Walking Terra Christa has always provided these three festivals each year.  Since Djwhal is working with them very personally, they want to invoke the other festivals within their full moon teachings.

So each month Master Djwhal will be participating within the energies as we invoke not only our usually full moon ceremonial energies within the direction of the monthly festivals.  This month represented the Festival of Aquarius.  We hope you enjoy reading the teachings that these amazing Beings of Light shared with us on February 2, 2015.


It is I, Master Djwhal. I am deeply pleased to be with each of you in these moments. Since this is my first time participating in the Full Moon Ceremonies, I would like to come through at the beginning and the end, so that you can experience the energies and frequencies as you usually do with the Native energies with Dearest No-Eyes and White Buffalo Calf Woman, to assist in this process.

The Festival of Aquarius represents the faculty of bringing forth the energetic exchange of what Aquarius may mean. Aquarius means openness. It represents fluidness, the ability to move from one place to another without any restrictions. We allow these energies to come fully within the temple this evening and within each of your Hearts. I connect with each and every one of you in these moments.

Our role is not to change what you have been doing, but to enhance it and bring forth the higher dimensions in an active role of continuation. What this festival represents is to allow your Heart to be totally free of any constrictions, of what your physical self may try to bring forth within your Beingness.

We bring forth the energies of Love and Wisdom of the Golden Yellow, feeling this Ray within the temple in this moment. It circles like a strobe of Light, moving into all areas of the temple from beginning to end. Feel the illumination of your Mental Mind. Allow your Higher Mind to fully come within you. We call upon the frequency of the Crystalline Flame. Utilize some sparkles of Green within the ray to assist you with Harmony, Balance and Beauty, as you go through the conflicts. The conflicts are always a lesson to help you get through the part of yourself that truly does not want to accept.

The Crystalline Flame is so very powerful, as it has that resurrecting energy. We bring that forth now within this Temple of Light and allow it to move into your full body system, your Physical, your Mental, your Emotional and your Etheric Bodies. Let it flow fully through all aspects of yourself that need to be purged.

The energy of this moon, as Michael has shared, is so very powerful to allow these energies to exist. We then call upon the Ceremonial Order, Magic and Structure to sustain all that, to be able to bring forth the Violet Purple Flame within your existence. It takes what you are experiencing with the other two rays, balances them out and grounds them to share with others. Allow yourself to see this flame fully coming within this existence. These flames are taking us to the 49th dimensional frequency. Allow it to come within your system through your breath. Allow the rays to flow and go wherever they need to be. Do not center upon a specific focus within your mind.

What you may not realize is that when you focus on one specific area, the other areas are not accessed and not being healed. We have to heal through the full-body system, which is what we would like to try teaching you to bring forth these efforts.

Take a deep breath in this moment to bring forth unto me what it is you desire.

What is it you need assistance with through the process of this moon?

Where are your deepest challenges coming up for you?

Some of the words I hear are “I do not understand where I am going. I am confused with what I am experiencing. I am lost. I have a hard time stepping into the ability to move into this frequency. I do not how to ground it. I am ungrounded”. I would like to bring forth some comments and Light energy to assist you in this process. Do not focus on any specific element, as I shared a few moments ago.

Your Higher Self knows exactly what you need. You fully need to accept that role within your life to surrender onto your Higher Self. It is the first stepping stone to your Monad and I AM Presence. You cannot jump to your I AM Presence from your physical. You may feel it, but what it does is create an over encompassing energy as it is 144 Souls of Light. Sometimes within your lower self, you will not be able to assess it. You are trying to locate what the reasons are, how it is done, and how you can get there. I ask you to not focus on one element and just allow these frequencies to come into you.

Say onto us now,

“I desire change within my Physical Body. I desire to do this in my life. I desire to feel differently about this. I desire to remove. I desire”.

About the other elements of being lost I will say that part of the Mastery Pathway is that you will feel lost. You are alone, physically. It is why we come together in this way. It is why I am stepping forward through Meleriessee and Michael in order to assist each of you to go into a deeper part of yourself. It is time.
The work that needs to be done must be more concrete. It needs to be more physical. You cannot be floating in the higher realms any longer. The teachings have been brought through many different individuals. What I would like to bring forth is a practical experience for each of you. The other element I would like you to see within yourself, are the changes you are making. Thus, it is important to reflect within yourself.

Journal; if you are not journaling, to allow these energies to come to you so that you can get it grounded. The ones who do not feel grounded, you are dealing with your higher Chakras. You are not dealing with your lower Chakras, as you do not want to go there or you are told by others that you do not have to go there, that everything is Light and Love, that you are just a Divine Being of Light. It is true, but within that Divine Being of Light, you are not fully accessing that energy within your physical self. You are accessing it within your Higher Mind. That is why the lower initiations can be so very difficult.

This is what we bring unto you tonight through this moon, to assist you in this process, and bring this energy fully down into your Earth Star, into the Earth. The more you do so, the more you will help others. This is where it needs to be, concrete. Not concrete in your mind. Allow the Illumination to come to you. Allow the regeneration of the Crystalline Ray and then the balance of that magic to flow within your world to create structure. Not a physical structure, but a magical structure within your world. This is what we are bringing forth in these moments.

Let us take a deep breath.

Acknowledge your Higher Essence in this moment for whom you are.

Acknowledge what you have become. Acknowledge who you are as we bring forth the illumination of the Light, ease your mind.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

We now bring in the Crystalline essence to purge what needs to be released. As you illuminate your mind, you allow your Higher Essence to fully be within you. You have to go into the deeper parts, into that Root Chakra, into the deeper core of your Being you do not want to look at. Let it be regenerated through the Crystalline Flame.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Now we bring in the Violet and Purple to ground those energies and create structure through your higher essence into your physical essence. Allow them to merge.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Breathe and allow whatever is coming up for you to be illuminated through the Love and Wisdom. Allow the Violet Purple Flame to transmute it, while the Crystalline Flame allows you to resurrect from the old into the new. It is my divine pleasure to be with you. I will return at the very end, as now you have worked through the elements of your true native ceremony, your true physical essence, to allow it to expand.

All my blessings. Namaste.


It is I, No-Eyes. Aho, Aho, Aho,

It is my pleasure also to be part of this miraculous ceremony with Divine Being Master Djwhal. I come with the frequency of the many elders and teachers that are here. The teachings that are coming into the Earth at this time are assisting each of you to go into a deeper level of your existence.

I say to you, do not be fooled by words and by pictures. Do not be fooled by anything but listen to your own true self. That true self is going to change. It will change as your acceleration changes. You will be able to look at yourself and say “Why did I think that way about myself at that time? Now I see things so differently”. That is the beauty of allowing the illumination of Light to come fully within the planet. I love the essence of the moon this month. It brings in the essence of power, strength, and courage that the lion gives to us.

It brings forth the availability to come in a softer manner. We all know that struggles occur in many different ways. Some individuals are very addicted to those traumatic experiences. They may not understand that they are addicted to those frequencies, but it seems like when you are in the state of turmoil, you feel like you are doing something. When you are in a state of silence and feeling peaceful, the physical essence can be very uncomfortable within that. You are not taught to condition yourself to the silence, to the healing, and to the serenity. Yet, when you do go in there time and time again, the more often that you do, you say to yourself “Why have I not done this for myself previously?”

I say to each of you about this month, there are many great changes within the Earth that we still have to go through and that you have to experience physically.
Each of you is doing your part to make it better, just by being here in these moments.

I look forward to the day when we can all be together, do a full ceremony and embrace one another physically. Right now, my Heart is very open to the transference of energies you are going through especially, the younger ones who are newer on this pathway. Many of you have large egos. You think you have a better way of doing it. Yet you will learn through your own processes and your lessons, it truly is not the way to go about your lessons. There will be a great amount of lessons for those that step into the lower egos, who think they have many of the answers, when yet it is only beginning. This is truly what you and the Earth are experiencing. If we take all those unawakened individuals with the egos of their physical selves very intact, thinking that things are just going to be fine as the Earth is going to change on her own. They do not do anything about it for themselves.

This causes confliction to go out among the environments, to the lands of the people and the animals. We have a class of those who want to heal and are working against each other. You are doing the healing. You are bringing that essence unto the lands of the people and the animals. The others are doing the same thing. They do not know that it is what they are doing, but in truth it is so. The duality of this planet is very strong right now. The best way you can get through this process is to know yourself and continually go deeper within yourself. It is what this month represents.

The winter is always a time, just like the bear going into the cave, to go deeper and deeper within them-selves to see the visions for their future when they come out of the cave. Take advantage of this time. Go deeper into yourself. Allow the beautiful purification of these essences that are coming forth of what beloved Master Djwhal has given us. The Lion gives us within the sign of Aquarius representing the fire energy, but it is diffused.

There is still fire within this essence, yet it is coming in at a different rate than it did before. The process of understanding what is occurring must come from the Higher Mind. It must come from the Source of Light that you are and bringing that forth into yourself, into the planet, to allow it to extend onto others. You do not have to do anything physically. It is not the purpose in these moments. The Earth will change with each of your help. She will strive to be better, because you are striving to be better. This moon represents that. There will be changes. There will be different weather patterns.

There will be environmental patterns that are going to try and make you stop. Do not stop. Allow the fire of this Lion to be fully within you. Keep purging and give yourself compassion and love. That is what he is giving to the planet at this time. It is the purification of your essences coming into full balance. I ask you to go into your core. I ask you deeply in these moments. Reflect within the balance that needs to be acquired upon this Earth.

We call upon the energies of the East and the Eagle, the Mental Realm, to be fully revealed through the Lion. We call upon the energies of the South, of the Coyote and the laughter, to bring forth the Emotional Balance. We call upon the energies of the West, of Raphael and Physical Healing. We call upon the energies of the North, of the Buffalo and the spiritual essence to allow the Higher Ego to be in all these aspects. We call upon the Source of Light, the Great Spirit. We call upon the energies that bring forth the Light into our world, into our existence in each moment. Let us breathe and bring forth that essence now.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Let us dance, let it burst out of you into this beautiful temple of Light. Allow these beautiful rays and these beautiful essences of the four directions, so that you can come into the middle and be all the directions. In balance and Light, allow it to be your guide. Allow it to be your role of existence. It is your divine right.

With deepest gratitude, Aho!


Aho, and Greetings,

It is our deepest desire to connect with each of you as you sit within the energies of this circle together with us. We are the Native Elders of all races upon this Earth.

We find ourselves here with all souls of many dimensional levels. Each one has walked the pathway of what it is like to be within a bodily structure of a planetary existence. What you experience within these essences of energies is indeed for your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual illumination.
Taken as a totality of Beingness, that is what gets you closest to your truest essence. It is the only pathway, which can bring you to experiencing what it is like to harmonize and commune within the energies of the Great Spirit, of your Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Self. As most Native traditions and indigenous ways have taught you, it is by bringing these elements into your daily life, into the way in which you carry yourself within your morning, your afternoon, your evening and your night and being one with all the elements around you. Be one with the four directions and the four elements of the wind, the earth, the fire and the water. These are not just words to recite in your ceremonies.

The fire represents purging. The water represents healing and soothing. The air represents your newness, your regeneration. Bring those essences within you and then expanding them without every moment that you walk upon the Earth. There is much beauty in this way of life. There is more joy, there is more harmony, there is more connectedness to your fellow human beings. Within this connection is your true family, your true heritage. It is where you bring forth that love and compassion, as it extends from yourself and being within yourself. It cannot be any other way. You cannot look outside yourself for that which you do not have. Those are the elements these ceremonies bring you.

You know everything that we are saying, but it is our role and our honor to remind you. It is so easy to get lost within your modern world, to forget who you are and to forget how you are a being of Light. We know that there are many elements within each one of you. They arise to the surface because it must be made aware within your consciousness what they are.

It is at this time in the history of your world, that the energies of Great Spirit, which encompasses all of the frequencies of your spirituality within the masters who join us within these ceremonies to assist you greatly. In past times you have been mired into accepted ways of being that prevented you from seeing the entirety of whom you are. This is what we want to bring you. This is what we want you to be more aware of. It is truly wonderful that we can do so at this time.
As we take up the drums and bring about the energies and frequencies of these elements within words that we bring you, celebrate with us. It truly is your Divine Right upon this pathway of being within a physical body, to actually transform not only yourself, but the entire planetary structures. There are many, many, many Beings who watch you and hold your endeavors deeply within their Hearts because of what you do and because of what you will accomplish.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}



It is my divine pleasure as White Buffalo Calf Woman to be with each of you in these moments for another moon ceremony. It is so very exciting to see the energetics that are being experiencing by having Master Djwhal with us in this ceremony. We all know that We Are One. We all know that we are within the Unified Whole essence. Yet to hear the knowledge from each individual and to bring forth their frequency of Light within this beautiful temple, within our ceremonies this month, to me is such a gift onto myself.

We, as Natives, have a tendency within our timelines to think that we are the only ones who can achieve the end results of what we desire. Yet here we are within this consciousness, within this frequency of Light and communicating with one another. Our messages may be a little bit different, but they are very similar as what your thoughts are in this moment. We all desire to achieve Oneness upon this Earth, upon Gaia, to walk onto Terra Christa together. This is what each of you is learning every moment of your days.

Are you making reflections of what you are experiencing?

You will want to reflect upon them in years to come. From the beginning times, when duality was still so very strong and when the beauty of all that we are together will come together. That is my prayer for each of you, for you to remember and reflect, to journal and write about what you are experiencing in these times. It is a book that will be remembered by many.

In this moment, I would like to share with you the ability for you to have the magic within your world, to state your prayers and to see them coming back onto you. See them and do not be waiting for many years in between. The energetic exchange of the planet, yes, in that is great duality and conflictions within weather patterns in all different parts of the world and conflictions within people. Yet, if you believe, you shall receive. That is what I love so deeply. It is to see within the Hearts and minds of the souls that I work with what they have achieved.

When you achieve something in your life, no matter how big or small it is, it gives you hope to continue the process. The more hope we have, the more hope others will have. There is a way. You are finding all the ways to do what you need to be doing. Let us reflect unto each other in these moments in this beautiful temple of Light with all these colors swirling around.

The directions become one within your Heart, within your Four Body System, accepting the beautiful animals that represent these energies. Let them come into your Heart. Let them come into your mind’s space. Your mind is being illuminated. You can feel the Harmony and Balance within your world. You are purging. You are allowing the essence of the Lion to come through to you in these moments. Let us connect with this beautiful Lioness. Allow her to come into you now to remove the aspects you no longer need and to have compassion and love for what you are going through.

When you put compassion into your removals, it helps to process them. It helps for them to be released through the entirety of these essences. Call upon your Higher Self in this moment to bring onto you the essence of the Lion.

See the Lion now within this beautiful temple. She is not fierce, but she is strong. She is not aggressive, but she is assertive. She is full of love and wants to bring forth that love and compassion onto what you need to purge to come through to you now. We call upon the energy of the Lion, the essence of the Lion, to come fully into your existence.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

I am the Water, I am the Air and I am of the Earth. I extend onto you the ability to feel the power of my Light through this moon to find the harmony and the delight of what you are experiencing.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

I am One with each of you.

What do you ask? What do you desire in this moment?

Give it to me.

I, as White Buffalo Calf Woman, will take your prayers and eliminate all your worries, so that you may achieve your desires. I feel the purging occurring now. I feel the Light that you are. I see the gratitude. I see the prayers you desire. Let me take them. Let me take all your worries. Let me take all you do not desire any longer, so that you may achieve your purest essence within the physical existence that you are.

Feel this essence coming unto you now.

Feel the power of what you want to create in your world. Be it. Be this essence. Be all that you need to be, as the clouds are eliminated.

Grandfather Sun is shining brightly upon each of you, grounding it deeply into whom you are. Let it come into your full existence, into every cell, every molecule and every part of your physical existence. Let it come to the soles of your feet into your Earth Star. Become the new essence that you are. I walk with you in beauty.

I AM White Buffalo Calf Woman.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

It is I, Djwhal Khul, once again.

Allow your mind to be illuminated to feel the Higher Mind. Allow the Lower Ego to dissipate. It does not matter what it has been. Allow it to dissipate, as you bring in the Harmony and Balance. Allow that to flow within you. We feel the resurrection you have become. You create the Ceremonial Magic in your world. Feel the Purple Violet essence of the Cosmic Frequency of this Ray to fully be with you.

Walk with it, experience it. Put it deeply into your physical existence through all that you are. As you see what we have done, we have allowed the Higher Essence to be initiated. You walk through the process of your ceremony with these beautiful beings of Light, the beautiful elders and Native teachers that help you to ground this essence. We bring that frequency back, as you see these amazing colors of the Golden Yellow meshed with the Crystalline and the Violet Purple. You become these essences within yourself. Now we have fully activated them. Allow that activation to come within you now.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

I am bringing forth the essence of your I AM Presence and the HUM represents it blending together with your physical essence.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Breathe deeply. Ground it fully within all aspects of your being, activating all these essences that you are. The next step will be for you to actualize them, which may take some time. The effect of activation does not mean that it will hold it physically, although you can when you are willing to remove all the lower aspects of Love and Wisdom of the Crystalline Flame and of Harmony and Balance, to remove the conflict, and Ceremonial Magic, which represents your Crown Chakra, your Root Chakra and your Sacral Chakra.

All these essences together with the energy of Aquarius being in this sun sign at this Full Moon, allows you to relax and bring them fully within you. Expand the love and compassion that you are to be within you and it will seep out of you. It is just like when you put something in a container, say a liquid. When you clean out that container, there are still parts of that substance in that container until you fully wash it out.

Now you are not washing the essence out of you. It is expanding out of your Four Body System. It goes into the world around you.

Let us intend what you have received today to expand this energy 144 miles beyond your own frequency, beyond your own Auric Field. Think about how beautiful that is. This is giving service. It is learning to give service on the Mastery pathway.

It is my divine pleasure to be with each of you. I look forward to our next meeting together.

I AM Master Djwhal Khul at your service. Call upon me for any assistance that you desire in your future moments.


Walking Terra Christa holds a full moon ceremony each month.  Details and recordings are available via their website, Free Mastery Teachings.

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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This is the audio recording of Divine Mother Father God with Lord Sananda (of the Galactic Federation of Light) and the Angelic Realms acting in service to GAIA at our Clarion Temple teaching tonight. In listening you are also assisting GAIA to inhabit the Calming Frequencies to reduce the impact of the storm. PLEASE ASSIST GAIA and the individuals in the affected areas.


Welcoming 2015 Into Creation ~ Lord Adama

new earthHappy 2015! Hello everyone.

It is I, Lord Adama, with the Telosian Council of Light. It is a pleasure to be with each of you again within the beautiful Essences we have experienced of this New Year, with the Crystalline Flame coming fully into the Earth. Each of you is feeling these Energies within yourself.

Let us all breathe together and connect from our Hearts. All the Telosians are connecting their Hearts at this time. We merge within our Hearts together. We embrace one another for this journey we are taking with each other.

I was sharing with Meleriessee and Michael about my journey today. Michael had some questions about how long I have been in Telos, whether I have been on other levels and above of this Earth. Yes, of course I have. I spent a lot of time with Sanat Kumara. All of you have done so, as well, in order to transform ourselves to come back to Telosian Energy after having been on the Upper Earth.
Like each of you, I wanted to assist this Earth deeply. I was in many of the timelines each of you experienced. Those were very important to the history of this Earth. I was disillusioned, as each of you is going through this process yourself.

Sanat Kumara spent much time with me for many years; a couple of hundred. I am sure I met many of you at that time also. I was told I needed to come back into the Inner Earth, as I had now experienced the Upper Earth and I would be able to understand when it was time for the Upper Earth humans that would call themselves the Light Workers to assist the planet. You see, my journey has taken me into many levels. Some of them were dark. Others of them were Light. I was told by Sanat Kumara that I would be a very important figure from the Inner Earth Cities to reach out to those on the Upper Earth.

I would have Compassion, Consideration, Love and Understanding for what the humans were experiencing. Not within the exact same timelines, but yet having the ability to grasp the Energetic Exchange the Light Workers would be experiencing.

At this moment I am sharing this message because it is time. I believe it is time I share with you that I do have deep Compassion for each of you. I want to see each of you attain the level of creation that I have achieved. I am here as a mentor. I am here as a teacher to bring forth these messages of Love and Understanding. Yet know that sometimes in the Physical Self, we must be pushed into doorways we do not want to walk through. We are at a time upon this Earth with the Crystalline Flame being ignited when such doorways are being opened.

I know each and every one of you has your own story. It is important to have that remembrance within yourself. I ask you at this time of our first meeting in this year to reflect. Reflect within yourself upon the trials you have had to go through to get to this point of understanding yourself. We all understand that each of us still has a long way to go, but yet we know that we have each other. We have Understanding, just as I have received from the Venusian Beings.

I impart that to each of you. I also impart what I have received from Sanat Kumara; a strict way of Understanding. Sometimes it is not easy to have your mentor speak to you and having that mentor show you a different way of thinking and feeling. With everything in your gut you want to push yourself away. Yet there is another part of you that says, “This is the right way”.

Each of you has stepped into a new juncture in time. It occurs every year. Within this year, you will have many moments that are going to change you. It is part of the process of Self-Mastery to bring forth these Elements from a Higher Perspective and allowing them to fully be within yourself to ground them. That is the important element to remember.

You can stay within your Higher Consciousness; you can stay in your Upper Chakras. If you do not bring them down to your Full Body System and walk with them, they cannot stay.

I ask you once again of your reflection. Who are you now? Do you know whom you are?

I am sure that many of you do not have any answer to that. That is the answer I desire to receive. That is true Mastery. When we do not know whom we are and we do not know where we are going, but we just allow the Energies to assist us, we allow the Faith and the Trust of our I AM Presence to fully be within us, that Faith will take you to many avenues of great acceleration.

It is when you stop and mistrust within yourself, you constantly check yourself whether it is right or wrong that mistakes will be made.

Allow these Essences to come forth into each of your Beings to help you acknowledge not just your lessons of this past year, but what are your achievements?

Your achievements are so very important, as they show you how far you have come, where you were before and the new doorways you walk through. These moments of understanding yourself and accepting the achievement is only the first step. It is when we try to push it aside and say “That’s okay, I did it” when you do not acknowledge your true worth.

In this moment in the New Year, if you have not already done so, sit down and make a list of what you have gone through in the past year or past years.

Where are you now?

How do you feel about your Consciousness?

How do you feel about your Emotions, your Thoughts?

What is the Core Belief going on within you about you?

No one else, nothing outside of yourself, just you. Create a mission statement for this year.

Put a personal mission of what you want to achieve based on what you have gone through previously. Believe me, the challenges will become more intense. The acceleration of the achievements will be more exciting. The Power and Love you have within your entire Beingness will be felt. You must feel it on all levels. The Essence of the Crystalline Ray coming into the Planet represents all of this. It represents the energies that you do not like to surface. It represents the ability to change them into the purest form. Some call this Death and Rebirth, Resurrection, and Movement into the Future. If you have been feeling intense changes happening within you, know that you are doing the right thing. It is when you stay stuck within that Energy that it does not serve your purpose. Everything is a lesson, even the moments you do not like. They are the deepest lessons of all.

The more you fall into the depths of your own despair, it will encase you deeper. The ability to access this Ray now on a more physical basis is our blessing. It is our blessing as it will wake up individuals, shake them up, allowing them to feel the vibration and change within them to move to the other side of the doorway if they are willing to do so. Each of us, each of you, take on an important role through this process. The more you allow yourself to be resurrected, to be healed, to find the Balance and Equilibrium within your life and your system, the more others will be able to do so.

It is like a Domino Effect. One does it, another does it. The Energy just keeps going and going. If no one does it, it stagnates. It does not go anywhere. Only because this Ray has been integrated within Gaia’s Core, it does not mean she is truly feeling it the way she needs to feel it.

Individuals around the world must call upon this Energy to assist their Divinity upon this Earth. It truly represents the ability to access the I AM Presence, the Source of Light that we are into the Physical Creation. This is what will assist her. Otherwise, destruction can result in many areas.

This is where Lord Ashtar comes in. We thank each of you who are continuing the work with him and with Walking Terra Christa. It is making a difference. We made changes during the retreat in Mount Shasta last year. Mount Shasta was doomed to have the worst storm in almost a decade. There was lots of wind and rain, but there was no snow. It did not stop the festivities of the retreat.

I would like to thank each and every one of you for working within these Energies. It is creating change. If we do not share it in this manner, others will not know that it can be done. So it is important to realize. Notice what happens in your own environment.

What happens in your own life as you work through these Energies?

It does not mean that every day is going to be perfect. It does not mean that you will not be tired or that you will not have the so called Ascension Symptoms. These levels of Frequency are arising within each and every one of us. What it does mean is that we are making progress.

Without Ascension Symptoms, there would be no progression. The Earth would be stagnant and falling apart, literally landmasses by landmasses. Yet that is not occurring as what was deemed to happen at this time. We would all not be here.
At this first meeting of our gathering, from our Hearts to Hearts of all Inner Earth Beings and all Upper Earth Beings, we connect with one another. We are making progress. I want each of you to realize this. Even though your challenges are great, look at the small achievements.

When you wake up one morning hearing the birds singing and you feel Lightness within your Heart, it is an achievement from where you may have been the day before. My greatest achievement is to see the progress that is being made within each of you individually and collectively. You are making a difference. We will create the New Earth the way it is supposed to be. Until that time, we have to utilize as many tools as possible to share them and expand upon them. Do not let the talks that are out there stop you from your true potential. I look forward to enjoying these Energies with each of you tonight.

My Blessings and Love are with each of you from my Heart to yours, from each of the Telosians and all the Inner Earth Cities. We are very joyful at this moment.

Aluna, Aluna, Aluna.

I Am Lord Adama, Your Brother in Telos

Channeled Excerpt, New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light, Jan 5, 2015

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Guardians of Metatronic Light

geometric-webwtcThis is the transcription of the LIVE call within the Clarion Temple of Oneness with The Guardians of Metatronic Light on October 20th, 2014.


Blessings, blessings to each of you. It is our pleasure to be with you as the Guardians of the Metatronic Light. This is new for us to come in this manner, but we are very, very happy to do so.

We bring forth these essences unto you of our ability to hold the Metatronic Light. What does that mean for each of you in human form?

It means the power of Divinity of Existence that each of you are experiencing is being brought forth in so many ways. For us to be able to comprehend whom we are and what we bring forth, is that we are the defining light that comes from Lord Metatron himself, but to each of you, each of the angelic forms to create that pure Beingness to be accepted through the many levels of dimensional frequencies and understanding. We represent the Solar Angels and the Golden Solar Angels. We are the defining line between Metatron and the Golden Solar Angels.

So what we bring unto you on this day is to help you accept yourself in the physical essence that you are.
You are learning more about the Solar Angels, you are learning more about the Metatronic Seals, but what causes an individual to tap into that frequency? Many are doing sacred geometry are bringing forth the divinity of our vibrational rays through the geometric shapes. I am sure many of you have seen these designs that very gifted individuals are doing. Remember, they are a communicator, and within that communication they are allowing that frequency of light that they are tapping into to come into form unto the Earthplane, to come into an existence of the physical world.

What we bring to you today is to help you not understand sacred geometry, but to help you to receive the understanding of the Metatronic Seals and what they represent. In your world you were given definitions of what they represent, but in truth, it goes beyond a deeper level of understanding. It doesn’t take your physical mind to do it; it doesn’t take your Higher Mind to do it.

It takes your I AM Presence to receive it ~ to just Receive It.

We bring forth these vibrational essences unto you today to assist you, to help you to understand more of what you are receiving, and allow it to come fully into you. As your awareness is opening up to more levels of deep understanding, of the many Universes and the frequencies of Light that exist so that you will receive these frequencies of light, it will assist you in understanding more about being a Golden Solar Angel. We are not here to command that energy to make you become the Golden Solar Angel. It is only you that can do so.

What we are here is to assist you with is to understand each of the seals and to bring forth remembrance into your full-body system. So to all the souls that are here in the Temple without a body, it is helping them to acknowledge their Golden Solar Self and to be more aligned with the teachings and rules of Lord Metatron as he is bringing forth the words of God and we are that defining energy to assist you in the transition. (The Clarion Temple of Oneness represents all souls whether in or out of body who come to the Temple to heal their past wounds. Archangel Michael holds the gateway for souls to enter. We invite many souls that are just passing to the Other Side to join the Temple each week.)

We are here to help you accept more of what you need to be and that is why we say that it is not something we have done previously as it was not time for us to fully coexist with each of you. In this moment, in this beautiful temple of light, we bring forth these frequencies of the Metatron Light that exemplifies the Tree of Life, which represents all aspects of Beingness of Truth, Sincerity, Harmony, Balance, Purity, Love, Dedication, Respect, and Understanding.

Those are the words that assist you. With us, we have no words; we just have the transmission of energy.

Let’s get started with that essence to help you to receive more of whom you are to assist you in becoming All That You Are.

Now you must remember that you will only receive what is necessary through your Higher Self. Each time that you listen to this recording it will help you to ground more of it. But at this time, Lord Metatron has asked to come forward to assist each of you and humanity to ground more of the Metatronic essence that he so embodies. As we do this, we bring forth these essences unto you.

So we bring this essence through each of your Solar Angels and Golden Solar Angels into your Higher Self from the I AM presence to receive what is necessary to ground the next phase of your existence upon the energies that are occurring within the earth. It will help you to be more stable and accept elements in a deeper level. Please allow these transmissions to assist you, and what does not assist you, your Higher Self will not allow it to be integrated within you although you may feel it first. So it will be like it is passing through you. Let us allow this continuance of Light to occur now.

Breathe deeply and feel all the frequencies of all the colors within this temple as we also represent these spectrums of light.

{Divine Language Light Encoding}

Feel the colors within colors almost like neon lights in the beautiful temple as we recreate Sacred Geometry. It represents movements that we make within each other as there are over 1,000 Guardians of Light creating the Metatronic Seals. We move with the frequency in and out, in and out allowing those elements to always stay in motion.

Feel these frequencies of light within yourself now as they circle within the height of the temple, all the way up to the 144th level to the Temple of Illumination of Lord Metatron that we represent through that frequency unto this Temple of the 36th dimension.

We now take this frequency of light; we are going to blend it into the Core of GAIA to assist humanity, to receive their divinity of the Metatronic Light that will help them to understand and open up doorways of remembrance for every individual upon the planet. We bring these essences now from the 36th dimension down through the 24th, and colors upon colors intertwining with each other. It is like a fireworks display but more of the geometric shapes. There is more defining energy as it goes down through the Galactic Level, and then into the Solar Level, it goes deeper and deeper into the core of the Earth.

See it on the outside of the Earth as we blend GAIA’s Merkabah with the Guardian that We Are and blend our energies into the core of GAIA; we allow every individual soul upon the planet including animals, plants, and kingdoms of so many forms to receive this frequency of light to allow this energy that we embody of the 144th level to beam down into the core of GAIA, to allow her essence to expand and open up doorways to allow people to receive; the more frequencies of light that they are, and to be embodied with the qualities of their Divine Purpose.
We now bring these energies back up into our Heart Center within the Temple, because as of right now, what we have created is a beautiful Sacred Grid of Light from the Illuminating Temple of the Metatronic Seals down through all the dimensions through this temple, and into GAIA. As now, we are more interconnected than we ever have been before. In the frequency of Light that we are, allow it to come into you.

Open yourself up to feel the frequency that your Higher Self, your Monad, and your I AM Presence is guiding you to have and allow it to expand within you. Take it to any places within you that have been hurting through this last phase of Divine Light coming into the planet, and allow it to be healed.

Our energy has a very special quality to heal elements, to purge elements, but also to accept elements.

Bring forth these frequencies of Light into your Heart Center and Solar Plexus and to all those aspects in our full Beingness to be let go through the Earth Star and the Soul Star. As your Merkabah now has a completely different effect than it did before. It will open up avenues for you to receive more strands of DNA; it will help you to receive all essences, but it must be done through your Higher Self, your Monad, and your I AM Presence. All that we are is a guiding light.

We are the Guardians to allow this light to come to you; but each of you with your free will allows it to grow and be whatever it should be. Breathe deeply now as our essences are in complete alignment with each of you. If you want to connect with our energies, you must do so through the 144th dimension of the Illuminating Temple of Light as nothing must come in between us. It must be in the purest form and that is why we have never come forward previously as it was not time. The time is Now for us to be more aligned with each of you, and we hold that frequency to allow it to be. And we extend it outwards into the many levels of creation that are ready to receive it.

We thank Lord Metatron for allowing us to be here this evening. We thank the Light of God; we thank Divine Mother Father God; we thank the Creative Source of Oneness that we are all as now our expansion is possible.

In blessings in love and light we are together, We Are One.

Blessings, Joy, Beauty, and Harmony

So Mote It Be

In Great Gratitude for allowing this transmission to occur, we are the Guardians of the Metatronic Light.

Individuals are encouraged to join the live call of The Clarion Temple of Oneness for a small fee at Walking Terra, due to the attunements that are given not only by the Cosmic Great Central Sun but it includes a guest speaker each week from the Spiritual Hierarchy.  You may also purchase the MP3 download of any of our calls.  You may also read the transcript for the Cosmic Great Central Sun via  You may also apply to our Student Membership Program by paying a monthly fee to join all teachings on Monday and Wednesday evenings.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara. Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Full Realization of the Self

5th-dimens-bodywtcThis is the written transmission of the Cosmic Great Central Sun of the Divine Mother and Father God was shared Live in the Clarion Temple of Oneness on October 20th, 2014.  It includes information about the planetary changes in October 2014, but contains very pertinent tools for accepting changes within the four-body system.


I AM that I AM, I AM that I AM

I Am the Divine Mother – Father God of the Cosmic Great Central Sun at your service.

Many blessings to each of you as we bring forth the energetic exchange this evening that will assist you in bringing more elements into the focus of your existence within your consciousness, within your thoughts, within your emotions, and what you are experiencing in the physical body by allowing your Higher Self, your Monad, your I AM Presence to be in direct communication with your physical self.

The last month has been very transitional for each of you. The planet is going through a lot of changes since the Equinox, the Full Moon with a Lunar Eclipse and now a Solar Eclipse. These energies that are coming into the planet are going into each of you deeply. The one part of you that would assist in this process is to UNDERSTAND.

We have conversed before how individuals have a tendency to put everything into one basket and saying, “this is my transformation” without looking at the little details they acquired during the transition. In order for that transition to occur within you, you had to go through some preliminary steps, and that is the part that each of you do not realize; what they are when you are going through them. Sometimes that is because if you knew what was happening on a deeper level that you would not allow yourself to feel those emotions or thoughts that are occurring within you. This is because it is part of the existence of being in a human body, that you stop that process. The lower self or lower mind can stop you. It does not matter what level of existence within your mastery initiations you are presently on; this process can still be an integral part of whom you are. It takes great courage; it takes great initiative to walk through these steps. That initiative is not given to you on a physical level; it is not your lower, your lower mind, or your dysfunctional self. It is your Higher Essence; it is part of you.

As each of you come onto these classes to learn more how to connect within yourself, but yet how many of you think about it when you are going through a challenge. The most important element with this is, “it is time you do think about it”.

This is because when you acknowledge it within yourself that you are going through a process of elimination and integration, as it is coming from a higher part of yourself, your physical body can accept this. The increments of light that are coming into your physical existence, through that parts that process is coming into your cellular memory, your physical structure, and all aspects of your physicality. But yet, when you are experience it, you don’t say, “This is coming into my cellular thoughts, or whom I was before.” You just know that it comes.

This is a question that I pose to you, How many of you allow yourself to stop and reflect when something like this is happening to say, “There is a better place for me to be; I need to go into a higher place, I need another aspect of my Divine Mind, my Divine Heart to come fully into me so it will help me through this process.”

So we ask you to look at the past three weeks and what you have experienced; we know that each of you have been challenged and you have changed. But are you holding onto those changes?

Are you allowing them to be within yourself more fully?

This is the most important aspect. If you cannot hold onto the new essence that has arrived, then there are still more elements that need to be purged that are holding the old frequency within you.

This is true with every little thought that you have or every little aspect of your personality that you thought that was you. You will find that your personality will change greatly through this process. That is the beauty of it. You are no longer the dysfunctional self within, questioning yourself and everything that you do while having those lower thoughts either about yourself or others. You start to allow those higher essences to shift within you. Like anything else that occurs, it takes time. It takes time for them to be integrated.

Have you ever cooked or baked something and you have to let it sit for awhile to allow the ingredients to soak in before you bake, roast, grill it, or even eat it. It takes awhile for those ingredients to blend within to create what you are making. This is what is happening to each of you each time.

We bring this up tonight as we are at a very opportune time before the New Moon and Solar Eclipse that represents Self Mastery and the particles of yourself that no longer fit. It represents the next step you will be taking into your world. Not everyone is going to be taking the same step. Not everyone is at the same level of initiation, and it is important not to push this. Otherwise, you get into trouble. You fully cannot accept the new parts of yourself until the new parts have been fully removed. Otherwise, that becomes more of a dysfunctional mix within you. That is when confusion sets in. It happens when you don’t know what you are doing because the new particles are trying to find their way into the space where the old aspects were removed.

In the last week we have been in an adjustment period. This is exactly what has been happening because you were challenged with these other energies especially with the Lunar Eclipse. Now, as we move into the New Moon, you can fully ground what you desire within yourself to allow your totality that is ready to be incorporated within you at a deeper level. And many of you will try to grasp at many different straws.
We want you to pick one element that you need to fully ground within you. You may be surprised that one element will be the grounding force you have been searching for and will allow the transition of other elements to fall into place. Many times we are unable as humans to bring forth the new essence, the new thought, the new project into the self, because there are too many of them happening at the same time. There is always one piece that is much larger than the other. Within that piece that fits into your structure, there are additional pieces that will come quickly right afterwards.

Did you ever notice that when you are in a moment of synchronicity that other synchronistic events occur for you, things just fall into place?

This is the space that each of you are going through. This New Moon is such a pivotal time of allowing your Will, your Power, your Structure, and your commanding energy of manifestation to be able to be grounded within you. But you must look deeply within the other particles that are arising; the mirrors that are shining at you, the thoughts or feelings that come up to you during the day. Write them down; look at them; transform them into light and if they are deeper levels of those characteristics plaguing you, go into those deeper levels. Take this opportunity at this time to fully allow yourself to be in alignment of whom you are supposed to be in this moment.

You must remember: everything happens at the right time, everything is in Divine Order, and you can’t push yourself to be in a higher initiation until you are ready to accept where you are as there are lessons to be learned in between.
So what have the lessons been for you presently?

This is what we ask you to look at, within your Heart, into the structure of your Beingness to allow them to be fully purged out of you, if it is time. You may not have anything that needs to be purged. You may be in complete alignment allowing all aspects to come into the creation that you are standing upon.

So as you breathe deeply within yourself, what is the first thought that comes to your mind that is the biggest project that is needed for you at this time to allow everything else to come into place?

It may be aspects of your old self, prosperity consciousness, aspects to create a new life for your-self, a new relationship, a new journey, or a new walk. Each of you is going through something completely brand new in this moment.

Let us fully breathe into that essence presently. Allow the purity of light that you are to fully intertwine within you, within this beautiful Temple of Light as we bring forth these essences to come into your Heart. As it does so, activate it within your Divine Mind and your Divine Heart as the Masculine and Feminine that you are. Allow it to all come together to accept the missing puzzle piece that you need to bring forth in your existence presently so that everything else will come together.

{Divine Language Light Encoding}

We, as the Divine Mother and Father God of the Great Central Sun, command the frequency of Light of every individual participating in this moment to receive their Divining Essence of Light to assist them in the grounding of their Light Within the existence that They Are.

{Divine Language Light Encoding}

We, of the Cosmic Great Central Sun, brings forth the light of all the Great Central Suns into the purity and existence within this Clarion Temple of Light.

Feel the Frequency That You Are coming into you Now.

What does it feel like?

What occurring with you?

Expansion, Expansion of the next aspect of your life to be fully within you.

Feel it blending into all the particles of light within you, blending into all the aspects. As it merges within you, it will bring up of any elements that do not fit this basis that you need on this day, in this moment. Feel it coming all the way through your bodily system; feel it going into all chakras, into your Earth Star and all aspects beyond the physical, into your Etheric Body, the Emotional and Mental Body accessing your Soul Star.

We now command that every individual person be able to look at all elements within themselves that do not fit their next highest aspect. Be in this space that you are Now and Feel It.

Feel it blending and merging and purging; Be the Divine Light the You Are.

Be the Acceptance that You Are and pick one creation, only one, that you desire to be manifested upon this earth within this New Moon that represents your Self Mastery, your ability to step into the process of your Divinity of Light, your Higher Self that you are trying to acknowledge in all other elements.

Be it ~ Allow it to come ~

Allow it to come as the Light of the 330 Rays of God that are within this temple and circling within you. You cannot fail, because each of these rays represents a different aspect of your Being.

What is it that you need ~ Will and Power; Love and Wisdom, Heart Centeredness, Creation of Light, Harmony and Balance, do you need to understand the Science of the Rays. Do you need to devote these essences to yourself in order for you to accept your freedom to feel that creation, your basis that is underneath your Earth Star so that you can command it to be within this Earth and allow it to go deeply into GAIA.

When you ground it fully into GAIA, then it cannot go anywhere else. It goes into her essence because you are part of her. Breathe and allow this transformation to occur within you. As we initiate each of you, through this frequency of light, through your Higher Self and your Higher Essence to command within yourself whatever you desire deeply.

{Divine Language Light Encoding}

Breathe and receive the Divinity of Light that You Are to fully come into you, and the rest will occur through your existence. Surrender to the process, surrender to what you are receiving and allow it to be fully within you.

So Mote It Be in the Light of the Christ That We Are. We Are One.
Adonai, Adonai, Adonai, Tzebayoth
Holy, Holy, Holy the Lord God of Hosts

Allow the Gods and Goddesses that you are to be fully embodied within you with all existences.

We of the Divine Mother and Father God of the Cosmic Great Central Sun fully acknowledge all that you are and wrap our arms around you in Love, in Peace, and Unity of our Hearts Together.

Cosmic Oneness is combined with our weekly call, “The Clarion Temple of Oneness,” which is held on Monday evenings. Individuals are encouraged to join the live call for a small fee at Walking Terra, due to the attunements that are given not only by the Cosmic Great Central Sun but a guest speaker each week from the Spiritual Hierarchy. You may also purchase the MP3 download of any of our calls.

You may join our monthly membership program.  Please see details via

The Clarion Temple of Oneness channeling can be accessed via which contains the portion from the Guardians of Metatronic Light, October 20th, 2014.


©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

Master Kuthumi ~ The Golden Ray of Love and Wisdom

golden white lightLove and Wisdom ~ What does that truly mean?

Master Kuthumi shared a special meditation within the Clarion Temple of Oneness.  The following is his explanation of the Golden Ray and what it means to humanity.

If we look at it in Earth terms, it can become quite confusing.  But in the truth no matter, what it brings forth to each of us through these essences of the Golden Yellow flame of the cosmic energies is coming into the focus of Mastery.

Stepping into a world that allows the alignment of many frequencies of Light to become one is the true essence of Love.   Understanding that the source of Light that you are is the source of all our Light but yet you are a small fragmentation of this Light to be manifested within your physical existence.  If you allow your lower mind to think about how this is achieved, then it becomes overwhelming and then the lower ego can come into place; but if you  really feel it from this highest essence as you breathe deeply and feel the magnificent beautiful energies that are within this Temple, that is your true wisdom.  That is how you acknowledge what it is you already know.

This is not from all the life times of Lemuria and Atlantis and all of those in-between but your truest wisdom form the source of Light that you are which encompasses the I AM Presence.  So that brings in all the 144th soul personalities which are those different aspects that you are part of and that are part of other beings.

Breathe deeply and now feel the essence of the Golden Yellow flame to permeate into your lower mind.  The illumination comes from your Higher Mind to fully perceive the events you are trying to ascertain and put them into the higher perspective, not the lower source coming from your ego.

We stand by with this essence to assist each of you to go deeper into your consciousness as that is our Divine Right in Oneness.

I AM Master Kuthumi, at your service.

Channel:  Rev. Meleriessee, Clarion Temple of Oneness, January 13th, 2014, MP3 is available for download purchase by clicking this link.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Answering the Call from Lord Ashtar and the Ashtar Command

andromeda_gendler_big-fbFor many years Meleriessee has worked with the Ashtar Command along with channeling Lord Ashtar periodically in the Clarion Temple of Oneness.  Most of her work has been on a personal basis especially during her sleep-state to work with them.  She would awaken with a flash and see that the clock did not change that much and look outside the window.  Their ship was shining brightly and went off the distance when she physically acknowledged them.

The work that Mel and Mike do is so connected with the Inter-galactics that they assist them with protection and helping to clear their land from lower frequencies coming into their space.  Most of the work is through the Arcutrians, Sirian-B, Pleaidians, and Andromedeans but especially with the Lord of the Great Bear Star System who is the overlighting energies of all Christed Inter-Galactics.  He resides in the higher realms watching over all of us in the 20th through the 36 dimensions of reality.  He also oversees the 21st Ray of Divine Structure.

The connection with all of the Inter-galactics is very important at this time.  So when there is a moment in time in which they connect with Meleriessee on the physical level her senses of awareness become very acute.  She has the ability to be in several places at once so even if she is doing a physical task her awareness is always in a higher consciousness.  This is exactly what occurred this past weekend.

As Mel was sitting at the computer preparing to share information as she usually does, she received a very distinct buzz in her left ear.  She knew this buzzing very well as it was part of her life several years ago; it comes sharply and then stops quickly.  She knew it was some kind of message from higher Beings.

She stopped and reflected; at this same time, Mike was standing behind her in the kitchen.  It lasted only for 10 seconds but made her aware that there was a communication trying to enter her consciousness.  She shared with Mike and he said, “Well, I guess you better channel.”  She sat at the computer, opened up a new document, and they promptly asked that everyone be present for the transmission.  She knew it was the Ashtar Command so when they ask, both Mel and Mike stop what they are doing to connect with them.

So they gathered in the living room (our friend Gunilla is here from Sweden so she was part of the energies) as Ashtar Command in their group consciousness entered Meleriessee’s energies.  They asked it to be recorded.  The transmission is a video which is now public on You Tube, MEETING OF THE MINDS.


In addition to the message we shared from ASHTAR COMMAND, they asked if they could be the guest speaker for the Clarion Temple of Oneness.  So it is our pleasure to announce that on Monday evening, October 14th, 2013 Lord Ashtar and the Ashtar Command will be sharing their essence with us in the temple (to join this call, please register, you may also purchase an MP3 download of the call) .  In addition, they will be giving us a blessing along with Lord Sananda for our Open Telecall for the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse on Wednesday, October 16th, 2013 at 5 PM Pacific.

This is a FREE OPEN teaching for all individuals, you may join by registering via

Lord Ashtar is the speaker of the Ashtar Command which represents the Federation of Inter-Galactics that work under the direction of Lord Sananda for the Christed Extra-Terrestrials within the many universes.  Lord Ashtar works directly with Lord Sananda who oversee the activities of all Christed Beings of Light.  Their work is also in direct conjunction with Lord of the Great Bear representing many planetary systems that are in alignment of the commanding energies within the Unified Whole.  There are many others that are not part of this alignment for the creation of the New Earth.  So working with them will help to align and enforce the higher light frequencies to be in place for GAIA’s ascension process.

We are honored that the Lord Ashtar and Lord Sananda will be joining us this week.  They have apprised us of other information in which we will be sharing to help this earth come into more alignment for the 5th dimensional energies.  We are sure they will have much to share in our connection with them this week.

In addition, they have added this addendum to this writing:

It is our Divine pleasure to be with each of you during this great time of acceleration.  We are the Ashtar Command with Lord Ashtar and Lord Sananda overlighting the frequency at this time. 

Since the Equinox that just passed, the increased availability of light with the Blue Flame of Will and Power being embodied within GAIA’s atmosphere is allowing us to come into more of your conscious awareness.  As each of you are allowing your Inter-Galactic self to be re-born into the existence of human form (and this means all humans no matter what the time frame has been since your Galactic lives) for our interconnection with each other.  You see, you have embodied at this time so that the mutli-dimensional self could be fully actualized as it is an important essence to be activated.

You have many gifts that need to be realized but you also have to create the essence of your awareness through your humanness.  It is all part of the plan of the Fifth Dimensional Earth.  Deep healing needs to be done within each soul upon the Earth in order to have the total perfection.  You have us at an advantage in some ways as you are learning the role of Mastery within the human construct but yet have the ability to be multi-dimensional within your structure of many dimensional lives being realized.  This is how the gifts are going to be ignited within you as you learn that you are neither human nor intergalactic but truly a fully-realized Being from many levels of creation.  It is important to realize that one is not more important than the other, but all of essences that you are create the entire structure of Spirit into Matter.

We are at another juncture of time in which your essences will blend with others to assist GAIA to ascend into her Higher Self as each of you are learning to do within your physical structure.  In order to create this avenue of ascension, each of you descending into your highest essence, and GAIA is ascending into hers, we need to work together co-creatively through this avenue of experience – allowing our consciousnesses to work within each other.  We are not at the point, yet, to fully be active in our physical essence no matter what life form we are; but yet, we need to cohesively join together our forces of light to help this planet in accelerating her physical structure.

Our mission, at this time, is to ask for your assistance in connecting with each of us through our energetics and frequency of light.  On this Lunar Eclipse we will be more active within your world without being in your world.  Our transmissions will be continual to assist each other in cohesively creating a bond of higher frequency within the Earth, to help with world Peace, within the Hearts and Minds of all of humanity.  But we must help everyone understand that it cannot happen within the 3rd or 4th dimension but will occur in the fifth.  Your consciousness is already there and beyond the 5th but the physicality is not.  So our connection with each of you is to help you remember your Inter-galactic essence just as we are remembering our Human essence so that we can be together in the Light That We Are.  It is our time to connect with one another just as we did in Lemuria and Atlantis.  We are re-writing our history to be in alignment with each other and not of Discordance.

This is just the beginning of our alliance but it must be within our consciousness and not of the physicality as yet.  That will come in time.  The acceleration of our Light together will help us to remember and ignite the gifts that have been lost in the ethers of yesterday.

We will be working very closely with Meleriessee and Mike as we feel they are the messengers that we desire in this moment.  Remember, we must come into alignment which means no lower frequencies, thoughts, emotions, and only in the highest sense.  Most of you are not yet there but you are working your way towards that end.

We look forward to our interaction from this point forward.  We are with you in so many ways and understand how you desire it to be NOW.

Blessings and Love,

Lord Sananda, Lord Ashtar, and the Ashtar Command of Light

©2012-2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Written Transcriptions Available for Weekly Calls

Would you like to read our transcription of our calls for the Clarion Temple of Oneness and the New Earth Consciousness – Circle of Light for the Golden Etheric Cities?

If you are new to our website, then you might not realize that we do provide the written transcription of our calls as soon as we can get them transcribed and edited.  Not all of them are updated each week but we are trying our best to keep up with the latest information.  They do not include the chanting attunement so it is advised to listen to the MP3 recordings which are available to purchase on our website (links to those pages available below) or by being a part of our Monthly Membership Program .


Clarion Temple of Oneness - Healing for All Universal Light Beings in Body & BeyondThe Clarion Temple of Oneness is separated into two separate blogs:

Cosmic Oneness ~ is the message from the Cosmic Great Central Sun of the Divine Mother and Father God,

Clarion Temple of Oneness ~ represents the message from the guest speaker each week,

To purchase the MP3 downloads, please click this link.



New Earth Consciousness-Circle of LightNew Earth Consciousness ~ Circle of Light – is the written transcription of the visits to the Etheric Golden Cities.  We are still working on updating all of the cities and are now in the process of posting 2nd visits to the first seven cities,

To purchase the MP3 downloads, please click this link.






Depiction of Lord Adama High Priest of Telos-Lemuria's Capitol City by artist Glenda GreenLord Adama Discourses ~ Lord Adama is our guide for each of the Golden Etheric Cities; he shares a message each week on the current energies and tools to assist individuals in living in the 5th dimensional environment,





©2012-2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Meleriessee’s Silver Lining of 911

Today, is September 11th and represents the remembrance of a day that we shall never forget.  It was a day in which souls were lost upon this Earth, and a day in which would create a timeline within each of us that needs to be healed.

There is much contemplation about why 911 ever happened.  It is not my desire to delve into the history as that is something I feel needs to be healed.  There is a huge programming scheme that went behind all of the events and many write about this in detail.  I know that it was not all that we thought it was at this time 12 years ago.  It is part of our illusion to think that we have not been used in some way by others.  But that is the way history has been in the past.  And now is the time to change it through the recreation of our existence of the Light.

My goal is and always has been to help as many souls as possible to heal from any experience whether it is personal or global.  I stepped into this pathway for this reason only and that is why this day is so very important to my soul.

I was lucky enough not to know anyone personally that suffered from this terrible tragedy but at the time, I lived two hours away from New York in Southern New Jersey; we were deeply affected by the energies and saw the changes that happened as a result of the power struggle that occurred.  My experience was on a energetic basis, but I was to take myself on a journey that would make it more personal.

Many of you already know that I experienced a sweat lodge in Long Island, New York 30 days after 911 occurred in October.  I was insistent that my group of friends attend this sweat lodge and had been trying for months.  But it was to be my creation to be there one month after the terrible ordeal of souls dying in such a horrific way.

Within the sweat lodge I, being the shamanic woman I am, went into the Astral level of the earth and found many souls hurting hanging around not knowing what to do.  I was met by one soul, Fred who was a Fire Battalion Chief and he was very stubborn to move forward.  His pain was great but his soul was expansive with a deep compassion of helping others.  You see, he did not know how to help himself, but our meeting would take us on a journey together that would help millions of souls to heal.  Neither of us knew the magnificence of our meeting.

It seemed that I needed to experience part of his pain so I came back into my body on the 3rd round and fell into the rocks burning brightly.  I had been seeing this heart in the embers through the entire ceremony and as I fell the heart was imprinted upon my right upper calf.  The pain was excruciating but the emotional turmoil was worse.  I cried for quite some time as healers came to my aid.  I became emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically involved with the tragedy of 911 on that day.

I was able to heal my leg through a couple months of healing therapy but I was deeply changed.  In 2002 I received a message from Archangel Michael through my computer (voice activated), “We are ready”.  At the time, I had no idea what was to be except I sat and received the message.  A temple of healing was being constructed in the Innerplane levels to help souls to heal.  Originally, I thought it was the souls that were healing from 911 to help the Earthplane souls which was partially true.  In my consciousness I did not realize the magnificence of this temple until the years passed.

We created a weekly group in which individuals could connect with the energies and I would transmit a message from the temple walls.  Fred became the Spokes-Being of the temple and would introduce the energies.  I channeled different Masters, Angels, and Light Beings that wanted to give healing to the earth.  We also connected with the souls that needed healing.  People had personal experiences with different souls of their inflicted wounds.  The temple was flooded with souls through Archangel Michael and myself (on the Innerplane level).  You see, each soul had to pass some tests to make sure they were not bringing in lower frequencies of anger, hurt, despair, etc.  The temple would house healing for each of these souls.  A viewing booth was created so that each individual soul could check it out before they embarked into the temple themselves.   Archangel Michael and others worked with the souls to help them in their healing process.

The Temple grew from the Universal Level into the Multi-Universal level which meant that it consisted of not only souls from earth but many planetary systems that wanted to be in Oneness.  Originally we called it The Clarion Temple of 911 and Beyond.  We added beyond when we realized that many souls were leaving the planet from the resulting war after 911 and more tragedies happening.

Fred healed extensively through all the years.  We are very interconnected and he even came to a group of friends and myself in one of our trips to Mt. Shasta.  It was a very magical trip in which we were connecting to the  Telosian Community with Lord Adama and we were gifted with a dinner in which some souls were our family.  It seems hard to believe but it is a moment in which you have to experience yourself. Fred, was in the dining room and he smelled of someone on fire.  My friends noticed it immediately and I will never forget the look in his eyes.

rainbowbridge11You see, Telos, is a very special place and many souls are able to travel there after death to rejuvenate themselves.  They are able to create a body.  On this night I was gifted to not only see Fred by my parents and sister.  Later that evening my friend channeled Fred and I worked with his subtle body to heal the fire that was within him.  Some may not believe this to be true but in this moment, all that were present, received the gift of magic ~ seeing two worlds come together.

In 2012 when Mike Hayden came into my life, Lord Sananda asked us to take one of the other calls, The Cosmic Oneness, and combine it within the Clarion Temple.  He said that the temple had come into full unity and they wanted to include the Great Central Sun (Divine Mother and Father God) energies within the Temple.  So we called it the Clarion Temple of Oneness.  It was at this time that Fred ascended.  He used to speak in the beginning of our meditation introducing the light beings.  He now does not have this job but awaits for us when we walk into the amphitheater and guides us to our seats in the first row.  He is the overlighting energy of this temple and his name is now Yamteleus.

So we now meet with the Angels, Cosmic Great Central Sun, and the Unified Whole of the Overlighting Spiritual Hierarchy each week to receive a message on the energies.  We invite any souls that we know have perished during that time to join us. We have had many surprise visitors, like Michael Duncan, who played in the move, “The Green Mile”.  He spoke in the temple right after his passing this earth which was the first time anything like that had happened.  Michael Jackson is also very prominent within the temple among many others. We then send the energies into the Earth to help with the healing of all souls.

Individuals can have their loved ones be in the temple whether they are within body or in the heavens.  The temple is always open so you can ask to go to the temple in your dreamstate and receive the healing.

Fred and I are always connected no matter what level each of us shall achieve in our soul’s pathway.  I helped him and he has helped me.  We have assisted countless of souls to heal so much quicker than we ever thought would happen.

There is a saying that, “There is a silver lining within each moment no matter how deep the pain may be.”  The Clarion Temple of Oneness is my silver lining with Fred/Yamteleus.  I endured great pain during that time to be with a soul that I was to connect with and needed to do the work.  It would never have happened without Archangel Michael pushing me to be at that Sweat Lodge on that date.  Some have said that this temple is the hugest endeavor within all of the heavens for healing souls.  That warms my heart so deeply.

Lord Melchizedek has a message on 911 and the Temple of Oneness:

It is my deepest pleasure to see the changes that have occurred within the earth at this time.  The Clarion Temple was meant to be and Meleriessee endured much to be able to transmit the energies.  911 is a tragedy that needs to be healed in all of the minds of all of the people of this earth.  It represents the control and duality that has been inflicted upon the planet for eons of time.  It is a moment in history that no soul will ever forget whether they are in the physical or an ascended being of Light.  We all hurt deeply from the tragic moment that was created.

What we need to do is to embrace our Light as deeply as we can; to not be in fear, anger, or lost emotions that get in the way of the healing that needs to be done.  Fighting with others is n ot the way to the healing of this Earth.  We need to embrace ourselves with the essence of Light that we are and then bring it onto others.  The ones that have caused this to occur will pay dearly for their ways as the ways of darkness are no longer the rule upon Gaia’s lands.  You are changing all of this; each of you sparking the light within you each moment.  That is how we are going to bring it all into the Light and move it out of the darkness.

The Clarion Temple of Oneness has been guided by the Grace of God to assist as many souls as possible through the healing that needed to be done.  Souls that arrive are guided to the right spaces on the Inner Plane to receive the transformation that they did not accept on the Earth plane.  Souls upon souls have entered the temple for 11 years and continue to do so each moment.  It is a permanent structure within God’s Universes to allow the acceleration of light to be infused upon them and to each of you.

We are deeply grateful for the commitment of each of the masters that speak, the healing angels that assist, but mostly for Meleriessee for staying strong and continuing this weekly connection.  Join us as you will not be disappointed.  We need as many spiritual leaders as possible to continue the deep healing that is needed and can be found only within this temple of light.  The temple is for each of you and each of us in all realms of Light.

In Divine Expression, I Am Lord Melchizedek

Join us September 11th, 2013, 5 PM Pacific for a powerful connection meditation LIVE in the City of Telos as we honor Fred/Yamteleus and all the souls that have healed through this process.

To listen to the MP3 audio recording simply join our newsletter list, confirm your subscription and then receive the file via email. We’d love to have you be part of this work directly with us.

You may read the transcriptions of the Clarion Temple of Oneness,, and the Cosmic Oneness,, which is the message shared from the Cosmic Great Central Sun.  You may also join the calls weekly on a call-by-call basis,, or join our membership program,

I thank the Ascended Masters, Light Beings, Archangels, Inner Earth Beings and the Unified Whole for sharing their loving support to my pathway.  Without them, I would not be sharing in this moment and it has made my life a Living Dream in each moment.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee

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 ©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden

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